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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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in the parliament, a bill is extremely important for the survival of our country, for making decisions that are directly related to the combat capability of the armed forces and the combat capability of the actual transition and society itself to stricter rails regarding the implementation of the defense of our country. these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zema's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. i thank serhiy tshorets, i thank his guest, these were the military results of the day, then we have the second hour great etero, a lot of interesting and important information is waiting for you, firstly we will have an inclusion today, we will have an inclusion from moldova, there is a conversation, how was the conversation, and today our correspondent will tell about the consequences, we will also have a conversation with a political scientist, regarding the assessment of sociological data about the mood in
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the country, what is actually happening to us, what we believe in, what we don't believe in, what we want, what we don't want, and also news from yuri fizer, international events, and sports and the weather from natalka didenko. now about the most important news: a 14-year-old girl and two women were killed by russians in the village of liptsi in the kharkiv region, three more people were also injured there, including a 16-year-old boy. this was informed by the head of the ministry of internal affairs. ihor klymenko of ukraine. as a result of the impact, a pharmacy and a store caught fire. debris analysis is ongoing. the occupiers also hit vovchansk with two guided aerial bombs. houses and farm buildings were damaged there. a wounded security guard dropped explosives on the bus from a drone. a 54-year-old man was injured. vluchan vluchan are working on the ground emergency services. for the second time in six months, the russians used a submarine for missile attack on
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the territory of our country, dmytro plytenchuk, spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, said. he noted that the country of the aggressor, the aggressor, is looking for ways to use missiles at sea, but so that it is safe for their ships. currently , the occupiers have three such submarines in the black sea fleet. according to the ukrainian navy, recently russia almost does not send its ships on duty in the black sea. it associated with successful ukrainian attacks. on enemy ships. convicted ukrainians are planned to be sent to the front. the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted the corresponding draft law in the first reading. the document was supported by 281 people. people's deputy from the voice faction yaroslav zheleznyak told in his telegram channel. the initiative provides that the court can conditionally release a person from prison for military service. this does not apply to those who have committed serious crimes. in particular, murder,
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rape or treason. in the session room the chambers today also took up consideration in the second reading of the bill on mobilization. the senior military leadership, who must appear in the session hall, was also invited to discuss the amendments. a film crew of russian propagandists came under fire in the luhansk region, disregarding the security rules. it happened in the temporarily occupied city of kremina. the public there write. information is known about at least two victims, one with a leg wound, the other with a contusion. our media representatives note that the video released by the so-called by kremlin journalists, one of them is wearing a green helmet and a bulletproof vest, although the representatives of the press should only wear blue. the mayor and secretary of the city council were detained in dnipropetrovsk oblast for a $30,000 bribe. the information was confirmed in the general's office. prosecutor of ukraine. earlier,
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the media reported that it was about the mayor of novomoskovsk, serhii ryeznik, and the secretary of the novomoskovsk city council. officials demanded money from an entrepreneur who wanted to set up a hostel for displaced people in the city. officials promised to help with leasing the premises of an unfinished school with an area of ​​45 m2. later, the businessman was able to buy this building. currently, the issue of electing a briber is being resolved. a casual event. detainees were charged with extorting and obtaining illegal benefits in a particularly large amount. they face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. the full range of persons who may be involved in the embezzlement is also established, including checking information about local people law enforcement officers who could cooperate with officials during precursors, narcotics and
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psychotropic substances worth uah 122 million, law enforcement officers eliminated a criminal group in kyiv region, seven dealers produced prohibited substances in drug laboratories from... and also established a channel for the supply of drugs from abroad, a 39-year-old local woman organized a drug business, set up production in in their own homes, during the investigation , amphetamine, more than 4,000 powerful pills and cannabis were seized from them, a woman and six men were detained and threatened with up to 10 years behind bars, their capacities. allowed the perpetrators to produce more than 50 kg of precursors per month, from which they subsequently made 40 kg of amphetamine. in addition, for the purpose of the conspiracy, the perpetrators set up a warehouse for precursors at the workplace of one of the group members, namely in the market, where the latter
