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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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already paying too high a price, we already have olena verlan kuchenko, deputy of the vinnytsia city council, mrs. olena, i congratulate you, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, what is going on with the internet there in vinnytsia, well , first of all, it is raining in vinnytsia today , the weather has become so gray, but we hope that spring will win after all, especially since, as usual, the inhabitants of the villages, summer residents are avid, all have already been on their plots, planted. everything is flourishing, slowly sprouting, so we hope that it will be spring after all will stand on its rails. if taken as a whole, the news of vinnytsia is quite diverse, from the, you know, strange attitude of the vinnytsia city council to citizens, one of the women from vinnytsia seven years ago, having given birth to a child, appealed to the city council with a request to install a ramp near her house so that she could a cart had to be taken out of the entrance. she received
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an answer exactly 7 years later with the fact that a baby carriage will be installed for her at her entrance, ugh, what a surprise, according to the city council of all of us, so, let's say, in quotes fastidious attention to the needs of the city's residents, well , better late than never, for example, better late than never, well , for example, the child was 10 years old, he needed a stroller, there was somewhere to park it, who was already 17 years old, well, too . bad, too, yes, there is still a chance to take the grandchildren out on this ramp, because they are trying so hard, another terrible news that vinnytsia has experienced now is that on april 15, a 40-year-old woman tried to drown her son in the southern bog , eight years old, came in and paid attention the policeman on the fact that the woman pushes the boy to the river, goes into the river with him and tries to drown him,
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the policeman rushed in, saved the boy, the mother has now been placed in a psychiatric hospital, but the story itself is terrible, this is, you know, the tragedy of social problems, and the lack of attention on the part of many structures, to some extent also social structures, which only talk about the fact that they carry out monitoring, actually such monitoring, you see, this is a big problem. by the way, in general, it was a good idea of ​​mrs. ulyana suprun, because well of course, it is impossible to keep all people with mental disorders as in a prison, this is absolutely clear, and this is such a terrible soviet practice, it cannot be like that, but on the other hand, there must be a system of very clear guardianship of people who monitor that , that these people took medicine, because people with schizophrenia, for example, can be aggressive, dangerous, and can commit murders, even attack people. and can be,
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for example, on special permanent therapy and be, in principle, quite normal and adequate, as far as it is possible for people, and here it is important that this simply be a guardianship system, accordingly, in our country neither precinct police officers work normally, because they do not want to be contacted, nor psychiatric dispensaries, they are underfunded there or something else, nor do the courts want to be contacted , to give normal these and all the things of medical commissions, according to the system, if it was like in america, then this humanism would work, but since we have an undeveloped system left, they were not allowed to finish their work, and so we ended up somewhere mediocre , soviet practices no longer exist work, we haven’t had time to build american ones yet, and we now have those people with serious mental disorders, sometimes on their own, like a top, and even without, they decided for themselves that they no longer take, for example, some sedatives are there any antipsychotics? and in them after a couple
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of months an exacerbation begins, and it's scary what can happen then, these people are really dangerous for others then, so i want to add that, you know, what is currently being discussed, there is talk about outpatient psychiatric care without stations, in fact, this is a huge problem for society, because people have mental disorders and stressful situations, unfortunately, they are becoming more and more active, society does not quite react to this, but you know, i want... i want to say that yesterday extraordinary news, maryna anatolovna poroshenko visited us yesterday at the nemyrivska city hospital, and she had a meeting with the medical staff, with the management staff, and taking into account the fact that currently physical, medical and psychological are extremely necessary. chiiatric rehabilitation,
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society is not quite, if it responds to the challenges that we have today not only in terms of mental care, psychiatric care. but it does not actually respond to the challenges we already have. we have already mobilized veterans who are disabled, who lost their condition, lost their previous state of health before the mobilization, they are already at home, and i do not observe such a, say, monitoring system and support for such families, the doctor supported the idea of ​​medical personnel. on the creation of a modern rehabilitation center by the petro poroshenko foundation, which will not only provide medical and physical rehabilitation, but also psychiatric and psychological rehabilitation, that is, it will be such a large complex, and it will be the first
