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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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so, yesterday we had oleksiy kucherenko, a people's deputy of ukraine, on the panel, he was actually on his way to kharkiv, to kharkiv region, there was supposed to be a certain commission that was supposed to investigate and study energy issues in kharkiv region, in kharkiv, and i would like to ask you actually whether maybe you know something about this commission that came yesterday, and what is the general situation in the energy industry in kharkiv region, is there a certain understanding of how these or other services will continue to work, which... will ensure processes, yes, which will be important in the future, in order for kharkiv to have the opportunity to pass these upcoming periods? as for the meeting with mr. kucherenko, i have no information on what they agreed on, but i have general information in such a format that, after all, these will be mobile boiler houses that ukrenergo offers and will install or supply, as far as they
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differ in capacity , in the technical details, i still don’t know, well, literally tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, i already have some work to do at the meeting with the departments, i i will lobby my house, the installation of such a boiler room, i will find out, they are installed in separate residential complexes there, maybe quarters, because how to see it all, technically, as far as i was informed. it will be determined by kharkiv heat networks, let's say how to connect the power and how much it will all be calculated, and another department of the city council will determine, well , accept these boiler rooms, will allocate them somehow, accept applications and develop a strategy, let's say everything, all all measures , well, in principle, as i told you, the concept is there, we will
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move forward in this... direction, i am satisfied that everything is being adjusted quite quickly, i think that by the summer our leaders will not waver, but in fact i see that the work continues like this and even there somewhere there were already on the internet photos of these boilers that are planned to be installed, well, as a proposal, as a project, let’s say so, well, let’s hope that kharkiv will not be left without heat, but the alternative, we have already talked about this with you more than once, is that we have to leave from the soviet union and still puts here are such modular small boiler houses, many of which will be installed around the city and will provide each direction. you know, i read today that kyiv should prepare for power outages, well, at least now, because the heating season is over here, so if kyiv should prepare, i perfectly understand what kind of situation kharkiv is in, like now with pogo with these hourly, or is it daily hourly. graphics, have they
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now somehow normalized a little, or is it the same as before, they say 6 hours there, 9 hours there hours, or there is no understanding at all when the light will appear, well, it is also the movement of electric transport, first of all meters, please, but look, the schedule is generally followed, it is 3-4 hours of blackout, but the time this disconnection varies, well, for example, we have my house, it was supposed to be turned off on the 11th, it was turned off at 1:10 in the morning, that is... there is already a disconnection here , they turned it on a little earlier, but this walking schedule is present, if anyone has there in the evening, and there from the 60th, maybe there in the evening there until 9, it also does not mean that it was turned off at 6:00 in the evening, turned off at 9, it wears out a little depending on the need, let's say the power engineers, they turn it on, that is , a complex schedule and a lot of load, here we are already satisfied with the fact that at least such a schedule is followed, because when it was already 7-8 hours there, it was a serious problem... for the work of both
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enterprises, business there, and for residents, of course, kharkiv, that is, such a situation, ugh, and yesterday's blow to the village of lukyans, if i put the emphasis correctly, in my opinion, it is in the kharkiv region, even here acquaintances, acquaintances know people who worked at this school, and how painful it is when you know that the enemy is attacking an educational institution, there was talk of two dead and injured, what is the situation, what do you know as of... . now, well, again, whether it will be possible to repair it or not, and in general, i understand, if we talk about kharkiv oblast, then educational institutions, if we are talking about them now, but obviously these are kindergartens and higher education institutions. educational institutions and schools, destroyed in a large number, please update the data to me no, i can only repeat what the head of the regional military administration said about two dead and apparently four wounded people during the shelling of this...
