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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. my greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm nayova melnyk and the news editor tells about the main events. at this hour, 15 people were injured due to the attack by berislav in the kherson region. the enemy dropped an aerial bomb on the city, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the injured were treated on the spot. residential buildings, shops and a pharmacy were damaged. also in the morning , the russians attacked the village of zolota balka. a 56-year-old man was hospitalized with a blast injury and a hand injury. the mayor of glebedin, sumy region, died in the war oleksandr'. it happened during the performance
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of a combat mission, he was 59 years old, announced the mayor of trostianets, yury bova. he noted that his colleague was a true patriot of ukraine who fought every day for his city and his country. the date and time of the burial will be announced later. let me remind you that oleksandr baklykov headed lebedyn since 2015 . he was a paratrooper and joined the ranks in september 2022. dsu, served in the 47th brigade as a grenade launcher platoon commander. eternal memory and glory to all those who gave their most precious lives for ukraine. and take revenge russians can join nato. the collection from the espresso tv channel continues, walkie-talkies and armor plates are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. in the hot eastern direction, they fight hard for our independence. thanks to these brave soldiers, we can... live,
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work, study, and to say thank you, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious: uah 720. there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. include everything, you see all the details on the screen. impersonated a gas company employee services kharkiv oblast will prosecute a fraudster who defrauded dozens of citizens. the 51-year-old intruder was visiting houses in the village. and promised to check the gas, stove equipment and ventilation system, for this he took uah 400 from people, dressed in the nightgown of a gas service employee and had false receipt forms with him, he managed to embezzle almost uah 13, he faces up to three years behind bars, civilians in the illegal acquisition by russia , a working group was presented in the capital, which will deal with the issue. civilian citizens
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of ukraine. our correspondent dmytro knows the details didora he is with us live. colleague, my congratulations and tell me and our viewers how the working group will work and whether the number of those illegally detained by the kremlin is known. greetings anna. i also congratulate our viewers. there is no exact number of civilians in russian captivity. however , the verkhovna rada commissioner for human rights. dmytro lubinets said that the state register of missing persons under special circumstances is currently operating, there are currently 37,000 citizens of ukraine, including children, adults and soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. he noted that this one the register is still being supplemented, the information is being updated, and it is expected that the number will be higher, but to what extent there is no understanding, since russia does not coordinate and does not inform the ukrainian side. how many civilians is it
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holding captive, as this is a violation, and dmytro lubinets stated that the problem of abduction of civilians is the lack of responsibility for the russian federation, a group has been created at the coordination headquarters about this and how it will work, let's hear more. as long as the russian federation shows by all its actions that it violates all norms. of international humanitarian law and there is no responsibility for this, until then we will not be able to significantly change the situation, including with civilian hostages. the most important thing is the coordinated interaction of all state authorities regarding , first of all, the search, search, verification and establishment of our civilians, yes, because a very significant and large number of our civilians are missing under the circumstances of only 1,700 citizens, almost 1700
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citizens, officially confirmed that they located in the russian federation, he said for the past year, oh, almost half a billion. only 800 of those 1,700 have been verified by the red cross and the rest have not been confirmed, but about these 1,700 ukraine itself knows their location and information about them, the red cross helps in this, as i said, and they are also informed by civilians released from captivity . it was noted today that international pressure should be exerted on russia, for this they are looking for a patron country that will be able to... the representative of the main administration intelligence andriy yusov noted that ukraine will not exchange civilians, only return them, as of today, only 147 civilians have been returned.
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thanks for the work and information, espress correspondent dmytro didora and the capital in kyiv have created a working group that will deal with the return of civilians. from russian captivity. china wants russia to also participate in the peace conference regarding ukraine. chinese leader xi jinping made such a statement during a meeting with german chancellor olaf scholz in beijing. all called all parties to work together to restore peace as soon as possible and prevent the situation from getting out of control. let me remind you that switzerland will host a two-day global peace summit on june 15 and 16. leaders of dozens of countries can... take part in it. polish farmers at three checkpoints did not let a single truck go to poland last day. they continue to block the jagodyn, gravarusk and ughryniv checkpoints.
