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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EEST

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united by football, stronger together, news on the air from preso, i'm khrystyna porubiy, i'll tell you about the most relevant things at the moment. exacerbation of the eastern front. in recent days , the enemy has been actively attacking in the bakhmut and leman directions. assault groups are advancing with the support of armored vehicles, in the pokrov direction they are trying to break through our defenses with dozens of tanks and bmps - said the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. he visited the military in these areas of the front to discuss strengthening defenses, including drones, reb and air defense reserves were also sent to these directions, despite being significant. the russian army
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is using new units on armored vehicles, so it is achieving tactical success, said sirskyi. at the same time, the ministry of defense denied the information spread by some telegram channels that the russians captured bohdanivka near the time ravine. intense fighting continues there, but the village is under the control of the armed forces. the russians killed two residents of donetsk region, wounded eight more from artillery, shelled krasnohorivka, there... one dead and one injured. two private houses were destroyed. another person died in new york. two local residents were injured. russian terrorists attacked the village with hurricanes. three houses were damaged, the regional police reported. in addition, five victims were injured in kostyantynivka. the enemy hit the market with tornadoes. there are 10 houses, a shop, cars, gas pipelines and electricity grids in nivychchyna. during the day, the occupiers shelled donetsk region more than 200 times. seven people
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were injured as a result of russian shelling of the kherson region, the enemy attacked almost twice a day 20 towns and villages of the region. enemy shells hit the cell tower, the port infrastructure, as well as the gas pipeline, informed the head of the kherson region oleksandr prokudin. a high-rise building, three private houses, an outbuilding and cars were damaged. head of the kherson region. kill the russian fsb. the russians fired a fividron at oleksandr prokudin's car. and the fire on the car was adjusted by a resident of the kherson region. he was detained by the security service of ukraine - reported the head of the sbu, vasyl malyuk. and a local resident, a scoundrel, who was detained by us april 10. all this was documented. he was detained at the stage of the attempted assassination. the enemy drone
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was planted in a timely manner at the expense of our rebbe. the russians wounded two people in the kharkiv region, attacked in the middle of kupyansk. a wounded 62-year-old man was rescued from under the rubble of one of the houses. in another house, a 73-year-old man was injured. as a result of the shelling, a fire broke out on an area of ​​200 m2. the state service for emergency situations was informed. more than 45. hryvnias are provided in the budget for various programs this year assistance to enterprises, this amount of funds was allocated for business support for the first time, announced the prime minister of ukraine, denys shmegal. these are soft loans, grants and compensations. the government expects that such assistance will add 1% to gdp and will also motivate ukrainian production. so mmyhal called on ukrainians to buy their own goods. buying we return 40% of the funds
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back to the ukrainian budget and again return to the fact that we finance our army of our soldiers, and this is our joint contribution to victory. the third factor is this creation of prerequisites for the preservation of human capital, including for the return of ukrainians from abroad. in many developed countries, there is this culture of supporting one's own business, it helps in the fact that about 70% of the population, people buy from their own producers, 70%. of everything they consume, in ukraine this percentage is twice as low. oleksiy reznikov, the former minister of defense became the director of security and defense programs, wrote on social networks the co-founder of the institute ihor lisskyi. let me remind you that reznikov headed the ministry of defense for more than 2 years years during this time, the department had several scandals with the purchase of products and ammunition for the military at inflated prices.
