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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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united by football, stronger together. we summarize the informational morning in ukraine on espresso news broadcast, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the bodies of a 12-year-old boy and his mother were pulled from the rubble of a house in kostyantynivka, donetsk region. a 43-year-old woman and her son were killed by an aerial bomb dropped by the russians the previous evening. after extinguishing the fire, rescuers found the body of a 60-year-old resident. but the other two victims were able to get under the ruins only in the morning. two more. people are injured, the two-story building is partially occupied
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destroyed, the state emergency service reported. russian terrorists dropped three cabs on the city. as a result of the attack , 10 apartment buildings and 27 private buildings were damaged. an educational institution, a temple, four shops and eight trade pavilions. new details about the liquidated russian rotorcraft. the ship's multipurpose k-27 helicopter was destroyed in the chornomorsk region. in the occupied crimea. it happened at dawn, dmytro pletenchuk, the spokesman for the naval forces of the ukrainian armed forces, said. the fate of the crew is still unknown, but the russian public is already actively expressing sympathy for them. from the available information , we can say that there was an explosion of this car in the air. the reasons have not yet been established, at least i do not have any verified information about it yet. to date
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, the search operation continued, other helicopters were involved, the raptor boat was involved, there is still no information about the fate of the crew, all this happened not far from chornomorskyi. in mykolaiv, there is a large-scale emergency power outage, consumers across the city are without power, - reports mykolaiv oblenergo. the reasons are not specified. i will remind you that the russians hit the object at night. critical infrastructure in the region, a fire started as a result of the impact. but in kharkiv , they plan to reduce the blackout period by almost half, energy engineers have increased the technical capacity of the networks for supplying electricity to the city, - said the chairman of the board of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi. currently, residents do not have electricity for 6-8 hours a day, but the situation is promised to improve. let me remind you that kharkiv was destroyed due to russian attacks. the main ones
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the city's energy facilities are on blackout schedules since march 25. a child was injured by a cartridge in the village of novoraysk in the kherson region, a ten-year-old boy was playing and an explosive object detonated in his hands. the child has broken fingers and hands. another person was injured in the region as a result of russian shelling. during the day , the aggressor attacked 15 towns and villages of the region. enemy shells in... hit the point of invincibility, cellular towers, a shop and a private car. seven private houses were damaged, the head noted region oleksandr prokudin. and we have a new collection of walkie-talkies and armor plates needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is 720 uah: let's not delay, the war
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continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. tried to escape. the security service of ukraine detained a collaborator, a former deputy party of regions. in 2020, he worked in the city council of bakhmut. after the occupation of part of the region, the official supported the enemy. in particular , he gave the russian special services full access to the database of his company's internet provider to control the local population. the deputy himself moved to the controlled territory of ukraine. the company was managed remotely, and taxes were paid by refia. subsequently, the 60-year-old attacker decided to leave the country as a person of non-conscription age. the figure was detained near the border checkpoint at odeshchina strikes on russian oil
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refineries, us defense secretary lloyd austin said that attacks on such facilities could affect global energy markets, austin was quoted by the bloomberg news agency. the us secretary of defense urged ukraine to focus on tactical and operational objectives on the battlefield. this statement was criticized by republicans. they accused the white house of obstructing ukraine's effective actions to prevent gas prices from rising in an election year. at the same time, lloyd austin again called on congress to approve additional military aid ukraine. according to him, the increase in defense production will provide new jobs for americans. meanwhile, the united states of america has no evidence of direct military aid to russia from china, the national security adviser to the us president, jake sullivan, said. at the same time, the white house is concerned about the cooperation between beijing and moscow.
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probably, the prc is helping to strengthen the military-industrial base of the russian federation, which will allow russia to independently provide its army in the future. sullivan recalled that about this last week in europe. the state secretary also spoke anthony blinken. robotic surgery is no longer a fantasy, but a reality. the american davinci machine makes it possible to reduce the patient's recovery time and reduce the risk of infection and blood loss. our correspondents will tell how doctors operate side by side with robots. lyubov prokopenko from cherkasy region. the woman had achalasia. hiking, this ailment prevents swallowing and causes discomfort in the stomach. cherkasy doctors could not cure a rare disease, so love turned to lviv specialists. in october 2023, the patient was operated on with the help of a robot surgeon and others.
