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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EEST

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it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers, and now to the most important events. loudly in the temporarily occupied luhansk, where... several explosions rang out, witnesses wrote on social networks that there were at least two flights and published videos. smoke can be seen above the city, previously there was a hit in the area of ​​the machine-building plant, where the russian occupiers were based. the temporarily occupied crimea also complains about attacks. russian anti-aircraft defense was apparently operating in the kerch area. they blocked kerchensky bridge. explosions thundered in the temporary.
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in the occupied crimea , russian air defense was operating in kyrchya, this was reported by the local media. traffic on the crimean bridge was restricted. more detailed information is currently being clarified. bohdanivka under the control of the armed forces of ukraine. the ministry of defense denied the information spread by some telegram channels that the russians captured a village near chasovoy yar. intense fighting continues there. the enemy seeks to break through our defenses in the temporal ravine area at any cost. for this purpose, last night assault groups the enemy came out on the northern outskirts of bohdanivka and are currently trying to gain a foothold there. at this time, bohdanivka is controlled by the defense forces. the enemy's offensive actions are not successful. one person died as a result of an enemy attack in chernihiv oblast. this was announced by the head of the region vyacheslav chalos. the russians shot a car at the border of novgorod siversky.
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a man who was carrying food to the residents of the villages was mortally wounded. 3 km from the front line. in donetsk region, white angels evacuated a woman with limited mobility and her mother from the city iron this was reported to the regional police. the woman was taken out in a specialized armored car. together with the family, their dog was taken away. everyone is safe for now. exactly like this. we had nowhere to go, the children did not go, and where would i go without them, and now the eldest daughter has left, found a house, and we are going to them. the russian fsb tried to kill the head of the kherson region. the russians fired an fpv drone at oleksandr prokudin's car, a resident of the kherson region adjusted the fire on the car, he was detained by the security service of ukraine, reported head of the sbu. vasyl malyuk. this is far from
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the first, and probably not the last attempt. why didn't i tell you about it? i knew what i was getting into when i agreed to work in the frontline region. civilians, occupiers, targeted hunting and shelling of the civilian population from drones die and suffer from russian attacks every day in the kherson region. i am the same person. like others, this is our everyday life. the car accident happened on the kyivchop highway, near the village of gadzynka in zhytomyr oblast, where two cars collided. transport movement is partially complicated in the direction of kyiv - reported in the national police currently , law enforcement officers are working on the spot, they are investigating the circumstances of the accident. transported counterfeit. in chernihiv oblast, the police detained a man. law enforcement officers. found in
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the suspect's car about 200 containers, 400 bottles of alcohol and bags of alcohol of unknown origin. the vehicle was seized from the man , and all substances were sent for expert research. the police opened criminal proceedings. in turkey, a rescue operation is underway on the cable car in antalya. due to the accident, one of the booths crashed into a broken support. one tourist died (11). injured rescuers tried all night to lower 166 tourists who were stuck in 24 cabins. someone managed to be brought to the ground by ropes, someone was rescued by helicopters. meanwhile, russian territories continue to go under water. the tobol river is actively flooding the city of kurgan, propaganda media write. according to forecasts of the russian ministry of emergency situations, the water level outside rises by... four times by 6 m. now there is almost
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5 m of water in the river and many houses have already been flooded, the city of orenburg has also been completely flooded, from only the spiers of the roofs are visible. houses the network jokes that these are dragon's teeth and the russians are preparing for defense 1,000 km from the border with ukraine. warm palms. in the volyn region , rehabilitation camps are held for children in need. art classes and easter workshops take place there every day. kateryna oliynyk will tell what else melecha does in the zamlennya integration center. andriy shows his room, in which he has been living for 10 days, five boys live here with him, but there is almost no time to lie down, because the schedule of the camp is written minute by minute. first we wash, we brush our teeth, we go to exercise, then we have a liturgy, it is
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in that room, a church, well, a catholic one, we do a service there, and this smarezlov boy, five-year-old romchyk from mariupol, he came to the camp with older brother, took them. adoptive family, and they left for poland, but already in poland they refused the boys, and it was difficult for them to resolve these issues legally, and so romchyk and kostya ended up in the kovel rehabilitation center and now came to us as early as 16 , the warm hands rehabilitation camp accepts people in the integration center. the owner of this place is the roman catholic priest jan buras. he created a place in volyn that became a salvation for thousands of children.
