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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today... will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey. turn on
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and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents the stronger united by football. if there is an opportunity, there are two hands, you can do two good things, one is to subscribe to the spresa youtube channel, the other is to donate to our fpv drones, and in the meantime we will talk about what we started with in the morning, we spoke with zaporizhzhia today, learned about all these provocations that took place at the occupied largest nuclear power plant in zaporizhzhia, learned about the blows that everything flies there, and now about this atom as well. and in general
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, let's talk about nuclear safety with a scientist from the institute of radioactive environmental radioactivity of fukushima university, this is the former chernobyl liquidator mark zheleznyak, he is in touch with us, mr. marko, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations, mr. roman, congratulations to all viewers , let's let's start with the fact that, one way or another , magate periodically sends money to moscow. or the excited ones write rebuttals, which the kremlin does not pay attention to, and about the danger of mines and strikes on the power lines that support the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, it is basically in a state of shutdown, but what dangers are there with those toys, shelling, such as drones on the cladding radio blocks, this is the mining of otra... keeping artillery,
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mortars and other heavy weapons in the zaporizhzhia area itself, translate it from technical and scientific parameters into the language so that our... understand what is there and how is it there? well, i will start with the fact that you started, today is an important day, because according to the request sent by the russian federation, then supported this request in a certain sense , ukraine will also gather, today in vienna there will be a meeting of the so-called board of managers, the magat regarding this situation, when you already described today when in the morning... when on sunday there were three attacks directly on the site, including directly on the housing of the fourth reactor, and there was also an attack on the day of the ninth, there was an attack on the house, the training center, which
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is located near the site of the station, where people are trained, who then work at the station itself, well, first of all, this question is not right technical as well as military. we now understand that radiation and the threat of radiation contamination is being used by ukraine as a threat to the entire world community, which should force it to stop supporting ukraine, and what we are now seeing happening in the last week, these attacks, this this is also a part of this plan, and of course it is very widely discussed in the expert environment, i want to... now far from ukraine, but very closely connected by various links with ukraine, we conduct various calculations together with other experts. so , the main goal is this, the main goal is to present ukraine as such a crazy country that attacks
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its own nuclear power plant, and unfortunately, this provocation works to some extent, because if we look at this whole situation. through the eyes of some ordinary polish or german citizen, what is he talking about worried that the wave of radiation does not reach their countries, and in that sense it is more important for them to stop, and so we are now seeing part of this russian big game, in relation directly to the risks that we have, and every nuclear person believes that, i am talking now about people with very... scientific thinking: do nuclear scientists believe in such lies of russian propaganda? no, no, nuclear scientists do not believe, but the iag is a political platform, more than a technical one, mr. grossi, he does not exist, has nothing to do with nuclear engineering, he is a diplomat for the world, and
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there are gathering such diplomatic environments, which are managed, but this threat is directed, of course, i see. in the japanese newspapers and this information about the attacks on the zaporizhia station, and of course the reaction in europe is even sharper, so this is part of this plan, it is to scare europe that the war brings risks for the overprotective european citizen by the fact that there may be such risks at the zaporizhia station, yes mr. marko, but please tell me, it is one thing diplomats who play their political games on propaganda, what you as a scientist and your...colleagues are talking about, well, let's say this, some attempts to hit or blow up the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, some kind of power unit there or something else, because there are many objects at the power plant, this is still not
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a chernobyl explosion, there are some there must be other calculations, well, yes, that's right, i started precisely with this political topic, because it is necessary to understand, as they say, who benefits from it, who starts who? because we can talk for a long time about how good and good we are, but you have to understand that the logic must work, we are the ones i want to emphasize that there is no ukraine no profit from such attacks, the only profit that is received, it is received by the russians when they are provocations, precisely because they thereby exert psychological pressure on the population, on the european population, on the world community in general, now technical issues, the reactor that used . the zaporizhzhia station is a soviet building of the construction of the vvr, it was designed in niket at the russian moscow institute, and the russians know very well both the weak and the best protected places, as one of our
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experts already noted, that the attack was teshla, we have now six blocks, of which five blocks are in a cold stop, and there any changes in the situation they are with lower risks. with lesser consequences, there is one block with a hot stop, this is the sixth block, and the attack was on the fourth, and despite the fact that when these blocks were still being built in the soviet union, calculations were made regarding the protection of such structures so that it withstood the fall of planes, even, and therefore the attack practically passed without any impact, let's say so, on the radiation safety system, but it had a very loud psychological effect, uh, also, and therefore, therefore, it is necessary to refer to these attacks, it is not as a real threat of radiation, but as a purely russian one.
