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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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and all its institutions, and i consider the russian orthodox church exclusively one of the institutions of the russian federation, not only that, it is an ideological and military resource, yes, then yes, if russia is a terrorist state, then its church is also a terrorist church. thank you, mr. volodymyr, the russian orthodox church is an ideological structure that serves a terrorist state. russian federation and justifies russia's state terror against ukraine. thank you. actually, why are we asking about the terrorist activities of the russian orthodox church, the reason for this actually was the situation in estonia that the moscow church they want to recognize a terrorist organization there, and this information appeared earlier than today's resolution of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, which clearly states... what are
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the definitions of what the russian orthodox church is. first about pare, today pare unanimously recognized the russian orthodox church as a tool of kremlin propaganda and influence, and patriarch kirill and the hierarchs of the russian orthodox church were recognized as accomplices of russia's crimes against ukraine in the name of russian peace. and in estonia, the minister of internal affairs, in an interview with estonian television, offered to recognize moskovskyi patriarchy is a terrorist. organization and ban its activities in the country, according to lianemets. so what does the minister of the interior of estonia say? given the current context, i, as the minister of internal affairs, have no other choice but to propose to the parliament to declare the moscow patriarchate a terrorist organization that supports terrorism in its activities. the minister of internal affairs can apply to the court. and to propose
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to stop the activities of the church organization operating here, it will not affect the parishioners, it is not means that the temples will be closed, but it means that the ties with moscow will be severed. mr. viktor, considering that pare believes that the russian orthodox church and cyril and the hierarchy of the russian orthodox church are complicit in russia's crimes against ukraine in the name of the russian world, can we expect... that the ukrainian authorities, referring to this pare's resolution, can already complete the work started by the verkhovna rada of ukraine regarding the determination of the status of the filia, russian orthodox church or the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, in other words, these remnants, is it possible not remnants, 10,000 parishes, this is still a fairly large structure that once worked for the kremlin officially, but now it seems to work autonomously. you know, it certainly
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wants to, yes, once and for all break, cut this gordian knot, once and for all, make some decision there and somewhere else ban something, and we would be happy there and rub hands, but we must understand that the question it is much more difficult, why, because the first thing is that the uoc of moscow, no, well, we are there. we only recognize the canonical supremacy there, but after all, we are the ukrainian orthodox church, no confuse, well, i'm in a house, you know, we 're in a house, we have nothing to do with kirill's statement, we're ukrainian patriots, we have embroidered women in our underpants, but there are also arguments here, i travel from there a lot according to one of the projects on the border communities of the sumy region, which are being shelled. here i am,
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for example, to the north of the diet, where the district was, by the way of andriy derkach, and the same one is famous, there are almost no churches, well, the ocu, there are simply none, but there is such a community there, novoslabytska, yes, the community, or putivska, they are not there , that is, the former putiv, putivskyi district, none, and we have to understand that people somewhere have to go to church, somewhere is currently celebrating easter, yes, it is necessary, not only that, but many fathers, who, of course, and especially, especially in the laurels, yes, but let's say, there are many fathers who mourn the fallen soldiers, who in their churches, well, if they talk about ukraine, about pain for ukraine, they say that putin is a terrorist state and russia, so the fathers are different. well, although for me, well, i’m
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saying that i don’t know much about church affairs, for me, well, if you believe to ukraine, then transfer to the ocu, but at least one father with whom i spoke, he... says: well, i was ordained by the bishop, but i can’t transfer without him, so if he transferred, and i would it passed, well, in general , everything is difficult there, again we have to take into account the international aspect, and many people will raise, well, howls in the swamps will rise, but they will raise noise in the world through their structures, through ipso, through their canned goods, but but the republican aunt herself, who threatens johnson there, will not be remembered in any way. last name, she directly says that ukraine, eh, well, the persecution of christians is fine there, yes, bearing in mind, what is it like that they are persecuting the moscow patriarchate, eh, it is not known what the pope of rome will say, and therefore, on the one hand, i would very much like their influence
