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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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in fact, what is happening in russia, i know, olya, that you missed their comments there, what they say in general, quite scrupulously, you covered this topic in the chronicles of the information war, tell me what, how they first perceive and how do you perceive this flood that has reached these cities, ior orenburg, and there it seems to me that this water has already gone further into the mound, it is... mismanagement, roadlessness, irresponsibility, everything, everything that is possible, well, there are several such layers of perception , well, the first layer of perception is actually that it is russian propaganda is trying to talk about it there, well, it's just that it's a natural disaster that could not have been predicted, it all happened like that, well, that's the main thing, and woe betide, let's save everyone and that's all, there is such a next level of perception, that it also spills out a little into russian. this is the fact that, in
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principle, questions arise as to how it was possible to build an embankment, some kind of embankment, but in this orsk, in fact, a dam broke there, and it was not a dam, it turns out, but simply an embankment that was together with the road and was filled immediately less , than possible floods, poured without concrete, without anything, they took almost a billion rubles for it, well, in other words, they basically stole it. and this is all you, this story with this dam, it revealed such a story in russia, which in general has been relevant for them there for the last 10 years, because this dam is new, it was built in the 18th year, it was designed from the 14th, that is, this is a completely new story, it is precisely this indicator of the military economy of russia, and the military economy of russia looks quite interesting from this point of view, because it is clear that they pumped money from... all regions in
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the center spends this money or directly on embezzlement, well, that is, there are some pseudo-dump type projects that are simply embezzled so that, well, because there are those close to putin, there is this whole pool of rich families in russia, for which, they need to get money from where, where they receive them, they receive them now after sanctions were imposed on them, they practically cannot earn abroad, they receive them directly from the russian budget, and this dam is such an example, one of... examples, just all of them the money was stolen, it was unknown, that, well, and this is the result, at the same time, the entire burden of maintenance, infrastructure of russian, russian everyday life there is completely shifted from the central level to the local level, there is no money at the local level, and therefore it is just such a huge run-up, such a gap between the two. .. all with such a severely
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declining standard of living of the russian people, which is declining just before our eyes, that is, this collapse that happened this year with heat supply in almost all regions, it was not accidental, it is the result of this history, and with on the other hand, this is military expansion, 6% of gdp goes to war, purely to war, and this will certainly tear them apart, and the second story, which is very surprising, is that... well, looting became the main problem of this the flood, nothing more, private, ordinary victim of the flood, not talking about it yet, except about looting, looting is a story that everyone, well, can't handle all of russia, thank you, we don't have much time left, oleksiy, that's it a story with such a way of life of russians, well, they have always lived like this, and where, where is this border, where, when will they realize that they generally flood them. izby, well, look,
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if, if people always live like this, then they do not see anything extraordinary in this, they have always lived like this, it is on the one hand, on the other hand, remember, this is the famous phrase attributed to the marquis pompadour, after us, even though the flood, well, the flood came, but not after, during, so to speak, because actually, this is the quintessence of the existence of the current... putin's russia, and maybe russia in general, somehow it will all get soaked, the main thing for us is that we live alone times, let's raise money now, let's start all the wars we can, because then we don't talk anymore, that's why i think that it's just a logical consequence of how flying is done. thank you, we have to finish, colleagues, oleksiy mustafin, olga len were guests of our program today. colleagues, thank
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you for participating in the program. let's look at the results of the survey, the final: would you trust the power of the military police after the war. please show 87% on the screen. yes 13% no, this is the program the verdict was today, i say goodbye to you until monday, until 20:00, have a good weekend, bye, there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel up to 30% in travel pharmacies you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many
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important topics we will discuss today, two hours to learn about the war, right now and about the war let's talk more, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now about what happened in the world, yuliy fiz will talk in more detail. good evening, keep up with the economic news. time for a word, please. two hours to be in talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of pride. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada. events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast winters, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening over espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, stronger together. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of processes that change the country and of each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu, vitaly portnikov and guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for
