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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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patriot sams, explain to our viewers how many we have now, and this 7.25, is it a significant amount compared to what other countries in europe have that have these weapons? regarding the number of patriots in ukraine, we can rely on exclusively public information, which has been repeatedly announced. it is about the fact that ukraine received one patriot from the usa, another from germany, and germany and the netherlands were also collected. for two, of which we are already talking about three, but also the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said a few months ago that ukraine received two more air defense systems that can shoot down everything, which was not the case, but the fact is that when it comes to an air defense system that can shoot down everything, it means that it can effectively to counter both directly ballistic missiles and aerodynamic targets such as aircraft under this category. hits only from the available and
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from the available only two complexiot, because it works effectively both against things like the iskander and against aircraft, which well has been repeatedly proven by the so-called blocking patriot, and samptsi, but with regard to samptsi, the fact is that during all this time, after quite long conversations, italy and france were able to single out one complex, and therefore, and that was quite publicly. therefore, it is unlikely that they would do it again, let alone two at once, and it would certainly not be a secret, given the position and publicity of rome and paris in this matter, therefore, most likely, ukraine still has a little more than three patriot batteries , but the question is about which ones patriot, these are very, very important questions, because objectively there are two types of patriot currently in service in nato countries, including and around the world in general: patriot pak-2, which only uses missiles. jaime t, which effectively fights
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precisely against aircraft, high-altitude, aerodynamic targets at ranges of 160 km there, and there is a third pak, which has anti-missile capabilities and allows you to shoot down ballistic missiles such as iskander, to shoot down daggers and even a circus, that is, this is the third pak , and it can also of course be powered by jmt missiles against aircraft, so for now we can only say approximately that ukraine has three dashes five, for sure. patriot systems, not all of them may be pakrets, it is definitely 100% known about three, regarding the number of patriots in, for example, nato countries, then recently joseph borel at the summit of the europe forum, he directly said that the western armies, i.e. the western world , this is nato, this is the usa, plus the european segment of nato, then we are talking about the fact that, in general, we are talking about 100 batteries, batteries, let me remind you, this is actually an anti-aircraft missile complex, because... well
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a battery is such an organizational staff structure, but if you take exactly how many batteries of patriots, then there is only one that is composed, usually it is one rls, one command post, six or eight launchers, again , this configuration is quite vague, we are talking about a modern digital anti-aircraft missile complex, so the number of launchers can be changed, as well as usually on the smaller side, some countries cannot afford such a number of launchers in one patriot battery, there, for example, sweden, it orders only from a limited quantity three or four launchers, and japan is also a far from poor country, it has five launchers per battery, but if we talk about nato countries, we are talking about 100 batteries, if to be more precise according to the available information, then we are talking about 95, of which 60 are directly in the us, and 35 to 35, this is what is in europe, and these 35, they are quite conditional, because...
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it is more correct to say more about 30, because now some countries are just in the final stages of receiving additional patriot systems, for example, such as sweden, such as romania, poland, but she too, so let's say this, she has a plan to increase the number of fronts, we already have two more, two batteries of reinforced composition, and they plan to order another 12 and so on, so you must also understand that even receiving the first systems. for example, as sweden did it, this does not mean that they immediately went into combat formation, to this time you need to add usually a year and a half or two, these are the standard terms for the full combat capability of the system, when after they received it, that's why as we speak please or 25 additional batteries for ukraine, how realistic are these figures from the point of view of what other countries have, can we hope that someone will share so...
