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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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not the checkpoints themselves were more, how to put it, endangering the security, the very situation in the place, the very troops that entered the russian, because if journalists were captured by them, well that would be, they would cause such damage, i m 'to say that... well, it was a mortal danger, so when we left, and we left in our own car, which by then had already been damaged by shelling, it was also a plus, so to speak, i understood what it was, that we were leaving, passing those roadblocks, i understood that overcoming each one block, overcoming each roadblock, it reduces
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the danger for journalists, it is for my friends, therefore, telling in general, as it is, it was necessary to do it quickly, to be honest, because at that time i myself have work experience, i understand psychology some of the psychology of criminals, and we can say that those who stood in these spotlights are the same criminals, war criminals are different from ordinary criminals, there is also a big difference, well, everything had to be done so that my friends, my family, who were before them in the columns, because the consequences were very severe, well... and frankly speaking, i had a human
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desire for them to be in danger, so that, and there among them was vasilisa stepanenko, at that time she was 23 years old, and my dear, my wife, and to imagine that they will be subjected to torture, and there will be such dangers, that's why i am everything. we left that zone of terrible danger for them, well, for me it was a task, maybe that's why i served all these years in the police, at that time the militia, in order to carry out these actions. mr. volodymyr, when this shooting took place when you were trying to leave mariupol and actually left, did
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you think that the collected material would become the documentary film of the year and win an oscar? well, i didn't think about it, i first of all thought about promoliupov seeing the light of day, and we did it while we were in mariupol, my friends, the journalists did it. so that the world community would see these crimes, to me frankly, the very idea that no one would see these crimes, no one would know about them, that was the worst thing for me, and when we did something, when these materials, which will be filmed at the maternity hospital in the higher cities of mariupol, were handed over to the doctors. on the streets, and when these materials
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went, were sent in the world, i already felt that this was a great work of my friends, journalists, and that these materials of theirs will become the basis of this and something, there will be some prizes, awards, well, i generally no, to be honest , it was... small nuances, when my fellow policemen and i talked about some topics, we were happy about our very small success, when there was an attack, when 10 minutes were recorded, preventing the advancement of these russians, when it happened, it was a joy for us, and to think that there will be some awards, that there will be some phil, well, i...
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imagine, frankly speaking, mr. volodymyr, it turns out that you, as a police officer, performed your main duty, did you? recorded crimes, and thanks to you, the whole world saw the horrors that the russians staged in mariupol. i want to ask you one more time: in 2014, you were forced to leave donetsk, when the war actually began, and now for the second time, in the 22nd year, you had to leave donetsk again a new home for myself. tell me, have you thought about transferring your services to safer regions, because now you continue to serve in the donetsk region? i believe that all my comrades who did not become traitors who
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came, who at that time served in the hostilities, hostilities about... from the 14th year until the beginning of full-scale aggression also, i believe that this is our was a duty, it is ours, well , you can say that at that time it became our goal of our work, to say that it was easy for my comrades, easy, i can't absolutely, no one during this time... in the world, in other countries, i think, there is no such terrible experience as working during war, i mean the police force, well, frankly , i had no desire, there were no
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capes, i did not think that in order to transfer, well, this is my area, this is my land, and i... had a desire to stay and work, now i have a desire, and i believe that this is our, this is our job of policemen, she showed itself that we are doing a great deal with you, helping, well , our work and in mariupol it also showed that people need us, that what concerns... me personally, me personally, well, maybe we have been preparing all these years of 2014 for these events, maybe, unfortunately, the experience, the experience we have gained, the experiences we have accumulated, he has already agreed to us , to
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do your business in mariluk, please tell me , are these 20 days in hell? were you able to survive them or are they still with you? you know, i can say that for all the employees who were for the defenders of mariupol, we were a little bit in this position, it was easier for us, and you know why, because we constantly acted, i believe that people who are civilians, who were in the city, they...suffered more, because not a single day did we have something to stop, to think about something, and i can say that we were especially afraid of this event , the military, the police, other
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employees who defended, we did not have for this time, but this is what our residents of the city of mariu experienced. it's this, this , it's impossible to forget about it, and the fact that mariupol left a trace of my soul, it's definitely, it's me impressing my city, i impress my friend, my relatives, the second city, although i am not from mariupol, so i believe that we did what... it was possible to do in mariupol, although, although now i look from this time, what could be done, to do it more. mr. volodymyr, last year in the month of august, the russian occupiers launched a rocket
