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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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after all, by abandoning basic values, decency and respect, people are very quickly able to drive themselves into the depths of total madness. unfortunately, individual people or states. it takes very little time to reach this level of insanity. thank you, mr. alex, everything. thank you very much. it's about politics
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, about the world, i'm maria gurska, my interlocutor is pavel kowal, the head of the committee on international affairs of the polish diet, and the representative of the polish government on the reconstruction of ukraine. good day. good day. what are you doing now, how? authorized for the reconstruction of ukraine. this is a function. in every major european country, and in the usa, and throughout the world, there are such appointed people who act on behalf of the state, on behalf of the government for cooperation with ukraine. it looks like this to us too. this is how something more is created than before, since polish-ukrainian relations are richer, they are becoming more and more. therefore, a special public council will be assembled from representatives of business, science and non-governmental organizations. this council will be an advisory body under the prime minister, will have its own chairman, and this will be my role. this is the decision of the prime minister, who will also perform all the roles of the representative. a specially created secretariat will be at his disposal. so,
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this institution is being formed little by little, the institution has already been formally created, for this there are relevant orders of prime minister tusk. we have been working on this for the past few weeks, we wanted it to be something special, so that ukraine would feel that we are approaching this topic. that is, not only politics, not only the government, but also higher educational institutions, the public and society, and for now, it seems to us that it has succeeded. there are also elections going on in poland, and last sunday, a super hot time, we are between two rounds of elections. last sunday , the first round took place, and on april 21, the second. how does the government assess the results of the first round of elections and what are the challenges for the next one. i appreciate the results well, because we, as the government majority before. influences ruled in seven or at most
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eight regional sejms, now we will finish these elections with the fact that most likely we will rule in 11 or even 12, that is defined: the regions are the most important for us, because it is the regions that manage european funds, and it is in the regions that most of the real changes in politics take place, i would say, because the regions decide how to spend money on ecology and energy, a large part of european money passes through the regions . there we gained the most power, and this is also a chance for things to be a little better than before, or even much better, big successes in big cities, the brand of these changes is rafala chaskowski in warsaw, but i also i want to emphasize, attention, attention, gdansk is a great result, białystok is a great result for democratic candidates, there will be second rounds here and there, it's even a little surprising, because, for example, in my hometown riaś there will still be a second round.
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that the elections in poland do not end in april, we have the second part of the local elections ahead of us, and then the elections to the european parliament, when there will be time to solve the difficult issues of dialogue, but we deal with this constantly, i even sometimes think about our program, god, how can this be, what to us every week there is something to talk about, is there another country with which we could talk about relations every week, every week there would be new topics, there are really many issues to discuss, i hope this new council at the premier will also work effectively with them. to the minister, which i
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told you about, is being created for cooperation with ukraine, it will take care of various spheres, including culture, economy, and cooperation with local authorities, we have a chance to do a lot together, i would like the body... regions, first of all, they joined, but not only that, small communes also joined, there was really a lot of activity, i think, we have very strong cities and very strong , now you have to tell them, ok, and now you can participate in cooperation, i would like to find many ukrainian local self-government bodies to cooperate, this is my dream , i have a vision that these polish bodies. receive assistance from the event for investments in ukraine. conceptual help can be a really big deal. a few words about the weaknesses of these elections for poland. peace is called his ninth victory. it is known that their high results in some cities were made possible by
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low voter turnout, the opposite of what we saw after the parliamentary elections. my explanation here is that there really wasn't as much tension around this election as there was around the october one. the election that ended with the formation of the government in december, the election on october 15 was at the edge of public emotions, the current election without this tension, still gave us a slightly better result than in october, and peace is indeed in first place, but it has no coalition ability , this is their nonsense, they can say that they won the election, but to rule at the highest level, if only four voivodeships are lucky, that is the extent of their defeat. internally, they know this and this result from their point of view is very bad, they just boast that in such a national calculation, they had 34% and came first, because
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the next parties had 30% and below, but these other parties form a coalition, the dog is not present in the local authorities, and that's a good thing, because they behaved horribly. people kyiv assumes that russia seeks to turn kharkiv into a gray zone, unfit for life my dad, the director of the ukrainian theater dzerkalo in kyiv, calls his family every day. they say it's dark, scary, but we go to work, we fight, we show performances in war-torn kharkiv, which russia is attacking, hitting its energy infrastructure and killing
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people. and this is a beautiful cultural city, the second capital of ukraine, and by the way, this city is warsaw's sister city. i didn't know about it, i just found out now. what to do with the fact that russia is erasing this city from the face of the earth in front of the eyes of all of europe? i was recently in kharkiv, i also have the feeling that the russians are spinning too much around kharkiv, they are thinking of some such decision to either surround kharkiv, or destroy it, force kharkiv residents to leave the city. kharkiv mayor igor terikhov says that the russians will not be destroyed.
