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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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objectively and substantively, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svoboda life - frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. greetings, i'm olga len, this is a chronicle of military operations. and first of all, i will remind you about our large collection of espresso public organization baza ua, we call on you to support the collection of fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. both combat brigades are constantly on the front line, and in principle, they are one of our best brigades. own production, testing, variations for the needs of the defenders, we can provide all this together by collecting 2 million. the first successful applications of fpv on the
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battlefield are there, join us so that they become more and more, our goal is 2 million uah, remember that the donation on zsu - this is your investment in our victory, look, you can see here both private mono and qr-codes, and we will show them during the broadcast, so join in, donate, any of your donations are very important and any drone is now on the field i fight too. a mega-important thing, well, let's see what happened on the battlefield for the last week, because the events are very, very dynamic and, let's face it, very hot. map of hostilities for the period april 3-10, 2024. a new strategy of the war for the sky and the threatening advance of the enemy. in donetsk region, the russians concentrated more troops than had at the time of the invasion of ukraine, it
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gives its results, they continue to advance in the kurakhiv and pokrovsky directions. a breakthrough to the temporal abyss. the russians have concentrated not only significant human resources in the eastern outskirts of the city, which are trying to break through in several areas at the same time. they also brought in a powerful air group for the assault, which massively bombards the front and rear positions. twice during the week , the invaders carried out an offensive using more than 30 units of armored vehicles. at the end of the week, the occupiers managed to break through the northern road bakhmut-chas 00506 to the first houses on the outskirts of the city. currently , it is too early to talk about the city battles, but this breakthrough created a significant threat for the defense forces in bohdanivka, which found themselves under the target fire of the enemy. therefore, our troops gradually began to withdraw from this village, the russians occupied part of it in order to continue about...
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to kalynyvka and hryhorivka. in this way, they are trying to carry out their standard maneuver of covering the city from different sides, although the true assault on kalynyvka is significantly complicated by the fact that it is located on a hill. however, the rashists will try to climb there under the cover of the forest massif, which stretches from kalynyvka to the northeastern outskirts of chasovoy yar. at the same time, the russians want to break into the city by the southern road from bakhmut. village ivanovske, which stood on the barrier to... is already approximately half occupied, in particular its southern and eastern parts. in addition, the rashists made their way deep into the forest to the north of the village, making its defense even more difficult. the armed forces of ukraine blew up the bridge over the canal last week to stop the enemy's advance, so it is likely that in the coming days we will see a controlled withdrawal of our troops to more advantageous positions closer to the city. in fact, a new defense line of the armed forces will be built. in two forests on the outskirts of chasovoy
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yaru, as well as along the severodonetsk canal. an important element of the defense will be the prevention of a breakthrough to the rear of the defense forces, which are fighting on strategically important heights in klishchiivka. avdiivsko-pokrovsky direction. after the occupation of avdiyivka, the russians, without a pause, as was the case in other occupations, continued their movement to the west in order to use the window of opportunity and make their way to pokrovsk as much as possible. the biggest threat. looks like a small bridgehead that the rashists are trying to organize on the western bank of the durna river between the villages of orlivka and semenivka this bridgehead will actually give them the opportunity to wedge into the main line of defense of the armed forces of ukraine on the indicated section of the front. currently, it is impossible to talk about a full-fledged consolidation of the russians on the right bank. fierce battles are ongoing to prevent this. a little further south, the invaders are advancing with battles to umansky, right here in the continuation. last week
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, their biggest breakthrough took place to a depth of almost 15 km, while these battles are still taking place on the approaches to the main line of defense, which runs along umansky through the other bank. rivers in in the area of ​​the village of pervomaiskyi , battles were raging on its western outskirts all week. here the defense forces managed to restrain the enemy. instead, the armed forces of the russian federation advanced several hundred meters to the north across the reservoir in the direction of the village of netaylové. in the north of the avdiiv front , the russians completely captured berdychi within a week, and also intensified their attacks in the direction of the village of ocheretne, which is important for the ukrainian armed forces. to the north of krasnohorivka, the occupiers managed to cross the railway line. and approach the southern outskirts of the village of novokalynove. ugledarsko-kurakhovskyi direction. for more than six months, the rashists have not been able to capture the almost destroyed novomykhalivka. during the week, they occupied several more streets in the central part of the village, and also occupied several of our positions north of it.
