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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EEST

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to the size that we see now, that is why it is a threatening vector precisely because, unfortunately, there is now objective dissatisfaction with the authorities, some have more, some have less, some have accumulated some issues, some others, this is organic process, russia's task is to capture them, maximize them and direct them in the right direction, now they have chosen the usurpation of power with the alleged zelenskyi, and the second vector, which concerns the fact that he is illegitimate, maybe something to... else, but this is enough to worry about signals, well, that one well, mosiychuk, here is a broadcast literally on april 8, where he doesn’t just say that he spreads it, he says that he literally organizes these discussions, well, let’s see, he just says it like that, the day of illegitimacy, the day of the beginning of the day illegitimacy, the day the usurpation began, may 21, is very close. and they know it, people
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discuss en masse, people ask en masse questions, you can say that they are bots, they write in social networks, yesterday i spent an hour and a half on tiktok on my channel, included living people, living people, and they all ask the same thing question, part has not yet figured out, he is already illegitimate, will he be illegitimate, part, understanding , raises the question that after the 21st about the fact that sociology is not built on comments, in social networks, sociologists periodically emphasize this, and here is probably a good moment to emphasize it, well, i would say, excuse me for interrupting, that those comments in social networks, it is actually such the instrument is very often russian impact, like others, they have boto farms that... specialize in walking around in
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the comments and writing stuff, and there are instructions for them actually. and not only botfarms, but completely alive people will tune in to the tiktoks of mr. mesachuk or anyone else on the air and say what is needed. that is, unfortunately, we have enough greedy people, and this should also be understood. that is why these phrases of mr. masichuk, which he says about the fact that everyone here is talking about it en masse and so on, well, this is at least manipulation, if so, in such a way light mode process. to say, that's why , in fact, there is a very fine line between the fact that a person tries to hype, negativity, hype people's protest moods, which are always there, and the fact that this person plays along with the enemy. in this case, russia is very successfully moderating this situation, when they try to make the most of the dissatisfaction of ukrainians, realizing that it is in the third year of a full-scale war and in the 11th year of a major war in general. it
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is absolutely organic, so here are only wishes to the security service of ukraine look more carefully at such characters, and with people in general, there is less desire to be led by some emotional statements that give a feeling of, you know, such dissatisfaction, and for pain in the joints and muscles, natural ointment with vitiligo from dr. theis, ask in pharmacies good day pharmacy and the pharmacy has with a 100 g ham with a 20% discount. quarterfinals of the champions league just for me. real, man city and psg. these matches will shake the entire football world. turn on april 9 and 10. exclusively on meegogo. lacalute fix is ​​reliable fixes my dentist advised me. yes, and reduces gum inflammation. and the price is good, economical. lacalu fix. there are discounts on hepargin. 15% in pharmacies plantain, pam, and more. laughter,
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the snake itself, the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analysis, objectively and... expensively, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life - frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. see this week in the collaborators program. how did a pro-russian blogger spread fakes about
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ukraine? the technologies of the president's office are banal. but who in kherson organized a celebration in honor of the occupiers. russia is the motherland. congratulations. i am olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashis occupiers. our next issue is dedicated to ensuring that none of the sellers, who helped the fascists were tools of propaganda, surrendered our positions and welcomed the occupiers as liberators, did not escape responsibility for treason. prepared fakes for the kremlin media and spread disinformation about ukraine. the technologies of the president's office are banal in... recently in kyiv, the security service of ukraine detained blogger dmytro korniychuk, it is reported that he denied the armed aggression of the russian federation and tried to discredit the command of the defense forces in favor of russia. he also spread disinformation about social and political issues
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situation in ukraine. the law enforcement officers note that the blogger's posts and video comments were actively picked up by major russian tv channels and online publications, which were created on their basis. new stories: computers and mobile phones with evidence of his subversive activities were found during searches of a pro-russian blogger. korniychuk has 26,000 subscribers on youtube and an audience of 5,500 on telegram. however, its content spread much wider and russia actively used it. now the nedobloger faces up to eight years in prison with confiscation of property. this is serhiy mykolayovych cheravko, the former deputy mayor of kherson, and i am here for you. i will tell you how he exchanged his political career for a minor position with the occupiers, as well as suspicion. the feeling of patriotism, the feeling of love for the native land, unites both the soldiers on the battlefield and the people who help restore the economy and the social sphere of the new regions.
