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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. thanks for espresso, thanks for donating. those who haven't done it, when you see the qr code or the card number above it, definitely do it. we continue to collect the opinions of our guests. this saturday morning and we are in touch with a member of parliament of the previous convocation, she headed the committee on international affairs, foreign affairs, and now it is very important, as you understand, hanna gobko in touch with our studio, mrs. hanna, good morning , glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning, a you know, i don't want to start with international, but with the fact that, well, it is, in principle, international, because the center of the terrorist organization in lubyanka controls not only various... and
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other militant terrorist organizations, but also others, those , which is what happens with incense, how they run away, and then steal money, it is called the russian orthodox church, they want to recognize it as a terrorist organization, in estonia they already want it at the level of the ministry of foreign affairs, it was a statement, but i am talking now about our, our agency in ukraine, it presents itself as the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow order of the lenin patriarchate, it does not execute judgments. is doing what she was doing in 14 years, in the first reading there is a law on the ban of this terrorist organization, but it does not reach the second reading, there is a feeling that they are the coolest in this country and stronger than the state, the security service and the army , what is wrong with that moscow church and that law? well, in fact, what is wrong with political will, because it is not there, and there is a complete absence at the highest... leadership of our state
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to ban the destructive, destabilizing, subversive influence of the russian intelligence network, because this is the so-called pseudo-church - it is a network of fsbers who hand over our military facilities, targets for guidance, and who undermine and continue, as they say, to spread these russian narratives inside ukraine. society and sow lines of division, that is why the church, or the so -called church, should have been banned in ukraine a long time ago, and we should have been cleansed, and all the monuments, such as the kyiv-pechersk lavra, the pochaiv lavra, many other holy places should have been without the presence of russian representatives there for a long time, who are simply in church sins, fine, but why can't a simple step be taken when, for example... something was not
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liked there, for example, with beniya, well, i'm talking about kolomoiskyi or with korban, in them citizenship was taken away, here everything is obvious and open to everyone, it has already been proven that a huge number of the clergy of the so-called moscow patriarchate have dual citizenship, have russian passports, even uncle onufriy, the one who was once a ukrainian orest berezovsky and a russian passport, well, that's all, they applied the norm as it was. is it done with korban or with kolomoisky and everything else that they do not act like that? because it is possible, first, many supporters of this patriarchy who still continue to serve the kremlin, because we have not cleansed the state of the fifth column, which is present everywhere, from the authorities to the special services, the parliament, we still have representatives of the fifth column in verkhovna rada. as deputies and give their votes for those
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laws that are not enough, because they cannot finally hold a dialogue with the democratic the opposition and agree on those important issues of the agenda that are strategic for us to survive, to win the war, and this is a top priority, but unfortunately, you have seen at least one meeting of the president with representatives of the democratic opposition or just parla'. comments of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, none, even with their own faction, had only one meeting during these two years of full-scale invasion, that is, inside the country we see that those who should call themselves elites, who are now responsible for the fate of the state, are not they communicate with each other, they don't talk about priorities, and that's why a lot of things are due to the failure with mobilization, the lack of political will to cleanse the state of moscow. churches, here are
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the decisions that concern foreign policy, when ambassadors or military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces, who can provide us with weapons, are not appointed. they can give us more funding, that's why we see on various fronts such a feeling, sometimes i get the feeling that there are those in power who are not interested in the victory of ukraine, because victory means the irreversibility of punishment for treason, for sabotaging important decisions, and that is why we see the delay of such important decisions as the cleansing of ukraine from russian agents. it is also necessary to clean up in the virtual space about telegram with... i am talking now, it will be acted upon, it will be closed, it will not be closed, any restrictions, any mechanisms you see that can be implemented to at least control what gets there, what ukrainians read, what , what they are flooding us with, well, in fact
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, ukraine, which has joined many decisions and is on the way to european integration, that is, there are those mechanisms that can be implemented in the european union, but even by telegram, well, we see. that it is a tool in powerful hands to control the media space together with the telethon. our ans network held a separate event with media experts who almost unanimously said that there is no need for ukrainian taxpayers to waste resources that could go to drones to continue the telethon and sponsor, including oligarchs, because there are oligarchic channels in the telethon . therefore, if we talk about the information space, as a part of national security, and the fact that there is now growing anxiety, increasing despair among ukrainians, these are all the consequences of an absolutely failed, or perhaps deliberate , information policy, where both the telethon and
