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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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to our soldiers, well, we are collecting for the 72nd and 93rd brigades, i won’t say exactly where which brigade is now holding which direction, but i know for sure that you can inquire about which groups, which military units are standing, say in times of war, you can throw money there, well, collect, but in any case, wherever you throw all these brigades, our legendary heroic ones at the front, they all need these drones, we see that now, by the way, for last month the ukrainians used even more drones than the russians and succeeded. despite what they say respected senior officers, yes, drones will not replace long-range artillery, but in any case, in close combat, at medium range, they are very good at setting fire to russian armored vehicles and destroying the invaders on our land. as for the humanitarian situation, of course, you have shown the picture, you understand that in those houses it is hardly possible to talk about life, in general, if we talk about water, about transportation of medicines and food.
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some things that are necessary, say, in order to make minimal repairs, well, if the windows were blown out and something flew somewhere, then it is possible to make amends and continue to live, or whether the city of druzhkivka is provided with this, as for the humanitarian component, i want to thank the military administration, you know, in the conditions in which we live now, they can be considered comfortable, because if you measure the distance of 15 km to the front line is 15-20 km, and at the moment we have water according to the schedule, we have electricity, we have gas supply, we have security, at least with windows, we close chipboard, fiberboard, osb, slabs, which is about complete destruction property, there is a program that works well, this program is there recovery, that is, the administration tries to contain the situation. in the city under control,
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as for whether people leave, yes, events like this, when there are superpowers, there are rocket attacks, prompting people to leave, but you know, a very interesting story, that is, ee people, today there was an explosion, people decide to leave, on tomorrow they wake up in the morning, something stops them, the day after tomorrow they cover the windows with devfeshkas and stay alive, everyone believes in our victory. everyone believes that we, that our cities will not be surrendered, and another interesting observation, i went to kyrytsk this week and saw how agricultural workers work, that is, our farmers, you know, very interesting information, you go to toretsk, near toretsk you see overgrown fields, our fertile lands that are not cleaned , because now mining is done by drones. the petals are scattered and so on,
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the fields near kostyantynivka are already more or less cleared, druzkivka and beyond druzkivka to pokrovsk, our ukrainian fields are green, beautiful, emerald green, and you know, tractors are coming out, they are clearing, they sow, and it warms the soul, that is, people believe that today they will plant and reap the harvest, such are our people, such hard workers, our victory, thank you, thank you very much. mr. mykola, thank you that despite the fact that you are very close to the front line, and the enemy, of course, is increasing efforts to break through further, but, your positivity, it is transmitted, in fact, we support the armed forces of ukraine, we support those people who today remain in those places that are very close to the front. mykola dobnya, deputy of the drushkiv city council, let me remind you that bakhmud chasivyar, kostyantynivka, drushkkivka, it's all one after the other, and it's all very close to the place where the fierce battles are now going on, i mean the times. i hope that serhii zgrets,
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maybe he will talk more about this today, but for now i will call you to do the right thing, in particular, find espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts, all news releases, programs, there are our special projects, which are actually quite a lot and difficult to work on, but my colleagues are working, this is what is done so that you know more, so that you understand more so that you have analytics, access to different opinions. to various information that you don't always find yourself on the net, so you can also see it only with us, a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, and also share, comment, so that we go in the top views and in the top offers, because we don't need to listen even to good russians, we need to listen to those people who first say real things about what is happening and voice real threats, but at the same time support us and say let's do so that something bad does not happen, so that we
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still pass over the abyss and do not fall into this abyss, we must always tell the truth, we must tell different options, what can be, but say what should be done to make it so. .. as we want, well, actually, this is about the espresso tv channel, and drawing castles in the air is good, but these castles in the air do not always turn into stone, and on the other hand, as henry thoreau said, the most painful thing in the head would be there are fragments of broken illusions, so of course, let's not have illusions, but move towards of our victory together, and besides, we care about your opinion, so please comment on youtube, during live broadcasts, during broadcasts, watching our videos, it's... it's important, again, because when you open it on youtube and you see, here i look at different people, well, mostly the habits of our experts, again diverse, more effective, less effective, more informed, less informed, well, but everyone may have some kind of opinion about which i did not know, or any such
