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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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is responsible for information policy in our country, there are many questions, not all of them have answers, but there is a key one, due to the destruction of our unity, we will lose the country, there is no need here and now, even yesterday, to look for ways of motivational factors, arguments for to convince the ukrainian society, the citizens of our country, who fall under the norms of the promobilization and mobilization law, that the defense of our country, which we defend. and friend oleksandr, in your opinion, how effective is the information campaign regarding engagement citizens of ukraine to olaf armed forces of ukraine, good? well, you see, i can only say what i do about it, i guess, sort of evaluate my own actions, i find that the most useful thing i can do in this situation is to just go and...
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communicate directly with people , i 've been trying, well, doing this for probably the third week, and when the military communicates with citizens, it's openly, about those things that scare citizens, but most importantly, they communicate on the subject of those things that citizens. well, we would like to ignore for example, the fact that the situation is extremely difficult now, i understand, everyone is tired and tired, and the military and the rear, er, let's talk more about this with each other, that's what i can do, er, evaluate a media campaign, well, you know, i can evaluate the media field, well, it's no secret that this media field, we now have, well...
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extremely negative tones, and this is not at all in our hands, and answering your question , first, in relation to the circus and justice, well, look, it also causes a feeling of injustice in me, but well, i am somewhat different i look at this question, it is not fair or unfair here that one fights, the other does not, there is a more important story here, if we are defeated, then both those who fight and those who do not fight will not be overpowered. so i'm acting on that view of things, and that's why i go and talk to these people, and you know, i'm not going to say that we're in a hopeless situation, because really, when it's a frank conversation, you and you can fix the media field somewhat than it is now, and literally. today in
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i will have a meeting in chernihiv, on sunday i will have a meeting in lviv, in the center of uku at 2 o'clock, i will be glad to see everyone, well , let's talk, well, let's realize what challenges and risks are facing us now, and well, listen, we already did miracles in 2022, they didn't count on us much, they didn't give us much time. to complete surrender, and let's be honest, we surprised ourselves, well, we know how to surprise each other, so let's do it now, because if we don't succeed, then we all won't like it very much, and my friend oleksandr, in fact, i know that you are also actively engaged in recruiting, and in general, this is the history of recruiting, how effectively it shows itself in our realities and... can it,
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if not replace, at least supplement mobilization? well, i believe in this holiday, because in my understanding, a citizen of a republic, his sacred duty to fight for that republic, and when it is threatened with mortal danger, but no less sacred his right, is to choose exactly where to fight for this republic, and it's a conversation. grown people, i tell people how it is there, and people ask me questions, what should they do to get to us, er, and what should they do so that, after getting to us, the probability of staying alive was as high as possible, this is a conversation of adults, and we have something to tell them, because well... the ratio
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of losses, for example, on the road of life near bakhmut in march-april of the 23rd year was well one. in our favor, accordingly, i show people that we know how to win, that is, we know how to inflict such losses on the enemy, and if we inflict such losses on him, the amount of time, i am not ready to say how long it will last, but sooner or later it will end faster than we, moreover... we have, again, let me remind you, there is no other way out, because if, god forbid, we are defeated, then then we will have much less chance of surviving than if we went to fight them now. well, i'm talking about, jobrob, i
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'm talking about davinci, i'm talking about how everything is arranged there, and well, when you tell a story, what's up, goodness. equal to equal when you tell what exactly you fight when you talk about the ulf medical service, which took me out of very difficult situations, and now i can continue to fight, i tell them about ground robotic complexes, about unmanned aerial vehicles and that we are already fighting with them. and well, there is a good chance that these people will fight side by side with us, and there is a disproportionately higher chance that these people will survive if they fight with us than if we lose that war. like this. mr.