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spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko informed the ukrainian media. he noted that the protesters are also allowed very little time to leave poland the number of trucks, due to the berries of the past day. only 70 trucks entered ukraine. its carrying capacity is about 1,500 cars in both directions, as of this morning there are about 600 trucks in queues on the territory of poland. a large-scale fire in copenhagen, where the historic building of the birsen stock exchange is burning. now the headquarters of the danish chamber of commerce is located there. the building was undergoing reconstruction when... a fire broke out there. the fire engulfed the famous spire in the form of intertwined tails of four dragons. later he fell on the roof there is currently no information about the victims. rescuers are trying to extinguish the flames. and at least 17 people died as
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a result of flash floods in oman. the cause of the natural disaster was heavy rains on the arabian peninsula. as reported by the reuters agency in the country. rescue operations are ongoing, schools and state institutions are closed in flooded regions. the storm is still raging for the next few days in the north- east and north of oman, forecasters expect heavy rainfall. and russia is also sinking. this once a lot of water reached the tyuman region, according to the local governor, the probability of a dump breach or overflow in several areas increased in the region. the peak of the flood is expected on april 23-25, and according to forecasts, it will exceed the historical maximum. in the morning , the urgent evacuation of residents of the city of ishim, where about 67 thousand russians live, began. the governor reminded that
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people can be fined up to 30,000 rubles for refusing to leave. the flame of the olympic games was lit in greece. and the ceremony took place near the temple of hera in olympia, they did it traditionally from the sun's rays with the help of a mirror, the first torchbearer was the 2000 olympic champion in rowing, the greek stefanos duskos. first, the olympic flame relay will be held in greece, and on april 26 in athens , the flame will be handed over to the french delegation. the torch will be taken by sea to marseille. i would like to mention the summer olympics. 2024 will start on july 26 and run until august 11 in france. this is how things are at the moment, i tell you, see you at 3 p.m., the newsroom is working, we are watching for what is happening in ukraine and the world,
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i will tell you about the most important things in the next issue, and also you can always read more about current events on our website espresso tv, subscribe to our channels on social networks, support our youtube channel and see you later on the air espresso of my colleagues marta oliarnyk and vasyl zymo. greetings, dear gentlemen, marta ulyarnyk and vasyl zyma will be working for you in the espresso studio for the next few hours, there are a lot of events today, so we will actually analyze them, involve them in our to the air of our guests, well... you will actually be with us in these coming hours in the same company, so make yourself comfortable and
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we ask you also not to forget that our volunteer mission continues, we are currently collecting funds for to collect 2 million uah for the purchase of fpv drones, so please, if you have the opportunity, join our collection, now a qr code will appear in the corner, which you can use, you can also now see bank card numbers, and we actually understand that ... this is very, very important the thing is at the front and there is no way without them. well, let's move on to the actual discussion of today's events, and there are quite a few of them today. i am reading ina sofson, she is the same lady, the deputy who heard from hanna malar that there will be no demobilization because the constitution must be read. i will remind you that the beloved husband is an inesov at war, well, we found out yesterday in the constitution, there is nothing like that, but the point is not that the president will measure the rating in a non-existent country if he is afraid to talk about mobilization. the president, by the way, is not afraid, he finally said the things that should have been done a long time ago speak out, it's just that people should
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always tell the truth, he said, when there are 1 to 10 shells and 1 to 30 planes, this is even in the best case, then there is no chance to win, says zelensky, plus he said that without the help of the united states we will lose, plus he said that we simply have fewer resources and people, well, finally it was said, this is an important phrase for understanding that in modern war, when you have fewer people, fewer resources, less than shouting, you must have more technological weapons, well, it is possible to attract help, help. allies, but we are these topics, this is the introduction, as they say, and now we will have a conversation with ivan tymochko, a serviceman and the head of the reservist council of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. ivan, we welcome you. congratulations, glory to ukraine, glad to see you. slava, well, we started here with zelensky's statement. on the one hand, i say that it is very good that the president speaks the truth about the situation, reality and expectations, and that without the help of the united states, ukraine will not be able to win, let's put it more euphemistically. when shells one to ten. 1 to 30, then there is no chance of winning, and the fact that we have fewer people than in russia is also an obvious,
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obvious story, but how to proceed now, that is, how to continue to live with the understanding of society, and now the mobilization is ongoing, the law will be passed , we are waiting for help, which again is not known when it will arrive, but how to perceive such statements of the head of state, perceive reality as it is, and how to act, it is very important to understand your position, first of all, as a soldier, as the head for the army reservists, please so, well, it’s not a secret, it’s from the very beginning, not even a large-scale one, and from the moment of the anti-terrorist operation, we knew that the enemy outnumbered us in everything, qualitatively, well , the large-scale invasion did not always show, because by and large there are territories that we were recapturing and the military operations that the enemy led were not only unsuccessful, they were catastrophic for them. it is possible and worthwhile to fight and defeat them, this is what
