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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we return to our etr and about iran's night attack on israel. we will continue to talk for the next 15 minutes. with us is mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences and researcher at the oriental studies department of freiburg university in germany, mr. michael, greetings, good morning, we want to start with something a little more positive in light of everything that has happened over the last day, jordan, iraq and lebanon have already resumed flights on their territory, we understand that there will be no threat in the air in the near future, or how should we consider it? well, the threat may be if something from israel flies in response, but the threat will be the same, with warnings, with the planned digging of the airspace with the
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same demonstration attack that iran carried out, it reminded of the events of several years ago, the attacks on american bases in iraq, when the iranians warned in advance after the death of suleimani that they would attack, hide, carried out an attack, well, we responded, it is clear here the scale is larger, even i would say unprecedented, but in terms of political and strategic... it looked just like that, it looked so beautiful in that way, but trump says that if i were the president, iran would not have done this, would not have attacked would be israel, and in principle we have already heard some such similar things from trump, uh, this is just another one, and i would do it differently, and it would be better for me, is there really any meaning and weight.
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there are more of these words, well, it reminds us of ukrainian politics as well, that if zelensky had not been elected here, under poroshenko it would have been like this or otherwise, there without any criticism or positive towards this or that, and the same in the united states, but in fact trump then carried out such a demonstration shelling of syria, by the way, without any significant consequences for bashar assad, during which they then hit the american bases in and radios with the same demonstration strike, why shouldn't this happen now? of course, trump is talking about it, but who but the republicans, a special group of trump supporters, is blocking the military package of new military aid israel, and ukraine, and taiwan, that is, in this case, the things that trump says, they are in his specific reality, which is very difficult to understand, but easy to predict. what's going to happen now
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this year on that front, trump will say that he's avoided it, is his stable position, which is quite profitable, which basically appeals to his voters, because his voters are generally supporters of alternative points of view, in that including alternative history. well, after all, america is really worried right now, that is, them are worried that israel may somehow act sharply after the iranian attack. we have already seen in advance that israel did not always listen to what was advised in the usa, what they talked about, what they asked for, now they are asking for restraint, not to react sharply, but at the moment, not to make an answer, but, but the minister of national security israel has already written in itself that it was an impressive defense and now a devastating attack is needed, you have already mentioned what will happen... the warning must be that
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it will look beautiful, it is only a matter of time now, what could be the consequences? consequences, the question is for whom, at the moment there is no direct threat to the existence of the iranian regime or the israeli government, the parties are not ready for escalation at the level that even some predicted, so it was a blow to the relevant iranian proxies, it was a blow from iran itself, but theoretically, well, as the classic military doctrines say, as soon as ballistic missiles rose from iran, they should have risen from israel, nothing from israel, until it flew in response, what would it be , probably the same hybrid, but it is expected, well, quite soon, because it makes no sense to drag them there, since it is also necessary to show the corresponding consequences, i would say something else, here all this is happening in the context of the hamas attack on israel, which took place from... in october last year,
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and now on this ground, hamas has already come out with a denial of the new agreement, and in fact it is such a ... full-scale hybrid war against israel that is taking place, and here the question is how and how israel will react in gaza, in lebanon , there are many fronts in israel openly, that is, all this prolongs the war in particular, prolongs the problem of israeli-palestinian relations, and this is happening against this background, i would say that even this iranian-israeli episode that took place at night, this is exactly this palestinian-israeli, broader context much... more thorough, longer and bloodier, and now israel gets certain bonuses, because it can react more harshly in gas, motivated by the fact that look, if they bomb us, in what way with ballistic missiles, what will you object ,
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israel will demand additional military aid, it has already happened despite the fact that the american administration is in a dormant state there. regarding some events, it has already been announced, but this week the package of military aid will be considered, it is interesting whether ukraine will be pushed somewhere again by ukrainian issues, and israel will be considered separately, such a danger is already there, and that is why it is a lot of bonuses for israel, because now israel will be asked, there will be no response, there will be military action help, and accordingly, well, a new stage at which israel should feel stronger and more confident. all the more so because those countries that condemned israel for the excessive cruelty there in gaza, now they will have to change their rhetoric a little, because look, israel is suffering, such serious rockets are flying at it, something must be done with iran, so the europeans in this way, they will somehow,
