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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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our army would be more technological. thank you very much, thank you very much. said izmagilov, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, mufti of the spiritual administration of muslims of ukraine until the 22nd year, was in touch with us. we talked not only about the war, but as everyone who listened understood that we also talked about the situation with muslims in ukraine, but mostly in russia and the middle east, i think that's all, it was interesting to listen, i think so. now we will talk about the war again, but this time with viktor boberenko, an expert of the analysis and policy bureau, if he appears now, oh, good health, mr. viktor, thank you for seeing you, good health to you, good health, and here is the first and main question, the russian troops were given the task of capturing the time of the jews on may 9, oleksandr syrskyi told us about it, as far as it is likely.
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to what extent is it possible, how realistic is it, how strong are the positions of ukraine and how strong are the positions of russia, just at that point, on that part of the front? well, this is, as one russian poet said, sorry for the quote in russian, but cities take dates, and therefore at any cost, again like the one in their song, they have a song about how
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to lead zhukov that he was a soldier, women give birth to new ones, and this is at least a quote attributed to him, that is why, based on how from the point of view of the banal the erudition of the horse, it is clear that they received such an order, and because of what syrskyi said, i have no doubt in any way, that is, the russians received the order, because they need to show something somewhere by may 9, yes, that is, in three weeks. and now regarding the possibilities, yes, there are dominant heights, here it is clear that this same channel, he, the donetsk canal, which, including for industrial needs, and this creates, on the one hand , conditions for our protection, but also important for them to seize, it... for them, too, if we take
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from history, a crossing point, yes, this is, well, for the germans, this is a key point, yes, conditionally, let's say, a key point that must be taken in this direction, they have another strategic point, this is an angle, where they need to cut this corner, so they still have a third one there, kupyansk, we need to drop our, in fact, bridgehead in siverskyi danets, that is, they have a number of... such points, but i believe, well, here i trust syrskyi, although i trusted zaluzhnyi more, but i trust syrskyi that their main offensive will probably be concentrated here, because this is a checkpoint, because it is field politics, and for russia politics is even more important, than military affairs, than operational-tactical art, yes, if you want, that's why, well , let's wish our soldiers... to hold on,
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because the horse understands that it won't be easy, that now they will throw everything into battle, now here's next week there will be a little rain, and then it will be warmer, after easter it will be warmer, even more a lot, but it's already warm, and they will now try to try to take time, and again, they now have a tactical advantage, they are hitting us. we don't have anything to answer with the cabs, we don't have them in the 16th, we don't have enough patriots, patriot systems to act somewhere on the carriers of these cabs, and they throw, throw eyes, well, mostly 500-kilogram cabs and in fact, thanks to this, they break through our defenses , but i am more than sure, and my confidence is based on the fact that the ukrainian... infantry
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is the best infantry in the world, starting from 16 century, and my confidence is based on this that we will still stand, and their eh... another blitzkrieg, what is it they have there according to the account since february 22nd, that this blitzkrieg will be covered with a copper basin, as and the previous ones, the actual war will turn into a more or less positional one, until we are ready for a counteroffensive, but you understand, when you say that politics is above all else in russia, i agree with you here, but it is very important in war often interferes. in a world without a war, a politician plays a big role, and when a politician sticks his nose into military affairs, it does not improve the situation, in ukraine, as far as i can see, not very much, if the political leadership influences, influences, but not everywhere, not in
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the daily regime, then it is good for us that they are there, that putin is getting into this gerasimov or what is his, or what are their names there and... does he advise them something, your opinion, khrushchev once said, well, in order to destroy stalin and even the memory of him, he said about stalin that stalin led a war, a war across the globe, yes , then this is what can be said with confidence about putin, putin is running a war on the globe, and this it is very good that he gets into this, into this matter and tries there, for a while there was a period in 22 when he even got into it... there up to the level of the division, even, that is, not only at the strategic or operational level , even at the tactical level, yes, he would still command the companies there, and this is good for us, because if a layman who is only capable of political special operations there, he poisons someone
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there, navalny there or lytvynenko there or violinists , but there or something like that, well, it works for him, and when he gives gerasimov drives there... to build all kinds of these suravikinas there, yes there are beautiful ones, then it seems to play into our hands, but let's be frank that politics is very important in ours, on our side in the war, and also has a very negative, very a negative effect, let's say, before they removed the industrious, the industrious could still, well, at least, i don't know, we were there only after... i hope from the memoirs of some people there we will know exactly what the communication was like there, but of all the indirect signs, as they say, yes, we can talk about the fact that the industrious man did not give zelenskyi to intervene in the war, that is, conditionally
