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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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uah 2,400, that's not bad, and thank you for watching us, and now let's all remember a moment of silence in memory of those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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my greetings, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, we are starting this information day together with you, and today we are talking about the following on the air. this night in the occupied dzhankoy in the crimea, in the military district. explosions rang out. local telegram channels write about a large-scale fire. we find out what happened there. the occupied left bank of the kherson oblast, the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in krynyk are stormed by the russian army approximately five times a day, so they say in ok south. the russian military does not want to attack again. it is stated there why and what the situation is in kryna. the president signed the law on mobilization. it will take effect in a month. the issue of why the police do not fight is being discussed in social networks, on the president’s website almost 20.9 thousand signatures have been collected on a petition
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for the immediate conscription of law enforcement officers and civil servants, how the mobilization rules for security forces have changed. during a visit to china, olaf scholz asked the head of the people's republic of china xi jinping to influence russia so that putin would end the war. how did china react to this, was it possible to reach an agreement? together with you and the experts, we will discuss the hottest topics this morning, and while there is information from the air force of ukraine that an air alert is spreading across ukraine, kyiv is being urged to urgently take shelter and they are also writing about the fact that russian missiles are flying to chernihiv oblast and holding course to kyiv region. be careful. write in the comments what news this morning you consider important, and now let's talk about the situation in the occupied crimea, in the city of dzhankoi, which is located right there. a military airfield is on fire after the explosions, the russian telegram channel writes about it. as well as
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the crimean wind, but according to their data, several explosions rang out in the city around four in the morning, after which a strong fire became visible in the area of ​​the airfield. with the help of satellites, satellite... powerful fires at the udzhankoy airfield, for referring to crimean weather subscribers, they report that the detonation of munitions continues at the airfield, and the road to the village of pobidne, next to which the airfield is located, is blocked, traffic is restricted along the route from dzhanka to the kherson region, confirms the occupation minister of transport of the peninsula, mykola lukashenko. but neither
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the russian ministry of defense nor the occupying head of crimea, serhiy aksyonov, give reasons, and nothing is reported about the situation in dzhankoya. it will be noted that at the end of 2022, journalists projects of radio liberty, crimea realy and schemes reported that after the retreat of the russian military from the right bank of the kherson region, the dzhankoya airfield became the main logistics hub of the russian army and the base of attack helicopters. analyzing the images of planet labs, journalists then saw. more than fifty helicopters. also, this airfield very often receives cargo planes and attack aircraft, su-25. radio svoboda journalists wrote about it at the time. the airbase is operated by the black sea fleet and the 39th helicopter regiment is based there 27th mixed aviation division of the fourth air force command of the air defense forces of the southern military district. the crimean realiz journalist joins our broadcast.
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sergey, i congratulate you, tell me what is known as of this morning, what happened there, what happened in dzhankoya, morning, well, accordingly. to the data of crimea , the 39th helicopter regiment, 27th mixed aviation division of the fourth air force command and air defense forces of the southern military district are based at this airbase in dzhankoya, three air squadrons on mi-8, mi-35, mi-28, k-52, are also stationed there helicopters of the border service of the russian fsb. the crimean began to report about the explosions there. public public toward the night of april 17, around 3:40 a.m., the first reports began to appear, now it is known that car traffic on the kerch bridge was once again suspended, and the occupation authorities of crimea blocked the road from dzhankoy to the village of
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pobedne. and here it should be noted that the local public reported on the work of air defense in the north of the occupied crimea for several days in a row, and perhaps it was related, it also overlapped the kerch bridge, and perhaps this, these events were related to the operation, the results of which we can see this morning, and in the crimean publics, people also write about the fact that traffic is blocked, pro-government crimean publics, they do not report the results of the attack in dzhankoy in detail. but they are already threatening those people who filmed these explosions. er, and they are looking for those crimeans, thanks to whom we were able to see these frames in the frame. sergey, in general, how do the russian authorities on the peninsula react to all such incidents there with explosions, how promptly do they inform the population that is happening, are there any alarm signals,
