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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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the most important thing to tell us is, iro, we welcome you, we give you the floor, and we ask you to tell us what this issue will be about. thank you marta, well, in just a moment i will tell you the most important information, in donetsk region and kharkiv region, children died as a result of enemy shelling, large-scale emergency shutdowns in the south of our country and explosions in the north of italy. you will learn more about everything in the release. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i congratulate all viewers and just now to the most important ones events the terror of kharkiv region continues. a 14-year-old girl was killed by russians in the village of liptsi.
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a 16-year-old boy and a 33-year-old woman were also injured there. a pharmacy and a shop were on fire. the occupiers also hit vovchansk with two guided aerial bombs. they destroyed the polyclinic there. as of now, we know of one victim, reports the head of the region oleg sinigubov. emergency services are working everywhere at the places of hits. and the bodies of a 12-year-old boy and his mother were discovered under the rubble of a house in kostyantynivka, donetsk region. a 4-year-old woman and her son died from being hit russian aerial bomb. after extinguishing the fire , rescuers also found another victim , a 60-year-old man. two people are injured. the two-story building itself is partially destroyed. i should note that putin's terrorists dropped three cabs on the city. as a result of the attack, 10 apartment buildings and 27 private houses, an educational institution, a temple, four shops and eight trade pavilions were damaged. for the second time in a day
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, the russians attacked the transport and logistics infrastructure in odesa region, as reported by the south's defense forces, firing missiles from the occupied crimea. information about there are no victims. the scale of the destruction is currently being investigated. on the same object, the invaders struck at dawn. two workers were injured. and large-scale emergency shutdowns in the south of the country due to damage to oblenergo networks cut off power in some cities and villages in kherson region and mykolaiv region. they continue there. restoration works. in the morning, muscovites attacked energy facilities in the southern regions, damaged equipment at one of ukrenergo's substations. mykolaiv and almost half of the region remained without power. there is also no light in kherson district. according to the head of the region, oleksandr prokudin, energy companies are gradually repairing the networks. espresso tv channel has started a new collection of walkie-talkies and armor plates. the intelligence unit of the third is needed. regiment of special operations forces. in
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the hot eastern direction, they fight hard for our independence. thanks to these brave warriors, we can live, work and learn. and in order to somehow thank you, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - uah 720,000. but every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. join in, everyone you see the details on the screen. earn money in the war. the security service of ukraine detained two men who wanted to take targeting systems for combat aircraft out of ukraine. in kropyvnytskyi, a local resident tried to sell to the eu, equipping mig-29 fighter guidance systems, in poltava oblast , the criminal was going to ship abroad, equipping mi-24 attack helicopters and k-27 helicopter gunships. he was looking for clients through internet ads on international, both were informed of suspicion.
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ex-people's deputy from opzh was captured in donetsk region. by according to the information of the security service of ukraine, he was a member of the network of fsb informants, which the ukrainian special service exposed a year ago in march. four of his accomplices were then detained. the perpetrators gave the enemy the geolocation of fortified areas and checkpoints of the armed forces of ukraine. location was also tracked. railway stations, where weapons are unloaded, after russian airstrikes reported to the enemy about the consequences of the hits. the detained deputy is in custody, he faces up to 15 years in prison. russian oligarchs, petro avin and mykhailo friedman won a court case against the eu on sanctions, but still remains under restrictions. this is stated in the message on the website of the judicial institution. earlier, the european union sanctioned two
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shareholders of alfa bank due to their connections with other sanctioned persons guilty of russian aggression against ukraine, as well as due to their connections with the head of the kremlin, putin. according to the eu council, aven and friedman could finance actions that threaten the territorial integrity of ukraine. uah 80,000 per trip, seven evaders tried to get to moldova, reported to the state border service law enforcement officers found violators in odesa region, five were detained immediately, two more tried to escape by another route, a service dog helped to find them. at least three people died as a result of an explosion at a hydroelectric power plant in northern italy, as reported by the reuters agency. the tragedy occurred on the ninth level underground during work on the turbines. several people are still trapped in the accident area.