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attack on the city of pokrovsk, and a few minutes later they hit it again to inflict maximum... damage on the people who came to rescue the wounded from the first attack. our film crew, in fact, and i recorded the consequences of this. that terrible shelling, the russians simply hit the center, on the apartment buildings, partially destroying them under the foundation, and we know that you suffered the same, suffered from this shelling, and as far as i understand, now you are being treated after the wound you received there, yes yes , like all mine. even the policemen who were in pokrovsk, i went to the scene of this terrible tragedy, about
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this crime, it is definitely a crime, because walking around a residential building in the center of the city, at that time, hiding, as if there was someone there headquarters is located, it is definitely a crime, both from a legal point of view, and from a human point of view, and from any point of view, it is a crime. any of the russians there would not tell themselves that they saw something during the war, that what the military should have done was a crime, they hit a residential building, they waited until after they started helping people, rescuing them , policemen and emergency workers were raging. doctors, and when exactly they hit them the second time, well, it was a blow
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in the back, it was definitely a blow in the back, at that time there were a lot of materials posted on social networks, they saw them, that they were residential, i understand that they did it intentionally, well, they have no excuse for such a crime, well, the fact that i... ended up there, i was driving after the time limit , on the car was already heading home, like other policemen in the city of pokrovsk, our main police department, i went there to provide help, to leave, to leave at that time people without advice, without help, well, there is no ... importance, although, we , we knew what would happen, that
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the second blow would come, and by the time when, this second blow was inflicted, we took her out to the car, there was a woman, we loaded her, our car, our policemen, paramedics, there was a man who was on the fifth floor, he was contused, well, let's leave them and run to save ourselves, it was senseless to run, to put on body armor there, to hide there, there was no time, well, at that time, it so happened that many of our police officers, who, you could say, uh, while performing their duty, were injured , at the same time they received severe wounds that the wounding took place after that a little more. then it is necessary to treat these consequences here, i wanted to ask you this, here is
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pokrovsk, at the same time in the summer of the 23rd there was kramatorsk, a flight to a restaurant, to a pizzeria, we very often see the crimes of the russian federation against the civilian population, which occur due to the adjustment of their missiles . er, ukrainians who do this for some reason, despite the fact that they see what horrors the russians bring, in your opinion, should ukraine react more harshly to people with pro-russian views inside ukraine, should the population be more watchful, or somehow perceive in a different way what is next to us, maybe our neighbor, one of them... could tomorrow adjust russian missiles at our houses? in my opinion, treason is
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the worst, worst crime, and as people see it, and maybe if we say from god's point of view, treason is the most terrible thing that can be justified to these criminals. which suggests that there is no way, considering them, in some way to have, to imagine something, to be wrong, and yet to be... traitors who betray their people who live next to you, this is the most terrible thing, i believe that the punishment can be, should be more severe punishment in our courts for these crimes, because they have no
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excuse, let those who commit this, let them... from life think about about all that they have done with their consequences, maybe even with this, with this punishment, they will understand that what they are doing, here without any doubt, this is my personal opinion. mr. volodymyr, the last one is probably for me, i have a question for you, i'm sorry. "summing up our entire conversation today, how would you rate the russian federation's conduct of this war? certainly, this war has shown that this is a criminal war from the very beginning, and criminals cannot fight like
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a real one, they conduct it criminally, they have no..." respect for themselves, they dare themselves with these crimes as well, there are no soldiers who are worthy of respect from their side, absolutely, these crimes that they committed will be dark spots on them in the years to come, they may never bring them back, i think that the most important thing is not to prove these crimes to the world community, remember these crimes and to understand that these are unpunished criminals, they commit these crimes, that's why ukraine is doing a very big, big job,
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it's taming world-class criminals, unfortunately, it's true, it's our... with our efforts and efforts, we stop these criminals who will not stop, well, maybe people, the people of the world will understand, and there will be a worthy help of our country to withstand this, so that we will win over these terrible criminals, well, let's hope for it, mr. volodymyr, i wish get well soon thank you for taking the time. to communicate with us, glory to ukraine, to the heroes of glory, thank you very much for the interview, i hope that our efforts will not be in vain and that we will win, we will hope for it, thank you, thank you to all the viewers,
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friends, i welcome you, today we will talk about how to get teenagers interested in cinema and immerse themselves in this topic, because we are starting to talk more and more about cinema, about ukrainian cinema, in particular to discuss it, but we lack phage. people who do it professionally say what it means to be a professional moviegoer, we will talk with olga birzul, a film curator, who wrote such a wonderful book, and we will talk about it today, and i am your book about cinema, recommended for ages 14 and up , well, considering the fact that film education, film education, our school does not offer us, is a very helpful thing, but before that, we will talk about ... such events, some notable ones that happened in our culture this week. well, first of all, betrayal again, we start with betrayal, because there is no advice for it.