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perhaps, react more restrained to israel's new actions, therefore there is a certain forward movement of this conflict, and the dynamics are not such that it leads to extreme escalation, which is clear to our eyes. t, but, well, to such a new period, which will probably drag on and is unlikely to be resolved in the coming months. actually, just about this, mr. mykhailo, i would like to clarify, because, well, in fact, iran said that we, what we planned, we carried out, everything, if israel does not react, and there are no strikes from israel, then this will be the end of it, and in the states, in the meantime, the schedules are constantly changing. the works are gathering quickly, will try to approve this aid package, and in fact this it is no longer about help in the fight against iran, but still, as far as the gas strip is concerned, so are the palestinians, no, it is about the fact that israel is necessary, there is the sale of
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new israeli planes, and the sale of missiles, and guided air bombs, and there is a lot of israeli technology, they have... joint production in the united states, that is , israel also spends air defense equipment, it also does not have an absolute full production cycle there, it also buys components from many places, it is a complex process of the defense industry, which needs new new ones revenues, and the united states has already allocated there and guided air bombs and other things, including some of israel's european allies, that is, this is all the strengthening of the israeli... which army, which now, well, the situation itself requires it, since israel is under attack, let this attack, as it is positioned, was of such a level that israel was able to repel it, that is , iran also tried not to escalate there, it was premature, judging by everything, the warning
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was an appropriate strategy, well, this is how it looks from the outside, and in principle, a lot is written about it and middle eastern analysts, in this case the question is how... israel will continue to behave in palestine. moreover, i will emphasize once again that hamas did not accept the new terms of the agreement. it was said that there were a lot of negotiations, and egypt was already hinting that there would soon be a truce between hamas and israel. hamas refused to do this against the background of these attacks by iran, because hamas feels that it is possible to fight and negotiate more. accordingly, israel feels the same way, that it is now possible to get carte blanche for new actions, so... both sides are further away from negotiations than they were even a week ago, and iran in this case got what it wanted because israel, iran needs israel to be there constantly involved in war and to convince its arab neighbors that israel is committing genocide and to try
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to actually promote this anti-western agenda among them, that is, to put it simply, iran needs to strengthen its position in... the middle east on this basis, and they are already quite good there, that is, this is the conflict in in which, as in a chessboard, steps, sides take certain steps forward, and now they are sitting. positions, but such a strengthening of positions, it cannot be rolled back very quickly, so this year it, it will be a conflict for the middle east unequivocally, maybe not in a global way, but it will not be like last year, nor like the year before last, it is clear. can we say that some such coalitions are forming in the middle east, because when the states, britain, france supported israel, it was quite obvious, we ukrainians were generally hurt by this to observe, because we have never... received such quick help and response, but the unexpected turn was when
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jordan actually supported, opened its airspace to israel, began to shoot down all these things that were flying towards israel, what can the map of the allies look like now in the middle east? jordan and egypt, their governments are extremely allied and pro -israel, especially the jordanian government, the jordanians who have suffered greatly since the conflict in syria. are ready now to receive, for example, palestinians, they spend more time there anti-palestinian actions, and a lot of criticism, actually the hashemite dynasty in jordan listens to its address, that is , it was understandable in principle, but many countries now prefer, so to speak, to bury their heads in the sand and wait for who, including saudi arabia , it has a very restrained reaction, a restrained reaction in kuwait, a restrained reaction... an action even in qatar, because they see on the one hand that this iranian attack or this iranian attack was not
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planned there as super effective, it is more like that demonstrative, iranians were it is clear to the iranians that almost most of everything will be destroyed there, and on the other hand they continue to maintain relations with israel, and a very good example of this is the unification of the arab emirates, hence the interesting position of iraq, by the way, the americans fought in iraq until... . that rockets are now flying calmly even from iraq, as was the case under saddam hussein, because he also launched scud missiles at israel, and now, for example, the israeli prime minister has announced that he has already agreed to the withdrawal plan. american troops from iraq, that is the biden administration, well, in fact, iraq is doing the same thing that trump and biden did together with afghanistan, they. there they allegedly overcame the threat to themselves, and now in fact iraq falls under iran, you can’t say otherwise, and
