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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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but will serve 15 years for treason against ukraine. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. the new wave of russian attacks on ukrainian energy is more powerful than the one that took place in the fall of the 22nd. experts warn that in july-august there will be strict restrictions on the use of electricity, meanwhile the front urgently needs and weapons, and people, and although ukraine passed a law on mobilization. but is he able
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to save the situation if russia is preparing a large-scale offensive in the second month. this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazor. ukraine is in the most vulnerable position since the beginning of the war. bloomberg writes about it. the strikes on ukraine's energy infrastructure, the attacks on kharkiv and the advance of russian troops on the front led to the fact that ukrainian troops approached a critical point, he said. edition. one of the interlocutors is bloomberg calls the probable risk of the collapse of the ukrainian defense, which will allow russia to conduct a major offensive for the first time at the beginning of the war. in the usa, they do not see any signs that a breakthrough will necessarily happen - an american government official told the publication. however, the morale of the country of ukraine is low, and therefore the possibility of collapse cannot be ruled out - said another interlocutor quoted by bloomberg. a terrible shortage of ammunition and manpower at the front. with a length of 1200 km and a gap in
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air defense indicates that ukraine is in the most fragile at this point, in more than two years of war, western officials with knowledge of the situation say the next few months will be ukraine's toughest test as people are exhausted by the war, especially in the heavily shelled eastern city of kharkiv. let me remind you that the usa has never approved the financing of military aid for ukraine, if 60 billion dollars of aid... do not arrive in the near future, ukraine may, as president zelensky said, lose the war, states the british newspaper the times. of course, this will harm the ukrainian military effort, which is already suffering from a lack of ammunition and manpower. under such circumstances, the initiative will probably forever pass to president putin and his generals, writes the times. myroslav gai, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine and a volunteer joins our broadcast. myroslav, myroslav, good evening. good evening. ah... i just quoted a few
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excerpts from reports in the western press, please tell me, at least this is how the west sees the situation in ukraine, tell me please how badly do you feel the need for ammo and manpower at the moment ? well, look, about the fact that there are not enough people to renew the units, well, this is known, because it was also heard from the stands of the verkhovna rada, the commander of the command syrsky also spoke about it, and the president spoke about it, so of course there are not enough people, that is why this initiative was the law on mobilization and all these discussions that were held around all these issues. as for ammunition, well, again, what ammunition? let's go specific questions: artillery ammunition? yes, compared to how much the russians use, we have much less of them, and that is why there is now discussion and ...
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actions are being taken to find these munitions by european countries and they are trying to increase production. the united states of america, i will just remind you, you already have i said this on the air several times, but i will repeat that as of last year, according to the state department, they could produce in a year with all the capacities of the united states, so many 155 calibers, and this is the largest caliber for nato long-range artillery sample as much as per year, as much as forces were needed, well, in fact, for a month, that is, all factories bulgaria is the main european producer of shots of the sample, well, of soviet times, yes, of soviet calibers, all four factories in a year produced as much as we spent in two weeks, so accordingly, this shortage, it experts have already talked about it several times, but little by little it is evening out, because the volume of production and...
