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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention , a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers, a 14-year-old girl and two women. were killed by russians in the village of liptsi in the kharkiv region. three more people were also injured there, including a 16-year-old boy, informed the head of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine, ihor klymenko. as a result of the impact , a pharmacy and a shop caught fire. debris analysis is ongoing. the occupiers also hit vovchansk with two guided aerial bombs. houses and farm buildings were damaged there. wounded watcher. and they dropped explosives on the bus from the drone. a 54-year-old man was injured. man,
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emergency services work in the city of vluchany. for the second time in six months, the russians used a submarine to launch missiles over ukraine, the spokesman for the naval forces, dmytro pletenchuk, said. he noted that the aggressor country is looking for ways to use missile carriers at sea, but so that it is safe for their ships. currently , the occupiers have three such submarines in the black sea fleet. according to... according to the data of the ukrainian navy, russia has been almost absent lately puts its ships on duty in the black sea, this is connected with the successful ukrainian attacks on the ship's weapons. convicted ukrainians are planned to be sent to the front. the verkhovna rada adopted the relevant draft law in the first reading. the document was supported by 281 deputies, people's deputy from the voice fraction yaroslav zheleznyak said. in your
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telegram channel. the initiative provides that the court can conditionally release a person from prison for military service. this does not apply to those who have committed serious crimes, including murder, rape or treason today , the second reading of the bill on mobilization was considered in the session hall. the senior military leadership was also invited to discuss the amendments. hatred of russians can and should be converted into donations. espressu tv channel has started a new collection of walkie-talkies and armor plates needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. in the hot eastern direction, they will choose our independence with you in hard battles. thanks to these courageous soldiers, we can live, work, study, and to give thanks in some way, let's go we will close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious, uah 720,000. but every hryvnia of yours is of great
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importance. join, you can see all the details on the screen. a film crew of russian propagandists came under fire in the luhansk region, disregarding the security rules. it happened in the temporarily occupied city of kremina, local publics write. at least two victims are known. one has a leg injury, the other has a leg injury. in a green fairy tale and a bulletproof vest, although the representatives of the press should have all this only in blue. northern european and baltic countries will collect experts to help ukraine on its way to the european union, said the minister of foreign affairs of sweden, tobias biel. according to him, this
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initiative will facilitate the european integration of ukraine. also, the head of the swedish foreign ministry believes that it is necessary to strengthen the role of nato in providing assistance to the ukrainian army. it is about improving the coordination of military support and the supply of equipment. free trade between ukraine and canada. the verkhovna rada has ratified the relevant agreement - informs people's representative yaroslav zheleznyak. this agreement will open up new opportunities for the ukrainian business, so ukrainian manufacturers will be able to expand the sales market and develop and modernize their own production. employees of ukrainian companies that will provide services in canada will be able to make business trips to the country under simplified conditions. the british company will maintain and repair the howitzers in... we are talking about
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l-119 guns, which the united kingdom has already handed over to the armed forces of ukraine, the governments of both countries noted in the relevant agreement. the document was signed by defense representatives. departments of great britain and ukraine in kyiv. the head of the ukrainian ministry, rustem umyerov, called on representatives of british companies to invest in ukraine, to create joint ventures here for the sake of joint future victory. and he noted: london is one of our most loyal allies. ukraine does not ask for too much. defense against russian terror requires anti-aircraft systems. defense, combat aircraft and artillery, said president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi during his address to the delphi economic forum. the event is attended by the leaders of greece, montenegro and slovenia, as well as representatives of many other countries. a few dozen systems
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and a sufficient number of modern fighters, and there will be no problem of russian aircraft and bombs at all. artillery is needed to push back the front and restore normal life to the land occupied by russia, and we need justice, the kind of pressure on russia that will not allow putin to increase his military potential, more and more sanctions against russia, confiscation of putin's assets and zero tolerance for russian disinformation , a rehabilitation project through the brazilian jiuj. implemented in kropyvnytskyi, they train soldiers and veterans after injuries or amputations, the classes are free and aimed at physical rehabilitation and socialization, our journalists will tell you more about sports for defenders. mykhailo drobotenko is 30 years old,
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he is a professional military man who defended the country since the time of the ato. two years ago, near severodonetsk , he was seriously wounded. demining blew up on an anti-personnel mine. we received a battle order to take a position. as i knew the area there well, we took this position, but there were anti-personnel mines, enemy mines, and in order for them not to explode, they had to be selected, at that time there were no engineers, i was the only person who... it was understood on this business and i went to clear the mines. before the injury , the scout was engaged in sports, so even now he firmly decided not to stop. first of all, he wants to exercise in order to be in good physical shape, he also has ambitions to participate in competitions, he dreams of becoming a world champion, so he was one of the first to join the sports project