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are they informing the population about some safe, possibly places, and of course the other part, and are they telling what exactly happened, where, what exploded, what are the consequences? reveal this story, are telegram channels like the crimean wind there the only source, there and the crimean real, the only source to find out what really happened, the beginning of the russian invasion, according to our observations, the information policy of the occupying power in crimea, became such prevention of the spread of panic, apparently because information about hits. forces of ukraine in crimea is either hiding or somehow getting around, well, i already said that nothing is known about today's consequences of today's strike from the pro-government crimean public, pro-russian, except for the ways around this
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area and that they are looking for those who filmed the consequences of the hit, that is, they try not to highlight it very much. the results of attacks by the armed forces of ukraine, well , it just turns out that people see it anyway, they transmit information to each other so precisely, so they hide it from the local population, what actually happened, well, this is a rather complicated story, and it is quite difficult to hide it from the local population, and besides, the occupying power is russian, it is waging such a struggle against the local population in crimea, just yesterday we researched this topic anew and found out that for ... more than 700 days of a full-scale invasion, we have 780 protocols against the crimeans for the so-called discrediting of the russian army, and this may, by the way, include reports about the failures of the russians at the front, about hitting targets in
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crimea and so on. thanks to serhii for informing me that he has joined our morning broadcast. let me remind you that serhii mokrushin, a journalist of crimea realia, is a project that tells exactly what is happening. directly on the occupied peninsula and is doing so for the 11th year in a row. thanks to sergey for joining. meanwhile, it is increasingly difficult for the russian troops to find the strength to storm the bridgehead of the armed forces of ukraine in krynyky on the left bank of the kherson region. the head of the joint coordination press center of the force defense of the south said this on the air of the telethon natalia humanyuk. due to the losses in this direction, the morale and psychological state of the russian... the military is difficult, in order to storm krynyk, it is necessary to attract reserves from the second and third lines of defense, so says ms. humenyuk, but the russian pro-war blogger romanov writes that the armed forces of ukraine expanded the bridgehead in krynyk to 500 m to the west, and also increased the number
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of personnel there. on april 5, they allegedly landed on a new site in this village. according to the blogger, this is caused by surrendering the position without a fight to the russian military. at the same time... romanov writes that the russian army also has an advance in the krinkas, in the central part to a width of 400 m and a depth of 100 m. let me remind you that on february 20 of this year, russian defense minister sergei shoigu publicly reported to president putin about the complete control of the russian army over the kryns in the armed forces of ukraine, at that time this information was denied. a broken church, destroyed neighborhoods and smoke from explosions and fires, soldiers of the black swan strike group of the 255th of the assault battalion of the armed forces of ukraine showed what the current situation in donetsk region looks like. the occupying army continues. on the city, russian forces are today in its eastern outskirts. the defense forces of ukraine say that the russian army
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is attacking time from different flanks, actively using, in particular, aviation. under the cover of aviation, the russian army continues its assaults around the clock, the spokesman for the direction, lt. col. nazar voloshin, said on the air of the telethon. and he stated to the political publication that if the russian army can seize time, it will open up the possibility of an offensive on kostyantynivka, drushkivka, kramatorsk and slovyansk. these. hundred is a quote from the last stronghold of the donetsk region, which is under the control of ukraine, quotes the words of voloshin, voloshin is a politician. deepstateua analysts on the x network wrote that the russian army is bringing down reserves for the battle during the yar period, it is also worth recalling that the russian military leadership set the task for its troops to capture the city by may 9. such a statement was made by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine pantsirsky. the russian ministry of defense reported in a telegram yesterday that the calculations of the anti-aircraft missile defense system. kostrumskyi the paratroopers apparently destroyed the concentration of manpower of the armed forces of ukraine on the outskirts of the time ravine.