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in the end, the enemy managed to gain a foothold in the village of pabeda. however, nothing remained of the village, which already had a dozen houses. in addition, the russians renewed their attack on... the town of krasnohorivka, which is north of maryinka. a few weeks ago, they already made the first breakthrough on the southern outskirts of the city, but then the third assault brigade helped knock them out of there. now we see a second attempt to enter the city from the south side, at the same time constant pressure is exerted on the defenders of the city from the east, where the front line has been built since the anti-terrorist operation. the armed forces are changing the strategy of the war for the sky. best. for ukraine , a mass drone attack on russian airfields in yeisk, morozovsk and engels became news. currently, there is no accurate information about the losses of the occupiers, but according to preliminary data , we managed to destroy or significantly damage 14 bombers and six fighters.
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taking into account the fact that ukraine will not soon be given the necessary amount of air defense equipment, which was able to completely cover the sky, and the f-16 will solve this problem only partially, the armed forces of the changed the strategy. now we destroy the missile carriers. unlike the missiles themselves, there are not so many bombers in russia, a little more than 300 units, of all types that can launch missiles from a long distance. the regular destruction of the strategic strike aircraft of the occupiers will force them to constantly hide and flee far beyond the urals, which will greatly complicate the task of missile strikes on ukraine. besides, as it became known, our allies brother. and the germans are already testing a new secret technology for launching drones, which will allow not only to carry out massive attacks 300 km deep into russia, but also make these drones invulnerable to enemy air defense. such prospects allow the armed forces of ukraine to plan not only the destruction
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of russian aviation, but also factories that manufacture and restore long-range missiles. the first swallow of such a strategy was an attack on an aircraft repair plant in the city of borysogli. of the voronet region, which engaged in restoration of kh-55 and kh-555 missiles, as well as kh-22. we win daily, death to enemies. so, remember our fpv fee. drones and we will talk in more detail about what is actually happening on the front line with oleksiy hetman, major of the nsu reserve, a veteran of the russian war in ukraine. i congratulate you, oleksii. good day. well, let's start right from the end of what was said about these drone strikes on three airfields. eisk, engels and morozivsk. well, in principle, of course, this is a good thing, but so be it
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really gave a result, because we cannot say whether there were really as many planes damaged as we would like. because after all, a drone, well, it’s such a thing, i would say, not very well-aimed, there they don’t have the opportunity to adjust them at the last moment, how should these strikes on these airfields be so that they are really effective and give the result is that there will be fewer bombers in our skies, at least, well , the answer is in your question, almost obviously, it must be increased. drones that can to attack these airfields where russian bombers and fighters are stored, they rightly say that it is necessary to fight not with the consequences, but with the cause, that is, not with the bombs that are already flying, dropped by the plane, but with the planes, and it is desirable to do this even before , how
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they got into the air, the fact that we are producing longer range drones that can add 300 km distance is very good, this is most likely an eagle... 300, it is very similar in appearance to the gray rail, a drone of the united states, i think we have taken a lot of useful things from it, will it be he is invulnerable. for air defense, well, for that, for that , it needs to be built according to the stealth system, that is, a stealth aircraft, well, it will be very expensive, and in order to fly such a large number as 300 km, it has to be big, why is it big, because you need a lot of fuel to get there, it’s not a rocket, and well, there’s fuel there too, but it’s calculated a little differently, there should be... it’s an unmanned aerial vehicle by and large apparatus, there are wings and there is a lifting force of the wing
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the so-called, which allows it to stay in the air, so in order to get a large amount, well, explosives and a large amount of fuel in the air, the wing must be large, that is, it must be in size, well, about the same as small, well, even small , i think they are such bepalas with the size of about f16, in simple terms, that is, it is a serious, it is a serious weapon, but... to say that it is less vulnerable than a small drone, well, this question is so debatable, you can make it less vulnerable, but for this it is necessary to use technology, and is it realistic to achieve such a disorganization of the work of these airfields and the aviation that is based there, only with the use of drones without the use of missiles, isn't this kind of expectation a little unrealistic. if it's still rockets, what kind of rockets, rockets that fly at a distance of 300, 400, 500, maybe 600
