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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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it is important to note that our allies are increasing their own production, but at the moment they simply cannot bring everything under their control, they simply do not have adequate reserves. currently, there are talks about possible negotiations with russia and freezing of the conflict in return for the fact that kyiv will give up the territories of crimea and donbas previously captured by russia. katya, how does the us ministry of defense treat such a scenario of the development of events. answering such a question, assistant. the minister of defense for international security of the celestial landers noted that everything actually depends on ukraine, whether they are ready to go to such negotiations in exchange for part of their territories, but she noted that according to the position of the pentagon, russia does not need separate territories of ukraine, nor donbas, nor crimea, they need all of ukraine, and that it should not be expected that after the surrender of certain territories, this will somehow reduce russian aggression. in addition, in the pentagon, representatives of the pentagon also noted that they believe that... "if
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russia seizes ukraine, it will go further and continue its aggression on other state thank you, katya, kateryna lisonova was in direct contact with us from the kapituly hill. the us state department has approved the sale of up to $138 million worth of equipment to ukraine for the maintenance and modernization of hawk medium-range air defense systems to protect against russian drone attacks. and cruise missiles, will use a grant of $300 million in foreign military funding under the recently signed annual defense spending law, the sale includes components for re-certification of missiles for old units, tools, test and auxiliary equipment, spare parts, etc. during a hearing at the capitoline hill on tuesday , defense secretary lloyd austin said that not providing. with the support of the us, there is a risk that
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ukraine will fall under the onslaught of russian forces. osin once again called on congress to approve additional military aid to ukraine and emphasized that such aid would also help increase defense production in the united states itself. at the same time, at the same meeting , the head of the pentagon said that the attacks of ukraine to petroleum plants in russia may affect global energy markets. instead, he urged ukraine to focus on attacks. for military purposes. the biden administration did not recommend that ukraine strike russian refineries. why the biden administration is preventing ukraine from carrying out one of the most effective attacks on russia's military capabilities. of course, these attacks can affect the global energy situation. but frankly speaking, i think that it would be better for ukraine to focus on... for me
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it appears that the biden administration does not want gas prices to rise in an election year. the war in ukraine may be coming to an end when the house leader brings up aid to ukraine for a vote. this was stated by us president joe biden during a joint press conference with japanese prime minister fumeu kishida at the white house. the president thanked. poni for cooperation and, in particular, for supporting ukraine and the decision to allocate more than $12 billion in financial aid to kyiv. fumio kishchida, announcing the joint the us-japan-philippines summit, in particular regarding russia's aggression against ukraine, emphasized that japan takes the problems of the russian war very seriously and expressed determination to continue strict sanctions against russia, as well as constant support for ukraine. we will talk more about fumya ukyshcha's visit to washington. to the studio from the white house. greetings
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maria. i congratulate natalya, i congratulate our viewers. what is the purpose of this visit, what is its peculiarity and what did the parties manage to agree on? natalia, this visit is extraordinary. this visit of the japanese prime minister to of the united states, a visit in which the two leaders spend several days together and negotiate, negotiate and announce many new levels of cooperation. in particular, throughout this visit it was about... that japan and the united states are entering a new level of partnership between the two countries, and the united states says that japan is its main and key ally in the south pacific region, in particular, to counter china. in addition, a closed briefing for journalists was held at the white house yesterday, at which officials the white house was told that this visit should cement these good relations between the two countries, due in particular to the fact that it is unclear - not
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the incomprehensibility and not the impossibility of predicting what the situation will be after the presidential elections and how it will be reflected on this cooperation between the two countries. if we talk about what was specifically agreed upon. if announced, literally an hour ago the press briefing of the american president and the japanese prime minister ended, and they announced the following: they talked about a new milestone in military cooperation, in particular it was that the united states, the armed forces of the united states will be reorganized in order to better coordinate with japan, and to this end create a separate joint, separate joint operational command that will control land, sea and air forces, as well it was about creating... an integrated air defense system together with australia, the united states and japan. in addition, it was said that there will be a lot of cooperation in other areas, in particular in the field of space. japan and the united states the states agreed to explore the moon and even talked about the fact that the united states wants to send a non-american to the moon for the first time, and
