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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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for indomitability, for your struggle and for helping those in need, yevhen bolov, head of the volunteer organization rukh vilniy kharkiv. well, actually, we understand the purpose, why, well, except that, well, actually, that's why the enemies and destroy the energy infrastructure, that's why he destroys, otherwise, various substations to really drive people out of kharkiv, and it's actually a lot of courage to stay in the city to which the eyes fly. which cannot be shot down, which are not always even tracked by a siren, and therefore this is a great sign and signal to the enemies that the people of kharkiv remain, it is clear that this is not the city that was before the full-scale invasion, now there are many cities that are not like that, and some cities simply do not exist, the enemy destroyed them, wiped them off the face of the earth, as we say, maryenka, avdiivka, bahamud, many there are, unfortunately, severdani there. perhaps
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to a lesser extent, cities are also depopulated and there are works, not krynk, and unfortunately, we have many such cities on the map, but kharkiv, of course, is not the same as it was, but a big thank you and respect to the people of kharkiv and all the services , who continue, continue to stay in the city and to fight in this way, but now we have another very important topic, in fact, just for a second, an important topic about possible big corruption. and we will talk about it with taras zagorodny, political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group. mr. taras, i congratulate you. good day. actually, actually, here is the topic that we will discuss now, it is actually, yes, in the chain of previous many similar topics, it is possible corruption, or big earnings, illegal on the purchase of weapons, especially on beginning of a full-scale tuesday, therefore acquired.
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polish law enforcement officers conducted searches on the territory of ukraine and poland regarding the possible purchase of weapons abroad through intermediary firms that were not based in ukraine, and the possible losses under this scheme caused to our state, our budget, and you and i, the citizens, may reach 1 billion united states dollars america, it's not even hryvnias, it's up to 40 billion hryvnias. therefore, searches took place on april 9 in the territory of ukraine and the republic. poland regarding this possible purchase. this was made possible thanks to cooperation of nabu, sab with the ministry of defense of ukraine and the department for combating criminal terror and murders of the metropolitan police department of the republic of poland. what is interesting is that the ministry of defense is actively promoting work on this case. let's say more, how did this become possible and did it have to be a long work in order to actually go on searches in this story? please. well, i don't believe that it will end in anything, the more so that everyone. high-profile nabu cases
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usually end in nothing, that's one thing, secondly, the arms market is always gray, you have to understand that there are always a lot of middlemen there, and especially at the beginning of a large-scale invasion, many countries did not want to and usually yes, they pretend that they are selling weapons, but in order not to lead the ends to them, there are a lot of middlemen, the arms market is always gray, and so... when they start asking questions here , where did they look for damage, well, look, weapons then, i'm not a lawyer for anyone here, i emphasize again, but let's remember the context, yes, the beginning of a large-scale invasion, a lot of weapons are needed here and now of course what there are a lot of middlemen who want to make money on this, of course, who put 200 and 300% on the prices, that's because demand gives birth to supply. firstly, secondly, many countries did not
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want to supply weapons to ukraine, let 's be honest, and now they still don't want to, and that's why there are always middlemen who work, this is how this market is built, well, look, in more detail, the special importer progress supplied shells to the ministry of defense purchased from the polish company alfa, well, there is the question of who is the founder, investor there and so on, these companies at prices inflated by 57% are losses can reach... a billion, i am leading to the point that, well, after all, if there was a criminal intent, if it was not the case that we need to save ourselves, we really just need to fight back, relatively speaking, and what does that mean, no, well, look what that means inflated in the context of what, well , i have some prices on the market there, it’s also a market, what a market, there is no market here, look, here the question is how much the life of a ukrainian is worth, how much is the life of a ukrainian, it is priceless, that's why they buy... they buy
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what is available on the market, so you understand, because you know, i'll buy the first three months, i did not hear at all, like most law enforcement agencies, they all disappeared somewhere. yes, i'll just buy it, again, i'm not anyone's lawyer here, i just want everyone to understand the context, yes, they dragged everything they could buy, someone else sold it, you try to buy it even if you have money, so that the market is built like this, no one wanted and now still does not want to sell directly, you now, if you have money, yes, try to buy f16. on the market, yes, or patriot, if ukraine had money, let's say a billion dollars, to you would simply not sell, because the market is structured in a completely different way, but if it is possible to prove that someone put this money in his pocket, the intermediary put it, put it, of course,
