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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EEST

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for the golden fund of ukrainian culture, he could, that is, that is, the soloist of the philharmonic should go to the infantry, and the tserkach should not, unclear criteria, mr. volodymyr, thank you, thank you very much, there is no more time, unfortunately, for a conversation, volodymyr ariev was with us, the people's deputy of ukraine, european solidarity, well, just now there is a news release with kateryna shirkopoyas. greetings, colleagues, in a moment we will promptly tell you about the most important events. in the morning, the russians struck the center of sloviansk in donetsk region. this was reported by the chief of the city military administration vadim lyakh. the rocket hit near a five-story building.
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a hole formed in the house at the place of impact. information about the victims is still being clarified. one person died, another was injured as a result of enemy shelling in kharkiv oblast. this was reported by the head of the regional military administration oleg syneguv. russians attacked the chuguyiv kharkiv and kupyan districts, damaged multi-apartment and private residential buildings. by no. cheny economic buildings. an elderly man was blown up by an enemy mine in the village of martove man, he was hospitalized with serious injuries. three people were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. the occupiers targeted the residential quarters of several settlements. three high-rise buildings and 15 private houses were damaged, oleksandr prokudin, head of the regional military administration, said. also.
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the russians hit the object of critical infrastructure, as well as the gas burners, the gas leak has now been eliminated. a woman was killed by russian shelling in the vasylkiv district of zaporozhye, another man was injured in naked fields this was announced by the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. in total, the enemy attacked seven populated areas of zaporozhye, including artillery and rocket fire. volley fire systems and drones. the number of injured as a result of a rocket attack in dnipropetrovsk region has increased to 13. among the injured is a 15-year-old boy, said the head of the regional military administration serhiy lysak. as a result of shelling , 33 private houses in nivochchyna, 10 cars and a forklift were damaged. two men who... repaired electrical networks, got it
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injuries in chernihiv oblast, their official car ran into an explosive device and exploded. this was announced by the head of the region vyacheslav chauos. the workers were hospitalized with serious injuries. attacks on russian oil refineries do not affect the global energy market. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba. according to him. attacks on the energy infrastructure of the occupiers have consequences only for the dictator putin's regime. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs noted that the partner countries will be able to set conditions if they transfer ukraine has effective means of air defense. let me remind you that the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin , said that the recent attacks of ukraine on russian oil refineries could affect the world markets, so he called to avoid this, so to speak, form
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of escalation. they reached a consensus on aid to ukraine and israel. this week, the senate will try to help both countries. this was announced by senate majority leader chuck schumar at a press conference in new york. according to him , us president joe biden had a telephone conversation with congressional leaders. now the best solution was deemed to be to pass a supplementary national security law which... excludes aid to both countries. let me remind you that one of the draft laws on support of ukraine and israel for 95 billion dollars was adopted by the senate back in february. this aid has not yet been brought to the house of representatives for a vote by speaker mike johnson. it is time for restraint. un secretary general antónio guterres called on the countries of the middle east to de-escalate. he stated this during from the emergency meeting
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of the united nations security council. according to the words guterres, there is currently a need to avoid any aggression that could lead to military confrontations. so he called for an end to the conflict between israel and gaza. i said last night that i condemned iran's attack on israel. i call for an immediate end to these hostilities. i also remind all un member states that the charter prohibits the use of force against the territorial integrity of any state. i have already spoken about this when condemning the attack on the iranian consulate in dammam. in april, we are jointly responsible for providing immediate cessation of fire in the gas, immediate release of all hostages and unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid. us president joe biden does not believe that iran's attack on
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israel will turn into a full-scale war in the middle east, white house adviser john kirby said. he also declined to speculate on whether states would support a potential recall. response from israel-iran. according to kirba, israel has not yet made any decision on the next step. and the high school will be turned into specialized lyceums. the ministry of education chose the first 25 academics institutions that will test the reform. in the future, they will become mentors for others. by september of this year, each region must prepare a project of a network of specialized lyceums. our dmytro didora knows what changes await high school students and when the reform will start. the reform of secondary education is the next step in the development of the new ukrainian school. nushivtsi will be the first to experience it . now these children study in the sixth grade. structural changes will fall on their
