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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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united by football, stronger together. greetings , this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! svobodalai is frank and impartial. you draw your own conclusions. congratulations. the epic floods that covered the orenburg, kurgan, and tyumen regions slightly distracted russian propagandists from of ukraine. i won't say, something strong, they continue in their spirit, but still.
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i somehow had to pay attention to this, because first a town with the symbolic name of orsk went under water, and then, in principle , the larger city of orenburg began to go under water, where 6,000 people still live, and that is quite a lot, water and electricity are being cut off there in high-rise buildings, that is, in essence , the city, well, it is absolutely not suitable for living now. well, you know, i noticed such a direct dependence: as soon as the russian propagandists start slapping some such the pseudo-religious delusion about heavenly punishment for ukrainians or americans or anyone else, as suddenly they fell on russia, a natural disaster of an epic scale, then a fire, then a flood, then simply turning off the heat en masse, last year, well, that was exactly the story, as only the propagandists began to take offense at the storms in... the states, how
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half of russia was first washed away, and then burned. now the situation is repeating itself, once again the black-haired evening marasmatics snarled solovyov, and it was literally on april 2-3 and it sounded like this. we humans are more material than ukrainian beliefs in witches of all kinds. but how did it happen? at the same moment when zelensky signed the law on...
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it happened, 39 russian regions are in the flood zone, more than 10 thousand houses are flooded, heavy water is expected in the tyumen and kurgan regions, the most difficult situation is now in the orenburg region, where the water continues to remain, flooding is expected already on wednesday, hundreds were affected, the water level in the ural river exceeded. 10 m, this is 70 cm above the safe level, the water has already begun to rise to high-rise buildings, due to flooding in the region almost 13,000 residential buildings were flooded, more than 7,500 people were evacuated, the water continues to remain, there was a tense situation in the kurgan region 30 years ago, during the record flood of 1994, the water rose to a mark of 10 m 30 cm, the current flood can beat it. there have never been such meanings, i
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will probably be in an hour, i will go to collect on the mountain, i will sit somewhere in the entrance, if the neighbors open the door, i will go to one of the neighbors, in general, i do not understand at all, i even think that i they didn't tell you something, so what do you think? say, it's called the lord would regret that the russians created zasma as well. he hid in his heart, the lord decided, the lands of those whom i created, from people to animals, were washed away, because i repent that i created them, and a flood fell on russia. well, you know, it wouldn't make sense to talk about all this at all, if, well, you know, really, what's there to say, well, firstly, it didn't cover all of russia, yes, secondly, well, it will end, it will not stand there permanently, and not even for 33 years. therefore,
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but there are many such interesting things, well, them they are definitely not agreeing on something, because they were told that it would go down, but suddenly it turns out that it is not, it is not going down yet. at least for sure, and the chain continues to this day. today there were reports that the peak of flooding, if not behind, then the urals is retreating. now here is essentially information that refutes these data. at first they said that the flood peak could come on the 10th-12th, and today there is already information that the orsk peak has passed, but... well, we hope that it is so, but before that, from the moment when the water will go zorska, it will take more than one week, because there is a lot of water, a huge mirror of the spill, large areas are now under water, and after the water goes, it goes, only it will be possible to
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begin to assess the total damage that has been caused, more than 12 thousand houses are under water it is not just a zone, a zone of destruction, yes, it is a real flood, and this, you know, a real flood, in principle, also showed such an interesting thing that, well, actually, what happened the way it happened, is already the result of that war, which putin is conducting with ukraine, because that's exactly what it is such a large flow, the first thing is that it started with the fact that the dam broke, which... well, in principle , they behaved already during the war with ukraine, and how it was built and how it broke, this is all, in principle, also the result of this, you know , putin's kind of agreement with his population,