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an additional threat is created, that is , the bashar-assad axis emerges, then iraq, then iran, the territory where iran can safely operate, respectively, even , because iran, even if it was not such a strong strike, but it looks like it was the first strike, specifically against israel, because israel still struck not on the territory iran, and... the territory of syria, well, here, in general , the west appears to be in such secondary positions as the peacemaking policy that we have seen for a long time, which is not prejudicing the conflict, but such a reaction, and an attempt to avoid escalation, i say once again, and somewhere simply, as they say, don't look up, it will pass somewhere, this is exactly the position that raises a lot of questions, and therefore , i want to believe that israel... the party will be able to learn certain lessons for itself from this, and accordingly the iranian influence, it will not
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so strong, especially that the response of israel, well, maybe it will be somewhat stronger than this iranian demonstration strike, although, given the position of the americans, it is unlikely that it will be so profitable for israel at the moment, that is, once again to the fact that this is a long game, where we will see, perhaps, new alliances, but we will see many countries that will be, so to speak, on two fronts. this is the same as what you can think of in slovakia or hungary, which are in nato and supposedly vote for the territorial integrity of ukraine, but have and strengthen i have very strong ties with russia and china, the same thing happens in the near future, goodbye, but i want to ask you one more short question, about 300 units of shahed rockets were launched by the iranians at israel, but we understand that their reserves are much larger, because they will sell the shaheds to russia. but lately the russians have been making missiles themselves, it looks like they didn’t sell them, that is
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, they kept them, why is iran leaving all this weaponry and what scale might it be, please be very brief, first of all, iran is far did not exhaust all reserves, it did not push all types of missiles, secondly, iran is preparing for future confrontation, because all wars, including russian aggression against ukraine , show that only the maximum will be armed. especially long-range missiles, do weigh something in international politics, and the further into the history of the future, the greater will be the weight of these... decoy missiles, not international law, this is already clear to everyone, and i want to believe that sooner or later they will understand and in the west. thank you, mr. mykhailo, mykhailo yakubovych was with us, an orientalist, a candidate of historical sciences and a researcher at the oriental studies department of the university of freiburg. if somewhere you would like to listen to some fragments of our conversations or something for yourself, to listen to something that you have not seen
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or listened to, subscribe to our youtube channel, it is all there, there are also full recordings, and special projects, and... clippings of the most important , join, follow, watch, comment, and be sure to stay with espresso, because espresso is with you, and we are now adding our next guest oleksandr to the conversation balyasna, head of ge early birds, this is such an association of parents of prematurely born children, they are called early birds, and mrs. oleksandra is also a member of the supervisory board of the european foundation. the health of the newborn babies, mrs. alexandra, i greet you, good morning, good afternoon, thank you for the invitation, we know that you have recently conducted certain studies, and they, for me personally , appeared to be very unexpected, because for some reason i thought that people already know well what services they are entitled to, i'm saying
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about some free medical services, but you say a little different? and we ask you to share this information, in fact , the results of the study were a bit shocking for us too, we conducted just the same survey as part of the guaranteed project and interviewed parents who gave birth to children prematurely or on time in the last three years during the war on a full scale, in particular, we were interested in the information , and we interviewed parents from all over ukraine, it was a sample of 300 families who raised their children and had such and such an experience... we were quite shocked by the information about the fact that the respondents also evaluated their knowledge about pmg as packages of medical guarantees to one out of five possible answers, also 75% of people said that it was the first time they heard what pmg is, that is, such an abbreviation, they had not heard before that in ukraine, there are 44 packages of medical guarantees, within the framework of which it is possible
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to receive state-guaranteed services, in particular, pregnancy, childbirth, rehabilitation, catamnistic observation. for a child after the birth of a child, actually a lot of these words and information were new for the respondents, moreover, i should note that only 11% of the respondents answered that they know what to do when their rights are violated, and actually more than 60% do not even know where to turn, for us this was shocking information, so we thought it was important to report about rights, how to use them, and so on. .. felt more confident, sometimes it is just such a simple communication at the reception or by phone of a medical institution, when you can inquire whether this medical institution has a signed declaration from the national health service of ukraine, because it is such an important input element to find on information on the dashboard, if this institution has a signed contract, or you can