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10th-12th grades of high school. you can hear from parents that, for example, programs overloaded, yes, that children study a lot, the programs are overloaded, including... the increase in the number of years allows, well, to unload this program a little. the reform of vocational secondary education envisages that after the ninth grade, students will have the choice of entering either an academic or a professional lyceum. the first involves preparing students for admission to a higher education institution, where they will be prepared for future student life. and the professional direction involves mastering a profession and obtaining a full secondary school diploma education the next step is to enter the market. of work, students will be able to choose study profiles, subjects and courses for in-depth study and prepare for mastering a profession at school. vocational guidance, which will begin at the basic level, will also help in this. our goal, first of all, for the child to have more subjectivity, was the choice, first the choice
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of profile, then the choice of a part of the subjects within the profile. since 2009, kolomyia lyceum number 9 has been practicing the choice of specialized studies, they started with... physics-mathematics, and today they already have four directions. pre-professional training begins in the fifth grade, so that it is easier for children to decide which specialization they like. this helps graduates to pass the national multi-subject test better. we see that children from the physics-mathematics class pass mathematics just flawlessly, they feel very comfortable, and they pass tests as a specialized education, as specialized classes, chemical and biological. the profile is simply incredible, we already have a lot of our own doctors, the educational institution also introduced additional electives and its own scientific society, high school students practice writing term papers, and then, when the children come to us already from
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universities, they say how good it is that you taught us this, because it is simply very easy for them to write term papers already in universities. they say they are ready to implement the reform at the kolomyia lyceum. but have their own wishes, it is necessary to reduce the load on children in these specialized classes, i.e. give no more than eight or ten subjects, so that it is not 14, 15, 16, it is not that it is difficult for children, it is just a waste of time, the number of subjects will really be reduced to 12 instead of 17, says the secretary of the parliamentary committee on education, nataliya pipa, this is an opportunity to conditionally not teach those subjects to which you are not qualified. are not your relatives, as skovoroda said, to try it in high school, and the plan should be that in the 10th grade you can choose one profile and try that it does not suit you conditionally, in the 11th-12th - and to change, it is by design, so now we will see how it will be. currently, there is a discussion about the creation
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professional lyceums, most likely they will be opened on the basis of schools. today , only 35% of students in ukraine choose specialized education after the ninth grade. the reform should increase the number of applicants to 45. as early as next year , about 100 more educational institutions should join the 25 schools selected by the ministry. reform in 2027. plan to implement at the national level. dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich and dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. and i remind you about our assembly: the intelligence unit of the third regiment needs means of communication and security special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720,000. we already have more than 100 00 hryvnias in our accounts, we are not delaying, the war continues, and the help of each of us is essential, every
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hryvnia of yours is of great importance, you can now see all the details on your screens to find out more interesting and relevant information , subscribe to our site, then my colleagues lesya vakolyuk are waiting for you on the air and andriy saichuk, don't switch. well, let's go back to our analysis, first of all, we will now analyze the situation at the front based on what is happening now and try to look a little into the future, of course, which is of great interest to all of us during the war. ivan varchenko will help us in this, i hope, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, an expert on national security, mr. ivan, congratulations. good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, first of all, good news, and
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information appeared that it seems that an agreement has been reached in the american parliament, regarding aid to ukraine, they declared in the us senate that there is, in fact, the leader of the majority in the us senate, the democrats, democrat chuck schumer stated that there is already a consensus with the congress, that is, it is meant with... representatives, with by the house of representatives and we hope that the aid will be voted on in the near future. we do not yet know to what extent. it's clearly late, but it's probably a good sign of what we expect in this aid package, how quickly it will actually appear on the front lines. so, it is clear that ukraine has already paid its price for this time, which was wasted by the american congress. and, to be honest, i would wait for good news in the form of. the decision of the congress of the united states, because we remember how many times over the course of two or even three