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telegram channels, this is exactly part of it, and this is the continuation of the fsb's activities, because we perfectly understand that when state institutions that collect data in telegram... channels have their own resources, then this is already dangerous, because this data is transmitted directly to the russian federation, the aggressor state, and here i am surprised at all position, why the bodies of its executive power and others have their own in telegram channels, well, if, let's say, information platforms, when telegram channels should be completely banned, this is my perhaps such a radical position, but this is one of the... ways, if you do not control them, then you will be controlled, and you will already be under someone else's influence through monitoring, data collection, and then it will be used for some military purposes. ms. hanna, to finalize, i just started looking at the telegram application while you were talking,
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are there actually official bodies and the representation of the president and even those special services that should work with them, and i don't understand, well, there is this application, like many others. if they wanted to act against ukraine, where they acted on twitter, regardless of whether elon musk bought it or the previous leadership, if they wanted to on telegram, they can too. durov, who pretends that he is an independent businessman, said yes when the fesbeshniks ordered him to leak information after this step from the city hall. in a word, the anonymity of these telegram channels allows you to keep any, i don't know what we have there, jokers are different. i am not talking about flushable cisterns like trash, but they are all called, unlike zmi, at the official press conference to the president's office, that's where the problem is, that is, i mean the representatives of telegram channels, who have already burned themselves on many
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one-time informational throws, that cause harm, including national security, they are called, that is, there is some option here, well, they will pass a law, but the practice... is this what anonymous telegram channels are pulling at the press conference at the highest level? well, look, this is the way to legalize their cisterns, because of which many politicians and public figures are discredited, we see how this is happening now, attacks on journalists, on businessmen, but i recall the experience of the parliament of the eighth convocation, when we passed the decision of the nsdc to ban classmates , vkontakte, and then even... this decision of ukraine was applied by other states of the european union, because they saw it as a threat to national security, and it seems to me that now president zelensky should repeat this experience, yes just as we banned classmates, vkontakte, because ukrainian
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youth were recruited there, various people were collected there, who then became russian mercenaries there, and so on, that is, a lot of other things happened. therefore, it seems to me that, you know, the lack of a vision of the victory of ukraine, which involves not only the defeat of the enemy, but also the cleansing of the fifth column of the russian agents. from all kinds of moles and so on, this is precisely the main problem now, because the majority of society, which is intoxicated in this way and by these telegram channels and marathons, which did not prepare society for a protracted war, a war of attrition, did not mobilize all the necessary resources, that is why i say that the society must finally wake up and understand and become more demanding of the authorities, of the verkhovna rada, even in wartime. i would like to see that... the parliamentarians, those who feel their responsibility, especially
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to the armed forces, finally dare and make a public request to the president, regarding holding a meeting with him, this monopoly of one person over the president and over with all his decisions, it is necessary to finally create some kind of dialogue in society, because we have pressure on local self-government, and on journalists, surveillance and other provocations, and on entrepreneurs, who constantly. under various inspections by law enforcement, anti-corruption agencies, and so on, so now, i just returned from france, from italy, where we discussed how to form a coalition of the decisive, that is, how to look for weapons against anti-aircraft defense, against precisely the cabals that russia has intensified, massive missile attacks , energy, and a lot there were questions about what was happening inside the country, there were questions... about the peace summit in switzerland, that's how much, when russia is committing
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genocide, how urgent there are in this conference on reconstruction after the war, it seems to me that this is absolutely not a top priority , our question now is to survive, the question is where to look for weapons and how to form those who have finally understood that only the defeat of russia, this is a ukrainian such game, amazing, putting the horse before the cart, and so on. to share money on the great theft of reconstruction, no having won the war, we don't have much time, but i want to read you a number of names now, and then you will understand what we will be asking about: the netherlands, poland, germany, japan, israel, saudi arabia, kuwait, taiwan, greece, spain, united arab emirates, qatar, romania, sweden. do you know what countries these are? these are the countries in which the patriot system. enough has been purchased, we have already seen the completely undiplomatic hysteria of the minister
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of foreign affairs koleb, and now the question arises, so many countries have so many systems, which will still be relevant until 2040, say the developers of the american patriot system, well, most of them have been standing for decades and don’t even knock down a fly, well , what’s stopping me now, after these four waves of missiles, i still took... and quickly transfer a few batteries, if only to close energy facilities, to close odesa and kharkiv. well, there are several reasons here: the first is that not all of our western partners want ukraine to win, and delaying the supply of weapons to us is also a way of forcing ukraine to negotiate, although they must understand that any capitulation of ukraine is the capitulation of the west, and this means that the army of evil. will finally take even more such positions and global domination will become a reality,
