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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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the same politician remains in the world, for example, in russia, where stalin remained, or now putin remains, in any case there will be changes in a democratic society, ukraine is a democracy, there will be changes, but zelensky does not understand this, for him it is too much complex conditions of the situation, he, you remember, is the office of simple solutions, simple solutions, always simple solutions, he believes that with this... and with this effort, he will be able to convince his constituents to vote for him again, that's it, that's it against the background of our mobilization problems, there is another problem with with our help, or rather not with us, with american help in ukraine, artillery shells and air defense equipment could run out of defense forces quite quickly without the support of the united states of america, leaving ukraine vulnerable to partial or total defeat in the war, the supreme
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commander-in-chief said... of the united armed forces of nato in europe, american general christopher cavoli at the hearing of the committee on armed forces of the house of representatives of the united states of america, let's hear what he said. now the russians outnumber the ukrainians five times, that is, the russians fire five times more artillery shells at the ukrainians than the ukrainians can fire back. in a few weeks, this ratio will be... 10 to one, we are not talking about months, and we are not talking hypothetically, mr. borislav, tell me, the internal situation, internal political in ukraine, it affects the decisions of the americans and the decisions of the americans . no, now it is not affected at all, now it is only affected internal games and efforts of each of the two parties, democrats, republicans, to win the presidential election. elections, that's the main
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story that's preventing ukraine from getting this aid right now, but you know, i can say something else, when we had a year of comprehensive support from the united states, did zelensky use that to get some contracts that would oblige they promised to give support to ukraine and weapons too, did zelenskyi sign any agreements or anything else? no, but why, because he believed that the war would last for two or three weeks, or because he believed that it would they will always come to him, it doesn't happen like that, he was warned about it. by the way, israel will receive permanent weapons from the united states as part of the alliance treaty. and this is what israeli military journalist serhiy auslender told me yesterday on my broadcast. they are waiting for additional money, but they get the main money, the main money, the main military aid, because there is a contract, because they signed it. why didn't zelensky do it?
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because he cannot calculate the situation? well , yes, it's true. but the main problem is now precisely in the fact that republicans and democrats are fighting over this bill, because for each of them it is important as a blow to the opponent, and not as help to ukraine. and, for the republicans, this shows that, look, biden does not care about internal american problems, he does not want to strengthen the border. for biden it's a different story, look, they want to destroy our democratic standard procedure, how we want to give people citizenship, or residency, for anything, it doesn't matter, or something else, every one of them is attacking, ukraine is generally going to second plan, i'll tell you more, i'm now watching american tv channels very carefully, there disappeared, ukraine disappeared and taiwan disappeared, only israel is behind. but the problem
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is that ukraine itself refused to draw attention to itself, you heard at least that zelensky appealed to our diaspora, which is huge in the united states, so that they come to a rally, to a protest, so that they attract the attention of their candidates in the elections, no, they have not heard, but why, what is preventing him, by the way, and the demonstration? where is fasting, believe me, it is everything can be done, and by the way, this was offered to zelensky back in november of last year, he is silent, does nothing, so it is not necessary to say that nothing depends on us, we could have influenced, but we did not use the window of opportunity, and we did not using the tools we have now, we're just waiting, but what's happening in the united states right now is a total shame, because the united states is now so messed up that it's giving up its leader. functions all over the world and this is also
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true. and you already mentioned israel, there was information already this evening that lebanon fired dozens of rockets at israel in... at least 40 rocket launches were recorded, and it's obvious, it's obvious, as international agencies predict, that something more than rocket launches is going on there, well, we'll keep an eye on it under this situation, it is obvious that the united states of america will now react to the situation in the middle east, and again ukraine, as you say correctly, will be relegated somewhere to the third or fourth plan. mr. boryslav, thank you for... it was boryslav bereza, politician and public figure, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation. friends, there is information from the middle east, i hope that in the second part of our program we will also mention it, because the israeli air defense system intercepts
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the missiles that are currently attacking it, it from the territory of lebanon, and in principle , obviously. obviously, the situation will be tense this weekend in the middle east, we will monitor this situation with you. friends, i remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. those who watch us on youtube, you can take part in the survey, just like on tv. we are asking you today whether you would trust the power of the political and military forces after the war. let's look at the interim results of the poll, the television poll. this is probably incorrect data, but 100% could agree with this, on youtube 75%, and not 25%.
