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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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the world is alive, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give their assessment based on facts and the forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand
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how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect your own. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who... uav, understands in aita, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who covers the enemy with heavy fire and returns meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. dear friends, we are coming back, we will continue our roll call, now we will move to odesa and ask about what is happening there.
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valentina shults, a deputy of the odesa district council and a volunteer, is already in touch with us. mrs. valentina, we are glad to see you. good morning, i greet you. this morning is good, how was the night? yes, indeed, this morning is good, because this night, oddly enough, is airless anxiety, so i think that all odessans had a chance to finally get some sleep. and do you know why you can see that? in odesa , the night passed quietly and peacefully, and the news came in the morning, i read the news on one of the resources about how tasty, sweet and juicy strawberries cost when imported from odesa, and really this headline, this news, as if from some past life, when we , you know, there, as soon as the strawberry season came, everyone started talking about whether it was there, where people were poisoned, where they were not poisoned, where it is better to buy, how much it costs, where in which.
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the region is more expensive, something, something from those times when such things bothered us, and not how the night passes, so actually, i don’t know, you have already tried the marshmallow from odesa, there has not been such an opportunity yet, but you can say that we have very good news in odesa, because , first of all, the unesco zone has expanded, and secondly, the people of odessa are looking forward to the opening of the istanbul and greek parks in the city hall. they say that all the preparatory work has already been completed, and the opening will take place on april 20, and the potemkin stairs is almost ready to be opened, i i haven't been there yet, i haven't inspected it, but i hope that i will get there in the near future, but those podchomkin stairs, are they still potemkin's? it seems so, and that there is no renaming, no, i don't know the history of these stairs, they were probably built by this diminutive.
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building some villages near where, where in russia, in ukraine, and here is a panel here with this, well , the renaming is going on gradually, and here are the last streets that have entered the renaming, just as ekaterinitska square will be changed to european square, so i think that the queue for these names and odessa is gradually increasing proclamation for the name that should take place, i generally, it seems to me that after all , the local residents themselves should recognize more, that is , the verkhovna rada sometimes simply imposes something, so they decided to rename, for example , chervonograd to sheptytskyi, well, on the one hand, okay, well, everyone loves sheptytskyi, andrey sheptytskyi, this is an incredible value for western ukraine, for galicia, for lviv oblast, and on the other hand, well, the very tradition of calling... whole cities by the surnames of recent
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contemporaries is very soviet, so behave with by me, or some communist, well, there are ho chi minh there, for example, in this, in vietnam, and... but in general, just well, well, but in russia there are a lot of such examples, here everything was called that, kirovograd, stalino, stakhanov, zhdanov, all of them, all of them, leningrad, well, well, just, well, this, it’s very like that, it’s not really our tradition, and here, here the verkhovna rada decided to break everyone at the knee, to name it, a city that still has a historical name , yes, she is polish, kristianopol, kristianopol, we don't need to call her polish. name, there was an idea back in the early 90s to name the city simply ukrainize the name to khristianopol or khrystynopil, that's all, as the poles do with ours, for example, ryashev, our, they made our ryash so that now it's called rzeszow, we don't mind, but i'm only talking about what's
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important, so that people understand why yes, well , those potemkin stairs, everyone knows them as potemkin stairs, what should we rename them to, well, just an idea, shevchenko stairs, i'm just now... generating it specifically for the verkhovna rada so that they don't stress even their own cities. history, just potemkin's stairs, i'm something i read, i read, i can’t find that potemkin, here they were actually designed back in 1825, so not potemkin, they were wooden, at first, and the architect was francesco boffo, avraham melnikov and potier, and then they were already built by engineers upton and morozov . words, so many options, like the first francesco, francesco boffo, well, francesco boffo, well, not bad, listen, give the floor to the odessans, ms. valentina, yes, i think that the odessans will still have something to choose from, and
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i want to say that it works there is a renaming commission under the odesa city council the site is a socially active citizen, on which odessa. can decide and vote for the other name of the street or square. by the way, in 1955, how did they become potemkin in general? to the 50th anniversary of the battleship uprising, on the battleship, this is the battleship potemkin movie. yes, the stairs, which before the revolution were called richelieu stairs. oh, here's the answer. and then boulevards were renamed potemkinsky. here is the word in history, if you buy, you can find good answers, good options for renaming, listen, i don't know, well, if the sailors on some aurora cruiser, which