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in the camp there are young ukrainians with the trauma of loss, depression or problems of socialization in a new city, psychologists, therapists and educators who work with children on a special basis. rehabilitation program, all children are united by dislike, says expert inna burda. they have such anxiety, in them closedness and the feeling that no one needs them. this is the most disturbing, this is the most disturbing, and immediately there is a desire to give them warmth, caress, and it is the creative process, it is the creative atmosphere that gives them the opportunity to open up. the children of the camp draw pictures, write easter eggs, sculpt from clay, and also make cookies. today, children have a master class on cooking volyn sausage. we gave pepper, salt, garlic, we cut the meat, we threw in a little more lard. i don't know, it can turn out very tasty. in the volyn region , there are more than 23,000 children deprived of parental rights
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care, or those who find themselves in difficult life circumstances. this number is voiced by the organizer of the warm hands project, tetyana myalkovska. despite four meals a day at the camp, some children have everything. hide food under mattresses. there are many children who simply cannot get enough. so they eat cutlet after cutlet, cutlet after cutlet, until they have a reaction. our big task is to wrap these children with love in every possible way, wrap these children with care and simply help them get back on their feet a little. they finance the ukrainian humanitarian and cultural project institute. and other benefactors for 16 visits to the rehabilitation camp received more than a thousand children, they stayed here for at least 10 days in an atmosphere of love and care. kateryna oliynyk, espresso tv channel. and i want to remind you about our collection.
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the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live. work and study. our goal is ambitious - uah 720,000. let's not delay, the war continues the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time. we will see you at 15 o'clock. our team works to ensure that you are the first to learn the most relevant news. you can also read them on our website. tv, subscribe to us on social networks and watch us on youtube, because there is unique content there. and literally in a moment , meet my colleagues, romana chaika and oksana vysochanska.
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today they are on the heels and thank for it armed forces during the war, a ukrainian woman found the strength not only to join the ranks of volunteers, but also to contribute... to the restoration of the country at the city and state levels, sometimes this path has to be overcome on the verge of life and death, the head of the molichany city military administration after the occupation of zaporizhzhya region and enslavement by muscovites, she was forced to leave her position and home, but returned to help women live on. we are making plans, we are preparing for recovery, we started last year, realizing yes, that there will be an occupation, we began to purchase utilities. and this year we realized that if there is no victory, we don't need all this. panelists of the ukrainian
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women's congress, which took place in poltava, were representatives of both front-line and tolov regions. it is noteworthy that the event eventually reached the regional center of poltava oblast, a powerful humanitarian and educational hub. there are many challenges in the city, and in particular our spaces are educational, this is what i see, and i want our children to return to our city with their families as much as possible, which means that our spatial education has to work, in order for them to work, there has to be a shelter, and a shelter for sure, it's not just a place anymore, and i thank the business that went to the meeting now and helps us create initiatives in shelters, like universal, cool, friendly rooms. extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassadors of europe, canada and the usa also took part in the events. each and every one of them has their own mistakes. admired the indomitability of ukrainian women, women in local
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self-government bodies and administrations, volunteers, soldiers and community leaders are on front lines, resilience and a teaching role have become a daily necessity for them. industrial giants such as the ferexpo group of companies demonstrate their support for women in times of war. for several years of implementation of the women's program. leadership, the mining company managed to increase the share of women in management by 60%. equality, inclusiveness in companies, increase the profits of companies, increase their corporate image among young people, and most importantly, it helps us make more informed decisions, and thanks to this training, after three years we saw results, we increased the number of women among managers by 60%. and in management positions? by 60%, we increased the number of women. congress participants noted that women's
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leadership is relevant in all spheres of life. every second business in the conditions of war is opened by women. if we are going to join the european union now, it is important for us to implement all the decisions of the european union, precisely about the equality of men and women. including all the decisions of the european parliament, the resolutions they ask us to adopt. congress is unique a platform that shapes the state's agenda in the field of gender equality. the event was held under the slogan "the way to restore the participation of women at the local level." and it took place with the support of usaid, the unpd development program, un women, the governments of sweden, canada, great britain, germany, denmark, the representative office of the european union, the ferexpo company, and the ukrainian women's fund.