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rehabilitation in his hometown. what interested me - wrestling, it's like in life, you constantly have to fight, relax here. it is impossible, because if you relax, you will already lose some time and may lose. everyone will find something for themselves in these classes - coach serhiy korkach is confident. for some, it's physical rehabilitation, for some it's psychological, and some will distract themselves in this way. i want to help the guys to be in physical shape, good, yes, that is, and this is more of a goal as a rehabilitation for the guys, so that they don’t get fixated on their problems, yes, that is, but they came here as a team. developed constantly, yes, that is , that is, they were constantly in the collective of people, the idea of ​​the project belongs to the league, which organizes jiu jitsu competitions in ukraine, says the founder of the kropyvnytskyi club yevhen skirda. classes for defenders are held three times a week, anyone can join
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. we developed a methodology together with israeli specialists, specifically for training for veterans. the fact is that jiuj is a very adaptive type of fighting. and here a person, starting from there of any age, of any build, as well as some people who do not have one or two limbs, that is, they can find a certain technique for themselves and quite successfully practice and also compete in competitions. mykhailo drobotenko advises his brothers to do sports even in spite of internal opposition. then it will grow into a habit that you cannot do without. he jokes to himself about his own motivation, he has a combative... character and is not used to giving in to difficulties, and he is also supported by his daughter and his girlfriend from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. unexpected and everything. such were the news at that time. our team is working to ensure that you see an updated
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news release already at 6 p.m. and then my colleague olga len will continue the broadcast with the project chronicles of war. we invite you to our sleep laboratory. matroollyuks is one of the largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture. mattrik is your universal thin mattress for uneven surfaces at an affordable price. order topper matrix from one of the country's largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture and also with a 20% discount. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that. it is quite easy to remove, it can be used within a day after removing the factory film. delivery is carried out throughout
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the inconvenience of sleeping on sofa beds is. orthopedic air foam, cover with winter-summer function and an affordable price thanks to the order from the manufacturer. here are three advantages for which ukrainians choose topper matryk. call or follow the qr code and order right now. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime. in general , i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we started it must finish and we must win. the most important thing is that... thursday at 9:15 p.m. in the project veliky lviv speaks on the espresso tv channel. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become akin to many, as well as respected presenters. guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, i'm
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olga len, this is a chronicle of combat operations, and first of all i will remind you about our large collection of espresso, the public organization baza ua is calling to support the collection of fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. both combat brigades are constantly on the front line and in principle. these are one of our best teams, our own production, testing, variations for the needs of defenders, we can provide all this together by collecting 2 million hryvnias. the first are successful fpv applications on the battlefield are there, join us to make them more and more. our goal, i repeat, is uah 2 million. remember that a donation to the armed forces is your investment in our victory. look, you see, there are mono and qr codes here. and we'll be showing it live, so get involved, donate, any donation you make is very important, and
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any drone now on the battlefield is also a mega important thing. well, let's see what happened on the battlefield in the last week, because the events are very, very dynamic and, frankly, so very hot. map of military operations during the period of the third. on april 10, 2024, the new strategy of the war for the sky and the threatening advance of the enemy. in donetsk region, the russians concentrated more troops than they had at the time of the invasion of ukraine. this gives its results, they continue to advance in the kurakhiv and pokrovsky directions. a breakthrough to the temporal ravine. the russians have concentrated not only significant human resources in the eastern outskirts of the city, which are trying to break through in several areas at the same time. they also brought in a powerful air group for the assault, which is dropping bombs en masse and front and rear locations. twice during
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the week, the invaders launched an offensive using more than 30 units of armor. techniques at the end of the week, the occupiers managed to break through the northern road of bahmud chasiv yar 00506 to the first houses on the outskirts of the city. currently, it is too early to talk about the city battles, but this breakthrough created a significant threat to the defense forces in bohdanivka, which found themselves under the enemy's aimed fire. therefore, our troops gradually began to withdraw from this village, the russians occupied part of it in order to continue breakthrough to kalynyvka and hryhorivka. in this way, they are trying to carry out their standard maneuver of covering the city from different sides, although the assault on kalynyvka is significantly complicated by the fact that it is located on a hill, but the rashists will try to climb there under the cover of a forest massif that stretches from kalynyvka to the northeastern outskirts of chasovoy yar . at the same time, the russians want to break into the city
