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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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maoning said that china supports peace talks between russia and ukraine on equal terms. let's listen to a small fragment. minister of foreign affairs of the academy of sciences. and he noted that china's fundamental position on the ukrainian issue is the four obligations proposed by president xi jinping, who hopes for a quick ceasefire. china supports the convening of an international peace conference, which is known to both russia and ukraine, where all parties will be able to participate on equal and fair terms to discuss all peace plans. that is, beijing wants russia to be in switzerland at this global summit on equal terms, and the president of switzerland spoke about this at the time that only zelensky started negotiations with the swiss regarding the holding of this summit, she spoke about the need for the russians to were at this summit. is it possible to assume that
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china will be at this summit without this equality, as they say that there will be no equality of conditions when ukraine and russia are present? it is possible, maybe they will make some warnings there, maybe they will be present there is one notch less, that is, there are nuances there, but i do not rule out that china will go there, the chinese position... it is very simple and there is no peace plan, it is that stop the wagon and sit down and talk, if you sit down, we will, maybe if we can help you in this, but this logic does not make any difference between russia, which is an aggressor according to all principles of international law, china will not call. russia
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should actually leave the territory of another state, namely ukraine, and chinese logic is sufficient simple: sit down, cease fire, agree on something, and we will help you, we can, we will succeed, we will not be able to, but if you do not agree on what we can help you with, the chinese are also ready ... to see what they can do in critical sectoral areas, for example, nuclear security, i mean of course the security of nuclear reactors, although, as you remember, the chinese said that the use of nuclear weapons first cannot be under any conditions, and this was very clearly and very consistently said, i don't think that in the chinese have... some critical limit of influence
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on the kremlin, yes, of course, they help them a lot, economically, they fundamentally depend on vehicles, reversers, microcircuits, everything that is possible there, it all comes from china or through china , whether china will be able to show putin what to do, i have a very big doubt about this, and there are certain relations as a plus. between xi and putin, on some personal level, they have met a lot and they both see the world through the prism of strategic weighing or rivalry in the case of china, rivalry in the case of russia with the west. that is, if we speak in beijing, their first question is how will this affect our relations with the united states strategically? ago. it is not said that china has any
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special sympathy there, or is in favor or friendly with today's russia, but they will continue to use them, and they believe that this is normal geopolitical logic, so they will continue to insist on their approach, and i i do not see how in the near future, at least, unless the situation or conditions change, china will change its approach. by the way, matthew miller, a spokesman for the united states state department, confirmed that secretary of state anthony blinken has expressed concern in conversations with allies about the nature of cooperation between china and russia, which contributes to the russian military's ability to further supply the russian military. let's listen to matthew miller. we have seen in recent months that china is helping russia rebuild its industrial base. in fact,
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they began to replace trade with european partners, which stopped after the invasion of ukraine and came under sanctions, and help supply components that increase russia's attack capabilities. ukraine? we know that xi jinping met with biden at the forum just before, well, almost before the new year, it seems, in november, and obviously there they talked about russia and ukraine, and it is clear that the chinese have their own interests, no eternal enemies, china has eternal interests, it has always been like that, and yet, can the united states of america... stimulate china to be more, let's say, more demanding of the putin, because we see that china is influencing russia, when the russians start talking, we will get nuclear weapons now,
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i think that the chinese factor is almost the most important, i think even more important than the american one, maybe i am wrong, but the chinese are still restraining putin with his... calls that we will now strike tactical weapons, we will get strategic nuclear weapons, or am i wrong, that the united states of america still lacks some arguments for, are you mistaken, after the november meeting in san francisco, which you are talking about, just a few days ago there was a long, well, how long by international such... standards and quite long, almost two-hour conversation between biden and xi, we know what they talked about ukraine, according to the official reports , there is enough that they have so neatly, i would say, even blurred about what they
