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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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in the meantime, dear friends, i remind you that at 9 o'clock in the morning we throughout the country honor the memory of those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings to everyone, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting the information week together with you, and on this broadcast we are talking about the following topics: capture. until may 9. this is the task of the russian army set by the higher military leadership - said the head of the armed forces oleksandr syrsky, what is the situation in the city, do the ukrainian forces have enough strength and resources to defend the temporary ravine. russia may be preparing for a large-scale offensive in late spring or summer - writes the financial times. ukrainian and western officials of the publication's source believe that the goal is to capture most of the four regions, and possibly... an attack on
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kharkiv, is moscow really preparing for this? the sound of shakhet drones should be a wake-up call for the free world, zelenskyi said. how the world reacted to the expected iran's attack on israel, why did tehran attack from its territory for the first time, and will there be an escalation in the middle east? only important topics, sharp statements, operational news, join the svoboda ranok broadcast, participate in this broadcast, write yours. and questions in the comments under the video on the radio liberty channel. early in the morning, the forces of the russian federation attacked the center of the city of slovyansk, in donetsk region. according to the correspondent of radio svoboda, serhii horbatenko, from the scene of the incident , a gap formed in the middle of the roadway, which filled with water in the nearby broken windows in high-rise buildings. there are no victims in advance. but the russian troops.
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have advanced near the temporal abyss, this is reported by the analysts of the deep state project, and according to their data, the advance is taking place further east of the city, and this is evidenced by the alleged footage published by the operational and strategic command of the khortets troops, which, according to deep state, show that the zsu struck the russian infantry on the outskirts of country settlements in chasovoy yar. it probably refers to the footage posted on the official osworthitsya telegram channel on the evening of april 13. they are however signed as a defeat of russia. infantry in the area of ​​the settlement of ivanivske, southeast of chasovoy yar. meanwhile, analysts of the american institute for the study of war say that the russian military probably intends to take advantage of the significant shortage of ukrainian artillery and air defense equipment to advance the time gap. this weaponry is of crucial importance for the ukrainian defense, but even during the battles for avdiivka and bahmud, it did not limit the ukrainian army as much as it limits it now, so they say in the us. to the institute of study
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war according to analysts, the russian military command will likely continue to advance at the yard until the effort reaches its climax, but here the advance may be even faster. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr syrskyi , said the day before that the russian command had given its troops the task of capturing yar by may 9. tsirskyi says that russian forces are concentrating their efforts to reach the canal. donets donbass, master the time gap and create conditions for further advancement to kramatorsk agglomeration. the implementation of the enemy’s plans is hindered by the heroic defense of our brigades, which literally bit into the ground, restraining the daily attacks of the enemy, using numerical superiority and various motivational factors, including shootings, separate groups of enemy infantry went to the novy micro-ran, but were destroyed by semi-kamikaze strikes and fire artillery however, the threat remains.
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relevant taking into account the fact that the higher russian military leadership set the task for its troops to capture chasiv by may 9. i would like to note that in his evening address , the president volodymyr zelenskyi also noted that the situation in the eastern direction of the front is more difficult. meanwhile, the russian ministry of defense does not report any successes over the past day near the temporal ravine itself, they say only about the occupied more advantageous positions near kordyumivka, andriivka and klishchiivka, which are in the same direction. about, tell us what is happening in the city now, what is the situation and how powerful is the pressure from the forces of the russian federation? okay, once again, the pressure is quite high, constant shelling, which in in principle, now they actually don’t touch the city, the city is under constant fire and the enemy is using artillery, anti-aircraft missiles, and airstrikes, well
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, in fact, everything they have in their arsenal, everything is being used around the city, how many civilians are left in the city for this? do you have a number at the moment it is 700 people. 700 people, i understand that this figure does not change, especially there during the last weeks. no, in recent weeks we have actually seen a slight increase in evacuations, not one, two, maximum three people changed daily, but in fact every day people left, so the number is slightly reduced, thank god. people understand that being in the city is just not that great, it's really a game and death, so people leave, and a little less remains, but unfortunately, there are still a lot of civilians in the community. you mentioned earlier that
