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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EEST

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say the word greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the night attacks in ukraine and the changes in the educational process that the ministry of education plans to implement. news time on the tv channel. esu kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the number of injured as a result of a rocket attack in dnipropetrovsk region has increased to 13. among the injured is a 15-year-old boy, said the head of the regional military administration serhiy lysak. as a result of shelling , 33 private houses were damaged, 10 cars and a forklift were damaged. one person died as a result of the russian attack. on
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krasnopil community in sumy oblast, the regional military administration announced. the occupiers also fired mortars and artillery at bilopolsk, seredinobudsk and khotyn communities. in total, the enemy shelled the border areas of sumy oblast 19 times. and two large-scale forest fires started due to shelling in the kharkiv region. this was reported in the state emergency service. the russians fired artillery and mortar fire. strikes in the kupinsky district. as a result of the attack in the village of kurylivka, the fire engulfed nearby 5 thousand square m2. rescuers managed to extinguish the fire, fortunately no one was injured. attacks on russian oil refineries do not affect the global energy market, said the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba. according to him, the attacks on the energy infrastructure of the occupiers have consequences. only for
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the dictator putin's regime. let me remind you that the head of the pentagon , lloyd austin, said that ukraine's recent attacks on russian oil refineries could affect world markets, so he called to avoid such a form, so to speak escalation they reached a consensus on aid to ukraine and israel. this week, the senate will try to help both countries. this was stated by the leader of the majority in the senate. chuck schumer at a press conference in new york. according to him , us president joe biden had a telephone conversation with congress leaders. for now, the best solution is to adopt an additional law on national security, which includes assistance to both countries. let me remind you that one of the bills on support of ukraine and israel for 95 billion dollars was adopted by the senate back in february. this help house speaker mike johnson.
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has not yet been submitted to the house of representatives for a vote. meanwhile, the g7 leaders condemned iran's attack on israel. this was reported in the press service of the white house after the online meeting of the g7 countries. according to them, iran is doing everything to destabilize the peace and also provoke uncontrolled escalation. so the partners assured that they would help israel and take measures in response to the aggression. and due to a thunderstorm in the zhytomyr region , 16 settlements were cut off and left without electricity subscribers of the khoroshiv power grid, the regional military administration said. currently, energy companies are trying to restore electricity supply to all consumers. the high school will be turned into specialized lyceums. the ministry of education selected the first 25 educational institutions that will test the reform. in future. will become mentors for others,
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by september of this year each region must prepare a project of a network of specialized lyceums, what changes await high school students and when the reform will start, dmytro didora will tell. secondary education reform is the next step development of the new ukrainian school. nushivtsi will be the first to experience it. now these children study in the sixth grade. the structural changes will fall on their 10th-12th grades of high school. you can hear from parents that, for example, programs are overloaded, yes, that children study a lot, programs are overloaded, including the increase in the number of years allows, well, to unload this program a little. the reform of vocational secondary education provides that after the ninth grade, students will have the choice to enter either academic or vocational lyceum the first involves preparing students for admission to a higher education institution, where they will be prepared for future student life. and the professional direction involves
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mastering a profession and obtaining a complete secondary education. the next step is to enter the labor market. students will be able to choose study profiles, subjects and courses for. in-depth study and prepare for mastering the profession at school. vocational guidance, which will begin at the basic level, will also help in this. our goal, first of all, for the child to have more subjectivity, was a choice, at first selecting a profile, then selecting a section of items within your profile. since 2009, the kolomyia lyceum no. 9 has been practicing the choice of specialized education, they started with physics and mathematics, and today they already have four areas, up to specialized training... cooking begins in the fifth grade, so that it is easier for children to decide what their specialization is to your heart's content this helps graduates to pass the national multi-subject test better. we see that children from the physics-mathematics class pass mathematics simply flawlessly. they feel very comfortable
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they feel, and they pass tests as a profile education, as profile classes, chemistry and biology faculty profile - it's simply incredible. we have a lot already. their doctors, the educational institution also introduced additional electives and its scientific society, high school students practice writing term papers, and then, when children come to us from universities, they say how good it is that you taught us this, because term papers already in universities it is simply very easy for them. they say they are ready to implement the reform at the kolomyia lyceum. but have their own wishes. it is necessary to reduce the workload of children. profile classes, i.e. give eight or so subjects, no more, so that it is not 14, 15, 16, it is for children, it is not that difficult, it is just a waste of time, the number of subjects will really be reduced to 12 instead of 17, says the secretary of the parliamentary