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the russians currently have in their fleet, rise up against putin and want a world revolution, well, in principle, we are not against it, in fact, even this seems to me to be a good idea , uh, i don't know, maybe the odessans are watching us, and there, for sure, someone will be angry, someone will say: yes, we should change the name a long time ago, but i hope that there will be a discussion, it will appear among the odessans, and in the end they will open history textbooks will reveal history itself odessa and those steps, and they will find excellent options for themselves, just like, for example, odessans, maybe in the end they will come and say, listen, well, how did the russians try to translate into ukrainian? the transfiguration cathedral has been saved, yes, the transfiguration cathedral, which is still in the pc-mp, maybe people will somehow push and say that we, we do not want it to be the mp. mrs. valentina, there are no such movements yet,
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there are no such movements yet, i can say that so far there are movements regarding the reconstruction of this cathedral, as far as i know, from the news that and yes... allocated certain funds for the reconstruction of this cathedral, but i hope that when the cathedral is rebuilt, that it will come under the ukrainian church, and our ukrainian priests will rule there, rule the service, as it should be and how it should happen, because if you take a map, i was once shown a map of the uocp parishes in general, the picture, i will tell you, is terrible, not only in the south, but also in western ukraine , so we still have to work and work with it, it’s true, and they, they they marked and marked the territories very well, actually not not just like that, they entered the west of ukraine,
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selected ukrainian churches and installed their patriarchates in order to brainwash people here, is it true, ms. valentina, what you say? and what other news from odessa? and the news from odesa, odesa is still preparing for the holiday season, for the beach season, it is currently holding... the regional council regarding the opening of odesa beaches, but the people of odesa, as usual , opened the beach season much earlier, because the weather is very good in odesa, and the prices, they say in hotels, are the same as in 2021, still however, the number of visitors to the city has decreased slightly due to constant shelling, but we hope... that eventually they will appear and everything will be fine and
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visit our odesa and the beaches will be opened that will be safe for recreation. well, i also want to say that the city council wants to approve a target program for the development and functioning of the ukrainian language in odesa, for which almost 2 million hryvnias will be allocated until 2025. , shows tapes, ukrainian festivals, the organization of kruloptom, a lot of big programs, will it be done effectively, or will it be just so -so, you know, as a tick, they made shevchenko there, they brought out towels, they wrapped him in cotton, they read, the roar moaned, they took all the money , parted ways, yes, well, time will tell,
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i hope that these events that are planned will be carried out, but the program itself, as they say, is not bad for the odesa region, because after all, there is not enough, if there is more ukrainian language courses, that's it it's also great, because there are a lot of odessans , after all, and people. age, if there are any free courses of the ukrainian language, i knew that some libraries had them, they still try to speak ukrainian and switch to ukrainian, so i wish you all medics to switch to ukrainian as soon as possible, because odesa - this is ukraine, and let the ukrainian language be heard in every corner, it is our identity, i saw yesterday. a video of a beautiful woman who also goes to such language courses, although not in odessa, but in dnipro, and here she sincerely admits,
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she says: i have been speaking russian all my life for 70 years, but now, she says, i am crazy, and crazy, how the russian language and the whole russian culture sounds, because i saw what she did to us, i am now discovering for myself not only ukrainian language, but also ukrainian history, and i understand how much russia constantly oppressed us, how much it tried to destroy us. it's incredible that a person at that age says everything is possible, because sometimes people say, well, it's hard for me, i can't anymore, i've been speaking russian all my life, it's hard to switch when there atangel the crimean learned his last language already, i don’t know at what age, yes, although not much older, because the muscovites did not allow him to live normally, he also did not allow the ukrainian muscovites to live a full normal life, by the way, this is already a friend language program, because in 2011, the then mayor of kostusiv, kostusiv, defended the russian language in odesa,
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at that time, too, large funds were allocated for this, and all languages ​​became, and all schools became bilingual, so thank you, ms. valentina, ms. valentina, thank you, have a peaceful, peaceful day we wish odysseus, well , we also sincerely wish for a discussion about the potemkin stairs, alisa sysoeva, journalist, deputy of the zaporizhia district council, in the meantime joins us, we will ask about how the night passed in... zaporizhzhia, whether it was peaceful that night in the region. mrs. alice, good morning. good morning, congratulations. quiet, calm, or shelling? fortunately, it was quiet and calm, in zaporizhzhia itself, we passed the night without shelling. of course, this does not happen in the region, unfortunately, 216 shellings, well, this is a huge number, but for zaporizhzhia oblast, you know, there have been... in recent times much more, well, the main positive news because of all this horror is that