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information, it can be checked whether it is true or not not true, but for some reason people who speak russian always get into the top for some reason, and yes, you know, there is some kind of wrong spirit in those words, as if everything is true, as if everything is the way it is, but there is no hope, and there is always somewhere some all-powerful putin, who in principle will always decide everything, we clearly understand that there is an all-powerful ukrainian people, the armed forces of ukraine, and our own life and our future history depends primarily on us, even when such a situation arises, where partners do not work as promised to work at the beginning of a full-scale invasion or before it, somewhere something that should come does not come, well, there is always an opportunity to do. something and influence it, speak, act, for example, there is a delay in aid in the united states, there is a lot of talk about it now, they write that the degradation of american democracy is not degradation, it is just a struggle to win the elections, it is simply that trump owes putin something or should not, just a million thoughts, and here
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it is important to understand, of course, that vitaliy portnikov or mykola veresen, or olga len or antit borkovskyi should appear conditionally and together with as their guests there in the studio, they told how it can... be, how it is the closest to the truth, and, because of course we don't know the whole truth, but even the whole history you see, estonia appears, appears the czech republic, lithuania appears, which says: "we will give you a million 6000 shells, we will find a million shells." and when someone big scratches the back of his head and thinks, what is my benefit here, or tells us that you are not hitting russian refineries because russia is suffering from this, nothing that we have been suffering for 10 years, but in the last two years, we have suffered greatly, we have tens of thousands of dead soldiers. of civilians, destroyed cities, destroyed houses, destroyed energy, destroyed ecology, destroyed dams, well, that is, no, no, no, no, of course it is important, well, you better hit the concentrations of enemy troops somewhere there, but do not hit the refinery, it means they are in pain, but again, you need to understand all this, you need to know everything, so stay with
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espresso, on youtube, now we will talk with valentina shultz, a deputy of the odesa district council, mrs. valentina, i congratulate you, congratulations, well... today is the first day of the liberation of odessa from the german-nazi invaders, as they were called there, but we have others, they did not become invaders, fortunately odessa is not to their liking, but today they decided to prove to remind that they are actually the continuation of the cause of those who brought such a brown plague of europe and struck odessa, please tell us about the consequences and about the ongoing explosions, and also, that is, the enemy is reminding us who he is all day today, please , work from what can be said, without mentioning any details that should not be mentioned, please, nothing, well, unfortunately, an explosion was just heard, the connection was lost, i hope something is going well with ms. valentina, but we understand that
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the network may be affected, it mobile communication, and temporal waves, they diverge far, and therefore here only by... we wish, of course, that this explosion does not cause irreparable damage, the alarm continues and shelling continues in odesa, the struggle today, let me remind you, all day b' yes, it is hitting the city, we are now, just a second, i will open myself and my colleagues will show the map, here you see now the south, partly the center of ukraine, there is the kirovohrad region, we see, well, the southern region, there is also the northern one. the east, and of course the east of ukraine is always there, especially, well, we see donetsk region, we see luhansk region, kharkiv region, sumy region, there, if i'm not mistaken, poltava region. yes, that's why, yes, vadym
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vasylchuk is in touch with us, a deputy of the kyiv city council. yes, mr. vadim, i congratulate you. yes, good afternoon. yes, the verkhovna rada is considering the law in its second reading. bill on mobilization, plus there are certain other bills that one way or another affect it relate to and solve certain separate issues, but let's go in general, i'll ask you this: what do you expect, or yes, what does society expect and the front expects from this draft law, so that it effectively affects the course of events, strengthens the army, perhaps strengthens the economy, finally somehow transfer to military rails and give us what we currently lack so much in this war, resources and opportunities, please, well, in my opinion, that both the front and society expect certainty, that is... clear rules of the game are very important here and understanding by in all parameters, it is about demobilization, and
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about rotation, and about the mobilization itself, and when we will have clear rules of the game, understanding, i think that society, you know, will come to accept and understand the importance and need that is now especially, well, important both at the front and inside. country, that is why it is very important here that the lawmaker adopts, since everything is still at the stage of amendments, there are a huge number of, as i understand, different opinions, we need to look at the final document, what is adopted in the first reading is also responsibility, we understand that the first reading will also be a responsibility , so it is difficult to comment on a document that is not actually a document yet, it is only a proposal, ah, you know how, in fact, today's parliament is more of a warm-up of these expectations, it is important whether