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because he takes the risks, that's how it is, yes this is a built market, and that's why when smart people come out, let's say someone messed something up, no, i don't rule out that something was messed up, i 'm not talking here, i'm saying that we should... understand the context and understand how the market actually works weapons, everyone has already made sure that these are not potatoes that can be bought freely on market, and therefore, most likely, this case will end in nothing, well, simply nothing, because when they start talking, what did you do there in the first three months of the war, and what did you do in the first three months of the war, oh my , again, i'm not anyone's lawyer here, i just... understand the context, yes, when the law enforcement agencies come now and they are there, i remember, for example, a criminal case was initiated against the mayor of zhytomyr for causing damage to the environment, because he was asked to blow up the dam militarily, well, from
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the point of view of now, when all this has returned shobla, please excuse me to the places where ukrainians were driven away from kyiv, including by resistance, of course this is... a crime, well, from their point of view, and therefore we must understand that these are these cases, all these cases, yes, all these cases , they do not have a great perspective, because here the question is, well, for 5-7, and you try to buy for the price that was on the market, were there any such on here, that is why there should be an unconditional investigation, if there really were no options for these these weapons... really went to the front, well, i, well, look, well, look , an intermediary, let’s say an intermediary in the same poland, yes, he knows that there is a need for ukrainians, there is a need to sell for what the need is, that there is nothing at the front, yes, and he says, and i put such a price, they still took
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such, they took so, because the question was the protection of the state in reality and the protection of the fact that people were dying and so on, could there be any intermediaries in this case, they could and... they did, because once again demand creates supply, and you ask how many different countries there are, at what markup do they sell weapons to ukraine, both under 200 and under 300%, because the demand gives rise to the proposal, as karl marx wrote in capital, that when it comes to a profit of 300%, the seller can go even to even murder, and therefore it is any, for any crime he has this to say, i have good news , literally a minute, but i want you to just react. wrote andriy tsaplienko, about this, well, i actually trust him, here is the information, that the weapons that were once intercepted by the americans, they transported them from iran to the houthis, 500 ak-47 assault rifles, machine guns, sniper rifles, rp, well, these are 7 hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers and more than 500,000 rounds of caliber 762, well, actually
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for ak, they were transferred to ukraine, well, a positive story, i understand that these are not tanks and not planes, well, but still, look what 5000 rounds are , yes, i think that on the ukrainian front it is... about two days, well, plus or minus, well , yes, well, but at least 500 automatic weapons, we can see in what condition they are, in any condition, well, this story has been going on for a long time , it happened about a year ago, well, yes, it’s like that, it’s nice, but such, you know, not even a drop, but you know, i think it would be extremely better if some ballistic missiles were intercepted and handed over to ukraine , so that they could intercept them even with launchers, but it does not mean that they were handed over, thank you very much for adding. thank you for the most important professional and honest answers to a difficult question. taras zagorodnya, political scientist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, was in touch with us. of course, i don't know whether it will help much, it will be precisely these weapons that we are talking about now, but there are great needs and
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certain questions at the front, i won't say there are problems, but a person who knows about it will talk more about it. serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency, leading the military summary of the day column. sergey, please. you have a word, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, indeed, any weapon is now needed on our front, we will talk today, first of all, about the fighting near krasnohorivka during sivyar, what are the dynamics there, because there are things there , which are changing, and about the use of new technologies on the battlefield, how our robotic platforms fight under the same ivanovsky, about this in a conversation with the developer of this platform, more on that in a moment. so, the two directions of this day were the hottest, if we look at the map and... the establishment of the general staff, it is precisely novopavlivskyi and bakhmutivskyi, although it is more likely combat operations around the time of yaru, because
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this direction is now concentrating all our attention. first, all the same, about the novopavlivskyi direction, in fact half of the combat clashes, and the left part of the attention is focused precisely on krasnohorivka, because we talked about the fact that the enemy captured maryanka, then tried to... to move there to novomykhaivka, not everything is so easy there, but for the last few days attacks have been carried out in the direction of krasnohorivka, the purpose actually is to protect ourselves in the future from such flanking attacks from krasnohorivka, because without this it is impossible to advance to kurakhovoy, there 12 km, the enemy set himself a goal, but all these advances are extremely difficult for the enemy. yesterday and today there were such powerful attacks by the enemy and... no less powerful countermeasures from our side, there were attacks by armored vehicles there yesterday on the positions there