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the world the second trump presidency will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine! greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big ether on the spresso tv channel, today we will sum up the results of this day and sum up, at least in terms of events on the front line, today's military summaries of the day with serhiy sgorets, there are many important topics that we will definitely discuss with him regarding the situation at the front and the prospects for strengthening ours. air defense and regarding those hundreds of millions, even a billion, that the netherlands decided to give to ukraine for military needs, and in general, what should we expect from washington there, because its help is also very important, we will talk about that, and of course let's discuss those
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events that happened in ukraine, today we will have an inclusion on a very important topic related to the economy, possible pressure on enterprises, and how to make the economy... also work effectively during the war, because taxes are paid on time and not a business that does not have nightmares, forgive me for that, the word is a bit of argot, but a business that is supported, that is... tried, it can give more, first of all, to the front line of the military, because we are increasing payments to the military from zero to 70 00, and that's a plus, a huge plus actually, but then the question arises that the business has to earn this money somewhere, we will also talk about that, but now let's start with the announcement of the collection. espresso and the public organization baza ua sprovit call for support for the collection of fpv drones for the 93rd separate brigade of the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of the black zaporizhia. these are legendary brigades that have been fighting the enemy for a long time and during this full-scale invasion defended
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ukrainian cities, drove the enemy from ukrainian cities, and now continue to protect our land. own production, testing, variations for the needs of the defenders, we can provide all this together by collecting uah 2 million. the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already here, join us for more. our goal is ambitious - uah 2 million, but it is with you. in reality, remember, the donatna armed forces is an investment in our joint victory. and actually, we have to start from the beginning, and we start by talking about odesa, which is actually constantly under enemy fire, but still has many other topics, problems and questions. fevzi mamutov, mp odesa regional council. mr. fevzi, i congratulate you. and i congratulate you. i'll start with the following: the security situation. for now it is day and night, as in the past not only in odesa, but also in odesa, please, today
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a day of mourning has been declared in odesa in odesa, unfortunately, the number of dead is already increasing to six people, the last is a 56-year-old man, he died, well, he already died in the hospital while providing assistance. and every day, every day the shelling is repeated, recently the regional council initiated an extraordinary session, where to consider there was only one thing, we lost connection, now we will restore it, we understand that we live in such a time, especially now, especially in odesa, which... constantly suffers from energy, mobile communication, somewhere there is coverage, somewhere
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there may be no coverage, somewhere it simply does not work, the mobile station, well, we have to understand it, treat it with understanding again, we will try to do it again, maybe we will get in touch by phone, we understand that the conversation, when we we see a guest in the frame, it is more interesting and effective, but in any case we're looking for it to work, if we can't see... mamutov in the video, we'll try to hear him then, and yes, indeed, what fevzi mamutov said that the death toll from the russian strike, which was carried out in odesa on april 10, the day before yesterday, you remember, we had an evening broadcast, just as you were with us, and we contacted a lady who was in odesa, we had to talk to her and heard. explosion just during ether, i don't know if you heard it or not , my colleagues in the ether hardware it
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they heard for sure, and the connection was lost, fortunately, everything is fine with our interlocutor, but then, unfortunately, people died, and now we have the sixth dead, we also suffered injuries from a blow on april 10, he just died in the hospital, they could not save him, or so severe were the injuries, the damage, which, unfortunately, did not give a chance for... for rescue, well, also the enemy is constantly attacking odeshchyna, we know this very well, he uses his ground launchers, not only ground launchers, but mr. fevzi, back to the conversation, yes, in because of the power outages, communication is also suffering, actually, actually i told a little bit about this story, that unfortunately the sixth victim died from... injured on april 10, but can you tell more, please, m , yes, and in connection with these shellings,
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i have already switched a little to another, er, on the 10th of april, an extraordinary session of the regional council was initiated, er, where only one issue was to be considered, an appeal to the supreme the council, er, to approach the g7 to strengthen air defenses, but er... for now it was this session that was cancelled, and i understand that this is due to the fact that the mood for strengthening is counterintuitive. the defenses of the south have changed, and i hope that in the near future, as i said in the previous broadcast, that one patriot is what is needed in the south, in odesa, and tell me, tell me, please, without
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revealing the details, again yes, there are certain ones that the enemy should not track, which are precisely from... tracks our aters, so we always try not to say too much, but does the enemy continue to try to find weak points in our here this global the grain corridor, because the grain corridor is not only the passage, exit of the sports vessel and its passage along a certain course to the bosphorus and where it is further, or to the danube ports or to the black sea ports of romania, i do not know where the ships go, but in any case, is the enemy still trying to look for... somewhere the whole, where the grain is stored, otherwise, some kind of grain, where there might be some pa, well, that is, everything that is again connected globally with this project, grain corridor, is he still directing now your efforts on, as they say, energy, energy and whether this attempt to intimidate, to intimidate people continues, first of all, because