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the number, let's hope, because here there is a quite logical position, which is broadcast by the ukrainian the government, there are patriots in countries, for example, in germany, at least... there may be at least 10 patriots, and there may be a third, there may be a certain number of them , which are called warehouses, maybe in a rather dead condition, because they were filming their disarmament during, starting from the 2000s, that is, they sold them off, maybe they took them out, that is, their fate is unknown, but they had, well , we can say that she still has about ten, so when, for example, there are only 10 patriots in germany, and we hope that she is there ... will pass it on to everyone, right? no, we're not talking about that, because of course, i just immediately understood that if the entire western world, the combination of patriots, then 1/4 part, if we talk about 25, well, it already says that it can't be easy , as well as even about
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what if europe is in conditions where the usa is not at all with, well, so far there are no signs that this objectively blockade of aid to ukraine, i don't know what else to call it, because it... goes beyond any limits of discussion at all, when the usa does not allocate aid to of ukraine and are thereby shooting themselves in the foot by the fact that now everyone in poland, europe, and even in japan, the prime minister is saying in a speech in congress that the united states should return to the role of security guarantor, because well, how can you not add help when you promised to do it, so we exclude 60 batteries from american in this situation, and then even seven batteries. out of 35 there, let the european ones also be a fairly significant mark, so of course it is not a question of the fact that somewhere there someone has a whole basement of seven dead, which is filled with patriots, you just have to remember where the keys are, open and get the reports from anti-aircraft -missile complexes, it is difficult, that
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is why even germany, after all, is the leader of the coalition directly, which adds that it should get air defense to ukraine. she immediately said that it will not be easy, it will be quite difficult difficult ways with the search for some combinations, well , again, berlin has experience when they assembled one battery of patriots for two with the netherlands, the netherlands handed over, by the way, two launchers, the other one was given by germany, and then there may be such a situation that it will be necessary to take somewhere, someone will give one launch, someone will give a communication car, for example, one too, somewhere someone will transfer a radar station, for example, somehow it will be carried. someone has it, because it is precisely the radar station that is the main core of the complex, without it it is, well, let's say this a separate conversation, but we believe that it cannot work without it, and all this is additional , in fact, except for the direct question of where
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to get the patriot batteries themselves, well, here and there, by the way, it should still be noted that germany also said that it would look for options outside. asia and the middle east, as i understand it, yes, this is exactly asia, i mean japan, which does not export weapons, in principle, but the missile may be transferred to the americans, but they were there recently and lifted their own, well, self-restriction regarding the export of weapons and can transmit the missiles it produces at mitsubishi under a license from lohit martin are mc anti-missile missiles to be sold to the usa, in the event that the usa does not add to... and taiwan, well, there are seven batteries, well, japan has 24, 25, and taiwan is still seven, taiwan will definitely not transfer anything, there is south korea, of course, it also does not transfer any weapons to ukraine, and it is quite
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understandable why, because there is north korea next to them, which is constantly testing something there, firing rockets into the sea and showing off what she 'll do to the soul and all that, and... the middle east is a very difficult region from the point of view of arms trade and diplomacy in general, but there really are patriots there, in particular, only in saudi arabia there can be up to 25, why up to 25, because we are talking about countries that are much more advanced in the public sphere, than, for example, the countries of europe or the usa, and that is why it is possible to talk only about a certain, well , gap, how many there can be, it is 18 or 25 patriots, well, about this ... gap, saudi arabia is really quite a possible potential donor, so that it is quite directly aimed at european, american weapons, and let's say so, there are chances in my opinion, but if
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, of course, berlin will not negotiate, because berlin has been blocking the sale of eurofighter fighters to saudi arabia since 18, so there is more participation here than london, which was also announced by the minister of ukraine's... affairs koleba, who will also look for patriots, may be much more positive, because the trade balance of arms directly from saudi arabia and great britain is 10 billion over the last 10. why do we forget about the complexes first of all, that surely on the first missiles for these systems should be in place, what about the production, means of impression under the patriot, what needs, what opportunities do the manufacturers have to satisfy the demand of ukraine and other countries that use these weapons, here it becomes even more difficult, that is, it is clear that, well, it is already clear , that... triots, they are not lying around somewhere, and the problem with missiles also exists, relative to
