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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EEST

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united by football, stronger together. we summarize the informational morning in ukraine in eteriso news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. trypilska tes in the kyiv region was destroyed as a result of a russian attack on the crane, andrii hota, the head of the supervisory board of centerenergo, told reporters. he added: none of the workers who were on shift during the shelling were injured. as a result of the hits , there was a large-scale fire in the turbine workshop.
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the authorities of the region report that firefighters have partially extinguished the fire. water supply was restored in the community after interruptions, and the mayor of the town of ukrainka, obukhiv district, urged local residents to close their windows tightly so as not to breathe combustion products, and also advised them to charge their equipment and stock up on water. the russians immediately targeted two energy facilities in the lviv region at dawn, hitting the gas. i will share the infrastructure in strysky district and the electric substation in chervonohradskyi. fires broke out on both of them, they have already been extinguished, - informed the head of the region maksym kozytskyi. he added that six cruise missiles and seven drones were destroyed over the region. there were no casualties. kozytsky assured that there are no interruptions in the work of life support systems. meanwhile , naftogaz reported that in the morning russia attacked two gas storage facilities in u. but they
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continue to work. 240,000 houses in kharkiv region are still without electricity. 12 missiles were fired by the russians in the area of ​​dawn - air force spokesman ilya yevlazh told espresso. more than 150 points of invincibility were deployed in the region. the subway is temporarily out of service in kharkiv, but medical institutions and social facilities have been switched to an alternative one feeding. said oleg senigubov, the head of the region. it is also known about damage to residential buildings and administrative buildings. fortunately, there are no casualties. during the massive attack at night and at dawn, russian terrorists hit generation facilities and transmission systems in five oblasts, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said. critical infrastructure was damaged in kharkiv, kyiv, lviv, odesa and zaporizhzhia regions. in the dtk company.
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added: there are hits in two of their thermal power plants, equipment of enterprises seriously damaged, energy companies are already eliminating the consequences. lithuania will hand over equipment to restore the energy infrastructure to ukraine. this was reported by the minister of energy of the country. the lithuanians will send equipment from the reliable vilnius tpp, as well as some equipment from the ignalina as and warehouses of energy companies. i will note today , the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, arrived in lithuania for a visit. he will take part in the trimore summit and hold talks with the heads of the partner states. they have to sign a new bilateral security agreement. two people suffered due to enemy shelling in donetsk region. the occupiers wounded one in krasnohorivka, the other in novoselivka. the first - damaged private homes - was told by the national police. according to their data
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, muscovites carried out more than 1,500 attacks on the region during the day, nine settlements were hit. 14 residential buildings and an object of critical infrastructure were damaged. the child was injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. during the day, muscovites attacked more than 10 settlements in the region, the head of the region oleksandr informed prokudin occupant. targeted residential quarters and a critical infrastructure object, damaged five private houses, agricultural machinery, cars and a gas pipeline. the gas leak has already been blocked, there was no fire. a 47-year-old man died in kryvyi rih due to a gas explosion, he was pulled out from under the rubble of a high-rise building, the state emergency service reported . seven people were injured.
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the explosion in the nine-story building occurred around three o'clock in the morning, 120 km of the building burned, as a result, partially destroyed structures from from the third to the fifth floor of one of the entrances. eyewitnesses say that they had to get out from under the collapsed structures of their own apartments on their own. i saw that a woman and a child had fallen against the wall, i pulled the child out, that is, a piece of the wall on adrenaline, apparently managed to throw it away, got it out, the child was not hurt, and this is the most important thing, the woman was also able to get out on her own. in dnipropetrovsk region, explosives technicians neutralized a downed russian guided missile, which was discovered in the territory of kryvorizka district. fortunately, the warhead of the projectile did not detonate,
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the national police said. law enforcement officers, together with pyrotechnicians of the state emergency service , transported the rocket to the detonation site and detonated it there under control. the law on mobilization was adopted by the verkhovna rada of ukraine as a whole, it was supported by 283 deputies. during the review, the parliamentarians removed the rule on the possible demobilization of the military after 36 months of service. among the main provisions of the law are new rules for the disabled. they have to pass the medical board again. this also applies to conscripts who, after... full-scale war received the second and third groups of disabilities. all citizens of draft age must update their data in the tcc within 60 days. at the same time , the rights of evaders to drive a car are limited, and during the document check, military officers will have to record it on a photo or
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video. the law will enter into force one month after it is signed by the president of ukraine. another 810 russian invaders were destroyed by the armed forces of ukraine, and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the enemy army has already lost more than 451 thousand of its terrorists. also ours defenders burned five enemy tanks, 12 armored fighting vehicles and 48 artists. 50 tank trucks and six units of special equipment of the enemy will no longer travel through our land. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and we have a new collection, walkie-talkies and armor plates needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is