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were saying, but it is not profitable for china to raise the stakes with the united states, but nevertheless, for china ... as i have already said many times, it is not profitable for china to russia both won and lost, it is beneficial for them that russia got its weakness, but it's preserved, it's preserved in the sense that china can use it, and as you said, china is balancing its interests here, that the americans can influence the chinese, yes, but that influence is quite... limited, they can't say sia, let's not supply more ics used in the russian military. well, i mean, of course they can impose sanctions on, well, but then they have to impose sanctions on the entire chinese economy, and then the question becomes how
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china's trade with the world is going to be done, and it is 700 plus billions with the states and 900 plus with europe, that is... such key, i would say, fundamental interests of the west are being clamped here, and the west is also balancing, and like a tightrope walker, trying to maintain a very, very difficult balance, trump is also trolling biden and saying, well, i will add drive and tighten relations with china, so this is really not an easy moment for the americans, and... again, the influence of the americans is not 100% what you can to point a finger at something and forbid the chinese to do it, though recently, the americans have begun to hit chinese companies that circumvent sanctions,
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but so far these are completely isolated cases, there is no systematicity here, although at the same time the americans should be given credit, they in the last... three or four months tightened the nuts, tightened the nuts on the close in the east, what they didn't do all this time, they crashed several schemes that operated from the sale of russian oil to livov, and not only oil, in particular through dubai, they squeezed the turks there, squeezed, squeezed the indians a little bit, but with the chinese that's normal it's more difficult, and we know exactly how much russia has been avoiding sanctions, but according to our friends, the absolute dominant number of microcircuits currently used by russia, including military equipment, is chinese-made, well, the entire russian military machine , it depends
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on the chinese, i am not saying that everything is chinese there, but nevertheless, without the support of the chinese, it would not work, mr. pavle, against this background , the minister of foreign affairs of the great... flies to the united states of america and plans there to meet with trump, the secretary of state blinkin, and will also appear before the legislators in the congress with a request: to adopt an aid package for ukraine. the white house has already accused congress of inaction on the issue of aid to ukraine. this statement was made by the spokeswoman of the administration of the president of the united states of america, karin jeanpierre. let's hear what she said. so, the people of ukraine are fighting for their freedom. we have to get that national security addendum. whatever happens, we must do our part. we are obliged to do such a part and what we... observe the last few weeks, a few months, is that ukraine is losing ground on the battlefield, and this is
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due to the inaction of the congress, said karin jan pieher. this week should be, if not decisive, at least symbolic for our aid, which has aid to ukraine from the americans. 61 billion dollars for kona. do you think there are enough arguments? not only to cameron, but also to other world leaders in order to convince the american congress that ukraine needs help, because it concerns the whole world, not only ukrainians. and i think that david has already met, or i'm wrong, i saw somewhere on twitter, if he hasn't met, then i think he's meeting today, will he be able to convince someone, i'm a bit skeptical about this, he's not bad. knows how to convince, he succeeds, well, although, as you know,
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he initiated the referendum on brexit, then lost, so sometimes it would be better not to convince, i say this with respect to him, i know him well, without any, without any sarcasm or any unfriendly trolling, er, can he convince anyone in congress, well maybe a few critical congressmen, yes, i would very much hope for that, in... i also have a feeling from communicating with my friends and acquaintances there, that well, if not by the end of this week, then by the end of next, well , plus or minus, we will have some kind of minimum clarity, they are repackaging this law there, someone says: let's divide it again into ukrainian aid, israeli aid, what to do with taiwan, there are nuances there, besides... some republican congressmen, they want to hitch a ride there some credit
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an element, some kind of credit component and component, to show this to your voters , that is, to create such a hybrid, aid is aid, but partly credit, there are discussions about the economic part of the aid, well, there is more or less the military part, as far as i am concerned, it is progressing positively, well and... the republicans definitely want to push something there, without that, no way, and now they want to push the lifting of restrictions on the export of liquefied gas, a difficult issue for the democrats, i think that biden is not particularly interested in this issue either i like it, i wouldn't say it was forced, but it was somehow put on him. it's a question, but for the left such a progressive part of the democrats, it's such