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the premises began to flood there. a hundred rescuers are working on the spot. the company that owns the station, stated that there were no traces, damage to the dam. energy production has been stopped for now. switzerland allocated 5 billion euros for the reconstruction of ukraine, these funds will be gradually provided until 2035, and about 1.5 billion euros will be allocated by 2028, the press service of the swiss government reported. in this way, the country sends a powerful signal of solidarity with the victims and makes its contribution to ensuring stability throughout europe, they noted. robotic surgery is no longer a fantasy, but a reality. davinci's american apparatus allows shorten the patient's recovery time and reduce the risk of infection and blood loss. our correspondents will tell how doctors operate side by side with robots. lyubov prokopenko from
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cherkasy region. the woman had achalasia from the gastrointestinal tract. this ailment prevents swallowing and causes discomfort in the stomach. cherkasy doctors could not. could cure a rare disease, so love turned to lviv specialists. in october 2023 , the patient was operated on with the help of the robotic surgeon davinshi. the operation was over, i didn't even have time to feel all that fear, there was some kind of preparation, everything went very quickly, well , the operation also went quickly, recovery was generally very, very cool, everything went easily and recovered, now. it has been exactly 5 months and i am already feeling very well. for the first time in ukraine, a robotic operation was performed in 2019, the davinci machine was purchased by the vinnytsia private clinic. thanks to this work, it is possible to carry out surgical interventions that are beyond the power of a person
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on their own. these operations are less traumatic, less blood loss, less tissue damage, greater advantages in terms of self. in the plan patient safety, both oncological safety and safety in general, and the results are very comforting to us in that the patient is rehabilitated faster after such operations and can go home faster, that's great. the davinci medical device has four years to which the instruments are attached. the operation is performed by a surgeon who controls the robot through the control panel, the doctor's eyes, a special 3d camera inserted into the patient's body, a robotic system. consists of three main components: the surgeon's console, where the surgeon is during the operation, the patient's console, which is located near the operating table and the console, which connects information with the output on the screen. training on the ninth robotic system takes some time. initially, there is
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a learning curve from 20 to 50 simulator operations. in the first medical association of lviv , surgeons operate with the help of robots, an adult. patients since 2020, in february of this year, benefactors presented doctors with a devinch device, which is used for children's operations. since the beginning of the era of robotic surgery in our clinic, we have performed 42 operations on children. at first it was children teenagers, older children, this is related to our learning curve, we had to, well, in one word, improve, learn, and after overcoming this learning curve, we started. to qualify smaller children for surgery, and the youngest child operated on in our clinic is 9 months old. surgeons call robotic operations a breakthrough in domestic medicine. in the first medical association of lviv, they plan to operate on newborn children with developmental disabilities.
