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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EEST

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ex-minister of defense of ukraine oleksiy reznikov will tell in the issue, as well as what new tactics the russians are using in the operation in zaporizhzhia, don't miss it in a moment. news on espresso air, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. seven people were injured as a result of russian shelling of the kherson region. the enemy attacked almost 20 towns and villages of the region during the day. enemy shells hit the cellular tower, the port infrastructure, as well as the gas pipeline - informed the head of the kherson region oleksandr prokudin. a high-rise building, three private houses were damaged, household building and cars. the russian fsb tried to kill the leader of the kherson region. the russians launched a half-bucket at the car.
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oleksandr prokudin, the fire on the car, was corrected by a resident of the kherson region, he was detained by the security service of ukraine, - reported the head of the sbu, vasyl malyuk. and a local resident, a scoundrel who was detained by us on april 10, we managed to document all this, he was detained at the stage of a completed attempt, the enemy drone was planted in a timely manner at the expense of our rebbe. the russians wounded two people and on kharkiv oblast, attacked in the middle of kupyansk, a wounded 62-year-old man was rescued from the rubble of one of the buildings. in another house, a 73-year-old man was injured. as a result of the shelling, a fire broke out on an area of ​​200 m2, the state emergency service reported. the russian occupiers are using new tactics in the zaporozhye region. they concentrated their forces between the villages of the work. and recruitment and is trying
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to displace our military, said the head of the press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine natalya humenyuk. also, according to her, in the district enemy subversive groups became active in robotino. oleksiy reznikov, the former minister of defense, has a new position as the director of security and defense programs of the ukrainian institute for the future, the institute's co-founder ihor lizky wrote on social media. daya reznikov headed the ministry of defense for more than two years. during this time, the department had several scandals with the purchase of products and ammunition for the military at inflated prices. the kremlin plans to restart the occupied zaporizhia nuclear power plant. russian dictator putin announced this international atomic energy agency, writes the wall street journal, referring to the reports of mht experts. specialists are concerned about moscow's intentions and that this will worsen the situation in the armed forces. according to
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their data, russia wants to connect at least one reactor to its power system and may do so before the 40th anniversary of the plant's connection to the soviet union's power grid in december. took a course to the bottom. two years ago, two ukrainian neptune missiles hit the missile cruiser moscow. the very next day, the flagship of the black sea fleet sank. ukrainians in the village the weather and the fact that the russians did not expect an attack are recalled in the naval forces. the occupiers could not fully use the anti-aircraft defense that was on board. the sunken cruiser was more than 186 m long. it had up to 16 cruise missiles. he participated in all the wars of the post-soviet period. on the international day of gratitude to plants, another 1,030 occupiers nourished ukrainian soil. since the beginning of the great war
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, 453,000 russians have already become fertilizer, and our defenders also tried to prevent the invaders' equipment from polluting ukrainian land, burned 23 tanks, almost fifty armored fighting vehicles and more than 30 artillery systems, in addition, they destroyed three anti-aircraft guns, one anti-aircraft vehicle and more than 60 enemy vehicles and special vehicles. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. to make our army even stronger, i will remind you about our collection of walkie-talkies and armor plates needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help we already collected more than uah 50,000. let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours has value.
