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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with sestri eu. good morning to those joining now, thanks for watching espresso. remember that not only on the tv at home, you can always have with you... our channel, because we are for you 24/7 on
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youtube, you can rewatch all our broadcasts, conversations, videos, stories there, including , even if, for example, you had to go to work in the morning to find out what the night looked like, and the night looked like this, two guided missiles, many unmanned aerial vehicles, 14-17 were shot down, two missiles were also shot down, but they are aimed, and the occupiers are active, that's right, according to odeshchi, it is logistically possible to transport. the structure of strikes in the mykolayiv region on energy, you will find all this on the espresso youtube channel, even if you watch us on gadgets. meanwhile, we continue to collect information directly from the regions and the front line. now on the front line, because it is an officer of the legion of freedom, serhii voronov, who is in touch with us now. this is the novopavlov direction. mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, my congratulations. i'm watching. for the last day
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, the most combat clashes are in the bakhmut direction, and on the 28th - this is exactly your, novopavlov direction, that they, wherever they want, go to the rear, take in, maybe you even better understand what they want to achieve with their attacks now, but actually, for a long time, our direction has been experiencing the largest number of assaults that are taking place today on the front line. in particular , i would like to say that the enemy continues to advance relentlessly, in fact from the inside of the destroyed maryanka, developing some sort of platform of its own, in the southern direction, this is the settlement of pobeda, the eastern direction is the easternmost of maryanka , georgiyivka, it is in the direction kurakhovo, and apparently one of the enemy's targets is this very ukrainian city, well, actually to the south. from the south of krasnohorivka, they are also
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relentlessly trying to storm it is very hot there and further north near nevelskyi, and the southernmost hot spot is... mikhalivka, which the enemy also wants to go, well, in particular, perhaps for the sake of the environment, including the coal miner , that is, if you look at these southern strikes in the direction of victory and novomykhaivka, that is, the fact that they are front-line, they cannot push the ughledarsky bridgehead, in fact our line of defense, they want to try to attack in style, well, this is what we imagined, but now you are actually telling us one of the scenarios of the russian us... and how are they now ? as the military calls it, when everything blooms and turns green in april, and the ground becomes harder and harder, that is, a lot of equipment is used for assaults, well, i can say that march was
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not as rainy as we have here, in particular in the direction, and the soil in principles more or less more or less. solid, therefore they have been using armored vehicles for a long time, well, actually, in fact, they are going in order to traditionally try to surround these or other directions, these or other cities, and they have been doing this without stopping for a long time, because today they very often talk about some new offensives, well, actually for us people who are here at the tactical level. these offensives, well, we see them there practically every day, that they are continuing assaults on our ukrainian positions. well, for you it looks like a new day, a new offensive, in fact it is, and it is being told here in the rear just about some new attacks and so on. and in this case, tell me, it's just that
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they have already rolled out some kind of algorithm, that is , to cut down something with a plane, to cover it with whole fields, and then. to attack already in columns, we saw this in many areas of the front, have they changed this algorithm? well , everything looks like the kremlin has given a complete green light for the destruction of all ukrainian cities, we can see how it is in the northern settlements, when the kabami completely destroy certain buildings, certain settlements, in fact the same thing is happening in our country, you can look at the same mariyanka and... in particular , gegorgivka, novomykhaivka, all these settlements, in fact, are still destroyed. the enemy does not know how to capture cities, he knows how to level them with actual land, to bring them to such a state that there is simply nothing to cling to and nothing to defend, so
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i can really say there without any pathos or propaganda that our fighters sometimes retreat in order to to simply take better positions, since the positions that are there in which... they were in one or another period, here they are, well, they do not exist in fact, they they are completely disassembled, ugh, well, well, in a pile of construction debris, this is not a position, that ’s understandable, and by the way, it is in my opinion that these shots that are walking now came from your direction, i will even quote it to you, because it is funnier it looks like it was performed by the fascist occupier of moscow, because it sounds like that, in the night... you have such monsters driving there, so i directly saw the same footage of him advancing, how he landed the landing party there, and he at that moment he even managed