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the number of such patients will increase, leading to high quality provision help and, accordingly, a good, good clinical effect. robotic chi'. in ukraine, it has only its installation. there are only five robot surgeons in ukraine, and others in lviv, vinnytsia and dnipro. kateryna oliyna. colleague palyamar, tv channel espresso. such were the news at that time. we'll see you at 4 p.m. my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and vasyl zama continue the broadcast. well, we continue to inform you about the most important things, and once... together with our guests, we analyze the things that are happening around us, and there are a lot of events today, in particular
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there are certain statements, already regarding the visit of the foreign secretary of great britain, who a few days ago had the opportunity to talk with donald trump, the republican who will most likely run in the presidential elections in november, and zagardian writes that cameron's attempt to convince trump, unblock aid to ukraine failed, more. we will talk about international geopolitical schedules with ruslan osypenko, a diplomat and international expert, who will join us any minute, is already from we, mr. ruslan, welcome you to espresso, glory to ukraine. heroine glory, congratulations. well, let's start with cameron and his attempts to convince both trump and the republicans to unblock the consideration of aid for ukraine. the guardian writes that cameron's attempt failed, but... to be honest, it was probably predicted that there would not be any super results, on the other
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hand, we understand that now certain diplomatic troops will be flying back and forth to washington in order to , in order to somehow strengthen its influence on the decision of the republicans and trump, how do you generally evaluate the attempts to convince trump and the republicans, will it still be possible to push through? i think it's better to save money on tickets. but it still won't happen, well, it means not to fly to the united states of america, they save money on tickets, because there will be no result, i think that this is trump's strategy to delay aid to ukraine in order to give putin a window of opportunity, and to force ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table there and sign the capitulation, in fact, they do they coordinate among themselves, among themselves, actions and... well , you can cite facts, why, why do i draw such conclusions, but they are already in the open
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press, these facts, that there is an exchange of interests, putin is helping trump, er, take the place of the president of the united states of america, and trump is helping putin in his fight against ukraine and the west. and can we talk about the fact that, well, we have always thought that the united states of america is not only politicians, it is... a certain financial and political lobby, these are such serious families, let's say, financial and political with great traditions, who significantly influence politics, who finance certain parties for a long time, this is a big business that fills budgets, and somehow it turns out so strange that they do not have pressure and influence and opportunities, or there are no people who care about the interests of the united states of america as a state, because yes... it turns out that we, the states, find ourselves hostage to one person or a group of people
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headed by trump, and actually play along, if we proceed from this logic, to the aggressor country that attacked an independent state, violated all international rules and today is trying to solve its territorial issues by the right of force, well, now i can say a very unpopular thing, in my opinion, well, this is my conclusion, that the united states... of america is showing such signs of the disease of american democracy that it has begun to get sick , and we will see if they will be able to recover after the appointment of a new president there after the inauguration, but the fact that they have a polarized society horizontally, that there is a vertical gap between the government and society, look at the discussions ethnic confrontations are also taking place there. and religious and many other things, and now trump's personal interests are placed above
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the national interests of the united states of america, when this was possible in the united states of america, so that the personal interests of even a candidate for the presidency were higher than the national interests of the united states of america, so i say that these are signs of the disease of american democracy, or when the americans said that do not hit the oil refineries, because our gasoline will rise, it is a priceless thing, when you the price of gasoline is higher for you. than the price of human blood paid for your values, democratic ukrainians, well, it's a priceless thing, you mentioned this statement, and by the way, i have to say here that it's not just some... anonymous officials in the united states , who are sitting in washington talking about it, and somewhere some western media write about it, and then they have to deny or confirm it, and some such, you know, there are no specifics, but here are specifics on the full program, because the secretary of defense of the united states, lloyd austin already said directly about this that they do not want us to hit their, russian refineries, because it will affect the global energy
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markets and advised us to hit military targets anyway, but we understand that oil is is essentially the blood of russia, yes, because it is nafta that gives them the opportunity to finance the war, and actually all these military goals, they are essentially already an auxiliary factor, the main factor is resources, it is precisely the minerals that russia has, and here , all this leads me to think that somewhere , you know, a plus-minus picture is emerging of how the world has this war, this conflict. how, for example, many people say, they already know how to decide, yes, that is, we already see somewhere that some spheres of influence will be divided, our president says that without the help of the united states, ukraine will not be able to win, and that too it's strange, because we leave, completely remove ourselves from the problem, we talk about the fact that it is not in our power to solve something now, well, then it turns out, what is