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to decrease , was minimal, and so that they do not spy here, so that they are not the fifth colony, as a person, a citizen of ukraine, a patriot of ukraine, i really want this, but i understand that there... it is a matter of faith, there must be be very careful and make balanced decisions, even this law, the estonian minister, as he said, we are in favor of a break the connections of the estonian orthodox with cyril and the russian patriarchate, but this does not mean that the churches should be closed, that is, they too, if they wanted some action, but a conspiracy, so our parliamentarians should... take some balanced steps and here seven seven once to measure before making a decision, well, something like that. thank you, mr. viktor, mr. volodymyr, obviously the possibility of these objections, that everything is not so good in ukraine with freedom
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of religion, it is this that slows down the adoption of cardinal decisions, to say the least, the moscow patriarchate is called no longer exists. in ukraine, because it could cause a reaction both in western europe and in the united states of america, but eh, the pare resolution, does it give reasons for the ukrainian authorities to look at it in a completely different way, to say, well, there are meps, there is a big institution of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, and they say that this church is a fellow student, but the only question is whether in this case... it will be possible to talk about the connection of the moscow patriarchate, which is now called the ukrainian orthodox church, with of the russian orthodox church, because they held a council, and talked about the fact that we are supposedly autonomous, but in prayers, they still remember cyril and remember and
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glorify him as the patriarch of the russian orthodox church, well, regarding the pare resolution, that’s for sure will not be the deciding factor. but as an additional argument, when the draft law on the termination of the activities of organizations connected with the russian federation will be considered, and it essentially refers to the uoc of the moscow patriarchate, then yes, this will be an additional argument, sufficiently weighty, i i think supporters of this draft law will use this argument, but i agree with my colleague, but here we need to act carefully and carefully. i would say systematic and consistent. i really hope that the relevant state structures of ukraine, not only the verkhovna rada, but also the structures of the executive power, there are now professional people who are engaged in this, who know the situation well, they should develop a strategy for what to do with the uoc
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of the moscow patriarchate, because simply a legislative decision is not enough, it is really needed transform this number. this church, to gradually change the leadership, reduce, neutralize those people who are connected to moscow, those who are the most aggressive, let's say, actually oppose ukraine, but the sbu is already doing its job, i think it should continue, that's why here is the sequence of actions in order to transform this church, make it ultimately ukrainian, because if nothing is done... it will not just be a potential fifth column, it is a slow-acting mine, especially in certain regions, so yes it is should be one of the separate important directions of state ideological policy, namely ideological policy, not just
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informational and cultural policy, because it is about such an important institution that affects public life, and the resolution is pare, well, i would not exaggerate the importance of pare, we have pare different there were stages of relations, the institution is very important, and ukraine has always actively worked in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, and now this is the case, as the decision that corresponds to our interests and... this decision will have to be used both inside the country, for the necessary legislative decision, as well as abroad, i absolutely agree with my colleague, we now know not only this ms. margery green, who is actively working not only for the uoc mp, but also against the provision of aid to ukraine, there is a whole structure there, navinsky is financed by a whole structure in the usa, which is lobbying for this anti-ukrainian campaign with accusations against ukraine. and unfortunately, this must be taken into account, it does not mean that we have to make concessions, but this campaign must
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be neutralized, but we must act in such a way that, well, let's say so, we do not throw in such unnecessary arguments to these most radical trumpists, well, one must understand that the very existence of this church is probably a matter of national security and defense, and simply consider this issue exclusively in the interests of the ukrainian state and the present and the future. taking into account all these 10,000 parishes, because this, well , it is a very large network in fact, and viktor says that there are no uoc churches in sumy to the north, there are ocu, ocu, ocu, yes, there is a uoc, well, for sure , it's also a mystery to me, why the sumshchina, my native sumshchina, why, why are there so many moscow churches, and people sometimes just simply did not say, darkach influence of dorkach so. not only the snitch, i didn’t let the snitch go there, yes, he held back everything there, yes, yes, yes, but one more
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story, gentlemen, this is the story of the existence of various platforms that influence the information space of ukraine, it is meant not television, not facebook, but tiktok and telegram, there was a lot of talk about telegram during the last month that the ukrainian authorities should... keep in touch with those who administer and decide promptly questions about these e-channels, which work against ukraine, which carry out a very large amount of informational, subversive work. now they are talking about tiktok, the center for countering disinformation at the national security council, together with tiktok will block questionable accounts. this was stated by the deputy head of the department alina bondarchuk. let's listen to mrs. bondarchuk. we... have already given a list of tiktok accounts that should not be viewed, it is on our website of the center