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which says that we will provide you with greatness, well, you can figure it out as you want inside the country yourself, and here's how it looked, well, first, let's talk about this lady. i say once again, it was built already during practically the war with ukraine, at least it was built precisely at that time, when all the plans were to fight with ukraine, and all the money was thrown at ukraine, and everything in general was completely done in order to fight and the russian government was completely focused on the war, but all this rest was done according to the residual principle, and therefore what was built, well, you know, even already... somehow the propagandists begin to guess that something might be wrong there, when some money seems to be allocated, someone builds something, and as a result, it then floods like this. the next grevla is several kilometers long in the city of ors was launched in 2018, in 2014
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it is not considered a hydrotechnical structure, its key task is to protect the road leading to kazakhstan. returning to the orenburg region and the settlement of orsk, there this dam is built at a level of 5.5 m. the water is 9 m, and earlier the water was 7 m, that is, if it was even like before. last year, 7 m would still be a flood, so the question is, why did we build it at 5.5 m, if there is always seven, i have another question, it was built for 900 million, this money is clearly not local, it is the funds of the federation or region, it's not a dam, it's just
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called that, it's a sandy earthen embankment, it wasn't even filled with concrete, let's call things our own, so the water just rose and washed the hell out of this structure, which was called: a dam and what of called dam, someone smart spent almost a billion, but now we won't throw around labels, there is an investigation, we assume that they will definitely find out, they definitely won't find out, because the first thing those who built this dam started to say was that they built it all normal, but she was literally gnawed by rats. if the dam survived, but it began to be washed away from below, probably prematurely, what is the problem here? it's a mystery to me, but there must be some factors involved. this is either a human factor, someone
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drilled with a horizontal drilling machine, laid some kind of communication for discharging waste water into the urals. but since the failure happened in such a place, this factor fell away. how is that even possible, wait, i understand, wait, i'm very tempted to say, of course, how much money was allocated for this dam, again friends, this is not concrete.
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as a result, they built not what they were supposed to build, but now russian propaganda , moreover, tries to justify it and in general to tell that yes, no, everything was built perfectly, but those who used it are somehow wrong it was used, and this is on the main federal channel, well, the first one is told literally in direct text, that is, if you say so, well, quite... primitive, well, in principle, they piss in the eyes of the russians, telling them
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that it is not their fault that this dam is yours she went somewhere wrong and that she simply disappeared under the water, regarding the dam, there are different, in particular exotic versions, beavers, gophers, rats, someone else, bad design, shoddy construction, bad materials, what's wrong with the dam? the stage of the life cycle is construction, i want to confirm once again that this dam lived, and the third stage is operation, i would, nevertheless, probably, against the background of the fact that this dam stood for 10 years, i would have claims to exploiting organizations, and in the end, what does it all mean, well, this is all... burning in order to shoot, well the responsibility in general comes from the supreme power,
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that is, directly from the kremlin, because this is a big, well , big catastrophe, it is clear that any country, well, it is not for nothing that it is warned against the fact that a natural disaster can happen, but when something is done immediately in such a way , where something is being stolen, some big money, well, it doesn’t happen at the local level, it happens at the level of large... the ministry, well, that is, the center of moscow, the kremlin and so on, and on the one hand, on the other hand, what is the kremlin then he is engaged, he only succeeds in war, that is, the only thing he actually does putin, all his ministry, all of this, they do only one thing, they fight, they dispose of the russian population in the war, but in cases when this population needs to be protected from natural disasters, they are not here, moreover, right here they tell that these were supposed to be local organizations, moreover, the whole situation is now turning around in such a way that it suddenly
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came to the fore, such is the story that, in principle, it turns out that the central russian authorities do not care at all about these russians who live there, who have some problems, no, she deals only with that with their embodiments of their geopolitical delusions, but everything that provides the lives of russians directly, yes... it has been safely transferred to the local level, which is simply not given money for anything, because everything goes to war, and the deputies are directly talking about it they suddenly talked about obvious problems on the air, which may not be immediately obvious to some, but still understandable, so that concerns everything related to drainage and construction. all kinds of embankments, dumps and everything else. of course, you need to analyze. i do not
