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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhiy rudenko. every weekday, from 20 to 22 for espresso. what to do when it happens liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. hello hall, with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder.
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the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue the great ether, i remind you that my name is vasyl zemai. now let's talk about money. but oleksandr morchivka will return, i hope tomorrow, and today i will try, well, i will not... i will ask questions, and our guest will explain more, oleg penzyn is with us, a member of the economic of the discussion club, mr. oleg, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you, let's start, let's start first with what warms the pocket, and now the armed forces of ukraine should also warm, in a good sense, this is money, cash, and a few days ago there was information that the dollar suddenly became more expensive, well, i won't say that it was a record, because i don't know all the indicators there, but it was becoming more expensive, and today i read the information that the national bank...
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told the increase in the value of the currency to stop once or twice and stopped it the growth of the dollar and i do not understand how it can be so, please explain please, what is happening and how it can affect us, i don’t know, probably the capacity, inflation, whatever, please, well, the national bank conducts an independent policy, it must be understood that at the moment it is the only seller of currency in the country, so eh... and in fact it creates that supply that extinguishes demand, so when we talk to you about the rate that is set today, it is a rate fully agreed by the national bank of ukraine, i want to remind you that in the budget for 24 the average annual rate was established 40.6, now the rate is 39.5, and i think that the national bank will not raise it above 40. now he
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goes a little towards the ministry of finance, why? because you have to understand that all macro-financial aid, from which social payments are then paid, comes to the ministry of finance in the form of dollars, and the more expensive it sells that currency to the national bank, the more profitable, that is, the weaker the exchange rate, the more profitable it is for the ministry of finance. in general, i would be happy if the exchange rate were there for 40. but the national bank of ukraine still is responsible for inflation, the weaker the exchange rate of the hryvnia, the higher the inflation, you and i also understand this, that is why he balances so slightly on the level of slightly meeting the ministry of finance, on the other hand, on the other hand, to keep the inflationary processes sufficiently rigid with monetary methods, and today we have inflation with you 3.2%, march to march, is it a lot or is it a little, do you know how much? and during this same time, from march 23 to
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march 24, there was inflation in the united states of america. for curiosity's sake. i don't know, i won't lie. i will tell you 3.5. but the growth of population incomes. you should also look here. well, no, look, we are talking about inflation. the national bank is responsible for inflation. the national bank is not responsible for the real income of the population. that is, today he is for a warring country. which is all in debt, has established inflation, which is lower than it was in the united states of america. is it good or is it bad. well, for our consumers, for people, it is probably good. and i want to tell you that we have previously calculated the cost of the easter basket, yes previously. so it will be cheaper than it was last year. at the expense of eggs, which are 40% cheaper there, at the expense of sugar, which is cheaper, oil, which is cheaper. flour is cheaper,
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meat is more expensive there, butter is more expensive there, but it comes out as a whole somewhere at the level of minus 10%, well, we haven't fully calculated the plus-minus, but we will. er, the easter passover will definitely be cheaper, so let's imagine the conditions in which you and i live, so when we talk about the hryvnia exchange rate, it is a component of the processes that i am talking about now i explain, and there are many points that affect the real incomes of the population, so actually, let's remember with you that in the month of march the real incomes of the population increased, you and i saw an increase in the minimum wage, indexation of pensions was carried out. with the inflation that we have, we can actually say that the incomes of the population have increased, real incomes, so that 's the answer to your question, are incomes increasing, but on the other hand, well, we got help from the international monetary fund, to us, is it not related to the union, yes, from
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the european union, here are these 50 billion, well , not all at once, but they went and got 4.6 billion, and plus now the netherlands is promising help, there is japan, something. in any case, but on the other hand, if they help, it's not just because everyone is so kind-hearted, although that too, we are victims of aggression now, yes, but on the other hand, it means that we are obviously believe in our ability to give, no, look, first of all, i wouldn’t even talk about mediocrity, these are some moral and ethical things that in interstate relations do not have any place, especially in financial relations, so i would say a little differently, aid to japan... well, because japan feels in approximately the same condition as ukraine today. why? because japan and the russian federation have territorial claims to part of the kuril ridge. today, ukraine has real territorial claims against the russian federation regarding the occupied crimea and those territories that are