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we are waiting, because it is really very necessary, there are things that can be done now, in fact what mrs. burbock says can be done, i think that she should actively act on this issue, and at the same time, president macron should act on the issue of russian money. i am speaking from the position of an ambassador to the sejm, a parliamentarian, and when i hear members of the government say, it is necessary, it is necessary, do, who today can do more than europe, than such powerful governments as france, italy, germany, it is time to act, if something, god forbid, happens to kharkiv, it will be too late. who said this week that a full-scale conflict in europe is no longer a fantasy, so europeans must prepare
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to defend themselves. and what to add here? there is nothing new in borel's words, i would say that he is the last one to notice it. moreover, it would be better for europe if the eu's top diplomat, high representative for foreign affairs borel, took notice. it's true, but when individual politicians in the world talk about it, it is one. this is not quite the same as when a general mobilization is announced, it is currently about mobilization and the delivery of potential summonses,
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and summonses to certain groups of professions, in case of war, should and should happen. these are the times when cyber security people, drone operators with specific, special skills, suddenly become very needed, and the state informs them that they can be drafted, in this sense it happens and not much actually happened a long time ago, the whole problem is that we cannot go beyond our mentality, we cannot understand that... this week, for example, one of the operators of espresso and the husband of my close friend, the editor of espresso, went to study and
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soon will be at the front. this is a reality, and every european must be ready for it. if putin breaks through the front, not only drone operators will be needed. all your men will be at the front. speaking of media, i would also like to highlight the increased activity of russian trolls, which i watching in poland. in particular, troll factories and st. petersburg. i understand that the mobilization in ukraine is now very broad, but your words made me think for a moment and also remember in this conversation that in poland there are now very intense informational attacks in the media, especially in social networks by the russians, and i think that first of all we on the polish side should prepare for even greater attacks of propaganda and disinformation, i feel that the russians are preparing something, and it is becoming more and more. another impression of mine this week, which i would like to share is a conversation that took place during a meeting with my acquaintances,
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girls from polish television, polish journalists and representatives of big business, they shared that now they are very patient with us temporary military migrants from ukraine. because they are constantly thinking about how they themselves might feel in a moment if the poles also have to flee and be refugees in europe, and they now feel that such a scenario is possible. because now is the moment when we think for example, i realize that if someone in europe wanted, for example, to start negotiations on russian terms, then they are acting against my security. will affect our country, there will be changes. i'm also talking a lot now that more security resources are needed, that people need to get used to behaving differently, to prepare, to be more aware of where the bomb shelters are in their area, to know that these
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shelters exist at all, to build them, to act in the direction of civil defense. the idea of ​​discussing peace is president zelensky's formula, but i think that's what should be done by ukraine, and it is doing well, and we support it, but the truth is that victory always begins on the battlefield, at a minimum, it is manifested in the ability
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to stop the enemy, and then all the conversations go differently, so i think that victory always begins on the battlefield and only.
