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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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that the relevant legislative initiatives will be from deputies, and if there is one that will unite, regarding the algorithm for the release of various representatives of a group of factions, i am sure that it can certainly be pushed through a monomajority, included in the agenda, it will not be so big , voluminous in content, like this draft law, which the verkhovna rada will start considering there today, it will concern. exclusively of the algorithm for dismissal during martial law, and its consideration may take up to a week, if the verkhovna rada has the political will to do so free will, and not hide behind conditional letters or unconditional letters, or letters dropped from the military. it is necessary to understand that society needs to speak honestly and frankly, and not hide behind conventional risks, which are trying to scare everyone and everything, including. and some of the majority's deputies
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who, unfortunately, supported this decision yesterday at the committee. mrs. iryna, let's dwell on the fate of the further bill on mobilization, the actual final vote, which was held yesterday in the committee, what's next? today it is taken out in the hall of the verkhovna rada, there will actually be consideration of each amendment separately, if i understand correctly, in the session hall? iryna friz will be back a few seconds before our conversation, we have some technical problems, well... write in the comments about how you evaluate the draft law on mobilization that was approved in the first reading and already considered by the committee and prepared for the second reading, in particular, which is normal demobilization, as we heard the position of irina frize about how it happened, in fact, why this norm was excluded from consideration, and i will remind you that it is also said that in this draft law, which was finally voted by the committee, which will be given in the second reading, registration of consular services abroad will be carried out only in the presence of a military ob'. documents
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of conscripted men, this is also one of the norms proposed in the second reading, to vote 13 votes in favor, this was the decision of the final committee on national security, defense and intelligence yesterday, and there will be a more detailed consideration already in the session hall, we are waiting for iryna friz, to discuss a few points on this draft law, and you share your thoughts in the comments, i would like to remind you that it was actually about 36 months before the last issue of demobilization, iryna friz is already in touch with us. asked mrs. iryna, what do you think the consideration of the second reading will be, during the second reading in the hall, and do we have the majority of votes today to support this bill? i think that not only the mona majority will vote there, including various representatives of groups and remnants of pozh, which are in close coordination with authorities, i don't know how many votes they have, but i think it will depend on the consideration of the bill in the hall...
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including the position of other factions, because by and large, if we are talking about preserving the future of our of the state, then the question of mobilization should not have been turned into a bug and it should not have been sabotaged, it was necessary to adopt relevant changes last year, clear, different in the understanding of the citizens with release mechanisms or clear mechanisms that will motivate, and not to evade military service during martial law and... then this issue would be resolved much faster and, accordingly, would have a positive effect on the issue of mobilization. as of today, if the turbo mode is included, conditionally speaking, in order to promptly consider it and ask for it to be adopted in the version that exists, possibly with some changes, which will be negotiated already with the leaders of the factions, directly the representatives of the monomajority, then for it can be passed by a large bill. your faction based on
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the results and recommendations of the committee are you ready to vote in this option or not ? look, our faction will be determined after the consideration of this bill in the hall. the question of mobilization is vital for the future of our nation, our state, but the question of mobilization without a clear answer to the question of dismissal, to the question of rotation, it deserves a careful approach, and therefore we will decide on the results of its consideration in the hall, if it succeeds. correct, then the fraction will be determined accordingly. mrs. iryna, one more brief conclusion: registration consular services abroad will be provided only in the presence of military registration documents. please explain, i.e. if, for example , those conscripted abroad will not have such documents, but want to use consular services there, they will not be able to do so. what will happen to such people, i don't know, deportation from abroad will await them, they will not be able to stay there legally, but actually, how is this supposed to be? well, first and foremost, that is , it will be the granting of consular documents
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services within 60 days from the entry into force of this law will take place in consular departments with simultaneous updating of data, i.e. a person, a man, of any age can come to receive consular service within these 60 days and can update his data, specify contact information , the place of residence so that the ministry of defense, the general staff have a clear understanding of how many citizens are abroad. now, according to the current legislation, both ukrainian and international, there is no fact of deportation or the mechanism of deportation of people during martial law from other countries, none. there will be no deportation, the ministry of defense is needed only for military registration. thank you for explaining, this is iryna friz, member of the committee on security, defense and intelligence, representative of european solidarity, guest of our broadcast, we were talking about the bill on mobilization, i should note that after the recommendation of the committee, it goes to the session hall, where
