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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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regime and images of communist symbols. this case is already being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region. we hope that soon he will get to muholovka and properly serve 15 years for treason against ukraine. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso.
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6 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all the viewers and just now to the most important events. two months of arrest without bail . the pechersky district court of kyiv chose this preventive measure for the suspect in the murder of a teenager on the funicular. so he will be in custody until june 5. earlier, the sbi denied the information. that the man is allegedly a former employee of their department. the bureau noted that he is a driver of the state security service, who is currently suspended from official duties. let me remind you, the murder happened on the 7th april, the suspect, who was drunk, got into an argument with a group of high school students, pushed one of them, fell, smashed a glass with his head, and died of a fatal cut to the neck. the position is simple, he,
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the family believes that he took their child, and they will do everything in order to punish him, what exactly it will be, i can't say at the moment, what really the family in a very, very, very bad condition, just understand, this, this is a child, this is a child that was just lost, and i believe that there will be the same position, that the family will prove as much as possible. i blame him, so that he receives as possible, probably the highest punishment for his actions that they can. the attack on a civilian enterprise in kharkiv, two men and one woman were among the victims, the head of the region oleg sinigubov said, a 33-year-old woman and a man two years younger were taken to the hospital with shrapnel wounds and blast injuries. another 55-year-old worker was helped on the spot, the enemy hit the center... a few
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hours ago with two aerial bombs. and today the president was with the official during a visit to kharkiv region, where volodymyr zelenskyi visited the site of the construction of defense lines. fortifications consist of an extensive system of trenches, dugouts and other types of shelters. blockades, concrete pyramids, dragon's teeth and anti-tank ditches are being erected near the border with the russian federation. the president also held a meeting with heads of services and those involved in the restoration of the region's infrastructure. i am grateful to everyone who worked these weeks to give kharkiv region more electricity, to give more protection against russian strikes, reported on the physical protection of energy facilities, the restoration of networks, now all the necessary conditions are being created to reduce lek shortages. kharkiv should get easier
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schedules. odeshchya again with the light of the energy industry returned electricity to the residents of the region after the night attack of the russian federation, dtek reported. enemy drones in odesa district damaged power lines and left more than 1,000 families without electricity. as of 5:00 p.m., all homes have been restored. the russians shot. at least 54 ukrainian prisoners of war were executed in the office the prosecutor general opened 27 criminal proceedings. yuriy biluusov, the head of the department for countering crimes committed in the context of armed conflict, announced this on the public airwaves. according to him , cases of shootings of unarmed ukrainian soldiers have been recorded since march 2022. the court has already sentenced the first russian terrorist for the execution of a defender in chernihiv oblast. let me remind you that the other day it became known that
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the russians killed three ukrainian soldiers who were captured by them in the kherson region. since last november, we we see, in fact, such a geometry. the progression of increasing such cases, such a number, and now we are working not only on this fact, but also on previous facts, the command that is clearly responsible for such actions, and it is not only about the commanders who directly manage these units, this is up to the highest management, including the minister of defense and above. the united states handed over to the ukrainian military confiscated small arms and ammunition from... this is more than 5,000 assault rifles, machine guns, sniper rifles rifles, anti-tank grenade launchers and half a million cartridges, this is enough to equip one ukrainian brigade with small arms, according to the message. a good
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compromise, the minister of agriculture of germany, cem osdemir positively evaluated the previous agreement of the european union on some restrictions on the import of ukrainian agricultural products. it is about... separately about certain restrictions on the import of meat, poultry, sugar and corn. according to the german minister, this decision will be beneficial for both parties, for ukraine and the eu, and partially settles the situation with the protests of european farmers. i very much welcome this compromise. germany supported this decision because it is also in our interests, because on the one hand it was important for us to provide guarantees for ukraine so that it could continue to export agricultural products. side, this compromise reasonably takes into account the interests and we did everything possible for this. from other agricultural sectors of the european union and combines them with the interests of ukraine. judicial precedent. swiss women won the
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climate case against the government. the european court of human rights has ruled in favor of women from an association of elderly people. they argued that the swiss government was not doing... enough to combat climate change and that it was putting them at risk of premature death. the lawsuit was filed by more than 2 thousand women, at the same time the european court of human rights rejected two similar cases, namely the case of six portuguese against 32 european governments and the case of a former french mayor against the country's government. this is just the beginning of the climate lawsuits around the world and more and more people are taking their governments to court, holding them accountable for their actions and negative rulings in no way mean we can back down, it just means we have to fight harder. changes in school education. students will study at the desk for 12 years already from 2027. this is