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km, well, yes, here you can look with a compass and draw where we can shoot the rockets, of course it is more accurate, it is guided , she can end part, at at the end, during the final part of the flight, it can be adjusted and hit more accurately, well , drones too, they fly according to the inertial system, that is, according to the program prescribed in advance, but this program, if it deviates from the course due to a change in temperature or air or humidity, then inside there is a system of gyroscopes, no less, which aligns to the direction in which it should move, so the inertial system, yes, it is not so accurate, but to say that it is not accurate at all is also impossible , well, we shaheds can see how fly, more or less, so if you launch 30-40, there are 50 at one airport. then there is no chance to save the russian planes, and the main thing
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is to do it regularly, that is, often, of course, you very, very aptly, you very aptly said a very key thing, you know, like those key words, but you said the key word, non-destruction , disorganization, about destruction the air, aerospace forces, as they call themselves, the russian federation most likely do not speak the language, and disorganization is quite possible from our side, well, let's go then let's look at the front line. and let's just walk there literally from north to south, well, let me remind you, first of all, the words of the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, who literally said this week, kyrylo budanov, that ukraine expects that russia will increase its offensive actions at the end of spring at the beginning of summer, and as the main goals of these actions he called it, well, what will be promoted. in donetsk for the first time, well, in the donetsk region, first of all in the direction of the temporal
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ravine and further in the direction of the city of pokrovsk, i named such goals, and keeping this in mind, let's see what actually happened, well, first of all, if we take the kupyan direction, the enemy has clearly become more active there in the last few days, that is, there was such a respite, respite, respite, and now there have been renewed offensive attempts, i recorded them. well, in particular , they tried to advance there near the thorns, so far it seems that it was not successful, but here is the question, well, we all understood the goal there , kupyansky klileman, but how would you assess the goal of these offensives, it is the goal of ensuring their offensive actions in the donetsk region, or that after all, what russian propaganda is trying to say now, that kharkiv-kharkiv is... this is aimed at kharkiv, how would you rate it? they
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can say whatever they want, and what mr. budanov and president zelenskyi said about the possibility of offensive actions coming precisely from the east of the east, east of the east from the side of the russians, they should have said it, because many publications analytical publications of our partners for partners abroad, they are abroad, they are constantly... in reality, most likely it will happen there, and therefore, well, people who are waiting, well, civil servants, military personnel who are waiting for serious... structures, they should say it out loud so that we all hear it, and not just look for it information from different sources from different analysts, even if these are reputable publications and they are located abroad, so what you said is quite understandable, if there is an exclusively political goal to seize donetsk and luhansk regions, it will go to the administrative courts, the borders of these of our regions, well, some
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part is politically present, but most likely it is still a military one, because it is the most convenient to attack from all directions, because it is the shortest, it is the shortest logistical shoulder, that is, to deliver for the advancing army, you must constantly deliver something , to constantly deliver ammunition, shells, fuel tanks, it cannot be brought immediately and unloaded somewhere, because it will be vulnerable for us, well, for us , we will launch something there or rockets to make the mattress fall, so these must be small such warehouses and they have to be constantly fed, for this... there should be a railway and just roads on which you can quickly transport something and constantly transfer it to the zero to the front line, it is most convenient to do it in the eastern direction, in the south it is well it is quite possible that they even almost completed another railway there, the third such logistical artery, but it is still a big logistical shoulder and
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you cannot get it quickly, during the offensive you need to be very fast, and the northern direction is there... it is not known whether they will be from that side offensive actions, because after all , there are russians from belarus with lukashenko, as i understand it, even putin has certain difficulties there, let's put it this way, so it remains quite logical from a military point of view that they will try to advance, what exactly will be the directions , well, i think that this offensive has already begun and it won't be like that at the end of may when classes are called and they have started an offensive action, most likely they will simply reinforce them. they are mobilizing many more people, planning to mobilize, they are trying to create at least two more armies, not counting there are other brigades or corps that they planned to create, this was said by their minister of defense shaigu, so i am sure that it will be simple, as long as they are forming it, these hostilities, especially chasivara, the kupin direction, rather than the vseidar direction,