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settlement, as for the schools, well, you know, many of them were damaged, but some, i won't to name which commercial ones are still working in kharkiv and... you know, despite sometimes being shelled, classes are held, i would like to warn the heads of these institutions about the danger and the fact that children, this, this is our, our , let's say, property of our country, they must be protected, and the classes can be conducted online, or if there is a bomb site, then go there, this is such a remark that concerns the general picture, well, of course, until the end of the war... there is no mention of the restoration in kharkiv or in areas of the educational process, let's say in these schools, well , it is out of the question, and this is firstly, secondly, if we are talking about the more remote areas of the kharkiv region, further to the poltava region, to the bottom of the dnipropetrovsk region, it is
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possible there, but here, when to the border from kharkiv is 35-40 km from different points, so what school mr. bohdan, thank you very much, thank you very much for joining, taking the time and commenting. bohdan techuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, was in touch with us, and we will have a short break, don't go far, because there will be a lot of interesting and important information, stay with us. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the tv strong unboxed saw is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. this is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement, with a strong saw,
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impartially, you draw your own conclusions. well, we continue to inform you about the main events of today, in fact there are plenty of them. a lot, and now we will talk about the topic of strengthening mobilization, the verkhovna rada has voted on the relevant law, now it is waiting for the signature of the president, the chairman, the speaker, and the parliament stefanchuk. has already signed it, and it depends on zelensky, on his political will, whether this draft law will become a reality by law if the president approves it, this draft law defines new rules for the mobilization process, regulates the rights of servicemen and conscripts, outlines the rules for deferment and determines the punishment for evasion of mobilization. how the conscription will take place , we explain in the plot. let's watch together. version of the bill: more than three months of work, more than 4 thousand amendments and in
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the end 283 votes in favor. the verkhovna rada finally adopted a new law on mobilization. its strengthening is a necessary condition for the survival of ukraine as states, this is what ukrainian servicemen say. western press writes about it. the ukrainian government avoided the unpopular topic. commander-in-chief, president volodymyr zelenskyi emphasized in public speeches. and continues to emphasize that strengthening the conscription is an initiative of the military command, the implementation of which is the responsibility of the deputies. with regard to the bill, or one of the bills regarding the mobilization amendments, that was voted on this morning. at the request of us, our troops, military leadership there are some changes in mobilization, and according to this. so there is a strengthening of control over deviations, among
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those who voted in favor, most of the servant of the people and voice faction, the trust group and former members of the banned opzh, the european solidarity and fatherland factions did not support the document, primarily due to the decision of the specialized committee at the last moment to exclude the norm from the draft law about the demobilization of those at the front since the first days of a full-scale invasion. i clearly emphasized our claims, which make the law passed on mobilization extraordinary dangerous for the country and the army. the first is the lack of clear legislative guarantees of timely release for servicemen who have served 36 months, 18 of them in the front line. the second is rotation, which must also take place to restore combat capability. person and part.
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the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi asked deputies to exclude the norm regarding demobilization after 36 months of service. the same position was followed by his predecessor, valery zaluzhnyi. there is an acute shortage of people at the front, which will happen in a year unknown the enemy exceeds all of us -10 times. we are short of staff. we. now there are two, some departments have three or four men left, according to the tactical standards for this department , it is given that they defend a guaranteed 100 m of the front, defense, if there are two men, they can defend 20 m of the front, the question immediately arises, and who else is 80? position of the general staff to develop regarding the terms and conditions of the mobile'. a separate draft law. according to the ministry of defense, it should take about eight
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months, which means that the ukrainian army has yet to do so only one door will remain - to the entrance. the way out is either a serious injury or a return from captivity. the uncertainty is raising tensions among service members, many of whom want to know exactly when they will be replaced . the new law should help significantly replenish the ranks of the defense forces. he foresees. both a whip for evasives and gingerbread for those who join the ranks of the army. in particular, all citizens of ukraine who are on military registration must clarify their registration data within 60 days from the date of entry into force of the law. this also applies to those who are in favor the border it will be possible to do this both in person and by phone or through an electronic office, otherwise men of conscription age will not be able to receive consular services, as well as issue a foreign passport. in ukraine. basic military service is established instead of conscription,
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citizens aged 18 to 25 will have to complete it, for up to 5 months in peacetime, up to three months during martial law, registration in the electronic cabinet is voluntary, summonses will not be sent through it, evaders will be deprived of the right to drive a car , those who will not update data, a fine awaits, previously up to uah 22,500. other restrictions. such as seizure of property did not make it to the final version of the law. another innovation: all men who were diagnosed with disability for the first time after february 24, 2022. the second and third groups will have to pass the vlk again. this does not apply to servicemen who were seriously injured during a full-scale invasion. a number of incentives are provided, for example, the right to a one-time compensation of 50% of the first mortgage loan payment and an additional payment of uah 100,000. plus more 100,000 after the second year of service. also
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, servicemen and their wives or husbands will not be charged. cents for using credit, and fines and interest if it's not about a car or a mortgage. a month at zero will be counted as three years of service, for the destruction or capture of enemy equipment, additional leave and remuneration, and at the request of the parliament, the cabinet of ministers still passed a resolution on additional payment of uah 70,000 per month for those on the front lines. the society is already actively discussing the new law. many civilians are unhappy strengthening control and sanctions of military personnel have contrary claims to the document. briefly on the adopted law: in my personal opinion, it should have been tougher, especially in terms of the responsibility of evaders, because now i don't see any effective rules there at all, but considering the tenacity with which the people's deputies worked, it is good that they adopted at least something.