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expert when it comes to orsk or the orenburg region, but i represent the state duma. krasnodar krai, one of its districts, i can say that it often becomes a victim of various crimes here in krasnodar krai. and it seems obvious that these coastal protection structures, dams, for example, they are. a broken level of local government that just doesn't have enough money to keep it going, let's finally hand it over to those who have the money. to a higher level, but it turns out that it contradicts before the decisions made, well, actually, these are the decisions made earlier, these decisions made that putin is not responsible for anything, putin is only fighting and i say once again, he is embodying his own delusions and thus disposing of the russians, and the problems
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of these russians, in principle, they don't really bother him, and this is what the situation has shown, and... on the other hand, it also indicates that, you know, this consensus that has been around putin for almost 20 years, that putin provides stability, putin provides security, and for that they support him in everyone his insanities, he suddenly collapsed along with that vorsko dam, because it turned out that the russian people only provide for putin's insanities, but he does not provide them with anything, absolutely, except the opportunity to die in putin's next... war, and this one situation, she showed it very clearly, and well, they want to live like this, let them live. another story that also arose around this also showed that not only there some economic things are not provided by the center, but also by the kremlin, and putin, and everything. not only this, they cannot provide the russians, not only that they reset to the local level, they also
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do not provide the basic security of the russians, because the main problem faced. these are all the people who got into this flood, it is not that the water came, that they died in this water, no, the biggest danger for them turned out to be marauders, and this despite the fact that in russia the rosguard, there are police, a bunch of services in which they have, well, millions of people, who are just a mass, there is such an impression that a third of the country, if not in the ministry of emergency situations, is in the army or in the russian guard, that's all. and these power structures they do not protect in any way basically they do not protect the russians, moreover, it turned out that the greatest danger for the russians during the flood is the russians themselves, well, on the other hand, well, what did you want, orsk, it, you know, the name hints at something, and the fact that this is really a huge danger is indicated by the fact that people do not, well, do not
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evacuate, they literally get into a situation where they are already... really flooded and there is not even a place to climb onto the roof, just because fear for their property, and this is simply the biggest problem. there is one problem and it should be said about it, and this problem, by the way, is not only this flood, it is the problem of all the floods that have occurred, people do not fully understand the problem that is approaching, when they talked about the fact that... evacuation is needed, people stayed until at the very end, houses understandably protect their housing, i am endlessly engaged in the challenge, and accordingly i am talking about letters of credit, and the most important and most valuable thing for this is, of course , life, and the entire intellectual potential of orenburg is our residents, this is the most important thing, but still, we usually have
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more people want to save tvs, sofas and kettles, did you go to save people? no, fridge, washing machine? and this is really the biggest problem, moreover, when russians are asked by those who got into this trouble there, what do you have there, where, where you need help the most, they say, protection from marauders, есть какие what are the main problems? problems? we help each other with water, with food, take turns, because we have people who open houses, because there are a lot of valuable things left, and guys sail through the streets in boats at night, and this is being monitored like a patrol, of course,
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we hope that the authorities will help you as well. it's amazing that people are rallying like this, a low bow to you. well, it seems that those people are getting together more to loot something, and for us this is not, you know, not news, moreover, now this entire orenburg region has seen exactly what we saw in all those places where the russians captured , occupied or temporarily occupied our territories, everything they do, they immediately steal, and this is also... the result of putin's war, when just the population of russia, well, it's simple, well dehumanized absolutely, that is, in such and such a spontaneous way. the main thing the russians fear is marauders, well, well, this, this, you know, that says something, and when they are called