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and if they follow the path like from the dam in novokakhovka, that is, when it is not an external attack, but simply a deliberate detonation from the inside, something can be launched in this way, well, of course , the most... threat is with the blocks that are in the so-called hot stops, a cold stop means that the fuel is cooled there and it is already cold enough, the temperature is maintained in the sixth engine, just like in a hot stop 200° in order to be used for the production of water vapor, and if you imagine such an evil will to be under such an explosion, then you can lead, of course, put it in a furnace and lead to the fact that radiation will leak out on... will not bring any profit
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for the russians, everyone will understand, they are now their plan, it is to demonstrate, demonstrate on this, now we will redial and restore the connection, actually, well, apart from the propaganda purpose, what can we demonstrate about... , well, the chernobyl tragedy, then accordingly there was an explosion, and accordingly then there was a radioactive cloud, and then scandinavia was the first to record it, mr. marko, we restored the connection, you said that what if, then and about me, i can say that if there is such an explosion now, then here it is not impossible to say. to hide at the end, as they say, there is a magate mission on the site, if they
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organize this explosion today, then they will go, demonstrate that they should be, let's say, excluded from magate and violated all, violated all the rules of regional security, therefore this risk is small, the risk that exists, if we talk about today's risks, it is the shelling that is carried out on the ukrainian territory, because in order to maintain a state of hot shutdown, this is unit six, and yes... also to continue cooling on other units, it is necessary that the station has electric current, and now the electric current is supplied, it is from the line, as it comes from ukraine, periodically, when there is shelling of the ukrainian territory, there are violations, there are backup systems that include diesel generators, there are six, and they can be used, and an accident that can be in general, at the zaporozhye station, it is... more like the fukushima station than the chernobyl station, because there is a difference between them, the chernobyl reaction, the accident took place, it
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was such a dirty bomb, when the fuel that was in the reactor was, mr. mark, we still have one minute in chernobyl, it was still an explosion and that's why there was a radioactive cloud, and in this case, if you say fokusym, then summarize, whatever it was, it was, there was no fuel release, part of the fuel in chernobyl was thrown out fuel and in fokusim only in gaseous form, so here it is, therefore in focus is only cesium, there are no other nuclides, and this type of accident is possible at its zaporizhia station, when if it loses its piping, this risk exists, but the focusim station was working at the time of the explosions of these three reactors, at the zabyriz station, now the situation is such that no reactor is working in the sense that it's not producing e... and there's no nuclear reaction going on in it, it's not producing electricity, so
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in any case the risks are lower now than they were for the hokussim plant explosion , of course, this is very important for those who have already bought 10 liters of iodine and everything else, we also had enough panickers, but it is still very dangerous from the point of view of these strikes on high-voltage power lines, because it turns out yes, the russians are working, later the generator is turned on and urgently... ukraine begins to repair high-voltage power lines so that there will be no force majeure in the seizure of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, it was mark zheleznyak, as a scientific institute. radioactivity of the fokusimsky environment university and our former chernobyl liquidator with those nuances that concern, in particular, the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. well, the adoption of the law on mobilization in ukraine was no less powerful before the atomic explosion. right now
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, iryna gerashchenko, a people's deputy, is in touch with us, directly from the parliament hall, yes mrs. iryna, thank you for your participation. in our our ether, we congratulate you, well, it was approved in the second reading, everything will be signed, and it will come into effect in a month or two, are you satisfied? today is a very emotional day, it started with the fact that the military leadership was invited to the verkhovna rada of ukraine today, the commander-in-chief, mr. syrskyi, and his deputies were also invited, this surprised us, because only sodel had a speech, who spoke, addressing the deputies, and the other commanders of the famous brigades, who were invited here to the hall and, in essence
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, this responsibility was transferred to them in the disrupted communication between the authorities and the society regarding mobilization. did not give their word, we were glad to welcome them to the parliament, but there was no award or communication, this is the first, secondly, as you know, the amendments to the draft law on mobilization were handed out literally an hour before the vote, during their consideration neither the prime minister nor the formal author of the draft bill was present in the hall, nor did president zelenskyy, as the commander-in-chief, express his position, and unfortunately... in this draft law , the norm, which was there even before the first reading, regarding the possibility after 36 months to be released from military service, the military perceives it quite emotionally, especially against the background when the draft law appeared to of the second reading, one hundred percent reservation for the security intelligence service,
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prosecutors, and other repressive bodies, for two assistants, for each people's deputy, by the way. my assistants at the front since the first day of the war, now in the kherson direction, in the avdia direction was our assistant yevhen koval, and you know, it’s just a shame when 227 deputies, servants, opzzh, groups, and unfortunately, two deputies from the motherland voted for this critical amendment, the discussion here was very emotional, 284 deputies voted for the entire bill. european solidarity, one faction was obtained, because we believe that the mobilization, which should be strengthened, should be based and built not only on coercion, on force methods, but also on motivation, and of course, demobilization, the right to release after 36 months of such, well, finding on the front lines, rotation, increased leave, these are
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frequent components of motivation, and the last one, now there is a very... important discussion in the parliament, it is a shame, by the way, that the meetings of the verkhovna rada are held in a non-transparent manner, we demanded that journalists be here, this is not normal , when society does not understand that they are voting, the parliament is in such a sensitive law as mobilization, but now, in fact, at the request of european solidarity , a resolution is being voted on the government with the demand that the motivational part of the support of our military be found immediately from...