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committee on education, natalia pipa. this is this opportunity, conditionally not to teach those subjects that you do not have, are not related to you, as skovoroda said, but to try it in... in senior classes, and by design it should to be so that in the 10th grade you can choose one profile and try it, if it doesn't suit you conditionally, change it to the 11th-12th, it's by design, so now we'll see how it will be. currently, there is a discussion on the creation of professional lyceums, most likely they will be opened on the basis of schools. today , only 35% of students in ukraine choose specialized education after the ninth grade. the reform should increase the number of those willing to 45. already next year , about 100 more educational institutions should join the 25 schools selected by the ministry, the reform is planned for 2027 implement at the national level. dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich and dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. and i remind you
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about our collection, the means of communication and security are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they are fighting for the independence of our country in difficult battles in the eastern direction. and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720,000. so let's not delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. all of them details you now see on your screens. look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, as there are live ether broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can be seen. only with us, also a short video on a hot topic in the shorts section, subscribe, comment, we care about your thoughts, be there every day. to find out more interesting and relevant information, subscribe to our website and our social networks. in a moment, meet my
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colleagues andriy saichuk and lesya vakalyuk. we will see you later. well, dear friends, we are back on the air, and we will continue our marathon, lesa vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio we are working for you today until 12 o'clock, we have a huge list of interesting guests and interesting topics for you, to begin with we have very important information for you, take now put pencils or pens in your hands, take sheets of paper, take phones, take, open the function of the camera, scan. or write down the numbers, i will now tell you very important information, important information about the fact that the collection is ongoing in our country, we are collecting for two brigades, for the 93rd and 72nd, we are collecting fpv drones, fpv drones, one fpv drone can destroy quite a lot of russian equipment,
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so please join us, we want to buy 2 million of those drones, imagine how much enemy equipment there will be, how many muscovites will be neutralized, so to speak. so scan, get involved. in fact, in order for us to have 800,000, there are less than 17,000 left, and in order for us to... have a million, there are 200 or something thousands left, so please join in, listen, less than 17 - this is literally a conversation with one guest, and we have already accumulated these amounts in our account, so i have a lot of faith in you, see this qr code, see the card number, everything is for your convenience, let's do it together, you and i have collected quite well the previous days, i hope what... this week we will do something incredible, we will get closer to 2 million, and
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it will be faster than we can imagine, and now serhii bratchuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, is joining us, we will ask, oh, mr. serhiy, he is already going somewhere, where are you going, mr. serhiy, good morning, to good deeds and to a good do not declassify the goal, to our victory, good deeds, but not today, i think that in a few days for sure. oh, well, then tell us what, how are things now in the south of ukraine? well, if we are talking about the night, then we have 4:5:0, we did not have an air alarm signal, in fact, the enemy limited himself yesterday to another missile strike, or rather, an attempted missile strike, we are talking about the day, this is tactical aviation was involved, accordingly, the kh-59 also traditionally, two missiles, both of which were destroyed by forces against. air defense over the black sea, which could not help but please, although the air alarm signal
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sounded, it was a little worrying, but nevertheless, we managed to neutralize the enemy, as for the shaheds, we have a certain operational pause, we understand that the enemy is stockpiling these deadly weapons accordingly , this is firstly, secondly, maybe the supply of these shaheds has decreased a little, because iran is currently busy and distracted by something, distracted, at least by something else. affairs, but this does not mean that the enemy will not use these shaheds, well, actually there is an enemy ship on duty in the black sea, it is not a missile carrier, let's say so, they go out, demonstrate that they are still there, they are still present, at least a few ships of the black sea fleet are definitely there, but the missile carriers are in novorossiya, as it was , and the enemy is very actively starting to talk about crimea again, they do n't really like our conversations. about the fact that there will be no holiday season in crimea as such, or rather, it will be quite hot for
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the enemy, and this makes them nervous, they throw a lot of things into the information space, and again there they are preparing an attack on odesa, well, i don't even remember what it is already there, what is the sequence of these attacks, so we are working accordingly and we will move on, as i said, i visited odesa last week . there was a delegation of congressmen and a us senator, they in particular visited the transfiguration cathedral of the uoc mp, by the way, they haven’t moved yet, well , in their own time, i think, i think in their own time, and this same cathedral, a dream i had one, after all deacon, i will return to my, let's say, other duties, maybe. i will someday to serve there, well, i really dream about it as part of the orthodox church of ukraine, of course, but
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the residents of odesa, who are constantly suffering from russian shelling, suffer from the same martyrs that you mentioned, mr. serhiy, i just remember, you know, when there the pope has something, sometimes he blurts something out, and then the ukrainians get nervous, and then many ukrainians, they say, turn to the roman catholics of ukraine, to the greek catholics, they say, well, why are you still supporting your... and ukrainian greek catholics and roman catholics that pope is criticized, but the shelling of odesa, the same cathedral of the transfiguration suffered, the community itself, the people of odessa themselves, are they not coming, i don’t know, with some kind of pickets to the cathedral of the transfiguration, and they are not demanding that in the end it transferred to ocu. i will tell you that as far as the region is concerned, it is in our country. gradually this process is being resumed, thank god, because there was a certain stop, and it was primarily for