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headed for the bottom, two years ago, two ukrainian neptune missiles hit the missile cruiser moscow. the very next day, the flagship of the black sea fleet sank. ukrainians. the weather contributed and the fact that the russians did not expect an attack is recalled in the naval forces. the occupiers could not fully use the anti-aircraft defense that was on board. the sunken cruiser was more than 186 m long. it had up to 16 cruise missiles. he took participation in all wars of the post-soviet period. in order for our army to become even stronger, i will remind you of our collection. walkie-talkies and armor plates. intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already collected over
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uah 50,000. let's not delay. the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. become a pilot a scout, a tank operator or an artilleryman, during the full-scale war between russia and ukraine, high school students increasingly choose military specialties, why do they want to join the army and who do they look up to, look further in the story, at kirill bogdanov, well, he also started from books themselves, if i'm not mistaken, he also graduated from the odessa military academy and... and in my opinion, he can be such a bright ukrainian example of a ukrainian officer. yes, 16-year-old yuriy talks about the person he wants to emulate in life and profession. the guy has already decided to become a soldier, plans to enter the military
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academy in odessa and be a scout. i have good physical performance, and i believe that the profession of a scout will suit me more than anything else. suit, and i am ready to develop in this direction. scouts are perhaps one of the most versatile of such fighters, capable of performing many different types of missions. for example, in addition to the usual reconnaissance, they can also perform some subversive tasks, that is, to do in the rear of the enemy sabotage high school students can learn about various military professions from the military themselves. they hold meetings with graduates in schools of the lviv region. came to tell about his educational institution and the entrance education, he is a cadet of the third year of the faculty of missile forces and artillery of the petro sahaidachny national academy of ground forces. the boy also chose a profession after the same meeting at school. i have my own impression of how
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the state now needs new personnel, fresh personnel, they should be motivated ukrainians, young ukrainians who choose their profession, namely the protection of the state, in such a difficult time for us, that is, this period. when we returned to war again, it is 400 years old, it is cyclical again, it will continue further, and now, for our country and state to endure, we need to mobilize our efforts not only of the military, active, not only of ours, so to speak, already adults, but also our youth. by his example, oleksiy motivates schoolchildren to become soldiers, explains that specialized universities produce the basis of the ukrainian army, namely from officers depends on how the armed forces of ukraine will fight in the future. the key thing in our... is that it is a formal reorganizer of the army, that is, currently fresh heads, fresh thoughts, fresh views, these views are exactly what helps us to move to nato standards faster, get a new view, a modern interactive view, that is, it is significantly different from our, so to speak, still nadizkhs and soviet times,
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now we, with the help of the fact that new, motivated mods are coming, who already see how generally happens, and where the world is developing, have more such a clear point. vision of where the military needs to go in the future. 16-year-old yuriy also sees this role in the army for himself, he says that the defense of the country is the main reason for him to choose a military profession. the military is a profession that, well, i didn't choose it because it's prestigious, but it's just considered pretty prestigious in society at the moment, and in principle i think it should be, because that's all - still protection from external external aggressors. the lviv regional territorial center for staffing and social support organizes and supervises the recruitment campaign for the admission of schoolchildren to higher military educational institutions and military colleges for non-commissioned officers. schoolchildren are told about military specialties by soldiers who have already participated in combat operations, or are acquiring
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relevant professions. pilots, scouts, gunners, tankers shared stories from their own experience. motivated that today's young men and women in the future and... too could adequately defend ukraine from the enemy. khrystyna parobiy, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. lebanon launched a massive missile attack on israel. on the outskirts at least 40 missiles were launched. hezbollah claimed responsibility. the strikes were then carried out in support of palestinians in the gaza strip and as a response to israeli strikes in lebanon. meanwhile, the israeli army reported that some of the rockets were intercepted, while the rest fell in the open area. according to preliminary data , there were no significant casualties destruction in response, the israeli military attacked locations in southern lebanon from where rockets were launched. new restrictions on the export of russian aluminum, copper and nickel
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were introduced by the united states and great britain. they forbade their largest london and cheka exchanges to accept metals produced in erefia. however, the restrictions will apply only to goods produced after april 13, when the sanctions came into effect. the ministry of finance of the united kingdom calculated that russia will lose at least 40 billion dollars as a result. tim sometimes russian territories continue to go under water. the tobol river is actively flooding the city of kurgan, propagandist media write. according to forecasts of the russian ministry of emergency situations, the water level in the river will rise four times to more than 6 m. there is now almost 5 m of water in the river and many houses have already been flooded. we will summarize the morning at 12. you will find more information on our website and. in our social networks, join, put your preferences, further ater will continue my colleagues, do not switch,
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meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government on the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska. sundays at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with seestreau. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine. and the world vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso.