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there are no victims, there are no dead, of course there is destruction, but the most important thing is that people's lives, it was preserved at this time, so fortunately, our people were not harmed by the shelling of the russians, from the shelling, no, but unfortunately, you know, when the muscovites are silent, something happens with the weather, and because of the bad weather, it was a little restless, what were the consequences of all that, tell me, please , yes really the day before yesterday we had such a terrible bad weather, you know, in zaporizhzhia, well, this happens once a year for sure... it happens, trees fell, we already counted that about 60 trees were felled, well, but our utility workers arrived quite quickly, they eliminated the consequences of the bad weather, but when we were driving the next day in the morning, we could see that almost everything was basically cleaned, well , fortunately, there were no casualties or deaths,
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but some people had vandalized cars, well ... this happens here in zaporizhzhia, you know, every year for sure, this such a story for zaporizhzhia, unfortunately, it is traditional, well, because we live here near the south, that's why we sometimes have such storms, the very next day there was such a calm, and when you know, there was such a heat, the first thing that the people of zaporozhye they did, of course, they ran to see the news, telegram channels, or no shooting, because it is very easy to get confused. and the shelling of zaporizhzhia, well, actually, now the sound of thunder has a slightly different sound for us, so to speak, i read two news reports, very similar, let's say, the occupation authorities melitopol expels a ukrainian spy, as they claim, she is a resident of melitopol, who , according to their version, took photos on her phone and
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transmitted them, trying to deploy russian equipment. melitopol, an accumulation of troops, but it seems that she did not have time to hand over anything, so she is simply evicted from melitopol, transferred to ukraine, they do not know what it is, generosity and a gesture of goodwill, it is interesting, in fact, how many such cases there are, that what kind of people are they, what will be their fate later, when they fall under ukrainian control territory, they probably also undergo some kind of filtering, check by the security services there, and so on. on the other hand, i read that, for example, kamianka dniprovska, there, after the occupation of the settlement, a man worked for the enemy, and he was detained in october, because he also passed on some data about the ukrainian armed forces, respectively, about the armed forces of ukraine locations, this is also a story that
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there is some kind of filtering, that is, pro-ukrainian people. anyway, one way or another they end up in the controlled territories, and pro-russians are going there somewhere, because the truth is the cruel truth is that a certain percentage of pro-russian pro-russian people were in zaporizhzhia, you know, in fact now it is very important to follow the fate of this woman in general, whether she will be returned to ukraine, because there have already been several cases , when the occupiers declared that they were deporting... residents, they even filmed their own propaganda stories there, when they simply expel a person to their checkpoint, take their things, there is also a person with a small purse without it at all seems to be going towards the ukrainian checkpoint, but there were cases when these people disappeared and did not reach the checkpoint, because it was reported that the occupiers could simply
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shoot such videos, and then send the person back to the basement or to their cells. recently, ivan fedorov made public the number of people who are now in captivity in the occupied territories, these are civilians, he called the figure: about a thousand, you know, we know that this week there was quite a lot of noise in the occupied territories and it was already officially reported that our the resistance movement was also targeted by the occupiers in their warehouses, and always, when something happens to them, something arrives, you can expect it after a few days... they reveal some kind of spies in themselves, we understand that, well , often these are people who cannot at all have no involvement in this, but they need to show something on their televisions, show it in their propaganda, and then many of these people are actually sentenced somewhere in russia, you remember, recently there were two such high-profile
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sentences that they made public, it is from melitopol there was a volunteer and an athlete, they were also... accused of espionage, they were sentenced to 20 and 17 years already in a russian prison, so this topic, you know, is very sensitive, unfortunately, innocent people often suffer from the occupiers, but what , that among us there is also a supporter of russian peace, well, unfortunately, this is also a reliable fact, there are the same dunes, and we remember that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion they were very visible, then they were both adjusters and people who worked here for the... service, well, let's hope that our security service will eventually find out, well, about what can be said, if one of the largest churches in zaporizhzhia, in the very center, it still belongs to moscow. of the patriarchate and they still have these moscow priests sitting there, i remember that before the full-scale invasion