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for countering disinformation and on all social networks, we have given this list and will move on to blocking, literally just a couple more days and we let's start blocking them, there is one thing in the blocking system, but there is a reaction based on the phone number and according to correspondence, that is , if this content is there or they tiktok sees that this content has already appeared. then they can also block such videos, that is, not only because of our direct complaint, we filed a complaint there and that's all, but if, for example, the same video appears in 10 different accounts there per day, for example , in one, second, third, fourth, and the video is the same, then in this way it will automatically block even without a complaint, it again the issue of information security, i remember how many spears were hacked when... russian social networks vkontakte were closed by classmates, where will we listen to music, where
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will we communicate with relatives from russia, eh, where will we do that, we will do it is absolutely obvious that there are two platforms that have a certain, certain reputation, and that these platforms are used quite actively by russians, thank god that there is no russian television, which was also closed at one time in ukraine, access to this. of russian television, mr. viktor, is the prevention of information security sufficient now, because this is not only about regulation, it is also about explaining to citizens how to use these platforms, in what way not to fall into these information sinks, which are quite active are used against ukraine, these are the same networks. roc only in the information space and in social networks? well, i myself
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am subscribed to the most iconic telegram channels in social networks, well, not so on tiktok, but the telegram channels of russian military personnel, well, that’s why you have to know the enemy from the inside, for me, for example, if they close such accounts, then it's bad, where will i look, laugh, laugh at solovyov, kobeyeva, that is. but i know that my work there is harmful, maybe they said in the soviet union that it is harmful to give milk, yes, but i know about myself that i am a prepared person. i will not fall for their delusions, but about many of my compatriots , i, well, we have no other people than the ukrainian people, i am talking about such people, simply so as not to offend them, i say naive, yes, in our there are many naive people who can be easily deceived, and they also launch pso, there are even, i would say, high-quality ones, but in relation to
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the mobilization there, they are dispersing treason , a traitor, that the majors do not go to war, i saw that they for... they are playing in telegram channels, well, it is quite clear that it is an expensive product and they worked well on it, there are, of course, blindly scary ones, but there are also normal ones, well, i mean professionally shot things that one way or another will influence, but what i would like to point out is that in order for people not to search for information another, they must find information in ukraine, and we have thrown out several tv channels. from the news series, our only marathon is, let's say, an information platform, which also misinforms citizens, then invites to barbecues, conditionally, yes, and everything works well in the regime, beautiful marquise, what is the best government on earth, it is the government of servants people and zelenskyi, and if someone doubts
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the information, he starts looking for alternative information, but i am also on my own. i say, yes, i am in sumy oblast, well, many people there who know me have the feeling that i know more somewhere there, and they say, for example, yes, and there will be an offensive, there, they will attack, the russians will attack us again, there will be a new offensive, and i say there, so what, but after the only marathon, what they say, and they say yes, who ours, in our time, believes in a single marathon, well, what do you think, so, let's let the state provide citizens with truthful information that... so that they don't look for alternative information, that is, don't look for the truth elsewhere, and then we have everything will be fine, but let's say that it is necessary to monitor and close tv channels there, so that naive people do not have to watch sroseyushki, but you have to talk and talk with your people,
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try to talk not like small children, but like adults, including. to tell the truth, including the unpleasant truth, then we can achieve something. mr. volodymyr, if you would advise the current authorities and give advice on information policy, in particular, what would you advise on how to consolidate all information resources, meaning those that, unfortunately, were thrown out of t2 on april 22- th year, in particular espresso, the fifth direct channels. channel, so why not create it together the right informational message and not to make it possible to fight against russian propaganda, and so that everyone understands that we are all fighting together, let's say so, and not one part
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of the office of the president of ukraine is fighting with the espresso tv channel, don't go to us there, for example, we are not . is not a tv channel, we work on the air, we talk about security, we talk about the future, we talk about the present, why, why is there such a division, i’m not talking about these telegram jams anymore, because they write a lot of different things, i don’t i know if you are reading about myself in those cesspools, well , they sometimes write about me there, when they mention me, and i also know, yes, they mention me and they mention me, and even more than once, i am like that... also a character for criticism and for definition in russian propaganda and not only in telegram resources, well, i will tell you so frankly, you said there about the fact that there is a marathon in the president’s office, well, some people who are also on the direct and so on, also