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the enemy's equipment of the 80th airborne assault brigade was moving, then came under artillery fire, turned around, and there six of the nine vehicles turned around, the rest were destroyed. today, the officer of the 58th motorized infantry brigade also spoke about the fact that the enemy yesterday and. .. attacked krasnohorivka today, due to the artillery, due to the counterattacks there, the enemy was stopped, and we can see, by the way, the video of this tank is a barn, i won’t call it a barn, but i will still use the russian word for a barn, it was exactly this one t-72 tank, yesterday attack on krasnogohorivka, this is such a tank packed with such special protective structures that resemble a barn with... a trawl about made its way to krasnogohorivka, followed by
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a whole column of vehicles, in principle they came under fire in the same way, turned around, this tank was not destroyed, but today we can see how our cluster munitions work, some of the equipment was also lost, this tank turned around, but today we already received information that this barn husynytsia did get our means of impression, just as this building was destroyed in the parking lot, which now it actually turned into a coffin on the tracks, but still the situation near krasnogorivka is now extremely tense, the extreme information that is being discussed there by various experts, with reference to various photographs, that the enemy did manage to advance to the northern parts of krasnogorivka there to certain the first house and seem to be entrenched there, but... this information still needs to be verified, we understand that this area is extremely important for the enemy and it is no less important that
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we have all the means and strength to knock the enemy out of krasnohorivka, as it once did the third assault brigade, which knocked out the enemy from krasnohorivka about a month ago, and the second , no less difficult section is actually chasiv yar, because actually from the fourth there, the enemy conducted various types of offensive actions for. is trying to move from several directions and frontally through khromov to the time of the yaru, there was that famous attack on the fourth day, when eight enemy armored vehicles advanced just to the time of the yaru, they reached the quarter called kanal, this is exactly the quarter that is in front of the siverskyi donetsk canal, donbas, now we can see, by the way, the map of the time of the yar, and right here... from north to south , the siverskyi donets donbas channel runs, this channel
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is actually the main such a complicated geographical line for the enemy to cross and one of the main lines of our defense runs along it, this canal is 8-9 m wide in certain sections, in some sections it has bridges, and in fact now the enemy is trying to break through this canal to kalynyvka and create there the northern threat to until the time of the yar, russian airborne assault units are really operating there, and another similar story is unfolding from... ivanovsky, where the enemy from the south also wants to push right to this canal, cross the canal and create such pincers that span the ages. this story is theoretical, she understood, because it is approaches to the flanks, that is, the enemy has implemented it before, but now it largely depends on, on the one hand, the very
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features of this area, if we now, by the way, see the geographical map. the map the heights of chasiv yaru, then we understand that we see that chasiv yaru is a height, the enemy is trying to move from bohdanivka, there he climbed to the first heights, he wants to get there from the north, and chesiv yard is theoretically well defended at the height, but under the condition that all there are reinforcements when our artillery works, and when there is, first of all, there is something to fight with the russian aviation and the cabs, because now for a long time... such quick and tank breakthroughs with significant with the number of technical manpower on the armor, the enemy is trying to advance, so now , in fact, the situation around chasivru, on the one hand, will be for the enemy an attempt to re-examine the methods
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of warfare that were carried out during the capture of avdiivka, and from our side it will depend on , as far as we took into account previous mistakes, we found opportunities to fight first of all, well, in particular, with the enemy's aviation - this is the most difficult challenge, we provided our unit with a sufficient amount of artillery, drones and provided reserves, because indeed, containment during the time of the yar, well , it will be of strategic importance, our command fully understands this, precisely the dynamics of combat operations around the time of the yar, then in principle in... will determine how the situation will develop in other areas of the front, we remember we are aware that the enemy aims to develop there towards the donetsk luhansk regions, the capture of the yar valley is important for him, just as it is important for us to defend this line of defense, and by the way, during the yar valley near ivanivsk, under under under ivanivsk, we already seen examples the use of robotic platforms