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uah 720,000. let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. each one is yours hryvnia is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. a trip to ukraine will not be appropriate, said the us presidential candidate from the republican party , donald trump. the politician explained that at the moment he is not an official person. in addition, according to trump, there was allegedly no invitation from zelensky, although earlier the president of ukraine stated in an interview with one of the foreign publications that he invited the ex-president of the usa to ukraine. would like to hear trump's ideas for a quick end to the war, which he has repeatedly mentioned mentioned in his speeches. detonation of grenades in the village council of transcarpathia. the sbu completed the investigation and referred the case to the court, the prosecutor general's office reported. according to
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law enforcement officers, on december 15, in the village of kyretsky, khutsky district, during a session of the village council, a local deputy threw three on the floor in the hall. grenades, they immediately detonated, that day at the session financial and personnel issues were considered, precisely with the aim of influencing the adoption of these decisions, the man resorted to committing a crime. as a result of the explosion , two people died, more than 20 were injured, the accused is in custody, he is accused of committing a terrorist attack. at night in russia, unknown drones attacked the mykhailivsky mining mine. plant, it is located in the city of zheliznogogorsk, kursk region, the local public reports. the official authorities have not yet commented on the incident, instead they have already managed to report on three drones shot down over the region. this was the morning in
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ukraine, read more on our website, also on our social networks. i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with us. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the program. the bill of the year. the verkhovna rada is considering the text of the law on mobilization in the second reading. why was demobilization and rotation excluded from the project? win-win cooperation.
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in beijing, lavrov discusses the dual opposition to western countries. how can the us respond to china for supporting russia in the war with ukraine? the number one target for putin. the kremlin hopes to hang the terrorist attack in krokus on the head of the sbu maluk. why is biden and the burisman company here? about this and other things in. over the course of the next hour, we will talk with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, executive director of the institute of world politics yevhen magda, and diplomat oleksandr khareya. the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, will feature political scientists oleksakyan and viktor boberenko. but before we start our big talk, let's watch a video of how fighters of the 79th separate amphibious assault brigade repelled another russian assault. near novomykhaivka - 18 units of military equipment in three days. ukrainian soldiers managed
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to destroy three tanks and hit one more. eight armored combat vehicles were burned, seven more were disabled. let's see how it all turned out. glory to the armed forces of ukraine, heroes. friends, during our broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you today about this,
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do you support mass mobilization in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv or on or on the air on other platforms, pick up your phone or smartphone and vote if you under... receive mass mobilization in ukraine 0800-211381 no 0800-211382 all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today, the verkhovna rada of ukraine began consideration of the draft law on mobilization in the second reading, more than 400 amendments, quite meticulous and a lot of work should happen in the session hall, it is expected that this work will be
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completed by tomorrow, and tomorrow the verkhovna rada of ukraine may adopt, it is predicted, may adopt the law on mobilization already in its final version, there are many questions regarding individual norms that do not remain in the law, and a lot of questions regarding those amendments that were introduced by the people's deputies of ukraine. between the first and second readings, and accordingly, er, the majority of the people's deputies of ukraine raises the question that all the amendments that were introduced, that were proposed by them, were voted that the truth, judging by the number of people who are now in the session hall of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, er, there are not enough votes to adopt any amendments, in political circles they say: that the main amendments that were approved by the committee on national
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security, defense and intelligence, will be voted on tomorrow, and most of the amendments, simply because they did not gain the support of the floor, will simply be ignored. today, people's deputies of ukraine invited the top military leadership of ukraine to speak in the session hall of the verkhovna rada regarding the draft law, and the corresponding decision during 315 people's deputies supported the session of the parliament, and from the tribune of the council they called on the commander-in-chief of the armed... forces oleksandr syrskyi, the chief of the general staff anataliy bargilevich and the head of the united forces yuriy sodal to express their opinion on this law. at the same time , the parliamentarians failed to vote on the invitation of prime minister denys shmyhal and defense minister rustam umerov, as there were not enough votes. obviously, we will hear the comments and opinion of our leaders
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the ukrainian army is already in the process of making a final decision, i.e. tomorrow. and tomorrow there will be some definite comments regarding the very content of the draft law or the law that has already been passed, people's deputy of ukraine solomiya bobrovska noted in ether espresso that the responsibility for the mobilization process lies with the government and the prime minister, and yesterday she explained how the cabinet of ministers ignores his direct duties and does not participate in the discussion. about these amendments and the content of those amendments that were proposed to the law on mobilization, let's listen to what she said solomiya bobrovska, i would like to remind you that in fact, in addition to the supreme commander-in-chief, the government itself is also responsible for mobilization, and first of all the prime minister, and i would very much like