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an important question from an environmental point of view, including, so how will they play there, democrats, republicans, plus there are various weirdos still trying, if mike johnson, the speaker of the congress goes go ahead with these proposals, somehow drop it, although what i hear ... in the event that there is an agreement of such a thing between the democrats and the republicans, then the democrats seem to be ready mike johnson, let's say, support, let's use a better verb, protect, that's why i'm so moderately optimistic, but that doesn't mean that something won't change tomorrow, i've been following the congress for the last three or four months . and i have the feeling that something is happening there every day, i don't know if
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they are taking this example from us there or from someone else, but politics in the congress is becoming more and more interesting and more and more unpredictable. so you mentioned david cameron, what he already wrote on twitter. i found this tweet rather, in the social network that he writes, he met with antony blinkin wrote: united kingdom and usa. in supporting ukraine in the fight against putin's aggression, we stand up for freedom and democracy when they are threatened, and blinkin and i work together to maintain an important inter'. popular support for our friends in ukraine, their support is the basis of what we both stand for, if i translated correctly, at least it is normal, well, what is written in official sources, you know that what is written is not always exactly what is discussed, but david's presence in the states, it is a cool story, he is known as
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such a balanced conservative, balanced ... he has the opportunity to talk to both democrats and republicans, so if he succeeds in something, we will only applaud. thank you, mr. pavle, this was pavlo klimkin, diplomat, politician, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014-19. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. during this program we we conduct a survey and ask you about whether you consider the channels to be a single telethon. important for the economy and security of the state, why we ask this question, why we articulate, because the employees of the channels that are in the single telethon have been booked from mobilization, so we ask whether in fact these channels of the single telethon in your opinion are strategic for the economy and of state security, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up
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your smartphone on the phone and vote yes 0.8002 11 381 no 0821 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have ivan stupak, military expert, former employee of the security service of ukraine, mr. ivan, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, studios, thank you for the invitation. well, first of all, let's talk about the strikes on the territory of russia, since ukrainian drones attacked that night, and the factory whose centers in the voronezh region report that there is also a training aviation center, and there were production facilities there, it was in the city of borys oglebsk, the main intelligence agency said that it was their special operation, or rather, some anonymous people confirmed it, hinted that it was gur who worked, how do
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such strikes affect russia and do they affect if they affect weak, so what do you think is needed, mr. ivan, so that they have a stronger impact? oh, what a great question, it seems that i work in the office of the president, responsible for all these strikes, or i don't know, in the general staff. look, well , okay, you and i are thinking here now, and immediately share your opinions with your respectful viewers, they have their opinions, well, i think that you will have a discussion in the chat, a discussion, of course, it is important to choose goals. not so, goals in the russian federation are simply, as i say, a wagon and a small cart, well, there are many, and everywhere, and political goals, and economic goals, and military goals, many, many things, but our resources are limited, if we had we were talking about, i don't know, 1,000 drones per month, which we have, then we could sit and pretend, let's give 100 here, 200 here and 400 here and there
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and here and there the rest that will remain, it is much more difficult for us with drones. the russians have air defenses, there is electronic warfare, there are, there are mobile patrols like ours that shoot down drones that come in, so so far i see that the really best targets that have been chosen are oil refining facilities, oil refining complexes, terminals that are destroyed, because it is fuel, fuel is money, besides the fact that fuel is the blood of war, money is also the blood of war, it is income to the russian... budget, it is payment to russian soldiers, it evading, well, salaries, this is evading sanctions, purchasing various electronics, with the money that comes in, so destruction is an occlusion, we are already seeing the first such careful results, so they are not yet obvious, but approximately 14% of the russian oil and natural