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the age of those subject to mobilization is also changing. at the beginning of april, president zelensky finally signed. the draft law was adopted 10 months ago on lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25 years. veteran ato taras chmut, the head of one of the largest charitable foundations return alive, in an interview with ukrainian pravda, expressed the opinion that the signature appeared too late. in my opinion, mobilization should take place from the 20th. we have wasted too much time, if we want to survive as a country we must go back to war. face, accept it as a reality and start doing something about it, because otherwise it is all in vain, all these hundreds of thousands of people who died, who were maimed, who are dying today, while we are talking here, it is all in vain, how many people are planning to call to of the ukrainian army additionally, previously
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the president voiced the figure of 500,000, saying that this was exactly the number the military leadership had asked for. but recently zelensky emphasized that there is no need for such large-scale mobilization now, as the ukrainian general staff conducted audits and found internal reserves, that is, those military units that have not yet directly participated in military operations on the front line. according to ukrainian intelligence, on june 1 russia is preparing 3,000 additional military personnel for a major offensive. defense forces of ukraine need to replenish the losses they suffered in... two years of full-scale invasion. according to the estimates of the internet publication, which are based on open data, the mobilization reserve of ukraine is 5,200 thousand men, aged from 25 to 60 years. these are those who are in the territory controlled by ukraine and do not have a reservation or the right to a postponement. we thank our colleagues for such
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comprehensive material. well, but to understand more. in this topic we will be together with stanislav liflyanchyk, lawyer and legal consultant, mr. stanislav, you we welcome you to our airwaves, and the first question i would like to ask you is, therefore , we understand that zelensky tentatively signs the law tomorrow, he begins to act there for a certain amount of time, some provisions of this law immediately, some after a certain time, and actually here is a question for you, as a lawyer, men who are conscripted for military service, by what time must they appear at the tsc, when will this law come into effect, and what will happen if they do not do it? this law enters into force one month after it is published, i.e. the order is: the president signs the law and sends it for
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publication, then it must be published, and after 30 days the law enters into force, and from that moment. the period begins for persons who have not yet specified their personal data in the tsc to submit the relevant documents, submit the relevant data, and it will be possible to do this not necessarily through the tsc, but there are many myths about the fact that there are people come in, they are not let out, we have the same thing there, people are afraid to go to the shopping center, so you can go to tsnap, for example. not to the tsc, there will be no employees of the tsc, or you can register in the electronic office, which should start working, by the way, earlier, because... in relation to it, all absolutely normative acts have already been adopted, and submit all the necessary data about clarification of personal data there in
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the office, directly you will need to clarify your physical address, where you live, in fact, you need to clarify your telephone numbers, your e-mail address, we have also not seen this electronic register yet, but i hope and i think that in it will be the ability to... apply for, for example, a deferment or reservation online, that is, if you have any documents that entitle you to a deferment, or to be deregistered altogether , theoretically i think you should be able to submit them through the e-registry , and then the employees of the tsc, having received your data, they make the appropriate decision on you, or call you to pass the vlk, for example, or... if you have already passed the vlk, submitted the relevant data there and you are suitable for them to be mobilized, then issue call the appropriate mobilization order from you
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subpoena and etc., so this is actually a positive thing, and in principle i would recommend registering in these electronic offices, because without getting up from your chair, you will be able to submit the data to the tcc that you have not submitted until today, because you were afraid, and for the tcc directly this... will greatly simplify the work, at least in the aspect that they no longer have to chase people around cities, at roadblocks, in order to find someone who is suitable there, so that he can clarify his data, and they can simply use the registry and establish who after all, they really need someone on whom they are willing to spend their time, the invaluable time of the vlk and who they need for this mobilization, so i see the positive in this aspect... there will be 60 days, well, as in the law, this draft law is already practically written in the law 60 days from the moment of declaration of martial law,
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martial law by the relevant decree, in this case it will be necessary to look at when this law will enter into force, because we currently have a presidential decree in force, if it enters into force during the validity of the decree of the president, then... theoretically it is not necessary to appear, it will be necessary to appear when the new decree is adopted, however, if the decree expires at that moment, then it will be necessary to submit it within 60 days from the moment when the draft law enters into force. now what happens if you don't show up. this law provides for several levers of influence on a person who has not clarified his data and about whom there is no data in the tcc. the first is that they have the right to go to, first they have to summon you with a summons, of course, if a summons, and a summons in the mail now has