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the operation took place, i didn't even have time to feel all that fear, there was some kind of preparation, everything was very quick, well, the operation was also quick, there was recovery. in general, very, very cool, everything went easily and recovered, now exactly 5 months have passed, and i already feel very well, for the first time in ukraine, robotic surgery was performed in 2019, the da vinci machine was purchased by the vinnytsia private clinic, thanks to which the work can be carried out surgical interventions that will not help a person with alone these operations are less traumatic, with less blood loss. less tissue damage, more advantages in terms of the surgery itself, in terms of patient safety, both oncological safety and general safety, and the results are very comforting to us in that the patient is rehabilitated faster after such operations and can
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go home faster, that's great. the davinci medical device has four years to which the instruments are attached. the operation is performed by a surgeon who controls the robot through the control panel, the doctor has a special 3d camera inserted into the patient's body. robotic system dvynchy consists of three main components: the surgeon's console, where the surgeon is during the operation, the patient's console, which is located near the operating table, and the console that connects the information to the display on the screen. learning on the devinch robotic system takes some time. at first it is a learning curve from 20 to 50 operations on... simulators. in the first medical association of lviv , surgeons operate with the help of robots on adult patients since 2020. in february of this year, benefactors presented medics with a devince c device, which is used for children's operations. at the beginning of the era of robotic surgery in our clinic, we performed 42
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operations on children. at first, it was children, teenagers, older children, this is due to our learning curve. we had to. well, in one word, to improve, to learn, and after overcoming this learning curve, we began to qualify smaller children for surgical intervention, and the youngest child operated on in our clinic is 9 months old. surgeons call robotic operations a breakthrough in domestic medicine, in the first medical association of lviv they plan to operate newborn children with developmental disabilities. the number of such patients will increase, which will lead to high-quality care. and, accordingly, good, good clinical effect. robotic surgery in ukraine, it only has its installation. in ukraine, there are only five robot surgeons of the ninth grade, in lviv, vinnytsia and dnipro. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar,
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espresso tv channel. i say goodbye to you, until tomorrow, stay with us. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, our victory, today in the program. ships are burning and aircraft factories are exploding. the kremlin is trying to discredit the successful strikes of ukrainian drones. do russian games on zas pose a nuclear threat? scenario of the global summit. lavrov left. in beijing, while switzerland is preparing to announce the date and place of the peace forum, will
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china participate? revenge by subpoena, tck employees are used in the interests of the authorities, as mobilization becomes an important factor ukrainian politics. over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, the diplomat, the former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine pavlo klimkin, the military expert ivan stopak, and others. political commentator ihor reiterovych. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, iryna gerashchenko, solomiya bobrovska and mykhailo tsimbalyuk. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of how ukrainians scouts attacked the aircraft factory with drones. the main production facilities of the enterprise were previously affected, i... it was, let's see,
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you saw it first, oh. glory to the defense forces of ukraine and the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine. friends, during this broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you today about the following: do you consider the channels of the united telethon to be strategic for... the economy and security of the state, yes, no, please vote on youtube, or yes or no, write
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please your comments under this video, it the question is related to the fact that the employees or employees of the channels of the united telethon are reserved from mobilization, that is why we ask if they are strategic for the economy and security of the state, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if do you think that the channels of the single telethon are... strategic for the economy and security of the state 0800 211381 no 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we have ours on the line the first guest is pavlo klimkin, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014-19, co-founder of the center for national stability and development. mr. pavle, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. greetings, mr. sergey, always happy to be with you and your audience. mr. pavle, let's start with
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the global peace summit, which is planned in switzerland. bloomberg already writes that, citing officials familiar with the matter, that this summit may take place on june 15, 16-17, although right now no one can accurately name the number of world leaders states, they are talking about a hundred of these leaders, and the question now is whether china will take part in this summit or not, lavrov is flying to sydzenpynya, scholz is flying to sydnypynya, and well, we will talk about that a little later, but should ukrainians hope for this global peace summit, what might its results be? well, of course, when we collect sunset and non-sunset. this is a unique format, in my opinion, the very holding of the summit already has its cost,