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draw arrows on the map, which maryana bezugula complained about very much, who said: show me the plan, give me the plan, let the industrious show the plan, or leave, she is industrious... well, well little is understood that in the military, as a rule, even more so in the military level with western training of the level of zaluzhnyi, yes, the level of the general staff of the times of zaluzhnyi, it is clear that there were many plans, and plans are built by the military in accordance with political expediency, political requirements, they it is taken into account, but it is the main thing on which it is based, what are we planning on, how many resources do we have, that is, maryana, if... you and yermak and zelensky , i didn't have any questions for you about maryana, i don't want to hear anything about her, i don't i know what she is, where she is, how she is, who she is and why she even exists in the verkhovna rada, okay, another question, well, i
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can come back to it later, because on the one hand, everyone loves the hard-working and everyone suspects syrsky, and with on the other hand, experts say that the tinkerer will not build. the defense system in no way, and it was necessary after, after it is worth building, we will not argue, you are right in everything, i am even, you are a guest, you are right in everything, i am wrong everywhere, there are no questions, look, it means that now there is an opportunity, you have appeared some chances, i don't know how illusory they are, not illusory, which really gave me the go-ahead. even trump, that maybe ukraine will get these 60 billion, plus maybe it will get planes in the summer. how can this change the situation on the front? ah, this is an important question, because this could be a continuation of the confrontation. there may be more successful
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offensive actions of ukraine, there may be some breakthrough actions of ukraine. what can, how can the situation change thanks to those 60, 60. billions, i don't know how to convert it, and plus planes, they say, there will be more than a hundred of them, do you think, well, we may have more than a hundred until close to september, at first we will have... just two, from 20 to 30 planes, this is the first batch of trained pilots, which we hope will already fly here on the 16th, in the month of june, i hope, well, at least here, here i am, i'm just political an expert, not a military man, and i don't know much about technology, but at least the specialists i work with i'm talking, they say that f16 can, why is russia in a hurry even now, that we can shoot down in mid-flight. these aircraft that carry cabs, which means they will fly less, that's
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the first, again, if they give us charges that hit 360 km, and we can, we can kill their logistics through the crimean bridge and especially in the south through kalmius, across the molochna river, this is a tentative road that leads tentatively from rostov to melitopol, and it will cut off the roads there that lead through dzhanko and chongar, that is, they lead from the crimea, and we must we can move the war to that stage, when somewhere at the end of the summer, for example, they will again, as suravikin said, have to make a difficult decision there, yes, and a difficult decision is when they will have nothing to maintain their defense in the south, but at least before that, we need... well , for this we need a certain amount of time, we need rosyushka to breathe, and again we need
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not only the help of our allies, but also the help of the political leadership, so that it stops carrying some kind of mess and gets busy with what is needed, if putin speaks and they don't they are hiding the fact that this year they will recruit plus 400 thousand contract workers, and i am sure that they will do it, plus 4000. then we also probably need to get someone, yes, but in our country the law will come into force only in a month, but then we will only select people, and then we need to prepare them somewhere for two or three months, stop, when we will have the opportunity to replenish those brigades that currently have a set there, well, in the best case, 70% of the staff list, what a problem, and this is the problem. now it's not syrsky and not the armed forces, it's zelensky's problem, and that's how far we have it
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the political leadership is ready to lend a shoulder to the armed forces, as far as they are ready not to think about their ratings, but to think about how we can fight back this summer and seize the strategic initiative, that's the key, everything depends, if there was such an opportunity , they would explain step by step would mr. zelensky how to act in this case yes the first step, second, third, fourth , fifth, sixth, seventh, true, yes, and the most important step i, i would in his place, the first and most important thing there would be to remove yermak and do would be a government of national unity, and you they would enter there, they would lead it, right, no, without me for now, i understand that i am competent only in some issues,
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they think that mykola, they think that playing politics is like playing a piano without hands, thank you , thank you for finishing the program, that's it, we're finishing the program with your participation, now, it means that yermak zelensky must be removed and the ukrainian flag will fly over the kremlin, well, that's the only thing i understood from this conversation, quite interesting i would say. said, well, eh, i would even say such a question is already more media, when i open ee the internet, then i read on the internet, eh, what ’s to blame for everything, well, i often read, at least some part of the internet, zelensky and yermak are to blame for everything, well, accordingly, it is obvious that if there were no yermak and zelensky, then the flags would ukrainians would be everywhere in the russian federation. now we will talk about... poland, well, not about poland, in general we will talk about the soviet union and how communists in