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to escape, but according to reports, he was caught there, and actually somewhere near donetsk he was mutilated, me me. i think that we will check this information in the same way, however, if it is not destroyed, then i think that it is very close to this process, because, well, such protection against drones, well, it does not help against artillery, our artillerymen, in particular yesterday, and in particular there near the same krasnohorivka, they did quite a good job, and they also work against the enemy quite regularly, so you know this is an example, their kulibens, some kind of invention, well, in this war, i think that we will see how both from our side and from the other side on the other hand, there are still so many crazy ways to protect yourself from this new technological phase, which is crowned by the work of fpv drones,
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mr. sergey, at one time we looked at this whole grill for a long time and laughed, well, this is just an option, we understand that the enemy is different . and is well prepared at times and at times studies well, but here we have an example of the dumbest stupidity, i.e. the tank should shoot 360°, the turret should rotate, if you... cover it with sheets, then accordingly the gun only goes forward and you can only see ahead, i.e in the ratio of this stupidity, well , classic russian and cunning, as in your direction, who is more stupid, as with that tank, or all the same cunning and mean? well, i want to say that judging by the information that enters the information space. in particular, and from western sources that, in fact , about 90% of the tank power that
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the enemy had until 2022 has already been destroyed, this means that they are removing from conservation various models there, and i do not completely exclude that this model is itself was removed and refined, and maybe there some or other mechanisms do not work there, that's why it is used exclusively to transport the landing party... to the contact line, no more, no less, that's why, i think, they use the t-90, for example , i doubt that they would equip this one with such a turtle, so to speak, i can say that our guys, to be honest, are also working on various inventions that can be used to secure vehicles, of course they don’t look like that freaky like ah... there's this turtle, but still i'm i think that soon
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some different applications will break into the world in order to protect this or that military equipment from fpv drones . they covered up, that is, that ural t-72, well, it is still from the year 73, because the main tank of the soviets they attacked hungarians and czechs. okay, and actually for a snack , you are talking about the fact that in certain areas, we were talking now about the left bank, where there are krynka, there the sky is simply black from all kinds of drones, from fpv, low-flying, and to those intelligence that hang high in the sky, which can only be shot down with missiles, how in your area this threat from the sky gives the opportunity to do something quickly on the ground, or is it also massively beaten from the sky? well , all i can say is that if the enemy feels that somewhere on
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the contact line there is a gap in the troops, immediately above those positions there is a swarm, you know, of several drones waiting and waiting for someone to come forward from the position, therefore it is very important today to saturate the entire line of contact with rebs as much as possible, so i'd like to call on your viewers as well if you see any charges from the units. support, because it is extremely necessary and it is worth the lives of the boys, precisely the provision of these or other positions by the rebs. similarly, today the issue of even getting into position is acute, because already when you are in position, mostly there are some dugouts, there are holes where you can hide, but the question of reaching the position is also very acute today, because well, there are the same fp buckets, they fly over there behind the contact line. and there a few kilometers can even control the approaches to certain positions,
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that is why rebs are very and extremely necessary for, i think , for all divisions, there are definitely not many of them, and they are needed as much as possible. our viewers definitely support such gatherings and will definitely hear you if they see others, actually radio electronic warfare, it's the only thing that works for swarms of otichrons so far. mr. serhiy, thank you for participating in our program, thank you for your service. serhii voronov, an officer of the legion of freedom, is a hot novopavlivskyi direction of donetsk sections of the russian-ukrainian front. a short pause, and we will summarize the military component with the director of the information and consulting company defense express, serhii zgorets promised to be with us, so don't miss it. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the saw is strong! unpacking the tv is just for you, you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient
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of the national team represents. united by football together are stronger. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world mr. orban dreams of. we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social