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to be defined as the one that was served, even if the person did not receive it, is not quite the case, it is about a demand, a demand is something else, i will get to it now, the summons will still be served in the order that will be established by the cabinet of ministers , that is , when this law enters into force, the cabinet of ministers... must prescribe the procedure by which this summons will be served, and for now the law provides for the serving of summons, just as it was during the time of the current law, that is, it must first be delivered a summons, if he did not appear according to the summons, such a person is sent a demand in which he is asked to appear at the appointed time, if he does not receive a demand, for example, at the post office e. the postal service, it sent the mail back to the tsc, then the tcc can apply to law enforcement agencies with a demand
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to bring a person to a shopping center, to forcibly deliver them to a shopping center. if the law enforcement agencies have taken all the necessary actions and failed to bring the person to the shopping center, they inform the relevant tsc about it, and the tsc initiates the filing of a claim to. court, in which he asks to deprive the opportunity a person to drive a vehicle, and the court must make a decision, all these preliminary actions must be done in order for the tsc to get the right to appeal to the court and for the court to grant their appeal, this is very important, it also remains with them, as and there was, the possibility of being brought to administrative, administrative responsibility for the offense. for violation of accounting rules, so all these points are optional, and the main one is prosecution, currently the fine is in the amount of
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to be uah 700 should also be applied in this form, but there it seems that the fines will be higher, so they should be higher, should be increased, but so far this has not been done, so far there is no law that would have legal force and increase these fines, as of today, those are still in effect, and what i see from the draft of this law, which, by the way, i finally managed to receive only today, but... i don't see an increase in fines, you know, i'm just briefly, because we have two minutes, you can do whatever you want punishment, but globally, if a person does not want to, well, sit and go to prison, well, in principle, a person will get out of prison sooner or later, motivation is also needed here, and here the biggest problem is demobilization for the military, everyone understands everything from the same on the one hand, on the other hand, there was no explanation for the society, i am now referring to the military, who have been at the front for a longer time, those who will leave now, they will also understand how long they will be at the front, they also do not know how long
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this will last war, will it be a question somehow? it is resolved, normalized, well, so that people understand, you just have to understand sometimes, or say that no, there will be no demobilization, another 10 years, that’s all, you are leaving for 10 years, by the way, here is just a very brief statement about hanna malya, does the constitution really state that demobilization is not provided for, here it is interesting to understand the legal aspect of this issue, you have three minutes, a very valid question, why, because before mobilizing, people want to understand the rules of the game, and... of course they want to understand when they are demobilized, in a year, in three, in 10, however, in order for it to be concrete, a specific term, it does not exist today, this draft law was supposed to solve this issue, and since december , we were told in the information space that this law was adopted precisely to solve this issue, and it is one of the main issues, however, at the last moment this issue was removed, and
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here... in order to avoid any more political manipulations, i will inform you that it was not just removed forever, but postponed, that is, they will solve this issue in a separate bill, there are certain objective necessary for this, because this is a very difficult issue, the draft law must be jubilee, it must be written very carefully with regard to all aspects, it was really impossible to pass it with the cop in this draft law, because simply it would have been developed for another six months. most likely , this is the main reason, that is, it will happen, but the question is in what form and when. now regarding the statement of hanna muller, we, i also saw this and this altercation, i believe that in the constitution of ukraine it is really stated in us, that demobilization during martial law, it is carried out according to the relevant decree
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of the president, and it... must be de facto, that is, there is no time limit, there is only a term limited by the action, the action of the president, that is, he must announce demobilization, it can be full, it can be partial, and this is what anna mailer said, of course, but there is another side to this situation, when you tell a person, well, you should have read the constitution before going to mobilize, you can say that to a person in the case... if b mobilization was voluntary, and a person voluntarily looked, well, no, that doesn’t suit me and i decided not to go, however, since we have compulsory mobilization, then to say that it was necessary to read the constitution, well, that is, at least, well, incorrect, mr. stanislav, we should put a full stop , we thank you very much for the clarification, thank you for joining, stanislav liflyanchuk, lawyer, legal consultant, well , thank you, thank you, yes, well, unfortunately, the airtime is not infinite, so... we have to
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finish with our guest , at least for the moment, yes, but we have to actually transfer now a word to our colleagues, anna eva melnyk, is ready to report on the most important events, we congratulate you, and actually we pass the floor and ask you to briefly tell what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the newsroom is working, we will tell you about the most important thing for this hour, the ministry of defense conducted an internal audit, what were the results, i will start with this. a violation of uah 10 billion was discovered in the ministry of defense. the department conducted an internal audit, deputy minister of defense yuriy dzhiger said. check, for according to him, it turned out to be ineffective.


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