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the final document will be seen, well yes, you know, you can complain as much as you want about our partners who cannot consider aid to ukraine, although this, well, these were certain agreements, yes, but we see that on evening, we will now watch the video, it is a stream posted online, well, it was made online by the people's deputy of ukraine, oleksiy goncharenko, from european solidarity. 79 people's deputies were present in the session hall , 79 people's deputies were present, well, that's how i would be, if i stood up now and went home, or well, it's another matter, somehow ukraine would have survived, survived this moment, and if the military they now went to rest from the subtemporal ravine, well , that is, either from under the work or from the well, well , it doesn’t happen like that, and you have something for these people to do, what to call it, well, that is, you had? enough time to discuss all this, which you cannot share, you are afraid of somehow
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losing politically in the ratings because you will make a decision for which you will be told in the district that oh, we don't like it, so this political dependence on the ratings should be suppressed dependence of individual deputies, or what is the reason? well, i don't think it's about the ratings, it's just about the technical process, because everyone understood what was going on... reading a lot of edits, if i i understand correctly that there was enough time for familiarization, there are more than 400 of those amendments, and accordingly, this is a purely technical procedure, since the approval will actually be tomorrow, well , or in fact then they will move on to those amendments that will be made by the committee, so i understand that the parliamentarians will not everyone was present in the hall, this does not mean that they left, as you said, it was possible to go out into the corridor. somewhere, i don't know, i will not sign for deputies who were not in the session hall. there is
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a second part that is also important to understand here, we do, you know, and the president appealed to the parliament to be sure to adopt it, and in general, society simply has high expectations, but at the moment there is a law on mobilization, for some reason we forget about it, and he too, if only in order to carry out mobilization and action, well, nothing to the executive body. interferes, that is, some certain norms that were not regulated could be initiated and carried out by a decision of the national security council, or, accordingly, by the president, as it were, because here it is actually very important that there is already action, but it also cannot have such distortions, well, as we often do, unfortunately, we are witnessing from the media that something or someone was not taken there, or when in some way it is not according to the procedure, that is why i also call on the parliamentarians... and i myself believe that the rules and powers should be very clearly defined and should there should be understanding, and then the
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society will understand what and how the norm happens in actions, and not only in society, but also in the executors, because often they are also hostages of the rules adopted by the lawmaker. the question of demobilization, and he, he was excluded, it has to do with the letter of colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi the commander-in-chief for... to the minister of defense rustem umerov, he was expelled, i understand that there are nuances, so it is a matter of the higher command, but, but the military, who have been at the front for a long time. any of them now intend to leave and are already ready, but they are waiting for, let's say, some certainty, now, by the way, there are enough such people who are ready to go to the front now, but they want certain certainty, how do you comment on this, will it be possible some understanding after the conversation of the colonel-general of syria, the minister of defense, and by the way, the colonel-general is supposed to visit the verkhovna rada tomorrow, if i'm not mistaken, to speak
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for the people's deputies, well, i probably won't, because the biggest and best situation. the commander-in-chief, the general staff and , accordingly, of course, the minister of defense, are always in charge, they are in close communication, the question is that i would not say that all demobilization has been canceled, the first demobilization under the vuk remains, no one has removed it anywhere, the demobilization of conscripts has also been signed and it is already being implemented, and accordingly we are talking exclusively about demobilization for servicemen who are in this fact for a long time. well, during the hostilities, i understand that, since there is still the question of attracting the number of people so that we have full-fledged combat brigades along the entire front line, that is probably why the military decided to postpone this issue, and that is why i can in this case just to comment on this situation, well, what do you think, here is this idea about the restrictions that
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apply there to work with consular services. on driving cars, if i'm not mistaken, about those people who are not on the register at all, they are not found anywhere, but they are conscripts, i don't remember the number of these people, but there was a number called how many people aged 18-60 there are, who are not on any register at all do not stand, as you think, these restrictions, they will at least lead to the fact that, well, people come, see them, write them down and understand that they basically exist, it is not necessary that they will go to the front, but suddenly that, well, in principle, these people are here. i got it, look, well, first of all, the best answer is our studs, because our studs are the last ones there the queues are actually standing for months, this indicates that people are very clearly aware that as soon as these rules appear, they will have to act according to these rules, and therefore they are trying to exercise their right now, until the law