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currently temporarily under the occupation of ukrainian land. so japan will help with from a moral and ethical and from a financial and economic point of view. european union. well, the war is in europe, the european union, no matter which ultra-rights are in power there, but he understands the danger that if the war spills over into the countries of the european union, that is why he helps rather than out of some moral and ethical feelings, but because , that he is really afraid, and this, and the fears of this, they are very effective, first of all, it is necessary to understand that these are the countries of eastern europe, the baltic countries. in general , at the moment in reality feel almost like frontier countries, so, so there's nothing random here either. the united states of america has its own specifics, it has its own interests, but now those interests have gone a little sideways in connection with the election campaign, although i
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have great hope that this week in the house of representatives they will vote for aid to ukraine. i think that this will happen and we can already see that even the republican party has taken a step. did, so in fact for each of our partners you can find absolutely, well, objective explanations for why this happens. let's go now, well, we have time, let's make it, a few important questions, you and i have talked about this topic several times before, but now the law on mobilization has been passed, it does not say, as far as i understand, that it should be 5,000, it was a number voiced, well, the number was voiced by the president at the final press conference last year, so this 500,000 was no longer... well, again, this is a question for the higher military political leadership of the state, we were guided by this figure, but colonel-general, the commander-in-chief of the syrian armed forces, said that there is no need now, well, in any case, the law has been signed, of course, that many soldiers will join the ranks of the armed forces, many will need help, rehabilitation
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, and so on and so on and so on, and business made such a proposal that let's somehow and - as it was said, be flexible , i think. mobilization of people from the real sector and from private business, because they pay taxes, and we are not against mobilizing them, let's somehow look at it so that, in principle, we financially, i want from you now real figures that will give a result, what the economy can give, i say first of all now, not the budgetary sphere, to the military so that there are resources left to continue paying taxes, i have no doubt, that a lot of military personnel who, let's say, can leave the army, can also join the ranks... economic enterprises also pay taxes and, well , here we have to talk about real numbers so that it doesn't happen that at some stage we will say, oh, we don't have missiles without we will lose to the usa, that is it was obvious before, but with which at some stage we said we didn't have missiles, we didn't protect ternopil, this tripoli test, well , it happened so that it wouldn't happen later, so that
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we didn't have money, a lot of people were taken away from us, the economy collapsed, well, what are we can we give realistically now, please, each mobilized costs one million three per year, this is the minimum, each mobilized 1,300 hryvnias per year for the budget, this applies to both military personnel, those called to the armed forces, and other sectors of security and defense. if, by the way, i want to immediately to agree, i will not discuss the issue of mobilization, it is necessary, but we say yes, of course, from an economic point of view. this million 300, well, everyone who has relatives who were mobilized, they know that when the guys come to the unit, they are given... on three sheets of paper what they need to buy at their own expense, yes or no, yes , there is unloading,
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there is also tactical clothing, which is definitely not enough, there is also uh, and good fairy tales are offered, there is something else, all this must be financed by the state, but you and i are talking at least 300 million, i’m not talking anymore about what will be donated there, i'm not talking about cars purchased by volunteers themselves. this is another matter, although theoretically, it should also come from the state budget. so, 1,300, if we want to mobilize an additional 100,000 people, that's 130 million, 130 billion uah from the state budget. i would like to remind you that at the moment , everyone is in the security forces of defense today. well, this figure was voiced by razumkov, he spoke. or during the discussion of the articles of this draft law already of the law, which
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was signed by the president today, he named figure: at the moment we have 1,200,000 people mobilized in the defense security forces, we do the arithmetic, of course, we take 200 million, multiply it by 300 million, and you and i get a little more than 1.6 trillion hryvnias, this is what today's moment is... already used, that is, any additional ones, yes, by the way, there is another 250 billion uah, the budget for the ministry of defense's purchase of the latest weapons, that is, the top, which i am talking about, by the way, i want to remind you of the figure from mrs. pidlasoi, who, after one of the committees of the verkhovna rada, named the figure, what if we we want to mobilize 450,000 there, we need 700 billion uah in addition to the budget, i will remind our viewers that mrs. rokslana pidlyatsia is the head of the budget committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, yes, yes, in principle, if