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also find out by calling the national health service hotline, 1677 , and then know that this institution has these packages for... for example, pregnancy management, nursing a baby, and all services, included in this package must be performed by this institution. in ukraine, more than 300 institutions have now signed declarations that accept childbirth, discharge, they have these services, they must be guaranteed, and then the pregnant woman, then the family can know that they do not need to look for funds for these medical services. basic, guaranteed states, they can turn to and get help, that's why we simply wanted to develop this topic with this research and so that parents are not afraid, feel more confident, i myself did not know that it works like that until i tried it myself, sometimes it is worth asking, finding out, and if something does not work, be sure to give feedback, contact the hotline, you can either leave a complaint, or call the number 1677, the government number is working, or leave a complaint on the website, or write to electronic
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mail or a physical letter to leave this information, if something does not work, please, let's fix it. connection, because we are all interested in the maximum quality of medicine, so that parents feel comfortable, and the birth of children has the best medical services in this area, we show all these elements, i hope that this information will be useful, and actually and pregnancy management, i also highly recommend our partner organization, which made a chatbot, i will be a mother, there you can also learn step-by-step in detail. where pregnancy can be carried out free of charge, which institutions accept it, which tests can be done, and all this is included in these packages, even cesareans vrostin, anesthesia, partner. vaccination of the baby, all these questions, they are included in the packages of medical guarantees, so do not be afraid to be interested and learn about your rights, view the information, or in this
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application i will be a mother on the website of the national health service of ukraine, for the packages of medical guarantees, if anything it is not clear, in our public organization, we are early birds, now we are consulting in these areas the introduction of complex neonatal cases, and we will be happy to help every family feel more comfortable, confident, save the budget and that the most healthy babies are born in calm families, let it be so, and i say so, ms. oleksandra, and please tell me then what is not included in those free packages, because it is probably easier to name what is not included, that is why you have to try there yourself, take care, well, of course, what if any, well, for example, if it is some kind of improved ward. and of course what if if the family wants to stay individually, to have some other separate services, then these services can be provided by a communal institution, according to the price tag and paid officially at the cash register, it is these services,
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they must be paid for separately, but the basic packages, well, of course, there are cases when some drugs are necessary, these are rare cases, or some drug is really not suitable and must be replaced, these cases are more of an exception, that is, standard situations should be covered. and they are included, you can even find out the list of these drugs, which must be entered, they are available on the website, or the communal institution must have drug residues, there are also medicines on the site, go to the site and look at the drug residues, and very often before intensive care or at the entrance to the hospital there is an information stand on which these drug residues should be posted, in these matters it is precisely public organizations that can help, or, again, the national one. the health service of ukraine exists for this and i always recommend leaving feedback, if something doesn't work, let's work together fix it in fact, there are often questions somewhere on the forums about how much it costs, i don’t know, there
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is childbirth, how much it costs, how much it costs cesarean sections, how much it costs such and such treatment, or the doctors told me that it costs so much, where do people go if they have such and such moments, we have one minute. literally, ms. oleksandra, at our institution, each institution receives more than uah 700 for the induction of pregnancy for each month of pregnancy, for each delivery more than uah 15,000, call the hotline line of the national health service of ukraine, then you can find out that this institution has a signed declaration agreement with the national health service of ukraine, in which case childbirth should be free. thank you very much, so either look for information on the websites, or call the hotlines of the national health service. oleksandra bolyasna was with us, the head of the early birds association and a member of the council of the european foundation for the health of newborn babies. we now
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say goodbye briefly, you must stay with espresso, be sure to provide this qr code and card number, this is actually for fpv drones for our defenders for the cold ravine and black zaporozhians. do not ignore, please, whoever can, on sundays, you can double the amount. then in a few... minutes , khrystyna parubi will continue the broadcast with a selection of the latest news, and i'll be back at 2:10 p.m. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it's so. it is convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery in
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12:00 pm
khrystyna parobiy works in the studio. capture chasiv yar by may 9. the russian army received such a task - he said. commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. the occupiers are concentrating their efforts to break through our defenses west of bakhmut, reach the siverskyi donets-donbas channel, seize time and advance to the kramatorsk agglomeration. some of the russian infantry went to the novy district, but our military destroyed them with fividrons.


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