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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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stronger! we continue, this is a big ether, i remind you, my name is zima, and we add dmytro razomkov, people's deputy of ukraine, to the conversation. let's talk about domestic political issues. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you. glad to see and hear. let us start with the mobilization law. which was adopted, very briskly, it continues to be discussed, to be discussed in society, of course, the main complaint about the fact that the norm on demobilization was never written, explain, well, first of all to the people, the audience, why, what are the options, and what was possible to tell the deputies, representatives of the higher command, about that, and how will this issue be resolved? look, the law is unique. in fact, because
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he does not solve any of the questions put before him both regarding mobilization and demobilization, these questions, questions of rotation, are not raised there, and here we are, just to return with our team on a business trip, immediately after its approval, we went to the front, were in zaporozhye, in the kramatorsk direction and talked with the soldiers, i understand that it is a little more difficult for the commanders there to talk about it, but for the ordinary soldiers... there it does not interfere with anything, they are completely demoralized by the fact that they were abandoned, this is actually a quote, so that the issue of demobilization was brought up by the government, it was not proposed by the deputies, it was done by the president through the government, they submitted this norm of 36 months, and everyone was set for 36 months, because it is too much, but nevertheless, it would be at least some you know, the light at the end of the tunnel, when at... they removed it and plus when
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they removed it and did not support, for example, our proposals for rotation, the guys have a complete lack of understanding, every second person says, look, we are fighting from the 24th and before ... or when the installation or when we will be disabled and thus be able to get to our relatives, this is a very serious blow to the morale of our defenders, and plus it is completely unfair and dishonest towards them, on the one hand they understand that mobilization is necessary for to exchange them for someone else, but mobilization goes from 24.02, what is being told today that this is a law on mobilization is a lie. the nonsense that the office of the president and the satellites attached to them are spreading, because the mobilization in our country is going on during the entire period of a full-scale invasion, this is a law that today creates completely new realities of life and by and
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large does not add anything new or useful, only creates problems, why, they don't really want to talk about it in the president's office, in the cabin and in the monomajority, but before... he will give the results only in 6 months, because a month for the law to come into force, two months to update data from the tsc and 3 months to complete basic military service, this is what i call the ideal conditions that can be, objectively, it will give people realistically in eight or even more months, because there is still combat coordination, there are still documentary wires and many other things that affect this process, nevertheless, he... has already created many negative consequences, firstly, you all know that even since january he hit the the financial sector of the ukrainian economy at the level of russia did at one time, because at the beginning of the full scale, there was more
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money taken out of the accounts, not less money, sorry, than after this bill came out, at the same time it hits business, because when... put the state's responsibility for mobilization on business, this is absolutely not their function, there is no additional money, additional people, etc. for this, and this will lead to the fact that people will go into the shadows, people will be laid off, people will work illegally, this will not fill the state budget, with which is financed by the ukrainian army, the ukrainian armed forces and all other units that defend our state, that is , in this bill there is either stupidity or... sabotage much more than it is already clear today, we tried to convey this to colleagues in the hall , but i am sure that our tv viewers also saw this shameful meeting, when one of the most important laws was considered during the entire period
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of the full-scale invasion, there were about 30 people's deputies in the hall, sometimes it came to the point that members of our association there were generally more intelligent politicians than... representatives of the monomajority, it's a shame, i don't understand at all how the next day they looked into the eyes of 16 cambrigs, lavko, the chief of the general staff, etc., because they applauded there a lot, let would offer the officers and our defenders to come the day before and see how the deputies worked, it would definitely be much more effective, and they would understand who is thinking about the state and who is thinking about their own. then there was a statement, and then there was a statement on the air, well the former deputy minister of defense, now she is engaged in communications, in the position of an adviser in the ministry of defense, and hanna maleraka said that you did not read the constitution when you went to war, you should have understood that the country, while the war continues, there will be no demobilization, then they found out that
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the constitution does not say anything like that, at the same time people said very adequate things, they wrote that wait, it is said in the constitution about the five-year term of the president, article 103 of the constitution of ukraine, so well ... we well, we all understand that now there is and will be a president, nothing has changed yet, but i simply appealed to the constitution, then, too, well, let's find out then, then it turned out that nothing of the kind was written in the constitution, and already today mrs. mahler , well, she said that she did not know that such a thing had happened in the ether, but it was, but it was a very clear signal such that, well, you see, it was necessary to think that way and as a question, well, if possible briefly, but still how to choose people for communication who will speak clearly, and with... respect and to to the military and to those who can become a military man, and why does it always happen to us, well, very, very often, at least these are the things that are interpreted later and have a bad effect on society, and it is very easy to select people and for communication for any what other directions, not according to the principle