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of course, and it is very important for us that this dialogue, west-non-west, takes place in relation to for us, because the only other format is the big 20, it's limited, we're certainly not going to get some... very hard line, because you've seen the countries of the non-western world, sometimes called the global south, how they've reacted to... for example on putin's elections in general and on the elections for the occupied territories, in particular, in fact they tried to sweat, someone mentioned it somewhere, someone did not even mention it, but the very fact that once again the west and the non-west can be gathered on one site in switzerland, it
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really matters to me if it works in the future? we have to look at getting this format, because a number of non-western countries, they emphasize that the russian regime needs to be involved there, and without it it is really difficult to talk further, and even some of them say that at some point it does not make sense, but nevertheless such , such a start, in the end after... meetings there at the level of advisers on national security and foreign policy, to raise it to a political level, in itself, it makes sense to me, whether we agree on some superpower declaration for according to the results of the summit, of course i would like
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but if she was, she will be, or rather, she was not. somewhat moderate, but this format can then be used to put pressure on russia, it’s already cool, you mentioned, in the near future there will be frantic foreign political activity, including scholz, who will go to china in the next few days, and then xii will go to europe, in particular to france, it will be a critical story, i think that... after her inauguration, if i'm not mistaken, she will go to beijing on may 7th, definitely and very quickly, then jordan will be there in washington on may 9th, so in in the next plus or minus 3-4 weeks, we are expecting a real surge of activity, and it is very important
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that this activity be, well, if you like... in technical language, embedded in the preparation for this summit. bloomberg writes that the allies of ukraine consider the presence of chinese representatives important for the success of this meeting, you have already mentioned that scholz is flying there, and that sydzenpin is flying, although he is flying to france for the anniversary with the anniversary greetings to macron. if i'm not mistaken, there have been 60 years of relations between china and e france, but everyone is talking about the fact that china has influence on russia, despite the fact that lavrov himself says that in principle russia is satisfied with the formula, or the chinese peace formula, with regard to
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ukraine, it is optimal, spokeswoman for the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china maoning. stated that china supports peace negotiations between russia and ukraine on equal terms. let's listen to a small fragment. the minister of foreign affairs, wang yi, noted that china's fundamental position on the ukrainian issue is the four obligations proposed by president xi jinping, who hopes for a quick ceasefire. china supports the convening of an international peace conference, which is recognized by both russia and ukraine. where all parties will be able to participate on equal and fair terms to discuss all peace plans, that is , beijing wants russia to be in switzerland at this global summit on equal terms, and the president of switzerland spoke about this at the time, which only zelensky started negotiations with the swiss, prior to the holding of this summit, she spoke about
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the fact that it is necessary for the russians to be at this summit after all, or can it be assumed that china will be at... this summit without this equality, as they say that there will be no equality of conditions when ukraine and russia are there, it is possible, maybe they will make some reservations there, maybe they will be present there one notch less, that is, there is its nuances, but i do not rule out that china will go there, the chinese position is very simple... and there is no peace plan there, it consists in ceasing fire and sitting down and talking, if you sit down, we will. if we can help you in this, but this logic does not there is no difference between russia, which is an aggressor according to
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all principles of international law, china does not call on russia, in fact, to leave the territory of another state, namely ukraine, and the chinese logic is simple enough: sit down, stop... agree on something, and we will help you , you can, you can, you can't, but if you don't agree on what we can help you with, the chinese are also willing to see what they can do in critical sectoral areas, for example, nuclear safety, i mean of course the safety of nuclear reactors, although , how are you remember, the chinese say... that the use of nuclear weapons cannot be the first under any conditions, and this was very clearly and very consistently
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said, i do not think that the chinese have any critical limit of influence on the kremlin. yes, of course, they help them a lot, economically, they fundamentally depend on vehicles, everstats, up to micros. everything that is possible there is all coming from china or through china, whether china will be able to show putin what to do, i have a very big doubt about this, and plus there are certain relations between xi and putin, on some personal level, they have met a lot, and they both see the world through the prism of strategic weighing, the case of china, in the case of russia, the confrontation with the west, that is, if we speak in beijing, they have the first question, and how it will affect
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our relations strategically by the united states, so it is not that china has any special sympathy there or is friendly with russia today, but they will continue to use them, and they think that is normal. the logic is geopolitical, that's why they and will continue to insist on their approach, and i do not see how in the near future, at least, unless the situation or conditions change, china will change its approach. well, by the way, matthew miller, the spokesman for the state department of the united states of america, confirmed that secretary of state anthony blinkin, in conversations with allies, expressed concern about the nature of cooperation between china and russia, that ... the ability of the russian military-industrial complex to continue to supply the russian army. let's listen to matthew miller. we have seen in recent