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certain amendments will be discussed separately and only in the second reading can the people's deputies vote with their vote approve or disapprove this bill as a whole. well, we continue. to discuss the topic, it is important, to also hear the positions of military personnel in particular. oleksandra yapchenko, the commander of the honor company of the vovka davinchu volunteer battalion, joins our broadcast at this moment. congratulations. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. oleksandr, please tell me how you and your colleagues perceived the news that the actual demobilization norm was removed from consideration yesterday during the consideration of the draft law at the committee on national security, defense and intelligence do they think about it? see, i don't think so. about some specific norm, i think about the fact that the bearers of authority, namely the verkhovna rada of ukraine, let me remind you, it is us, we, the citizens of ukraine, have delegated authority to them. why i
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emphasize this is because let's not take responsibility away from ourselves, we elected them and they did not do the job they should have done a long time ago. that's it, first of all... i take in all the news, the vast majority of news related to the law on mobilization for the last, well, probably already, since the end of last year, that's about all that was accompanied by the delay, the adoption of this draft law, i perceive it to be so, therefore discussing some single norm is out of the question. it is not fair, it is not fair to those people who have been fighting for more than a year, but now it seems to me that there are more important things, if it does not sound strange, than even
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justice in relation to me and to other fighters who are already fighting not the first year, so the more important thing is to win in... in this war, and that's why i perceive all the news related to the law on mobilization, that's why it's not the only norm a question for the deputies, the main question for the deputies, why this law has not been adopted yet, well , it must be said that here the question is not only for the deputies, but also for the government, which primarily developed this draft law, i also have a question for you, literally, then, okay, okay , you also said to the government, i agree, but first of all i say no... to be responsible for ourselves, because we elected the deputies, and the deputies have already elected the government and formed it correctly, please tell me, society also chose information about reservations for employees of circus studios, for the tv channels that participate in the production of the marathon and so on, in culture, the minister of culture explained this by saying that it will not be respected, they say this hater, there is no need to hate,
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now it is also known that they are planning to book all policemen, but in this context, in the context of the armor itself, what is your position, if you can literally just a minute of time, and the position is that if we do not demobilize from... now, we can be defeated in the war, and defeat for the war means total mobilization of everyone, and cultural workers, and police officers and all others, but then it will be a mobilization not by ukraine, but by a country that will come here as an occupier, just let's come to our senses and understand what is happening now, if we don't demobilize now, then in the end we may... lose this war, which means for us, sorry, genocide, it already happened, shamenian, mr. oleksandr, i thank you for joining in, it is very important to hear the positions of servicemen, oleksandr yavchanka, commander of the honor company of the vovka davinci volunteer battalion, about the bill on mobilization, which will go to the
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voting in the second reading, as well as on reservations for conscripts in ukraine. inga yakymenko from zhytomyr, who moved to brussels because of the great war , regularly hosts. ukrainian evening parties, where foreigners learn to cook borscht and dumplings, sing folk songs and speak ukrainian. belgians, germans, italians, turks and british. at these culinary events , they all learn ukrainian and get acquainted with... with ukraine, how it happens, i suggest you look further in the story of the radio liberty tiyak project. i invite everyone to the table. inga yakymenko from zhytomyr, who found refuge from the war in brussels, has been gathering ukrainians and foreigners to make dumplings and cook borscht for two years now. with a circle of dough in his hands. italian marko is making the first dumpling in his life, he was brought here by his beloved ukrainian woman, he says, he
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really likes such original parties. it's very different from normal parties where you just go, have a drink, listen to music. there is also a certain cultural component here, which makes it more interesting, helps us discover a lot about ukrainian culture, cuisine, and at the same time a little learn ukrainian. to learn ukrainian inga also helps through cooking, sour cream, but we say, good, this is already her habit, or by education inga is a teacher, she privately teaches ukrainian to foreigners here in brussels, at dinner parties she introduces everyone to the gastronomic dictionary of ukraine. we prepare dumplings, not dumplings, we prepare borscht, not red. soup, for example, that is, we cook ukrainian dishes, ukrainian dishes have their own
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names, and this, and we should share this too, can he say a few words in ukrainian or not every guest, good afternoon, my name is marco, i am italian, my kitten, i love you, wonderful, wonderful, journalist of one of the most influential american publications, james marson, one of inga's students, he is good ... speaks russian, and now quickly learns ukrainian, at dinner parties, not a word of english, because ingen insists that i speak only ukrainian. he asks inga to sing in ukrainian. at each party there is a separate selection of rebel songs, the essence and history of which...