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complex has become disabled, i.e. it is damaged or disabled there for a long period of time. and the russians, what, they are already starting to reserve their own fuel resources at belarusian refineries, plus in kazakhstan, they have reserved 100,000, asked, or rather 100,00 tons of petroleum products in case the special operation will not go according to plan, well, just in case, the question here is whether kazakhstan will be able to provide such and such a quantity of fuel, it is questionable, it is not clear, so i think that the next goals should be, in addition to, or rather, in addition to the refinery, containers with... fuel that has already been produced and is stored as a reserve, a reserve for a rainy day. such objects, i think, they will also become er objects for... our hitting, except, of course, purely military objects, purely military airfields, where carcasses, drying plants, birds and so on are located. our western the partners are quite stingy, to put it mildly,
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quite stingy, but they give weapons, long-range weapons, they believe that the ukrainians can strike on the territory of the russian state and then they can fly to them from the russians, they still, in your opinion, hope to find some common language with putin and with the russians. because well if they are saying that russia must be defeated, or rather wrong, they are saying that ukraine must not be defeated, well, from what i conclude that russia must obviously be defeated, or they want to, so that this the war, relatively speaking, ended in a draw, and they again became friends with the russians, and therefore these weapons do not reach us, although it is absolutely obvious that such weapons are now necessary to defeat the russians. well, now i heard part of the conversation with the honorable pavel klinkin, and where he says that now the american parliament has turned into, well, almost like ours, it is also not foreseen when
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they will vote, hell knows if they will vote at all, well, the only thing is, it seems that there are no open corruption scandals, but santa barbara is really interesting in them, very so there is a big drag, the soap drags in them, and there is a big concept that the united states is afraid, well, i don't know... it is appropriate to use the term afraid, wary, afraid, tense about the fact that the russian federation, well, of course, this is a strike back , this is a direct clash, the americans have something to lose, the russians, well , look how they live, well, in the mud, well , in the mud except for moscow, of course moscow is there in gold and in stones and peter, everything else is mud, that is, they have nothing to lose, what americans, the way of life is built like this, that everyone uses the dollar, new york, las vegas, it's all there, well... they wouldn't want to lose it in the ashes of a nuclear war, that 's what they're afraid of, of course, but to put it more pragmatically, it's a potential collapse collapse of the russian federation, yes, it
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would be great for us, it is the dream of every ordinary citizen of ukraine that russia breaks up into 1,500 different separate principalities and there they are all fighting, all shooting, raping each other and everything, here everything is sodom and gomorrah, this would really be interesting to us, but americans viewed from a geopolitical point of view. they are afraid that the weapon is a classic conventional weapon, that it is like in the 90s, it will begin to spread to the middle east, to african countries, to fall into the hands of some, i don’t know, middle eastern, far eastern terrorist groups, and then it will turn against american military personnel , american citizens everywhere, all over the globe, they don't like it very much, they don't like falling into the hands of some obscure terrorists even more. or nuclear dealers weapons, components, means of delivery, some missiles, and the potential creation of, for example,
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or a real nuclear bomb by some other countries that, well, besides those that are, and also the creation of a dirty nuclear bomb, what is a dirty nuclear bomb, i will remind your esteemed viewers, this is something small, conventional in a backpack, in a suitcase, this charge, an explosive, it... there is no chain reaction, there is no mushroom, there is no light, it just explodes and scatters radioactive materials, and here in the zone of damage of this explosive device, geiger counter, it goes off the scale there as well i don’t know, no one will be able to live there for 500 years, but the americans are really afraid of this, that they can detonate this bomb somewhere in the manhattan or wall street area, that is, it is a very big fear, fear, and therefore i think that all this in a complex affects the position white house well, they are also afraid that the russians may commit, as they say, dangerous actions at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. just a few days ago, the russians