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the production of new missiles, because there are, of course , reserves, we, there is still hope that ukraine will still receive missiles from the reserve, and not wait for them to be made because otherwise, everything becomes quite critical, and perhaps this explains the fact that the search for the perettari rests on the number of missiles themselves, which will need to be transferred. then even if you get 25 batteries of patriots there, there may not be enough missiles for them in such a trivial amount, what is the problem, and regarding the production of missiles, there are gmt missiles that are designed to destroy aerodynamic targets, they are produced by rayton and the rates of their production have been officially announced - 20 rockets per month, 240 per year on the entire patriot in education, which are for understanding, if even just to charge these, well take all the american patriots and load them
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with these missiles, then that means rayton has to work for about 7-8 years just to provide one total launch of these american patriots at the current rate, of course it's expanding, the important aspect here is that they they are expanding the production of missiles, now the production of gmt missiles is starting in europe, and everything will be in germany, a joint venture with rate. but the first missiles should leave the factory in two years, and in the 27th year, the pace of the 26-27 year, the pace of production of gm+ missiles has to be 35 missiles per month. regarding anti-missile missiles, more precisely mce anti-missiles, that is, which are intended for the patriots, as they are supposed to shoot down already ballistic targets, such as the same iskanders, everything works effectively against daggers. the other, the official announcement and, well, this is public information, absolutely,
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it, it became the subject of congressional hearings in the congress there, even the budget was knocked out, the fact is that locket martin currently produces 500 mci anti-missile missiles, uh, everything, well there is still in japan, but again it is unknown, that's why that japan did not announce any data, relative to the american 500 units per year with a plan. to expand their production to 750 per year by the 27th year, but for this you need money from the pentagon, from the pentagon, the pentagon needs money from the us congress, that is, everything is difficult, but the plans are 750 until 2027 , quite realistic in any case, because there are more and more patriots in the world again, this is the main system that will definitely be in service for another decade, and even taking into account the fact that work is currently underway with...
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and before you i spoke with alandit badryuk, he says that it is necessary to look around and look for countries that may also have air defense systems, in particular turkey, south korea, in order to receive support there. in such systems of similar power, conditionally speaking, what do you think about this, does it make sense to expand the fleet of our air defense systems ? by the common name khaysar, and their essence is that well to create your own proposal, this is against the background of the fact that... turkey bought the s-400, received sanctions, patriot already did not
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accommodate their price tag there, it is possible to understand something, after all, a billion dollars and missiles for 2-3 million dollars are quite a lot expensive, so they went the way of investing the maximum funds in creating their own, there is a really long-range missile complex, khaisaru, at the same time it is still only, let's say, at the stage of completing tests. and the beginning of serial production, that is, it is not about the fact that it is possible to get them in a finished form and in the right amount right now, it is actually, if you order, then wait, years, in relation to south korea, the whole problem with this country is that, again, in the case of anti-missile defense, it relies on american complexes, relies on patriots, relies on american deployed tet complexes, and ultimately does not produce similar complexes with anti-missile defense capabilities. there is a country that really
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has the ability to create and sell anti-missile defense systems. which also does not export weapons to ukraine, like south korea, it israel. this is the sling of david complex. the most interesting, it is already approved for export, its first customer was directly finland, and it is significantly less expensive than the patriot, and its rocket costs, according to official data, they were announced in the pentagon 20% of the cost of the mci, that is, approximately 400- 500 thousand dollars against three. and this missile should be integrated into the next iteration of the patriot pak-4, which is currently being developed, but it is very important to understand that israel still holds such a difficult political position regarding the transfer to ukraine and the sale or at least the pre-export
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of weapons to ukraine, he blocks it. mr. oleg, literally one minute, as you predicted. searches for the patriot system for ukraine in the short- or medium-term perspective, what can ukraine optimally count on according to your estimates? unfortunately, once again the situation primarily depends on the usa, if the usa still adopts its general aid budget for ukraine, then the question is where to get the patriots, where to get the missiles to them, they automatically disappear, it opens up opportunities. of the necessary amount of ukrainian funds, in the conditions of the us blocking aid to ukraine, this is a very difficult issue, it is possible that in europe they will be able to collect really one, maybe two batteries, this is in the short-term perspective, in the future , of course, they can say, well, now one, now two days after tomorrow, but then