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such, let's say, a comprehensive approach not only to the actual rehabilitation of the patient, but also to the creation of social activity for those families who, let's say, return from the front and begin to live the process of togetherness of families who are immigrants, who also begin their process in a new territory, and it is precisely because they need such, let's say, complete medical and psychiatric rehabilitation, that i can only share here also actually the experience of lviv, because in lviv, for example, the city council created such a center with... which deals with veterans' affairs and its recently it was literally headed by andrii zholob, he is a well-known military medic who has now returned after two concussions there, and we know that, accordingly, the city itself is also trying to support such initiatives, in
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addition, there are several private initiatives as well powerful people in the city, who in one way or another take care of veteran affairs quite seriously, well, but of course with the help, with the attention of local business 100%, which is very heavily invested in the it industry, and local business also monitors this , that is, it can also be a part of local self-government, i think, here it is hoped that local self-government should pay attention to this, you know, i observe this process from the point of view of being a mother of defenders and a wife myself, and let's say, i i'm still waiting for at least someone to call he will ask me how, how am i, yes, what happened to me, how am i, but well, at least until today this has not happened, moreover, they are trying, well, basically, what they are doing is handing out packages, you know, packages with writing,
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there, this is the groysman strategy, but all the time, when i look at these package distributions, i understand that someone really needs those products, and more... after all, those whose defenders are now in a special , well, in difficult conditions, in conditions when many things are kept silent, we still need more that connection, just such a social connection, which we do not observe, because, if you look, families look for each other, unite, look for connections on the internet in groups, and in this way try to use some kind of cover ... so gather news, or gather information about what is happening. by the way, one of the problems that can be observed now is the problem of missing people, which, yes, yes, and actually, many people turn to me as
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a deputy, wives, mothers, parents, actually, who cannot just to find out where to go next where their relatives are, because they are beginning to be told that they are in such a place where there is no communication. but wait, wait, and well, this problem is absolutely not fixed, so it is clear, and we very often actually loved ones can even know almost one hundred percent that their loved one died know the place, but simply because that place, well, very often, you understand that if a person died, very often that some of those positions were lost. and then it is simply impossible to take the bodies away, the russians don't care much there, if they did they said, well, no matter how difficult it may be, each of us wants to have from those who have relatives at the front, each of us wants to have, well
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, at least some clarity, and you see, president zelenskyy said at his last press conference, that i don't want to speculate on the topic of the missing, accordingly, i didn't say anything about the missing, but he easily speculated on the number of the dead, he called 31, let me remind you, at that time in, for example, absolutely. we have requirements from the military unit to work properly. i understand, that the units are in battles and often densely, they simply do not have time to document something, but all the same, these connections with families must work, in fact, just like the service on the shield, which practically does not fulfill its function at the moment, in full, which is necessary, and... what else i will pay attention to now, i will return to those, let's say, in quotation marks of effective laws that
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have now been adopted, i will not talk about the fact that the law on mobilization is called a one-way ticket there, but i will say that it is strange to me that until today for health care institutions , at least some quota was not determined for medical workers to be booked by hospitals. and er , clowns got in, someone else got in, and medics, who can and will have to create a protection infrastructure on the territory of a certain territorial community, they are not subject to reservation, er, these are strange stories, as well as reservation there, relatively speaking for clowns and so on, and, for example, the lack of reservations there for academic theaters, academic... i don't know opera theaters, that's it it is amazing why there is such logic, and there is no one to even ask, we have not even had
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a minister of culture for a year. ms. elena, thank you very much for your conversation, and also thank you for raising e-defenders as a mother, which is extremely important. thank you, we will now, in the meantime, talk a little bit about what 's going on in mariupol, i... i wanted to say that we also have a little bit of encouraging information about what 's going on in the united states around our aid, uh- uh, what's going on around our help, you know what mike johnson, this is a person whom we have not liked for a long time, this is a representative of the republicans in the house of representatives of congress, who personally criticized all the time. biden's proposals for aid to ukraine, so rhys gorman, this is