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reported that two drones, apparently ukrainians, launched one into the dome from the premises of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the spokesman for the department of the united states of america, matthew miller , said that yesterday's incident was like this... the day before yesterday's drone attack on the defense forces did not endanger nuclear safety, but warned russia against dangerous actions. let's hear what matthew miller had to say. russia is playing a very dangerous game by seizing the ukrainian nuclear power plant, which is the largest in europe. this is dangerous, and we continue to call on russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the facility, to regain full control of station... to the competent ukrainian authorities and to refrain from any actions that could lead to a nuclear incident at the station. mr. ivan, all over the world
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terrorists are not... talked to, they are not urged not to do what should not be done, terrorists are usually destroyed, because , well, it has always been like that, except that there are some terrorist groups now warning against terrorist acts, why is there no black and white in the world now, well, there are terrorists and aggressors, there are victims of terrorist acts, if that... capture a nuclear facility, these are nuclear terrorists who are blackmailing absolutely the whole world, not even ukrainians, and well, in this situation, when the zaporizhia nuclear power plant has been in the hands of the terrorists who seized it for two years, it seems very strange that they are somehow trying to convince them, warn them, not you have to do it, be careful there with the reactors, why the world does not approach
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nuclear terrorism harshly. because if some other group other than the terrorist state russia had been formed, then probably that terrorist group would have been placed there in some very short interval let's break this issue down into components, let's eat this elephant piece by piece. and yes, i understand your point, well , terrorists, what negotiations with terrorists should be destroyed? well, the russian federation, it is not a terrorist, it is an aggressor country, well, let's define it once, secondly, it is a problem of ukraine, because... we lost control over our object, it is not a problem of the united states, it is a problem of ukraine, it is not the problem of india, china is the problem of ukraine, ukraine has to solve it. ukraine has forces, resources, means, there are no opportunities. secondly, if we use the term that the russian federation is a terrorist country and there, well, they should be treated as such, then the big difference is that when the united states confronts a terrorist group, for example, the taliban in afghanistan, then they use that
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avia there are ground forces, there are large cruise missiles, and the taliban use terrorist tactics of shooting in the back, here in this case the russian federation has a big advantage for this potential terrorist organization, first of all, the territory is 17 million km, plus nuclear the triad, what is the nuclear triad, this is the air force, this is the naval force that can carry a nuclear warhead, the ground force, these are the big mines where they are opened. a nuclear warhead takes off, it can fly 5-10 00 km there, and this is aviation, aviation that can carry nuclear nuclear charges, and the russian federation, as a terrorist country, it surpasses even the united states in terms of the number of nuclear warheads. the latest known figures were approximately 6,000 nuclear warheads in the russian federation in total. and roughly somewhere, well, there was parity in the united states 1,500 applied to the asset. state, that is
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, it is very difficult to deal with such a terrorist, it will simply threaten a total nuclear war and the end of humanity as such, against the background of this terrorist anti-terrorist hysteria in russia, when they accuse ukrainians of being involved in what we are doing there even already financed these terrorists who committed. the terrorist attack in crocusity is already being talked about, today a russian spy started saying that the burizma company was there, in which, by the way, hunter biden was involved, do you remember this story, a long story, and trump once convinced zelensky that let's activate the case before the last presidential election, then this whole story almost ended with the impeachment of trump, and now they pulled this burism out,
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shook it, showed it, you see. sma financed these terrorists, they were supposed to take this million rubles in kyiv, these tajiks who were traveling in this unfortunate car from moscow, what do you think, this is what they are already entangling both biden and biden's son in this, it is calculated for internal consumer exclusively, do they still think that some countries there, well, i don't know, in the global south or there, maybe other states, that they can perceive this information. seriously, apart from convenience, because this burizma is really, perhaps one of the last known cases when the united states crosses over ukraine, well, very seriously, and what can be used by the russian federation, this is how they entangle these tajiks, you rightly said about a million rubles, i'm just curious, and where are they, well, of course, this is such rhetoric, huh where did they try to find these million rubles in kyiv, well, a million euros, yes.


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