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insignificance you can see all the details on the screen. lebanon launched a massive missile attack on israel. at least 40 rockets were fired across the country. it took responsibility for it. the hezbollah group allegedly carried out the attack in support of the palestinians in the gaza strip and as a response to israeli strikes on polivan. meanwhile, the israeli army reported that some of the rockets were intercepted, while the rest fell in the open area. according to preliminary data there were no casualties and significant destruction. in response, the israeli military attacked locations in southern lebanon from where rockets were launched. new restrictions on the export of russian aluminum. copper and nickel were introduced by the usa and great britain, they forbade their largest stock exchanges, the london and czech exchanges, to accept metals produced in erefia. however, the restrictions will apply only to goods produced after april 13, when the sanctions came into effect. the ministry of finance of the united
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kingdom calculated that russia will lose at least 40 billion dollars as a result. republicans are ready to support additional aid to ukraine, but in a form. loan - former us president donald trump said. he supported the speaker of the us house of representatives, mike johnson, who is trying to resolve differences regarding financial aid to ukraine. however, according to trump, it is europe that should help more with money, because it is more important for europeans than for the usa. next issue on the 11th, stay tuned. thanks to khrystyna and the editorial staff of nova, next on our air is a conversation about how to return ukrainian children deported to russia. in general, how many are there, how are their fates? our colleague artem lagutenko
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talked about this with kateryna rashevska, human rights defender and lawyer of the regional human rights center. after that, we will return to our studio, we will talk about how they will or will not be punished for evasion and what the attitude towards the szh might be now, stay with us, but first let's watch the interview, oh, there are no potatoes, you'll bring it, already asina something caught it, i remind you, you have a comfrey from dr. theiss and you get up to work again, ointment with comfrey, german ointment from pain in the joints and muscles, ask at pharmacies good day pharmacy and pharmacy ma with comfrey 100 g with a 20% discount. damn the stairs, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'm
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gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones, special look at events in ukraine. there will be some katsaps in the bottom of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is he dreaming of, norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings espresso viewers. today in the studio with you, i am artem logutenko, journalist and part-time presenter. today we will talk about a very difficult topic, about one of the most terrible crimes of the russian regime, which is the deportation of ukrainian children. with me in the studio is a talented lawyer of the regional center for human rights, mrs. kateryna rashevska. mrs katerina, i congratulate you. i would like to start a conversation with you about the number of children that
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the rashists took to the territory of the russian federation, preparing for ether, i was surprised by how striking the difference in official data is, for example, the commissioner for human rights of the verkhovna rada dmytro lubenets called the number 150,000, his colleague darya gerasimchuk. the president's commissioner for children's affairs named 300,000. actually, the president himself talks about 19,500 children. well, in russia , official data tell us about 700,000 little ukrainians, whom they took out of temporarily occupied lands of ukraine. ms. kateryna, tell me why there is such a striking difference in the official data and which of them should we believe? that's really the question. which is of interest, including to a foreign audience. usually, any discussion starts from this.
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how many ukrainian children did the russian federation deport or forcibly relocate? and the answer to this question is simple and complex at the same time: only the russian federation, as the aggressor state that carried out this deportation, knows how many children it kidnapped, because it is its duty to provide the appropriate a list of children, a list to the international committee of the red cross in order for these children to return. home, to their parents, other relatives, or, for example, have already returned to ukrainian foster families. at the same time, the russian federation ignores this obligation, by the way, many other obligations under international law, and therefore we still do not have such a list, although from time to time nebendzia, the representative of russia at the un, or their the minister of foreign affairs, serhiy lavrov, talks about some kind of list, which seems to have even been published somewhere, although without indicate where so we have some numbers, you name them, i'll try to explain the plus-minus difference in human terms. 19,546
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ukrainian children are currently identified, information about them is available on the children of war platform. the administrator of this information is the national information bureau, that is, a structure created in accordance with the norms of international humanitarian law. our competent authorities, including the attorney general's office, insist that the figure is fully verified, verified, and can be trust. are there any? the final number: no, and even in my work experience, we often identify children who are not in this database. what does that mean, why aren't they there? these can be status children, orphans, children deprived of parental care, as well as, unfortunately, war orphans who lost their parents due to the actions of the russian federation, no one was looking for them, that is why no one contacted and that is why there is no information , we do it on behalf of, as if relatives of these children, trying to help. the return of such children to ukraine, because they should not be discriminated against there in any way just