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well, and within the ukrainian government, when i hear the statements of some of our ministries or the energy sector that buy generators, and when for two years the measures that were needed for protection and substations and so on, that's it too, and now we don't hear statements even at the level of officials that the same romania, poland, having these... systems and patriots, romania has french systems, it's like patriots to move them closer to the border and close the sky to us, for example, poland over part of western ukraine, romania over odesa, having these systems we need, and other patriots we can move about moral obligation connection, even their own self-interest, because the dniester kes, so gas in the dam gas storage. this is actually their interest, and it is also an economic one, so
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we need to speak louder, so that we do not deny that we need a humanitarian mission of nato countries, because russia is doing genocide and this is the only way to stop it. yes, we need the military of other countries, and we need them here to learn how russian sabotage groups work, we need them to protect critical energy infrastructure facilities, we need to... stop being modest in our desires and put before nato is an ultimatum, either you take us to nato and give a formal invitation, or we start looking for new formats of security alliances. already out of nato, because for us it is a question of survival, and these games, what when they watch how ukraine is finished off, hoping that we will bleed and agree to everything, because we will be over the abyss, and we will have no other way, then this is absolutely unacceptable, and for this the president must gather people who really work for the state, hear their opinion, to get out of a warm bath, and
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because there are many people who are ready to help the state and accept it despite all its shortcomings. we heard your opinion, thank you for it, ms. hanna, i think the supreme fair of ukraine heard you, we heard your opinion, maybe it will be heard at least now, thank you for participating in our program, hanna gubko, mp of the previous convocation, who was in charge of the foreign committee, we will take a short break, then we will talk with the deputy of this convocation, we will talk about babe, about what is not okay, yes, wait a few minutes. the new kemelight metroplus mattress is made in ukraine with love for ukrainians. metrolyuks is one of the largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture. order the camel orthopedic mattress right now. together
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flebodia 600. pink french tablets with acute hemorrhoids. phlebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids. without any oops, the premium sponsor of the national team presents. united by football, stronger together. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. we are coming back, as
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promised, nina yuzhanina, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the committee on finance, tax and customs policy. i congratulate mrs. nina. good morning, ms. nina, but tell me, please, since yesterday yanukovych's chief police officer on tv, well, the one who said that the maidan residents were destroying themselves, was he nervous yesterday, was he uncorking the champagne, because tatarovo's first attempt to push the idiotic law through beb was destroyed, and this tatarov, who was yesterday, is he sad or cheerful today. "i think it's funny, because he succeeded on the second attempt, and before the repeated first reading there was adopted law, which again not'. corresponds to the principles required of us by our partners. i 'm not talking about the institutional capacity of this body at all, they
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don't think about it at all now, because the main struggle for all the years of beb's existence is for the position of director, that is, it must be a handy person who carries out all assignments from the office of the president, specifically mr. tatarov, and which is completely subordinate to him, it is also desirable that she did not understand why this structure was created, what it should do, and perhaps was simply a follower of the previous work, or prosecutors, or the tax police, this is the most important thing, that's why everyone, everyone tries to hide the norms that they need in order to continue directing the work, so that the manager continues to be absolutely, you know, useless. for us as a whole, but very necessary for them. and in what way is the international representatives going to be removed from the whole process, because we understand that their
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role should be very important in baby, but obviously not all of us have the experience of being elected to the position of director of nabu. in the competition commission, there are four out of seven people representatives of international institutions, then... professionals, uninvolved, independent of the authorities in ukraine, they, their vote is controlling, as it were, the main one, and the entire selection of the director is built on this, now for the second time, they have proposed and already found votes for the repeated first reading, that the competitive commission for the election of the director consisted of six people, three of them internationalists and three from the cabinet of ministers of ukraine. and when, for example, three internationalists vote against, and three ukrainians vote for,
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the issue goes back to the second round. so exactly, if three internationals vote and three ukrainians vote against. that is, again for the second round of selection. well, even this fact alone. i am not talking about the rest of the mechanisms, for example, regarding the conduct. of other workers baby, which is also not prescribed, clearly and not defined, i.e. this reboot that business and some experts have built for themselves in ukraine, something, something must be started from this, and this is supported by the partners and even demanded, it is in no way cannot emerge from this closed circle, because it is the president's office does not see the possibility now such a control body... which is actually supposed to be the eyes in certain matters of our international partners, let it out of their hands, they do not want it, ms. nina, but the economic security bureau was
