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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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and for your attention the news release on the spresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. the russians fired at the thermal power plant in sumy. critical infrastructure was hit with missiles. all the necessary services are working on the spot, the regional military administration reported. no one was injured in the city, but four were injured in the region. the enemy attacked the vorozhbyan community. a 16-year-old teenager and his 3-six-year-old mother were injured there.
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vehicles, private homes and power lines were damaged power transmission in addition, russian terrorists shelled the esman community with barrel artillery. two people were injured there, they are in the hospital. and in kharkiv oblast , families with children are being forcibly evacuated from 47 settlements . as oleg sinigubov, the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, said, such a decision was made at a meeting of the regional defense council. according to his words. only settlements close to the border with the russian federation - kharkiv, bogodukhiv and izyum districts. 182 children live there. evacuation routes have already been determined and places for temporary residence of people. kharkiv evacuation does not apply, sinigubov clarified. water and electricity supply in ukrainka in kharkiv region is working normally , the mayor oleksandr turen told espress. in the case of emergency
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shutdowns , water points and pump stations will be open 24 hours a day, and there is no threat of carbon monoxide poisoning in the settlement, laboratory tests did not reveal any dangerous substances in the air. in principle , everything is in normal working order with us now, there were small interruptions in the power supply in the morning, we switched to... normal supply of electricity, now everything has stabilized, there is water, sewage works, to europe without borders, today the start of the construction of the chop uzhhorod railway track is being solemnly opened. prime minister denys shmyhal came to the opening. our correspondent natalya stareprava is also on the spot, and she is with us live. natalya, i congratulate you and i am waiting for more details from you. of this event, natalya, can
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you hear me? we probably have some problems with communication, so we are moving on and we will to try to get natalya on our airwaves, so more about... new rules of mobilization, which will come into force a month after the signing by the president of ukraine. today , people's deputies adopted the law as a whole. among the main provisions are new rules for the disabled. they have to pass the medical board again. this also applies to conscripts who, after the start of a full-scale war, received the second and third gross disabilities. all citizens of draft age must update their data in the tcc within 60 days. however, they are limited rights for evasive driving.
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the bill was supported by 283 deputies. our claims, which make the adopted law on mobilization extremely dangerous for the country and the army. the lack of clear legislative guarantees of timely release for servicemen who have served 36 months, of which 18 in... the second is the rotation that must take place to restore the combat capability of a person and a unit. the third is financial motivation, with an additional payment of 70,000 and bringing it up to 200,000 to everyone who is on the front line of berky. fourth, this is a guaranteed position, so that 50% of the security forces, which are now... giving nightmares to business, destroying
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the economy, will finally go to the front, protecting the ukrainian state. and i want to remind you that today is the grand opening. the start of the construction of the chop -uzhhorod railway line, and prime minister denys shmyhal arrived for the opening, and our correspondent natalya stareprava is also there, with whom i hope we will be able to communicate. natalya, i congratulate you, i hope you hear me and tell us more details about this events this is how we see natalya, we hear that the construction has started, but as i understand it, the laying of the first link, which
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will connect the tracks, is currently underway, it is a european -style track, 140 cm wide and 22 km long, it will connect chop and uzhhorod, which will create its own such a big... transport hub. on this track, trains will be able to run to slovakia and hungary, and from there to other european countries. thus, the european union identified rail transport as a priority, so european partners also joined in financing of this project. and prime minister denys shmyhal noted that today slovakia and ukraine agreed to expand the border infrastructure, checkpoints and continue to work on the railway. communication, so here is the direct speech of the minister, this project, of course, will allow not only to provide comfort for passenger traffic, but at the same time it will bring us logistical opportunities for freight transportation, free up automobile
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checkpoints, after the corresponding work at the corresponding logistics terminal is established, of course comfort for passengers who will be... load from car checkpoints, but will definitely increase speed and comfort for our people. it is worth reminding that the european track between uzhgorod and chop existed until 1991, later it was dismantled, and of course uzhhorod became the first regional center to receive a railway connection by the european track, and the second such project will be in lviv , volyn and chernivtsi regions . that's the news for now, i'll hand over to the studio.