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there were such videos, when it was, you know, the pre-election period, when these services in the church, they were, well, such a real political agitation that now they say at these services, well, we cannot know, so we will only hope for the work of our special services, but the fact that, unfortunately, there are russian peace seekers among us, well... this is so well-known fact, it's a sad truth, ms. alisa, thank you for the conversation, alisa sesoeva, journalist, deputy of the zaporizhzhya district council was with us, now we're going on a short break, we'll be back, and kharkiv will be in touch with us, so stay. tired of heavy hoses that constantly get tangled up and create chaos on the site. unpack tv presents maxi hose at a favorable price of only uah 299. hose automatically. triples when water is supplied and shrinks back to its original size as soon as the water supply is stopped, extremely compact and light, the weight of the hose is less than a kilogram, it is very convenient to store and
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only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it is not enough to know what's going on. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. see this week in the judicial control program with
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tatyana shustrova. contest to the constitutional court. as the candidate's nephew, he was promoted in the courts where she worked. i cannot forbid him. but why does the contestant, a law professor, collect executive proceedings. the year turned out to be difficult for all of us. see in thursday, april 18. the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. friends, we are back on the air, continuing our roll call. serhiy zhukov, deputy of the kharkiv region, is also in touch with us in kharkiv. according to the staff of the center for strategic communications and information security , we are waiting for his appearance on our airwaves. kharkiv now lives on generators, mostly the city partially.
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power cut, there are always problems with transport and water, actually we want to ask about how the people of kharkiv live in such conditions, who still demonstrate some kind of, i don't know, strength of spirit, because if you ask the people of kharkiv, as they say, nothing, we live, we hold on, we do not give up . bluber writes about the fact that russia launched an information campaign, in fact, an information campaign, that is , a special operation in order to ... intimidate the residents of kharkiv first of all, in order to one way or another force them to leave this city, because they hope that within a few months they will be able to take the city is surrounded by future in their offensive, this is just, let's say, bloomberg's assumption, yes, and in this way they will be able to take the city without being destroyed, and it will become such a big trophy
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for the russian federation. how many trophies did they have, it was kherson, well, not like that, but it was a regional center that they took without a fight, in fact, but lost later, well, kharkiv is very, very, so to speak, tempting for them the goal, here, but is it possible in principle, i already said that, for example, there is a russian expert such as fyodorov, who migrated to a military expert, historian, military who migrated to prague, he believes that he doubts that russia is now able to mobilize and train 300 thousand sufficiently trained troops and well equipped to make serious breakthroughs and encircle such a huge a metropolis like kharkiv, this is even if aid from the united states is not restored in full, and we know that this issue should be moved
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, well, regarding... regarding electricity supply, well, literally yesterday we with gennady ryavets, an energy expert , said that, of course, we cannot fully protect our huge soviet nuclear power plants, which were there in soviet times and were built in those days of the planned economy of gigantomania, from russian ballistic missiles. it even has its own positive, no matter how strange it sounds, because it forces us. to adjust to small power plants with small capacities, such, for example, in such a metropolis as kharkiv can be, yesterday we counted somewhere around 20 small power plants, which are also dispersed by themselves, i.e. their blocks, in such a case they cannot actually be destroyed, put out of order even by missile strikes, and they would correspond to the generation of the same enormous power plant, one of
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the largest in... the country of kharkiv , which was recently very badly destroyed and now they are going to restore it, but of course there is also the question of whether it is worth restoring, if we cannot protect it one hundred percent from repeated destruction, this is a huge amount of money, of course some owner there, akhmetov there and there, various others will be very happy about that, well , but on the other hand, it is better to force these people to redirect their capital precisely to such things. large power plants, by the way, this also diversifies the market itself, which is also good for the consumer in the future, because then the electricity producers themselves compete with each other, serhiy zhukov from kharkiv does not contact us, apparently there are still problems with electricity, we understand that in such conditions it is difficult to charge gadgets and there are also communication problems, dear friends, but then we will try to contact you and tell you what is happening in kharkiv,
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meanwhile, what... is happening and has happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour, kateryna shirokopois will tell you about it, here she is already on your screens. cather, i congratulate you on the word. greetings, lesya, in a moment i will tell our viewers about the new statement of the g7 countries, about the cooperation between russia and the dprk, as well as about the enchanting night full moon in dzhankoya. news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. telephone conversation between heads of defense departments, defense minister rustem umerov had a telephone conversation with pentagon chief lloyd osine.


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