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vladyslav, actually, a very interesting topic was raised by friend oleksandr, what about the fact that people who want to serve in specific units, in specific... positions, they are afraid that the military commander will send them to completely different units, and i want to ask your opinion how important this point is and whether the new draft law on mobilization somehow regulates this issue ? and are these fears of our fellow citizens justified? so obviously, my friends, with whom i maintain the contact of the general staff, are often busy. with issues of transfer of military personnel who, as part of certain recruiting campaigns, do not connected with the activities of the second alexander, get into positions and units to which they were not directed and did not plan to enter, although they had the appropriate documents, relations, that is, this is a challenge, a serious challenge, which
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is being faced now, while the same recruiting policy is still being formed within the ukrainian army, such cases often happen, in fact, it is not fair to... how can we declare that the recruiting campaign is working effectively, if those who volunteered to serve in the ranks of the defense forces of ukraine in certain positions, do not get into these positions, but have completely different military accounting specialties and are engaged in other matters, this is definitely not about justice, so it is obvious that within the framework of the current bill on mobilization and mobilization training, this issue must be agreed upon, whether it is written in detail in a separate strategy. i did not see this in that draft law, should there be responsibility in this context for the commanders who undertake to elect servicemen to appointed positions, i think so, because it seems to me that, first of all, in our volunteer movements and units,
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the issue of mutual trust and mutual responsibility of ordinary fighters and their commanders is of an extremely high level, because one of the warnings that i often hear from our... citizens, who hesitate whether to join the ranks of the ukrainian army or not, including due to the fact that under the guidance of which commander they recommend to serve. unfortunately, modern history has not very positive stories, including those related to not very effective and successful activities for some commanders and chiefs, who are called revengers in the outside world, this is a serious challenge, a challenge that generates despair, and despair destroys ukrainian society from within, like rust, eating away at the same extremely high level. the trust that currently exists between the ukrainian army and the ukrainian people, and there is much to work on, including within the framework of the implementation and full implementation of those provisions that are specified in the newly adopted draft law on mobilization and mobilization by our elected officials, and the law on
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mobilization also involves certain elements of confiscation of property for the benefit of the armed forces. of ukraine to citizens of ukraine. in particular, it is said that the owners of more than two cars will settle the fact that they are for the benefit of the armed forces of ukraine. cars will be seized, and i am interested in whether you consider such norms to be appropriate, and actually, friend oleksandr, tell our viewers how much cars are needed at the front, well, look, cars are needed at the front, and cars at the front are always needed more than them there is, after all, as in everything else, but here the question is... not how many cars are needed at the front, the question
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is how to ensure, well, here is our approach to solving this problem, we find cars through acquaintances, volunteers, volunteer organizations and so on, that is, well, it is possible to... provide the unit itself, if the state will help in this, okay, but there is a problem, in fact, more important than cars, it is people, and this is exactly what my colleague, the interlocutor, commented on the probability of getting to the wrong place you agreed to meet with the state, well, first of all, it doesn't happen like that in our country, well, i can say guaranteed for the recruiting centers of vovki
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davinch, and i will not say that i heard somewhere that such stories happened in those recruiting centers, with how we communicate, if there are such cases, there is no doubt that they should not be, we have not yet seen the final version of the draft law, but the discussions that i... which i followed before its adoption, there was talk of what would be appropriate a rule that will make it impossible for a person to get somewhere other than what he basically agreed with the state, it seems to me that this is extremely important in terms of trust, and here, well, listen, i have no doubt that the state will solve this issue, if i am wrong in this matter, i will be sincerely surprised, because this is an extremely important story, it is much more important than archtiv. the actual reduction of the age of people who will be
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mobilized to 25 years, and in your opinion, to what extent this norm is correct and should it not be necessary to reduce this age even more, mr. vladyslav, but for you first of all this is a question, a difficult question, i understand how much i can now fly into the back of the records, but i believe that the war, after all, is more of a youth movement, and that's really it. physical abilities, education, readiness to adapt, readiness and ability to learn, to master new equipment and technologies, it seems to me that it is easier for young people. of course, ukraine has a huge demographic gap among our fellow citizens, men between the ages of 20 and 30, and i understand that at the state level , it may be necessary to treat young people younger than 25 , but for that , so that we are as much as possible effective in our confrontation with the enemy