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the prime minister to come, in particular to the committee or to the heads of the factions and explained how the entire body, when... the active cabinet of ministers, must decide on the issue of the entire mobilization, because mobilization is not only about entering the army, enlistment, training, uniform, mobilization of people and the pcc , it is in particular the ministry of health, which takes care on this issue of health care, it's the ministry of health, it's the ministry of security, it's the economy, it's finance, it's just a mass of all areas that today have not even been grouped together, we should be contacted by people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, member of the verkhovna rada committee on humanitarian and information policy. mr. mykola, good evening, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, thank you for writing. well, first of all, please tell me what is happening in the parliament with the law on mobilization, since there is information that the amendments are being voted on, there are not enough deputies in the session
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hall, and the main amendments will be voted on only tomorrow, april 11. well, it is not quite so, because it is obvious that if the majority does not want to vote for the amendments, then it does not come to the hall and because of that there are not enough votes, because we have a majority, all of this text, it was actually approved somewhere or in the cabinet of ministers or in the office of the president, because there were a number of items that were originally approved by the committee, for example, that those who are released from military service military personnel who have served for 36 months. discussed the option of 48 months as a compromise, there were some other norms, such as increasing the salary of military personnel, and those who are on the front line, and those who are in the rear, but one per 10,000, one per 70,000, this norm was also in the draft law, then she disappeared from it, but it is already alleged, as i understand it, that the state leadership has approved everything that is there,
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and the servants do not want to participate in the voting of the amendments, that is why they do not go to the hall and that is why... when the opposition proclaims, and some the representatives of the servants who came directly from the hall, there are simply not enough votes for it, the procedure is such that they will go through the amendments, they are allegedly not approved, but it is clear that they cannot be approved, because the majority did not come to the hall, and then it is necessary will vote for the bill as a whole, and it should become law. yesterday it became known that the provisions on demobilization, rotation of servicemen, and... today, the spokesman of the ministry of defense dmytro lazudkiv explained that the regulations on demobilization decided to transfer it to a separate bill at the request of the general staff, so as not to adopt, as he says, populist decisions against the background of existing threats and risks at the front. later , information appeared that the draft law on demobilization would be developed over the course of eight months. is this fair for those
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currently in the armed forces. well, see what happens here. the problem is that we really don't have enough people, and the military is afraid that if there is demobilization, after 36 months, and we remember that in the first days, the most went people, volunteers, those who were conscripted, in principle, no one will fight, but people want to know some limits, whether it is for life, or for some time, and when they began to discuss these 36 months, the authorities themselves proposed and introduced this item. and then they changed their minds, and then they took this point away from there, and already the military, who are in the army, they hoped that it would happen, and then the authorities themselves canceled it, said, we did not think, we are taking a risk, maybe we will not have people suffice. and of course, in the attitude towards military personnel, this is a bit rude disrespect, by the way, in the attitude towards those new persons who will be mobilized, because we should somehow encourage people to
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want to mobilize, and when you are taken away by force and there are many repressive methods in the law and it is not known to what extent, then in many people naturally have a question and do not have a great desire to go to serve, which is very bad, because it is vitally important for us. your colleague in the parliament, andriy osachuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the voice, says that it looks like this, that somewhere around 80 percent of the proposed novels of mobilization legislation could have been adopted a long time ago without the involvement of the verkhovna rada, do you agree with this opinion? well, look, first of all, the mobilization in our country is going on now, the law makes changes to the current legislation in order for its mechanism to work, so... obviously, you see when the government wants to ban travel outside the country, or women, for example, who are deputies of local councils, they do it without any laws, they
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simply follow the government's order. it is obvious that everything that is in this law was possible decide by order of the government, no questions asked. and if it is to be done by law, then the president, as the supreme commander, should come to the hall and say about it, but they understand that it will not be popular among them. the population, and therefore they distance themselves from it, turn to the verkhovna rada, so that those who are dissatisfied with this situation criticize the verkhovna rada, and not the president and the government, that is, they, although the verkhovna rada is also them, because the majority is theirs, this is the majority in the verkhovna rada that will vote for it, these are basically the people i brought president volodymyr zelenskyi, as well as the government they all elected, are all the same government, but people's minds are formed somewhat differently, and all this is very unfortunate, because mobilization is really necessary. firstly, it continues, secondly, it is necessary, well, but we see that no one is going to mobilize these military pensioners there, the dbr has full armor, like the police there, like many
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other bodies, well, at least a part i could leave some of them, but there are as many of them as there are armies in our country, but we want them there instead graduate students should be called up, people want justice, and there is a very difficult balance here, on the one hand, the country needs to be protected and there are not enough people, on the other hand, this law is simply unfair and... and this is such a very difficult choice, a very difficult situation. mr. mykola, you mentioned the reservation and the fact that some of the conscript men are now under the reservation, the day before yesterday it was quite active, everyone discussed the decision that the employees of the tv channels, which include the single telethon, representatives of church organizations, there are some cultural organizations, is that clear? to you, according to what criteria does this happen in general, the determination of who is significant for the economy, for the critical infrastructure of ukraine, and who is not,