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there, we are not going there yet, but it can be later, of course, with such an aim for the 26th. 28th year. mr. leger, thank you very much for your professional comments, for your time. let me remind you that this is was oleh katkov, editor-in-chief of defense express, our information and consulting company. and if we talk about the results of this program, we really have a demand for at least 25 patriot systems. we see that this is an extremely ambitious goal. if at best we can get five systems of a similar class from our partners, it will be very, very good. it is also necessary to focus on cooperation with european companies regarding the acquisition of european air defense systems, and still not to forget about cooperative projects with a number of countries, where we have to create joint air defense systems of various purposes, which are just as urgently needed for solving various tasks, and for the protection of peaceful cities, and for the protection of the battlefield,
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so we hope that these projects will develop and they will really have ... a concrete result on the e-e front line. these were the main points related to the search for patriots for ukraine. stay tuned to the espresso channel, there will be a lot of interesting information to come. two years have passed, the spresso tv channel has still not been returned to t2. during this time, neither the government nor neither the officials nor... took responsibility for the blackout, the espresso team repeatedly appealed to the president, the cabinet, the national security and defense council, the national council for television and radio broadcasting. however, we did not receive a clear answer: who and why limited the broadcasting of the channel. this is pure censorship, this is a violation of freedom of speech in ukraine, because
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today the esp tv channel was broadcast on the t2 network, on the button that was used for 10 years. today the tv channel rada is broadcasting, the tv channel rada is a state channel, it is a participant in the marathon the only news, and instead of espresso, people who still use and watch auto2 television, they can watch, again , the marathon. the only news that comes out today, if i'm not mistaken, on eight or nine tv channels, yes, that is do not have access to information, to alternative information, to various mass media. information to such an independent tv channel as espresso. state special communications explained that the reasons for turning off espresso the fifth and direct from digital broadcasting. alleged implementation of the council's decision from march 2022 of national security and defense on a unified information policy. this body and others have denied their involvement in the shutdown of tv channels. this document also does not regulate
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our disconnection, because there is not a single word written about the need to disconnect or switch someone. there is no word espresso, there is no name of other tv channels that were turned off together with us, so this is pure manipulation, and still no explanations, justifications, why. happened, why this illegal act took place two years ago, we still do not have. petition for reinstatement channel broadcasts were registered as early as april 2022. in a few months, she gathered the necessary number of votes, but the appeal remained unheard. will the tv channel be returned to ether? the government did not respond. a year ago, the international human rights organization reporters without borders called on the ukrainian authorities to resolve the situation as soon as possible and restore the opportunity for the tv channel to work fully. after all, limiting the broadcasting of tv channels does not speed up our accession to the eu. in march 2023 , the us state department assessed the ukrainian press as partially free. the report said
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in particular, about the situation with espresso direct and the fifth channel. we do not fulfill any requirements and conditions of the european union in order to be accepted there in the end, as we are. we work or try to work according to those rules and laws, canons, skills that are acceptable and logical in the free world, and when we do not work according to them, then of course it distances us from the free world. according to the director, the return of tv channels to the digital air of t2 now depends on the ukrainian authorities. press, because of such illegal actions our state has been walking in the opposite direction from democracy and freedom of speech for two years. we are doing our best to bring our victory closer
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and believe that we will definitely win, but if the authorities do not admit their mistake and return us to the digital air, there is a great risk that in the future we may turn into russia, because the offensive on freedom of speech in russia began precisely with the restriction or elimination of... due to disconnection from t2, our channel lost about 40% of the audience, but espresso continues to speak on the internet, in cable networks, on two satellites in ukraine and abroad. we are actively developing on youtube and social networks. this audience already exceeds the number we lost then, but still we continue to call on the power of all the officials responsible for this to bring us back to digital. network, because not all ukrainians today have the opportunity to watch us thanks to cable networks, satellite and the internet, they are still waiting for us on the