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debates. you will find out exactly what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and who will be the guest of the studio. already this sunday, the topics will definitely be relevant, the guests special, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. premium sponsor represents the national team. united by football, stronger together. we are coming back, and we have the usual problem, time is short. there are a lot of questions, and this is how we get it every morning, serhiy zgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense express, is with us, mr. serhiy, congratulations, congratulations to you, congratulations to our viewers, well, you have definitely already analyzed what is called russian tradition and you don't know what to do, it means it's time to bomb voronezh, well, in voronezh, an area even further than
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voronezh itself, there is boriso glebsk, they hit there, god forbid, they said that they were shot down, then the russians did not deny that they managed to destroy it and why was it important to hit there and what did they hit with? well, actually, yesterday there was information that russian objects were being struck by our long-range drones, boris glebsk is located in the voronezh region at a distance of 300 km from our border with the russian federation, there was information about... two goals: the first is that there is an enemy aviation school there, and there was an attack, but more interesting, although probably not less important is the attack on the russian aircraft plant, there is the 115th, 111th aircraft repair plant, we analyzed on our website that this plant manufactured and repaired this
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plant, in fact, this is an aviation enterprise of the russian federation. provided the russian aviation with the fact that it repaired air-to-air missiles, c-73, r-27, r-33 and missiles of the air-to-earth class, and among these air-to-earth missiles, these guidance units for kh-22 missiles and to of kh-55 missiles, these are the missiles that are placed there, which are used by the enemy for ugu blows on ours. objects, the manager, representative of gur andrii yusov said yesterday that the industrial enterprise was given certain losses, which will affect the pace of repairs. works on the restoration of the same missiles that i spoke about earlier, so in any case we can say that the established practice of destroying the russian defense industrial structure deep in the territory
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of the enemy continues, our drones are used for this, 300 km, here such a distance that a whole line of our drones, both ours and those we make with partners, if we talk about ours, here in particular drones of the beaver and luty types have a range of up to 100 km, they are quite capable of doing this work. but, well, we paid more attention to their oil refining facilities, here and there and also the aviation center, we thought that it was mainly training pilots, but here are these missiles that are coming at us in the deep rear of the kh-55, x-22 is a legitimate military target. another interesting piece of information, can you explain it to us, because they say that we will now have a different approach to the production of our own ammunition based on demining, and here a person will say, why demining? and ammunition, can you explain? well, actually, this initiative was announced yesterday at a meeting of a number of departments there,
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which talked about the fact that the munitions that will be found during demining can be used to , er, create new munitions. actually, such an approach exists, but i believe that in this case it will actually satisfy. the minimum need of the ukrainian army, because we can really talk about it, but now we have to provide it as soon as possible the actual production of tnt, and not just tnt from the kind that can be washed from some or other ammunition that will be found in the process of demining, this is an extremely difficult and dangerous process associated with precisely those technological things that the ministry of defense announces, although separate directions, particularly for equipment, particularly where there are anti-tank mines where there are no special requirements for explosives, and the safest mines that or bombs that will be found
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can be used for this, but a secondary process, not a central process expansion of our line of ammunition production, industrial production is more important and well-established than such a sufficiently risky and not so effective line, then the logic is clear here, is it worth the gamble. candles is the main issue of the military-industrial complex during the war, you know, fresh information that in the morning, it is still just day and night in us, compare with the united states, but in the morning it became known that the urgent 138 million dollars is aid to ukraine with accessories for shelters. howk is such rockets as we are they have already seen it a long time ago, and for a certain period they even said that they were already, well, it was yesterday, but we have them, and they are here now. u.s. aid is urgently needed for them, that is, they are now being used, they are showing themselves well, that extra measures are now being taken by the u.s. to support them,
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in fact, i don’t even know whether to be happy or annoyed when we talk about the urgent decision of the state department, because in fact the issue of repairing complexes we still know about the holk, which are transmitted in ukraine, in particular, there are official data about the four complexes that we have spain reported, there can be a lot of them. there may be more, these are complex, apparently outdated from the 60s, but they are now undergoing various stages of modernization, in particular , even the turks are still armed there in the most modern version, these complexes can shoot down enemy targets some 40 kilometers in distance and 20 kilometers in height, and the main thing is that the stock of missiles for these complexes is a colossal more than 40,000, we received the first withers, and at all meetings of rampstein the question was raised about... about components, repairs and such other, in particular, the march 19 meeting in ramstein, the ukrainian side raised the issue that these