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army, we need educated, motivated, strong young people, how will this be solved at the state level, i think that what is now reduced from conscription from 27 to 25 years is a kind of test time , that is, our government will evaluate the perception of ukrainian society of these changes to the national agreement. legislation, well, there may be more in the future, because as we can see, this rain is for a long time, the war is not abating, putin does not give up his alarmist plans, and they are absolutely obvious to him, and he dreams of to destroy ukraine as a state, and ukrainians as a component of the common people of the world, and therefore we need to have the resources to fight behind the enemy's army, including the same trained, prepared, physically developed personnel, here we must also turn to... . of our young people, for that reason , there is now a rule, when any citizen
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of ukraine aged 18 and older can voluntarily volunteer for military service in one or another unit. friend oleksandr, what can you add to this? well, you know, how about me, me in general, the generations fought, first ours, then the one after us, but there is an objective reality. and we simply can't do it now, but we have a necessary number, it's the number of people, well , it's war, war is... and about numbers, too, er, of course, morale, er, well, moral willpower , skill, all of that is important, but without a specific number of people, we're not going to accomplish the tasks that are in front of us, so, uh, i don't really have the
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details of our mobilization resource by age, but obviously if the decision the following was accepted... well, for sure, it was counted, how many potential fighters we have in this category, how many in this one and that one and that one, so the objective reality is one that i don't like, because when it started war, the youngest of honor, he was, not yet 18, he was already 18 when he signed the papers from the state, and... but i wouldn't want the generation younger than me to risk their lives now, but well, we simply have no other way out, unfortunately, and i have no guarantee about it the fact that this threshold will not decrease, it also depends on many factors, well, it
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depends on how we win back the nearest time. of course, i would very much like this threshold not to be lowered, but those who are now a little bit poor, like me, a little less, should probably think about the fact that if we don't mobilize now, we will have to fight guys who are in their 20s, gentlemen, i have one last question for you, because we are a little limited in time, regarding the mobilization of women into the armed forces... of ukraine, here i will quote recently, oksana grigoreva, gender adviser to the commander of the ground forces, in an interview with the times, said that ukraine should adopt a policy of conscription of women for military service on the israeli model, do you think it is appropriate, mr. vladyslav,
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the question is for you, and that is enough live discussion appealed in the ukrainian segment of the internet, after ms. oksana made such and such a statement, but it is obvious that we must understand that the russian federation is nowhere in the foreseeable future, as a neighboring country of ours will not be shared, which means that resource issues, human issues remain relevant, so in fact the israeli experience is unique, can we implement it 100% with such a tracing paper in our modern reality? the question is very debatable, but the fact that at least several tens of thousands of female servicemen are already serving in the ukrainian army, including in officer positions, including in the positions of commanders of combat units, is our reality, and of course the question should be not so much related to gender politics, as for the professional skills, professional
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abilities and professionalism of the citizens of our country, who are ready with weapons in their hands to defend e . , and the readiness of the majority of our women to take up arms, but again, we only have ukraine, we have no other land, and the enemy does not completely hide his military attacks, and therefore it may happen that... all citizens of our country will are forced to take up arms, because each of us has a chance to survive in the event of an occupation. thank you very much for your comment, mr. vladyslav, i know you should be off by now, thank you, thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes,
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friend oleksandr, i would like to continue this topic with you, tell our... dacha: or are there women in the battalion of wovka devinci? yes, appropriately, and in fact, it is, including the ulf medical service, which saved my hand first, then the new one, for which i am infinitely grateful to them. and answering your question regarding the mobilization of women, well, we are in such a situation that... as of now, it is so, the question is, will they fight? i believe that a woman, a citizen of the republic, who has the right to decide whether to fight or not to fight,
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to what extent should she be coerced the same as a man, well, my subjective opinion, i think not, if you asked my opinion, and would i like to be, well, in the dugout. uh, next to women, while there would be an option, which is not necessary, that they have to, because there is no one else, then i would answer that no, and if so it will happen that i will be in the dugout and there will be calls nearby, i will have a lot of respect from these people, because i am sure that this happens, we simply do not have women in the battalion. actually in such positions, just like a rifleman, a grenade launcher, therefore with great respect to every woman who is in the army with great respect to every woman who is actually performing
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purely combat tasks, but i would prefer that this did not happen, well, my friend , oleksandr, you have every chance to meet women at the front, because there are four...thousands of them, in general there are more than 60 thousand. thank you very much for your time, take care and good luck to all of us. thank you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. i thank our viewers, stay tuned to the spresso tv channel, and remember that protecting our country is everyone's duty.
