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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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greetings, time of news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. a storm is raging in ukraine due to strong gusts of wind in one of the districts of zaporizhzhia, tree branches fell on a residential building, five balconies and windows were damaged, the state emergency service said. also, due to bad weather conditions, emergency power outages were introduced in the dnipropetrovsk region, in particular in kryvyi rih, hospitals and critical infrastructure switched to generators. council.
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un security has placed responsibility for incidents at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in russia. permanent representative of ukraine serhiy kyslytsia said that the russians are trying to blame ukraine for the attacks on the nuclear plant in order to remove the issue of deoccupation of the facility from the agenda. according to him, the only cause of all risks to nuclear security is the unjustified war of the russian federation against ukraine. the russians could launch drones at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant from the temporarily occupied territory of ukraine. this was announced in grinpece. according to military analysts, the drones used in the attack have a short range up to 15 km. in this way, the occupiers accused ukraine of an attack and irresponsibility regarding nuclear safety. let me remind you that on april 7, magate observers reported the explosion of a drone on the territory of the armed forces. before that
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, the propaganda media wrote that the armed forces allegedly attacked a ukrainian drone. 180,000 shells, the czech republic concluded a contract for the purchase of ammunition for ukraine. they will be sent to the front in the coming months, prime minister peter fiala announced. according to him, the czech republic understands how critical the situation with shells in ukraine is, so the partners are planning to contract more. 300,000 rounds of ammunition in the near future. separate bills, speaker of the us house of representatives mike johnson presented four separate plans to help ukraine, israel, taiwan and us national security. johnson made his proposal during a closed conference of the house of representatives of the republican party, reuters news agency reports. the peculiarity of this plan is that
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moving four draft laws under one procedural norm would allow amendments to be made. the united states will not help ukraine to shoot down russian drones or missiles, as happened during iran's attack on israel. this was stated by the coordinator of strategic communications of the national security council, john kirby. according to him, the war in the middle east and the war in ukraine carry different threats. in ukraine and israel, there are different conflicts, different air spaces, a different picture of the threat, and president joe biden has already said: the us will not participate in the conflict in ukraine in a combat role. we provide ukraine with all the necessary tools for protection their airspace. like ukraine, moldova will try to become a full member of the european union. union by 2030, however,
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if ukrainians made such a choice consciously and gave their lives for it, the citizens of moldova are still hesitating where and with whom they want to move forward. kateryna galko learned about the mood in the center of chisinau, more about the situation, later in the story. chisinau is still trying to decide whether it will become the capital of a future european country, or whether it will remain the main one. of the post-soviet state referendum on joining the european union in moldova are planned to be held already in the fall, however , the opinions of the country's citizens still differ. i support the referendum because i believe that our future, the future as a country of moldova, is exclusively in the european union. i believe that this is a more progressive way, a way of development, as it seems to me.
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stay at home and don't look for integration, because you can see that there are poor people in europe, but not all citizens have decided on their choice, we heard this very often in the center of chisinau. i am not aware of this at all, i do not know about politics. to be honest, i don't i immerse myself in political topics. i don't think about anything, and i don't even want to bang my head. currently , the constitutional court of moldova is considering a draft decision in which a referendum on joining the eu is proposed to be held on october 20 this year. thus, the official position of the population will finally become clear, because according to the previous february survey of the moldovan company imas
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, opinions were divided almost in half. 47% of respondents consider the proposed referendum on joining the eu unnecessary, while 44% consider it useful. as many as 37% of citizens associate the holding of such a plebiscite with fears incumbent president maia sandu to lose the next election. in addition, if moldovans were asked about joining the eurasian economic union, as many as 42% would vote for it. the question is whether russia will not finish the results of the referendum. the risks of russian influence on any elections in moldova are considered serious, even cautious. on the statements of european officials. unfortunately, i'm pretty sure there will be russian interference because that's what we see on a regular basis. be it the elections of local governors last year. there were many then this, i mean, we are talking about