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and changes are increasing, but just a day ago, the commander of the united armed forces of nato in europe, american general christopher kavol, he warned that without the support of the united states in the coming weeks, the superiority of russian artillery over ukrainian artillery could reach 10 to one, is this a realistic prospect? well , absolutely realistic, well, in principle , at the beginning of the full-scale aggression, russia always had an advantage in artillery, but 10 to one is directly from... well, i will tell you that in avdiivka, according to some estimates of some experts who were directly there, there is attention of military personnel, there were even days when there were 20 to one, and the audio girl was captured in the end, if they captured it, we held it for a very long time and fulfilled the tasks that
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the armed forces of ukraine had set, that is to say, they defeated a large number of russians, their equipment, and... the fact that they achieved such tactical success, well, it actually does not make it for the entire war. another question: do you see in your direction, where you are, signs that in the second month russia may carry out some kind of major offensive, about a major offensive, in particular, recently the president said that it could begin in may, june, so look, right there, well, not a single soldier in the trench will tell you whether russia is preparing for an offensive or not. because this is already an operational-strategic level, an operational level, and each fighter sees his own war, in his own trench, from what we are currently observing, well, it is not visible that russia is accumulating any forces in separate directions, i mean in the north , there in the area of ​​belarus, but everything can change, now
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it is very difficult to hide the accumulation of large forces and resources, reserves, because we see everything online, our partners share: with our data, satellites, and therefore all this will be visible, but it is necessary to prepare for, so i will say here that it is probably appropriate to mention that today in gur it was reported that russia is sending to war against ukraine, there the personnel of the pacific fleet, as well as the 11th army of the air force and air defense, these are, as i understand it, those forces that have not yet been used directly for war, well, everything is correct, they are trying to increase... the number of personnel and equipment, therefore that they suffered insane losses, to recover somehow manner, and under any conditions, if you want to win the war, well, this is according to military science, you must have an advantage in manpower, in equipment at least three to five times, well,
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accordingly, they are trying to build up, so we it is necessary to mobilize, prepare reserves, arm new units, train them, coordinate. nothing new, we will talk more about mobilization now, but i would like one more thing, you know, well , a general impression, or maybe even a personal assessment, for you to give, look, we have been hearing news for the last few weeks that there are no patriots, the energy sector suffers greatly from this, in some places it is completely destroyed, the law on mobilization has only been passed, but there are doubts whether they will have time to prepare all the necessary reserves and people. to teach there in a short period of time, in the background of all this , there is news coming from the united states that there is no help, and in the near future it is somehow faintly looming, don't you have the feeling that ukraine will really be unprepared to face the russian army if they
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mobilize resources and will go on the offensive already in summer. ukraine will be able to resist the russian army, simply in its absence. a sufficient number of weapons, air defense means, there will simply be greater destruction of our cities and greater losses from the armed forces of ukraine and among the civilian population, what we will be able to resist, you know, when there was the first and second chechen campaign, there were the first chechen people with sticks in general, against the russians, well, you think they fought back against the russians and grabbed their weapons, but i just wouldn't want to. but i wouldn't want that, well, it's clear, well, it's simple we must be realistic, understand that we may be left without some kind of help from the united states of america, or if it comes, it may come a little later, and we need to focus on the development of
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our own military industry. we have promising types of weapons that have proven themselves no worse than western models, and this is our sav. these are neptune missiles, we see that ukrainian drones are destroying a refinery deep in russian territory, we have anti-missile defense systems... that is, we need to concentrate on our own defense industry and in general to hope for the help of our partners, but to behave like this and plan like this, the defense of ukraine, as if this help has never been and will never be, it is realistic to plan, it is realistic to plan, of course it is realistic, of course it is realistic to plan, and... well, build defensive lines, carry out mobilization, invest in own
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weapons, base drones. about the defense lines, let's talk a little more, well, there was a statement by the prime minister that the government allocated another four billion for the construction of defense lines there, in general, many people are now talking about fortifications, they are being built in the kharkiv, sumy, kherson, and mykolaiv regions. quick question, isn't it too late? well, if these ob... defensive lines were built before the 22nd year, of course, the russian federation would not have achieved such rapid success, they would not have been able to go so deep into ukraine, to go almost as far as kyiv, of course this it was necessary to do before that, but thank god, what they are doing now is important, myroslav, and what they testify to, in principle, this testifies to massive construction of... fortifications, because i remember that literally a year ago in ukraine, some even allowed themselves to make fun of this so