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at espresso. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, and also respectable. guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with: phone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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the search for 17-year-old student alina boshko, who mysteriously disappeared while on vacation with friends in the volyn region, has been going on for more than a month. the situation is really difficult, but we really hope that... alina will be found and most importantly, that she is alive. so, all this time the search did not stop, it continues, and we are doing everything possible to help find alina. and above all, the girl's mother, mrs. kateryna, is asking for help in the search. even it is difficult to imagine what she felt and what she experienced in the time since her daughter's disappearance. i want to be helped. i do not believe that she is not among the living. she. she is alive, i want her to be found, i can neither sleep nor eat, i simply do not live, i simply exist, and i will remind you that alina bozhko disappeared on february 17,
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she... rested with friends on a lawn near the village of ugrynichi , in the volyn region. around 2 p.m., the girl left for the forest, but did not return, she left her mobile phone in the car, so there was no contact with her. friends became hers to search, however, unfortunately, in vain, alina was nowhere to be found. and this photo was taken a few hours before the girl's disappearance. hundreds of people, law enforcement officers and rescuers, join the search every day. border guards, concerned citizens, specialists with quadcopters and canine experts, the search area is constantly expanding, forest strips, bushes, coastal areas and swampy areas are surveyed. friends say that it was her decision, they were resting and she went in an unknown direction, then they lost their composure and started looking for her. we currently have some other versions we cannot nominate. we work precisely in the direction of search. we work for results until there
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is no result. dad, until we find the truth in this situation, we will work. and the search gave a certain result. i managed to find the girl's things. a wallet with an id-passport, a headband, and alina's coat. it was lying in the forest 7 km from the place where the student was last seen. unfortunately, there are currently no more hints or information. at the same time, searchers and native girls do not lose hope and say that while there is at least... the slightest chance to find it, one must do everything possible for this. in turn, fellow villagers said that alina comes from a prosperous family, and in the educational institution where she studies, she was described as a very good and calm student. she did not have any conflicts in the group. she is a cheerful, cheerful girl, she went to classes. until the new year, she lived in our dormitory. alina followed the rules of residence and
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was always at classes. it is also known that in the summer of 2023 at war with the russian invaders alina's 20-year-old fiance died. after that, the girl returned to her studies and all this time tried to recover from such a loss. we really hope that alina is alive and she will be found, and in turn, we are doing everything we can for this. and the least you could do to help in this situation is to repost and share this video. in their social networks, the more people see information about the missing girl, the more chances there will be to find her. and of course, i ask you to look carefully at the face of alina, she is 17 years old, she is of medium build, she has blond hair and green eyes. if you know anything about alina boshko, don't delay and immediately call the hotline at 116-30. calls from all mobile operators
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in ... are free, you can also write to us on the website or to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. and i want to note that there is no unimportant information in the search, any little thing, any detail can become decisive, so we really hope for your help, attention and concern, and please, again please share this video. and the very end, i also ask you to go to the website of the rosshu service. in children here you can see photos of all the boys and girls we are currently trying to find. do not be indifferent, take just a few minutes of your time and look closely at the faces of these children. they are all missing, but with your help we can find them. if you know any information about any of them, immediately call the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 11630. from all
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mobile operators in ukraine. free of charge greetings to all viewers of the tv channel on the air of the news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. the russians attacked ukraine at night with mortars and rockets, the enemy shot down four s-300s from the temporarily occupied territory.


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