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we will talk about the situation there later. kyrylo sazonov, political scientist, serviceman of the armed forces joined our broadcast. mr. kirill, welcome to our broadcast? thank you for joining. congratulations, good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. tell me, please, what you can, what is the situation, now near the temporal ravine, at what pace is the russian army trying to advance there? she does not advance at any pace, she tries very actively, they climb on her wrists, really hard, this has happened before hard, the last week in general, well , commander-in-chief syrskyi already explained that the task of the occupiers is to capture the city by may 9, you already know how much they love these dates, this symbolism, the inauguration of the dictator on the seventh, the ninth holiday. traditional, so yes, they can’t capture the city, i sometimes look on the internet,
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look at the comments of mine in my telegram channel, i send information there as quietly as i can, and i am struck by the panicky mood, if you believe the panicky mood, we several times already knocked out, everyone was killed, everything was captured, it's not like that, it's actually very difficult, but all the enemy groups that broke through to chasovyar and into the city, all... destroyed, there's no one, nothing, they didn't get a foothold anywhere, but with they actually hit the air a lot, and yesterday cabs flew in, and it hails constantly, and fpv drones fly, that is, they work very, very tightly, sometimes, well, all the movement is running, you often can’t raise your head, eh, it happens that you left chasika was there on konstakh, he came back within a day, and that... the street you were driving on it's gone, it's already destroyed, that's exactly what
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i saw yesterday, that is, they are pressing very, very tightly, very actively, but you, i don't know how to say it, but another grocery store is open in a short time, ugh, under fire , the owner of this store drags boxes with products under fire, sells something, we don't need a store, we have more food with us... we don't need anything else with us, water, and that's how the locals go there, that is, the city somehow lives in such, well, this is a phantasmagoria, a kind of surrealism, the city lives in incredible conditions under constant conditions shelling, and this is a small town, there were about 10,000 inhabitants there even before the war, mr. kyrylo, but it’s really interesting, how you describe, and how life in the town happens, why this shop works, what the owner says, why they don’t close, how do they react to the ukrainian military there, by the way, what are the arguments of the people, why they don’t leave, you say that
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the city is under constant shelling, but they stay, there are no opportunities, or there is no desire, how is there an opportunity, and options for evacuation by the local administration offered a lot, and the volunteers bring something to the city, and if someone needs to be taken out, the volunteers will take them out, and if we can, and we will take them out, the military never, it’s not our job, but the military from lysychchansk always evacuated whoever was needed, well... peace , well, as we say, a civilian should be helped as much as possible, these are people who do not want to go, the situation there simply does not favor such calm souls. as if he arrived, worked, moved, and so we have such a position, we took a look at what people write on local channels, there are a lot of rumors, ugh, that is, i wouldn’t really want to trust them, some are waiting for russia, some are waiting for it to happen somehow, some say, this is my home, i’m not
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going anywhere, it’s hard to understand, but these are such people, they were everywhere, they were on bohdanivka , on hryhorivka, these people were in lusychansk. in severodonetsk, somehow they are waiting for it, somehow it will happen, they have been here all their lives, where to go, psychology is probably difficult to understand, but it exists, and in fact, why do we keep this city like this, here the spokesperson of our direction said very valid things, maybe he said so in general that it opens the way to other cities, to kramatorsk, slavyansk, druzhkovka konstantinivka, chasik is such a thing, well , the height from... it is very nice to see, very nice to fly, correct, and that's why, and to kanstakhia 15 km by car , directly even less, that is, that is why we are holding, we are holding the city, there is an order to hold, we will hold, and as for their desire, which was passed by glavkom syrsky, he said to take it by may 9, so we remember how they
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took luhansk by june 15 last year they wanted to seize the entire region, until july 15... of donetsk, then take bakhmut until august, then take it bahmud until november, then by the centenary of the ussr, i think, in december, then by the new year, surely we will not remind them about kyiv in three days, that is, it is not so easy, but they are pouring a lot, we are still waiting for the help of our partners so that they would be educated, because in fact... our command, the commander also said that there were one to six shells, now it is probably more difficult, if we have more shells, more mines for mortars, then we will arrange for them here, that they will remember donetsk region in their nightmares times, we are now standing thanks to, well, thanks to the fighting spirit of the guys, thanks to the fact that they hold their positions, thanks to our drones
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working with drones, everyone in the 41st brigade and buar works arta and... intelligence, and we have thunder in the unit drone fighters, just the gods of drones, who work very accurately on enemy positions, on dugouts, interfering with their logistics, the enemy also has many drones, many rebols, unfortunately, the enemy also has aviation here, you see, indeed, many western analysts talk about that the date of may 9 is unrealistic, but the pressure you are talking about you say, those paces and the means that the russian forces have, they surely indicate that such a goal, well, in principle. to seize this city in the near future, they have it, but what is needed to restrain the russian forces, you said about weapons, about partners, and this is such a globally important issue, indeed, we had yuri on the air these days fedorenko, the commander of the battalion of attack unmanned aerial systems achilles 92 oshbr, and he expressed such, he said, he expressed restrained optimism about the situation on this