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because they are not currently there in this database, so the database is dynamic, and it is being updated and will be updated, i hope, not at the expense of the fact that the russian the federation will continue to deport and forcibly relocate ukrainian children, and at the expense of the fact that we will identify more and more. are there hundreds of thousands of ukrainian children deported by the russian federation, and why does the russian federation itself, in the end... talk about 700, and about 730, 740 thousand, who will give more, you know, as if there is some kind of undeclared competition, these are the children who, according to their statistical documents, crossed the border of the russian federation, this does not mean that they are there now, this does not mean that these are unaccompanied children, but the russian federation itself the federation has already, to be honest, said that mostly these are children with their parents, which does not in any way eliminate the question of whether such a transfer was legitimate or not... evidently on deportation, that is, accompanying parents does not mean that it is a legitimate thing and a legitimate
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act, that's why i would say, and taking into account the experience of our organization, and the fact that we see how many children are taken away for various reasons, how many children could potentially lose their parents and become war orphans and there is no information about them either, it is still not hundreds of thousands, it is tens of thousands of children, yes, it's not 20 thousand that are currently identified, it's more, but i wouldn't... i shouldn't have taken it upon myself to say multiples of thousands. and russia declares that it sends ukrainian children to so-called re-education camps. uh, what is this? for the russian federation, in fact, like her says, these are summer camps, however, what we are documenting are already autumn camps, and winter, and spring, and year-round camps, yes, absolutely correct, this is precisely the process of re-education, this is when, in fact, concentrating ukrainian children in a limited space , these are former soviet pioneer camps,
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summer camps, together, by the way, with russian children, and also together with children from the occupied territories for 10 years already, unfortunately, in such a collective, the russian federation, using specially methodologically developed materials, organizes russification, political indoctrination, i.e. the washing of minsk, so that children become loyal to the russian federation as an aggressor state and the militarization of these children, and just recently, from fresh information, children who were taken to the territory of belarus from the occupied kherson region, it happened, came to ... not yesterday, but they were taken out four days ago, that is, such a long road, and here is one of the girls, little 8 years old, she said that she knew how to use weapons, that they were taught, they were shown there, as well as what is this or that rifle intended for, and of course the fact is that a belarusian propaganda journalist there said that these are children's fantasies, but i would not be so
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sure, because seeing their informal education, all these young people, the movements of the first and the program of the... .hiding in these children's camps, we can believe a girl who really now claims that she knows about guns there at the age of 8. i understand correctly that russia is actually training janissaries, yes, it is training new soldiers for itself, it seeks to strengthen its own mobilization reserves in this way, but at the same time, we should emphasize this, weaken ours, and this actually explains why... among the deported children there is such a large number of young men aged 14-17, this group is the most numerous among the children who were forcibly transferred to russian families, that is, the intention was one, so that they do not serve in the armed forces of ukraine after reaching adulthood, but so that after the process of re-education, re-flashing, eradicating identity, they themselves would want
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to join the armed forces of the russian federation? in 2022. the so-called nursery school the ombudsman of the russian federation lviv-bilov, and i will remind our viewers that she is, according to the investigators of the international criminal court , an accomplice of the dictator putin in kidnapping children, she adopted a ukrainian boy. what do you know about how widespread this practice is now in russia? so? here right away, because if the team of lvov and bilova will watch our interview, we understand the difference between adoption and guardianship, and indeed, from the documents we saw, maria lvova bilova established the guardianship of philip the main, a boy deported from mariuppol. in april of this year, namely on april 4, philip will turn 18 years old, so
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unfortunately, we predict that knowing lvova bilova, she will want to have another child there. in order to fuel this propaganda and encourage more and more russians to take ukrainian children into their families, because unlike what russia broadcasts on the global stage, which is like a process of transfer to guardianship, and not to adoption, as they they say, ukrainian children after the start full-scale invasion lasted only until october 2022, this is all delusional and untrue. we documented cases when the russians handed over ukrainian children to their families and in december 2023, the process continued. what we know about these families is that they are mostly really so -called resource families, that is , russian children from russian orphanages are also under their care , often these are children who have disabilities, often these are really large family groups, and among these children now there are deported ukrainian minors, who are their parents, this is rather non-obvious information,