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the soviet union and non-communists behaved now, there are a lot of parallels, just in these days, april the day of remembrance of the victims of the katyn shooting is celebrated, and we will have roman podkur, candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher at the institute of history of the academy of sciences of the national academy. ukrainian researcher of state terror in the ukrainian ssr. thank you, mr. roman, for being with us now, i once studied at the institute there as a graduate student. history for a long time, and it's always nice to see my colleagues, i was a bad graduate student, i'll admit it right away so that no one asks me awkward questions later, look, well, if you're studying it, then please tell me, well, just the other day i was re-watching this whole story about
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the katyn tragedy, not the fresh one from 10, but the one from 40, and if... there is a system of evidence, i would call it, i am not an investigator , but the system of evidence is final, it is not just that someone killed someone there, but there are documents, the business trip of these people led by blokhin, as far as i remember, the main, main shooter of the soviet union, the name is blokhin, how they went, where they stopped, and how much they were given nabo, that is, not there, you know, any court, any... well, maybe for with the exception of the russian courts, i would say here more than necessary evidence, i.e. here they left, here the ticket, here they left moscow, here they arrived there, here they left, here where they settled here, what are their per diems, such per diems, this is what the memorial did the investigation used to be russian, such daily wages were paid there, that
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's how much vodka they were given, because despite the fact that they were professional executioners, they had to get very drunk after each firing in order to somehow... forget, because there was a lot of blood, and after that everything, the whole system of evidence, the russians say that it is not us, mr. roman, what is the calculation, because the history of mankind will prove that it is them, and i just sit and think, well, well, well, well, well, the whole world knows that it is not stalin attacked hitler, maybe stalin wanted to attack, but hitler attacked, well, we will not argue, it happened, we do not like... stalin, but this does not mean that we will justify hitler. so what's the idea? all textbooks around the world will write what happened in katyn. mr. mykola, sir, look, audience, look, the situation here is a little different, everything goes to the internal
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consumer, in russia at this stage simply do not care about the opinion. of all historians who study this, for them the most important thing is the internal consumer, this is a political decision, just as gorbachev made this political decision in 1900, 1989, just like the flight to reveal katyn and confirm the katyn crime, he also made it - boris yeltsin, who handed over the documents about the katyn crime, and... putin did the same when he began to deny that such a crime was committed by nkvd officers, because this crime seriously affects cult for the modern russian people, this is joseph stalin, and that's why they do,
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they find the slightest inconsistency, so that... to identify this crime as a crime of the nazis, but not of the nkvd employees, that's the whole point, it's purely political decision. mr. roman, but okay, let's agree, but during the second katyn tragedy, already in the 10th year, putin came there. putin stood and hugged tusk , the current prime minister, and the plane was flying over there. to mark the anniversary of the shooting, and that plane also fell, and now for a lot of poles, this is a disaster in general, because the president and all the top management were there, putin came, hugged that tusk, as far as i remember, cried next to them, and he thus admitted, because, because, because this tragedy happened
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as a result of of that tragedy, if the germans had killed these poles, then i... it is hard for me to imagine that putin would have appeared there, he would have emphasized with his appearance that yes, we have, well, we have, well, maybe he didn't say , that our hands are covered in blood, like my shirt, and my fingers are covered in blood, and now he says again: no, no, no, again money for fish, no, no, we, we are not to blame again, so he is confused in the testimony, well, sooner or later we will have to twist it back somehow again, well, these are poor russians, they get confused. in your own history, and this is the main goal, you understand, when, when, how, how, how well to manipulate ... society, it must be done so that there is no accurate information, you know, their main, the main one, the main thesis of which, everything
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is not so clear, and that's when they show that at first there was such a story, then after 10-15, and our generation is 25 years old, so look, yes, 20-25, look, the facts... already part of the generation has already been poisoned by this, this, everything is not so clear-cut, and when there is no trust in historical facts, when some events are blurred like this, yes, then this means only one thing: it is easy to manipulate this people, because the people say: well , yes, at first there were such facts, then such facts, and this history... is being rewritten, so there is nothing true, that's for why it is done, and then at a certain stage the propaganda machine includes stereotypes,
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which are already hammered into a person's head, one of such stereotypes, ukrainians are wrong russians, poles are enemies, and at this stage a fundamentally different ideological campaign begins, but now they have also started... an ideological campaign that will lead to another hostility towards of the polish polish state, precisely on such facts, precisely on the fact that they claim that these crimes did not take place, and so on, one more important question, an important question, the next one, oh, somewhere you disappeared, no, you have already appeared, it's nice. look, we all know who one way or another is was interested in the story that there is a village of khatyn on the territory of belarus, and this is not an academic question, it is