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the strikes on residential buildings, in particular, is an attempt to sow panic, despondency, fear and and and and and... and a lot of blood, which could also affect psychologically, please, just like that, is going now, mainly, as we see, we don't, we don't really know their plans, but what we see is still directed at energy, but very often we see enemy drones near ports, but shelling. towards the ports have recently decreased, please tell me whether the work is ongoing and , again, whether the regional budget for strengthening the defense of odesa and odeschyna is financially involved in this to some extent, we understand that the enemy has lost many amphibious ships and let's say
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such a brazen amphibious landing, as they planned 20 4 february and there in the first. no , the invasion of the 22nd year is probably already impossible, well, plus there are our drones and many other things that will not give the enemy the opportunity to do this, but we understand very well that the enemy can push from different places, well, there is transnistria, well, actually, do they stand out any funds, or again, it comes from the state budget and local structures are not involved financially or technologically, i mean the elected regional councils or local councils, please eh... in certain parts of the country, territorial bodies are involved communities, but it is still the state, the state budget, even taking into account the fact that after the removal of personal income tax in the region, and therefore it is mainly the state budget, yes, but local territorial
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communities, the regional council, and even the city council too . participates in these processes and defense abilities in general, i will be very brief, because we have already almost run out of time, but i am, we will talk about it, i think, in the future more than once, well, it is already warm, it is already 20 plus, and summer is ahead, and despite , that the war is shelling, we understand that many people will go to the sea, or odessa, as they are currently working on security plans, normalizing the behavior of people in the city and in the region in conditions of active war. and possible offensive actions of the enemy, six beaches were opened last season and in principle i think that nothing will change this year, regarding the work of some institutions, everything is according to the curfew, that is, people
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will still come to the sea this year, but we understand. that its shelling continues, the security situation in odesa is so-so, this, i think, will affect the number of people who will come to us. thank you very much, thank you for the comments made by fevzi mamutov, a deputy of the odesa regional council, and why am i saying this, because indeed many will go no matter what, but i just want to emphasize that we give as much as we can to support the armed forces ukraine, each other, the defense capability of our state, because these are critical moments during this great war, when we must all be together. and even more so the sea is dangerous , and actually we saw beautiful moments when it flew to the coastal zone to the resort zone, where soldiers died, policemen died, people died. it was a few seconds when this ballistic missile arrived, so of course, let's do everything as possible now to make our country safe and drive the enemy away, this
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it's important, again, it's important, and viktor boberenko, expert of the bureau of policy analysis, sumy oblast, mr. viktor, i congratulate you, good health to you vasyl, i'm glad to see and hear, we 'll traditionally start with the situation in sumy oblast, well, it was an airstrike was carried out on... i read about one wounded person, perhaps the information has changed, it was also a strike on civilian infrastructure, and four people were wounded in the air strike due to shelling, if possible, sum up this day and this night that passed, today arrived in the sums themselves, flew over the industrial zone, there is a russian underworld there, yes, a russian underworld, like a russian underworld in sumy, well , that’s it... a topic, of course, not even for the sbu, for psychiatrists, but the russian underworld in sumy, well, i don’t know even, but in the meantime it reported that
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it had flown over the air force facility, none, it had flown there, there is clearly no air force there, this is an industrial facility, an industrial zone, yesterday they aimed at the tets and hit the tets, but the tets is working, i assure you that they got there, but not so in the passage conditionally. and today they also hit an industrial facility, maybe also in tezzil, maybe i don't know where, but there are no victims either, well, there they write that whether one person is injured or not, that is , sums got away with knocking on wood again, that's understandable, that they will hit the objects of the civil infrastructure and in the future, especially the energy infrastructure, and that is why we survived there. for such objects, as for the shelling of sumy oblast, as usual, they hit on this day, it was in the north, it is there
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north of the diet, it is the esman community, there were and here in pakhatinsky community there were also yunakovsky velikoppiseriv airstrikes, and they were artoi from art systems, and today they hit vorozhbyansky, well what can i tell you, it happens every day, yes there are... wounded, at least three wounded, eh, this today, the day is not over yet, well, we will see what happens next, but so that we know, the enemy is crushing us, well, as putin promised to make a 20-kilometer gray zone, that is where their cabs get they calmly take out, where there are enough of their artillery and mines, then life is slowly disappearing there, even a five-kilometer one... zone we have all children and parents with children hanged there, including forcibly, they are not allowed to go from the five-kilometer zone to the five-kilometer zone, well, like the front zone,
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there are only special traffic jams, even i work there in one international project, we deliver there, well, conditionally there is firewood, there are packages that go there to help, well, there so that if the windows are broken, to tape them up there, and there is some kind of tarpaulin, plastic. that's it, well, i won't even get into the five-kilometer zone, well, in the 20-kilometer zone if it was still possible, but the 20-kilometer stretch is a zone where art can reach, and first of all, we have a large scrivsk community, where there are more than a thousand houses, well , in fact, they are without windows, where half of the community has already left, but these are settlements of krasnopilsk community and bilopolsk, novoslabitska, this only i am talking about large communities, and small ones like the river there. i want it there, there , there, there, here, here, somewhere, here, even though it is arriving, it is arriving, well, we have it