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it's a bit more open and friendly atmosphere, i would say, than at other parties, i came here several times, the first time i didn't know anyone, and everyone was very interested, open, i immediately felt at home. inga organized the first dinner parties for foreigners, fellow residents of the dormitory where she lives, called ukrainian friends and cooked borscht together, more and more people wanted to join and... now it is a regular event for fifty people, registration for which
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is completed in a matter of days. party nights are actually such a mini-mini-mini example of how we can implement it in our daily life, just being somewhere abroad, it's not some kind of show of wreaths or embroidery shows, that's what we really are. every evening meal is dedicated to some ukrainian national holiday. what are our holidays about, they are about victory. life over death, good over evil, and we also bring a new meaning to the party, this is ukraine's victory, because ukraine is now fighting on the side of good. at this event, they say goodbye to winter and all the troubles it brought. inga paid straw effigy for burning. the youngest participants will quickly come up with a name for it. let's imagine that this is putin on red square. from brussels helen abramovich, radio liberty. such extraordinary
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ukrainians around the world are trying to support ukraine in every possible way, in particular, by polarizing the ukrainian language. this story is already available on all radio liberty platforms, which i suggest you subscribe to in order not to miss the most important thing. well, share this broadcast with your friends, we talked about an important topic, about the topic of mobilization and demobilization, and in particular, we heard first-hand from the representative of the specialized committee, irina friz, the details of what happened at the committee session and what to expect next, when the draft law will be considered and voted on in the second reading itself, it should take place today, and the deputies predict that by the end of the week there will be a final version and a final vote on the law. i thank you for being with us, subscribe to the platforms of radio svoboda, the morning freedom team, i wish you a peaceful day, take care of yourself and we will meet you on the air tomorrow at the traditional time of 9 am, 9:01 to be exact , here on the youtube channel of radio liberty, as well as on the air of the espresso tv channel. before meeting.
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from the ukrainian manufacturer. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together stronger welcome espresso viewers, want to have it in your pocket, subscribe to our youtube channel, it is 24x7. e day, the last, even the night, to summarize, this is a massive attack, as always by drones, 14-17 were shot down, two cruise missiles were shot down, and two ballistic missiles, explosions were heard in odesa, the strikes were on the energy structure, there are damage in the mykolaiv region and in odesa, but when we talk about all this, we must always remember that
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it is precisely these settlements that are along the front line that suffer a lot. this is also in the zaporizhzhia southern direction, we always tell what is being done at the ruins of orikhov, but in donetsk region, well, in donetsk region, we actually have in the last few days, these are the attacks that took place and the shelling of druzhkivka, kostyantynivka, krasnohorivka, slovyansk, villages zarichne and the village of sokil, these are the six settlements that are recorded by their own mass. powerful enough shelling, which we will now talk about with the acting head of the department communications of the national police in the donetsk region , pavlo dyachenko, in contact with our studio, mr. pavle, good morning, glory to ukraine, congratulations studio, glory to the heroes, and we are used to talking about the crews of the white
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angels, now you can let's paint a picture of what it looks like now in general in populated areas... frontline, during the spring offensive campaign of the russians, what does the situation look like? well, as you have already listed powerful blows, powerful blows in the cities of kostyantynivka, drushkivka, sloviansk. on in kostyantynivka , three guided air bombs were hit in the last day alone, rescuers are still searching for one hit on a residential building. er , the rubble is being dismantled, according to preliminary information, a woman and a child may be under the rubble, rescue measures were carried out yesterday and stopped because there was a possibility of repeated ones. shelling, and these measures were resumed, and now they are dismantling the rubble, looking for what happened before, they provided help to people, one
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person died as a result of this shelling, two were wounded, and they are looking for two more, mr. pavle, i'm looking at this explosion, a guided aerial bomb can do that, but it's something very powerful, it's like half a ton or a ton. yes, yes, before that, what kind of footage did you show, it was already an evening such a night strike at 9 p.m., there was a hit on kostyantynivka, also a residential building, high-rise buildings, shopping pavilions were damaged there, the church is nearby, which was also damaged, well currently information about the victims to us it did not come, fortunately, but the communal services, as you have already shown..., are eliminating the consequences of this shelling, also yesterday slovyansk was under an officer, infrastructure objects, administrative buildings were damaged and
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cluster munitions were struck, three people were injured, these people were in an open part of the area, well, as i understand it, there was no way to fight there and three people were injured, they were sent to the medical authorities, well, when they beat kostantinivka druzhkivka. or in slavic, it means that these are deliberate strikes, these are not ordinary flights, because they are not right next to the contact line, that is, it is a targeted shelling, yes, of course, you are right, it is just a targeted shelling and the destruction, well, only of residential buildings and the injury of civilians, and unfortunately, very unfortunately, the statement that what are the casualties as a result of these... powerful strikes, where are your brothers and sisters mainly going now, i am talking about the white angels, where are they trying to evacuate and