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called to actually break this mafia practice, where in principle, the tax police, it was actually a legalized hop-stop, and in the whole world it works remotely, first of all, what is economic security, it is a remote check, not this option... we will knock down your door, take away everything computers, who will talk a lot, will lie face down to the floor under the muzzle, but in this case i am going back to practice, that is, there is an organ, and there is ukrainian practice, and somehow it is very difficult to believe that when they simply changed the name and crusts and the same tax officials who made the masks of the show went to the web, that they suddenly got rid of... all their stupid mafia habits, will it be possible on the basis of this law, which is now already the basis, will it be possible to do a real cleanup
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bureau of economic security, will it formality? this is not at all discussed in these changes to the basic law, here only about personnel changes, what you say is precisely a defect of the basic law, which does not provide at all, first of all, this role is decisive. with regard to the methodology, standards of work on combating economic crimes under the bureau of economic security, we also have a finmonmon, which forms a complete methodology on how to fight against money laundering and other abuses in the field of finance, and its methodology applies to all subjects, which are controlling in their own places, so here we are the bep does not have such a function, but it should, and it must, and without it, it is not for... it works as a single body, because in baby two functions are combined, you are actually right that the risk- oriented approach is analytical from...
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dbir regarding alleged violations of encroachments on the economy of ukraine. this is what bem should be doing: first to track, to select the most those who pose the greatest threat to the country's economy, and then to conduct all the work around those threats, not that they continue, as you said, they are followers of the tax police. police, because they don't know anything else, face-down searches of everyone, taking out some kind of documentation, confiscation of funds, in general, the system works exactly as it did before 2019 and 2014, you understand this, please, we haven't changed anything, we haven't improved anything, because we don't provided these, did not prescribe these functions clearly in the main law, and this is a huge mistake, consider in
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the repeated first law. reading the law does not provide any changes for the body to finally work in a different way, because here, the law enforcement function in baby will always remain, but it must also be built on a risk-oriented approach, because what they are doing now, they are simply obliged by law, by the current criminal procedural code, nothing has been changed there, that's why we have such a system. it is said that there is a newly created single analytical body, in fact it is not endowed with such powers and cannot exist as such at all. ms. nina, there are two minutes left, but i can't help but ask, because we promised our viewers this, i understand that where there is some sydney weintraub, if there is a genius nearby hetmantseva, but i'm talking about whether
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they gave up this hetmantseva novel. ideas, let's make even bigger excise taxes on fuel, on gasoline, not on, i don't know, on alcohol, on fuel, well, to make a collapse already, yes a collapse, this genius of the economic thought of the hetmans refused it, stop it, stopped, will the government still push it, i think we managed to stop it, there is still no registered draft law, but to what extent they have given up their opinion, we cannot say. it seems to me that just events the last few days, incredibly difficult events for ukraine, the destruction of tes, and other, other destroyed infrastructural objects in general indicate that the government should now reconsider its policy, if they continue to take steps in such a way that nothing in the country things have changed, the business is working and we need to load it even more, because we need money in the budget, at this time they will be stolen.
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wastefulness will continue, then there will be no future in the country, and society, despite the war, that we must be together in all actions in order to win, we just have to stand up to thoughtless economic policy now, otherwise we won't survive, ugh, mrs. nina, thank you for participating in our broadcast, thank you for the conversation, for the answers, nina from yuzhana, was with us, a people's deputy of ukraine. a member of the committee on finance, tax and customs policy was with us, we remind you that we also have our own policy here, financial, and we are talking about fees, already at 2 p.m., a little more, even in the morning we collected, no stop, continue, yes, and in the meantime khrystyna parubiy will tell about the most important thing for the moment, christina, i congratulate you on the word. congratulations, colleagues, thank you, what is the ex-minister of defense of ukraine
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oleksiy reznik doing now. i will tell you in the issue, as well as what new tactics the russians are using in zaporozhye, don't miss it in a moment. news on espresso. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. seven people were injured as a result of the russians. shelling of the kherson region. the enemy attacked almost 20 towns and villages of the region during the day. enemy shells hit the cellular tower, the port infrastructure, as well as the gas pipeline, the head informed oleksandr prokudin of kherson region. a high-rise building, three private houses, an outbuilding and cars were damaged. the russian fsb tried to kill the head of the kherson region. the russians launched a half-bucket at the car.


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