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, and we have it, any place, any place, the ukrainians can fly here, but it seems that arta does not arrive, but the cabs are already there, but they can, and the rockets well, yes, they are now trying to destroy us , this is the place with which i am talking to you, yes, for the former ambassador of yunokov - i have 36 km in a straight line, if by gps, yes, 36 km, there is a road, there are points too, well, this is how we live , but i will tell you that well in sumy, well more or less calm, if the children are walking around, even most of the schools are offline, sir, sir, i know i would like to ask, of course, the maps of the enemy's offensive today, i understand not on the table at the bank, as an attack, well, as they say, ukrainian. was on the table in the kremlin, this is again
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after all, the officials said, these are not rumors, because we do not know where the enemy can concentrate his forces to attack, we will not incite any kind of panic here, say something that does not exist, but in any case, is there... at least today's understanding that the enemy can choose this direction as well, and without disclosing the details, and you will not disclose them, is there preparation, preparation of the population, first of all, also for the fact that this may-june, well, there may be a significant aggravation, i'm not saying a large-scale offensive, but aggravation and certain actions, and much more active, more intense, possibly larger-scale than those that are now, well, i think that in the first place... that sometime in may they will not be ready yet, so zelensky said, that we expect their offensive at the beginning of june, i think it will be later, maybe even later than this fateful date there on the 22nd of june at exactly 4 o'clock the enemy will be ready because they need to gather reserves, again, well, i'm not the first to say , that they can certainly stretch the front on the one hand, and it is always more profitable to stretch the front those with more resources, including
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there, well, in parts of human, there, tank reserves, artillery, and so on, yes, and you can extend the front to slobozhan oblast, conditionally there to the north of kharkiv oblast, or there to the east of the city of sumy, but i always tell people, well, why do people ask, very often, i say, and what are you asking me, there like, they say, they won't tell you about a single marathon, that is, what can we ascertain? people do not believe the messages from the authorities and therefore look for other sources of information, as in many of my acquaintances, well, a bunch of acquaintances who know who i am there, that i am a public figure there, but they cannot imagine that behind me it is clear that i used to be diligent, but now syrskyi does not share operational plans, but they think that what is there i guessed something there somewhere, i can guess something there now, so i explain to such people that they are just elementary people,
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that... technically, movement is possible, but practically and as of now it is not, because in order to throw the enemy from near avdilka, or from near rostov somewhere there, well, for example, they are accumulating reserves somewhere, some additional brigades or divisions, in order to transfer here one brigade there, conditionally for 4 thousand people with a tank battalion, that is, there are 20 tanks, only there are a bunch of trucks that deliver ammunition to them, yes, then only one brigade to transfer it ... we need three or four echelons from point a somewhere in the rostov region, conditionally to point b, i will judge here, three or four echelons, and we need five such brigades, that is, we multiply there by five 20, more than 20 echelons, they will not come unnoticed, the 21st century is a war without secrets, mr. victor, i will immediately add here to the question, you continue, please, but one more and one more thing in addition, regarding the construction
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, again, we see defensive ones. the president came to sumy oblast, well, we didn’t understand what was being built there, and it’s not worth showing it to everyone and how it functions in general, well, but does this work exist and does the local government and business involve it, well, that is, is it such a great involvement in the construction of those frontiers in which the enemy will seriously attack, suddenly what? well, yes, they are building, they officially declare about three lines, some of them are visible from the road, there when i drive, especially if i... drive there from sumy to the north or to the south, i actually drive parallel to the front line, yes, of course, some are visible from the road, well, it is clear that i will not leave, some people are interested, well , because they will ask me why i am interested, yes, but something is visible, something is being told to me, something i know, and that's not all. what's scary and sad, but what i can't tell on the air, but we are talking about the stupidity of the local authorities as well. stupidly
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what the hell are they doing that we report, well, if we hand them in, including through, well, through the general staff, because believe me, what is in place, well, well, stupid, stupid, oh, but, in general, work is being done, yes, yes, the local government helps, yes, they took away from us the local self-government bodies, their biggest, well, profit, conditionally, it is the pdf of the military, they were taken away. have become cheaper, local budgets have become much leaner, that is, so that you understand that a small community there has 10,000 people, it is immediately minus 10 million hryvnias, that is, you understand, for of a small community minus 10 million is crazy money, but at the same time the communities help as best they can, if the brigade goes on some kind of rotation there or something else, they surrender, well , i'm all, how dissatisfied i am with the actions
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of the central authorities there... the authorities and regional


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