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serhiy, 49, is from kherson, he devoted almost his entire life to politics. starting from 1998, he regularly went to the swamp somewhere. in 1998 and 2002 tried to get to of the kherson city council, in 2015 he became the deputy mayor of kherson and concurrently headed the regional organization of the kherson party. then he tweeted in ukrainian and took care of education issues for children who moved from the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region. there is indeed a problem of accommodation and provision of modern educational opportunities for children who came to us from luhansk. donetsk regions, and later forgot his native language, and began to call the occupied territories part of the great russian empire. in 2017 cherovko leaves the post of mayor and runs for the verkhovna rada from the opposition bloc party in the 19th year, but does not pass. in 2020
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, cherovko ran for the kherson city council, headed the list of volodymyr saldo's block, and again failed. i was lucky enough to sit down only in the chair of the deputy of the city's shipping district council. in his position in kherson, he takes care of the demographic problems of the region and the mass exodus of ukrainians from ukraine. the situation is catastrophic. in ukraine, for example, the birth rate has decreased by 40% over the last 10 years. and for a few days before the full-scale invasion of the russian federation , an interview is published on the youtube channel of the beloved garden, where cheravko convinces the presenter yevgeny brykov that there will be a war on... how is it indicative that after february 24 these two will betray ukraine and start serving bloody murderers? serhii, well now it is clear that everyone's attention is focused on only one question every day: will we have a war, i wish there would be no war,
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it is clear: 99.9% will not happen, to everyone who bought buckwheat, matches, salt, etc. , i recommend using them in cooking, for these traitors killed... and tortured ukrainians, the occupation of cities and villages became not a pain, but an opportunity, which they gladly took advantage of. our act, a meaningful act, is absolutely decisive. when the kherson region was occupied, cherafko joyfully went out to the russian soldiers on the main square of kherson with red flags of the ussr. initially, this traitor, together with gauleiter volodymyr saldo, participated in the creation of a kind of rescue committee for peace and order. the purpose of this committee was cooperation with the occupation authorities and russia. the plot about the creation of this commemoration committee was widely spread in the russian media. such a raft the invaders appreciated the work of the seller and gave him the position of deputy of the military civil
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administration of the region in the illegally created occupation body. russia is the motherland. people feel their personal involvement in the creation of history. we see how massively citizens are drawn to the polling stations. when kherson was liberated, the traitor fled to the left bank kherson region together with other similar fertilizer. this enabled our law enforcement agencies to search his apartment, now documents and reports have been found there about how the rashist pension system was created during the occupation and the work of the post office was adjusted, to this pile of symbols of the russian federation and the scenario of holding events for victory day and russia day. it's a pity that there was no script before the day of defeat and disappearance not to the state, although we are now writing it ourselves. on october 19, 2022 , cherepko was placed on the sanctions list by presidential decree. at the end of last year, the national security council announced that he was suspected of collaborative activities. each of us makes
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several important choices in life. and sergey his choice did now this pawn of the kremlin in the temporarily occupied genichesk inspects pharmacies, opens schools and hospitals, organizes new activities to worship murderers. but he will not stay there for long, because soon zosu will reach the left bank of the kherson region, and it is not a fact that cherovka will be able to escape again. sergey, don't forget the nightingale-ukrainian, because you will have to use it to justify yourself in court, and then listen to the sentence, and we hope it will be severe. and this is another traitor, only with two suspicions, serhii volodymyrovych mukhin, born in 1990, originally from henicheska we were all horrified by the mass political inertia of our citizens. before his worthless collaborative life, he was involved in politics, was an assistant to a deputy. convened by the communist party of olga mykhaylenko on public grounds in 2014
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, he unsuccessfully ran for the verkhovna rada of ukraine from the already banned communist party, then in the 15th year he became a deputy of the heniche city council and the kherson regional council from the left opposition party. in 2020, at the local elections, from the same party, he was again elected to the heniche city council. you have one more chance to change something in our community for 5 years. after that, on november 21st, he was the head of the henicheska municipal service of one of the communal enterprises and called for the active removal of garbage. when we start to find out where these spontaneous landfills come from, they somehow do not fly by themselves. but in two years he betrayed the local people, his voters, and his oath. when genichesko found himself in the occupation, mukhin flew to the traitors like a fly to you know what. who became a representative of the genetic organization political party just russia for the truth. from the first days, our political team
