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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 10:30pm-10:59pm EEST

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. in america they also say
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let's have better roads, we will have even better roads, a special view of events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv, and beyond its borders, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to. to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company favorite presenters, presenters who have become akin to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. so, let's go back to the overview of the combat operations, and mykola raptor, chief sergeant from... the reconnaissance water
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brigade of the rubizh brigade of the national guard of ukraine, joined us. i congratulate you, mr. mykola. greetings, studio, greetings viewers. well, i want to say that, actually, you are now in the bakhmud direction, i am calling to help your unit with equipment for of night work for scouts of the rubizh brigade, we need, well, appropriate funds, and there is such an ambitious goal - hryvnias, mr. mykola will tell us in more detail what exactly they would like, well, what exactly would they like to use these donations for? look, moments, uh, that can allow us to fight better, do our job better, these are fpv drones, and mavic type drones, drones. from which it is possible
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to see the enemy positions at night, this is the same car repairs, which, unfortunately, fail, as the enemy inflicts a very strong powerful blow, especially with cabs and with his artillery along our logistics routes, he blows them to shreds and this makes it too difficult for us on... logistics and drags us further and further to the front-line areas, in connection with which we have to, of course , do much more routes now on foot, than we could do with road transport, as well as for night vision kits for thermal imaging devices, laser pointer targets. this would be very much, all this
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equipment, all these devices, would greatly help us in the performance of our task and improved, well, they would have improved the destruction of the enemy force. well, if you look at the statistics of clashes, the one provided by the general staff, it can be seen that almost half of all recorded attacks take place in the area, well, in the area of ​​bakhmut, around temporarily. yaru, all this is happening, that is, your direction is now, in principle, the most active and there is the most going as if like a rush, well, on the one hand, on the other hand, we all understand, well, why is this happening, because, in principle, the time of ivar is such a height , which the enemy wants very much well, take it, and tell me now about the last week, that is, what is noted about whether there
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is more use of aviation or, on the contrary, less, what about the use of drones, that is, what is happening in your country right now that is most relevant. well, over the last week, the enemy has really increased his air strikes many times , he is now very heavy on his artillery, as i said earlier, breaking up all the ways of logistical routes for us , which is why, in principle, it has become a little more difficult to work, however... our soldiers, brigades border, we are doing our best, we are to some extent, maybe even doing something beyond the impossible, but we are standing and we are working, we are fulfilling our duties, well, how can we make a living, but tell me, look,
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i also heard such a story, exactly on your there are a lot of directions and the enemy is very actively using rap and it seems... this has caused such unpleasant stories that actually now our unmanned aviation has such a problem that it is widely used. and again, in your same direction, on april 4, it was possible to capture such a t-72 with a new reb, such i literally ran a machine, it was installed on a tower, in general, it’s like that , now it’s started like that, well, some kind of new tactic, when they put on armored vehicles, on tanks. rap, they are being released somewhere, well, in order to plant, respectively, our drones, this is how it is happening now, is it really, well , the activity of ukrainian drones in this zone has decreased, yours, this is how it is, well, at
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the moment in this, look, it is not so that it decreases, we work with drones, as we worked, as well as with fpv drones, at night, during the day, there is no difference, we... danger, it is better to work technologically, so we will do it, we can do it, indeed, the enemy uses a lot of rap, it has strengthened recently, it is still possible. half a year ago , we could say that there was no such strong activity of the reb, now it has really become very difficult, but our drones, the operators themselves, the gunners, they learn, they, they develop, they work on themselves, heavy battles, the defense of the city
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is held by the units of the armed forces of ukraine, among them volunteer soldiers of the 67th separate mechanized brigade duk. regarding the situation in temporarily... it is very tense now, it is this direction that the enemy is constantly storming and trying to take our positions, and the opposition is quite aggressive now, the enemy has been constantly attacking for the past few days, the enemy is not standing still, unfortunately, and now they have such a number of drones that our guys, who are already trained in combat, sometimes cannot go from one point to another for hours, because there are hundreds of them, honestly, just swarms, due to constant assaults by the russian army, there are a lot of wounded in the brigade , evacuation is taking place day and night, there is a lack of protective equipment, and therefore sometimes it is not possible to take comrades from the battlefield, two of our guys recently
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left by car to a position where they could get where they were supposed to, or rather an evacuation point, a disembarkation point. and then they had to reach the position, then - it is impossible to do it by car, it has to be done on foot, and just so you understand that they were just walking, there were only two of them, that is, it is not a group, how we attack, it is not the technique we attack with fpv drones they can afford to run four drones for two people, uh, so, for example, we still can't get one of these guys out because there's just a lot of fire. in order to be able to evacuate their comrades at least at night, the soldiers of the 67th brigade need thermal imaging ponchos. chas sivyar is a commanding height, and if, god forbid , the enemy captures it, he will be able to advance very easily further, which is konstantinivka,
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druzhkivka, kramatorsk, slavyansk, and there it will be even easier for him to advance, that is, chas - this is also strategic . and tactically and generally very important to the lives of the people who live by, that is in those cities where there is still life, because in the abyss of time it is almost gone. keep the soldiers, it is with your help that they will be able to buy the protection they need and restrain the enemy on the battlefield. khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel. well, actually , this is the story and it is very clearly described, what is the ultimate goal of all this and why it is so important for us at this time, it is said about the fact that there are a lot of fpv drones and here it is of course interesting. how do you rate the work, well, from our side, rebbe, because it seems that, after all,
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for example, on the avdiyiv direction, it is somehow more possible to restrain the work of russian ee drones, and the one you have seems to be, well, the situation with this is a bit more tense, is that how it looks now? russian drones, indeed. they interfere with our work very much, here, they ask, in the direction where the brigade holds the line, we have anti-drone guns, and that is, they even appeared some noi, with whom we work, well, let's learn to work now, and little by little it turns out, so that i wouldn't, well, that is. there is a problem, but we are learning little by little and will solve it her, otherwise we have no choice anyway.