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of someone else's own, but according to the principle of professionalism and according to the principle of whether a person thinks what he carries on live air or not, and in general, such expressions look like a version of pro against the state, if someone from the opposition, have already started a criminal case, that is, she said that the guys who went to defend the state on the 24th at the moment when in... the president did nothing to prepare the state for defense, when the cabinet went to lviv, ivano-frankivsk and mukachevo, when half of the security forces department went outside the capital and ran away, the boys took up arms and went to defend their state, and she offered them to hide or run away from this state, because otherwise you will be enslaved forever, that is , they have no cities at all that they.. the minister of defense said that the military had asked for it take 30 from them, i'm already waiting for them
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to come out, they will say that today shmigal said that he does not see the expediency of taking money from a single marathon and sending it to the army, but i'm just here for you to understand , in two years of full-scale invasion of the party, all parties, servant of the people, homeland, er, vote, all parties received, which are represented. in the parliament received 1.2 billion hryvnias. 1.2 billion. and when i and our colleagues of sensible politics submitted amendments to several laws to remove funding parties for the duration of a full-scale war, well , for the duration of martial law, and to transfer them, to redirect them to the armed forces of ukraine, you know what they tell me, and this is inappropriate, you understand, it cannot be done, as with... we will be without this money , and how will we print newspapers? i would like to show you that the servant of the people
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is now printing party newspapers in february and distributing them near the subway. they printed 50,000 copies. they have a conscience at all, when the boys do not have, do not have shells, do not have ammunition, do not have drones on the front the key, today the key request from the defenders is this. this is what is needed for the army, let's count how many drones could be bought for 1.2 billion, night, we just take a night drone, which costs from 200 to 280 uah and divide it, and we get 100 uah, and we will get the result, and they transfer it to toilet paper as their newspapers, telling how the president met with rishosunak, and we will somehow survive without this information. it is true, but people will not survive without drones at the front, absolutely, in our country there literally a minute and a half, i am very brief,
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because this is a question that will be very good, let it be not this, but the other way around, but the coalition, it generally exists in the majority in the parliament, if i can take a moment, but it is interesting, well, yes, it exists, this is looking at the last votes, this is the servant of the people, this is the opposition platform for life, the two groups that once entered there. but unfortunately, they were joined by the trust that voted for the removal of demobilization, voted for the future, which also did not support demobilization, unfortunately, the homeland cast two votes, and we received 227 one more vote than necessary to make this shameful law a law where there is no demobilization for our defenders, i think that let all the ...
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demobilization, yes, as malya says, until the end of the war, this is a new coalition, and the monomajority has not been there for a long time, they do not have 226, i think it has been a year and a half, so for sure, you can look at the voting results, on average they they give 170, 190 votes, everything else is selected at the expense of other factions, but this is done because the office of the president, the president... sets such and such a task, because today there is no parliament, no cabinet, there is a president who is responsible for everything, i understand that he does not like it when they say the truth, but when he talks about the fact that the law on mobilization was written by the military, it is a lie, and the deputies did not write it either, they wrote it, it was written in the office of the president, without rotation, without demobilization and without real mobilization in order to change guys at the front. we we will stay with you, stay with us, please mr. dmytro, we will continue. conversation in just a few minutes, and dmytro razomkov, people's deputy of ukraine, he will be
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there with us in two or three minutes, now i will ask serhiy rudenko, the host of the verdict program, to tell what will be discussed in his broadcast, which starts at 8 p.m. serhiy, good evening, please, good evening vasyl, today we will have two guests, major of the armed forces of ukraine special agent ihor lapin and diplomat volodymyr yelchenko, let's talk about the battle of times. putin ordered his orcs to capture the key city by may 9. the armed forces of ukraine hold their positions in the conditions of a shortage of shells and. personnel and are waiting for the decision of the congress of the united states of america to allocate 61 billion dollars to ukraine, and of course, all this is happening against the background of iran's attack on israel, we have seen how the allies and those who support israel have supported this
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state, more than 150 targets in one night they... shot down outside the state of israel, and an absolutely logical question arises, why exactly this did not happen and does not happen in ukraine. we will talk about all this with ihor lapin and volodymyr yevchenko, and in addition, with the former permanent representative of ukraine at the un, mr. yelchenko, we will talk about the chinese plan for ukraine. today, olaf scholz flew to china and it is obvious. the conversation with representatives of beijing will be quite tough, including regarding the future of ukraine, well, at least that's how we would like it. in the second part of our program, which will start at 21:15, we will talk about how it will happen mobilization in ukraine and how
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some norms of mobilization are actually being interpreted now. of the law, including former representatives of the authorities, ex-deputy minister of defense of ukraine hanna malyar quarreled live with inna sofson, she is a people's deputy of ukraine, and the reason for this was the absence of a norm in the law on mobilization, on demobilization, what happened there, i will tell you in detail. at 21:15, in addition, a loan from trump, as he believes that money from the united states of america should be in the form of a loan or loans, and we will also mention the lviv customs officers who work, as they say, a little for the state and a little for themselves.