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well, in the rear, as they say, they do not understand the realities of combat, because payments, for example, for the destruction of enemy equipment, it is one thing when fpv drones do this, and they burn the equipment one by one, and this results in some huge costs, but it is even more dangerous to destroy the infantry equipment directly from the trench, where everything flies in, and here even social injustice arises at the level of mere reward. and here he says, officer, he says, the legislators write amendments, even having, maybe well, good intentions, but it turns out that somehow it is complicated, as in general, as you say, the combatants were also invited. everything else, how generally are the parameters of the military, who, according to this law, as they say, both serve and fight, how taken into account and how pleased
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the combatants were when they saw the final version of this law? we could not communicate with brigade commanders, with battalion commanders, they were invited here for 5 minutes, just so that in the conditions of failed communication of the authorities regarding mobilization, they would essentially take over. this blow was spoken only by mr. sodin, who called for a vote on this version of the law, but i am convinced that the same battalion commanders, brigade commanders did not see the final version, and because it was all voted on yesterday, immediately after the end of the committee, and you know, these amendments deputies did not see, it is absolutely wrong to transfer everything only to the parliament, according to the constitution the president is responsible for the mobilization, but for mine now... next to me is the president, the fifth president of ukraine, petro poroshenko, this is the spresso tv channel, we are live on the air, and when we voted on the mobilization from the 14th year, we
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had here all the time and the president of ukraine, and the representative of the president of ukraine and the secretary of the national security council torchynov, who presented these sensitive laws on mobilization in the session hall. tell me, please, what is the supreme commander-in-chief's position on mobilization, why does society not hear it? today is the defensive phase of the war, we insisted on strengthening engineering places, why did we not hear zelenskyi's position, he is also against demobilization, but he communicates with the military, we cannot fight only with soldiers, the position of european solidarity is that we should invest today in drones, in technology, in the modernization of our army, so that defeat the larger army of the russian federation, and sorry. the supreme commander was not there, he refused to meet with representatives of political factions, he did not speak in parliament, because this is an important, sensitive and very difficult topic, it
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no, not to the applause, shmyhal, the prime minister was not present during the discussion, the servants ran away, well, how to adopt a law in such conditions, which affects the lives of millions of ukrainians, every ukrainian family, both military and civilian. ms. irina, we have less than a minute. at the last moment, demobilization disappeared, there were parameters, three years in the service and a year and a half, if it is directly on the front line, they said that there will be a separate law, as you can see the prospects, we have less than a minute, will this law be voted on soon, that yesterday had a meeting with by prime minister shmyhal, now the resolution on additional payments to the military of 70,000 is being voted on, and we demand from shmyhal to return the hour of questions to the government, and that they immediately introduce such a bill. but pyotr oleksiyovych and i, our team already yesterday submitted a bill on the mandatory possibility of being released from military service after 36 months and we will insist on its
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vote, we registered it, we are sorry for the inclusion of the session hall directly, iryna gerashchenko with the facts, how this vote was passed in the second reading the law amendments on mobilization, this is what we actually managed to do today for you, but my colleagues will pick up. watch espresso 24 hours a day both live and on our youtube channel. see you tomorrow! tired of heavy and bulky saws, then saw stro! from razpak tv is just for you, you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from
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12:00 pm
by football, stronger together. we summarize the informative morning in ukraine in eteriso news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. trypilska tes in kyiv region was destroyed as a result of the morning russian attack - the head of the supervisory board told reporters centerenergo andriy gota. he added: "none of the workers who were on shift were scared during the shelling."


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