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millions of euros and dollars that have been injected into the country in various ways to influence the political process here. citizens are often uncertain and unwilling to join the european union. is associated with russophile attitudes, here it is explained by the consequences of the hybrid war. the ex-prime minister, who resigned in 2023 due to lack of political support, compares moldova today with ukraine in 2014, the country is experiencing the so-called european awakening. we have now begun to strengthen our resilience, our tools to fight with disinformation only after the invasion. full-scale. invasion of ukraine in 2022 . we should have started in 2014, unfortunately, we did not have the political will then. in addition to hybrid attacks, russia continues to defend transnistria, which is not recognized by anyone, and the head of the eu representation in moldova even suggests
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that the country can join the union without it, however, the residents of moldova also differ in their assessment of the threat of a military conflict with the russian federation. we cannot say that there is no such risk, there is a risk, and it is very big, well, yes, yes, there is, i'm afraid if honestly, i'm very afraid, well, maybe everything will be fine if we're in europe, i don't want to see it, i don't want to, we're moldovans, people are generally very peaceful, i'm for peace in the whole world. today there are no trends for this, there is no common border between russia and moldova. and glory to the ukrainian soldiers, that such a border does not seem noticeable in the foreseeable future. the president also considers ukraine as a conditional guarantor of moldova's security. when asked about readiness to fight against russia, maya sando answered only about supporting ukraine. we continue
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to support ukraine, and we believe in the victory of ukraine and peace in ukraine. we are very grateful, because ukraine is currently keeping the peace in moldova. we will continue. the citizens of moldova have at least six months to think about their choice, and in the meantime the country continues to adjust to european standards. according to the most optimistic forecasts, the republic of moldova has a chance to become a member of the eu by 2030, just like ukraine. kateryna galko, yulia belska from chisinau for espresso tv channel. i remind you about our assembly, the means of communication and security are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front, and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is
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uah 720,000. we already have more than 100 thousand in our accounts, so let's not delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, everyone. you can see the details on your screens now, so scan and donate. look for espressa on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there live broadcasts of all of you. programs and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section. subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us, be there every day. to find out more interesting and relevant information, subscribe to our website and our social networks. in a moment, meet my colleagues andriy saichuk and lesya vakulyuk. we will see you in less than an hour.
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this year's busnes wisdom summit became a platform for the exchange of the most daring cases of ukrainian business. more than 25 speakers, 700 participants and four panel discussions talked about leadership and how to overcome hr. real values ​​are better than monetary resources, it's better than a dictatorial management style, it's better than a marketing strategy, it's better than a super cool product, i always say that, if the worst happens, god forbid, i'll get my whole team together again , and we will make a business from scratch. the topic of discussion at the summit was economic stability during the war, in particular the scale... resumption of financing of medium and large enterprises, we lend, continue, make compromises, it happens
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that we give a smaller amount than what is asked, we we say: let's see if you can withstand the financial burden, and then we will increase the limits, and then we review, increase the limits. at the panel discussions, experts discussed the mechanism of business risk insurance during the war, for this former competitors become partners, - says director of corporate business of the insurance company ingo andrii. we cooperate with our colleagues and can already provide solutions for up to uah 40 million, this is precisely the insurance that applies to departures, that is, relatively speaking, there are drones, missiles, if the air defense will work, and this gives some confidence to the business, especially when we are talking about small and medium-sized businesses, then we understand that there actually, if something happens to their key asset, then, in fact, it can put a cross on the business, apart from the discussion . the summit honored business representatives and industry leaders according to the magazine's top-100 ratings
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of the largest. it is obvious that this award is a reward for all our 8,000 employees who work at three mining and beneficiation enterprises in the poltava region. they work as a daily job in order to ensure the export of ukrainian products all over the world for premium steel producers. owners and top managers of leading companies shared their experience on how to make business even more efficient. in the defense of the country, to enter new markets, to attract financing. good morning, dear friends, we start a new day, we start it with espresso. lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are glad to see you among our viewers, please join in with your comments, your own. by the way , join the discussion of the topics we are talking about today we will talk in our studio with
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our guests, and traditionally we start this morning with a roll call on the regions of ukraine, and now we will move with you to chernihiv oblast, oleksiy maslov, a journalist from chernigov . i congratulate you, how did chernihiv oblast spend this night, was it quiet and peaceful, if we talk about... hiv oblast as a whole, there are no quiet and peaceful nights, or rather, there are no quiet and peaceful days in chernihiv oblast, but this applies to the border communities, and by in recent days, if we take, for example, a week, the shelling from the enemy has increased significantly, and during the past week, if we count, that is, just seven days, so to speak, then there were two cases. when people died as a result, died as a result of russian shelling, on april 9 a woman died,