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political reasons, but now i don't want to go back, because it was all before the full-scale invasion, today we have transitions, today several transitions are still being prepared, we will not talk about it now, as they say, so as not to frighten and offend someone, but as for odessa, everything is much more complicated here, the roots that have been planted over these hundreds of years are clear. .. that you don't immediately cut it by the roots, well , the roots themselves are so rotten, to put it mildly, people understand it all by words, but as for more active actions, let's say. well , it hasn't come to that yet, but i still really hope that what we talked about and the services will be of the orthodox church of ukraine in our cathedral, and the congregations will move, i hope you know how people say, i go to god, this is all clear and it is absolutely true, but who tries to speak on behalf of god in those churches, it is very
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important today, so i hope that it will pass at this time. and we will come to what you are talking about, just if, well, actually, who speaks in the name of god, when cyril tells her that this is a holy war, and ukrainians must be killed, you know, i don’t know, i would after that, whatever it is the transfiguration cathedral was not beautiful, somehow i didn’t go there then, it’s better to turn to god in such a way then in a clean field, i completely agree with you, but... i hope that some odessans are still watching us somewhere there, maybe someone somewhere he was at a crossroads, something clicked in him somewhere, uh, god forbid, god forbid, let's hope for it, uh, besides all that, uh, odeschina was recognized as being in the trinity, but that the three is not so fun for odeshchyna, according to the largest number
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of corrupt people in 2023, mr. serhiy, or on odeshchina? they talk about it and how did it happen that they got into such a top three? well, you know, i always try to answer exactly according to the odessa principle, and maybe we just talk about it more than other regions and do not hide anything, of course such a rating is very doubtful, it is, as they say, not very pleasant on the one hand, but on the other the other thing i really say is that if these issues are raised in the public sphere and such scoundrels are exposed, i think that this is not bad, a time will pass when we will not be in the top three, i i hope it is not included in this rating, because this is what prevents us from living, this is what prevents us from defending ourselves today and prevents us from going to victory, this is without a doubt, so of course these issues are discussed, and it is not very pleasant, but i say once again, we just talk about a lot of things and we are not ashamed of it,
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but for now, we are working, it will be better, there are also lviv region and kyiv region in the top three. together with odeshchyna, too, probably more, it seems to me that where there is more business activity, there is simply more business that complains about manifestations of corruption, since he encounters it more, well, but that, that is, it is usually, as i understand it, measured by surveys and complaints of the participants of the parties themselves, but when people talk about it, then some kind of cleansing takes place, listen, well, sometimes now the head ova is generally a former prosecutor of kyiv, that is, a law enforcement officer, so to speak... this one, as he calls it, has a military bone, and there is a law enforcement bone, so i think that everything will work out here, i hope so, then more revelations are really enough, that's why absolutely true, i say again, we talk a lot about this in the public sphere, this is correct, it helps to live in any case, by the way, about business activity, i was happy to read that argentine investors
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who have already invested in vineyards near odesa, decided to take another 20 hectares for the production of craft wine, we are so used to always, when choosing wine, to give preference there often to argentina or chile, where inexpensive but great wine, here it turns out that people from argentina during the war , at a time when the russians are telling that they are ever they will take odessa away from us, they will calmly invest their money in odessa vineyards. i think those are the best markers that we talk about that show both our confidence and secondly. people, you see, are sure of how everything should end after all, well, actually, you know, when we were shelled very actively, there on april 10, unfortunately, we had casualties, then a lot of ballistics flew into the city, and we got up and in the evening they said, but we have 42,000 tulips in odessa, well, you know that, it seems to me that this is a manifestation of character, to show that
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it hurts, it's bleeding, but we still talk about the beautiful, we hope for victory. will be, we are working on it, well , as much as possible, all of us, as much as possible, but here are these 42 tulips, they reached odessa, they are our partners, allies are passing them on, i don’t know, i have the impression that this is also some form of flower therapy for people who eh, i will say this, we tulips can grow by ourselves, and let the weapons be handed over to us, we are not against weapons, weapons are very necessary, it is true, i will tell you how happy a little child is when i have a full bk, and we know that we will fight back from those shaheds, there is something to shoot at. well, this is absolute confidence in oneself and in one's brothers, well, the fact that these senators visited, do you think, will have any influence? and you look at odessa as a compass... i think that this week there will really be some changes, this is me, you know, so as not to offend, and i think that this visit is possible, because at that time