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but putin and lviv bilova are carrying out the genocide of the ukrainian nation by the hands of teachers, that is , mostly among these...families, among the professional segment of this segment - they are teachers, because they are easy to control, on the one hand, you control them through guardianship and guardianship bodies, because they are a resource and on the other hand, through school directors, these their glorious districts, the ministry of education and so on, that is, these people are absolutely so enslaved, this does not remove the issue of their further responsibility, but for our understanding, they are there they did not decide anything, and everyone as one, even the russian propaganda media, testifies that the guardianship authorities or the ministry of social policy called them and said: children are coming from donbas, that is, children, and it is documented for us, were traveling from far away, including for example, from the occupied... kherson region, they called them children of donbas and put them under guardianship. but the situation is even worse if we look at the occupation of the territory in 2014, because then the russian federation
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did not invent any temporary protection there, other forms of transfer to the family form of upbringing, that is, they were immediately given up for adoption. and now we see how children who were deported at the age of one or two spent 10 years in a russian family, and they don't even suspect it. that they are from the territory of the crimean peninsula, that they are not the native children of these parents, and live there for themselves, become the letter z, and tell russian patriotic poems about a special military operation, this is how it works completely, the international community ignoring this crime for 10 years, and that's what the response is unfortunately so strong in the form of arrest warrants, it was appropriate and we very much welcome it, but it is not enough. in order to eliminate the long-term consequences of such policies and such illegal actions? now we are talking about all this cleansing of cities, about the assimilation of ukrainian
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children, and a terrible thought arises, a terrible question: if it is possible to return these children to ukraine, will they want it? this is a question that needs to be clarified because if they are on camera. in russia, they say they don't want to to return, or immediately after returning, due to the fact that they were traumatized, re- traumatized, even during repatriation they will say that something is wrong here, this does not mean that they really think so and that this is their position, that is, children must undergo psychological rehabilitation, the children must have a special reintegration program and obviously a support program, we are not talking about the fact that each of them should be given out, as russia does, apartments, cars, and pay huge sums of money, because that would be at least it is unfair to other children affected by the armed conflict, but the question is that we do not want to buy these children, as the russian
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federation ultimately wants, we want these children to remain ukrainian citizens, to have this ukrainian identity, which in reality you can never buy, that is, the russian strategy, it works as long as they have money, when the money runs out, the children will pack their bags and go back, because what we see and what we... observe, at least for a group of teenage children, is not that simple and not are so effective, there are even russian manipulation strategies that have probably been tested for many years from the soviet union, and that is why, for example, maria lvova bilova has now launched such a new initiative from february 2024, when not only children now go to re-education camps, but also members of their families, that is , it is probably calculated, will first go there for such a demonstration. individuals loyal to the russians, but then those who do not want to obey president putin will be forcibly dragged there and forcibly reeducated, there is such a two-way influence:
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by re-educating children, they want to influence disloyal families, and by looking for some loyal members in this family, they try to eradicate the identity of children, because unfortunately, sometimes we record such cases when the child does not want to go to russia, when the child does not want a russian passport and he only ... is waiting for how to escape from the occupied territory, for example, or from the territory of the russian federation, and then join some of my relatives here, but i am one of the parents, or, for example, a grandmother or an aunt, who are receiving certain benefits from russia benefits for raising this child, resist. i would like to emphasize here that this should in no way deprive this child of the right to preserve his identity and return to the territory ultimately under the control of the state of citizenship, and if such persons ... resist this, they will be accomplices of russian crimes, and therefore you need to think many times before sending your child to re-education camps or to russian schools, if