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is adopted, so i in fact, i confirm this, that as soon as these rules are adopted, accordingly, i think that they will be followed and appropriate contributions will be made, because they will have to anyway, well, life goes on and they will be forced to face life situations where they will need appropriate references the second situation is that here it is also important not to forget that there is not only a knup, but that there should still be a gingerbread, as it is called in apps, and in particular the recruiting system, which is always, well, now very actively talked about, i really don't like whether this, for example, in the law on mobilization, will be clearly spelled out, for example, as an opportunity. military units of the direction to actually mobilize servicemen in order to then give them the opportunity to undergo general military training and to return back to the unit so as not to have to history, when on the way from tsk to zvp, the general military training and back to the unit with the relationship, these people got lost somewhere, they were transferred to other units, because then trust in the recruiting service would be lost, and it
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is very important that this mechanism be prescribed in this law, and everyone understood that if... you are motivated, you are ready, you have found a unit in which you will serve, so that you have a clear understanding of the rules for both those who are looking and those who will want to join of the armed forces of ukraine, so that they could accordingly have this clear the understanding that they will not be lost somewhere on the way when they go to general military training, it is very important that this law about having these behaviors about recruits, well , knowing certain stories here and there, really, when they find a specialist... in a certain case, which is needed by a certain unit, he is prepared, he is agreed with, and he will definitely perform certain tasks that will destroy the enemy, but on the way he gets lost and becomes not at all what he should become, well, i think that these points should be considered, because in any case it should be an effective army, an effective fight against the enemy on the front line in the conditions of the fact that the enemy is more, he has more resources, but i think that this bill will contribute and that it and
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it will finally become a law. thank you very much for participating, vadym vasylchuk, a deputy of the kyiv city council was with us... we talked about the law on mobilization, the deputies, as i understand it, continue to work, and i join in, and serhii sgurets joins our conversation , the director of the express agency and the host of the military summaries of the day column. serhii, congratulations to you, please word. greetings to you, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in our column we will talk about the fact that the united states finally agreed to the modernization of the hawk air defense system, which is used by our armed forces, and the second topic of conversation is, of course, about the spirit and letter of these. mobilization bills that are being considered by the verkhovna rada, more on that in a moment. today, the enemy once again attacked odessa and odesa, in particular with the use of various types of weapons, there were shaheda at night, then closer to dawn, the enemy
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already used ballistic weapons, hit the transport and logistics facility. such attacks on odesa and other cities, of course, require the strengthening of our air defense, president zelensky said that ukraine does not have enough existing air defense systems to cover all our cities, including kharkiv, odesa, zaporozhye, dnipro , in particular, when we talk about the patriot, and now we have only three patriot batteries, and to close ukraine completely, according to volodymyr zelenskyi, we need 25 divisions, there is no such number, by the way so far, not a single country from europe, but an initiative to find such air defense systems has already been announced. patriot for ukraine. both germany and great britain joined this initiative. i hope that it will be effective. but , by the way, the largest number of patriot batteries are in
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the united states. the united states is not yet in a hurry to take such a step with the transfer of other patriots for the armed forces of ukraine. but there is also positive, albeit belated, news that the united states state department decided on april 9 to approve the sale of security systems to ukraine. hawk missile system and related elements of material and technical provision and support of this program. the estimated cost of this deal, as announced by state energy and energy, is $138 million, and let me remind you that we received the first hawk complexes in 2022, then four were from spain, and then there were transfers from other countries. in october 23, there was the first and so far the only video. where the use of these hawks by the air defense system of ukraine was shown, then it was just as well near odessa, where the hawks were shooting down shaheds, and then it was said that
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the complex is quite effective, although in fact, it is such an archaic complex if we see its structure, but it has quite decent technical characteristics, because it can destroy missiles at a distance of 50 km, an altitude of 20 km, has a rather powerful ... warhead as much as 74 kg , but what are the advantages of this system, that there is a significant number of missiles for these hawks, more than 40 thousand, and they can actually not be saved then, but this complex can also be modernized, that is, and repaired, that is precisely the decision of the state department finally gives its consent system repair and modernization of all hovk air defense systems, which we received from our partners, this. the document provides for the transfer to us of documentation, repair equipment, equipment for maintenance of the complexes and the missiles themselves, and this decision also