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we thank our correspondent natalia starepravo, which was currently talking about the construction of the chop-uzhhorod connection track. and the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, arrived on a visit to lithuania. he will take part in the summit. trimore and will hold talks with the heads of the partner states. together with the latvian head edgars rinkevichus, they have already signed a security agreement between ukraine and latvia, and in the agreement, latvia undertook to help our country with recovery and reconstruction, as well as with the protection of critical infrastructure, demining, unmanned technologies and cyber security. country will provide 0.25% defense support. from its gdp every year. gas prices in europe rose after russia struck underground gas storage facilities in ukraine. european gas futures rose by 5.5% and are around
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$320 per thousand cubic meters, bloomberg writes. russia poses a new threat to the country's energy infrastructure and security of supplies to europe. ukraine. has the largest storage facilities of any country on the continent and is actively recruiting traders to store supplies, the authors added. government germany approved the plan for the reconstruction of ukraine. they plan to restore the national economy destroyed by russian aggression at the expense of private investments in the ukrainian economy, as well as at the expense of funds, philanthropists and various foundations. they want to allocate money to improve investment conditions. 7 billion euros from the european union fund, which was created with aid to help ukraine. according to the estimates of the world bank, at least 486 billion dollars will be needed for the post-war reconstruction of ukraine.
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the european parliament has refused to implement the council's budget until the european council approves it the decision to support ukraine with additional anti-missile defenses. complexes of patriots. the former prime minister of belgium suggested removing the approval of the european council's budget from the agenda until member states can find the seven patriot systems. which are now necessary for ukraine. he recalled the words of josep borel that european countries have a hundred patriot systems and at the same time are unable to help ukrainians with seven. the decision was supported by 515 meps against 62. it seems scandalous to me that the european council, saying that it is opening the door for ukraine, at the same time, it is not even capable in such an urgent situation.
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goodbye until tomorrow , as always, you can read more news on our website espresso tv, also a brief summary of the main things in our social networks and watch us on youtube, and literally... in a few minutes , watch my colleague vasyl zymy. this is the town of baryshivka, which is in the kyiv region. by 2021, there was no place for teenagers to hang out. free time, local activists decided to correct this situation and applied for a competition to act ukraine from
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charitable fund of the mhp community. they won one of the grants and created the fanhub youth space. we opened in the 21st year, but in march of the 22nd year, our youth space was destroyed by the russians with a direct missile test, so at the end of the 22nd year, we received a grant. financing was built, the youth space itself was restored already in the new premises in the basement. after the destruction of the hub, the activists did not lose heart and submitted to the competition a second time, thanks to which they moved to another premises. in space, teenagers together with curators arrange film screenings, trainings and volunteer, weave nets and make trench candles. the children themselves say that they are very happy that there is a fan hub in the community, because before its appearance. it was difficult to find a place to spend time with friends, it was a difficult question, because there were no
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spaces for this, we searched, well , there was just the street and that was all, and when this space was already built, it became very popular among the youth of baryshchyvka, i i was here every weekend, friday, saturday, sunday, i was here all the time with my friends, i found friends, even met... a lot of people. the contest to act in ukraine by the mkp gromady has been held for the ninth year in a row. during this time, the charitable foundation supported the initiative in more than 300 communities. the organizers say that the foundation's mission is to help communities not only with grants, but also with knowledge. therefore, an important part of the competition is training. thanks to this competition, we have changed the approach to charity in communities. began to develop project skills. management, strategic thinking, so that projects and ideas are of higher quality and are not only an expression
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of a single person, and this was truly a public decision. this year, the budget of the competition is uah 14 million. organizers want to support local social initiatives from veteran hubs and rehabilitation programs to shelter equipment. the following can apply for the competition: representatives of local self-government, communal institutions, non-governmental organizations. schools and educational institutions. you can find out the details and conditions of the competition by following the link on the screen, or fill out the questionnaire on the time to act ukraine competition website. applications will be accepted until may 12, 2024 year yulia zubchenko, dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel.