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all this for, i think you are right. in terms of the fact that masks are now being lost, removed, masks are thrown off, everyone, even our partners, it turns out that trade with russia and dependence on russia for gasoline, for oil, and russia, let me remind you, is 10% of the world market for crude oil, and petroleum products, there also occupy a large part, plus in addition, the united states was unable, together with the europeans, to impose sanctions on ... the atom, because it turned out that the united states is buying rosatom fuel and is not going to get rid of this dependence on russia by the 28th year, plus, europe 20 % of new power units, there are 21 power units, which is being built, 13 of them are being built either directly by russian companies or through
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intermediary firms, czech and others, in nato countries, and this is about nuclear technology. technology, then i have a question, did the west have a plan to win over russia, or will the west negotiate after all, because it saw how dependent it was on russia, and it was putin who knew that the west was dependent, he completely wanted it to be event dependent, remember the energy strategy of his gazprom, when gazprom wanted to reach end consumers, bypassing even operators, national european operators, he wanted to reach european consumers. which affect the prices for how much you paid there for a check for an apartment, let's say, for heating an apartment, that is, moscow would completely control the energy market of europe, and germany went for it, even despite the fact that ukraine was losing transit opportunities, billions to the budget,
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lost and found itself under attack, under attack from russia, because russia's investment is huge. in gas and oil pipelines that were laid through ukraine, no longer played any role, no it was necessary to protect this investment, if nord stream one, nord stream two, blue stream and turkish stream appeared, all the issues with this infrastructure would be solved, it would be at the price of iron, this is not an investment that should be protected and not it was possible to attack ukraine, and despite this, germany continued its cooperation with russia on the one hand and persuaded. the united states of america, so that they do not force them to disconnect from cheap russian fuel, and on the other hand, in 2008 in bucharest they said that we do not let's join nato, you still have to bend down and sit down a little and reach certain criteria there, and then we can consider your issue there somewhere in 2030, as scholz told moscow when it started the war, and why did you
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start the war, we they were not going to ask questions about ukraine's nato membership until 2030, that is, they also threw off the mask of what their plans were, and now germany does not want us to join nato together with the united states of america, so do not be surprised, this is a realpolitik , she is very cynical, has interests economic, political, politicians want to be re-elected, and for this they need economic stability, and economic stability was provided by cheap russian energy carriers and heating fuel hell for nuclear plants, today these nuclear plants, which were built in soviet times in the countries of central eastern europe . which are members of nato and members of the european union, russian fuel is supplied there, software for the computers that serve these stations, and all this depends on russia. plus they depend on enriched uranium, which russia and on and the removal of spent nuclear fuel, because it is stored in russia, this is the fuel, it must also
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be unloaded somewhere, and if you do not have a repository, then you need to spend billions of money there and place this repository somewhere with these harmful spent residues, and that's how they give everything to russia, everything suits everyone, and then ukraine appeared on... was drawn on the map, which says: and we are a subject, we have our own borders, we have our own state, so they wanted to agree that we did not see how they thought at all for the first six months or a year to agree and return with russia and return to business as usual, we all saw it, after two years they simply understood that russia was not going to stop at ukraine, that it would move, take moldova there one by one, then go to the baltic countries, realizing that the west is retreating, that the west is weak, that it is giving in... that it is not ready to fight, neither the population is ready, nor the army, nor the military-industrial complex, because a million shells cannot, well, be delivered to ukraine, i promise year, in a year a million
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shells, three almost 30 members of the european no can do, that is, their industry cannot provide the million shells that were promised, well, what are we talking about, that is why they will press, that is why the kremlin will press and press its own strategy, it has already succeeded, it has succeeded in... look, the erosion of euro-atlantic solidarity has already yes, the states actually went into isolation in this political discussion in europe, europe realized that the states cannot protect them, they cannot cover them with a security umbrella, they began to develop their military-industrial complex, which means that a new center of power is emerging, won't be anymore in solidarity, the united states is one power center, and if a new european power center appears, sooner or later it will compete with the american and other power centers. exactly what putin was after, a multipolar world, but in fact you get a multipolar world, you know, like in the story about mowgli, when akela failed, a young heavyweight took his place, and actually
