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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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yes, otg, and on the other hand, the russian organized crime group, organized crime, yes, that's how it all looks. well, then, we 'll tell you and show you something much more interesting then, right? no less interesting, but no less important, yes, we will talk about the paths that our soldiers take, after a serious injury, after rehabilitation, to return to the army. pavlo buchko currently works in the lviv territorial center for procurement. because even during rehabilitation he wants to help defend our homeland. the military has its history parubiy told our godmother. we listen and watch together. match karpaty-mariupol. pavlo buchko, a soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, strikes first. my husband works
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in the lviv territorial center of procurement, he entered the service after a serious injury and long-term rehabilitation, he could not move his hand at all, it was in mykolaiv that i was operated on, then in odesa, from odesa i already moved to lviv, and here in lviv very there were many more operations, a neurostimulator was sewn into me, because i had all my nerves, yes if damaged. nerves, some muscles were cut, because they had already rotted away, you can say, well, i am still going to rehabilitation, i am still working out with that hand, but it is already getting better, pavlo bochko went to war in 2015, voluntarily, they defended homeland with the whole family, the father and brother of the husband are also in the army, immediately got into the 28th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. went through training, became
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a sapper scout and went to the front. we did not sit at one point, because, like engineering troops, they are constantly moving, they are not they are sitting, we visited both the donetsk region and the luhansk region, where we were sent, and the tasks were simple, either demining or demining, that is, they gave a certain territory there and you went, removed, or disintegrated... or anti-tank mines, there were there are also mines that were sometimes placed under mines, grenades, it was very difficult for a sapper, because to get hurt, you had to be patient and not be afraid of it, which is the first thing you need. a year later, pavlo bochko returned to civilian life, but he understood when russia would start a full-scale attack invasion, the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine will have to be replenished again. and so it happened.
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on february 24, 2022, the man was in the army, now in the 24th royal brigade. of course, they immediately dropped to zero, because we are infantry, the infantry does not sit in the back like that, we dug in, we were immediately in the first, we were already wounded on the first day, well, we held out until the end, we were replaced, then we moved again, well, and that's how they moved. three positions each, compare with the 15th year and the 22nd - these are completely different things, there was silence in the 15th year, when there were skirmishes, here they constantly, constantly, and every day, all day, all night, you had no right to even get out of the trench, put your head out, drones fly over you, very close. i have already
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seen what war is like, i was wounded in the kherson region, it was a nameless village, when we went there, everything was already broken, scattered, we, we were given the task of holding that village, but support, and if it was , but they didn't manage, because... because planes were flying there, tanks came at night, in the middle of the day, drones fly constantly, and so it was very difficult to hold those positions, but we held on, we were told to stay there for three days and stay there for four days, we were there until the end and it was like that, i had a point to hold the road, hold my position, but they came from the other side and i have to it was... to run up to my friends a little
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to find out what was there, how there was, what the situation was, and what my further actions were, and that was the period when i was running away. i don’t know why i got a splinter, the truth is, i only heard an explosion, i fell, got up, looked at the wound, immediately ran to the nearest trench, and there i was already giving myself medical help, i ran for about an hour or two in this field near that village, i already saw that they were there, and they were on that side, and they were on that side. i have nowhere to go, only to run on my own, they have already run up to me, my guys have already run, the guys, looked, provided medical aid, then contacted the commander, the commander said that there will be no evacuation for the time being, because it is very difficult for them to go there , battles are going on, serious battles are going on, it is very
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difficult for them to get there, to get there, there will be no evacuation for now, well, i waited a whole day to evening, already in the evening the situation became a little bit easier, a lot... we had wounded people, there was not even room, so i already climbed on top of the armor, because there was already no room in the middle, then in the middle of the night we they were already taking me where they were taking me, well, they were driving without headlights, and i couldn’t see that much, the only thing i know is that they crossed the river and the medics already took me there, pavel was in danger of amputation, but the doctors performed a miracle, the arm is protected ... managed to save, while the rehabilitation is still ongoing, the man wants to help the army, so he serves in the territorial center staffing, in fact the wounded work there and there are a lot of wounded guys who have already been there, who have seen it there, well, they don’t want to work there, they want to go further to the front, i
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know many guys who want to go further to the front there, but i don’t have , well, it is not possible, very big injuries, it is necessary. for ukraine, for our state, for integrity, sovereignty, you, you live in it, you live in it, you don't need to leave here, this is our land, and the occupier must be expelled from our land. khrystyna porubiy, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. league quarter-finals. find out who will go on and who will leave all hopes on the field on april 16 and 17 exclusively on megogo, read an exclusive interview
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with minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba in the latest issue of ukraine magazine. is the world ready to stop russia, will ukraine have the support of the usa. volodymyr horbulin and valentin badrak. a formula for confronting a strong enemy. ihor yukhnovsky's diary, how to live with dignity, overcoming losses and combining faith and science, about these and other important topics in the magazine kraina, new issue already at points of sale, there are discounts on pulmolor tablets of 15% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn,