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gives such a green light to cooperation between our enterprises and american enterprises, on this project it is actually possible to create another such frankinsam, that is, those projects in the anti-aircraft complex defenses, which are created in combination with american and ukrainian capabilities, such as this in particular was with the buk complex when these american rim-7 missiles were attached to them. and in the message from the military cooperation agency of the us ministry of defense, which refers to this decision of the state department, it is stated that the support of the hulk missile system will increase ukraine's ability to protect its people and critical national infrastructure. in general, this is good news, especially since it does not require approval by the congress, because in fact... all the funds of 138 million will be taken from the amount of aid that is already provided for in the budget pentagon, 300 million dollars are provided for
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this year, exactly 138 million dollars will go to the solution of all projects related to hawk. the news is good, but still late, because it is quite surprising that for such a long time we expected such a decision related to all measures that concern. strengthening our air defense, then we will talk about another topic, which is just as important, when we talk about strengthening our defense system, means of air defense, ammunition, artillery, but in the basis is a person, it is our soldier who is the basis of our defense system, now the parliament has started discussing a package of laws or laws on mobilization, there are many nuances related to this draft law, and we just... we will talk about the spirit and letter of these draft laws with our the next guest, pavlo kishkar, major of the armed forces, chief of staff, deputy battalion commander
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of the armed forces of ukraine, joins us. people's deputy of the eighth convocation, mr. pavle, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear, congratulations, mr. serhiy, congratulations ukraine, good evening everyone, quiet and have a calm evening, and you also have a calm evening, but still we understand that now we are entering such an important moment, when these laws on mobilization, which we have repeatedly discussed with you, what they should be, now in your opinion , are finally beginning to be discussed , or... indeed, the format of decisions that are laid in the basis, the very ideology that is laid in the basis of these draft laws is enough to talk about the fact that these are the laws of a democratic society, and how to combine, relatively speaking, the spirit and the letter of a democratic society and means of coercion that should somehow be in such a bill, what are your assessments, what are your perceptions of what we now have in the parliament hall? first, thank you for
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the question, it is really difficult to combine coercion and the construction of a democratic society, ukrainian society cannot accept coercion, that is exactly why the current law on modeling is not accepted, i have read all the draft laws as much as i could, but i did not see any reform there , the entire reform that is currently under consideration is reduced in fact to two points: point number one is to reduce the conscription age to 25 from 27, point number two is to expand the powers of the tsk in various forms, i don't know what will be voted on, but in various forms, even the issue, the blatant issue of reservations, and that was not organized, well, decide, i don't know, you write those positions, so everyone can book with us, we have fst dynamo at the regional level
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, it can be critical. enterprise, and there are actually many more such paradoxical situations, gymnastics centers or something else, that is , it is wrong, i am critical and revolutionary, i do not believe that it is possible to achieve any progress or success in an evolutionary way during the war with russia, it would be important for me to see an electronic summons and an electronic register of conscripts to give up, for example, armor altogether. in general, to give, including the state authorities, a certain time to refocus on those people who are not subject to mobilization, to mobilize all the others, if this is the first thing that anyone wants, the most important thing is that the ideology of the great soviet army, not the volunteer army, is embedded in all these bills, in my opinion, are negative and positive instruments. if
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incentivizing people to go to the army, to study, i don't know, the positives are probably some good things, i don't know, promissory notes, land, salary, getting a new profession, whatever, and the negative is restrictions , which a person receives if he refuses to go to military service, choosing one or another unit, and naked. but from all this legislative boom that we, as middle-ranking commanders, have been forgotten, we are responsible for everything, we are responsible for material assets, for people, for the performance of combat tasks, but we are not included in the mobilization process, my personal project to involve engineers in the unit ended in failure, they ended up in a separate mechanized brigade,
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having passed... uh, primary military training in the training center, i could not take engineers with me, people who are worth a million dollars there, each will perform different tasks than those drawn by what god and profession, unfortunately, yes, so without radical changes, without introducing any real tools, inviting people to join the army, without involving us as a commander... of the middle echelon in this process, without giving us powers, we have all the powers, except to attract people to us, how it happened is not clear , maybe you ask us, what do we need to appear, i have more than 100 vacancies, what should i do, i can't do them, i can't guarantee any person now that he is an engineer with high experience or an aitishnik is there a drone operator or an operator automated systems will fall.


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