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has been helping the fighters in the area of ​​the special military operation, as well as the civilian population that suffered at the hands of bander nazism. and then he received several more bonuses in the form of positions from the invaders. in march 22nd, he was made the head of the ribinspection of henichiv district, and from november of the same year also... the chief specialist of air, rail, sea and road transport at the occupation ministry of transport of the kherson region. we are one people, we have a common idea, and while our brothers are fighting valiantly and no less bravely on the front lines, this fly diligently performs his duties, thanks russian soldiers, spreads kremlin propaganda, restores communist monuments and works over a common future with a small state. for this, mukhin has two suspicions from our... law enforcement agencies: the first was announced to him for collaborative activity, and
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the second for public use of communist symbols. as it turned out, he demonstrated a red flag in honor of the victory day parade organized by the occupiers. serhii mukhin also published video materials promoting the totalitarian regime and depicting communist symbols on his social networks. this case is already being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region. we hope that soon he will go to muholovka and properly serve 15 years for treason against ukraine. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this email. address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. there are discounts on europast softcaps of 10% in the psarynsky, pam and
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oskad pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect your own, the result of their
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work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, the strong in spirit are appreciated. the ability to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with brothers until holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy stormy fire and returns meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, keep the army together. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together!
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see this week in the collaborators program. the pseudo-ministers of the kherson region are fake. the head of the ministry of culture robbed museums. we tried to remove everything valuable. but which of the crimean officials became a traitor twice. we chose to be with russia. congratulations. i am olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about traitors who follow the call of the heart and wallet went to serve the rashi occupiers. in today's edition, i continue to talk about the fake ministries that the rashists are creating in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. i will demolish. their assistants, heads of departments and clerks, the collaborators themselves must know that there will be no quiet betrayal, and it will not be possible to sit in the chair of a traitorous official and not be suspected. this is a fake ministry of culture of the kherson region. it was created on june 16, 2023. it is managed by a long-time supporter
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of the tricolor, oleksandr viktorovych kuzmenko. the ministry of culture voted. a fat man with a flag in his hands. those with the coat of arms of razka and at the polling station, this is probably how all the traitors looked when they came to vote for the unchanging president of russia, maybe this is just the official dress code for everyone who is fed by the dictator's hand? i think it is an honor for kuzmenko to wear the coat of arms with a chicken on his heart, because before becoming an official traitor, he was quietly licking putin's portrait all the time and waiting. how the director of a music school went to the fake minister of a non-existent institution, i'll tell you now. kuzmenko, 55, once was the head of children's music school number 4 in kherson, but not for long, because he wanted to enter politics. he was a deputy of the suvoriv district council from volodymyr saldo's bloc, and since 2010 he has been a member of the banned communist party of ukraine. as a deputy of one of the village councils, he supported the party of regions in every possible way. when the kherson region was occupied, kuzmenko finally
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stopped hiding his true ideological views. we began to promote all-russian. during the occupation of kherson, kuzmenko was in office managed to serve himself well before the invaders. journalists learned that he not only conducted propaganda activities in the city, but also handed over to the occupiers ukrainian teachers who did not want to cooperate with the rashists. one of the notebooks found in kuzmenko's house contained an entry dated april 22. by the 22nd , submit lists of teachers who have left and russian phone numbers. when it became clear that the armed forces were close, the minister gave rapak, taking exhibits from ukrainian museums with him. according to the media, this approximately 10,000 works of art. in an interview with the washed-up russian media, he modestly called it salvation. when the evacuation took place, we tried to remove everything valuable, evacuate from the city of kherson, and when we return, we will return it to kherson. when kherson was liberated, part of the illegitimate
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ministries were transferred by the invaders to the occupied genichesk. it is there that kuzmenko is currently reviving russian theater, filling libraries with russian classics, organizing pro-russian contests for children and not forgetting to kiss the leader's portrait before going to sleep. before this makes plans for the development of russian culture in the west. i think that in 5 years we will do a lot, we will try to open all our institutions that are not working yet. oleksandr, i have an alternative plan for you for 5 years, how about spending them culturally in a ukrainian prison, reading ukrainian classics. a year ago , the prosecutor general's office notified kuzmenko of suspicion of treason. so even five years will obviously not be enough, you can sit down for life. our offensive'. a traitor who took one of the seats in the ministry of the occupiers, serhii petrovych, born in skadovska usenko , born in 1965. we carry out