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you calculate like this, the numbers roughly match reality, i.e. if we want to reach 100,000, we need to count 130 billion in the budget, they are not there, listen, well, i am verbatim, i will simply supplement immediately, so that you can then operate before this too, danylo gitman, this is already the head tax committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, he also said that we are betting on taxes and on wait, let's not get confused, he said about the amount related to the 70 thousand surcharge, well, in any case, it is somewhere there, i think, look, there the amount that we are talking about with you now is estimated somewhere around 50- 60 billion additional hryvnias, uh, it's not 130, it's 50 billion for all soldiers who fall under that category, it's for a year, it's for a year or a month, no, no. it's for a year, it's a yearly amount, that's it, i got it, okay, then, it's a yearly amount,
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and these are only these 70,000, you just have to understand that those 70,000 will be in addition to the payments that are available today, ugh, and again, i will say that this money is needed, the military, well, they should receive even more, but i think that money will be found yes please then go ahead sorry i took you a little bit no it's fine it's fine it's fine so look we've got a 1.7 triel. the budget includes revenues that still need to be collected, they must be paid by those people who work in businesses, and what kind of businesses they say that if you take them away, we won't pay you those taxes, but we always forget with you, hetmantsev said, and taxes and her ovdp, ovdp, and domestic state loan bonds, but we keep forgetting that ukraine's economy is only 60% in the light and 40% in the shadows, that is, it is 40% of the economy
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of ukraine that does not pay a single penny of taxes, well, this is how it happened historically, and when they talked about the so-called economic armoring , excuse me, please, or paid reservation, said that it is bad there or well, this is a way to get some of this gray business that doesn't pay a dime in taxes light, if it wants to keep its employees, let it, sorry, please pay a legal wage, let it pay all taxes, let it pay income tax of his company, and thus increases the revenues of the state budget, we literally have 30 seconds, because i already have the floor, your recipe, very briefly, if possible, but you know, i think we will return to economic booking, there is no other way , that's my recipe in any way, whatever we do they didn't say there, we definitely won't find the additional 130 billion in our way, but the most important thing is that this money should be taken out of the shadows, and taxes and the war would go. thank you very much, mr. oleg, for your candor and
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professionalism, a member of the economic discussion club, oleg penzyn was with us and was with us on the air, well, really, here we need again to ... the war must be won, and everything must be done in order to win, i am convinced that, actually, our government will implement it, and we will inform it to support, but to support or not to support those other, those or other decisions of the authorities, serhii rudenko will be the informant today, i don’t know, but i will ask, because the verdict program starts at 8 p.m., serhii, please, two words, good evening, good evening vasyl, today we will talk about the aid of the united states of america to ukraine, will it be closed? the sky over ukraine, as they did for the state of israel, and whether it is possible to push the limits of help from the western allies. in the first part of our program , we will have politician and diplomat roman bezsmertny, journalist tetiana vysotska from strasbourg, where the spring session of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe is currently taking place, and
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a military correspondent, give military expert oleksandr kovalenko, of course. top topic, why our western partners and partners of the state of israel closed the sky over this state when the iranians attacked it, and why our western partners do not do it, this is probably the main topic of the last few days not only in social networks, but also in general in the information broadcasting and on television, i i hope that roman bezsmertny, as an experienced politician and... diplomat , will explain to us what the budapest memorandum means and the implementation of this memorandum by our allies, ukraine had nuclear weapons, but got rid of them in exchange for guarantees. why do these guarantees not allow our western partners to intervene on behalf of ukraine in the war waged against ukraine by the russian
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federation. and, of course, these passions for 61 billion dollars, which the congress of the united states of america should provide to support the armed forces of ukraine and ukraine. these passions it's been four months already. it seems like everything is coming to the finish line, and here we have to get this resolution from the congress of the united states of america, which prevents the congress of the united states of america from voting on this resolution. we will look for answers to these questions. with roman bezsmertny, tetiana vysotska will tell what happened at the spring session of pare, and oleksandr kovalenko will analyze the positions and dispositions on the battlefield between ukrainians and russians, since both zelenskyi and bugdanov say that at the end of may, at the beginning of june another offensive of the russians will take place, although it is happening now, but a big offensive, what