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-called surovykin line in the south, and now we see that ukraine is also building something similar, as evidenced by this such a massive construction of defensive lines, simply because money appeared, excuse me, or simply some strategy has changed, we are moving to strategic defense, that's all, that is, we understand that in order to... to, for example, counterattack the russian troops, we need to have significant air superiority, a significant advantage in artillery means, in technology, in trained personnel, but if we still do not have an advantage in aviation, in missile weapons, unmanned aviation means of snoring, then we have to prepare for defense, well , this is logical, it is correct, what does the transition mean , which means going on the defensive, going on the defensive, it means that we... get entrenched where we can get entrenched, that is, restrain
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the onslaught of the russians where we can restrain it, and wait and work for qualitative changes to take place , which will allow us to to win back our other territories in the future, when this will happen is unknown, but recently volodymyr zelenskyi, if i am not mistaken, in an interview with bilt newspaper said something about the prospects of a counteroffensive, i understand that if ukraine goes on the defensive about a counteroffensive. and in the realities that you have just described, this is something impossible, i tell you once again, well, you see planes at 16, you see on the see, that is why i am surprised by the statements of the president, the presence of millions of air defense systems near every city, there is no such thing, until that happens, let's talk about counteroffensive actions is difficult, perhaps the president knows something more than you and i, and perhaps some deliveries of new weapons are expected, there may be some breakthrough with european partners. we don't know, we know that our guys are currently training on
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the f-16, for example, well, this is open information, accordingly, maybe we will get some additional types of weapons that will allow us to talk about a counterattack, well, the president is a more knowledgeable person in these questions, but the fact that we are building defensive lines speaks for itself the fact that we are moving into strategic defense, you look at the tactics of the russians, as they are doing now, they... with such gentle assaults, they repel some territory there and achieve some tactical success, at least 100 m there, 500 m there, and immediately start there to be entrenched, to build defensive lines, these small lines of suravikin, so that it would not be possible to reconquer these territories, because it was extremely difficult, and he is still preparing to move forward, step by step , in small steps. tea an insane amount people, because in russia the price of human life is zero, they use such tactics, well
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, we cannot treat our own personnel in this way, because ukraine has less mobilization resources, i will tell you cynically, and for me ukrainians, this is the life of every ukrainian, it is unconditional value, well, accordingly, we cannot attack with such meaty assaults, but we can build a defense line there... where we control the territory in order to grind the russian army at each such turn, so the entire command correctly makes the first line, the second. to me it seems that the former commander-in-chief valery zaluzhnyi spoke about the need to go on the defensive, but i just remembered that, i have one last question for you, how did you personally perceive the law on mobilization and the fact that it does not provide for clear terms of service? listen, we don't have the opportunity to demobilize people now, well, that's
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objective, well, because all the trained , experienced personnel that we have, it's not enough anyway, well, now... new people will be drafted, the age limit has been raised, there will be conscripted from the age of 25, but these people are needed they need to be trained, they need to be armed, they need to be reconciled, then they need to gain some kind of combat experience, and this is all despite the fact that the russian federation, having greater mobilization resources, is now conducting mass training, training children with weapons. in schools, constantly conducts mobilization actions, and carries a threat, so i, well, i have no illusions, no matter how much i would like there, or our families, to announce that demobilization will be there, i don't know, in a year, in six months, objectively, it is impossible now in those in the conditions we are in, if there is, there will be some
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situation where the intensity of the fighting will change, the threat will change, and... it will be possible to hold the battle line with a smaller number of personnel, because there will be, i don't know , some agreements reached, somehow putin will be influenced, but now the chinese are trying to do something, they are talking about some kind of peace formula, we don't know how events will develop, then we can talk about demobilization, for now it's just objective miroslava, but what about these arguments from some military personnel about the fact that the military is very tired and they are simply losing their effectiveness and because of this the number of dead will also increase, and this... the military is absolutely telling the truth, but the fact that they have now, for example, been taken and demobilized, unfortunately, well, just russia , it will simply lead to the russians moving on. thank you very much, first of all we need mobiles, first we need to mobilize people, arm them, train them, coordinate them, give them the opportunity to gain combat experience, establish this mobilization system, then think about