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measures should still be intensified, but now we see how the american side finally decided on the transfer of components that will speed up the repair and modernization of these air defense systems located in ukraine , or will be transferred to ukraine. the decision is positive, but it seems to me a little late. but in any case it is better than nothing, these complexes can in principle strengthen our air defense, on the 23rd last year there were cool videos where these houk complexes shoot down russian shaheds, a completely effective normal complex, it can be modernized and included in the list of these francam systems, where our enterprises, american enterprises can improve it and make it more mobile compared to the sample that is today. well, yes, if there were enough of them, then in principle the question... the danube, odesa, kherson, mykolaiv, it would be at least a certain solution to the threat from the sky, i see another one of such interesting
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moments, this... about german company rain metal is about the fact that the german government actually instructed them to transfer 20 additional marder bmps, and before that we already had a lot of them, by the way, there are so many videos about bradley, and we have a lot of good and positive things from our defenders about them heard, but there is somehow less information about the marder from our soldiers themselves, so maybe you can tell us how... it effectively changes the situation on the battlefield in comparison with russian bmps. well, bmp, bradley, marder, there is a cv-90, swedish, these are actually samples of western equipment, which are head and shoulders above the soviet ones samples, primarily with regard to the protection of personnel, because we have seen cases where both bradley and marder were
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signed in extremely difficult conditions. the enemy, even there, despite certain impressions, they still provided protection for personnel. we have bmp marder, i think more than a hundred, they have been transferred to us more than once, they are really respected by our military, because like any german equipment, it is made very well, starting from bmw, ending with bmp marder. rainmetal is a company that which is engaged in this is a repair and modernization, i think that these samples will also be handed over in a normal condition for use by our military, and i hope that this is now extremely important for the fact that our brigades are currently being updated, there the ground defense brigades are mechanized brigades, now the need for techniques are so extremely relevant, so i think that this is very timely delivery, but i still think that it would be desirable to return to the number, in particular there are not 20, but 200, and here again we mention the americans,
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because the stock... in america's bradley warehouses is colossal, and here, after all, the left part of this category of armored vehicles can be obtained from the united states, but the europeans, as we can see, do not graze the rear either and do as much as they can in their opportunities mr. serhiy, we have one more minute and we will use it effectively, we have already talked more than once about certain, as they say , irregular arrivals of ammunition, but since the shelling in three is extreme. there were already rockets in the waves, and you confirmed all these rockets is actually of fresh production, so it is interesting that one of the best missiles in russia was lost again during the launch, they are sorting it out there, well, it was when they took off from engels and now they found this missile right on the territory of russia, what is wrong with them there , that what the missiles are actually said by british intelligence, these are actually not isolated cases, because relatively speaking, we see that on the one
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hand... when these tu-95 strategic bombers fly out, they can load more than a dozen missiles there in order to , to transport them, they use three or four there, they are probably afraid to use these rockets from internal drums, in view of the various risks of emergency situations , they are used only for descents from e pylons from under the wings, but even in these cases there is a significant number when these rockets they really do not reach ukraine, they fall on the territory of the russian federation. in general, this says, well, the process that, on the one hand, there is a rush is connected with the increase in the number of production of these missiles, indeed they increased there by one and a half times compared to 22 years ago , the same x101 cruise missiles were produced, but the limitations are related to the components and probably the lack of qualified personnel in one way or another affects the cases we are talking about now. so. mr. serhiy, thank you very much for your comment, analysis and clarification. serhii
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sgurets, director of the information end. on the defense express company was with us at this hour and nine o'clock approached, this is the whole country, a minute of silence, remembers all those who died in the russian-ukrainian war. let's honor the memory with a moment of silence ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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