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does this big offensive mean and what to expect from this big one. next, in the second part of our program, which will start at 21:15, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, mykyta poturaev, andrii osatchuk and rostislav pavlenko, we will talk about mobilization, because today the president of ukraine signed the law on mobilization, which means that through this law should be promulgated within 30 days, or rather, it is being promulgated already, since it is under... prescribed in 30 days, this law will come into force, how will the law on mobilization affect the mobilization itself, and the most important thing is what to expect for those who are at the front, whether there will be demobilization in what way and who will carry out this demobilization and make decisions about this demobilization. in addition,
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an important topic is information failures. in some places, the enemy is playing outside ukraine. communications, this is recognized in the information security center, how to counter russian propaganda, whether they cope with the task of countering russian propaganda our information resources, in particular the single telethon, we will talk about it with the people's deputies of ukraine, and we will mention the extremists in the rias, because estonia is already going to recognize the moscow patriarchate as a terrorist organization, which is an obstacle. the council of ukraine to adopt a similar decision. we will seek answers to these questions with the people's deputies of ukraine. vasyl zima's big broadcast continues. vasyl, you have a word in 10 minutes. the verdict will be on the air, thank you very much, serhiy, serhiy rudenko, at 8 p.m., and today this news was announced when i was here on the day of ether with marta liyarnyk, and it
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was such a blow to the head that dmytro kapranov, the kapranov brothers dmytro and vitaliev, bright writers, media characters, publishers, i as a writer, this is generally young, came to them for the first time at the zeleny publishing house a dog, somewhere on korinivka, it was, i remember in kyiv a long, long time ago. well, this is a huge phenomenon in ukrainian culture, the kapranov brothers, unfortunately, dmytro suddenly passed away this morning, vitaly, his brother, reported this on facebook, within a day, social networks appeared hundreds of posts with memories of dmytro kapranov, lina chenina will talk about these thoughts. lina, good evening, you have the floor, please, good evening, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, probably natalka didenko, our colleague at home, wrote the most accurately. she was familiar with both vitaly and dmytro , she wrote that they were treated well, either very loved, or very disliked, and i agree with this, and usually such people are very interesting, i will tell you in a few seconds, indeed on
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the facebook page of the kapranov brothers appeared 5 hours ago here is this message: friends, we have a problem, from today... this morning dmytro died suddenly, when there is a farewell, i will write tomorrow, everything else is canceled, sorry, there are a lot of distributions, and a lot of people started writing different memories, really, and literally an hour ago also vitaliy obviously wrote that we will mourn the miter on thursday at 11 in the morning in mykhailivskyi, then on baikovo, and of course i read very, very many different memories, and well, for example, our colleague and serviceman vakhtant kimpiani, he reminded everyone, that the kapranov brothers started publishing books, books since 90s, they lived then in russia, these are brothers,
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this magazine was called, and it was published in ukrainian in moscow in 1991, they write, writes vakhtang kipiani, in general , many may be surprised that dmytro and vitaly, they were not ukrainian, ukrainian-speaking by the people. moreover, they didn’t study ukrainian at school, obviously at university too, because they graduated from two russian universities and lived in moscow in the 90s, as i already said, but they had to adapt and many people in general can’t imagine how i am the prime minister russian-speaking kapranov brothers, let's listen to what dmitry says in his last interview, it came out today. the fact is that we, too, have been russian speakers since childhood, our family spoke russian, the only one who spoke ukrainian was sometimes my grandmother, because she
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was a teacher of french, and she spoke, well, in order to have the language in uniform, it is necessary to speak it sometimes, well, we read it, but we also switched to the ukrainian language during the war, the only thing is that this war had not yet happened, we did not kill people, it was in the 90s, the fact is that we also eh... i think that many people, of course, do not separate these two brothers, imagine them together, and i can only myself, or rather, even i can't imagine what vitaly is going through now, having lost his brother, they were always together, they always did projects together, published books, wrote books, and also made a youtube channel, he is one of the most popular in ukraine, they seem to be in 2019 they started making it, it's called... tg shevchenko, and there are already almost a million there subscribers, and there the kapranov brothers talk about completely different things, not only