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we should all understand about the president, and the president, in addition to being the commander-in-chief, is also a politician, political person, and he has to work in unison, let's say, with the political challenges that the country is facing, especially now, when in the american congress , there is a continuous discussion, a tug-of-war, a struggle for political ratings within the borders of their country, between american politicians. in terms of discussing, providing aid to ukraine, developing these funds or looking for other sources or additional sources, and of course we see that after all, politics in america is very seriously tied to and american society to... the war in ukraine, and of course that american
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society, despite everything we say there, that it is distant, that it is internally inert, that something else, something else, first of all america is the hegemon, the country, the world leader, and in americans, i don't want this word, but i can't choose another, also imperial thinking, also thinking that they are the strongest. that they can influence everyone, control everything, and here for the american voter to hear that a whole country that elected a democrat can disappear because of them. moral values, or those values ​​that are preached in us as close as possible to their mental perception, taking into account the fact that, after all, there is a huge ukrainian diaspora in america, which is represented, albeit not on a large scale, like the same israeli diaspora, but also in israel, i mean in israel, and in this , and in
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the senate, and in the local self-government bodies of america, of course. that the issue of ukraine is being looked at and we see that even the statements or actions of individual american politicians in relation to ukraine add to or take away from the country, because if until recently, for example, in all trump was in the lead in the ratings, then the extreme rating showed that due to his requests to give part of the territory of ukraine to russia, that he would end some kind of war in three days, but he would not end it, and these claims to of ukraine led to the fact that biden is essentially 6% or five ahead of him in the ratings, and in america, where the electoral system is built in such a way that even percentages can affect the victory or defeat of a political leader, naturally forces
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them to change rhetoric and behavior, and of course, what the ukrainian president is like politician. is also trying, well, again, not to play, but, let's say, to influence the fact that teresa's shawls are tilted more in our direction, that's why this statement, this statement of his was very, very successful at the time, all the more so when we remember that and before, his trips or communication with international politicians had a huge resonance, a huge influence, then there was a certain decline, but there is... hope that now such a situation will begin to recover, especially since the situation for us is extremely dangerous, extremely critical, not a failure not a failure, we understand that it is not too late to change our strategy, tactics, whatever, that is, there is no such situation now
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that everything is lost, we understand that fortunately we still have the opportunity to change something, but from the other side. look, here you are talking about the fact that we profess democratic values, but on the other hand, for example, the information that, for example, the ministry of defense discovered violations of more than uah 10 billion during audits, this suggests that, well, no we are a democracy, we are not pre-democracy, come on to put it bluntly, we want to be the western world, but we are not at the moment, and we understand that, as sad as it is for us, as much as it pains us to accept that fact, we are not israel, and there are a lot of them now. .. ukrainians talk about why they help israel so much, they don’t help us, because we are different, and we also understand that in order to be helped, we have to set the right example, our armed forces are now this example, alone , probably, they are the only ones who give this example, and if we look at another part of our country, well, it causes a lot questions, you see, and in this case we
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cause a little cognitive dissonance in our partners, because on the one hand we say, we want you... to live in this war, we want to save the country, on the other hand we there are people who continue mercilessly and simply without remorse to profit from this war, in such a case, how to convince our allies that we critically need their help? corruption in ukraine is not new, clearly, it has taken on different forms and mimics since the independence until now, and... but we have corruption scandals, you know, this is the only thing that is probably stable in our country, these are stable outbreaks of corruption scandals in the information space, this is, among other things, also evidence of a democratic country that does not keep silent, does not hide, but openly talks and talks about corruption in front of everyone bodies, under all powers, under all terms of office, under all
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presidents, it is actually a positive, a negative that it exists, but about what is said and voiced about it and... the fact that people lose positions which, for which they are not deserve due to corruption, this is a fact. are we like that or not israel? well, let's start with the fact that ukraine literally until the 14th year was seriously considered by all world leaders, that we enter the orbit of russia, political influence, and allied, er, cooperation with us, if it was perceived, it is in the plan, well , not a priority, then if... in the 60s, both america and britain, they did not just work with israel, they have a long history of interaction, business, armies, weapons, technologies. technical equipment and much more, again, even with the huge israeli diaspora, all authorities represented in the american ones, which i have already said