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two years have passed, the aspresa channel has still not been returned to t2. during this time, neither the government nor the officials took responsibility for the outage. the espresso team appealed to the president more than once, the cabinet of ministers, the national security and defense council, the national council for television and radio broadcasting. however , we did not receive a clear answer as to who and why limited the broadcasting of the channel. this is pure censorship, it is a violation of freedom of speech in ukraine, because really. today, on the t2 network, on the button on which the spresso tv channel was broadcast for 10 years, the radio tv channels are broadcast today. the rada tv channel is a state channel, it is a participant in the single news marathon, and instead of espresso, people who still use and
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watch avto2 tv can watch, again, the only news marathon, which is broadcast today, if i'm not mistaken, on eight or nine tv channels, and, that is , they do not have access to... er, to information, to alternative information, to various mass media, to such an independent tv channel as espresso. the state intelligence service explained that the reason for turning off espresso the fifth and direct from digital broadcasting is the alleged implementation of the march 2022 decision of the national security and defense council on a unified information policy. this body and others denied theirs intervention before turning off tv channels. this document also does not regulate. why disconnection, because there is not a single word written about the need to disconnect someone, to switch, there is no word espresso, there is no name of other tv channels that were disconnected together with us, so this is pure manipulation, and still no explanations ,
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we still do not have the reasons why this happened, why this illegal action took place two years ago. a petition to resume broadcasting of the channels was registered in april 2022, in a few months it collected the necessary the number of votes, but the appeal remained unheard, will the tv channel be returned to ether? the government did not respond. a year ago , the international human rights organization reporters without borders called on the ukrainian authorities to resolve the situation as soon as possible and return the tv channel the opportunity to work fully, because limiting the broadcasting of tv channels does not speed up our accession to the eu. in march 2023 , the us state department assessed the ukrainian press as partially free. in... the report was about the situation with tv channels in particular espresso, direct and fifth channel. we do not fulfill any requirements and conditions of the european union in order to be accepted there, in the end, how we work or try
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to work according to those rules and laws, canons, skills that... and are acceptable and logical in the free world, and when we don't work for them, of course, it distances us from the free world. return of tv channels. to the digital air of t2 now depends on the ukrainian authorities, according to the director of espresso, because of such illegal actions, our state has been moving in the opposite direction for two years from democracy and freedom of speech. we are doing our best to bring our victory closer and believe that we will definitely win. but if the authorities do not admit their mistake and do not return the digital air to us, there is a great risk that in the future we may turn into russia. because the attack on freedom of speech in russia began precisely with the restriction or elimination of snakes.
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due to disconnection from t-2, our channel lost about 40% of the audience, but espresso continues to speak on the internet, in cable networks, on two satellites in ukraine and the border we are actively developing on youtube and social networks. this audience already exceeds the figure that we lost then, but still we pro... continue to call on the authorities of all the officials who are responsible for this, to return us to the digital network, because not all ukrainians today have the opportunity to watch us thanks to cable networks, satellite and the internet, they are still waiting for us on the t2 network, so it is important to return the espresso tv channel to t2 with the simple goal that a is democracy, b is freedom of speech, c is european values, most importantly people have the right to have access to various information. not always convenient for someone, for some individual politician, i am not saying for the authorities, not convenient maybe for some certain people, but this is
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the information that is just journalism, and we give what is reality, we prepare people for certain things that are inevitable, we talk about what is happening and what can be, we asked ukrainians what they think about the shutdown of espresso and their attitude to the single marathon, the popularity falls, and this says it all, it is necessary to have everything in... a person must have a choice, he must choose, i am negative, this is an alternative, different channels, different views, so i do not see any problems not to show them on t2, the more that i know the countryside, especially the area, there were a lot of users, they watched expresso, i have a bad attitude, and why? well, because there are channels that cover news from all sides, including. despite the disconnection from the digital network , the espresso tv channel continues to make a name for itself in information broadcasting. espresso team
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informs viewers about all important events, and war correspondents, risking their lives, document russia's crimes. and we are still waiting for the channel with a ukrainian perspective to be returned to digital. welcome to the espresso channel. today, in our military program , we will talk about how ukraine can and wants to strengthen its air defense system. ukraine's need to increase air defense resources has become so obvious that, for example, the european parliament this week refused to vote on the budget issues of the council of the eu until ukraine will not receive additional patriot systems, because the meps themselves. believe that there are as many as 100 patriot systems in europe, and