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most of them are older people who stayed and don't want to leave, well , it's clear there from their land, or now these increased attacks. forces, are they an argument for people to still leave? unfortunately, the main argument for evacuation is destruction of housing, unfortunately, this topic works at one hundred percent, then people wave their hands and say that everything is going, but unfortunately, in these options, documents are quite often lost, so people make unnecessary, as they say, trouble for themselves, which then it's very difficult. brothers, i don’t see people starting to leave because of the intensification of shelling, unfortunately, not yet, that is , when the trouble comes directly to their house and there will be nowhere to live, then already, as you you say, this is the last argument for people, but is it possible
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to bring people now during these hostilities there is food, water, everything necessary, as complicated as this work is, at the moment it is still available. but we understand that everything is more difficult - this is one moment, and the second moment, the moment may come when we simply cannot physically do it, we already say this openly, we warn people, there are areas where we can no longer leave - due to the activity of drones, that is why we are working, god willing, we will be able to do it for more than one day, more than one month, the head, mr. said about the fact that... russian troops have a task from of its military leadership to capture the city by may 9, taking into account such information from the head of the commissar, will forced evacuation be possible, are there such mechanisms of forced evacuation for the people who remained in the city? unfortunately, we see from practice that this
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scheme is very complicated: it is practically impossible to force a person to leave his home if he does not want to. after all, we live in a legal country, and so far i cannot say anything, time will tell, i understand correctly that there are no more children, teenagers left in the city, thank god, no, back in the summer of last year, with the maximum, as they say, with the maximum possibilities, we took all the children out, also the head sirskyi said that the russian military had already entered the novy microdistrict, and the zsu took them from there. knocked out, and how many such attempts did you record that the russian military entered there directly during the war? well, this one is more for the military, so let's leave these comments for them. we have just shown you a recording of an interview with serhii chauus, the head
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of the chasovoy city military administration yaru, we recorded this interview the day before there minutes before this live broadcast, and then we will talk directly with a military man about the situation in the city, yuriy fedorenko, commander of the akhiles attack unmanned aerial systems company of the 92nd separate mechanized brigade named after koshovogon ivan sirk. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. glory to ukraine, i will make a small correction to the commander of the battalion and the 92nd separate assault brigade, it is important here why i am not in order to correct you, using airtime, i i would like to say that we are actively conducting a recruiting company, due to the successful execution of combat missions, the company has turned into a battalion, it has become four times larger, so we are looking for motivated, disciplined brothers and sisters for further joint execution of combat missions , it is very important that you... thank you for this and kudos to the heroes. tell us what the situation is like in the city of chasiv yar, does it really
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appear from the actions of the russian forces that they have stepped up and are in a hurry to capture the city by a certain date? well, sirskyi said about may 9. russian occupation troops, most of the various operations are dedicated to certain dates, the dictator putin likes it very much, so the enemy really uses all available shock-assault weapons. in order to realize the task, namely to occupy the city of chasiv. as a result, the enemy conducts assault operations not only in the direction of chasoy yar, directly hitting the forehead, but also bypassing the flanks, trying to storm the actively populated areas of bohdanivske and ivanivs. during the past day, the enemy had no tactical success in the battle in either direction andriyivka, kryshchyvka, nivanivka chasivar, bohdaninka, respectively. also the enemy. already powerful enough information companies, they show every house that they managed to occupy in their information networks as
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a huge gain, although the situation looks completely different, that the defense forces, which are outnumbered, we have less ammunition objectively, and also implements other technical means now for an unrealistic job, i.e., we manage to hold back the mass of the enemy, who is outnumbered many times, at the expense of which it is possible to do this, for account first profession'. of the military, most of whom have been fighting since the beginning of a full-scale war, that is, people have military experience both in management and in the direct execution of combat tasks, and they can pass this experience on to the youth of replenishment. the second is interaction between teams. very often it happens that the reconnaissance means of the brigade, which is located across one neighbor to our left, gives us an adjustment for the destruction of this or that target, or it happens the other way around, that is, interaction, coordination. and the third. this is an endless feat as a ukrainian soldier, yes and the ukrainian nation, because the soldiers