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a parliamentary, american correspondent, wrote 7 hours ago that he had a conversation with johnson and he told him the following phrase: look, history judges us against what we do, and now is a critical time for it, right now, and i can... some selfish decisions or something else, but i do now what, what i believe is the right thing to do, and i think that providing lethal weapons to ukraine now is critical, and i'm willing to take personal risks to do so, so if johnson says that, then hopefully , which is a little crooked, but also from this quote. we understand that there is pressure, which trumpist johnson calls personal
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risks, so there is someone who is behind this pressure, russia, trump himself, personally, it is unknown, but if the leader of the republican faction complains about these personal risks in america in order to to give weapons to ukraine in war against moscow, strange times we live with you, are with us. is that dmytro zabavin, mr. dmytro, deputy of the mariupol city council, congratulations, good morning, we should see good news, maybe we will finally have american weapons, we really hope for it, in fact, the fighters who are holding back now with the remnants of literally what there remains a russian offensive, it does not always succeed, i hope that at least the commanders understand that, in fact, we cannot simply pay with people's lives for territories and... executions, well, no we can too, i understand how painful it is, especially for people from donbas who are now forced
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to live in other territories, who look at their occupied land, it hurts, but the fact that we will now lose even more people does not mean that this something will change, we, we, then it will be more difficult for us to return our lands, in the fifth year, in the sixth, really, imagine, russia forced to leave, the city of mariupol is bigger. 50% of its inhabitants, i.e., not accepting the russian occupation, the people of mariupol simply left their city, which is nothing but the ukrainian genocide people and... and accordingly, the people of mariupol will be very happy with the decision to allocate weapons to our state, because, let's say, until now we cannot reach our cities,
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our territory, which is temporarily occupied by the enemy, but our armed forces to... . for a long time, we were able to get ukrainian cotton to those territories, those places where the occupiers place their manpower, their weapons, and accordingly we saw many, many explosions of ukrainian cotton in the temporarily occupied territory, and actually in mariupol and even on the border with the terrorist country. that is, we are talking about the fact that the forces, our armed forces, were able and are able to achieve the goals that are located even on the border and even on the temporarily occupied territories in the most remote corners of the donetsk region, so we hope that soon this
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direction will strengthen and the occupiers, collaborators, who... now in mariupol, will again be outraged at the thought that they will be the next target, and my god, about the news from the occupied, usually occupied lands from donetsk region, they are amazing, he read peter andryushchenko that when they arrived in occupied novoazovsk, the collaborators brought volunteers like help. which delegation is headed by a certain vartan petrosyan, some representative of the association of law enforcement officers, who is currently in a case on suspicion of pedophilia, just some trash, but the video itself is fantastic, there the children meet this vartan and the delegation from
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moscow with bread and salt , and the children were dressed, not even... floral trousers, well, as it usually happens in these terrible soviet events, they put some russian sarafans, some kokoshniks on their heads, so what are they, they are like some, well, some conventional finno-ugric locals, and it’s somehow amazing, that is, even now shasharovars are too much for them they are mulling, he looks, that is , the child is walking in some such russian outfit. imagine, these moments, they bring in a militarized form, some kind of help, ah sort of, that is, all these elements of propaganda, which, starting there from kindergarten, kill children and even there in
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the younger grades, all these organizations like bride. guards, all this is designed to militarize children, they are taught to hold weapons there already in elementary school, well, that is, it is supposed to be, well, that is, we look at it as just some kind of horror, and this is such a program of militarization in theirs, that is, it is a powerful propaganda machine, which is designed to make children, so imagine... in donetsk, yes, in temporarily occupied, those children who were taught there after the beginning of the occupation, that is, they already came to kill in the 22nd year e-e local residents of mariupol, and these were young people there, 18-20 years old, who had been pumped up with such propaganda since