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explanatory work, we convey our information to them not only through telegram-channels of telephone conversations, but we also go out for direct communication. we believe that this gives more positive results in working with our agricultural workers. and to receive suspicion, he tried several times to realize himself in politics. in 2020, usenko ran for the kherson regional council from volodymyr saldo's bloc, but was not elected. unrealized political ambitions usenko was able to to satisfy when the kherson region was occupied and he sold himself for the position to the russians. now he is the deputy pseudo-minister of agro-industrial complex and food policy of the kherson region. now a happy usenko gives out interviews with... is included in propaganda stories and works for the invaders. the federal budget is 1,251 million and the regional budget is 1,300. this year, we
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plan to master our planned budget according to the federal and regional budget. in april of last year , a suspicion appeared on the website of the prosecutor general's office usynku in collaborative activities. during this time, the case has already been sent to the malinovsky district court for consideration. of the city of odessa, the traitor faces from 5 to 10 years of imprisonment. the so -called minister of natural resources, ecology and fisheries of the kherson region, mykola yuriyovych bystryantsev, also received his suspicion. he was born in the city of kherson at the age of 42. our president stated that the regions returned to russia will prosper and develop. he emphasized that the borders of the new regions are under reliable protection. russians and ukrainians are one nation. another perfect creature. which is a propaganda machine, relatively little is known about him. according to the media, bystriantsev received a russian passport in crimea back in 2017 and has been living on
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the occupied peninsula since then. there he held the position of head of the land use control department in the fake ministry of property and land relations of the republic of crimea. when his native city was under russian occupation, the former kherson resident decided to return home and try to build a career under the abomination kremlin. at first, he modestly applied for the post of deputy minister of the occupation ministry of natural resources and ecology of the kherson region. a year ago, we chose to be with russia, which means we chose a bright future for us and our children. on august 7, 2023 , the occupiers reorganized the department into the ministry of natural resources, ecology and fisheries of the kherson region, and bystryantsev himself was promoted to minister. bystryantsev already knows how to practice. new position, therefore he actively joined the campaign for common future with razka. first, during the local elections last september, then during the presidential elections. compatriots,
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this day has finally come, the day when we can show our active citizenship . we urge you to come to the polling stations and cast your vote for the future. such a display of will by bystryantsev did not go unnoticed. he was already suspected of collaborative activity in absentia. the case is currently being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region. this lucky holder of a passport from the chicken will soon receive its sentence. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. russia is attacking
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yar times with a double strike tactic. julian röbke, analyst of the german edition of bilt, writes about it. he made such conclusions on the basis of open data on the maneuvers of russian forces under the time gap for the last 10 days. as röbke explains, the tactic consists, i quote literally: in bypassing the enemy's positions from the flanks and a simultaneous direct frontal strike. according to ryobky, russia used this method before during the capture of avdiyivka and bakhmut. about the advance of russian troops to the east of the temporal ravine today was also reported by the u.s.n.d project. deep state, according to their data, the russian army has also advanced in bohdanivka and novomykhaivka, this is the bakhmut direction. well, there are ongoing battles nearby krasnohorivky, this is the mariinsky direction. russian forces attacked the city the day before, deep state reported. analysts claim that the russian military was tasked with entering the city from the south and starting urban battles. a radio liberty film crew visited krasnohorivka last week, where more than a thousand civilians remain. take a look.
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what is happening in the city, we are going to the city of krasnohorivka, where active hostilities are taking place , we are going, we are carrying humanitarian aid, arrival, arrival, arrival, it burned, it was not a greeting, you see, it fades the city, what is a memory of what ukraine is, is being erased, everything is trying. so that people don't have anything to remember and impose their own, what they want to give, grandfather, you distinguish by the sound, arrivals, departures, i live here all the time, you have not left the red, no, i will not go anywhere.
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marinsky this elevator, you can already see marinka from here, right? there is already a landing, after landing, it turns out that this is the outermost street, and there is also a first shirt, that’s what we call it, good day, good day, good day, you are also going, how much do you have in this region remained
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