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sometimes implement unrealistic work on polybattle, if the world's army was different, i am sure that it would not be able to cope with this, the ukrainian nation continues to provide defense forces so that we have enough to beat the occupier, here is the totality of these three factors and gives us the opportunity to disrupt the enemy's plans on a daily basis, i am confident that the enemy will not be able to implement their plans... not until may 9, not at all means to the ukrainian forces, because here, for example, the institute for the study of war writes, which i quote: the russian military command probably estimates that the ongoing critical shortage of ammunition in ukraine will allow the russian forces to seize time in a few weeks, this is such a quote, although the institute's analysts determine that this is an unrealistic goal, in terms of the number of forces and for... it is necessary to look in a cross section, if we talk about the artillery of the jet fire system, one doshe, one to
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seven, this is the current reality, that is, for one shot our enemy can to answer us six or seven times, the enemy currently has complete superiority in the air, that is, they actively use aviation, both rotorcraft and attack aircraft, and strike, including with guided aerial bombs, which they have modernized, now they fly more precisely at the target. 500 tons... a 500-kilogram bomb falling in one or another position is very, very much, i understand quite extensively what i am talking about, because unfortunately it so happened that i had to be under the fire of a guided aerial bomb, it is scary enough weapons that in quantity can destroy entire houses if we are talking about positions that are in plantations, forest plantations, if they hit hard, unfortunately, the position is destroyed almost completely, so the defense forces are taking necessary measures to... concealment regarding the introduction mislead the enemy and many other things. if we say, for example
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, about uavs, the enemy prevails in us in wing-type or copter-type reconnaissance means, there mavic mavic is the third. why prevails? because they have direct contracts with china. to the defense forces, the ukrainian government, the ukrainian nation has to import all these copters, i think you yourself know how to look for third countries, to look for alternative sources in order to... fire them on the front line, if we talk about fivi drones, in november at the beginning of the month, the enemy used to have one of our drones, five of theirs, at the moment one to two. to three, i.e. there are more fpv drones in the defense forces, both due to state programs that scale up production, and due to systemic support of the ukrainian nation. if we talk about night bombers, ukraine is here absolutely ahead, there is no enemy of these means, we managed not only to make a means that is effective, that performs a number of tasks, it
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carries a powerful ammunition that destroys the enemy's positions, that is able to hit their lightly armored armored vehicles, that performs. the humanitarian function, that is, it delivers the necessary things to our forward positions, these are medicines and food, and ammunition, and many other things, there were many more of these means in 2023, the beginning of 2024 in the defense forces, so i will once again say the second thing for today, i have a restrained optimism because one way or another, in the absence of ammunition, lack of personnel somewhere, the defense forces manage to do the impossible. we once beat the second army in the world, and when i have short-term business trips, it happens once every two months that i am sent to the city of kyiv for one and a half to two days, a day for travel, conditionally and a day for stay, when i look at how the city of kyiv is alive, for example, not taking into account the rocket attacks, i think what a virtuoso work we all realize together, that the physical cities in ukraine, with the exception of missile
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shelling do not feel that we are in a full-scale war for survival with a super... of course powerful enemy, so optimism remains at a high enough level, and god willing, the united states of america will make the necessary package of correct decisions, and we do get the necessary amount of military aid, firepower, munitions, and most importantly, aircraft, we need to start bringing enemy aircraft to the ground, and this will be possible with f6 aircraft, this is the only way to defeat these guided bomb attacks, about what the president actually is. indeed , he pointed out that it is necessary to simply destroy those planes from which the russian forces drop those bombs into ukraine. thank you, mr. yuri, for participating, thank you for such personal details that you have experienced, also share, tell, it is extremely important, i encourage our viewers to comment, react under this video, and also you have already
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announced a little, more we will really talk , including, about the help from the usa, which is possible already this week. and maybe because of the fact that because of iran's attack on israel, this everything will continue. yury fedorenko, commander of the achilles unmanned aerial systems battalion of the 92nd assault brigade. everything is correct, isn't it, mr. yuri? absolutely right, thank you thank you thank you have a nice day. this is the freedom of the mornings, and really in the comments you write your questions and your thoughts about what you heard. ukraine will not be able to withstand an elite attack by the russian army if it... is without the help of the united states of america, analysts of the american institute for the study of war have come to this conclusion, and according to their data, now the military the armies of the russian federation, which do not take part in active hostilities, are resting and being updated, so that in the future they will be added to the existing units. analysts believe that these reserves will be able to carry out successful attacks, even with poor training and equipment,