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there will be cooperation between nasa and the same organization in japan. there was also talk of strengthening cooperation in the field of information security, cyber security, and exchange. from data cooperation on artificial intelligence research, economic cooperation, purely this summit, it is meant to cement and show how these two countries are cooperating and becoming very close to each other because they have common values. in addition, to press conferences said that it might be announced today that japan is joining the aucus trilateral security partnership with the us, great britain and australia, but the japanese prime minister said today that it is yet to be decided. there is no during the press conference, joe biden thanked the prime minister for his cooperation and, in particular , for his support of ukraine. let's listen. you condemned putin's brutal invasion of ukraine when it happened. you
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have pledged more than $12 billion to prioritize non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in the un security council. strongly supporting the united states. standing up for freedom of navigation, including the south china sea and maintaining peace and stability in the taiwan strait, and took the bold step of repairing relations with korea so that we can all stand shoulder to shoulder together. maria, japan has been supporting ukraine since the beginning of the russian invasion. tokyo allocates billions of dollars in aid to kyiv. japan joined the sanctions regime against russia and signed more than 10 memorandums of cooperation with russia. did they talk about ukraine? president biden and prime minister kishida today? natalya, not much was said about ukraine, but prime minister kishchida emphasized that japan is indeed one of ukraine's key allies, and japan strongly condemns russian aggression against ukraine, and he
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emphasized that no country can violate the principle the rule of law and to take other people's territories just like that. he even said that ukraine today could mean east asia tomorrow, and he emphasized that i... am very serious about countering russia and, in particular, strengthening my sanctions and my cooperation with other allies to provide more aid to ukraine. let's listen to his direct words. we reaffirmed the importance of a free and open indo-pacific region based on the rule of law and continue to actively cooperate through various opportunities, including the japan-philippines summit scheduled for tomorrow on russia's aggression against ukraine. based on... the realization that ukraine today is a possible east asia tomorrow. taking this matter as our own problem for japan, i expressed our determination to continue tough sanctions against russia and strong support for ukraine. and we agreed to maintain a close partnership with like-minded countries. in addition
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, keschida said that the world is now at a crossroads and japan, in particular. he said japan will always support the united states as a reliable ally. at the same time, when... it is about the support of the united states of ukraine as a reliable ally, president joe biden was asked about this, what about the support of ukraine in this context, and he said and again called on congress to vote aid to ukraine as soon as possible. the war in ukraine will come to an end when the speaker of the house of representatives will put the issue of additional funding for ukraine to a vote. there is absolute support for ukraine among the majority of democrats and republicans. voting. be right now maria, another important issue for us-japan relations is the pacific region. how will the strengthening of cooperation between washington and tokyo affect the situation in this region? natalya, the cooperation of japan and the united states in this region is a priority of the joseph
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biden administration. he repeatedly emphasized this. the united states now sees japan as the linchpin of this region's security. and yesterday in this closed briefing they even said that for the last... 60 years the relationship between the united states and japan has been a relationship of a defense alliance, but they said that this milestone in history is coming to an end, and that defense alliance is evolving into a deterrence alliance, into an alliance... deterrence, and this is exactly what was discussed at the press conference today. japan, which used to worry only about the security of its peninsula, sorry, on the perimeters of its island, is becoming a full-fledged global partner of the united states and other countries not only in the indo-pacific region, but also in the middle east, because today we talked about humanitarian aid for gaza, and in particular and in ukraine. in addition, it was said that tomorrow there will be a tripartite meeting between japan and the united states. and with the president of the philippines, and this is designed, this summit is designed to counter the threats,
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which china is creating in the region. the united states says that china is trying to isolate the philippines, to isolate japan economically, and the united states, by setting up these summits and showing support for these countries, shows that in the final reckoning it may be china itself that is isolated, not these countries, because the united states , they want to support democratic countries in the region as long as necessary. in addition,... it was said that china creates many challenges for taiwan as well, they talked about nuclear weapons, north korea, but also the prime minister of japan said that all these issues should be resolved through constructive dialogue, and he called on the leaders of china and north korea to hold these meetings and talk with other leaders so that there is security in the region, peace and harmonious work between the countries. thank you maria for your work, we were directly contacted by maria ulyanovska from the white house. they talked about the japanese prime minister's visit to washington. actress catherine minnick, astronaut
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scott kelly and other celebrities became the heroes of a new pro-ukrainian computer game mines of soledar. the game minesold became part of the famous computer game minecraft. on march 21, the ukrainian government fundraising platform united 24 together with developers announced its exit. in the first week alone, the game helped raise more than $100,000 for aid to ukraine. since january 2023, the soldaru mines have been occupied by russia, so it was not easy to recreate the locations. anna kostyuchenko found out who became the main character of the game and helped recreate the unique locations of the salt mines. salt mines of ukrainian soledar from now on can... virtually visit fans of the famous computer game minecraft. the new location was presented on march 21, 2024