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of ukrainian development, and now we are joined by... this guest, with whom we will talk about this work, is joined by taras ostapchuk, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, an ideologist, an inspiration, and actually, a team leader, and now already robotic platform manufacturing company ratel. mr. taras, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. congratulations. now we will show a video where your platform destroyed just under ivanivskyi. one of the bridges that was used was used by the enemy, i think it was one of the battleships uses of your platform, because i think this is not the only example, but while the audience is watching, please tell us what your platform can do, what its main technical characteristics are, how it is treated by the military, which in principle already cooperates with it on battlefield, well it's actually
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a two-in-one platform, it's... a form that can be used as a komikaze as well as a remote changer. komikaze functions, it can travel up to 6 km, at a speed of 22 km/h, carry a weight of up to 35 kg, remote mine functions, 6 km two anti-tank mines, produced in series, delivered systematically to the contact line. it seems you had a plan about six months ago... so to raise funds for 50 such platforms, which i understand are complex, maybe there is a platform, a control point, a repeater and put them on the equipment of 50 relevant companies, was it possible to do that , if not, where to collect money, tell our viewers, maybe this will be an impetus, well, for additional financial
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support for your project, in fact, we wanted to collect money for 10. complexes that consists, each complex consists of five machines, a repeater of a ground station, it was possible to collect only two complexes, i.e. 10 machines, of which one complex was fully paid by the company on time, this is an electronic document and vice versa, the collection was carried out by the dignitas charity organization, the collection until now continues, well, in fact, we only assembled two complexes, handed over two, but with our own resources... we had the opportunity to hand over eight more complexes, that is, we handed over 40 machines with personal funds. well, it means that in reality, what is the demand for these products there is. the money is a little less than we would like, but this bray1 system, they helped with money, or maybe tamstratekhprom, because minister fedorov, by the way, advertised your, your platform,
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i hope that the ministry of digital has funds for the purchase of drones, maybe there are funds for the purchase of ground drones, breivan, their task is not to raise funds, but to get a technical task from the military and find manufacturers who can fulfill this task. they cope with it completely, according to breivan, there are no questions, the ministry of digital will now try to contract, that is, in fact, we already have part of the state contracts, we are fulfilling them, and even taras has already fulfilled part of them, each robotic platform is the kind of thing where you need to know the details, when it is given to the military team, the military does not always understand what was handed to them, or what it means , that it is necessary to create appropriate units that are familiar with... the logical product, and to the question, as of now, who exactly in the military units uses those samples that have already been transferred to the units? in fact, we hand over
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our products only after training, which conducted by us, the training takes two to three days, and the people who have passed the training, the operators, only after that they receive our complex for use in full, so you see now our logistics complex. and now companies of ground robotic complexes are being created in the army, this time the process has begun, this is a new story, and we are teaching people now personally, i was on various tests of robotic platforms before the war, there in the early years, the control range of the platform there was considered 1.5 km top, you say? what can we do 6 km, is this true, how is it achieved, are we ready to share these developments with other developers of robotic platforms, of which we
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fortunately already have quite a few in ukraine. well, look, raatel s is our smallest kamikat platform for a remote minelayer in the city of ivanivsk was blown up at a distance of 4 km, a record, i won't say in which direction, 6.3. i personally stopped by konstantinovci for 3.5 km and mine. there was still a margin for communication, accordingly, 4 km is a direct working distance, absolutely calm, this is achieved in small complexes by with the help of a repeater that goes up on the drone, it comes in the delivery kit, that is , in fact, the military does not need to think, he needs to have a drone of his choice, in our kit it is provided for the third mavic, it is for small platforms, for evacuation platforms, zeratel h, they already admitted to operation, there is a calm distance of 10 km from the operator directly, absolutely calm. and these risks with the use of a repeater in the conditions of conversations about enemy reb and the like interfere,
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do not interfere, how to avoid these threats? and not interferes, in fact, the method of application is as follows, that is, you have a drone to a drone with a repeater attached, the drone rises as close as possible to the operator, the distance is 300 meters somewhere and... well, the danger is minimal for the drone, taras, is it possible to use the platform at night, or is there a need for this, are we moving towards it, or does practice show that there are enough daytime conditions there? kamikaze remote changer can be used with a drone with a repeater, evacuation platforms have night cameras and can work under infrared lights at 100%. that is, in fact, the enemy does not see, it is a full night for the enemy. and for the eye, the operator sees the perfect distance. the company's capacity to manufacture such platforms, to what extent are they currently satisfied with the current demand from the law enforcement agencies? well,