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we start in 13 minutes at 20:00 vasyl zima's big broadcast continues. word to you thank you, serhiy, the 20th verdict program by serhiy rudenko, well, we're coming back, we'll continue the conversation with people's deputy of ukraine dmytro razunk, we'll have four or five more minutes to be exact. mr. dmytro, now we will talk a little about international issues, well, actually this week there is hope that the issue of aid will be brought up for consideration, including ukraine. in your opinion, will it be a conversation about helping ukraine and israel, or in light of iran's latest attack will they now talk about israel, and ukraine will get out of order again. in a strange way, in fact the situation with israel does not give us optimism, there is a negative trend, we understand that russia will use it to the maximum in order to reorient aid to israel, so that ukraine does not receive it, but it was already clear, unfortunately , we
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have enough of our useful specialists, which are simply not used. not parliamentary expressions because both the ministry of foreign affairs and the office of the president, they do not have a strategic plan on how to work with the republicans, how to work with the democrats, it resembles the behavior of a stop on the right, a stop on the left, and absolutely does not meet the challenges that exist today, there kuleba talked about , that the calm diplomacy has already ended, i wanted to hear the following: what he will do, because before that he declared that if you want, we will dance, if you want, we will dance, i think that he can say that about himself, and not about the ukrainian people, because the ukrainian people have never danced in front of anyone , unlike some great and not -so-great politicians, therefore, objectively, we should have
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a strategy for our international policy both in the united states of america and... and in europe, unfortunately, based on what i see, today, fortunately, i am probably not part of the government, but based on what i was taught at the institute of international relations, this strategy is completely absent, and we can today because i see some there movements in the direction of the republicans, and this is important, it is correct, because objectively we have to work on ensuring that we have two parties and two canvases. support, but based on what we have today, we may not get, we may not get republican support and we may lose democratic support because of that loan, that policy that's... done by the office of the president, done by the state department and everybody else who is included in this process, even if there is no right to do so. that's why today
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we should hope that we will receive help, but objectively, in today's realities, it is not due to the fact that the ukrainian authorities are doing something, but it is due to the fact that our international partners may finally understand that without their help. it will be harder and harder for ukraine to hold on every day, we will pay a colossal price for each such day, prices, this price is measured by the life and health of our citizens and our defenders, since we have very little time, i i will not ask a broad question about the peace summit in switzerland in june, well, actually, there is still time until june, i think we will still talk, i am what worries ukrainians more now, and what is being talked about in... is it just that it won't happen, it won't happen, no, who is he, because the president will never, never accept, especially
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in today's realities, the opinion of others, especially if this opinion is more intelligent than his, he focuses on five or six managers, today these managers have become even fewer , will soon focus on himself and on the mirror, thank you very much for. thanks for the professional comments. dmytro razimko was with us, people's deputy of ukraine, and in the past the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. i will remind ah, now sport news from yevhan pastukhov. let's see the 24th round of the ukrainian premier league did not disappoint with results. most of the matches ended with the result 1:0 or 1:1. cherkasy lnz won on monday. above the rivne heather. the only goal at the beginning of the second half was scored by cherkassy striker oleksiy khoblenko. lnz has 29 points and is in ninth place in the championship. verez is outside
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the top ten with 13 points. on the eve championship leader donetsk shakhtar beat vorskla in poltava. 1:0. luhansk zorya beat odesa chornomorets by the same score, and zhytomyr polisssia beat kovalivsky kolos. on saturday, dynamo-kyiv is away. defeated alexandria - 1:0. capital obolon drew with zakarpattia minaj - 1:1. points were also shared between lviv movement and kryvorizky kryvbas. 1:1. historical gold of apothecaries. bayer leverkusen won the german championship title for the first time in history. hubby alonso's team won early first place in the 29th round of the bundesliga. leverkusen defeated bremen wert with a score of 5:0 at their home stadium. bayer added a remarkable record to his victory. in the match against werder, xabi alonso's men extended their unbeaten streak in the bundesliga from the start of the season to 29 matches. in this way