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by the french developers of endor together with the ukrainian government charity platform united 24. when soledar was occupied at the beginning of february 23, we immediately started thinking about projects that could tell about this city. to remind the world about its unique salt mines, to remind that ukraine is fighting for each of its cities. soledar in the donetsk region was the site of the largest power generation in europe, but since august 2022 fierce battles broke out outside the city. on january 25 , 2023, russia occupied the city. the salt mines are now virtually accessible to minecraft players, united-24 coordinators say. the world is created in minecraft, but dedicated to soledar, it is 500 km of tunnels, 16 locations
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recreated in minecraft, of course, this is an extraordinary experience for everyone who loves minecraft, because you can pass such a quiz, and at the end get cool prizes, and to pass it , you need to listen very carefully to the stories you are told during your journey through the ambassador's monsault united 24. you have to collect 140 crystals. the prototypes of the characters who give hints to the main character in mine salt were the star of the tv series vikings, a canadian-ukrainian by origin, catherine vinnyk, the founder of virgin group, british billionaire richard branson, nobel laureate paul nurse, american actor misha collins, boxer oleksandr usyk, football player oleksandr zinchenko, actress ivanna. there are many
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places to hide in the salt mines, and the task is to find crystals there, so children can learn the history of soledar and its mines. for example, in the virtual world of minecraft has an underground hot air balloon flight that actually took place in the salt mines. this flight is listed in the guinness book of records, and my character tells the players about it. i believe that people all over the world. should know that, despite all the challenges, ukraine is not inferior to other developed countries in terms of age, ancient history, culture and technological achievements. scot kelly is a record-breaking astronaut who spent more than a year on the international space station. in april 2022, he launched his first copyright the project for the sale of non-interchangeable cryptocurrency nft, called dreams from this world, and 500 thousand dollars of profit was directed to support ukrainians. in november 22,
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scott personally came to ukraine. at that time, russia carried out massive shelling of the capital. infrastructure. skotkely visited the okhmadyt children's hospital in kyiv, where during blackouts ukrainian doctors had to operate on patients without light. this strengthened the astronaut's motivation to continue helping ukraine. it was the fifth, most meaningful trip i've ever taken, but this only because i flew into space four times. i think that when putin invaded ukraine, he put the whole of europe and the world at risk, so he... can't be allowed to win. the main character of minecraft is steve. in the minesold version of the game, the main character is stepan. his real prototype is stepan bandrivskyi, a former employee of the soledar salt mines. the husband worked at the artem sil enterprise for 10 years. due to the full-scale offensive of the russians in march 2022, stepan and his family
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moved to the city of khmelnytskyi. he is in the mines worked in the design and construction department. so... when designing the locations for the game, the united-24 team used his memories to visualize locations occupied by the russians. excursions were conducted there, people were treated there, uh, there was a football field, a balloon was raised there, the ginos book of records, that is, uh, when you tell in words it's one thing, but when you can also show it in the game, that is, these cameras are big, where an air balloon was rising. subsequently, it was decided to make stepan the hero of the game. for the main motivation of the husband himself to join the project was the opportunity to show his former place of work to his six-year-old daughter. as she played, i told her what the locations were, how they were made, how long they had been there, what i wanted to convey. when it's ukraine, i think we'll still come back,
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because it's our home, it's the first thing, the second thing, someone has to... restore all this, someone has to start it. mainsolt players can use the qr code and contribute to the support of ukrainian schools. only in the first week from the day of launch, the game collected more than 100 thousand dollars united-24 says that these funds will be used to restore a school in velika kostroma in the dnipropetrovsk region that was destroyed by a russian missile. anna kostyuchenko for voice of america from kyiv. and to american news. the supreme court of rezona upheld an old law from 1864 that prohibits abortion except in very rare cases. the law criminalizes any abortion in the state, except when the life of the mother depends on the abortion decision. president sha joe
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biden called the law cruel. the court decision may lead to the closure of all clinics to interrupt health and influence both women's health and becoming a factor in the presidential race. presumptive us presidential candidate donald trump says laws banning abortion should continue to be passed in every state. this position is at odds with some of his supporters, who want to achieve a nationwide ban on abortion. details about that, as well as how the issue of abortion can affect the presidential campaign of the candidates in the story of oleksiy kovalenko and scott. the past last week, the issue of abortion, one of the controversial issues in the presidential elections, gained new momentum. the florida supreme court has upheld a law banning abortions in the state after six weeks of pregnancy. that raised new questions for republican presidential nominee donald trump about whether he supports his