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it is quite possible and quite logical to transfer at least seven to ukraine for the protection of our cities, but these are the words of politicians, and this does not in fact mean that the governments of european countries are about to make a decision to to share patriots with ukraine. so what is the reality and what can ukraine do to really strengthen its own. anti-aircraft capabilities both on the battlefield and in the skies above our civilian cities with in view of the russian threats, which still do not decrease. we will talk about this in the next edition of our military program "war and weapons". my name is serhiy zgurets, i am the director of the defense express information and consulting company, which, together with the espresso channel, aims to highlight the most relevant trends in the life of our defense-industrial complex and our armed forces. and now we are joined by valentyn badrak, director of the army, conversion and disarmament research center, military
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analyst and writer, mr. valentyn, congratulations glad to see and hear you. congratulations, mr. sergey, as always, i am very glad of the invitation. just before the program, you and i discussed the fact that now the war is changing and each side is trying to use the advantages of technology in one way or another, and the one who adapts faster, in principle, he really... well, has a certain opportunity to overtake the enemy, and the one who does faster work on mistakes also, well, has a profit from this work, but i would like you to now so ... generally evaluate the modern battlefield, which has crucially and as an additional issue with our air defenses, is there also this technology race where each side is trying to find the weaknesses of the other? well, i’ll probably start with the general from the battlefield, but sometime in september
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, the military actually... signaled from the front that the war of drones had begun, and this was caused, on the one hand, by the inadequacy of the aggressors in russia, both in ukraine and in the country itself, namely of modern artillery systems and very, i would say, those smart ammunition which could be used very actively. and actually speaking, immediately there was a competition in how these drones will be modernized, and we saw very serious things that were happening, that is, the dynamics of technological changes increased from september 23, well, just several times, we also saw
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the creation of drones , fpvi drones by self-capture of the target. whole, we also saw drones with thermal imagers, which was not the case before, but in a mass form now, we can see it now, just yesterday there was an interesting report that russia had apparently developed a system communication and move from pprc to dynamic changes, frequencies, and this will apparently make the situation with drones very difficult, but... but at the same time, at the same time, the military estimates the efficiency of fpv drones to be approximately 10 to 40%, and they say , that somewhere you need somewhere up to 10 drones to destroy, for example, a tank, and many drones are lost, rap has a very active influence, and this is in new, even old and new
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technologies, say from hunting ... rifles that knock down small 'yu, drones to, say, rebovsky rifles, very different technologies, interceptors now are developing very actively, the americans have already purchased as many as 600 coyotes, yes , such interceptors, and all this prompts experts to talk about certain changes, now there are opinions that, firstly... rap ​​will have more influence, secondly, there will be changes in the sense that, for example, ground operations will make up, well, the main, main, or core of capabilities on the battlefield, and already at the beginning of january, the ukrainians demonstrated several such
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interesting things, well, in particular, a kamikaze drone traveled as much as 4 km into... the enemy and destroyed the bridge, this is very such a trend, very interesting, they showed minesweepers, which can demine literally in front of the enemy 100 m and even to the enemy, and these are unmanned platforms, these are very serious things, then the development of underwater drones, mini, even mini-submarine shuttles, these are all the moments, and of course the development and air . systems, for example, china created, interestingly, created a drone, it was literally reported in march, a drone that is capable of dividing into three, six other drones and creating a swarm of drones, controlled, that is , these very powerful ideas, powerful systems, but mainly what we have, what
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conclusion we have to draw, the conclusion is this, we are waging a combined war, in combination. war is when very expensive things collide with very cheap but mass technology, and we see that, we see that cheap mass technology in the war of attrition begins to dominate, we see the exhaustion of the ukrainian air defense system, we see the exhaustion of the russian artillery, in fact, when drones surpass and increase the effect. efficiency of work and perform, well yes, of course, they perform no full spectrum, but only about 30-40% of the artillery function, but at the expense of dynamics. due to cheapness, one projectile, of course, on the russian market, it costs about $600-700 for itself, but in our country now one
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ammunition costs up to $8,000, the namo company recently reported that it has increased tenfold to $800 , at the beginning of the year, nato concluded a contract where there were already 5.5 thousand dollars for one munition, i am not talking about smart munitions, which cost more than 60 thousand dollars, one munition, yes, and one drone costs 600 dollars, there, if it will be more technological, it will still cost no more than 2-3 thousand dollars, and how this dynamic affects precisely the confrontation of air defense systems, you mentioned that ukrainian air defense is slowly being depleted, probably due to that the enemy uses shahedi there or. for strikes for such important targets as this dynamic affects the formation of