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it will continue and it’s not just like a click and it happened and... great forces passed, no, they will just constantly press and strengthen, well, they already use such tactics, so to think that they will do something like this, well, why, it’s up to them for now which brings success is small, but they have local successes, and from their logic, from their tactics, from their combat statutes, it is simply necessary to increase the pressure, then the advance will be more significant, which they will do again, so i believe that, well... these offensive actions in the months of june will peak, at the peak, that is, it will already be the maximum pressure from their side, but they will not start immediately at the end of may, they will be constantly strengthened from today , depending on how much the russians manage to mobilize people and add more equipment, ammunition, well, everything that is necessary for the offensive days, most likely this will happen. i can assume that
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kyrylo budanov, when he made his forecast, was based on the fact that there is... a certain redeployment of russian units there, there is some movement of them there, and from here it is more or less visible what they are aiming at, and the second the question, this is probably, now you can call their actions such an attempt to reach some certain boundaries, from which they could, well, there, more or less , make some throws to some certain cities, but sooner than everything, maybe that's what it means, i didn't say it, but it's obvious, it seemed to me that it's obvious, of course, including they reinforce the following. operates where they have the greatest concentration of manpower, well, forces and means, people and equipment, it is to hide a large number of troops, well, even before it was extremely difficult, but now with space intelligence, well, it is almost impossible, so we still we contractually know how they move, where they try to concentrate, well, that's why mr. budanov drew conclusions based on that
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the information that he has, can it change, so they that they have learned more or less well how to do it in russian by... destroying a relatively large number of troops along the front line, that is, they can move from city to city, and what you say that they want to seize some bridgehead, well, a conditional bridgehead, from which they will be able to carry out further offensive actions, when a large number of mobilized people join, well, this is also quite correct from the point of view of the military, this is how it is usually done during offensive actions, then a certain certain place is obtained, where you can then quickly pull up forces and means and continue to try to advance further. well, by the way, you said an interesting thing about the fact that the russians were somehow able to move quite successfully a certain number of troops along the front line, and it's us on the one hand. we constantly see such stories, when the russians collect a certain amount of armored vehicles there, they try to advance somewhere in a certain direction, they break something, sometimes they manage to advance, but the very fact that in them
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manage to collect this armored vehicle near the front line and start an offensive with it, it means that they are somehow jamming our drones, which do not see this cluster and , accordingly, do not destroy them yet. in the place of this cluster, well, or we simply have nothing to destroy it, because, for example, let’s look at such things, there were our statements, but just recently we destroyed their powerful rebovsky complex near some gas station, it seems, so he was refueling right there and we destroyed it, which means that we at least they saw it, on the other hand, the russians also said that they were able to destroy it as far as kharkiv district... they were also able to destroy it when our complex stopped and they aimed there, and it is obvious that this was not the work of the agency, but rather after all, the interaction
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of an unmanned reconnaissance drone of some kind and their artillery, and here is the question, how come, why don't we destroy these shock fists, well , anyway, what, what is your answer to this, well , here it is obvious, again the question is almost rhetorical because they find... it's at a distance where we can't finish ours artillery or anti-aircraft missiles, a large missile with drones is not an option, yes, no, well, drones, drones destroy tanks already, well , in armor, already not far from the front line, which , well, these are mostly fividrons, which are controlled by an operator, it is far from it, it cannot fly for 100 km, well, it will simply bend over the horizon line, to put it simply, the signal, well, it will simply not be visible and... and the operator will not be able to control, so these fividrons are a very good thing, but it is, well, but still we need artillery, in any case , nothing is possible without it, the technology works