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worked as a security guard. ukraine does not ask for too much. to protect against russian terror , air defense systems and combat aircraft are needed. and artillery, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, said the leaders of greece, montenegro and slovenia, as well as representatives of many other countries, are participating in their address to the delphi economic forum in the west. several dozen systems and a sufficient number of modern fighters, and there will be no problem of russian aircraft and bombs at all. we need artillery to move the front and return. life on the land occupied by russia, and we need justice, the kind of pressure on russia that will not give putin the opportunity to increase his military potential, more and more sanctions against russia, the confiscation of putin's assets and zero tolerance for russian
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disinformation. the countries of northern europe and the baltic states will gather experts to help ukraine on its way to the european union, the minister of foreign affairs of sweden announced. and tobias bilström. according to him, this initiative will facilitate the european integration of ukraine. also, the head of the swedish foreign ministry believes that it is necessary to strengthen the role of nato in providing assistance to the ukrainian army, it is about improving coordination, military support and equipment supply. free trade between ukraine and canada was ratified by the verkhovna rada the corresponding agreement, informs people's representative yaroslav zheleznyak, the initiative was supported by 317 people's deputies, this agreement will open up new opportunities for ukrainian business, so ukrainian manufacturers will be able to expand the sales market and develop and modernize their own production. employees of ukrainian companies that will provide services in canada will be able to make
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business trips to the country under simplified conditions. of ukraine. just as ukraine-moldova hopes to start negotiations with the eu by the end of june, but are the residents ready? states to become members european family, european community. currently, our correspondent, kateryna galka, works in the capital of moldova, chisinau, and she is in touch with us live. katya, congratulations, did you manage to find out the mood of the townspeople and what the officials say. please. i congratulate vasyly, i congratulate the viewers of the espres tv channel. so, in fact , kisheniv is still trying to understand and decide whether he will eventually become the capital. of the future european state, in order to hold a referendum and ask citizens about it, it is first necessary to amend the constitution, such a request has already been sent to the constitutional court, so such a referendum asking whether the citizens of moldova want to become
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members of the european union is planned to be held in the fall, however, according to recent surveys, more than half of them still believe that european integration will not be useful for... .state, we in the center of kishenevo also conducted such a small survey and the answers were quite different and not always unambiguous, let's hear them right now. i support the referendum because i believe that our future, the future as a country, is moldova only exceptional in the european union. that's right, you need to go to europe. in europe , the future is a single family, in fact, the eu now unites all nations, that is, movement without borders. honestly, i'm still in favor of moldova being an independent country, most likely, i'm not in favor of integration, for
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development, for everything to be good in our country, and for everything to be cultural, like in europe. i don't think about anything, and i don't even want to beat my head. stay at home and don't seek integration because you see what is happening in europe, poor people. so, let me remind you that moldova started its official path to the european union simultaneously with ukraine on june 23, 2022. however, when it will be possible to cross the so -called european threshold, it is still not known for sure. everyone expects a significant expansion of the eu by 2030. today, we had the opportunity to talk with the head of the eu representation in the republic of moldova, and he said that this is the goal, the year 2030 is very ambitious. however, it is necessary to continue and maintain the speed of the implementation of reforms, besides
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, the issue with transnistria remains open, and the answer to it, let's hear it right now. we have one negotiating partner, and that is the government of chişinău, and we are working with the republic of moldova within its internationally recognized borders, and that is the starting point of everything. we prefer that the republic of moldova be pleasant. we do not want the settlement, because it should not bear the country became hostage to political responsibility for what it cannot influence. so it's calm in chişinău now, and moldova in general is trying even despite the resistance of a certain part of society, he continues to move exactly according to the european one. the fifth international summit of mayors will be held tomorrow in moldova,