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the next step in the new ukrainian school reform. change - marks the educational process. for the ninth grade, students will be offered a choice between two academic areas. or professional. they provide for the preparation of schoolchildren for admission to a higher education institution or mastering a profession and entering the labor market. also, students will be able to independently choose educational components. our goal, first of all, for the child to have more subjectivity, was to choose, first to choose a profile, then to choose a part of the subjects in the middle of his profile, a part of subjects that can be chosen regardless of the profile to try something. for this, for another part of the transformation is already underway, in order for this choice to appear at all, we need the high school to be large, very we are very interested, we talk to a lot of people about this issue, we follow all the news, all the issues that
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are being considered, well, we all have to start, although we are already ready for this, because the profile is already there, it just needs to be improved. only 22% of women sit in the verkhovna rada, which is less than the quota for the legislative bodies of the european union. this was stated by ivanna klympush-tsensadze during the platform "gender equality in eu integration". according to her, because of this, ukrainian women are not sufficiently represented not only during the discussion, but also when making decisions at the local, regional and higher levels. there are many things that are even written down in our legislation. either declarative or formalistic, but are not used in our daily practice, so moving away from that, from declarations to real actions, is probably the most difficult path that we will have to go through in the field of european integration, including the provision of equal rights women and men. these were
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the news at that time, i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, you can read more news on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to us at... and literally in a few minutes meet my colleague vasyl zymo. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load , urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminost oro - urination under control. that in pharmacies, buy with a 10% discount in the chain of pharmacies, we wish your family's health and pharmacy.
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rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine! greetings
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, dear viewers, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, me and my colleagues are with you for the next hour and 46 minutes, we will talk about many really important topics, there is much to discuss and of course we will report on what will happen during our ether, well, we will start with the announcement of the collection. espresso and the public organization baza uatev are calling for support for the fpv collection. for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd black zaporozhian brigade. legendary brigades that serve not only during a full-scale invasion, but in general throughout this long war. our own production, testing, variations for the needs of defenders, we can provide this together by raising 2 million uah. the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already there. join to make them even more. our goal is ambitious - uah 2 million, remember. a donation to the armed forces of ukraine is an investment in our victory. we believe that we will be able to cover,
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close this need and provide our military with what they need now. we will start by talking about poltava oblast. the enemy struck the poltava community, and actually about the consequences enemy attack, overcoming these consequences, those threats that remain, ihor protsai, a deputy of the poltava regional council, will talk about this. mr. igor, i congratulate you. congratulations, congratulations, dear, well, actually, the enemy decided to hit the poltava region as well, although the strikes came earlier, and we know it, well, but this is the last information i read, i don’t know how many... people were also injured in the region with and 16 people were injured, please, and if i'm not mistaken, there is also a dead person, please tell me more about it as much as you can talk about where they hit, if you can't talk, we don't say where the enemies hit, and how can you describe exactly this attack on
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poltava oblast, please, well, i'll say it like this, for poltava oblast it's... a somewhat unexpected attack, the first time during the full-scale invasion, the poltava community was directly attacked with such heavy weapons, according to the information that is available now, and it is public, the damage was caused by an x-59 missile, if i am not mistaken, yes, the damage occurred in the residential sector, i was exclusively there ... residential sector, the impact was greater part of the roof of the building, a two-story building in which peaceful people lived, the building was very badly damaged, thank you to all the sns and all the people involved, who reacted urgently and even quickly to this event and localized the place
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of damage by the enemy of the area where it... flew , a lot of houses were affected, some objects of critical infrastructure, well , let's say this, windows were blown out in houses that were in a radius, probably almost 300 m, so the impression was quite powerful, for now, we will now have communication restored, we will continue talk more, there is a connection, please continue, sir, yes, for now, what i can say is that... in fact, the building is probably not subject to restoration, it was actually destroyed, well, it was written, look, it was also written about that in poltava oblast the enemy attacked high-voltage substations, again, i understand that all the strikes, well, if it is from open sources of information, then i did not ask local residents, this is what i read from