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more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine. world front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. the law on mobilization, satisfied or dissatisfied, pluses and minuses, and when the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy will sign it. a terrible blow to the ukrainian
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energy industry, the trypil hpp was actually destroyed, it must be rebuilt from scratch. who? will remain without electricity, how it will affect the citizens and the economy of our country, and the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi in the baltic countries, which is agreed upon, the european parliament sets a condition, either patriot ukraine or there will be no money for the eurocouncil, we will talk about this and other things today for the next hour and 40 minutes, this is the big ether program, my name is vasyl zema , and we will start with the announcement of the collection, because so that it does not happen , we do what we have to do... we raise money for the armed forces of ukraine, because the war continues every minute, today, by the way, is the 778th day of the great war of ukraine against the eternal enemy of russia and the russian federation, as now. espresso and public organization baziyu sprotiv call to support the collection of fpv buckets for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade
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of black zaporozhets. our own production, testing, variations for the needs of the defenders, we can provide all this together by raising 2 million hryvnias. the first successful applications of ivpivi on the battlefield are already there, join in so that there are more and more of them and most importantly, so that the enemy with disadvantages for himself feels it. our goal is ambitious, but it is real, 2 million hryvnias. remember, a donation to the armed forces of ukraine is an investment in our victory. we have already collected a lot many important things, we collected millions, tens of millions of hryvnias for the entire period of the full-scale invasion, thanks to you we will... do this too, and now we will talk about the situation in kharkiv region, we are in touch with galina kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council , mrs. galina, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, the enemy today. struck kharkov and also the region, fired at the energy infrastructure, also wrote about the fact that the enemy used certain maneuvers before striking his main blow. what were
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the consequences of enemy attacks? please at 5 in the morning, kharkiv residents were woken up by this explosive russian alarm clock, uh, there were about ten explosions, kharkiv residents counted, they were very powerful, and then the explosions were supposedly in the suburbs, a little... away and in fact, as it turned out, there had already been on another line, because one line was destroyed, on march 22 they were on another line, which supplies kharkiv itself, eh, and then the metro was turned off, the metro did not work until almost 1:00 p.m., although it worked for a short time, at 2:00 p.m. it was turned off again, 15 at 00:00 only one line , saltiv's, was included, but people understood everything. what happened, i.e. again problems with electricity, according to the regional administration, 240,000 subscribers were left
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without electricity again, although in the past days, literally the past two or three days , the situation improved a little after march 22, well , they hit again, then in the afternoon, around 2-3 p.m., there were explosions again, and again they are quite powerful, i counted two of them. eh, and once again kharkiv residents are exchanging what it was, what it will be, eh, and again, apparently, the energy infrastructure, in parallel, the regional military administration today announced the forced evacuation of families with children, from three districts that are near the front, the most shelled are kharkiv district, izyum district, bogodukhiv district, not all communities there, some communities there, this does not apply to kharkiv, it applies to kharkiv district, certain communities where there are families with children and where there is constant shelling. yesterday we had a meeting of the regional
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council of the session, and during that we had to interrupt the session, because there were explosions, and we realized that there might be something incomprehensible, everyone heard them, they were interrupted, however, then they restored the quorum, and registered again . and i walked around kharkov, i was looking for the internet with a laptop to connect to the session, i finally found it, and there were explosions, and simply we were at such a point where the flight had already arrived and we understood that we had to hide, although we do not really respond to air alarms, because we have everything it happens the other way around, first the arrival, then anxiety, but yesterday they demonstrated such a situation, although the session was interesting, for the first time in my memory, more than half of the questions related to defense capability and the security situation, that is... they also wrote about the fact that after the explosions, i i will not say whether it was the first or the second that caused interruptions in the work of the kharkiv school subways, and with what intervals does it