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we promised, we are coming back, roman chaika and oksana vysochenska, and nothing has changed, we ask you to inform us further, it has changed, first of all, the number of donations increased, secondly, the water rose more in some places in karagnia. there is and we wish you good weather, strong spring rain, we remind you that you need to donate, yes, because we are just promoting this trend that the more donations, the more somewhere in the ural waters river, yes, you can see qr-codes, card numbers , please, as much as you can, who can 10 hryvnias, please 10, who can 10 00, we will accept whatever you donate, because we need to collect 2 million, that's two, two brigades, two batches we want, that's fpv drones against . these two brigades, kholodny yar and black zaporizhzhya, are exactly what they need, they are asking
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for these drones, they know what to do with them, where to use them, and what is the best effect to get from their use, so please join us, and we are the ones sometimes we will talk about military affairs with our first guest of this hour denis popovych, a military columnist is already in touch with us, mr. denis, we welcome you, good day, mr. denis, you know, during the week with various military and military experts we talked and she turned out to be completely schizophrenic the situation, we are talking about air defense equipment and, most importantly, missiles to... them, some say they don't give them, because they don't exist, others say they don't give them, because there is a political wolf in the head, but still there are these patriots, whom so many have produced such that we could have quickly, and is it all based on politics, there are these patriots, but it is all based on politics, most of these batteries are at
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the disposal of the united states of america, well, we know the situation in the united states of america. regarding the transfer of aid to ukraine, well, fortunately, tonight, the day was in the usa, tonight there was information that there is hope for changes in this regard, well , but all that remains is to pass at least some bill, which means that it would serve to help help ukraine, there are these patriots and the head of the united states of america, they are also in other countries, but here the question is whether these countries are ready to share. with these air defense systems, since there are significantly fewer of them there, and they also want to be sure of their own safety, especially given the situation around the russian federation and its allies, if we take japan or south korea, which also has petra, the situation around north korea is a concern there, because north korea has ballistic
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missiles, and the patriot, we know, is a great anti-ballistic missile , so the question arises whether these countries are ready to give up and... a few batteries in order to reduce their own defense capabilities. look, there are countries that are not threatened by anything, no north korea, no kimchin-inichi, chinese communists, i am talking about the netherlands, about about germany, about greece, about spain, everywhere there are patriots in large numbers. that germany already had a statement that the reserves there are almost exhausted, regarding the netherlands, yesterday we heard... yesterday we heard that they gave us 1 billion euros, and also yesterday we heard about the negotiations regarding the sumpty and regarding the two of patriots that are currently being kept, dmytro koleba said about it, it is quite important that these two batteries of patriots, they are from certain countries, which you will mention now, maybe the same netherlands, maybe other european countries, but i want to
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to repeat, this issue is political, that is , you and i can consider that there are enough of them. may consider that they are not enough and cannot be given, since they have certain plans there, the good, good will of our partners here can, can be useful to us, it was about international politics, and about our domestic-ukrainian policy, it turned out the other day that we have normal rotation here, that there are enough reserves, that there are military personnel who are not involved in hostilities. inactive at the front, they are successfully and regularly replaced, they send for rest, albeit short, but still those who are constantly fighting, but we hear the exact opposite from the military themselves and from their families, that in fact there are people who have been there for more than two years, and if
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they do come, they have the opportunity to rest somewhere, then it's very short, and it's not even a rest, it's just that they saw their family and came back again. what is this story? in order not to carry out mass mobilization, we remember the numbers that were called about half a million, half a thousand people, half a million, oleksandr syrsky, the new head, decided to conduct an audit in order to find some units, some people, some military personnel who have not been involved in combat operations before and thus carry out this rotation, i have big questions, really, about... how much these people ready, what kind of people are these, well, so that it does not turn out there that, relatively speaking, assault companies are replenished with ppooshniks, well , they do not reveal the details to us here, but certain questions that arise before this, all this is caused by the fact that there are problems with mobilization, too big sorry, they are there, only this week it was
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the appropriate mobilization law was passed, in my opinion, it does not contain those things that could s... society, be motivated to go, mobilize, as it was at the beginning of a large-scale invasion, so you have to leave the situation in this way, some military units enter , who were not previously involved, proving hostilities and carrying out rotation, rotation of those who sat on the front line. this is how i can characterize it now, and unfortunately, mobilization in the conditions of war cannot be done without. therefore this the question will have to be solved in some way to motivate people so that they can go to the front. a good example for this is the activity carried out by the third o shbr, which is just like that. educational work, the same motivation for people, well, which should be carried out, it should be done by people who went through the war,