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, the leverkusen team set a new championship record. in total, bayer's unbeaten run in all competitions now stands at 43 matches and the season is still going. first of all, to be part of leverkusen's history, to win the bundesliga for the first time, is great. and now. it's time to celebrate it, we deserved it not only because of the result but also because of how we achieved it and it's incredible. finally, to say that leverkusen became the champion of germany is a great honor, everything is fully deserved for this team, these fans, this club, not only for this team, but also for the coaches, players, directors of the past. many people have fought for this title, so we are the result of a lot of work over many years. for 42-year-old xabi alonso, this is the first trophy in his coaching career. the spaniard won three times silver salad bowl as a player, defending the colors of bavaria. at the end of march, alonso
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announced that he would continue to lead bayer next season. the national team of ukraine has two awards after the second stage of the 2024 world cup in rhythmic gymnastics. victoria onoprienko and teisia onofriychuk won bronze medals at the competition in sofia, bulgaria. victoria got a bronze medal in exercises with maces. she also placed fourth in the ribbon exercise. instead, onofriychuk became the third here. for 15-year-old taisia, the bronze in sofia is the debut at the level of the world cup competition. in the medal count of the series, the national team of ukraine is in ninth place after two stages. well, now is the time. to talk about the weather and what it will be like in ukraine tomorrow, my colleague natalka didenko will tell us, and yes, if she is with us, well, because i want to. i wanted
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to congratulate ms. natalya, okay, then i’ll give her the floor, let’s listen, watch, april greetings to everyone, our dear viewers, today is the peak of spring, the middle of spring, the middle of april, the most beautiful, in my humble opinion, the time when everything blooms, everything is tender, spring and spring, especially now reminds... a beautiful young girl, and of course, like every beautiful young girl, she can be a little capricious or capricious, why am i already using such a comparison, because the current week, which awaits us now, will turn out, well, maybe not as we would like wanted, it will be cold, there will be a lot of rain, atmospheric fronts will cross ukraine,
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cyclones will come to our territory, which will actually cause... in the rains and because of the cooling in the west, for example, even wet snow is possible in places. very important information, especially for summer residents, gardeners, gardeners, farmers, in the second half of the week there is a chance of frosts, if the sky is not covered with dense rain clouds, we know that frosts usually happen, occur when the sky is clear, when it clears up, and if the sky is covered with clouds, then it may just be cold, but without frosts, this information, or rather this forecast, of course needs to be clarified, we will talk to you about this every day, i will carefully monitor the development of the synoptic situation, but for now i would just like to warn everyone that this week it will be mostly cold, there will be a lot of rain, unfortunately, except for the southern part, there complains about such dry, very dry air, dry
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land, well, for now, it is still raining. will prevail in the west, north, center and east. for now, the air temperature remains high, also in some regions of ukraine. we will talk about this when we talk about the weather forecast for the next day a little later. well, actually, we talked about the current coming week, now we move on to our traditional sub-section magnetic the storm the forecast chart is now for your attention, and it shows that there will be small fluctuations tomorrow. i.e. no powerful, strong or even moderate magnetic storms are predicted there, i hope that everyone will feel well, and we actually move on to the weather forecast for the next day, tomorrow will be synoptically very heterogeneous, we traditionally start our forecast from the western regions, tomorrow even within the boundaries of the western regions, the weather will be colorful, because it is in the extreme west the air temperature in some places may drop
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even to... well below 10°, for example, in ternopil region, khmelnytskyi region, in chernivtsi region it will be much warmer, rainy weather will prevail, there will be thunderstorms in places in the west, please do not be afraid. there will also be a lot of clouds in the north of ukraine tomorrow, there will be periodic rains, thunderstorms are also possible. the air temperature is moderate +16, +19°. in the eastern part of ukraine, it is holding back for now... well, you can say summer, because there the air temperature will fluctuate within limits 23-26° above zero, without precipitation, rain is possible in kharkiv oblast in the evening. in the central part of ukraine, rain is likely only in vinnytsia, in some places in cherkasy, finally , the central territory without significant precipitation, the air temperature is 23-26°, also very warm, it will be a little cooler in vinnytsia +19 +21. in
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the southern part of ukraine also tomorrow. the weather is still warm, 22-26° above zero, precipitation is not expected in the south of ukraine, and in kyiv tomorrow, april 16, the weather is expected to be cool +17 +18°, well , the air temperature is quite moderate so far, but in in the capital tomorrow there is a chance of rain, sometimes with a thunderstorm, in the future, as i have already said, fresh, even cold weather will prevail almost everywhere, in the second half of the week there is a chance of frost, this is the nearest synoptic ukrainian perspective, carefully monitor the weather forecasts on espresso channels. i thank natalka didenko very much and congratulate her on her birthday in absentia, but now i 'm not selling, i'm not selling a word, then the verdik program with serhiy rudenko, let's watch it together, it will be interesting.


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