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proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats. repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant issues. social discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 5:10 p.m espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are returning to the near east,
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a few more of our trailers and these are the results of the doctors of the red shield of david reporting that they are providing help, the 31st person needed help, two children were also injured, and there was a fire in a medical facility in the central region, three women were injured , president biden held a telephone conversation with... prime minister netanyahu about the urgent convening of the leaders of the g7 announced, well, he said no will support israel in the event of military action against iran, meanwhile iran says that this was our response, if there is an escalation, if there is an escalation, if israel escalates, then we will not support it now, america will not support it, actually the key word there is now , that is, they are the moment we are talking about today, but about the next few days, because and... they gave that with a cold head the place should be prepared
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, planned, analyzed. who filmed them posted a video when it was flying from iran over iraq, the iranians did not draw conclusions from how the ukrainians shoot down, they watched for two years almost how we shoot down all these shahed mopeds, modernized them, changed them. well, we look at it like this, yes, here, unlike in ukraine, a whole squadron quickly got under the aircraft carrier, all the planes were in the space, although it was known that 1600 km, as they say, from tehran, those mopeds can fly and fly, 8-9 hours to the whole, which they asked, but the planes were in the air, later just over the fields outside the borders of israel, some of these unmanned... shaheds, mopeds were shot down, and here we were surprised by the collective response to the iranian
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terrorists, because in addition to the israeli air defense and aircraft, the air defense of the americans worked, their aircraft, they were joined by the british, also on fighter jets that intercepted , and then in general the surprise is regional, this is the closure of the airspace of several countries, including jordan, of course. or something will fly, but here the jordanians also began to help the israelis shoot down iranian aircraft, which is why they closed its space in order to take down all this and then allow the israelis to shoot down over their airspace, in a word, it is quite interesting, and the most interesting fact is that the state of israel, when it was created, was the first of the arab countries to recognize iran, in a long-term war iran against iraq, israel helped with intelligence and not only that. they were allies until they made this revolution of theirs, until all these guardians of the islamic revolution came
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, led by khomeini, and a completely different era began in the history of the middle east, in a word, this history may continue, because the middle east is such a very delicate and very dangerous matter, and a lot can come out of the middle east, there may be a big war, and actually when they talk about the third one. then the oxen said that it all started in ukraine, then the denouement may be exactly the scenario of the imagination to transfer to such a morning message, we come with you and tell you that a massive attack from russia, as usual, and accordingly worked well glorious ukrainian air defense, the fighters of belarus and lithuania were working in the sky, and unexpectedly, the belarusians also shot down some shaheds there, you know, and joined the coalition of poland there. lithuania of ukraine, that is, it looked something like this over the sky of israel today, we are talking about the fact that we also
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have the opportunity to help and defeat our western neighbors and allies, although the mind can be trained to see, i will remind you of such a thing, because if you are missing something somewhere now, you haven't watched or listened to some fragments of our broadcasts, you are interested, because it's really interesting. to our youtube, there are all recordings, there are not just our projects, there are special projects, there are clips of the most interesting and important, in short, the so-called shorts. join youtube, follow us, comment and be with espresso. in the meantime, we will talk about the ukrainian fronts. with us is yury fedorenko, commander of the akhiles shock air defense battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy otamin ivan sirk. mr. yuriy, glory to ukraine, welcome to our
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airwaves. glory to heroes. about the bakhmut direction a few words for the morning. what is the situation in your eyes? the enemy storms, we fight back. in short, if it is more extensive, in time the priority for the enemy storms along the front, tries to bypass from the right and left flank, respectively storms the settlements of bohdanivka and ivanovska. it is important to pay attention now to the official sources of information, the general staff of the ministry of defense, regarding the current state of affairs at the front and the boundaries of the battle line . why is this important? because... some positions, they are transitional from rock to hand, as in in the settlement of bohdanivka and ivanivska on the vitonka. the enemy occupies, conditionally, improves its position several streets, the defense forces conduct systematic work, knock out the enemy, we go back to the positions, the enemy, accumulating means, regains these streets again, that is, the battles are going hard for each
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objectively house, for every street that is why it is very important in this dynamic of hostilities to focus on that information. which is presented by official sources, which refers to the past era, has an anti-success feel did not have, as far as the settlement of bohdanivske is concerned, the yar valley itself, ivanivske and , of course, kryshchiivka, andriivka, despite the fact that he conducts assaults and conducts them quite intensively, using various tactics, sometimes the so-called accumulation tactics, this is when his manpower is drawn into the front lines positions, run in one by two, accumulates in platoon 2 and then carry out shock-assault actions, you know, such audacious shock-assaults. of actions, as prescribed in the statutes of the russian occupation forces, is when the enemy carries out a mass attack artillery training, such a two-hour barrel artillery of the jet fire system, with the support of the means of bepl of the shock type of action, its aviation, uses lightly armored and armored vehicles to throw its groups to the front line and their fire