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but look, i am now looking at the facebook page of the servant of the people igor kopyttin, he does not agree with you, he says, such a cool law , a big incentive package will encourage men to go into contract service, well that's me i quoted you, that is, queues are provided, i see ihor kopytin. why does kopytin, the servant of the people, see the positive, and you don't? well, if we see the utcc queues, then i will take back my words, with great pleasure, in fact, say that i was wrong, and i swear to you to do it on the offensive, during the next airs, if we actually see, we will see what in volunteers went to tsk, as was the case at the beginning of the large-scale invasion, but i am very afraid that these volunteers will not be there, well... well, it was specifically your promise to igor kopytin, i think that he they will tell you that we did such
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and such a challenge, but i have a question for you, in fact , the other day i had to talk with veterans and soldiers, well, for them, despite the fact that the clauses on demobilization were removed from the law and a separate law was promised no sooner than after 8 months. of the government, they briefly commented like this, says: we now have three ways: either to become 200, or 3-0, or to go to prison. this is how the military read this law. why so? this is a very difficult question. you and i must understand that as far as we have with from a moral point of view to comment on the issue of mobilization, demobilization, being in time, this is the first thing, i want to note. secondly, it is necessary to understand, to try to understand the psychological state of people who are in focolo for several months, constantly, they do not see their families, they do not see their
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children, they do not have the right to rest, they do not have the opportunity, they wage constant battles, sacrifice their lives and health, well, this is a psychological call, let's say so, people need to somehow rest and see some kind of light at the end of the tunnel, well, they believe that... is such a light, and by the way, demobilization was the main motivating principle for them in this draft law, they expect it, they expected it, because of this i do not agree with the honorable deputy koputin that this law contains very large motivational, motivational components, but here one must understand one simple thing, that demobilization without mobilization cannot exist, that if we demobilize , relatively speaking, a thousand people, we must mobilize someone in their place, who we can to mobilize people in their place, if there is no motivation for mobilization, such an established, vicious circle turns out, and to get out of this vicious circle, well, obviously,
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those people must, on whom it depends, we can write any law, i have a lot, i say a lot about it, it can be encrusted with diamonds, put on a shelf and carried around the world as a piece of law-making activity, but if society is not motivated to mobilize. psychological work, informational work, encouraging work, well, my, my look, no law to this house. mr. denys, and one more point, the military also talks about this, about the fact that there are units, there can be excellent communication in the unit, they can understand their tasks and goals, but globally there is no good communication, there is no such one network and system. how should different types of troops cooperate with each other, how should the infantry, aviation, somehow communicate with each other, perform joint tasks, and
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this after more than two years of full-scale war, and actually this prospect, when we finally even get the f-16, then there is no understanding, at least this is what some military personnel say, how will it cooperate, that is , how will the infantry unit... be able to call for help, explain what is necessary, how it should all take shape, is there even a prospect that we will be able to have some kind of take, i don’t know, a piece of paper, at least draw by hand who should communicate with whom, about what, and in general, whether there is an interest in communication between units, this question is very broad, it concerns internal communication between separate units, parts , brigades, by waters we see the armed forces, well, if we go from the bottom up, where else is this communication, where else is it not, when it is not there, problems arise on the battlefield, when it is, well, then,
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then it is. then this is a problem of communication between units, between commanders, between people, human communication, this is a very difficult issue, and in my opinion, if i say that there are none at all, i will be wrong if i say that it is everywhere, i i will also be wrong, since there are many, many cases, many cases when the conduct of hostilities suffers from this , by the way, there is information that the abandonment of solidaro at the beginning of last year was precisely caused by the fact that... there was no communication, certain problems near avdiivka were also caused by the fact that there was no communication between the units, that is, the relationship between those parts of the unit that lead combat, that is why this problem is characteristic, well, it is not really new, it exists in any army in the world, and when the question arises, how will we communicate with the weapons units in the 16th 16ths, then i can say that in the 16th we
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have no other way out except... communication debug, but i would like to caution against the fact that too many people have high hopes that the f16 will come out and immediately war will be different, it won't be different, because there is no wonderwaffe that can change the rules of the game right now, everything must be integrated, and this is an integrated approach, it basically involves communication between subordinates, mr. denis, thank you for your comment, denis popovych, military... the audience was with us, we will now take a short break, you for that time , who has already donated, can subscribe on the youtube channel, espresso, then you won’t miss anything even on a day off or during working hours, and shorts are for you the most important essence of all our conversations, in stories, all this is on our youtube channel, well, who has already subscribed to youtube the channel has not donated, then you see the qr code, donate, pause and we will return. warning! proceed from unpack tv.
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