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by the southern road from bakhmut. the village of ivanivske, which stood on the roadblock, is currently occupied approximately for... news, in particular, its entire southern and eastern parts. in addition, the rashists made their way deep into the forest to the north of the village, making its defense even more difficult. last week, the ukrainian armed forces blew up the bridge over the canal to stop the enemy's advance, so it is likely that in the coming days we will see a controlled withdrawal of our troops to more advantageous positions closer to the city. in fact, the new defense line of the armed forces will be built in two forests on the outskirts of the temporary. yaru, as well as despite the severodonetsk canal, an important element of defense will be the prevention of a breakthrough to the rear of the forces defenses, which are fighting on strategically important heights in klishchiivka. avdiivsko-pokrovsky direction. after the occupation of vdiiivka, the russians, without a pause, as was the case in other occupations, continued their movement to the west in order to use the window of opportunity and
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make their way to pokrovsk as much as possible. a small bridgehead looks the most threatening. which the rashists are trying to organize on the west bank of the durna river between the villages of orlivka and semenivka. this bridgehead will actually give them the opportunity to wedge into the main line of defense of the armed forces in the specified area the front currently, it is impossible to talk about a full-fledged consolidation of the russians on the right bank. fierce battles are ongoing to prevent this. a little further south, the invaders are advancing with battles to umansky. it was here that their biggest breakthrough of the week took place. to a depth of almost 1.5 km, while these battles are still taking place on the approaches to the main line of defense, which runs along umansky through the other bank of the river. in the area of ​​the village of pervomaiske , battles were fought all week on its western outskirts, here the defense forces managed to restrain the enemy. instead, head north across the reservoir the armed forces of the russian federation advanced
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several hundred meters in the direction of the village of netaylove. in the north of the avdiiv front , the russians completely... captured berdychi in a week, and also intensified their attacks in the direction of the village of ocheretne, which is important for the ukrainian armed forces. to the north of krasnohorivka, the occupiers managed to cross the railway track and approach the southern outskirts of the village of novokalynove. vugledarsko-kurakhov direction. for more than six months, the rashists have not been able to capture the almost destroyed novomykhalivka. in a week, they occupied several more streets in the central area part of the village, and also occupied several of our positions to the north of it. in the end, the enemy managed to gain a foothold in the village of pabeda, although nothing remained of the village, which already had a dozen houses. in addition, the russians renewed their attack on the town of krasnohorivka, north of maryinka. a few weeks ago , they had already made the first breakthrough on the southern outskirts of the city, but then the third assault brigade helped to drive them out of there. now we
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see a second attempt to enter the city from the south. at the same time, pressure is constantly exerted on the defenders of the city. with east, where the front line has been built since the anti-terrorist operation. the armed forces are changing the strategy of the war for the sky. the best news for ukraine was the mass drone attack on the russian airfields in yeysk morozovsk and engels. currently, there is no accurate information about the losses of the occupiers, but according to preliminary data, we managed to destroy or significantly damage 14 bombers and six fighters. considering the fact that... that ukraine will not soon be given the necessary amount of air defense equipment that would be able to completely cover the sky, and the f-16 will solve this problem only partially, the ssu has changed its strategy, now we are destroying it. missile carriers. unlike the missiles themselves, there are not so many bombers in russia, a little more than 300 units, of all types that can launch missiles from a long distance.
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the regular destruction of the strategic strike aircraft of the occupiers will force them to constantly hide and flee far beyond the urals, which will greatly complicate the task of missile strikes on ukraine. in addition, as it became known, our allies, the british and the germans, are already testing a new one'. a specific technology for launching drones, which will not only make it possible to carry out massive attacks 300 km deep into russia, but also make these drones less vulnerable to enemy air defense. such prospects allow the armed forces of ukraine to plan not only the destruction of russian aviation, but also factories that manufacture and restore long-range missiles. the first swallow of such a strategy was an attack on an aircraft repair plant in the city of borysoglipsk of the voronet region, which was involved. restoration of kh-55 and kh-555 missiles, as well as kh-22. we win every day death to enemies. so, remember our
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collection of fpv drones, and we will talk in more detail about what is actually happening on the front line with oleksiy hetman, reserve major of nsu, veteran of the russian war in ukraine. i congratulate you, oleksii. good afternoon, well... let's start right from the end of what was said about these strikes, with drones on three airfields, eisk, engels and morozivsk. well, in principle, of course, this is a good thing, but for it to really give a result, because we cannot say whether there were really as many planes damaged as we would like i wanted to, because after all, a drone, well, it is... how should these strikes on these
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airfields be, so that they are really effective and give results, so that there are fewer bombers in our sky, at least? the answer is in your question, almost obviously: it is necessary to increase the number of drones that can attack these... the place where russian bombers and fighters are stored, rightly say that it is necessary to fight not with the consequences, but with the cause, that is, not with the bombs, which are already flying, which were dropped by the plane, and with planes, and it is desirable to do this even before they went up in the air, the fact that we are making longer range drones that can add 300 km distance is very good, this is most likely the oril 300, it is to... similar in appearance to the gray rail, the united states drone, i think that we took a lot of useful things from it, will it be invulnerable to air