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and what do you say now about the use of russian artillery, has their activity increased, or is it somewhere at the same level? how do you rate? i'm sorry, there was a bad connection. i say, what do you say about the use of russian artillery? how does its increase feel now, or is it roughly the same activity? what was, uh, that is, what, what do you see now? i don't know, my personal opinion is that i want a full-scale invasion first, er, it doesn't stop, you're already waiting, when they will have this, when they will already have these reserves, this is the impression, because they are sitting there somewhere, and they are collecting these shells, preparing them, because where they have such a reserve, i do not know, i do not understand this, ... because the intensity does not stop and does not decrease, it is possible, they somehow give
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a lull there, yes, but it is usually a lull before the storm, that is, they kept quiet a little, but then they pushed hard, now they work more, well, during the day , at night, now specifically how these attempts of theirs are taking place, well let's say attack, because i say, well, they record that you have the biggest attack. but when, as it happens, with what forces, in the direction, in the direction where our brigade stands, then here, as a rule, they attack aviation and artillery, during the day, that is, at night, they basically lead themselves more passively, here is their aggressive work during the day, here is why during the day... by far the most difficult, and precisely all the logistical moments we move more to
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the night, because it is quieter and calmer there, well, what do you think in the end the very forces of the enemy on to this thread, that is, what kind of units are these, are they personnel units, are they mobilized, who are they? look, according to our observations, the enemy's tactics do not change, he remains on the... edge, that is, he puts personnel soldiers on the front edge, who directly perform their task, this is preparation for offensive actions, yes, there are also snipers who come, their task is simply to dig out, that is to knock down, that is, to prepare positions, arrangement of positions, because this is also all very important. and well, assault operations are naturally carried out by someone as a rule, meat is launched, and
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special forces are already sent after it, but as practice has shown, their special forces die just as well as cannon fodder, there is absolutely no difference, well, let's wish them to continue to die there in greater numbers, so that they it was at least much less, thank you very much, it was mykola. aptor, the chief sergeant of the intelligence unit of the rubizh brigade, i remind you once again to join our meetings, which are on fpv, and on reconnaissance, and on everything that we... well, we offered, because now it is really now the most well this is necessary and what we can use at the moment when we don't have enough artillery, fpv, unfortunately, this is what can help us the most, i say goodbye to you until next week, see you in this format next week , and watch our news and actually watch our broadcast.