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speak very unfavorably about me, and let's say, in the style of the same russian garbage, sometimes in the same techniques. this is just justice glad, sometimes i just don't see the difference, but i'll say it frankly, and this is exactly the problem for cooperation when it comes to countering enemy propaganda, and even now, i think, there are no fundamental differences here, in the marathon they are countered, by the way, criticism of marathon, i am not a viewer, and not only of the marathon, but also of many tv channels, so i read more, well, sometimes i watch videos, by the way. a participant in the only telethon unlike me and viktor boberenko. yes, as in that joke, yes. but you understand, in fact , there is also a lot of normal truth in the marathon information, there are sources of information there, in particular
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, there is military intelligence, constant information from military sources, which, by the way, is very objective, so i would not say that it is not true only there, those who criticize the marathon, they usually do not watch, but a third, and according to some estimates, up to 40% watch the marathon, that's it. a source of information on countering russian propaganda, i do not see any contradictions between the marathon and the opposition tv channels, but in terms of domestic politics, unfortunately, there are fundamental disagreements and attitudes with there are enemies on both sides, and this is the main problem, regarding the telegram and not only the telegram, i will give you a specific example that i am very, let's say, not that i was disappointed, impressed, i don't remember who about it. .. talked about an acquaintance of his at the front, who watches, for example, on youtube, watches the broadcasts of diana panchenko, famous, hostile person,
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traitor, but a person at the front watches, perhaps because, yes, what is it, that i do not trust the marathon, yes, and look at this diana panchenko, if it is so, then it is very bad, and this is just right for me, the challenge is not even that, not only from the point of view of opposing telegram. at the front, they have, i don’t know, whether we have people there who are engaged in propaganda work, information work precisely at the front with the soldiers, because you have to look at who is watching what on youtube, on the same telegram channels and so on further, because this is a very important, responsible social group for all of us, fighters at the front, regarding telegram channels, if, for example, in tiktok, now, as i understand it, it is possible to block individual accounts, in particular because there is cooperation with
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structures of tiktok, there are certain agreements, and well, there are mechanisms, how you can influence, by telegram, unfortunately, as far as i heard, there is a huge problem, we do not have a representative of this structure of mr. durev, and with whom to cooperate in order to block on... for example, these russian accounts, i, by the way, also look, i am like viktor, yes, it is our professional duty, we need to look at some russian resources to know what is there, what the mood is, what they think how they act, but i think we will find it exit, but how to block, the list of russian resources, it exists, it should be more actively distributed, we need to think about how, i don't know what kind of advertising it should be, so that the broad masses of people know that these are russian or pro-russian. propaganda resources, but , unfortunately, it is impossible to block them completely , even budanov said about this recently that , unfortunately, they cannot completely block them, and that’s how there are two components here, technically, as i
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understand it, it is impossible to completely solve the problem, unfortunately, that's why you have to think about what way or counter-propaganda efforts to solve this problem, or still find some options, well, as possible. it is possible to neutralize the activities of these pro-russian resources and this applies not only to the telegram channel, i am talking about a similar situation on youtube, i am not talking about other social networks, there is the same facebook, but tiktok is now one of the main problems, by the way, i will give one example, in february i heard from an ex, let's say, an ex. a representative of the american government, i will say this, mrs. hilary clinton, who ran for the position of the president of the united states, she said about tiktok that in america they conducted a study,
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50 times russian propaganda prevails over accounts that truthfully cover the war in ukraine, 50 times on tiktok, and you know, now even the republicans have proposed one of the bills despite well, in order, let's say, to transfer tiktok in america under the control of the american authorities, we also need to think about it, and maybe we need to negotiate with the same fool, i don't know how possible, his interview, what is he gave it just a few days ago, it is very alarming, very alarming, and it is an uncontrolled resource that russia can influence, but we cannot influence, so here we have to solve the very technical, how to neutralize russian propaganda on telegram, here, unfortunately. .. there are no simple, simple tools, well, it must be said that he gave this interview to takar carson, the same carson to whom putin gave an interview, and by the way, it appeared today.