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t2 network. therefore, it is important to return the espresso tv channel to t2 with the simple goal that a is democracy, b is freedom of speech, c is european values, the most important thing is that people have the right to have access to various information, which is not always convenient for someone, for some particular policy, i am not saying for the authorities, which may not be convenient for some certain people. this is the information that is just journalism, and we give what is reality, we prepare people for certain things that are inevitable, we talk about what is happening and what can be. we asked ukrainians what they thought about the shutdown of espresso and their attitude to the single marathon. popularity is falling, and this everything is said. everything should be there. a person must have a choice, he must choose. i have a negative attitude. this is an alternative, different channels, different views, so i don't see any problems not to show them on t2, especially since i know the rural, especially
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the area, there were a lot of users, they watched expresso, i don't like it, but why? well, because there are channels that cover news from all sides, including, despite being disconnected from the digital network, the spressu tv channel continues to provide information. life, document the crimes of russia, and we still do we are waiting for the channel with a ukrainian perspective to be returned to the digital air, to be returned to the digital air. we are looking for six-year-old sashko hrytsenko. i know that the boy lived in luhansk region. in the city of lysychansk. this territory was occupied almost from the first days of the full-scale war. little alexander lived with his old great-grandmother. it was
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she who took care of the child. i understand that from time to time she contacted her relatives, but about a year ago she died and the boy was apparently taken away by social services, after that the whereabouts of sashko hrytsenko is unknown, whether the child is still in the temporarily occupied territory, or whether the boy was taken to russia, it has not been possible to find out yet. sashka is now trying to find his father, who is in the territory controlled by ukraine. the man, of course, turned to the police, but... there is no clue to find out where the six-year-old son is. that is why your help is very important, i appeal to everyone who sees this video, especially to the residents of the occupied luhansk region. look carefully at the photo children. the guy looks on 6-7 years old. he is thin, about 110-115 cm tall. he has straight light blond hair, an oval face and brown eyes. sashko
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has honey. diagnosis of cerebral palsy. if suddenly someone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, immediately call the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free of charge. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in general, from the beginning we have already had more than one war. appeals for assistance in searching. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown, especially in the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems, anyone can help find the missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. you can view
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all photos here. to the missing, who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and help in the end to find i also want to remind you that the search for nine-year-old nikita nikolaev is still ongoing. the boy is also from luhansk region, from the city of rubizhne. the settlement has been occupied since may 2022, but nikita disappeared on may 23. and in fact, nothing is known about the boy's fate for almost a year. quite likely. that the child could be taken to russia, but it is not a fact, perhaps nikita is still in the temporarily occupied territory. therefore, i really hope that thanks to your concern , the boy will be found. please look carefully at the photo again and remember the face of nikita nikolaev. he has blue eyes and light blond hair. he looks like a nine-year-old boy. if suddenly someone has seen nikita or knows something about
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him. possible whereabouts, do not delay and dial from any mobile operator, the short number of the magnolia children's search service 11630. calls are free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i will also remind you that the search for 15-year-old ilya polishchuk from mariupol is still ongoing. imagine the fate of this nothing is known about the guy since the beginning of the full moon. war contact with ilya was lost on february 24, and no one knows where he might be now. therefore, i appeal to everyone who sees me now, and especially to the residents of mariupol, who may be watching this program on social networks. look carefully at the boy's photo. he looks 14-15 years old, he has light blond hair and dark eyes. if anyone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, please don't
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hesitate. and call us at magnolia's child tracing hotline for short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, simply. go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop ua. if the throat is not ok, make a sneeze. do approx. choose the taste, cough without pain. and talk, laugh! sing! yevka lor. sweet lor. exclusively as a gift.


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