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serhii loznytsia's film, called invasion, will be shown at the cannes film festival in one of the programs. let me remind you that serhiy loznytsia, well, he still obviously needs to be called the most famous ukrainian director in the world. well, maybe recently, already this year. competes with him mstislav chornov, but in general loznytsia, his name is quite popular, he has been doing this for many years, and always, when there are some prestigious film festivals, serhiy loznytsia definitely participates in them with his films and even receives awards, but the point is , that serhiy loznytsia, well , he has always lived in russia for a long time, even though he is a ukrainian director, he has ukrainian citizenship. but he was born in belarus, which he does not always want to mention, lived in ukraine for a while, then lived in russia for a long time, and has been living in germany for the last many years, and his
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the ties with the russians are quite strong, and well, this was especially evident at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, because serhii loznytsia, at first he took such a step, which was hanging around in ukraine, because he refused to be a member of the european film academy, because... he noted , that european film academics do not react too briskly and generally actively to the war in ukraine, but then he agreed to participate in such a festival in france from lviv to the urals, well, you understand from the name itself what should be happening there, and for that he was expelled from the ukrainian film academy, then he went to the cannes film festival, where he began to defend russian culture and then called... in his expulsion from the europeans from the ukrainian film academy fascism, he said: unfortunately, this is fascism, well, just imagine how such strong words
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exaggerated act on the international. such a well-known director, he says that fascism flourishes even in the cultural community of ukraine, well, it could be called there, for example, an unfair decision, but definitely not fascism, and therefore serhiy loznytsia in us, and i very rarely use this word in a non-ironic context, but serhiy loznytsia is really a bit withdrawn here, and he is not very welcome by our moviegoers, but we see, now we can once again... see the post made by the producer the day before the ukrainian mykhailo melis, and he wrote that this film invasion of the loznitsa will be shown at the cannes film festival, he is there, i asked him, he is a local producer of this film, but he did not answer my question anymore, maybe he is preoccupied, i am in i asked him if serhiy loznytsia came to ukraine to shoot this movie, this is
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a documentary film, and... apparently serhiy loznytsia did not come, but here he is, he has such a technique, when he uses filmed footage, by other people, and then simply edits them, but in order to make a good documentary, you obviously need to be at the scene of the event, that serhiy loznytsia can film and reflect on the invasion and our life now, most likely without being in ukraine, is unknown , although the director. he definitely talented, it must be admitted, but we see that in the end there are such, even theories, that oksana zabushko directly speaks about this, after she visited the berlinale, she wrote to herself on facebook that serhii loznytsia is promoting the issue of russian culture abroad and russian culture in ukraine, protection of russian culture in ukraine, and this... well
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, you know, such a practice, which is not very profitable for us now, to put it mildly, but it is serhiy leznytsia who will represent ukraine at to the cain film festival, because he positions himself as a ukrainian director, films about ukraine, and it is necessary to understand that it is precisely his view, precisely his interpretation, if we did not see it, but it will determine the vision of many people at this film festival, and not only, well... it is such an informative - the cultural war, it also continues, and i will also say that the anakan film festival will also show the film of the russian kirill serebryanikov. now we can see the nakan film festival, what it looks like, it is such a glamorous event that is very tolerant of russians, and in 2022 kirill serebryanikov, he was also at cannes with his tape, tchaikovsky's wife, and then
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he... at the press conference uttered absolute nonsense, he firstly called for the lifting of sanctions against abramovich, who sponsored his tape, and secondly, he called for sympathy not just russians, but the russian military, and even more, he called to help widows, russian soldiers, children, because they are also victims and widows, and the military themselves, victims of propaganda, this is what kirill serebrianikov said, some... people said that to the cinema work, they said that allegedly at the cannes film festival they were partially shocked by this press conference and still understood that russian opposition artists are not exactly oppositional, but now we see that kirill serebrnikov was invited for the second time, well, not the second time, the second time during the already full-scale invasion invited to participate in the main program of the cannes film festival, and this already
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looks like an absolute trend, well... if we talk about russian influences on world art in general, then they are colossal, if you look and read even oksana's interview liniv, who is now being so actively discussed, she says directly, and many other artists also say about it, that there is no abolition of russian culture in the world in general, and this is considered barbarism in the world, how can this culture be touched, well, russian culture often academic and classical literature is among the top. russians are very concerned about the development of their culture, they achieve absolutely productive results, that is why we see such a situation, plus we do not forget that the russians have a lot of money, so that, well, let's say this, if some people say directly that the russians buy people at various film festivals and in hollywood in particular, too, but it can be an indirect purchase there, it can just be such
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an interpretation. the russian market, as a profitable one, from which you cannot...


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