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open sources, that is why they write about it , again, speaking of... a possible threat for energy, and we understand that poltava region, in addition to the fact that it is not so far, let's say, from the combat zone, from the location of enemy forces and means, this is the first, second, that poltava region is one of the most powerful in the industrial plan of the regions of our state, and the enemy who decided to kill in terms of energy and economy, this is already clear, but in addition, he is trying to create nightmares and destroy the residential buildings of our citizens. states that do not have any, does not have any military significance, but here are the blows energy, in terms of economy, they are there, we understand that poltava region is quite a powerful region, one of the most powerful industrial regions of our country, if we talk about security, or again, without revealing secrets, but i think that even at the level of the regional council in the regional of the military administration, these issues can be considered from a series of what is needed, as far as possible
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to secure something, to protect something, because we... see that the enemy's tactics are not changing, unfortunately, they are only expanding their geography. well, in fact, work is being done on it, in that including the regional council, most of which is now the military administration. the lion's share of funds are now going to the construction of fortified areas, and apparently this trend is present throughout ukraine, both equipment and forces are directed there, including planned ones. the building of shelters in the poltava region, i can’t say that it is happening quickly, but in principle there are enough of these places in poltava, and people know where to go in case of danger, but i will say something, poltava is probably not purely psychological was ready for such
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lesions, including objects energetically and psychologically, i mean people. because i also heard explosions night after night and at night, but it was quite an unusual story for us, not like in kharkiv, the fact that they in dnipro, in zaporizhzhia, in kherson hear it every night, but including us now let's move to another reality, the war has come to our home, well, i'll be very brief, first of all, do humanitarian people, houses, apartments that suffered as a result of this attack need a place to live, support, help now, and also i read that nine people are still in the hospital, two people are in serious condition. as far as, again, from what is known, is there any information that their condition can be stabilized and there are no threats, let's say
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there is no fatal case, if this, if the regional, regional health care system informed about it please, well, at the moment, what is known at the moment is that there is no threat to the lives of those who are in the hospital, thank god, uh, the condition is serious, but predicted, it is according to... that information, which is now, others were given help, who was on the spot, who, including in the hospital, the mayor and the relevant deputies arrived at the scene, the head of the military administration made a statement regarding compensation for damages and resettlement, so i think that the authorities have now stepped in to help those people find shelter until it is found. another housing was built, thank you, and this process took place, thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, ihor protsai, deputy of the poltava oblast, you see, here are the right words, in fact,
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you know, these are the moments when you have to say what you feel, what is fair, really poltava region has not been under enemy attacks so actively for a long time, let's say, and the alarms were sounding , we remember the missile strike, i don't remember whether it was an x 55 or what kind of missile it was that flew over... the shopping center in kremenchuk, then there was a really terrible strike, and there were rockets there anyway, well, but people say, well, it's not, it doesn't happen like in kharkiv every night, or more like in zaporizhzhia, in dnipro, kherson oblast, where artillery is arriving, there are almost drones flying into the streets of kherson oblast, well, but we see, the enemy is expanding, the enemy is expanding geography, i am leading to the point that now every region must understand, well, if on it comes to lviv region periodically, and now more in the region. all the same, but here yes, you have to be ready for everything in fact, and these are the realities of this war, now we will talk about the situation in kharkiv region, yevhen bilov, head of the volunteer
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organization rukh vilniy kharkiv. mr. eugene, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, first of all i will ask about the security situation, the evening, the night, how the past is the most important thing, tell me, and now, i know that kharkiv, well, from what i read, of course, not from personal experience, kharkiv is a city where every day. and what minute something might happen, unfortunately, please, yes, it was quiet tonight, but it was not quiet in the region, it was quiet in kharkiv, there were no flights, but they were during the day and the russians hit the infrastructure of kharkiv again, glory god it's not residential buildings this time, this is an industrial zone, but there were strikes, there are, there are victims, there are victims, so, unfortunately, it is constant, it is happening from kharkiv... constantly like, what is the current situation with the energy industry, first of all, with regard to these blackouts, and they are more seven o'clock in some places, in some places people do not
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understand how long it will be light, well , there is no electricity, let's say, people have electric stoves, refrigerators, well, of course, this is everyday life, which also depends, depends on what is happening, not every person has the possibility to install a generator, all the more so if it is an apartment building, by the way, well, firstly, here is the situation in terms of... energy, and secondly, are there such cases at all, when, say, residents of a house or condominium purchase large generators, well, maybe not industrial ones, but quite powerful, which could power a large number of apartments, i know that such are sold, quite a price there , in fact, several hundred thousand hryvnias, but still, please, yes, the problem with energy is very difficult in kharkiv, there are a lot of blackouts and they are large-scale by... from several hours to several tens of hours, so this is the problem that currently exists in kharkiv, and there are hourly schedule exclusions, but they