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the mayors of ukrainian cities, in particular lviv, khmelnytskyi and mykolaiv, will come to it, discuss various innovative solutions, talk with colleagues, show their achievements, and possibly sign new partnership agreements. we will also definitely visit there tomorrow and will tell all the most interesting things. this is all information as of now, so vasyl, i pass the ether to you. thank you, thank you very much, our correspondent katryna galkov, she is from moldova, well, actually, this is how they think about the european prospects in moldova, but in any case, you know, if there is a decision to start a conversation and move, then it is necessary to move, not always all people agree with everything, not always everyone understands everything, and for that in fact, there are mass media, the elite of society, state authorities, which have to explain, convince, and then there can be some kind of joint decisions, because actually joint decisions are a big european one. i, who can protect myself and can provide for myself, this is the most important thing. well and we will now talk about events outside
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ukraine, yuriy fizar, with me. world about ukraine, yuriy, good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who has joined us since then. about this. china does not provide military aid to russia, the white house says. great britain and the united states of america have come to an agreement, found some options on how to return the russian assets that have been seized in ukraine, and the ural sea is appearing in russia, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine column. well, i'll start with of the united states of america, from the united nations. the secretary general of this structure, antonio guterres, wants the war, the russian war in ukraine, to end according to. by the un charter, well, this means respecting the territorial integrity of ukraine, that is, that russia should give us all
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the territories. this was stated by the official representative of the un, stefan dzujarik, during the briefing. this is how he answered the journalist's question about what the un thinks about the recent statement of the 45th president of the united states of america , donald trump, in which he said that re-election will seek territorial concessions from kyiv to end the war. well, i'm glad that at least something was said in the united nations, because lately they've been silent about ukraine, they're talking about israel, about the gas sector, well, a lot of things, about others, about ukraine, among other things they remember, they forget, probably, and here is such a statement, it pleases, but if they continue to be passive about it, well, well, they will be. then questions will continue to be raised about whether we need an organization of the united nations in the format in which
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it exists now. the stakes are rising, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, plans to personally come to switzerland for an international conference on finding ways to end the russian war in ukraine peacefully. this was reported by the swiss publication nooyatsyursaitung with reference to its own sources. according to the published. the current head of the white house will come in mid-june to the summit of the heads of state of the so-called group of seven, which we still used to call the big seven, he will come to italy and... will move to switzerland from there. the approximate date of this peace conference is june 16-17. in the white house. joe biden's participation in it was not confirmed, but neither was it denied. well, the fact that joe biden himself is going to this conference already shows how important it can be for
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all of us. there will be representatives of the global south, in particular saudi arabia. arabia and it is very interesting, joe biden will be there, there will eventually be representatives of the civilized world, the western world, in a word, we have to wait for now it is not known whether there will be a representative of china, that is, they do not object, but the day before they announced that they wanted someone to be present at this conference, to represent russia, because they said, well, how can such conferences be held without russia, how to look for peace without... from the country that, well , just sneezed at this peace more than two years ago, peace in europe and started the biggest war in europe after the second world war, well , let's see, and that's why it's not yet known whether russia will will be china in the end, because if there is no russia, then i think that there will be no china, and well, by the way, two more words about switzerland and its neutrality, in switzerland they said when
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they can get rid of their neutrality and... this will happen if the country is attacked from outside, the country's president viola amhert said about it the day before, and this she said during the press conference, vasyl, you know, one thing is interesting here, they will get rid of sovereignty and will be allies to try to somehow fight back against neutrality, neutrality, and fight back against those who will attack them, that is, is it not too late you already know later, i think yes on the other hand, switzerland has such a good geographical location that... what needs to be done, but in any case, that even if switzerland has already talked about the fact that they are ready to join the only closed sky in europe, that is, if they generally talk about it, a country that even, roughly speaking, bypassed the second world war, which means that there are certainly reasons to talk about it, yes, there are 100% reasons, so a few more words about the president