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i am sure that the july summit, if it will be successful, should end with a clear declaration to the ukrainians, so that the ukrainians know that the path to nato is open, the path to nato is not the same as to the eu, it does not happen today or tomorrow, but the important thing is , that everyone was sure that there is a political solution, the rest are technical aspects, how to interpret the territories occupied by the russians today and so on and so on, but the war is a peculiarity of the pendulum, at the end of our thoughts about it we understand that war is not only what happens on the front , that's the most important thing, but war is also what's going on in people's heads, regardless of whether they hope for change or not, and it also affects mobilization, but how do you influence what's going on in the heads of nato leaders? you and i talked about mobilization, how about it to be carried out if the ukrainians do not receive a clear signal that they are joining nato, that is
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, it turns out that the mobilization should be influenced by stoltenberg and others, with politics, as with diplomacy, you just need to talk a lot, travel around... trump, which assumes that he is a candidate and potentially the future, which we don't really know, but there's also the politics of the biden administration, and it's really moments like this, recently in warsaw at my invitation was garil kasparov, this great russian, one of those who never had any illusions about
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putin, but he also emphasized criticism of president biden's administration, which has done a lot, and that should always be said honestly. but at the same time has this element of thinking in the category of drip aid, that is , to give ukraine a little bit, but not too much, not too much, especially during the elections, historians will write about it later, because statements like those made by minister austin are not well remembered, people will analyze, for example, why the ukrainians did not receive stronger aid at the turn of 22 and 23 years after kherson, perhaps this... drip the method failed, it simply failed, because it was a moment when it was possible to hit harder, today history is happening again, when we say to ukrainians: you have to fight, we help you, we will remind you, recently
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a ukrainian drone carried out such an attack in tatarstan and hit on the object of the russian energy infrastructure, 1,200 km from the border of ukraine, this is a great success and very telling. anniversary of the smolensk tragedy, you were close to the dead president of poland, lech kaczyński. what does the date mean to you and what are the main conclusions after all these years, it is also very important for ukraine. this is a topic for a whole additional program, because for me the memory of that morning 14 years ago still occupies a very large place, this first news,
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the news that many of my friends must have died, including the president and his wife, i received under radio time that had to be hijacked. later, i went to smolensk, there i took part in various conversations, including long negotiations with... vladimir putin that day, they don't mention it much, it was very difficult, acute a conversation when i, on behalf of the polish delegation , demanded that the president's body be returned to poland. donald tusk was prime minister at the time, and while he was on the plane, the russians seized the moment. preliminary agreements reached with tusk about the transportation of the president's body were not fulfilled, as the russians always do.
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has everything been said here and will we ever learn the whole truth about smolensk? the main things
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are known. i also consider the behavior of the russians to be completely unacceptable, for example, when it comes to the return of evidence. it sounds so cold but it is specifically about the presidential ritak. it is a paradox that the only person who tried to conduct international investigations is a figure who was constantly attacked by the supporters of pis in our country, i.e. radoslav sikorskyi. he actually tried to transfer certain elements of the investigation to the european level back then, under that government. nothing can be done with putin today, there is no platform or possibility. of course, one day we will be able to learn more about how the russians behaved during the investigation and why.
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in ukrainian, read the highlights of our conversations in both languages ​​on, thank you. thank you very much. lacal fix reliably fixes, my dentist advised me. yes, and reduces gum inflammation. and the price is good, economical. studies have proven that localudfix protects the gums and fixes the tooth five times more reliably. lacalu fix! buy with a 30% discount at wholesale price pharmacies, 911 pharmacies and on the 911 website. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel up to 30% at travel pharmacies and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we begin. two hours
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of airtime. two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and what the world is like, now about what happened in the world in more detail yuliy fizar will speak, yury, good evening, please give me two hours to keep up with economic news, time for that , please speak during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, be laska, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postahov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenia for... information about the news of the presenters' culture, which many have become familiar with. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. sponsor
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represents the national team. united by football, stronger together. greetings to our viewers, today i am artem lagutenko in the studio with you, and we will talk about mobilization. they will be very interesting with me. the speakers are vladyslav seleznyov, the spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine for 2014-2017, as well as the colonel of the armed forces of ukraine and oleksandr yapchanka, the company commander of the vovka devinci volunteer battalion. welcome guests. good day. first of all, i want
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to talk to you about how... mobilization is important and relevant. actually, let's start with you, friend oleksandr. in particular, you recently said in an interview with deutschvela that if ukrainians don't go to the military today en masse, later they will fight anyway, but already in the ranks of the armed forces of the russian federation. i want to ask you, comment and explain, in your opinion, how much time do you think ukrainians have to mobilize and how many people are currently needed for the front, in your opinion? i believe that it is worth starting from the numbers, we understand that they plan to demobilize around 200, 300 thousand, accordingly we have to understand that we need a comparable number, opposed.


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