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we are not coping. we now have a queue until the end of july, which is without state contracts, without taking into account state contracts. with government contracts now in the final stages, we will be swamped with work until the end of the year. are you going to expand. enterprises at the expense of the set of ee employees? yes, we do it systematically, we recruit people, we scale systematically according to requests, that is, now in fact we have the opportunity to ship 40-50 small platforms and about two evacuation platforms, i think in a month or a half we will reach 100 platforms and five or six evacuation platforms , this is purely due to government funding, are there any priorities in supplying those or we had a video now, we 'll show again where the fifth separate assault brigade uses your platform, i know that brigade enough there, well in detail, they
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are used not only, by the way. they form and test other samples there, in other brigades, not even without naming the names themselves, simply whether there is more demand for infantrymen there or paratroopers there or in ground defense, there are some priorities there, who wants to have more specifically technological things, well now in fact, the paratroopers are the most requested to take them and the most capable operators among the paratroopers, and if the left part is up to the missions. missions, it's precisely remote mining, explosions, and somewhere a third or less is evacuation, isn't that the ratio platform downloads? loading the platform now, remote mining is 100%, then the komikaze, the evacuation of the bc carriage is just starting, we have only shipped several platforms, we are waiting for the results, well, the evacuation under the cart is a complex platform, a complex
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operation, because there is much more... the drone is being assembled for the production of these of your samples, do we focus on chinese ones or do we try to expand the national range of components for the manufacture of robotic platforms? well, now in small platforms, 40% of ukraine is 60% - china. we are moving towards 70 ukraine - 30 china. that is, there are movements, well, now there are no good products on the market of ukraine. those platforms there are in fact 70 ukraine and 30 china of all the use of robotic platforms on the battlefield we see various videos when enemy drones try to attack our ground platforms, our fpv drones attack russian robotic platforms, how common has it already become, and if not even yet became, then what, well, how actively the enemy
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is trying to destroy such robots. our platform if he sees them on the field battle, he is 100% trying to destroy them with a fivishka, our rateles are not protected at all, not like podev, our evacuation platforms can work with basic control with a rebo installed on the platform, that is , in fact, there can be a dome above the platform from enemy fpvs with control preservation, do you mind any before or share experiences on the optimal tactics to use these? platforms, your platforms with the military improve them, and is there a horizontal level of interaction with our developers of other robotic platforms, because we often have to listen to hear that there is no solution related to the control of such a platform, we cannot make eyes there and hands for such a platform of ours drives, but is not controlled, well, in fact, according to the manufacturers, we help everyone who applies, now we even cut metal for some
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manufacturers, help others. we play with driver settings and control, that is , there is no competition, there is actual cooperation between all robot manufacturers, everyone helps each other, according to the military, that is, in fact, it works as follows: there is a shipment, a technical task is carried out, work is carried out, the shipment is carried out, it is run in combat, then it returns with combat comments and then the final work and already on the front without comments, is there... a need to create some there is a universal control module for the robotic platform, so that it is powerful, high-quality, so that it can be scaled and avoid, relatively speaking, the peculiarities of each team, which sometimes brings its own, well, nuances to this or that project, well, unfortunately, it will not be possible to make a universal platform, not a universal control, because then the russians will tighten the rap and crush all platforms, that is, all platforms of ee radio...
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communication for all platforms, it is adjusted to a specific brigade, that is, the brigade gives a technical task, that we can work at such purity with such and such type of control, we set the corresponding type of control or program the corresponding purity. mr. taras, thank you very much for taking the time to do what your team and you personally do for strengthening of our defense capability, let me remind you that it was taras ostapchuk, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine and the head of the team that installs ratel robotic platforms, which are used by our troops in combat against the enemy. these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zema's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhiy zgurets, thanks to his guest, these were the military results of the day, then the second hour of great etero, a lot of interesting things
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and important information we provide for you. we were preparing, but now we will talk.


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