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according to the laws of physics, it is simply impossible to see that electromagnetic fields of a certain purity bend beyond the horizon line, well, this is a blind zone, so-called this or that mountain, so that it bypasses, well, these are such blind zones, and there for us there is their accumulation of a large techniques well, a relatively large accumulation of equipment, but we know that it is there, and they begin to move according to their combat statutes, they move in a column, already immediately before the battle, they deploy, deploy there in a certain battle order, and we, when they come to a distance, where are we we can impress, well, remember all the latest news, how many columns were destroyed, i don’t mean the beginning of the war, but a week ago, two weeks ago, when they are coming up, we are already close, where we can get them, we destroy them, but that they are gathering there, we know it very well, it is... there is no need to treat anyone here, that we will miss a gathering of troops somewhere, no, this, it is visible from the satellite, the information from which it is transmitted to us, it is
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impossible to hide it, let's let's pass the ravine for a little while, as it were, then we'll return to it, but i still want you to ask, but now in the area there, well actually near avdiyivka, the occupation forces of russia have captured pervomaiske in the donetsk region, well, that is , they are advancing further. and this is how they advance in the direction of karlivka, well, it seems to me that at least these places should be more or less familiar to you, and let's say this is the road to pokrovsk, and this is what budanov was talking about, the danger for pokrovsk, as in general , this area after, well, the capture of avdiyivka and their attempts to advance, that is, what, what, what is now emerging from yours? that's how it was it is obvious that they will advance there, the fact is that we they are advancing there, in fact, they have not yet reached our line of defense, which should be there? there should be a line
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of defense 10 kilometers west of avdiivka, because avdiivka is the dominant height and accordingly, it is good that you are showing the map, if there was a map where you can see the topography of the area, then we will see that the next hills , something, it is located 5-7 km from yavdiivka where the lake is already a little bit. this is how a line of defense is usually made, or a fortification is built in a pit where there are dominant heights or just heights, fortifications are built there, build them in a pit, well, no one does it, it is not a credit to a student who would tell such a thing at some military training, so we expected that there they would advance for that , in order for us to complete these lines, in order to be there... to draw in what is necessary to hold the defense, of course, we conducted military operations, but from the very beginning it was quite clear that they would advance beyond avdiivka, because there is a lowland ,
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if avdiyivka... we already meet like that they won't advance by 100 to 200 m , here it's just us, we just withdraw in an organized way, there's no point there, once again, it's not a defeat, it's not something bad, we just withdraw to more comfortable positions and we retreat with battles and hold the enemy, we do not allow him to quickly advance to those places where we have already... built or are completing our fortification, once again using the terrain we place the terrain and there i am sure that the enemy's chances of advancing into it will be minimal , well, if you combine more the fact that they also became more active in the area of ​​mariyanka was defeated, then in principle, all this is as if it were a preparation for the attack on ughledar, judging by everything, this is what i wanted to say, maryanka is a little different, maryanka
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is already an attempt to.. . at midnight to go to uglidar, uglidar is a very convenient position for us, it is again an understandable height, and here are the columns that were approaching from the east, we interrupted them several times there, they suffered heavy losses in equipment, well and in vitality as well, that is why they are not able to take the ugledar head on, so they are trying through marinka from the north to try to come in like this, well , let's see how they will succeed, i think we will succeed, thank you oleksiy hetman, thank you for joining us, well, then we... we have to go on a break, after the break we will talk more concretely about , which is happening in the area of ​​the time ravine, so wait from now on, oh, there are no potatoes, you will bring it, heather, have with dr. tice's comfrey and get back to work, have comfrey german ointment for joint and muscle pain, natural ointment with
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live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom of life, frankly and unbiased . you draw your own conclusions. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents
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united by football together stronger , the war continues and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia millions of petrodollars. he is trying to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday, friday at 22:00. an unusual look at the news.


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