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are constantly changing, because the situation in kharkiv is also constantly changing, and new shelling is always possible, and the enemy is hitting critical structure, hits energy blocks, so the work there is carried out, but if there is any threat, they are stopped, and because of that , the deadlines are long. but a big thank you to our utility workers and our energy workers for the fact that kharkiv still has public transport electric that works, the subway works, transport that runs on electricity works, so this is a big thank you to them for this, but residential buildings and residents suffer because there is no electricity for a while, and it is difficult to adjust to schedules, they i say, they are constantly changing, but what... we are from kharkiv, we are already used to living in such a way, but still, we hope that everything will improve soon. the russians are now trying very hard
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to release b... not real and are spreading the video, although this video is from the year 22, when it started a full-scale invasion, we remember what the battles for kharkiv were like then, we remember that the enemies actually entered the territory of the city and the battles took place directly on the city arteries, but it is clear that people were evacuated from kharkiv and from kyiv and from lviv was even evacuated, because no one knew where the attack would be and what to expect, it was an understandable and expected expected situation, but the russians publish this video as if it were now. for modern times and they say that look at the success we are achieving in kharkiv, its people they are leaving, fleeing, everyone is afraid, everyone is afraid, the city will be empty, we will go in and hang the tricolor there, what is the real situation, again , they do not overestimate, you know, because they always want to betray everyone, heroes, well, we are all heroes, and some are more, some to a lesser extent, who is now in ukraine and joins this struggle, but people are people, there are children, there are different situations, people
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can leave, can... come, right away there are no warnings about this, everyone thinks how , but what is the real situation in kharkiv regarding this, and is it possible somehow, how people react to the sight of russian dreams of an empty kharkiv, and i, as a kharkiv resident, take this with skepticism, because kharkiv, if you are a real kharkiv resident, then you were in kharkiv during the beginning of the full-scale invasion, yes many people were evacuated in kharkiv at that time , there were up to 400 thousand people out of almost 2 million, so this is a very small number, as for kharkiv, but currently the situation is completely different, kharkiv is alive, there are also people in kharkiv who do not show traffic jams , but that's old footage, we also now have traffic jams, but traffic jams because of what there is no light and the traffic lights are not working, so there are some questions about traffic jams, and new schedules have to be drawn up in order to get to some part of the city, so kharkiv is full.
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there are a lot of cars, a lot of people, businesses are working, new businesses are opening, so even during blackouts, businesses are running on generators, so kharkiv is not broken, kharkiv is working, there are also, of course, it scares someone, someone has started to fly cabs now, and these are new projectiles that can arrive and reach kharkiv, but what a community is holding kharkiv, these are the military, these are... volunteers, these are communal workers, city, city services, regional services, these are just ordinary people who are indifferent to the war, they are all in kharkiv, everyone is worried about the fact that there is baronage, but everyone is here are located and everyone will hold the city, if it is me very briefly, but since you are a volunteer organization, i would like to ask, well, since there is no light, somewhere the elevators are not working, there are old people who may not have guardians or
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relatives or relatives, stay themselves. and they they just need trains to be brought to them, or maybe medicine, or just to visit them, is there any such organization, is this done by city utilities, special structures, or are volunteers involved in this, well, maybe there are lists made by houses, somewhere by condominiums, well, do you have any information about this, please, yes , of course, there are volunteer organizations that feed the elderly, just people who need help. uh, there are a lot of such organizations, the city also joins in this work, er, and international donors understand this whole story, they also help with products, and provide materially, and mobile kitchens, and people, kitchens that feed for the elderly and are transported around kharkiv, so this this story is being monitored and all necessary work is being done. thank you very much for
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your perseverance, for your struggle. and for helping those in need, yevhen bolov, head of the volunteer organization rukh vilnii kharkiv, well, actually, we understand the purpose, why, well, besides that, well, actually, that's why the enemy destroys the energy infrastructure, that's why he destroys different substations in order to really drive people out of kharkiv, and it's actually a great courage to stay in a city where these bombs are flying that cannot be shot down, that ... not always even a siren tracks them , and that is why it is a great sign and signal to the enemies that kharkiv residents remain, it is clear that this is not the city that was before the full-scale invasion, now there are many cities that are not like that, and some there are simply no bridges, the enemy is them destroyed, the earth is littered with, let's say , maryinka, avdiivka, bakhmut, there are, unfortunately, a lot of north-donetsk there.


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