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of the united states of the united states of america of joe biden, in case of victory in the november presidential elections elections in this country, donald trump will demand serious territorial concessions from ukraine to end the war. the current host of the white house, joe biden , said this during a speech at a fundraising event for his election campaign in chicago, illinois. according to biden, the 45th president of the united states, donald trump, is already refusing to help ukraine, blocking the allocation of additional funding in the amount of 60 through his people. and all because of this , the president of the united states of america says that trump does not want to offend president putin. well, that's it somehow. it will be an interesting few months before the presidential elections, after all, the last few, probably the last week, the last few days before the presidential elections, which, i will remind you again, are scheduled
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for november 5 in the united states of america. they always happen, according to the constitution. on the first tuesday of november, i just want, well, i wish success, of course, if donald trump were to lead the united states, that it would be a state consistent with its principles, yes, but on the other hand, when you make concessions in another country, for the sake of to please putin it is possible to feed putin collectively putin to such an extent that he will want to return alaska, say, or some or some sentril, and theirs, i don't remember, whether in the upper or lower chamber, or in the duma, or in... the federation council already spoke a few weeks ago , someone spoke about the fact that if the united states of america is going to behave so aggressively, then let them think about the fact that alaska can one day be taken away from the russian part of california, as they believe, ford is also there was, that is, they have a lot of complaints always and before everyone, that's why you have to be very careful when you say that, but they have to remember that china also has claims to russia, to
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russia, so here it is, a little more about the united states of america and about china, which i already mentioned. china does not provide direct military assistance to russia for the so-called special military operation, but supports the military-industrial complex of the terrorist country. this was stated by jake sullivan, adviser to the president of the united states of america on national security issues, during a briefing at the white house. this is how he responded to the request journalist to comment on the visit of russian foreign minister sergei lavov to the celestial empire. according to the adviser. currently , official washington has no evidence of direct aid to china, but all other russian-chinese cooperation is alarming. well , that's right, well, a rocket for rocket fuel, a lot of all kinds of electronics that the russians use in their rockets, well, that is
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, is it indirect military aid, well, it's indirect military aid, but it's still used in military goods purpose and therefore, well, let china do what it says to itself, but they are still tangential to helping the aggressor country. there is a shift: great britain and the united states have found ways to transfer frozen russian assets to ukraine. this was said during a joint press conference with his american colleague anthony blinken in washington, said the minister of foreign affairs of the united kingdom, david cameron. according to him, the teams that worked on solving this issue managed to find options on how to remove these funds. however details the head of the british foreign office did not say anything, although he emphasized that all the information will be presented at the summit of the leaders of the so- called group of seven countries, which will be held in italy
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in mid-june. well, that is, he said that they have found ways to withdraw this money, but since they have already found it, it will probably be very easy to find a way to transfer it to ukraine, so that we can use it to fight the russian army. aggression the european union has already started working on the preparation of the 14th anti-russian package sanctions the vice president of the european commission, valdis dombrovskis, announced this the day before at a seminar on the effectiveness of restrictions in brussels, in berlin, sorry. according to him, the new, new package should be agreed before the end of spring, and in it, as in the previous one, the emphasis will be on closing holes for opportunity. restrictions already introduced by russia. in particular, says mr. dombrovskis, the eu wants to prevent moscow from violating price restrictions on the export of its crude oil. below is a short quote
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from the vice-president of the european commission. available the space for adopting new sanctions is becoming increasingly limited. then, as discussions between eu members on this issue become more and more serious. well, yes, because someone there does not want to implement. sanctions against rosatom, someone does not want to introduce sanctions against russian diamonds, because they make money from it, and we already have, as they said, the space is narrowing to great regret, well, now it seems to me, well, after all, the most important thing now is to really close these holes so that it used to be that we forbid trade with russia, but that's all one finds channels, how it can be done and bypassed, and by the way, ukraine from february 2022, according to the same vice president of the european commission valdis. received more than 88 billion euros from the european union, he told valdis dombrovskis at this