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related to ukraine, they talk about some historical, cultural things, they talk about israel a lot lately, and their channel has been and is developing extremely more popular, well, i really hope that vitaly will continue to lead it, he himself, unfortunately, is here. and well, it’s a pity, of course, and i think that i don’t think very much now, i know, i read a lot of warm words, written by all the acquaintances of the kapranov brothers and dmytro, and most often, according to my observations, it was written about the principles of these two people, about the fact that they make compromises very hard, that there are some principles that are important to them, and therefore this is their character, which is definitely... definitely memorable , and as i said at the beginning, there are many people who also love the kapranov brothers, and there are those who don't like them very much, i think that's how they usually treat
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people. and who have character, well, vasyl, i will give you my word on this, thank you very much, really great loss, because 56 years for a writer, especially, is quite a young age, maturity, understanding of life, a lot of potential, strength, and they made a beautiful youtube channel named after tg shevchenko, i am happy. watched it, we, we talked on the air, off the air, well, it’s simple, you know how, well, yes, you, when something like this happens, you say, it shouldn’t have happened like this, and when you read the news, like at the front beautiful people die, and you say it shouldn't have happened, but it is clear that this happens at the front, here is an eternal memory, sincere, sincere thanks for the work, for the love of the book and to dmytro kapranov of ukraine, may he rest in peace, thank you, and then about what the weather
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will be like in... tomorrow natalka didenko will tell us, mrs. natalya, i congratulate you, i think you will also say a few words about dmytro kapranov, please , my word, congratulations, you know, it’s so painful and so wrong that it’s hard to realize it at all, because the boys and i were friends, we’ve been friends for many, many years, and i can’t separate them completely, this incredible charisma , this is such an avalanche-like energy, this is such uncompromisingness and... dmytro and vitaliy, they always knew which side of the barricade they were on, i really want to emphasize this, that they were uncompromising patriots of their land, their country, well , all their talents, that's understandable, we know it all, but it's very, very sad and i would like to express my condolences to all their simply beautiful family, bright memory of dmytro.
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we start our next prognostic, synoptic meeting, and we say what the weather will be like tomorrow the next day, april 17, well , since the weather is changing in the direction of getting colder and already on the horizon, well, at least for preliminary prognostic signs even show the possibility of frost, then we will start with frost, what is it, what are they like and how late can they be in ukraine and for how long? so, well, frost is a decrease in the short-term temperature of both the soil and the surface layer of the air to 0° and below with a generally positive air temperature in the daytime hours, as a rule, the cold returns after the heat in our country sometime in may, june, er, and there are also early autumn frosts, of course we will not be with them, that is, me i want to emphasize that even at the beginning of june, according to statistics , frosts occur in ukraine, they are of two
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types, advective. and radiative advection - that is, ee advection is the transfer of cold air, it is a consequence of such a cold wave, the invasion of a cold arctic mass, when it occurs, well, radiative disturbances with radiation are observed when the soil cools at night when it emits infrared radiation, of course, as a rule, frosts in anticyclones, when it is a cloudless night, when the sky is not covered by clouds, for protection plants from frost are also used... watering the soil is very useful and so helpful, smoke curtains, well, we know what smoke curtains do in general, they smoke orchards or vineyards when there is a threat of frost, well , if there will be frost and when it will be, we are about that we will talk more at the end of our meeting today, and now magnetic storms, and now for your attention a prognostic chart, from which it is clear that
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a certain activation will be observed tomorrow from noon. magnetic field of the earth, so please listen to yourself, to of your well-being, especially since the weather will be quite so capricious, well , we are actually going to the weather forecast and we will traditionally start from the western regions, tomorrow in the western part of ukraine the weather will return to march, uh, the maximum air temperature is 8-12 °, there will also be rain, it may be a little warmer in ternopil oblast and. khmelnytskyi, but generally cold rainy weather. in the north of ukraine, it is also cold tomorrow, well, considering the recent 26°, it is just cold, i would say +9 +11°, a little warmer, as you can see in sumy oblast, but also damp, rainy weather will prevail, please dress warmly tomorrow, and don't forget umbrellas and appropriate shoes. in the east of ukraine, the summer will continue, the weather in ukraine is very contrasting, i already said, as you can see,
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the luhan valley.


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