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defense means, well, for that, for that , it needs to be built according to the stels system, that is, the aircraft is stealthy, but it will be very expensive, and for to fly such a large amount as 300 km, it must be big or big, because you need a lot of fuel to get there, it’s not a rocket, and there’s fuel there too, but it’s calculated a little differently, there’s a plane there, it should be a plane, by and large, an unmanned aerial vehicle, there’s wings and there’s the lifting force of the wing is so-called, which makes it possible to stay in the air, so in order to keep a large amount of explosives and a large amount of fuel in the air, the wing must be large, that is, it must be about the size of... small, well , small, i think that they are so bpola about the size of an f16, in simple terms, that is, it is a serious, it is a serious weapon, but
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to say that it is less vulnerable than a small drone, well, this question is so debatable, you can make it less vulnerable, but for this you need to use technology, or in general, it is realistic to achieve such a disorganization of the work of these airfields and this aviation. which is based there, only with the use of drones without the use of missiles , is this not the case, well, the expectation is a little unreal, well , it’s unrealistic, well, if it’s a rocket, well, again rockets, what kind of rockets, rockets that fly at a distance of 300, 400, 500, maybe 600 km, well, here , here, you can look with a compass and draw where we can shoot missiles, of course, it is more accurate, it is guided, it can be at the end of the end of the end. part of the flight, it can be adjusted and hit more accurately, well, drones too, they fly according to the inertial system, that is, according to the program prescribed in advance, but this... program, if
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it deviates from the course due to a change in temperature or air or humidity, then there inside there is a system of gyroscopes, no less, which aligns to the direction in which it should move, so the inertial system is yes, it is not so accurate, but to say that it is not accurate at all is also impossible, well we shaheds see how they fly, more or less, so if you launch 30-40, there are 50 at one airport, then there is no chance to save russian planes, and the main thing is to do it regularly, that is, often, you are very accurate , you said very aptly, very key, you know, like those key words, yes you said the key word is not destruction, disorganization, about the destruction of the air, aerospace forces, as they call themselves, the russian federation is rather not mentioned at all, and disorganization is quite possible from our side, well, then, let's look at the front line and just let's literally walk there from
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north to south, well, let me remind you, first of all, of the words of the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, who, well, literally this week, kyrylo budanov said that ukraine expects russia to step up its offensive actions, at the end of spring, at the beginning of summer, and as the main goals of these actions, he called it, well, that they will advance in donetsk, first of all in... well, in donetsk region, first of all in the direction of the temporary ravine and then in the direction of the city pokrovsk, he named such goals, and keeping this in mind, let's see what was actually happening, well, first of all, if we take the kupyan direction, the enemy has clearly become more active there in the last few days, that is, there was such a respite, a respite, respite, and now attempts at offensives have begun there again, they have been recorded, well, in particular there near terni. uh
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tried to advance, so far it seems that it was not successful, but here is the question, well , we all understood the goal there, kupiyans-klileman, but how would you assess the goal of these offensives, is it the goal of ensuring their offensive actions in the donetsk region, or is it after all, what russian propaganda is trying to say now, that kharkiv, kharkiv, it's all aimed at kharkiv. and they can say whatever they want, but what mr. budanov and president zelenskyi said about the possibility of offensive actions coming from the east from the east, from the east, from the side of the russians, they were the ones who should have said it, because many publications, analytical publications of our partners are foreign partners, they are abroad, they constantly talk about it, these are things that are
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ours. .. is already completely true, most likely it will happen there, and therefore, well, people who are waiting, well, civil servants, military personnel who are waiting for serious structures, they should say it out loud so that we all hear it, and not only looked for information from various sources there from various analysts, even if these are reputable publications and they are located abroad, so what you said is quite understandable, whether there is an exclusively political goal to seize donetsk and luhanka. region will reach the administrative borders, the borders of these regions of ours, well, some political part is present, but most likely it is still a military component, because it is most convenient to advance from exactly these directions, because it is the shortest, it is the shortest logistical path, that is , it is necessary to constantly provide something for the advancing army deliver, constantly deliver ammunition, projectiles, fuel bridges, it cannot be brought
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immediately and somewhere you... live, because it will be vulnerable for, well, for us, the mattress , we will launch more rockets there to make it fall, so it should be small warehouses like this , and they must be constantly fed, for this there must be a railway and just roads on which you can quickly transport something and constantly transfer it to on to zero to the line to the front line, it is most convenient to do it precisely in the eastern direction, in the south it is well, it's quite possible, they even almost completed another one there the railway, such a logistical artery, but still a big logistical shoulder and you can't bring it up quickly, during the offensive you need to be very fast, and the northern direction, it is not known whether there will be offensive actions from that side, because after all, from belarus, from lukashenka there are, as i understand it, the russians, even putin has certain difficulties there, let's put it this way, so it remains quite logical from the reporting point of view that they will try to advance and...


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