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a drone was shot down by a russian over odessa, it was very loud, everything was visible in the sky, i think that even they could see it, so it has an effect, you know that, spend the night in odessa, spend the night in kharkiv, and people change, i think that we should most often invite overseas, overseas guests or europeans, let them from... feel it for themselves, because it's good to talk about israel, i'm not talking about this topic at all right now, but it's somewhere somewhere far away, it’s closer here anyway, eh, maybe invite them for the holiday season, in odesa, by the way, it’s abnormally hot, in principle, like everywhere in the rest of ukraine, mr. serhiy, are the people of odesa worried about the fact that such heat, and in april? odessa residents are worried about the fact that there are not enough places on the beaches, and there are limitations, that's why they survived. as far as i know, i have not been to the sea, it is unlikely that i will be this year, but nevertheless i see that the activity of people is very high, well , it is really hot, and the restrictions do not allow
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everyone to go to the beaches or do they check these beaches before going to them at all holiday season, well, let's say this, of course, not all locations are open, as for the beach season, there will be an appropriate order, according to the experience of last year, it was the same. that first security will check everything that has to have comply with these regulations, well, shelters near such places of rest, well , of course there is explosive water, specialists will go through this, look at it, and i think they will give people the opportunity to excommunicate, you just mentioned israel, i remembered a video in israel, a beach, people are resting and here the air alarm signal starts to sound, and everyone, just everyone, as if on cue... runs to shelter, and i remember, oh, mr. serhiy, something went wrong, i just remembered last week there was information that there were people somewhere yes in odesa
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tired, mr. serhiy, you are with us, yes, i just remembered, last week i read information that people in odesa or odesa region were so tired of this loudspeaker from which they could hear the air alarm signal, that they blew it with foam. there is such a thing, unfortunately, there was such a fact, but there is the opposite, and more people ask why the siren signal does not work there, people are worried about it, there are still more such cases, including those responsible for the shelter, so it is a case it was, let's say, unfortunately not all of us are responsible people, so what as for the beaches, i think i would also like to see such a picture, not because i am happy about the unrest there, but because people... are reacting adequately to what is happening, because, you know, the intensity of shelling somehow subsides a little, they start again in a relaxed way, i apologize for the word, and when it is loud,
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they start to follow the rules that they have to follow again, but still , people are more responsible now, we have quite an active combat situation, that's why people are worried and go to shelters , this well, that's good, of course, what would be... it would be better if there were no reasons for alarm, mr. serhiy, we wish you and all the residents of odesa region that, serhii bratchuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south was in touch with us, we talked about what is happening in the south, mr. serhiu says that there will be some surprises, but we will learn about it from him or from someone else later. i would like to remind you that we have a collection going on and we have less than 500 left to make 800,000. dear friends, come on down. join please see on qr codes on their screens, the card number is indicated here, for those who do not know how to deal with those qr codes, please join us, we are moving the collection little by little, for this
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morning, i apologize, you and i already have 17 thousand collected, if i know how to subtract and add well, so we are very grateful to you for this, but we will be grateful for the next hryvnias that will appear in our account, because we need as much as 2 million in total. we are collecting for two brigades and we want for these two teams to transfer some fpv drones, the more fpv drones, the less muscovites and muscovite technology. if you don't have time, for example, to scan the qr code or write down the card number, if you didn't see the announcement, then i'll remind you that you can go to the website. in addition to the fact that you will read interesting news there, in addition to the fact that you will read interesting exclusive information, exclusive materials, exclusive interviews, you can also go to the section. never mind, you'll definitely see this section and it'll list all the meetings held by espresso tv from the first day
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of the full-scale invasion to... we hope to the military, there are meetings that we closed a long time ago, and you probably joined them, then you can see which ones you joined, and there are meetings that are just now working, there are several of them, because the military needs your and our help, so join , please, we are going to take a short break now, we will come back and continue, stay with us, next will be oles malyarevich, deputy commander of the achilles unmanned aerial systems strike battalion. stay with us, it will be interesting. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and functional condition of the myocardium, normalizes heart rate , increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence
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the shipping district, kherson. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of yours time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as. attentive guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, at dinner at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united
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by football, stronger together. well, dear friends, we are back, we continue, there are already 800,000, we have already passed this mark, there are already 802, and 535 hryvnias in our account, so we thank everyone who joins and who hears my appeals for this morning, you and i have already collected about 24 00 hryvnias, we are making good progress, less than 200 00 separates us from reaching 1 million. and this is good, we hope that very soon we will reach 1 million or 800 thousand with you. well, now a word to those for whom we are actually collecting all these of ours, all these of our tools, and oles mylarevich is joining us as the deputy command of the uav strike battalion, the aku ppp, that's what it's called khilets of the 92nd separate str.


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