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seminar, which i mentioned and emphasized that aid was provided at all levels, political, financial, humanitarian and military. when will it be possible to say that the russian war in ukraine is over. this is a question for the secretary of defense of the united states of america. austin was put the day before during hearings in the committee on armed forces of the senate, congress, usa. during his speech, the head of the pentagon said that ukraine is capable of winning over russia, while he explained that he meant the preservation of ukraine as a sovereign and independent state. and when one of the senators asked him to clarify how he sees this victory, minister austin answered. quote: we have said from the very beginning that we want ukraine... to remain a sovereign, independent and democratic state that will be able to defend its own territory and deter aggression, this was our goal from the very beginning, and it
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remains our goal from now on, and yes, they, that is, the ukrainians, can succeed, while exactly how, unfortunately, minister loyt austin did not specify, well, of course , the military, the military , in a military way, but i didn't specify what exactly to do, and here, vasyl, you know , i really want to tell our viewers that i have been reading the memoirs of the prime minister of israel gold may for several months in a row, and i really have been reading them for several months in a row , because this book cannot be sat down in one night to read, no, you have to read this book little by little in order to remember, and there she said a very good phrase, it was: it is easy to understand that you lost, it is difficult to understand when you... won, and this is the answer to the question, which was put to lloyd austin, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine: when will ukraine win? when will ukraine win? well, then, when we drive out the lousy aggressors from
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our territory and return all our territories, but it is not known whether that is all. well, let's go further: russia cannot be trusted, especially in the matter of a possible armistice, about this in an interview with the lbc radio station - said the deputy of lbc, i'm sorry - said the deputy secretary general of nato, mircea zhuana. according to him, the decision to start negotiations with russia will be made by ukraine independently, and now by the north's leadership. the atlantic alliance has a moral and legal responsibility to continue helping ukraine with everything necessary to fight against russian aggression. below is a short quote from nato deputy secretary general mircha dzhuana. even if sooner or later they start talking about peace, it will not be about peace as such, but about armistice for rearmament and subsequent return. it is very important for us to ensure that ukraine becomes closer to nato and the european union.
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after all, the best guarantees would be if ukraine became a member of nato, but we all understand very well that we will not be accepted until the end of the war in ukraine. well, the gradual and such confident departure from moscow continues in armenia. relations between armenia and russia are not going through the best of times. the prime minister of the country, nikol pashinyanyan, said this during the session of the parliament today. at the same time, he emphasized what happened. it's not through fault official yerevan. the armenian government says that its leader did not take any wrong steps in this aspect and fulfilled all the bilateral commitments he had made. although - says mr. pashinyan, there were many non-fulfilments on the part of russia. and then a quote from the prime minister in armenia. i want to emphasize that we don't want to argue with the russian federation not because we can't or don't have the opportunity, but because we appreciate the huge,
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positive things that happened. in our relations, we appreciate that huge positive, but still mutual armenian-russian relations are not going through the best of times, and maybe even one of the worst, because russian border guards were asked from yerevan international airport, zvarnots, it seems that is what they are called, russian border guards, russian peacekeepers, so-called peacekeepers, there they generally ask them questions on ... that they are there at all now in the territory that once called itself the nagorno-karabakh republic, there are a lot of questions in armenia regarding the csto, the organization of the collective security agreement, in a word, let's see if it will continue, let's see, and finally, in orenburg, the water level in the ural river rose by half a meter overnight and reached a mark of 10 m, at the same time a dangerous mark of 9 m... 30
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cm, the water level in the urals exceeded even in the evening the day before, this was reported in the city administration with reference to the russian hydrometeorological center, according to forecasts, the water in orenburg will continue to rise today, as of nine in the morning, more than 2,300, almost 2,400 homesteads and more than 1,900 houses were flooded, this was reported in city ​​hall of orenburg, there are 50... eight people, including 22 children, in temporary shelters, and the authorities called on all residents who are still in the flooded area to leave their homes urgently, and when you look at the footage taken from quadcopters or helicopters, you see , what is yes, the ural sea may appear in the urals. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all only for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our further
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