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2014, and they were the most merciless, and... they killed civilians, that is, they, directed by the russians, make such, let's say, machines for murders, pumping propaganda from childhood, this is such a purposeful desire. well, mr. dmytro, thank you very much for the conversation, and for taking the time to join us at this hour. dmytro zabavin was with us, a deputy of the mariupol city council, and we talked about what is happening in occupied mariupol. let's go now to in short, for a short break, we will continue to have news from the dnipro and dnipropetrovsk region. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saws from unpack tv are just for you, they will easily cut trees and
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are busy. propaganda russia millions throws petrodollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. on tuesday, thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more. more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for
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with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. result. their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who covers the enemy with heavy fire and returns meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade. armed forces let's stick together. well, we are returning to our telethon and now we will find out what the situation is in the dnipro region, in
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the dnipropetrovsk region. khrystyna kalyushik peltek joins us. mrs. khrystyna, we congratulate you. good morning. good morning. how was the night, was everything calm? in the dnipro itself, the night passed peacefully, thank god. it was loud. in the nikopol district, yesterday the enemy also attacked the nikopol district, attacked very strongly, 13 drones and attacked four times with artillery, and a rocket flew over the senelnikiv district, people were not injured, houses were damaged, structures, infrastructure facilities, a hospital and cars were damaged, this is what we saw in reality and in the video and... and pictures of the results of this attack on nikopol, unfortunately, in fact, i don't know if there are days when the city and the nikopol district are not shelled by the enemy, unfortunately... the front
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there is literally hundreds of meters from dnipro, that's why there is such a situation, and that now in kryvyi rih, has the electricity already returned there, because this news that the whole city was cut off from the electricity a couple of days ago, it was so disturbing, er, yes, the electricity was cut off, it is being restored light to homes, more work is also being carried out... by workers on emergency work and preventive work, we understand what the situation is now, what situation our energy is in now, and not only in our region, but in principle throughout ukraine, therefore there are some disconnections, the crooked horn is connected gradually, in principle, everyone already has electricity, kryvyi rih district, so people who work
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in this area, i mean critical such infrastructure, there are, we say, that these are just gods who help, who save, and it does not matter in which time of day and it doesn't matter what the weather is, because the storm swept through the dnipropetrovsk region, and it also... affected almost all districts in kryvorizha, in addition to the enemy's blows, there were also, let's say, unfavorable weather conditions, so this all naturally imposes such a negative aspect on this situation, but return the light to people in homes, so this is a very positive sign, and what
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is the news in general, that... now in the regional council, is it functioning, what is the current agenda, the regional council is aimed as much as possible at the situation that has already developed for war, for defense, and the main tasks, of course, are only about this, of course, there is also education. at the moment, it may not be as high a priority as it is in peacetime, but still it is necessary to engage in education with spiritual values, but still in the first place is the defense of the region and assistance to veterans and assistance to the injured, so all work that is aimed precisely at these...
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directions, then the main emphasis is placed precisely on these directions. ms. kristina, thank you very much for taking the time this morning and joining our marathon, talking about the situation in the dnipro, in the dnipro and dnipropetrovsk region, thank you, and we will end this informative and analytical hour and move on actually to the latest information, to the news service. and where today, so to speak, kateryna shirokopoyas rules everything. katerina, you have a word. congratulations, andriy, i will tell you already details about the explosions in ivano-frankivsk and where our allies are looking for air defense systems for ukraine.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in the morning , explosions rang out in the ivano-frankivsk region. the air force warned of the threat of an attack by the shaheds. monitoring telegram channels reported several explosions in the regional center. the mayor of ivano-frankivsk , ruslan martsynkiv, reported the destruction of several enemy air targets. fortunately, it was done without. the number of victims has increased to 18 the number of victims of the russian missile attack on chernihiv, almost 80 more people were injured, among them four children. at the same time, three residents managed to escape under the rubble, the state emergency service said . the city continues to recover from an insidious enemy attack.


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