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cover. as a result, objectively, due to the systematic work of everyone. brigades, which also hold the tone here of individual units, anti-tankers, anti-aircraft defenses, infantry, uavs, in particular manage to sufficiently effectively destroy the attack on the enemy's assault potential, in particular armored vehicles. in the last week, there were two situations when the enemy used more than 30 units of armored vehicles during one assault according to the event scenario i described, the defense forces managed to destroy 22 that day, only on... our unit managed to destroy nine light armored vehicles , damage two more, damage, destroy the buggy car, also the day before yesterday, there was such a thing, you know, an attempt to roll into one of the enemy’s positions, used six units of armored vehicles, four bmps, which were supported by infantry and two tanks, as a result, the enemy lost five armored vehicles, the tank, unfortunately, left the
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battlefield, with an easy sight, let's say so, the rest of the vehicles were destroyed, in particular, the bolt... drank our unit, and also by the systematic work of force defense, the infantry units were finished off, which still took one or another position. therefore, we can say the following that the enemy's intentions remain unchanged, we understand that the russian federation has enough resources, both manpower and, accordingly , equipment, artillery, and ammunition, we understand that the enemy will continue to press, therefore works are being carried out both on the preparation of fortification structures and an engineering barrier, and of course we expect. that the defense force, due to the support of our international partners, in particular the united states of america, by which such a decision should be made, this is what zdrovy gluz says first of all, we receive the necessary amount of ammunition in order to be able to organize the defense as powerfully as possible at the expense of fire impact on the enemy, and of course these are
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anti-aircraft aircraft, mr. yuryu, i wanted so much, i wanted to clarify something with you, here we are just a few minutes ago in... natalya humanyuk learned that despite the fact that the weather is very warm, the ground is hard, on the southern lines of conflict, the russians do not actually use heavy equipment, only infantry assaults are carried out, in your case, on the contrary, you are talking about , that the enemy is trying to break through all types of armor, and sometimes not armor, just on buggies or on golf carts, how can you explain, well, if the weather and... the ground is hard everywhere, why do they save equipment in one place, on in your direction, on the contrary, is it burned? one of the explanations everything is quite simple, it is the number of means and the possibility against. renew them quickly and efficiently. look, there was a massive assault, 22 units of armored vehicles were destroyed, the enemy is regrouping, storming mainly with manpower. they repaired something,
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renewed something, pulled up the reserve somewhere, made another attempt at the expense of armored vehicles, so the tactics of the enemy's actions in the battlefield are determined at the same time by the resources that the enemy can use at the moment. also, we do not understand to the end of our level, i think that our intelligence is... but knows about it, but i am talking about us, who are directly on the front line, what is the enemy's intention, perhaps in some aspects his intention is to achieve maximum success through the use of manpower and then build up the tactical successes that they will gain through support of already armored vehicles, so each situation must be considered separately, but it is safe to say that the defense forces work powerfully enough to knock out very significantly easily. we are currently showing footage from our defenders and yours comrades, and in this case it is not yet
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clear, they first break in with this heavy equipment at high speed, what is the desire to cut into the defense line as deeply as possible and start shelling this equipment there, or does it perform the role of the same buggies, that is, to drive the infantry and running away from the battlefield is simple. i want to understand what they are up to with such large high-speed breakthroughs, because there is no fire cover, that is, a powerful cannon that could cover their assault groups, i am talking about the brigs that you fire, armored personnel carriers, they have powerful guns, that is, the enemy's plan is such that they quickly and maneuverably deliver their assault groups to the front line, rush them and then cover them with a flurry of fire from their heavy ... caliber machine guns and other weapons, which are mounted on lightly armored armored vehicles, that is, they do not retreat, but stand, provide fire cover, yes, no, this is all happening in russia,
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they go to the position, they are already firing, they landed the infantry, retreating, fire again, that is, it all happens dynamically in movement, that is why lightly armored armored vehicles, they are important in combat, the only thing that changed with the advent of unmanned systems, first we began to see the enemy online, where is the current time, this changed the course of combat. actions in general and generally established procedures and also due to means, in particular fpv of kamikaze drones, it is possible to beat the equipment while moving, and despite the fact that the enemy actively uses means of portable radio-electronic warfare, we still find, manage to find those opportunities that give directly to her the opportunity to kill the enemy in a close-range battle, to destroy his equipment, bypassing his rap, how this is achieved, i will not tell you, it is an extremely difficult work of the minds of ukraine, the ukrainian mind, in particular , those representatives who are in the defense forces and in combat units are setting up
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this the work is called research development r&d, yes, that is, it is technical innovation on the battlefield, the vehicle was flying yesterday, the enemy is not flying today, the countermeasures have been set up, the guys from certain centers have already worked out the possibilities that we need to put in place in order for a certain category drones... it still achieved its goals and destroyed the armored vehicles of the enemy, by the way, i will show you now, here on the table there is a drone for example, i don’t know if our viewers can see it, it can be seen, a little closer to me, please, so that the picture is clearer, even closer to you, well , it's already getting closer, closer to nowhere, look, these are the drones that the enemy uses against us, they are of different modifications, in some cases. very similar to those that we apply, but we also thoroughly research, study, for to understand how the enemy is modernizing and what he uses against us.