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the united states of america must understand very well , that their livelihoods and the markets they own are only because they demonstrated strength and leadership when you didn't if you show strength and lose leadership, then your places are immediately taken, this is also simply a price policy, and they can, by behaving price-wise in relation to ukraine today, make a living, because again , big earnings, big markets, technologies , and all the other things, production outside the us, it's only because you are respected, your strength is respected, and if they see that and you are not strong, it turns out that you do not keep your word, you are not leaders, you are not allies, your promises are worthless, well, you can lose them very quickly markets, and therefore a full and satisfied life, i think that this should also be thought about in the states, in the world there are many willing to take the position of leaders, as we see it, in fact. the fall of america will begin if, if they allow ukraine to lose the war, that will begin the fall of america's hegemony in the world, well yes,
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because this is the third line of defense, they left afghanistan, they left iraq, and this is the third line of defense, now they quarrel with israel and with ukraine about the war, they are not satisfied with the way israel conducts the war, they do not give aid to ukraine, and these are two flanks of one front, this is their third line of defense, if they lose the third line of defense, their downfall will begin, they will turn into a regional state, not a leader, a world leader. mr. ruslan, look, we would also like your opinion and position regarding the peace summit. some media reports that biden may personally take part in this summit, which will most likely take place in switzerland in mid-june, although ukraine and switzerland have not yet sent invitations to anyone, but if we are talking about prospects of this summit, we would also like your opinion, because i have already asked, i had the opportunity to ask others as well. experts, internationalists about this peace summit, how do you perceive it in general, so can it have any practical application, or will it just be gibberish, in fact, i think that it is not
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quite the right time to hold this summit, we are now in a weak diplomatic position, we are losing at the front, we are not getting help from the united states, europe is confused, has not yet recovered, let's say, from the fact that the states entered into a discussion and threw them to their own devices, that they are there... to provide their own defense , they are only recovering from this, and against this background, when in a strong position, moscow is pressing, shooting, here it is shelling our energy infrastructure, pressing all over front, and against this background, when we are in a weak position, we convene ourselves, the ultimate goal of which is to demonstrate our victory over russia, because look, it is based on the peace formula, 10 points, in the formula of the peace formula, the loss of russia and payment of reparations, liability there for... for the fact that they started, unleashed this aggressive war, in a weak diplomatic position it will be difficult to gather, for example, the countries of the global rooster, so that such heavyweights,
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political heavyweights, will appear there. who would say that russia, let's end the war, you really are, we recognize you as an aggressor and it must be ended, because the world in general is broken and global trade, everything is broken, we need to restore some balance, equilibrium in the world and for us to return to peace life, at the time chosen not quite, not quite right, if we were in a strong position, we held this peace summit, i think that both in terms of its content and the number of attendees... it would have looked completely different, in a different way, now i see that it will be a form and less filling of content. mr. ruslan, we are running out of time, but i will be very brief, and when do you think we needed to sit at the negotiating table during this period, because now a lot of people believe that it was last year that was more favorable for us for of this, you have to sit down at the changing table when you have a strong diplomatic position
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. the position is a complex of everything, you are strong in terms of potential, you are restored in the economy, you have launched a military-industrial complex, and you have the potential, if they refuse your offer, which you bring to the table of changes, you can press by force if you have there is no combination of force and diplomacy, but only, for example, diplomacy, then you sit in a weak position and you cannot prove anything, you cannot push, in the world only the strong and force are respected, therefore it must be, force must be... combined with diplomacy, only then will there be success. thank you, mr. ruslan, ruslan osypenko, a diplomat, an international expert, was in direct contact with us, we talked about the geopolitical situation, which looks very, very difficult in reality, because the united states says that ukrainians should not to hit russia's oil depots, attempts to convince the republicans and trump are failing, that is, we understand that the cloud situation is thickening over
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ukraine. and we cannot, you know, tell you something different, so we say what it really is, we are going now for a short break, and after it we will return to our air, so wait, be with espresso, there are discounts on glicised and gliset max 15% in pharmacies plantain, you and save . tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the stronge saw. unpack the tv just for you, you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also reliable battery included, just call now and order, free delivery is available, check with consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, all this will be done in one movement
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