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such a choice still remains. in fact, russian propaganda claims that ukrainians children who were returned to the unoccupied part of ukraine, that they allegedly want to return to russia, and isn't this a bell. that russia may refuse to return them at all, i want to explain this situation, because they simply cut out part of the ukrainian airwaves, they disturbed her there and talk about the fact that even ukrainian human rights activists claim that the russian federation takes better care of ukrainian children , than ukraine, this is a delusion, the cases when someone returned to the territory of the russian federation from ukraine, they are singular, that is, this... 388 children, maybe there is someone there alone, and then, if we look into his personal history, we will see that there are relatives in the territory of the russian federation, that maybe there were some objective
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reasons why the child went there... maybe she went there and did not return to her permanent place of residence, therefore, firstly, this requires additional clarifications, and secondly, the fact that the russian federation somehow assumed that ukraine does not take good care of the returned children is also not true. we see that now in connection with the significant attention of the international community to the crime deportations, as well as in connection with the fact that new and new initiatives are being created for the return of ukrainian children, their rehabilitation, these returned children feel quite well, so we still... need to satisfy their individual needs, in particular, as regards bridging the educational gap, as far as psychological rehabilitation is concerned, again i mentioned reintegration, but these children are not begging, these children are in family forms of education or study in our educational institutions, that is, it is allowed by ukrainian legislation and are under other forms of guardianship, these children have certain payments, these children have the constant support of such a social worker from the state,
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that is, not everything is so bad... how the russian federation wants to issue here, issue what it wants, and i will only emphasize , that now, that it is not government organizations, that the state is trying to improve the situation of all children affected by the armed conflict, and therefore there will be special support programs, and there will be a special program of psychological rehabilitation, but we must understand that this, on unfortunately, such things that require some time to prepare, you cannot organize it in one day. the russian federation has been preparing for the deportation of ukrainian children for years. ms. kateryna, i know that you often visit abroad and communicate with our international partners. in particular, last year in november, you communicated with un delegations and, if i am not mistaken, conveyed to them the concept of a single mechanism for the return of small ukrainians. actually, to begin with, tell me what
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this end is. and then i would like to know your observations and your conclusions about to what extent our international partners are determined and ready to help in the return of children, or is this just another set of concerns. at the beginning of 2023, the team of the regional center for human rights conducted such a global enough study, we studied the experience of those states that were faced with'. abduction of their children, experiences related to identification, related to return, rehabilitation and reintegration, we also analyzed existing international standards and international treaties in order to adapt them to the ukrainian context, but again, on the other hand, do not invent a bicycle, some such mechanism that no one has ever heard of, and is unlikely to agree to it, and as a result, we came to a rather obvious scheme, perhaps for some, it is
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quite similar to the one that existed. in the grain agreement, when ukraine and the russian federation, because the children are under its control, and we, unfortunately, without the full capitulation of the russian federation, without it , we cannot return the children now, so ukraine and the russian federation have to agree, but this must be done exclusively through a third party, which will not just be an intermediary to transfer some list, as, for example, qatar is now doing, but which will also play the role of a guarantor of the return process, which will also agree on... simplification of the process return and on shortening its duration, on the unification of the documents required by the russian federation, and to accurately predict the categories of children that ukraine will return to ukraine, that the russian federation is forced to return, i.e. for this the third party has a lot of functions and roles, and therefore, returning to the question of whether all these initiatives are not just declarations, we must understand that canada, the united states of america, norway, they are without joy...
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ukrainian children already today all 19 , but the russian federation will never in its life agree to their mediation, so we are looking for someone to whom the russian federation will agree, currently it is qatar, there are still rumors about the participation of some vatican, but again, the ukrainian side does not confirm this, although the russian side is there issued a whole report on the role of the vatican, there are also certain initiatives from the global south with... in particular, the republic of south africa, which i also visited, is interested, and this was announced by president ramaphosa, to join the process, effectively join the process of returning ukrainian children . and here we have to understand that this has ceased to be exclusively ukraine's pain, exclusively ukraine's problem, and it must be solved, probably not only for ukraine. now we have to take the lead and develop a return mechanism, just like the one
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found on the... concept or maybe something there is.


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