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a question of whether you believe it or not, because there are such persistent rumors about it, it is not academic knowledge, however, because of the fact that they burned down huts, they burned down a lot of different... villages in belarus, in ukraine, and partly in russia, but they found huts, because a hut is a hut, it’s similar, and in order to cover up the crime of katyn, they raised the crime of a hut on the mountain, there were also some ukrainians there, oh, that fits too, and it means that if there ukrainians, this is a bandera, which means that he is already a russian, and what happened to this one, do you believe that it was if it was realized, that it was if the kremlin
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gave such an instruction: let's silence the kitty with the appearance of this hut, and if, well, we remember, i remember, i'm so old, that when it was celebrated, monuments were opened there, brezhnevs came and so on and so on. what do you say about such a possibility, is it yes, quite likely, i will also say that look, there is still such a memorable place in russia, in my opinion, in the bryansk region, which is called hatsun, yes, where it was created a memorial to the sleepy villages of the russian federation, yes, and this too in a certain way, it also echoes, and this, look, this consonance of katya. hut yes, it is primarily designed not only for the internal consumer, yes, but also for the external consumer, of course,
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they can’t kill the specialists, but i’m sorry, i want to, i understand perfectly well, i have no illusions , the average citizen, whether ukrainian or russian, let alone french, american... or someone else, will not understand what huts, and what is kotyn, because they are consonant both in writing and in sounds, and for this it is very easy to manipulate, we know very well, and we have dozens, hundreds, thousands of facts, as in ideological campaigns abroad, kgb employees and representatives of diplomatic the representatives of not only the soviet union, but now... and the russian federation are manipulating, manipulating historical facts, historical names, the smallest, the smallest possibility
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of somehow asking. well, one or another stereotype that is beneficial to the political at the moment to the leadership of the russian federation, mr. roman, one more question, if we were to talk about the russian history of mr. midinskyi in the sense that they are lying, maybe you have some information, and how do belarusian historians feel now, and is there any historical academic science, are they allowed to do any historical research. is everything already written there under the name of putin and lukashenko, that there is a great national war, we are good, not bad, we are for the reds, not for the whites, and everything, everything that was good, we did, everything that was bad, we did not us who are the americans, the germans, it doesn’t matter, the poles, they are all enemies, well, the ukrainians, to hell with it, how is the historical process taking place on the territory of belarus,
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everything is very tough there, just like... and in russia federation, that group of historians who could somehow reveal these historical soviet myths, she either sits quietly or left the borders of belarus, this is one moment, and the second moment, the basis for the events of the second world war, and especially the stage, so-called as they call it, the great national one wars, there is a serious... influence, funds that are financed directly from the government of the russian federation, there are memory funds, and a lot of literature is published about the crimes of the nazis, collaborators on the territory of belarus, at least in the last six or seven years several hundred scientific
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papers. the main thing is the collection of documents from the funds of state archives and even the archive of the kgb of belarus, yes, but it is clearly focused, it is the mass murders carried out by collaborators and nazis, and the most important thing is the last question, mr. roman, sorry, yes, what is terror in the ssr, i read a lot about how the soviet troops behaved in the kaliningrad region, well then what... one can gradually learn about the truth about the behavior of soviet soldiers. europe, by the way , there are a lot of such studies in the field of there are a lot of scientists, but they are not...
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widespread, they become relevant if some event occurs, this is a problem, and they are in the general public, as well as ours, our research, they do not prevail, that is exactly a big problem, yes, it is acceptable, if it arises, for example, the events of buchi, yes, the european community, were shaken, and at that time they pushed him, but what did they do? the soviets on the territory of europe, when they entered there in 1945 and what they did further in the 1940s, it is perceived, it is actualized, such studies are actualized, unfortunately, now europe has already withdrawn again and it plunged into the period of other events, and now i don't even know how to
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update again. these are the crimes of the soviet regime and the communist regime on the ground europe for ordinary citizens, thank you very much, thank you very much, roman potkur, candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher at the institute of history of the academy of sciences of ukraine, researcher of state terror in the ukrainian ssr and the ussr, was with us, now we will have a small ten-minute story and a small advertisement : to fight for one's country. it is a great honor for men, mykhailo kovalev believes. after being wounded, he serves in the center of the territorial configuration of the lviv region, motivates people to join the army. well, he told, gave a big interview to us collaborator khrystyna parubiy, and now we will see this story and its reflections, and i am very proud of this story because i believe that the centers are territorial.


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