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this is already a drone that was developed by sapper engineers, a very important profession, it was completely deactivated, the ammunition was removed, and it was studied by our rental center, after which it was handed over, now it stands as a souvenir at work, and what is inside there is in aliexpress. look, it's mostly all china, and i have to tell you that the enemy, unfortunately, has the ability to communicate with china, in its mutual relations, economic and trade, to buy the best components, more powerful, and buy out en masse for months in advance, i.e. powerful factories that produce good components, they contract with the russian federation for 3-4 months in advance, ukraine has to, as always... be creative, find something and somewhere, start, fly around and apply , but we cope with these challenges quite powerfully, because the concentration of such drones, as i have shown,
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is currently one to two or... one to three, that is, our enemy has two to one, three months ago, this ratio was one to five, mr. yuriy, what about do you have interceptors, do you use them at all, or if you do, do you have enough of them in order not to let them go further from the front line and deep into the rear settlements, you are now talking about the means that should land reconnaissance drones, such as orland, hall and everything related to that. this is systemic work, they work here as representatives of our radio-electronic warfare, who powerfully implement this work, are able to land enemy drones of the air defense system, we could have done it much better, but the question again related to ammunition for anti-aircraft weapons, and of course various algorithms are being developed now, i will not tell you about them with your permission, but in this direction the work is being carried out systematically enough that due to our... shock
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wings and semi-drones we will also have the ability to influence the intelligence component of the enemy and reduce its number and presence in the air, when it will become no secret for the enemy, i will definitely tell you in more detail, this is interesting, creative, hard work. we literally have two more a few minutes, mr. yuriy, i wanted to ask you about one video that our military commander andriy tsaplienko shared, which is large enough in terms of the size of a drone in his hands. in the russians, they planted him in some way, and then tried, just like you, to analyze and understand what we are fighting against them, and somehow it’s like this in the video , they get a kostrubat, and they can’t fly, and he falls into them , is it because there are just a couple of jerks out there and their arms are growing out of the wrong place, or they really don't understand certain things about our strike drones,
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i would like very much, you know, to say that against... the enemy is an idiot who does nothing in the drone business, but that would not be true, the enemy also has sufficiently powerful research centers and they accept all the positive experience that the defense forces have. piloting such vehicles is a skill, just like piloting is like driving a car or a bike or any other form of transport, right? therefore, i am sure that, unfortunately, the enemy of these means will be in abundance in six months, they are quite actively under... development, testing and is trying to implement some samples of a different size, less on the line of battle, but understanding that the enemy will also have such means in time, now an adequate countermeasure is being arranged, in particular the preparation of the position, since we know the tactics of application very well, if we know how it works, we can prepare to beat it adequately and protect our personnel as much as possible from the influence of such means, well, okay, huh? when
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they even took our drone, let them not even lift it well, that is, what they can find out if they are just as simple disassembly or something more, one minute of course they are disassembly, the only problem that may arise is with the software which is unique on some models, so they will have to do their own thing with the very zero, that is what they are doing one hundred percent, that is why it is a constant struggle of technologies, the only thing that inspires me very much is that ukraine in some areas is... an absolute innovator and dictates its own conditions, mr. yuriy, thank you for such explanations and thorough analysis, yuriy fedorenko was with us, the commander of the achilles bpc battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy otamin ivan sirk. it is now approaching 9:00, the time when the whole of ukraine, we all remember and honor the memory of those who died because of the russian occupiers, all military and... civilians,
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all those who help us ukrainians, that is, volunteers from - abroad, also to protect our country, all those who died for ukrainian independence, a minute of silence, we will honor the memory of ukrainian military and peaceful citizens of ukraine with a minute of silence died in the war started by russia.


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