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especially if the us delays or does not resume aid to ukraine, as a result of which the armed forces, as before, will not have the necessary artillery ammunition for air defense, already now the forces of the russian federation are attacking in at least three directions that are not united by a common strategic goal, that is quote, so writes the institute for the study of war. we are talking about the lymansky, chasivyarivskyi and pokrovsky directions, and the russian forces are doing this in order to reduce the defense capabilities of ukraine in conditions of lack of weapons. the forces of the russian federation want to force the armed forces to redistribute their defense resources, creating defense vulnerabilities. and... earlier, the financial times wrote that russia could prepare a large-scale offensive in four directions and on four ukrainian regions, including kharkiv. the article says that russian forces may try at the end of spring or summer capture most of the donetsk, kherson, luhansk and zaporizhia regions. kharkiv is allegedly also on this list,
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it is currently being actively bombarded, preparing in this way. meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of troops are being mobilized in russia. issue on... for ukrainian and western officials. oleksandr mosienko, head of the center for military and legal research, joins our broadcast. oleksandr, welcome to our broadcast. thank you for joining. i congratulate you. talks about a possible large-scale offensive by the russian armed forces are not being heard for the first time. but in your opinion, implementation of such a plan, to capture most of four ukrainian regions, donetsk, kherson, luhansk, zaporizhzhia, and go on the offensive against kharkiv. what does it depend on? well, if such a plan exists in the russian federation, what does its implementation depend on? first of all, i'll say, i think it's unrealistic, actually, and this plan is voiced, because different scenarios are studied, it's absolutely... normal, you have to understand that you have to work through any scenarios, even those that can seem less real, in order to prepare for an effective counterattack and
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countermeasures to them, in particular, those that are being discussed, nevertheless, it seems to me that russia will advance in the east, there will be one more plus one or two distracting directions, but now they are being activated under ugledar, i think that ugledar will be the direction the offensive of the russian troops in... as it was, and will be, this height is very important for them, so that we do not reach volnovakha, to the railway junction there, plus pull our forces to the south, precisely to fight for the heights there, the direction of border battles in the kharkiv region will be added, but this is at the moment when russia will draw troops there in greater numbers, and in principle these will be the main directions, however, we must be prepared for the fact that russia will definitely try to create a... let's say, the illusion of what will happen to advance in all directions, as in 2022, because for them this is a technique that involves stretching
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our defense line, our front line, which does not give us, would not give us the opportunity, according to the enemy, to really concentrate on those directions where active hostilities are already underway. today we can say that the russian troops are really arriving, they are even thinking about the rotation of individual units in may. this year, which are losing combat capability, but at the same time, some increase in the contingent, which would indicate that there are tasks to attack simultaneously from three, four, five directions in the south, east, ah, imperceptibly, rather it gives the impression, that this is how it should happen, the direction of the main impact will be right where i said, the east, the southeast, right there on ughledar and kharkiv region, the effort is definitely drag on... the forces there, regarding kharkiv , the financial times wrote that this city is also on the list and that it is currently being actively shelled, preparing in this way, and what does it mean, what does it mean to prepare in this way, how
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can these attacks be preparation, explain please, you understand that, well, in the west, it is very simply perceived that the shelling is massed, which means that it is preparation, that is, there is shelling from aviation, rockets, then artillery, infantry, classic approaches. but this is on the condition that if you hit military facilities, destroy troops, inflict damage to troops and so on, but russia is inflicting damage on civilian objects, as of today, as of today, there are calculations from the beginning of the year, and 97 targets that have been selected, 97% of the targets that have been selected by russia are civilian objects, or objects of critical infrastructure, or just residential buildings, residential areas and so on, only 3% is... or military-industrial purposes there, or military, it is from the fact that russia launches missile strikes, and it seems to me that the attacks on kharkiv are rather
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aimed at just kharkiv destroyed in order to make kharkiv unlivable, because the objects that are supposed to provide heating are being struck, and even now, despite the fact that it is spring, there is no heating season, but it is not known how it will be in the fall. it will be possible to restore everything, the problems with energy are also quite serious, and i think that this is an attempt to show and demonstrate a picture of how the people of kharkiv will flee from there, what conditions are caused, and that russia can then simply enter an empty city in this way , someone will just let them in there and so on, that's why more indicates the continuation of terror, causing demoralization, as a result, the consequence of the flow of refugees directly from kharkiv and supporting all this with active propaganda rhetoric that russia will prepare an offensive on kharkiv, rather than any, let's say, active preparation for