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greetings, my name is yuriy fizar, this is an espresso exclusive, today i will talk with my interlocutor about urgent ukrainian-american relations, what to expect from washington, i mean the help that is currently stuck in the house of representatives and much more, so today the ambassador of the united states of america to ukraine, mrs. bridget bree. madam ambassador, i welcome you and thank you for joining me today. nice to be with you. so, you arrived in ukraine at the end of may 2022. how was the situation in our country different from the current one? the current situation is radically
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different, when i came to ukraine in may 2022, the streets were practically empty and people were standing everywhere. posts. when i was driving then, i saw a lot of destruction. now, despite two years of russia's brutal war against ukraine, i see incredible progress. 50% of the occupied territory was recaptured by the brave defenders of ukraine. ukraine was able to export food through the black sea ports, sending more than a thousand ships, that is, more than 33 million metric tons of grain and other cargo, and within two very. but during incredible winters, ukrainians were able to save energy and electricity for the whole country. these are really great achievements, and despite the military efforts of russia, we see that the economy not only survived, it is growing, it is about 5% in 2023 and the projected
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growth in 2024. obviously, this is a difficult moment and a difficult situation for ukraine, but we are committed to being with you in the future. right now, i see the incredible resilience of every person in the country who wants to win this fight with russia. thank you very much for that, and thank you to all the american people for the help you are giving us. let's talk about this help. right now, we're very much in favor of... however, we do know that house speaker mike johnson is going to put it to a vote this relief package after the representatives come back from the easter break, around april 9th, what do you personally
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think about it, will they vote for it, and if so... will there be any of the innovations that speaker johnson is talking about? i am sure that the us congress will support an additional bill regarding ukraine. of course, it is up to congress to decide when this will happen, but my confidence is based on the fact that, in addition to the us president and the entire administration, ukraine has the bipartisan support of congress. many of its representatives visited ukraine, including senator schumer. he was here in lviv with a delegation just a few weeks ago. such visits further reflect the support of the american people. we know very well that the struggle for freedom is now being waged in kona, so that russia and putin cannot repeat something
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similar in other places. we support ukraine in its struggle for its own. what about innovations? as for innovations, it will be up to congress to decide. we have prepared an argument based on the president's proposals. this is what we adhere to. like jake said sullivan, a few days ago in kyiv, plan b does not exist. there's no plan b because a lot of american politicians are talking about plan b. they say, yes, we're talking about plan a because that's the master plan, but i... thank you very much, at the beginning of march in an interview with cnn, you said, that the united states of america has approached. to a crucial moment in support of ukraine and that people in washington must redouble their efforts to help ukraine. did they listen to you on the capital
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hill? i will say that not yet, but i am sure that our congress will reflect the will of the american people and the strategic interests of the united states, the essence of which is to help ukraine. i propose to talk about russia. just a few weeks ago they held what the russians call presidential elections, we in ukraine call it a farce, so putin reappointed himself again, but what do people in the united states of america think about what happened? we definitely consider these elections to be undemocratic, and i have nothing more to say about it. we do not recognize any elections on the sovereign territory of ukraine. let's talk about support from side of the western world. in february
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, french president emmanuel macron said that he does not rule out the possibility that one day western troops will be on the territory of ukraine. i understand that most western leaders disagreed with him, but what about the united states of america? we understand that there will be no american troops in ukraine, but can we at least hope for the signing of some kind of agreement with the usa , similar to the ones we have already signed with great britain and france. yes, definitely. okay, can you tell me what will be included in this deal? not yet, it still is is being discussed, but it seems that we are already close to that point. i cannot name specific things... let's move on to the issue of corruption in ukraine. you once said that in order for
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western investments to come to ukraine, we need to have an independent judicial system, free mass media and the absence of corruption. is there any progress in these directions? i will say that your president, who represents your people and your democracy, has set an ambitious goal to integrate. important components of which are dynamic and free media, active civil society, strong institutions, a system of checks and balances and an independent judiciary. this is the vision of your president, who reflects the interests of your population. and we strongly support you in this. in this vein, we supported and continue to support all the steps that were taken to solve some of the problems that
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exist in ukraine. this is the fight against corruption, raising the level of corporate governance to international standards, and reforming the justice system. all this is very important for achieving our main goal. it also has business critical. as we heard from special representative pena pritzker as part of president biden's initiative to accelerate your economic recovery. the presence of standards and the rule of law so that businesses can be sure that their investments will be protected by laws and regulations. here is what is crucial. we hear this all the time, so it is extremely important to achieve this goal. as far as i understand it fits. madam ambassador, and my last question for today, a few weeks ago a republican senator visited ukraine
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lynsey graham. and he said that he changed his opinion about the expediency of holding elections, namely presidential elections in ukraine now. he claims that elections can still take place. what is the official position of the american authorities on this matter? ukraine is sovereign. thank you very much, madam ambassador, for your answers, and thank you for all the help we receive from the united states of america. it was an exclusive espresso with my interlocutor, ms. bridget brink, the ambassador of the united states of america to ukraine, and they talked about ukrainian-american relations, the help we received, receive and will continue to receive and much more. my name is yuri fizer, see you soon.
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greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. draft law on mobilization of ukrainians was submitted to the verkhovna rada, today it was considered by people's deputies, but it is already obvious that this particular law will not contain one of the key norms that thousands, if not millions , of ukrainians were expecting. this is no exaggeration. it is about determining the maximum terms of service, that is , about... demobilization of military personnel, but before starting a little sociology: the uncertainty of terms of service is among the main reasons that demotivate ukrainian men to go to the army, these are the results of a survey by the research agency infosapiens, conducted by order of the data journalism agency for january of this year. then more than 63% of respondents said that...


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