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information that when this interview was posted, it was on youtube on carson's youtube channel and there was a link to telegram, then in a few hours carson’s account soared there from 10,000 subscribers, i think, or from 20,000 to 100 or so, that is, the crazy growth went, so the fool won in this story, carson won in this story , only ukraine just constantly loses now. and as for panchenko, she was officially banned by youtube on the territory of ukraine, it was already after that, yes, but before there was such an unfortunately, sad situation and one more detail, we don’t have opposition channels, we have journalists, i don’t know why you do you consider espresso, for example, an opposition channel, because we are a television channel of ukraine, we work for ukraine, that is
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, during war for us, the main thing is the interests of ukraine, viktor, yes, i, in the 21st year, even at espresso, fate brought me together with maryana bezugla, but we have them quite often, including poturaev and yevgenia kravchuk, many representatives, now i haven't seen it lately, but let's say before the full-scale war, yes, yes, i twice, i had the pleasure of talking with mariana, now i know about... i think i saw it life is over, i, too, she was on the air live before the full-scale invasion, but she was not as keen on her as she is now, i will say so, one more topic, gentlemen, this is the 100 most influential people in the world, today yulia navalny and 100 people by
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version appeared on the cover of time. e of this popular and influential publication has determined: among ukrainians, there is only one representative of ukraine, this is the head of the office of the president of ukraine yermak, he is a person who, according to the publication, played a central role in ensuring the work of the ukrainian government after the start of a large-scale war. after the full-scale invasion, he conveyed zelenskyi's message to the world, creating... a strong network of friends of ukraine from the west to the global south, uniting them around issues from sanctions to the environment - he notes the time, well, 5 years of zelenskyi's presidency, and the person in yermak is still the most influential person in ukraine. mr. viktor, is this a logical end to the five-year term, because we understand that zelensky's term
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continues, but ends. which is the most popular and the most influential in the world is now yermak, not zelensky? i think this is bad news for irmak, because volodymyr oleksandrovych can equalize, and when zelenskyi starts to equalize, we see where aristovych is now, yes, where, what happened to zaluzhny, then for yermak this is bad, bad news, really i partially agree with that. in terms of the fact that yermak really has extraordinary powers in ukraine, extraordinary influence, he, in my deep conviction, rules not only the parliament, but also the government, and rules through tatarova, well, partially, let's say, not completely by some power bloc, and by law enforcement agencies, and it has a certain influence, certain, let's not generalize that there is
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total. influence and the system, but first of all, i would not exaggerate, yes, we can see what the front was like in the parliament, yes, the fair showed that it still controls the parliament by adopting the law on mobilization, but the law was adopted emasculated , who knows whether he would have passed in his, if there was also a demobilization component, and there was something else, something else, some nuances, and more... cruel options regarding the dodgers, who knows if he would have been accepted, that is, we cannot now confidently say that yermak controls everything, and i would not start saying, especially that yermak created a network of friends there, a network of friends in ukraine, created the armed forces of ukraine, civil society, the scientific community, there are cultural and sports figures.


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