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this. regarding the goal of the russian forces to capture the time of the ivars by may 9, yuriy fetorenko, as soon as the military was involved, he is optimistic about holding the city, but how to hold the time of yar, what is needed for this? definitely need more weapons. need more forces and means, i will not say anything new here, here is a completely banal, understandable answer, because in fact it is necessary, well, you know that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine was in this direction just recently, oleksandr syrskyi got acquainted, as far as we know, the situation has improved somewhat with artillery, i.e. they found certain resources, it is probably supplied to us by the eu countries, now europe is actively implementing it. supplies to improve our artillery capabilities, just in this direction, so that we can make full use of the heights which give us a certain advantage over the
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enemy , and in principle, all measures within the limits of the forces and resources available to the ukrainian troops are applied. i will say that if, you know, i will give a very simple example. ukraine, the ukrainian forces are actually working miracles right now, this is no exaggeration, because we are already five months without major help from the us, and europe is trying, but we understand that they need time, and the ukrainian unlimited resource manages to hold back the advance of the enemy, and russia cannot to use the window of opportunity that... gives time while the usa considers the issue of aid to ukraine, if we had already had a decision earlier, for example, well, at least in february, or in january of this year regarding aid, the russian offensive would have already been stopped, russia would not have advanced as of now under the time gap, it would have been about shelling, about cabs, and artillery strikes, but they would not have advanced, because they would have already been so defeated and exhausted that they would have taken a pause for two -three
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months to... to regroup, resupply and be able to continue hostilities. here it is, here it is in reality, here is an example, in principle, we would have the opportunity to do it, even think about some local counterattacks, and so, as a matter of fact, lacking, let's say, certain types of weapons, the enemy had to, well, managed to approach closer to the time rift, they do have some tactical success in the previous few weeks and there are continuing... alexander, very briefly if you can, about the us aid, could it be that really because of an attack by iran on israel, this aid package, it will somehow speed up, and this week, perhaps, such decisions will already be made in the united states. i really hope for it, there is such a possibility. at least this would be absolutely correct, because it would unite both the democrats who do not support israel and the republicans who do not support ukraine, but support israel. it seems to me that this is a compromise solution that
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would give an opportunity to vote and... thank you for participating, oleksandr musienko, head of the center for military and legal research, was a guest of svoboda ranok. leaders the g7 condemn iran's air attack on israel, adding that iran's actions risk provoking an uncontrolled regional escalation, reuters writes. the white house also promised unwavering support for israel against the backdrop of the start of iran's attack. strongly condemned the iranian mass attack against israel and... the foreign ministry there stated that such actions are absolutely unacceptable, irresponsible and pose a risk of unprecedented further escalation, and such a situation in the middle east, president volodymyr zelenskyi reacted to the attack, he emphasized that quote: israel was not alone in this defense, the threat in the sky was destroyed by the allies, so ukraine says that the allies cannot turn a blind eye to russian missiles and drones, this means that we must act and act strongly,
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taqwa... the ukrainian president . i will remind you that iran launched an air attack against israel at night, against april 14. more than 300 unmanned rockets were fired over israel. this was the first time that tehran directly attacked its main enemy from its own territory. according to the information of the defense army israel 99% of all missiles and drones were shot down, and most of them outside the territory of israel. the jordanian armed forces also joined in repulsing the attack, through the airspace with which the missiles on... they flew at israel. in israel itself, the skies of the country were protected by air defense forces, including the iron dome and david's lament systems, as well as fighter jets of the israeli army and warships of the united states and great britain. in a statement on the x network, iran's mission to the un announced that the launch of drones over israel was a response to an attack on iranian institutions in damascus meanwhile, israel's military cabinet has not yet decided how and when to respond to
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the massacre. the attack by rockets and drones across the country, which happened on sunday night, the times of israel writes about it. the conflict between iran and israel is a long-term confrontation, which is connected, in particular, with the hostile attitude of the leadership of the islamic republic of iran to the state of israel. ihor simovolos, executive director of the center for middle eastern studies, joins our broadcast, mr. igor, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. congratulations, good morning. in your opinion, how do you assess the general reaction of the world to the eyes. iran's attack on israel, biden assured support, but at the same time we heard that in the united states they do not support any counterattack by jerusalem against iran, and in your opinion, is this a sufficient response and will it contribute to a major conflict on there was no exacerbation in the middle east? well, i think that...


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