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months we have already seen rather optimistic forecasts from the members of the senate, various, including not only democrats, but also republicans, but at the same time congress eventually found reasons either on the last day of the vote or the day before to prevent the vote from happening. therefore, let's hope that this week the issue of these 95 billion will be resolved, of which more than 60 billion is provided for the defense of ukraine, and let's hope that this aid will come, at least that part of it, two types of aid have already been declared there, one is immediately the one that arrives, and the other is the one that activates the defense-industrial complex for the production of the appropriate... projectiles and means for ukraine, then let's hope that the one that is in the priority mode
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will come to ukraine quite quickly and help u.s in those defensive battles, which today are quite, quite tough, and tomorrow does not promise to be easier, and we are usually waiting for anti-aircraft defense means, firstly, secondly, shells, thirdly, airplanes, so that we can to be, it was possible to be much more effective in defensive battles, which we expect in the near future due to the fact that the russians have concentrated their forces and means now around the ukrainian front line and near the ukrainian border. if you look at the titles of the publications dedicated to it attempts to predict what will happen during the summer, autumn, in the theater of military operations in ukraine with... now the western media, they seem to be competing, sometimes it seems, you know, with apocalyptic forecasts, who
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will come up with the most terrible disaster, well, for example, there is no i know whether ukraine can lose already this year, or whether the russians will be able to capture kharkiv, whether they will break through the front with large forces and will advance on kyiv, and so on, but on the other hand, i read the russian independent military expert yuri fedorov, who, for example, says , that he has very big doubts that russia will be able to mobilize 300,000 of these, these promises, he says that he has no doubts that it will be possible to mobilize 3,000, and for... a million is needed, but he says that he does not see how, how will russia be able to arm them, and he said that there simply isn’t the right number of officers, that is , you can just gather a bunch of people who will not solve anything at all at the front, that is , maybe we, or whether we have not fallen now, there you have it, landowner faltered, and now we have too
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pessimistic optics on russia's capabilities, here are the coming months, how should we... feel about all of this? understanding the low start from which we are entering the period of spring-summer sex work, then i would not make too optimistic forecasts regarding, for example, the liberation of ukrainian territories on a large scale, because for this we really need means, these means will be appear, will appear in the near future, we understand that the shells we have already mentioned and... such, guaranteed, promised, and they are already on their way, shells, when we talk about shells, they are already going to ukraine, and already are strengthening our areas of the front, that ka, as for aircraft, we also expect may-june, these are extreme promises that we heard from our partners, that several dozen
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aircraft such f-16 will be able to destroy russian superiority in the sky and... russia now has a competitive advantage in the form of using cabs on the front line, but at the same time we will have a hard and boring job of destroying those hundreds of thousands of russian citizens whom the russian authorities, some of them voluntarily, threw into the crucible of the ukrainian-russian war, we will of course we will destroy, as well as every one of... the invader and occupier who comes to our land, it is important for us in this destruction, of course, to have a sufficient number of means, whether there will be any successful actions, the liberation of the occupied territories, i would like, so in it is to be believed, one would like to see such a release, and we hope, of course, like every
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general staff, like every planning in time of war on the part of the defending party, the party. which is responsible for the protection of its territory, it also foresees a scenario of liberation occupied territories and the expulsion of the enemy, but i also understand that we will definitely not go to exchange in infantry shooting battles, and we will be able to carry out effective means, measures of offensive actions only when we have an advantage in the corresponding ... technologies in appropriate weapons, first of all in airplanes, can we predict that for some time the ukrainian army will still be forced to retreat, leaving some territories that are difficult to hold, and how should we react to this, we traditionally do not
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predict such things, understanding , that we we do everything that depends. from us, which lies within our capabilities and super-capabilities, and of course, it happens during war that in order to preserve the potential for the liberation of territories, it happens that the defending army is forced to withdraw from one or another territory, so it happened more than once in the ukrainian-russian war, and in that case we were forced to flee. to kick their heels out of our land, with the literal understanding of this word, liberating large masses of ukrainian territories from the russians, so the russians did not have similar ones, never once similar to her happiness during this war, if we exclude their successes in conquering territories
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in the first days of the great war, the first days of the offensive, when large ukrainian territories remained practically... undefended, they had the opportunity to occupy them, when the front stabilized, when the ukrainian defense stabilized, it was, it was exhausting work with the expense of hundreds of thousands of its soldiers on the part of russia, in order to take some small settlement, at best, of the district level, so in this case it is possible. any dynamic is possible on the front line, but with today's approach to fortification, i hope that the stability of our... defense will be much higher than it was a year and even six months ago, we were just showing now about the drone flight, these are approaches, as i understand it, to there is no work, and we can see how densely,