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direction, of course he said about the forces and means that are necessary for this, but what can you say , weapons are the main thing. what is needed, well, you say that you have the spirit of your brothers, that is, what is really needed is the weapon? every representative of the 92nd brigade, like our 41st, has the right and restrained optimism, and for anything, because these guys are standing next to each other, they are fighting here in a slightly different place, in a different area, in a different area, but nearby, i will not say without their permission where, also in the bakhmut direction, they are working very hard. weapons are needed, of course, well, of course they are needed replenishment, but syrskyi was here the other day, he understands the situation perfectly, we are waiting for the general staff to do everything possible, what he, what he can do now with our resources, of course, we need more ammunition, the president says that says the general staff, this is what our commanders say, this is what the fighters say, we
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understand everything, if you have, no matter how much artillery you have, no matter how many mortars you have without bc to them, it... doesn't work, let's hold on , we are holding on and the boys have fighting spirit, some boys also need to be changed, they need to to rest, because it is difficult, but we are working, have you seen that the armed forces of ukraine once complained about something, on our broadcasts, in any way, and in general, i thank you, kirill, for telling such important details and about this life, and it is very these stories of yours are revealing and about what the situation is, thank you kirill. zonev, political scientist, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, and we talked about the situation in the city of chasiv yar. this is svoboda ranok, be sure to subscribe to our channel, write. comments and don't forget to share this video, it's important to spread this content, you see many journalists, radio liberty and journalists, colleagues from other publications work to ensure that information is available
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to the ukrainian audience, this is important, and we include in these broadcasts speakers who tell the facts and what they see around them, including among others, we talk a lot about the situation at the front, but not only, but today we will also talk about the mobilization of law enforcement officers under the new law, and also about... convicted citizens of ukraine who are ready to exchange prison service. this is all further on our air, don't miss it the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, signed the law on improving certain issues of mobilization, military registration and military service. this can be understood from the map of the draft law on the website of the parliament. after that, the document should be published in the official parliamentary publication voice of ukraine. the changes will take effect one month from the day following their publication. 73 deputies of the verkhovna rada voted for the bill in the second reading on april 11, excluding specific terms of demobilization servicemen from the document, this is the most
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discussed and scandalous change to this law. in addition, ukrainians are again writing on social networks about why not to increase the mobilization of the police, saying that they are more prepared to participate in the war zone than ordinary citizens. i will note that the draft law signed by zelenskyi allows booking police officers, employees of the security intelligence service against... prosecutor's offices and the bureau of economic security. by the way, there is a petition on the president's website about the immediate conscription of law enforcement officers to the defense forces of ukraine civil servants, has already received almost 29,000 votes out of the 25 required for consideration. andriy osachuk, people's deputy from the voice faction and first deputy chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on law enforcement activities, joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast. thank you for joining. good morning. mr. andrew. and has something changed when we talk about mobilization for law enforcement officers in connection with the adoption of a new law, have they not strengthened there, well, people
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write about the fact that there is no reason why they have not strengthened the mobilization of the police, because the armored personnel carrier remained, and what changes are foreseen in general, how can you explain it to our audience? well, let's start, probably the most difficult and unpleasant, this is, as you say, people write, in fact, a lot. such voices are heard on various platforms, why should i not go to serve, but why not serve civil servants, prosecutors, policemen, deputies, who else is called, there is the sbi, well, the whole list of people who work for the public service is called, so on i you i assure you that if such a dream of such people suddenly materializes, and all these people go to the army, they will not be there, then such people who dream about it will also be gone. go to the army, but for sure, of another country, because we have to understand that the state is not a name on the map, these are state institutions where people work, who during
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a great war have simply, well, an astronomical burden, absolutely everyone who hold the state, if only to buy it, and this must be understood and respected, at the moment, if we are talking about a power bloc, first of all we must remember that... almost all the security forces are fighting, the security service, which now has, i think, somewhere around 30,000 people work in them, but everyone perfectly understands that the units of the sbu work directly both at the front and conduct a lot special operations, the system of the ministry of internal affairs, not everyone understands, because everyone thinks that the police is the ministry of internal affairs, or the ministry of internal affairs is the police, but the ministry of internal affairs, it is also the border guards, it is emergency situations, the ministry of emergency situations, it is also the national guard. 90,000 people, almost there now, who are all heavily involved in hostilities. if we talk about the patrol police, this is only a part of the police, there are about