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months that china is helping russia to rebuild its industrial base. in essence, they have begun to replace the trade with european partners that ceased after the invasion of ukraine and fell under sanctions and help supply components that increase russia's ability to attack ukraine. we know that xi jinping met with biden at the forum just before, well, almost before the new year, it seems in november, and apparently there they talked about russia and ukraine, and it is clear that the chinese have their own interests, there are no eternal enemies, china always has eternal interests so it was, and yet, can the united states of america encourage xi jinping to be more, let's say, more demanding of putin, because we see that china
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is influencing russia when the russians are starting to say, we will now get nuclear weapons, it seems to me that the chinese factor is almost the most important, it seems to me that it is even more important than the american one, maybe i am wrong, but the chinese are still restraining putin with these calls of his, that we will now... strike with tactical weapons, we will strike with strategic weapons we will get nuclear weapons, or am i mistaken, that the united states of america still lacks a little bit of arguments for, are you mistaken, after the november meeting in san francisco, which you are talking about, just a few days ago, a long, well, how long international by such standards, for quite a long time, almost two. the one-hour conversation between biden and xi, we know that they talked about ukraine in the way official reports sound, there
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they are enough. neatly, i would say, even smudged about what they are said, but it is not profitable for china to raise the stakes with the united states, but nevertheless, as i have already said many times, it is not profitable for china for russia to both win and lose, it is profitable for them for russia to gain its weakness, but keep it. preserved in the sense that china can use it, and as you said, china is balancing its interests here, the fact that the americans can influence the chinese, yes, but this influence is quite limited, they cannot say: "siya, let's not supply more chips which are used in the russian military industry, that is , of course they can impose sanctions on, well
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, but then they will have to impose sanctions on the entire chinese economy, and then the question arises of how china's trade with the world will be carried out, and it is 700 + billion with states and 900 plus with europe, that is, such key, i would say, fundamental interests of the west are being squeezed here, and the west is also balancing, like a tightrope walker, trying to maintain... a very, very difficult balance, here trump is also trolling biden and saying: well i will add a drive there and i will add to the tightening of relations with china, so this is really not an easy moment for the americans, well, again, the influence of the americans is 100% not such that you can point a finger at something and forbid the chinese from it, although the americans have recently started to hit. ..
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to the companies that bypass the sanctions, but these are completely isolated cases so far, there is no systematicity here, although at the same time the americans should be given credit, in the last 3-4 months they screwed up, screwed up the nuts in the middle east, the fact that they did not did all this time, they crashed several schemes that operated from the sale of lviv's russian oil. not only oil, in particular through dubai, they squeezed the turks there, squeezed, squeezed the indians a little bit, but with the chinese it is of course more difficult, and we know very well how much russia has avoided sanctions, but according to our friends, the absolute dominant number the chip that is currently used by russia, including military equipment, is made by china. well, the entire
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russian military machine is owned by the chinese, i am not saying that everything is chinese, but nevertheless it would not work without the support of the chinese. mr. pavle, against this backdrop, british foreign minister david cameron is flying to the united states of america and plans to meet there with trump, secretary of state blinken, and will also address lawmakers in congress with a request to pass an aid package. ukraine. the white house has already accused the congress of inaction on the issue of aid to ukraine. this statement was made by the spokeswoman of the administration of the president of the united states of america, karin jean-pierre. let's listen what she said so, the people of ukraine are fighting for their freedom. we have to get that national security addendum. that's what will happen, we have to do our part. we are obliged to do this part and what we
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have been observing for the last few years. several months, it is that ukraine is losing ground on the battlefield, and this is due to the inaction of the congress, - said karin janiere. this week should be, if not decisive, at least symbolic for our aid, which has aid to ukraine from the americans. 61 billion dollars for horse what do you think, will cameron have enough arguments, not only cameron, eh? other world leaders in order to convince the american congress that ukraine needs help, because it concerns the whole world, not only ukrainians. i think david has already met, or i'm wrong, i saw somewhere on twitter, if not, then i think he is meeting today. will he be able to convince anyone? i am somewhat skeptical about this, he knows how to
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convince quite well, he has. it turns out, well, although, as you know.


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