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premium. the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together.
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greetings to our viewers, today i am artem logutenko in the studio with you, and we will talk about mobilization, i will have very interesting speakers with me, this is vladyslav seleznyov, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine 2014-2017, as well as the colonel of the armed forces of ukraine and oleksandr yavchanka, the company commander of the vovka davinci volunteer battalion,
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i welcome you guests, good day, glory. first of all, i want to talk to you about how important and relevant mobilization is. actually, let's start with you, friend oleksandr, in particular you recently said in an interview with deutschevelli that if ukrainians don't go to the military today en masse, later they will fight anyway, but already in the ranks of the armed forces of the russian federation. i want you ask about... comment and explain, in your opinion, how much time do ukrainians have to mobilize and how many people are currently needed for the front, in your opinion? i believe that it is worth starting from the numbers, we understand that in the order of 200, 3,000, they
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plan to demobilize, accordingly, we must understand that we need... a comparable number, to oppose them at the front, this is actually the answer to your second question, the answer to your first question, well, it is also obvious, that is exactly what they are doing, they seize the territory, demobilize there all of them and throw them into the same meat assaults, so now just common sense should tell us that it is better to fight in our own army than later to fight in the occupier, gentlemen, i now have a question for you regarding the content of the draft law on mobilization , which was adopted by the verkhovna rada as a whole on april 11, the first, most important issue in this draft law is the lack of
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information about the demobilization of military personnel who are currently serving, mr. glory, what do you think about this? not a very good situation, because in fact there should be certainty including in matters of demobilization, in addition, we must remember that in the period between 2014 and 2017, ukraine already went through six minutes of mobilization, and then as part of the mobilization processes , the processes of demobilization also took place, each of the citizens of ukraine, who was called for mobilization and was not ready to conclude a contract on a professional basis regarding. passing the service of the armed forces was released either after 12 or after 15 months, but there was an understanding of how long our fellow citizens are called up to the ranks of the ukrainian army, of course you're full of shit. of war can make certain adjustments, but nevertheless there must be certainty. now officially, the spokesmen of the ministry of defense forbid us that this process will be organized within the next
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eight months, but it seems to me that this is too far-fetched a prospect. it is important to have a clear understanding of how long our soldiers who volunteered and enlisted in february and march of the 22nd year have to serve in order to defend our country . and this does not mean that all of them will immediately be released from the ranks of the armed forces, some of them love combat work and do not want to return to civilian life, but again , in order for us to be as responsible as possible in the plans for demobilization processes, it must work just as effectively a mobilization campaign, which will call for the fate of the ukrainian army motivated, further prepared eternally provided and trained high-ranking servicemen, huh? comrade oleksandr, i wanted to ask you how the military at the front perceived the news that that the draft law on mobilization does not provide
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for demobilization, just yesterday on the evening broadcast we talked about it with one of the soldiers of lviv, and he said, what do i think that, well , personally... i think, well, my position is included , whether everyone thinks so, what part thinks so, i can't know, but i'll say what i think about it: war is not about predictability, and guaranteeing people something that you can't predict, uh, is somewhere, which is, you know, adventurous to say the least, and what did this fighter actually say about... that, well, okay three years have passed, and hey, i will go home only when there is a clear opportunity, he
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will understand that someone else has taken his place, and even better two, until he has such confidence, of course, he will not leave from there, but i assume that not everyone thinks the way he thinks about this issue, and therefore the state is simply, well... forced to at least understand how the mobilization will go, what it is about, in order for us to demobilize people, we need to mobilize , well, at least the same amount, better more. we can't yet to understand how the dynamics of mobilization will go with us after the adoption of the law and, i hope , the signature of the president, so i understand the state's actions in this matter and my attitude to it, that's it. gentlemen, it's me. i want to talk to you about the content of this law, how you evaluate it for yourself, whether