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to leave, well, the reaction, they literally hold rallies to say that they are not going anywhere because they are afraid that they will be robbed, we will not go, marauders, we will, please, they are brazenly stretching us, they are creeping into us, they robbed red and white, they climbed into houses from boats, allegedly as spectators, they approach and rob houses, well and eventually some more victims tell how exactly, at what speed it happens, and the main thing is that it happens during the day, that is, there are no law enforcement agencies there at the moment when they should be there, many people are sitting on the roofs and do not want to ... to leave their houses, because vandals are breaking open everything all around, for example, viktor's second floor was broken into during the day yesterday, we sailed from there to the city at 12 o'clock, drove off,
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bought flashlights, and arrived at 7 o'clock , its upper window is already broken, but not yet they entered, we don't know, and there were computers there, only because of vandalism they don't leave, and everyone would have evacuated a long time ago, and you know, in principle, security is the main thing, which as if putin should symbolize himself, and here you see, this security does not exist, it does not exist, not only where belgarad is bombed and bombs fall there from russian planes, not only in the front-line territories, not only where the war is going on, it is not only there that he creates danger for people, it turns out that putin even manages to create danger for people where it is easy natural disaster because all this politics, all this, you know, propaganda of hatred, as a result, simply brought the russians themselves to barbarism, when they turn into
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those orcs that we saw, and why? well, if they are told to join the russian army, because you will be able to rob ukrainians, why should they go to the russian army, if they can easily rob their neighbors, and you don't have to go far, you don't have to risk yourself, you can just go to .. to a neighboring region, or to a neighboring city, or even just to neighboring house, and rob it during a flood, well, that’s logical, and that’s exactly what this result is, and that’s why the russians, when they go out and shout putin, putin, well, it looks quite funny, well, that’s right, they shout there , where necessary, but they will not be heard, putin help, putin, help, putin, help.
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actually, what is left for the russians themselves, and they, like the governor of the kurgan region vadym shumkov, have to fly around with icons the territory that is to be flooded, and i am not exaggerating this, that is, this is the protection which provides russia as a state with its own. citizens to fly around the area in a helicopter with icons to see how it is absorbed by water. well, that's what they started with, and that's what they ended with, so they can, i don't know, hang or shoot the propagandists, so that they didn't create another terrible natural disaster for the whole of russia another time. see you lakal fix reliably fixes, my dentist advised me, it also reduces inflammation of the gums, and
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khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and impartially. you
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draw your own conclusions. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. judges in the service of the kremlin. who found an approach to the ukrainian themis? alexander babakov, this putin's confidant. but what violations did the board of the northern appellate economic court commit, handing over poltava gzk to russian raiders. the decision is made by an absolutely corrupt component. greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial reform in ukraine is underway, soon, a qualification assessment of all themis servants should be carried out for
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compliance with the criteria of virtue. and professional ethics, obviously not everyone will pass it, and until this happens, judges continue to surprise us, not only for with cloud fortunes, but also with extremely absurd decisions, others flee to resign, until the qualification committee found them unfit and dismissed them in disgrace. today we will tell you about those who stood out, and first you will get the news. the council of justice also dismissed the judge of the kuznytsovsky city court valery malkov, who was prosecuted for drunken driving. for the first time, malkov was arrested for drunk driving in august 2019. then he collided with a vase while driving a foreign car in varasha. at the same time, malkov had clear signs of alcohol intoxication, but refused to undergo a medical examination. no need to be rude here. i'm not going to press pause. there are documents in the car. in general, i can car. the smell
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of alcohol, did you drink today, no, i don’t have to this car, did you drink before you hit that car or after, i didn’t hit that car, i am from this car at all, here i am visiting my mother , wait, you are filming me, the court found malkov guilty, imposed a fine of uah 10,000 and deprived him of the right to drive a car for a year, however that year in august... the servant of themis was again jumped drunk. the supreme council of justice decided that such behavior of malkov is not compatible with the status of a judge. another traitor judge was sent for dismissal. the second disciplinary chamber of the high council of justice recommended the dismissal of the judge of the kherson district administrative court , serhiy varniak. in august 2022, due to the russian occupation of kherson, the judge was assigned to work at the odesa district administrative court and there varniav.


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