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literally every piece of land is sown with shells, mines, bombs, that is, everything, everything around, and in the steppe it is incredible, i think, it is difficult to get such loans. in any case, hard battles are waged, just now, during the yar, as well as to hold such positions in the steppe, not having an advantage in artillery or parity, are there any good solutions for this, well , miracles, there is no miracle here that could be rationally explained, ukraine has demonstrated a miracle more than once, but we... i also think even our attempts to explain how it happened in the memoirs somewhere and lay down rational explanations, they will be quite
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strained, because indeed we with extremely low scarce resources, but we allowed ourselves to be restrained both at the beginning of the great war and during the offensive battles, we practically refuted . military classics theory, which predicted that for a successful, effective war, for successful or effective offensive actions under such and such conditions and circumstances, such and such forces and means are needed, and the ukrainians showed that they have tens of times less forces and the means achieved success, that is, at the same time, we, well, we understand that this is a big price paid for with the great blood of ukraine. on keeps its territory, its land, so of course now we are talking first of all about means, means that are definitely available in the civilized world, and you and i already
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they also repeatedly talked about the military-industrial complex, which is capable , if desired, of activating and producing a sufficient number of 155 mm projectiles for the types of weapons that are available in ukraine, and weapons including... tanks, of which our partners have thousands, even tens of thousands, at the same time, when the war is going on in ukraine, we are talking about unfortunate dozens of tanks of all modern generations. we are talking now about several dozen aircraft, when about 5 thousand f-16 are currently in warehouses and at the disposal of our countries partners, in those countries over which enemy planes do not fly. we are talking now about hundreds of anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems. which our partners have, at the same time ukraine has been begging for units of these air defense systems for a long time and with great losses to protect the land over which dozens
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and hundreds of enemy missiles and various other means of influence fly every day, so of course there is an absolutely sincere dialogue, discussion, the good will and desire to protect freedom and democracy on the part of our partners will greatly speed up the end russia, maybe... of course, we also have human potential for this, and now of course we are talking first of all about technical potential, well, and literally briefly about the law on mobilization, waiting for its signing, as far as it decides, how optimal it is for now solution to the situation with a lack of personnel, it is not optimal, this is the law on which... we need to work and work, at the same time , work not optional, not on the knee, but work thinking how we will do the mobilization and the process of involving citizens
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of ukraine to the protection of its homeland, er, first of all in the plane of persuasion, in the plane of dialogue with society, and in the last place , resorting to repressive or coercive measures, and... actually , the legislator will have to work on this, as a starting version , as a basic framework option. let this be the beginning, but then we need to think not primarily about the repressive scenario, but primarily about the argumentative scenario. and these arguments can be sought and found for businesses that are now trying to maintain some competitive positions and provide taxes and for people. who today sit somewhere deep in the basements and live off the grandmother's pension, hiding from everyone, it is clear that he will become a warrior only when
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he is open. to present these arguments not only in the form of punishment, but primarily in the form of an incentive, incentives, including moral and psychological incentives, when his wife, daughter or mother will say to his son or man, go and defend the homeland, that way will be more correct, that will be there we will rather bring our victory closer, but these things are much, much less where you have to really think, where it is necessary to produce. ideas that will allow a person to stand with his head held high in defense of his homeland, we have to look for an example in the same israel, which shows an impressive spirit and power of mobilization, a united society from fear, a person fights there, but understands with dignity and that that the state is its partner and not an enemy in the defense of the motherland, so we will also have to think about how to form
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a partnership. relations between state institutions, between people, between collectives of people, over this law, i think, will continue legislators should work, and i hope that they will have enough strength, wisdom and intelligence to make it much more perfect, closer to effective global practices. well, the ball is in the court of the parliament, indeed now ivan varchenko, thank you very much for this conversation, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, an expert on national security issues, let's take a short break. stay with us, next we will have andrii gerus, people's deputy, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on energy, we will talk as we we will survive the next winter, and if the russians continue to so successfully attack our thermal and hydroelectric power plants, stay, tired of the heavy hoses that are constantly
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