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party's push for a nationwide abortion ban. in his social network on monday, trump said that every state is responsible. the situation with many states is different, there are different numbers weeks, some states will have more conservative laws than others. ultimately, everything depends on the will of the people. states have a similar right, according to a 2022 supreme court decision that overturned nearly 50 years of federal protections for abortion rights . in his video, trump thanked the six judges by name, including three he appointed. having said that he was proudly responsible for ending federal protections for abortion. right now, i think abortion is where everyone wants it from a legal standpoint . states will decide this either way. by vote or legislation, or perhaps both ways, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land, in this case the law of the state. joe biden
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is an active advocate for reproductive rights and has promised to restore the federal protections for abortion that were guaranteed under wroe v. wade. if america elects a congress composed of democrats, i promise that kamala harris and i will restore eagle v. wade as the law of our land. us vice president kamala harris is running a campaign to associate trump with radical views on abortion. how can these elected leaders believe that they can, that they need to tell women what is in their best interest. we must be a nation that trusts women. harry sebaden focuses on reproductive rights. experts say republicans are losing on the abortion issue. tical points after the supreme court decision and two referendum defeats in ohio and kansas. in this presidential election, trump seems to have called out his followers recognize the political vulnerability of the abortion issue
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to moderate voters. you have to follow your heart in this matter, but you have to remember that you also have to win the election to restore our culture, in fact to save our country, which is now, unfortunately, a country in decline. the head of one of america's largest anti-abortion groups said monday that it was ... deeply disappointed that trump did not support a nationwide ban, but said the group would still support trump against biden. the issue of reproductive rights during this presidential race will also be fueled by an upcoming supreme court decision on whether to tighten restrictions on access to the drug used in most medical abortions. oleksiy kovalenko, scott stearns for voa. you watched the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time, yana.
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15% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities. the country's drone attack on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on
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joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and thinking. political club. every sunday at... 10 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, but... the tape informs about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze
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them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, me my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health, for the next two hours we will talk about... ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory, today in the program. bill of the year. the verkhovna rada is considering the text of the law on mobilization in the second reading. why demobilization and rotation were excluded from the project. win-win cooperation. in beijing, lavrov discusses the dual opposition to western countries. how can the us respond to china for supporting russia in the war with ukraine?
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the number one target for putin. the kremlin hopes to hang the terrorist attack in crocus on head of the sbu malyuk. why is biden and the burisman company here? over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, executive director of the institute of world politics yevhen magda, and diplomat oleksandr khara. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, there will be oleks' political scientists. and viktor boberenko. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of how the fighters of the 79th separate airborne assault brigade repelled another russian assault nearby novomykhaivka. - 18 units of military equipment in three days. ukrainian soldiers managed to destroy three tanks and hit one more. eight armored combat vehicles were burned, seven more were disabled. let's see. how was it all?
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine, glory to the heroes. friends, during our broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you today about this, do you support mass mobilization in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion,
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please leave it in the comments below. this video if you watch us on tv or on or on air on other platforms, pick up your phone or smartphone and vote if you support mass mobilization in ukraine (0800-211-381, no), 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today the verkhovna rada of ukraine. started second reading of mobilization bill, more than 400 amendments, quite painstaking and a lot of work to be done in the session hall, it is expected that by tomorrow this work will be completed, and tomorrow the verkhovna rada of ukraine may adopt, it is predicted, may adopt the law on mobilization already in its final version.
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there are a lot of questions about individual norms that do not remain in the law, and a lot of questions about those amendments that were introduced by the people's deputies of ukraine between the first and second readings, and accordingly, er, the majority of the people's deputies of ukraine ask questions about , that all the amendments that were introduced, that were proposed by them, were voted, however, judging by the number people who are now in the session hall of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, there are not enough votes to pass any amendments, political circles say that the main amendments that were passed by the committee on national security, defense and intelligence will be voted on already tomorrow, and most of the amendments, simply as such, will not be typed.


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