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work in principle, is there any schedule today, or it again depends on how you catch the internet in kharkiv, where it is, where it is not, the light is also there, sometimes it is, then it is not and there is no guarantee that it will be, but how does the metro work , first of all, is it here, please? after march 22, the first days there were 20 minutes between trains, in the past days it was sometimes 15 minutes, it became more frequent during peak times, and today the subway simply did not work for 6 hours, because of those morning shellings, and this a big problem in such a metropolis is that people have to somehow get to work, and at the same time , they let us have already developed supplementary schemes in case of a layoff. of transport and launched two parallel tram lines for the first time, in our country even the people are already writing: oh, we saw the tram for the first time, well, they just didn’t run in our place due to lack of electricity, and
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they launched the two lines that are most in demand, and several trolleybuses have been added to the routes and additional minibuses so that people somehow get around, well, although there are still many walks, so there are problems with the metro, in the afternoon they turned it off again, turned it on, now it’s hard to say... because the metro line near which i live, it was not turned on that day, the salkiv metro line was turned on, because what can i say it's difficult, but we are somehow with the light and the blackouts, we don't say when it will be turned off, we say when it is connected, we say when you were connected, even with students, teachers, when classes are arranged, online learning is transferred to us , then agree when it will be connected both in those and in... that is, the graphs, well , we agree, we agree among ourselves, i will literally ask again very briefly, i will ask one question, it is calculated that in kharkiv during
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the period of shelling... 8 thousand buildings were damaged, is it possible now there is some kind of work to restore something somewhere, are there actually no such resources and opportunities in view of the constant shelling, in kharkiv indeed a lot of buildings are damaged, but it is, let’s say , in the center and in the areas adjacent to the center, it is not very noticeable, because sample services, they are at a height, they clean everything right away. they lay down, but this is not noticeable, but these days, somewhere in the last two or three days, there are a lot of people in kharkiv, all on the street, all in the sun, and there are a lot of different volunteers there from sweden, i saw volunteers, i saw the media from belgium, we talked with them in the center, and they all say, you have something here, we arrived, we thought that the ruins would be here in the center, but everything is just clean and everything is simply closed chipboard, we
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say, we have it's fast... mrs. galina, we have to put a full stop, unfortunately, thank you again and for the objective assessment of the situation, and for the positivity that you give, despite everything, halyna kuts, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was in touch with us about the situation in the city, well, the city and the region, which today is again the enemy fired, explosions were heard twice, and then we have a topic that has been in discussion for quite a long time, the time when the deputies first approved it in the first reading. bill on mobilization, then they worked for a very long time in the committee, there were meetings, conversations, again some polylogues, amendments were made, there were almost 4 thousand amendments, in the end the deputies adopted the draft law on mobilization, and it will actually become a law finally and after the signature of the chairman of the verkhovna rada, ruslan stefanchuk, well, and then the law must be signed by the president of ukraine, it
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will come into force even there after... a certain time after it is signed by the president it's been about a month, i won't lie now, because, well , there still has to be a certain amount of time for the law to come into effect, it will be published in the official publication of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, of course the voice of ukraine, well, obviously, in the government courier , and then it will act about, of course the most, probably raised questions, or raised questions and a norm that did not exist. in this law, it is about the terms of demobilization for those military personnel, and especially those who went either as volunteers, or under the draft, and from the first, or in the first days of a full-scale invasion, or even those military personnel who still served in the zone of the anti-terrorist operation, and and then it turned into a great war, but this norm did not exist, well, let 's talk about that too, serhiy rudek,
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lieutenant colonel of the armed forces of ukraine and a people's deputy, is with us. nothing and only time will be lost, and i don't want to lose it, i want to hear what serhiy rudyk thinks about this, so we will now try to set up the connection once again, it is clear that some technical problems may arise, not without that, and also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, was supposed to come to the deputies and say,
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because actually, why this rule about demobilization existed. withdrawn from this bill, precisely because the commander-in-chief, colonel general oleksandr syrskyi wrote a letter to the minister of defense rustem umerov with the request that this norm be withdrawn, revised and then adopted by a separate law, or it should be, well, a separate document, where certain points will be prescribed, which, obviously, as far as i understand, they stem from this real situation that exists today in the armed forces, at the front. mr. sergey, are you with us? please let's continue. yes, i'm with you. perfectly. so, disappointed or not disappointed or inspired, and what prospects do you think this law will provide the result, in fact, why was it approved and prepared for? yesterday, i was disappointed when i saw up to 20 people's deputies present in the hall until the morning, who deliberately...


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