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a teacher at the semeniv music school, a successful teacher who educated many students who participated in competitions and won, and this is a big, big loss, significant, not only, not only personal, not only in her family, but also just for her community one loss and tragedy, and on april 13 , a man died, this is coming out very recently, and that is, in the case when that female teacher died, it was shelling. the center of the city, the enemy was shelling with the help of artillery and anti-aircraft fire systems, hail, and this once again shows that this is just open terrorism, the city center was shelled, the fact that semenivka is suffering now, by the way, several burned down there as well
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residential buildings, this is a tragedy in the sense that semenivka is the largest settlement, in the border area from those that are currently under attack, and because of this threat , a wave of displacement of people from this town has started once again, and this is a very big problem, not only in terms of the actual safety for people, but also the problem of what depopulates it the city, and this city is strategically important, several important enterprises are located there, for example, on april 13 , a man who was engaged in the business, he was a freight forwarder, professional, but this time he was not driving a private car, in principle, he was a person who supplied constantly, she, he brought moreover, as a volunteer, a freight forwarder, he worked in glukhiv in the sumy region at a bread factory and constantly brought products to the novorodsivorsky district, which
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is located nearby, because he is from there, he simply brought products there to the local residents, and in this way... yes actually yes, i also read this scary story: a young man who delivered groceries for people, and how cynical it is that it is not just some artillery fire when they shoot and do not know where they will hit, but when this fpodron specifically chased this car . the russians killed this, this peaceful person, well, there was also a story recently that a car with energy workers on a mine blew up, as far as i understand, who went to fix it, what is their condition now, by the way, these brave people actually, it happened yesterday , and it is important to mention it,
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because it did not happen near the border with russia. and near the border with belarus, and here there is immediately something to talk about, about several aspects in the sense that it is true, a car was driving and two employees of the district were driving there power grids, chernihiv district power grids, and these two people are now in hospitals, they have no shrapnel wounds, but a contusion, so it is reported, and this happened not... far from the town of rybka, it is the center of the community, one man remains in rybky in the hospital, and one was sent to chernihiv, they write, the doctors report that their lives are not in danger now and they are being treated, that is, the contusion is a consequence of this explosion, but the fact is that the car did not
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hit a mine, now no accurate information whose mine was it, but... maybe it is so likely, well, we can just assume from the point of view of common sense that it could have been a mine, the mine was laid by us , that is, it is a border area, and in order to protect the border , then of course there are minefields there, and let's emphasize that this is the border with belarus, this is an aspect that indicates that the border with belarus is also in principle. including mined in order not to pass in case of, let's say, not only, not only some kind of attack in a possible in the future, and in case of enemy actions , that is, the border with belarus is also strengthened, but on the other hand, we see that people can suffer due to either ignorance or carelessness, so we need to remind once again
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that it is necessary to insure a thousand times before. rather than going somewhere on the road and consulting with experts about where you can go and where you can’t, well, actually, check how fortified the border is at the border with belarus, and not only did volodymyr zelenskyi come to chernihiv oblast at the beginning of the month, there was an unannounced visit, journalists for a meeting not they called, but if they called you, mr. oleksiy, what would you ask the president and , in general, what would be said in chernihiv oblast about this unexpected visit. the head of state, well, they would probably ask about many things, and not only about the circumstances of defense, but also about, about many aspects... of social and economic development, probably, but now it is this issue that pushes everyone the most, the issue of fortification, strengthening the border in order to prevent, to prevent not
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only a possible offensive of a repeated large-scale offensive, but also because such such a possibility must be done, everything must be prepared so that it does not happen , so that the enemy does not dare to cross the border, but also in order to protect... from the raids of sabotage and reconnaissance groups, which, unfortunately, time happen from time to time, so they would probably ask, first of all, how thorough the approach is to strengthening security, how much, enough resources are being invested here to strengthen the border and defense of chernihiv oblast. well, i just wanted to say that it turned out that the middle honorary citizens of chernihiv are... the hero of the soviet union, poter klimuk or klimuk, i don’t know how it is correct, who lives in moscow at all, he is a cosmonaut, he was given an honorary citizen when he was in the 76th, in 1976, i was just born, and he