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does everything still require additional clarification and explanation in order for the justice that you are talking about, that it still existed in ukrainian society during mobilization. well, first of all, it's just that everyone started talking about it yesterday, and nothing new happened. ministries and departments and enterprises reserve up to 50% of conscripted workers and equipment mass media have had the right to do this for a long time, they just reserve 5% for some, and 50 for others, and some do not look at the percentages at all, and of course there is a problem here, but today i voiced an amendment to defer military service to the artistic staff of the national groups, there are 1,500 of these people across the country, so when once petliura horkoshystia and... edryk led tours around europe and the united states of america so that they would promote ukraine, collect funds for the ukrainian army, support the ukrainian army, but there are not many of them
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, unfortunately, the government refuses to somehow protect, well, actually ukrainian geniuses, but they could bring a lot of benefit to ukraine, and they will not have an impact, because 1,500 men is not something, that will change the situation at the front. instead , representatives of some mass media did not listen to this amendment of mine. who, to put it mildly, are not engaged in art, but in propaganda, but they have such an opportunity, it is of course, of course unfair, by the way, about propaganda and the role of the media, including in coverage of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, strangely enough, but two smartphones and honcharenko's streams during the consideration of the law on mobilization do much more than the entire rada tv channel, which is included in the pool of the united telethon, that is, does it make sense to spend... budget funds on that , where a people's deputy can simply show ukrainians much more than the large team of the tv channel.
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the rada, well, the deputy just wants to show, and the tv channel rada wants to show the opinion of the government representatives, not what is happening in the parliament. they have different desires and each of them implements, and goncharenko implements them, receiving only his salary, and the rada tv channel receiving these millions and billions that go to a single telethon for propaganda. obviously, from this point of view, honcharenko is more productive for society than rada tv channel, i will not argue with that. and these allocated funds would really be better spent on drones, and our faction is constantly talking about it, because it is also just a direct violation of justice and common sense logic, people should see this discussion, because people will now start again fool your head, why one voted like that, one yes, what is this law about, they don’t understand and don’t understand, you understand, if we sent this law for a repeated second reading and called half of the law enforcement officers who wipe
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their pants in kyiv, and we see, they follow. mass media are being raided for journalists, so they should be drafted into the army, not graduate students or young people, although, of course, the army should not be a punishment, the army should be a voluntary thing , and the fact that the president does not represent this the draft law does not take responsibility, does not explain to people, the fact that the draft law does not actually encourage recruiting in any way, this is all very bad, because we cannot drive people to the front with arson, because... the effectiveness of such people will not be high , the efficiency is much higher if these are people who consciously go to defend the homeland, understand that it is honorable, understand that the state will take care of them, and the state cannot do without them, but for this you need to talk to these people as partners, and not like slaves as our ukrainian government is used to. well, a very short question at the very end about the tv channel dom-2, which is going to be created in ukraine, what kind of tv channel is it and is there money for it and
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is it in it? any sense? oh, well, this is another nonsense, as i understand it, or tools to steal money from the authorities, at first they created one house supposedly for the occupied territories, but then it became no longer for the occupied territories, but for the whole country, budgets are allocated there, representatives of pro-government structures , former showmen from the famous comedy show quarter, let's say, they work there, and to the occupied territories. it has nothing to do with the de-occupied ones, while the russians, unfortunately, publish newspapers en masse there, work through this world telegram en masse, have created a television platform that broadcasts both russian central channels and newly created regional television channels and films , and all this is free, tuners are installed for free, that is, this is such propaganda work that is very harmful to ukraine, and ukraine, which should be effective, fulfills the whims of small
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officials who think how to make money from it. and not how to really bring the ukrainian word to the occupied territories. house two is from the same series, we created house one, then changed our minds, let's create house two, change our minds and build a holding for ourselves at state expense. well, it looks ugly. thank you, mr. mykola, it was mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. today, during our broadcast, we ask you about whether you support mass mobilization in ukraine? yes no. everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have any opinion of your own, please write in the comments under this video, it is important for us to know your opinion, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote , if you support mass mobilization in ukraine 0800 211 381 or 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, we will be in touch later. magda,
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executive director of the institute of world politics. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, sir sergey glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. today is quite such a tense day in the verkhovna rada, the consideration of the big mobilization law is starting, which should put the finishing touches on the process, on the main process that is currently in ukraine, the mobilization process. obviously, this adoption of this. of the law and these norms of this law will affect not only society, every family in the present time, but also in the future, because from mobilization, from who will fall under mobilization, who will fall into the war and under what conditions and to what extent depend the future of ukraine. zelenskyi spoke about the fact that...


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