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1,900 people for the whole of ukraine, and i think that it is not easy for them, to put it mildly, because it is not bad to point the finger at the law enforcement officers, to say that suddenly they do not serve in the army, but this happens exactly until the moment when the citizens themselves do not... face crime, the situation with the criminogenic environment, it is extremely difficult, i hope we all have to understand that poverty is generally, well, the sister of crime, where there is crime, where there is poverty, there is also crime there, mr. andriy, but in your opinion, is there such a thing, you know, well, there are accurate calculations, how many law enforcement officers are really needed in cities where there are no hostilities in order to cover all these issues, of course, because that there are also... there are former law enforcement officers who are now joining the army, and they say that, well, this is a subjective story, of course, that there are many positions that do such a thing, which
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is not so important as today trained people at the front. let's not confuse sin with sin. you mentioned pensioners and retirees military the law adopted by the verkhovna rada stipulates that all retirees must register for military service, and they will in fact have the same status as all other citizens. this issue has been resolved. and as for which positions are important and which are unimportant? you know, you and i, as responsible... citizens, should be more concerned about how well the law enforcement system works, how well the prosecutor's office works, how well they are able to fulfill their duties, and these are, first of all, questions and tasks, as for the minister of internal affairs business as well as to the general prosecutor of ukraine, as well as to all managers, because you and i should be interested in how capable they are of carrying out that workload, because if we are talking about the prosecutor's office, which, according to the law, will have
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15,000 people, but... that's everyone together, these are prosecutors, and, to put it mildly, service personnel, well, there are also hr personnel, i don't know, accountants, there are a lot of people working there, but the prosecutor's office must accompany the investigation of all criminal cases, including war crimes, in our i am registered with you in ukraine for the third year of the war i could be wrong, somewhere in my opinion there are 53,000 war crimes that should all be investigated, that should all be put in a folder with evidence. because if we want victory in the broadest sense, we have to achieve justice, we have to achieve the prosecution of war criminals, mr. andriy, i will then specify, in your opinion, in your opinion, those changes that are currently approved there with reservations, that enough, because, for example, there is a petition on the president's website and there are already 29,000 votes, almost more than the 25,000 necessary for consideration, and there the author writes that we believe that the time has come for all law enforcement officers, i also name civil servants and
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other employees of the budget. spheres that have not yet served during the war, to join and serve in accordance with the qualifications there and the specialty, that is, in your opinion, can there still be changes somewhere here, or is everything that is now functioning normally and nothing needs to be changed? look, again, let's not talk about normal or abnormal, it functions as it functions, thank god we are alive and well and able to communicate with you simply from the profile committee, you people's deputy, it's just that your assessment here is really interesting, yes, my assessment is that this is wild populism, that this is populism. people who do not understand how the law enforcement system works and do not understand what is the load on the law enforcement system, and again, do not understand that we started our discussion with you about the fact that the law enforcement system is at war, we even last year at at the beginning of the 23rd, special legislation was created so that policemen could fight in a brigade of people, because the whole essence of the law is that the police should be separated from the army, this is a classic tool
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balance in a democratic country, but... the police were allowed to fight and the police brigade is fighting, is that too much or too little? i believe that this is already a lot, it is good that they are fighting, the border guards, if you went abroad through the western border, you must have noticed that there are mostly girls working there now, and you can guess why the girls are working, because the steel the border, the brigade, there are several of them, it is at the front, that is , once again, let us not engage in cheap manipulations, we certainly do not engage in cheap manipulations here on the air, it is simply a certain question from society, a petition, some such arguments, and that is why we involved, we are involving various people in this discussion, i thank you, unfortunately, the airtime is running out, thank you for your position, it was important to hear, andriy osachuk, people's deputy from the faction of the voice and the first deputy chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on law enforcement, and you can write your arguments in the comments, by the way, what you agree with and what you don't. thank
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you for your participation. mobilization of convicts requires not only their consent, but also thorough checks, so now we will move on to this topic, we will show you interesting fragments about those citizens of ukraine who are currently in prison, but want to join the army, then natalya humenyuk joins our broadcast, as far as i was told by the director, mrs. natali, i congratulate you, we are waiting for you the entire broadcast, i thank you for joining, because there are many events and your statements on the situation in krynk, and today it is four in the morning. approximately in the occupied crimea there were explosions in dzhankoya, can you, let's start with the crimea, what happened there, what can you do now tell? glory to ukraine, congratulations to everyone, the cotton season is going on in crimea, and the results must be waited for by the general staff, after all , there is, let's say, the right of jonkoi on the first night, and they have to adhere to it, in fact, what is happening is combat...


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