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was given an honorary citizen chernihiv region, he is now 81 years old, he lives in moscow, he himself is belarusian, he supports putin, well, in principle, it is not surprising, that is what they decided, i understand that to get rid of him, here he is standing with putin , saying, well, what is putin doing he says, i'm... there in chernihiv, then he says: it's as if he was appointed an honorary citizen, but that's it, it's actually in fact, he was and is, unfortunately , formally, he is still an honorary citizen of chernigov, and the reason for this is that he, well, the formal reason was that he is actually an ethnic belarusian, petro klimuk, from bresskaya region, it seems like a family, and his, his... you know, well, by inertia, how to say, all the people who were related, for example, to cosmonautics, this is an astronaut, he studied, the reason is that he studied, began his studies in
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this field of aviation, in chernihiv to the aviation school of former pilots, but this school, in general, it is such a story on the one hand, on the one hand, there is something to be proud of, on the other hand, it is a reason for shame, because this school was graduated. and not only cosmonauts, including, as you can see, but also among them, among the graduates of this school, among other things, there were those pilots who bombed the same chernihiv or chernihiv oblast, and now continue to bomb, that is, it was a powerful school and produced many specialists, some of whom, unfortunately, are now in a state of disrepair enemies, and that is to say, this speaks of the moral side of the matter and of the cynical people who turned out to be... such treacherous swindlers, and regarding the fact that, in order to deprive this klemuk of the status of an honorary title, a citizen of chernihiv oblast,
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chernigov to be more precise, then this again, a case study, because in the provision on the awarding of this rank, it is said, it is said, specifically regarding the chernihiv city council, it is said that it is possible to deprive it, well, at least for now there are such norms, it is possible to deprive it of this title in that case. if a person has committed a criminal offense crime and that is, the punishment for it is served, as we can see, this is not the case here, and obviously this provision needs to be changed in order to be able to deprive also for other reasons, as in this case, well, you can remotely, or somehow recognize that he is still for this, for this we need a plenary session of the city council now, to discuss this issue and to get rid of him. today , as it were, the deputies are meeting in the city council, so you can suggest to them that they still have to discuss, i think that the townspeople could also in chernihivka
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to convey my congratulations and say, listen, i don't know what's true, whether that man is receiving any help, how is the payment going, it seems that there is something there, a few thousand hryvnias, by the way, well, it used to be like that, i don't know how it is now, well, it's kind of a pity to spend so much on such a thing, mr. oleksiy, thank you very much. for finding time to join us early in the morning, oleksiy maslov was with us, a journalist from chernihiv, well , we are now going on a short break, do not switch, literally a couple of minutes and we will be back, then we will talk about kherson and kherson, don't stay with us, the quarterfinals of the champions league only on mego, barcelona-psg and man city-real, who will go further, who will leave all hopes on the field, find out more from... and april 17 exclusively on mego. read in the latest issue of ukraine magazine. exclusive interview with minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. is
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. it ship district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war. and how does the world live? two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become their own languages ​​for many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people , in the evening on espresso. premium sponsor of the national team.
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united by football, stronger together. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east. the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland is a topic that resonates in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's get it out. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for
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the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. dear friends, we are returning to the airwaves, we will continue our roll call. now let's move to the kherson region. evgenia virlych, editor-in-chief of the kherson publication cavuon city is already with us. ms. yevgenia, good morning. good morning is it possible to say this to the residents of kherson and the kherson region, like this morning. came, well, they say good morning, it is traditionally quite loud after a loud night, but such a good morning has come, what are the consequences of that loud night, well , there are no official data yet, however, it was loud all day yesterday, and in the evening it was very loud, yesterday also the local residents talked about the fact that it is again very difficult
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to get along sometimes with some of the... it will be closed after the air strike, but the fact is that shelling continues both during the air strike before it and after it, this is a feature, unfortunately, of life in the de-occupied region, the bereslav district suffers a lot, traditionally, unfortunately, already we even use such and such words, the tyagin community, well... in principle, everything is as usual, unfortunately, very, very powerful, unfortunately, weapons are used, sometimes, when there is not much shelling, this does not indicate that it has become quieter, they are used very a powerful weapon that flies to the target and brings very large destruction, but what is happening in the occupied territories of the kherson region, well, here if we have...


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