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demobilization of those who have been fighting for two years. thank you very much for your comment. thank you. myroslav gai, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine and a volunteer, joined our broadcast. journalists also asked servicemen of the svoboda battalion, the elite rubizh assault brigade of the national guard of ukraine, what they think about the fact that the new draft law on mobilization, more precisely on mobilization, does not have a norm or provision on demobilization, you can listen to their answer. the sides of the coin are on one side and must, yes, on the other. no no there will be someone who will fight normally, if everyone is demobilized now, then it must be done gradually somehow, i don't know, it is necessary to change people, then the fact that they adopted a law where there will be no demobilization, it means that those people who have been fighting for the third year , they will not have
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rest, they will not be able to recover, a person has a resource in any and... and our people too, they are not steel, and they work to the maximum of their capabilities, people have to rest, have to see their families, have to recover, and if a person cannot recover, what kind of warrior is he then, how can he fight and defend his homeland, his nation, if the last juices are extracted from him, it is obvious, so for me it is a law, but i cannot understand who writes it ? have nothing to do with the army, they can see better from the kiev government offices, from the warm, dry, than from the trenches in which our boys are, that if we have a free country, we are fighting for some kind of freedom there, then it should be like this
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freedom itself everywhere, if a person wants to serve, then why is she being demobilized? itself, if a person does not want to serve, why force him? we have enough people who want to do, want to fight, there are just many more people who can and do hinder them. there should be full mobilization, i generally believe that our country should become so militarized, every civilian, woman, man, it doesn't matter, should know. a parallel and military profession, now, well, come on, let's be honest, now a stormtrooper or an infantryman, well, not everyone want, yes none.
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well, that is, a bunch of all kinds of professions that are not directly on the battlefield, but are very important, and even more so now artificial intelligence, now well , technologists will break through the front so much that we all need them. vladimir putin publicly admitted that russia is destroying the ukrainian energy system. he stated that strikes on ukraine's energy facilities are part of the demilitarization process, as they, that is , energy facilities, they say, affect the country's defense-industrial complex. putin made such a statement at a meeting with oleksandr lukashenko. russia, he said, is forced to respond to ukraine's strikes on its own energy facilities, while putin did not specify which russian energy facilities ukraine targeted.
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unfortunately, we have seen a series of strikes on our energy facilities recently. unfortunately, recently we observed a series of attacks on our energy facilities and were forced to respond. i want to emphasize that, based even on humanitarian considerations, we did not strike during the winter. i mean, we didn't want to leave social institutions, hospitals and so similar, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities, were forced to respond, but i repeat once again, if everything is focused on solving the issues that we talked about at the beginning, then this is all partly related to solving one of the tasks, which we set before ourselves, and this is demilitarization. in the last few weeks, russian troops have increased the intensity of attacks on the energy infrastructure of ukraine, in particular, almost every day russian troops launch drones and missiles at energy facilities in the kharkiv region. literally on april 1, the mayor of kharkiv igor
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terekhov said that almost the entire energy infrastructure was destroyed in the city. i will also remind you that as a result of the strike on the night of april 11, the trypil thermal power plant in the kyiv region was completely destroyed. trypilska tes is the most powerful power plant in the kyiv region, it generates about half of the total. energy produced by enterprises in the region. russia could use the new kh-69 cruise missiles to attack trypilska tes. this was reported by the military portal defense express with reference to the sources that had you can get acquainted with the wreckage of the rocket, its range is 400 km. such a range allows striking a huge number of objects on the territory of ukraine. analysts have shown hypothetical launch areas, as you can now see on the map, and this is without taking into account the possibility of launching this missile in... belarus. svitlana grynchuk, deputy minister of energy of ukraine, joins our broadcast. good evening. good evening. new wave