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it can change the situation with mobilization, whether this law will be beneficial, or whether some individual points in it will only provoke ukrainian citizens to avoid mobilization. mr. vladyslav, maybe yes, i do with your permission, i will start, so we must understand this, ukrainian legislation has many excellent initiatives, but whether all these initiatives are implemented in practice, as they say, is a debatable issue, and here we must understand not only how effective the one developed by our people will become deputies, the mechanism, and to what extent it will be used and applied. in practice, because the mobilization potential of our country seems to be equal to the mark of 4.5 million people, but we can see that the ukrainian army is already experiencing a lack of trained, motivated,
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selfishly provided for and ready to prolong the combat work of a serviceman, why is this happening, the reason for this may be low, but the key question is related to the application of the norms of this draft law, because it has not yet acquired the status of a law. because president volodymyr zalenskyi did not sign it, is whether all the norms included in this draft law will be implemented in full, because once again we remember that ukrainian society demands and expects an extremely high level of justice, whether it will be observed we will see only later, but for now it is worth understanding that the current draft law corresponds to the realities that exist on the battlefield, which means that the issue of intensification of this process remains important. friend oleksandr, do you have something to add? yes, any decision has
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expectations. the results and possible consequences of the decision, which are written in this draft law for the time being, are primarily expected results, so there may be consequences, of course, they must also be taken into account, but we must understand that what we have now is the most important thing - it is a mobilization, and a pose doubting the expectation... that this draft law will contribute to the fact that we will still be able to mobilize a sufficient number, the question is how we will be able to learn later, how quickly we will be able to learn, therefore, after all, we should think more in this direction, so beyond i doubt that the expectations for this draft law were a bit high even when it was a draft law before its adoption, but
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we have what we have and we have to work. with what we have, there are many points in the bill regarding who will not be mobilized, by whom armor is coming, and these are possibly quite controversial points, for example, employees of the ministries' apparatuses are protected from mobilization, in addition, we know very unpleasant stories about the fact that... that mobile circuses in ukraine are recognized as strategic objects, which also employees , who will not be mobilized, we know that in full armor the employees of the tv channels of the single marathon received, in your opinion, similar stories, they will provoke a sense of injustice in the citizens, and will
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it not... will it not lead to the fact that people mobilization will be avoided, and the number of evaders in ukraine will only increase. what, for example, do you think, mr. vladyslav? and, the issue of information support for the activities of the ukrainian armed forces, including those institutions that are directly related to remobilization processes, remains relevant. how did it happen? the ukrainian army has already passed six minutes of mobilization. moreover, this is not only about the activities of the ukrainian army, in principle, in accordance with the legislative framework of the law , mobilization and mobilization training for mobilization is the responsibility of the state, the state, the government , starting with the prime minister, that is, in fact , all state institutions and institutions have to take care of these issues, take care of them to one degree or another, of course, the issue of informing society, why mobilization is important, what goals it pursues, or what will happen if the mobilization does not take place, and here
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i... agree with my friend oleksandr, who emphasizes that it is better to fight at the head of one's own army than to fulfill the whims of the russian occupiers in the framework of gentle assaults, which will definitely happen in the event , if ukraine will not withstand this russian onslaught, and accordingly, the russian occupation forces will move further west, to the countries of eastern europe, and here it is obvious that we are faced with the question of how effective the same information campaign is if people have reasons not to trust it. mobilization process in one way or another, they try to avoid mobilization processes, this is a challenge, and a challenge, including for those institutions, the ministry of the department, which is responsible for the information policy in our country, many issues, not there are answers to all of them, but there is a key one, due to the destruction of our unity, we will lose the country, there is no need here and now, even yesterday, to look for ways, motivational factors, arguments in order to convince ukrainian society, the citizens of our
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country. which fall under the scope of the law on mobilization and mobilization policy in that the protection of our country is extraordinary. friend oleksandr, in your opinion, how good is the information campaign regarding the involvement of ukrainian citizens in the olaf armed forces of ukraine? well, you see, i can only say that i am on this occasion i'm doing, i guess, well... evaluating my own actions, it seems to me that the most useful thing i can do in this situation is to just go and talk directly to people, i'm probably the third week of trying, well i do this and when......


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