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the russian offensive strategy there, our defense, when it comes to air defense systems, a very important point is related to the creation precisely echeloned anti-aircraft defense and the creation, so to speak, of a succession of targets. just today, we read such an insider's report about yesterday and about the fact that a ukrainian s-300 was shot down in odesa, hit by a drone, and according to the ukrainian military, this happened because they were not allowed to shoot down the drone, which was above them, formally everything is correct, it reflects the essence of the problem itself, but now ukraine has focused on the fact that... the world is looking for patriots, patriot systems, we know that the missile patriot costs from two to 4 million dollars, and now i will return to the most
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crazy, if it was possible to take a significant number, accumulate and assemble a significant number of systems, say the same sky ranger, skynex with programmable ammunition, then ... in fact, all questions they would take over enemy drones and a significant part of missiles, and then only ballistics would be dealt with, say, by the same patriots, and for example, by long-range aircraft there at 50-70 km from the front line, this is such an important moment, the second important point is what is needed look at the market more broadly than just the petri dish. wanted, well, for example, let me remind you that in february of this year , during the exhibition, saudi arabia concluded a new contract with
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south korea for 10 batteries of a new, well , not quite the new system, but the medium-range system, as it is called, yes, which can at a distance of 40 km for sure. to kill missiles, and such a system would also take on part of the tasks, if, for example, the european union, europe could bribe, but the main issue is with the patriots and with others the issue, with other systems, is that we have faced a great, great egoism of the european countries, because they already, each of the countries think that they have to defend themselves, and ukraine, well... so be it , yes, it is telling that the president of moldova called on the leadership of the netherlands, yesterday there was this information, to transfer their batteries
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to ukraine, they have three batteries of patriots, and not so, really not so, vulnerable now, right now, but today and now we must protect ukraine, i i'm not talking about countries like greece, yes, which failed. by the influence of moscow are located, and they are unlikely to hand over their batteries, but let’s say, the same germany of its ten batteries, well , could hand over a couple of three, the same poland or romania, which just bought patriot systems, could well share the queue, yes , become, so to speak, in the second place, why, why is it important to prove this to europe, because otherwise they themselves will have to... use these systems to fight against hostile russia when it attacks and attacks european nato countries, and
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of course, and of course for... the purchase of patriot systems outside the european union, outside europe, it can also be, and again yesterday, yesterday's speech by the prime minister of japan, mr. kishida , in the congress of the united states of america, where he called not to give up the leadership of the united states, and obviously he hinted at something that the united states could also sell. for the europeans, let's say, there are 5-10 batteries out of their 60 patriot batteries, but it is indicative that this is a very brave performance by the japanese, who are now, well, very strongly, so to speak, pressing for ukraine, yes, i understand that theirs are there, how many 24 petrio batteries they have, they are unlikely to share theirs because of the very powerful danger from china, which has now
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increased. at times, but to influence partners, but now in the world there is such a regrouping of forces, and really, which side will regroup faster, that side will have the advantages, and actually speaking, all strategic things will probably be resolved by september 24th , maybe by october, and this requires, well... very dynamic changes in decision-making and in their implementation, that is , the delivery of these systems that we are now talking about you say so, the conclusion is to divide not only patriot, but also other systems, and secondly to persuade, to transfer not only what is there somewhere in warehouses, conditionally, storage, but to transfer what is currently in the troops , to share, then also ... there is one
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proposal for discussion, when russia struck gas storage facilities, daggers, other systems, then this gave rise to such an idea, perhaps in some way to integrate the interaction of our air defense system and the defense system of poland, perhaps this can be another such step in order for the air defense shield over our country was more powerful, what do you think about such initiatives, solutions, proposals? the idea is certainly interesting, but i do not believe that nato will agree to such a move, because in fact, if it is a question of using polish patriot systems, directly from the territory of poland, then this will create a situation when russia will call what warned general milley, the former, former chairman. of the joint
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chiefs of staff committee, which is still listened to very strongly, he said, first of all, to prevent a kinetic collision of the nato systems and russian ones, here exactly this will happen, there will be , so to speak, a violation of this, this, and this situation, and de facto it will be considered that poland has entered the war, it would certainly be much better if... they were transferred quickly, well, certain the number of patriot systems on the territory of ukraine, and then this would avoid such a threat to nato, although i say this from the point of view of the general panorama of the war, it would certainly be a much better decision for ukraine if the polish
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systems were to start. shoot down and even then we would feel more protected, and actually saying, they would feel that nato, well, actually supports us not only with weapons, but also with very specific actions, then the intelligence data would be added, the protection of the ukrainian sky would be added, of course, this step would be revolutionary, but for now i am in i don't really believe him, as regards... strikes on our underground gas storages and electric power plants, and as regards our strikes on russian refineries, on systems that process oil, in fact, the situation now looks like a certain initial stage.


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