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of russian strikes on energy, experts say we're seeing it's most powerful, or more powerful than it's ever been in the fall of the 22nd year. and we see that the blows themselves are quite accurate, and the consequences are more devastating. tell me, please, in which regions is the situation most critical at the moment? indeed, the russians intensified their attacks on the energy system of ukraine in the last few weeks, starting from march 22, we can see that their tactics have changed, now the strikes are more targeted, more precise precisely on critical energy facilities, and unfortunately, the destruction caused by these strikes , they are also very significant, the worst situation remains in... and kharkiv region, there, unfortunately, all this period we are forced to implement schedules of emergency shutdowns, schedules of hourly shutdowns, whatever our efforts, we quickly
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find different ones, apply different schemes of reconnection of consumers there, so that more consumers have electricity , they very often come across the fact that additional objects are damaged with new blows, these are the operator's objects. transmission systems, substations, which makes it difficult for us to work, but we still try, at least in portions, using alternative connection schemes, still provide consumers with electricity at least periodically, it is clear that it should be fully restored now, when kharkiv and the kharkiv region are under daily attacks, as already said, fully restored. so far it is not possible, i understand that in principle it will take years to restore, in fact, after destroying the fifth theses in kharkiv , the press service reported that
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it will take years to restore, that's right. well, if you restore everything that was destroyed to the level that, how it was before the shelling began, of course, it has been years, but now our number one task is to restore what is possible, minimally, in order to be able to feed as many consumers as possible, and the situation is difficult not only in kharkiv, in the kharkiv region, unfortunately, we sometimes have to apply emergency shutdown schedules in the dnipropetrovsk region as well. and in odesa and dnipropetrovsk, now we have to limit industrial consumers under emergency shutdown schedules, because there was also damage there in the last few days constant attacks on the objects of the transmission system, also, which prevents the energy companies from performing, performing their work, and can be clarified then, can be clarified, see
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the center of economic strategy. the report noted that, well, he predicted that in july-august of this year we can expect the most severe restrictions for consumers, is it so, well , look, summer, if it will be hot enough and it would be historically summer peak periods of consumption, that is, consumption is growing through the use of cooling systems in buildings, in homes and well in general consumption is increasing, we are trying to... now our task is to dismantle the debris, assess the condition of the equipment, try to repair very quickly what is susceptible, do you share, allow me, i will repeat the question, do you share the forecasts of the center for economic strategy, that in the summer, ukrainians may face the most severe restrictions, are there grounds to consider this as the most severe, what do you mean,
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oklyu? light i mean blackouts than if we compare to what if we compare to winter 22nd 23rd then hopefully not, if we have to implement outage schedules, it will depend on whether it will be or not, i can't tell you right now because we have to first assess the condition of the equipment, assess that we can repair quickly enough and put into operation, we must understand... and now we communicate also with your help to consumers that the support of consumers is very important now so that we can restore work and energy systems normally and keep it in a stable mode of operation. it is important to reduce consumption as much as possible in peak hours, these are morning hours, these are evening hours, to transfer the use of energy-intensive objects to a more...
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to a daytime period, when the consumption peak is not so high, in order to support the power system. for our part, we are doing everything, however, it is very difficult to predict now, because there are mass attacks there almost every day, or periodically every few days, there are additional damages, additional damages, of course, if they continue, then we can really face restrictions, we will try... even if it has to be done, so that it is still the case that consumers have access to electricity there with periodicity. we had outage schedules ready even before the start of the heating season so that, if after all, the situations could be different, if after all there was a negative scenario, so that the distribution of available electricity would be as fair as possible and, after all, consumers would be
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electricity explain this, in september in the 23rd year, prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal announced that the government allocated almost 10 billion uah for the protection of critical infrastructure. he said at the time that this was one of the priorities, without giving any details, but he said that very serious and powerful and systematic work was being done. i have a simple question: the money went to the wrong place, there was not enough money, but is ukraine ready for such blows. turned out to be unprepared, what happened? but why? we had several levels of protection and they all showed their effectiveness, there is the first level of protection with the help of gabions, we covered with these gabions, these are sandbags, the most valuable equipment there for the power system, and it really showed itself very effectively from the shock wave, from fragments, as for the second level of protection, it is against.


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