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is not always present in us, and here and there other historical processes continued, israel was considered by america as such a pillar of guarantee in the middle east, when in the european arena, after all, europe does not consider considered, russia, rather considered as one. from the subjects of interaction, influence on the eurasian continent, and we have these consequences somewhere and now, moreover, will intensify due to large financial inflows into the international political community, strengthened russia that ukraine and russia are united in quotation marks, i i will say right away, it is somewhere, well, it was conveniently perceived in the international arena, when we showed our weapons, that we are not the only ones, that we... are individual, we as a country are individual and we have, are able to, can resist, so to conduct parallel ukraine to israel, again, even this support of britain and the usa now
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in the case of an airstrike on iran is a one-time thing, we do not know how america and britain will work, whether they will help israel when, say, it turns into a protracted process of exchange strikes, between iran and israel, in terms of since we have had a hot, extremely hot phase of the war for three years and 10 years with alternating phases of activity, it is important for us to use our experience and our knowledge to work effectively and destroy the enemy, and the allies will always be drawn to the strong, this is a fact, and at the beginning of a large-scale invasion, well, not everyone believed in us, and even a large part of those politicians who are now actively helping us or even trying their own internally'. to raise political ratings on the ukrainian issue, our internal unity and our ability to resist are important here our ability to self-organize, this, i will always
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say, is our greatest weapon, about the fact that we know how to unite, as they say in russia, when they shout umon is coming, everyone runs away, in us, when they shouted berkut is coming, everyone coincided, this is a difference in mentality, in behavior, in everything, mr. ivan, we are very grateful to you. for joining in, very grateful for your important and professional words, you know, important for people to understand what is going on, and it is very important to hear the military who speak about what is, and always give hope and understanding, this is a key issue in our difficult time, thank you very much for the conversation and thank you for your service, first of all ivan tymochko, a military serviceman and the head of the reservist council of the land forces of the armed forces of ukraine, it is with great regret, sadness, well, really great sadness, because i, for example , i have known this person since... 2000, perhaps in the first year of that year, dmytro kapranov went into the limelight, this morning it became known that dmytro kapranov is a writer, publicist, public figure, publisher, i
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remember, i used to come to their zeleny pes publishing house, still a very young writer, this it was, oh, it was so long ago, and the wonderful historian who worked there together with the braat, they made this youtube channel named after taras shevchenko, please, i urge you to subscribe, well, in fact, how valuable the class is. things were said that people didn't even know about, i understand that it's been there for 56 years, well, since 1967, dmytro, it's marta, you might say, well , i just remember a meeting in person, when i worked at the publishers' forum in lviv, it was about 10 years ago, and even now i am looking at the common photo together with my cousins, and i was still a student of the faculty of journalism at that time, and it was very valuable to me. meeting and very warm memories, and in principle, i understand that it was a very cool tandem, who always knew how to speak very optimistically about everything, but it's just that when you don't
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watch any interview, you see this optimism, you see people, intellectuals, but who know how to talk about all this very beautifully and very well, you know, with sophisticated humor, i think we will really miss dmytro kapranov, well, brothers and... unfortunately dmytro, well, not anymore, by the way, i still have a book at home, forget their river, i also advise everyone to read the one with the autograph, well, actually, it just hurts, because it happens so unexpectedly, a very young person in the prime of life, especially , if we talk about him as a writer, as a public figure, well , he is not even 60, he is a young man, full of creative thoughts and ideas, but unfortunately, unfortunately, we have to go on a short break, after which we return to ... our studio, be with espresso. attention, move from unpack
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more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, we continue the broadcast of the tv channel, now we will add bohdan tkachuk, a deputy of the kharkiv district council, to our channel, together with him we will talk about the situation on kharkiv region. mr. bohdan, welcome to eterispressa, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, have a good day. so, we had
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oleksiy on yesterday. people's deputy of ukraine, he was actually on his way to kharkiv, to kharkiv region, there was supposed to be a certain commission that was supposed to investigate and study energy issues in kharkiv region, in kharkiv, and i would like to ask you personally if you might know anything about this commission, which yesterday came, and what is the general situation in the energy industry in kharkiv oblast, is there already a certain understanding of what will happen next to work certain services to ensure processes. yes, what will be important in the future so that kharkiv has the opportunity to pass these coming periods? well, as for the meeting with mr. kucherenko, i don't have any information about what they agreed on, but i have general information in such a format that it will still be mobile boiler rooms that ukrenergo offers and will install or supply.


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