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help? these are toretsk, krasnohorivka, the settlements of the lyman community, the ochereten community, and so on in recent days the boys are actively engaged in evacuation from the okheretinsky direction. it is a big shelter, that is, all these points are inhabited, they are not variable, but the pace of evacuation depends on the density of shelling, that is, if the situation worsens, or is critical at all, then people really understand this danger, the possibility of getting injured, and in the extreme in case of death, they call, if there is no connection, they pass it through other people, and here are the guys, girls... and they go to help, unfortunately, now you are showing the footage, it was the policemen from korakhivskyi who were working
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direction, they provided help to people, but there were also dead people, unfortunately, we cannot publish this on social networks or on video hosting, video resources, because it can be blocked, but - well, there were still dead people, and those... the consequences and the situation when the guys come and look at these torn, torn human bodies, well, it is extremely terrible, ugh, this is actually the situation with korahovo, that is, there is shelling, the bilangolas are driving, but the shelling can continue, then i read on the page itself, here, well, there is no armored protection, that is, it has to be like this just like... who is helped to sit through these shellings or what? well, it happens that the vehicle is, of course, armored, that is
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, for movement, for movement, well, armored as much as possible, that is, in these conditions, yes, in which the crews of white angels work, but upon arrival at the place, well, it is always necessary, this such a stage, if it is done very quickly, is still a planning stage, i.e.... everyone who arrives already understands where what is, and even when you are in the area, you are already looking around, looking for a place to hide, that is, if there is a possibility of shelling, to take cover somewhere, even in the process of helping the wounded, but the military constantly tells us that the sky is simply teeming, there are various drones and uavs hanging at different heights all the time, that is, in this case, how do you, well, you, if you go... there is a hunt do you have any slaves on your cars, do you have to find some other ways to save the crew
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in different ways. in different ways, let's not mention them like this, in what way, but they are trying to avoid this in different ways, well, the situation in avdiivka, which was in guys, well, it was probably in january, if so, i can't tell you specifically, but it was probably in january, they came to help, received information that a woman was injured, came to help, entered a house, a private house. they began to help this woman, they heard an explosion, but realized that it was nearby, and when they went outside, they carried this woman out, they saw a tear near the car, that is, purposefully, they saw that the car was parked and tried to destroy it, they were probably waiting for them to come out guys, but oh well the charge cannot last long, and we decided to drop this ammunition, the vehicle was slightly damaged there and the guys
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still took the woman to a medical... institution, we remember how you used to join us directly from avdiivka street, and now there are well, there are such versions that the yar can actually repeat the avdiiv story of the time, what do you say about those people who, because they tell us where about seven hundred inhabitants of the temporary ravine refuse to leave in one way or another. this is the same as in avdiivka, until the last cartridge, until last explosion, how to explain? well, probably, people, here, it’s like that, you know, during the full-scale invasion, such an understanding of the people has already been worked out, and i am their position that, well, it seems that you can sit, here every ether, every... that
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communication for one thing, you state that people do not fully perceive this extremely, extremely significant danger that awaits them there, and here you come, communicate, and well, well, you can still sit, and well, you can still stay, and as a final result, then groups also come after such people and take them away already traumatized. and to the question later, which you ask, well, what was the point of sitting? well, we did not think that this could happen. and i, to what extent now does yarb resemble avdiivka from the point of view of destruction? well, yarb has been destroyed quite significantly, and it is already, it has been under attack for quite a long time, that is , the front edge, if we take into account the direction of bakhmut, there is a private sector, and...
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there is such a building, a multi-story canal, already enough it has been broken for a long time, we worked there with the bahamud guys, we took out the dead and wounded, they were already left there quite a few in this area, well, it is conventionally called the canal area, and still people were there, but we came, a man is lying on the ground, he has almost no head, the neighbors there covered him with such a small handkerchief, and we come to take him to grandmothers, we are addressing them, well, what about you, why are you sitting, well, well, we will stay for a while longer, and we will explain to them that, well, you understand that a time may come when we will not be able to come already, and that then, well, these are paradoxes, mr. pavle, that's how many of these stories you have listened, we cannot understand this
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paradox until... for your service, thank you for being with us, pavlo dyachenko, temporarily acting as the head of the communications department of the national police in the donetsk region , about this situation, and you followed the news espresso team and khrystyna parobits will now tell us about how in crimea some russian-fascist occupiers boarded a helicopter, flew, and it turned out that... they had to play the song oneway ticket in one direction. thank you roman. the russians lost another k-27 helicopter. here are all the details i will tell you in the release, as well as about other losses of the enemy, wait a moment.


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