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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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it was really an important, large-scale, successful operation of the armed forces of ukraine yesterday. there is already more detailed information on the lesions, it will be officially made public today. yes, there are also launchers of anti-missile and anti-air defense systems, there are destroyed radar systems, and there is information about damaged personnel planes. all the information today will be made public some time later, this is a serious... harvest and a successful operation of the armed forces of ukraine. a russian mi-8 helicopter was destroyed on the territory of samara, which was used to transport personnel and weapons. give details about this and how it harms the russian forces. well, it is characteristic that, i'm sorry, this event took place in the deep russian rear. we do not comment on who did it and how, they are obviously good people and... with bright
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intentions to punish putin's war criminals, the fact that, in fact, similar successful operations, heroic measures are taking place at protected facilities and in the russian rear, and destruction of expensive equipment, this is not just about some preserved object, this is a working aircraft, mi8, which was actively used, including in the war against ukraine with respect to. deliveries of manpower, weapons, bc, in fact, minus such a working bird, it is not only about money, it is certain serious problems for the enemy, i emphasize once again, it is in the deep rear, we saw the video, that is, it is possible and necessary to continue such operations and further in the future. ukrainian media sources say that gur attacked a radar container in mordovia, explain what kind of node it is, how it was used, and again. after all, what harm does it cause to the russians
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forces? everything that makes russia, as an aggressor state, the russian strategic aviation, including, more blind, everything that makes the space on the territory of the aggressor state less protected for other means of destruction, which are supposed to work on military objects, we do not comment , again, that these are the actions of ukraine, well, conditionally... something and someone is taking similar measures on the territory of the russian federation itself, this is all good news for us. in addition, the flight container is not just expensive, it is a conditionally modern system, and in fact, it has strategic importance for the aggressor state. its loss, as well as the inability to protect a similar object in the deep rear, is a serious sentence for the armed forces of the occupier, who, in fact, instead of...
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in order to protect their territory and their space, stretched their means of defeat, forces and means on the long front line, they concentrated them on the ukrainian temporarily occupied territories, nevertheless, in the meantime , everything is burning and burning in the rear, and this applies to military facilities, in contrast to the same terror that the enemy is doing in ukraine, because we see the murders of people, and this cannot be called in any other way in kharkiv and chernihiv. lately, well, actually in russia, this is happening with military facilities, well, this is also very revealing. the washington post wrote this week that the white house is very much against strikes on russian oil refineries, and that us vice president kamela harris told president zelensky about this during the munich back-to-back conference in february, given the attention that is already to this issue and how it is discussed in the world, in particular in the usa and ukraine, blows on will there still be russian refineries? officially, we can
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remind you that ukraine neither confirmed nor denied such things, i cannot now, understanding the weight of words, announce or deny any things, that the consequences for russia on the territory of the russian federation itself, the consequences of its genocidal aggression and war against ukraine will continue, it is true, and we see it actually on a daily basis, that these refineries are non-civilian. facilities, namely military, as it is used to supply the occupation grouping of troops in ukraine, as well as to finance the war against ukraine, this is also a fact, everything else, well, i think history will show, including among our partners, there is a very active widespread opinion that ukraine has every right to such actions, and they are exclusively defensive in nature, and such voices are also becoming louder.
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the leadership of the country there did not address gur, for example, did not say that there is no need to make such strikes now, well, you are asking questions that, you know, i cannot answer on the air. the answer is definitely the main directorate of intelligence, part of the security and defense forces and subordinate to the supreme commander-in-chief, there is a regular exchange of information, reports, and all the completeness of information and the main directorate of intelligence and the supreme commander are available, all necessary decisions within the framework of the national interests of ukraine are made. mr. andriy, i thank you for joining and telling, so to speak, the latest news, and... we talked about what is happening in the territory of the occupied crimea, and about strikes on russian military facilities, andriy yusov, svoboda ranov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, was a guest. thank you. also on this broadcast, we want to tell you the story of 12-year-old yana stepanenko, who overcame the distance
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of the bosforth marathon, one of the most prestigious marathons in the world. the girl lost both legs during the shelling of the kramatorsk station in april 22, and now she is an ambassador of the center. broken and ran 5 km on prostheses. thanks to the race , the girl wants to raise funds for a running prosthesis for ukrainian soldier oleksandr rysny. on a man lost his leg in the zaporozhye direction when a shell exploded next to him. yana wants oleksandr to be able to run like she does soon. good morning, yanochka. good morning. you are already so beautiful. today we will run. because, because ukraine is infamous. boston marathon, listen, mala, you're cool, thank you, it's scary, i'm very, very worried, very scary, and what are you most worried about, how many people will there be, and in general, will i be able to run, because
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i think it's going to be difficult for me , you can, you can do everything, you can do everything, what scares me? it's scary, what are you afraid of? i don't know, i'm just afraid that i won't run or won't be able to cover all 5 km, but it's not a problem, you know how you will run, as you decided, slowly, slowly, calmly, glory to ukraine,
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thank you, all so that you run with me, maybe we will run a marathon with you, it will be good to train, let's train, look for more history on our youtube channel radio liberty ukraine. next, let's talk about such an interesting precedent: a ukrainian who was tortured by the russian military in the occupied territories filed a complaint with the argentine court. this will be the first case of russian war crimes in ukraine filed outside of europe and the united states. he writes about it. reuters with reference to the reconning project. according to the testimony of the man, whose name and face are withheld for security reasons, the russian military illegally arrested him and tortured him with electric shocks. it happened at the end of the 22nd year. the complaint contains more than 70 pages. this includes the testimony of other people who were held in
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the same isolation ward and confirm these quotations. also included in the case were the conclusions of un experts on the similar practice of torture. argentina's federal judiciary must now decide whether to take up the appeal... that could take months, and the country's constitution allows its courts to deal with international crimes, including crimes against humanity and war crimes, based on universal jurisdiction, regardless of where they are took place and they are. even if at this stage it is only the opening of the investigation, it is still a success for us, and it is not just symbolic. of course, there is hope that justice will come to them directly, but even if only that arrest warrants or for... extradition orders at any particular stage, it would still make them feel like a much smaller world. the russian side did not comment on this, it generally denies the commission of war crimes in ukraine. since february 22 , ukrainian prosecutors have registered more than 126,000 cases of war crimes - writes
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reuters. and in march 23, the international criminal court issued warrants for the arrest of vladimir putin and the russian commissioner for human rights under the president of the russian federation, maria lvova bilova. they are suspected of neza. nome forced relocation of ukrainian children from the occupied territories of ukraine to russia. natalka gumenyuk, co-founder of the recognizing project and journalist, joins our broadcast. natalka, welcome to our broadcast. thank you for... joining in, tell me, this is the first case about russian war crimes in ukraine, filed outside of europe and the usa, why argentina, well, we understand, because the legislation allows, what are the expectations and are there actually great chances for so that this case went to be considered there, and we filed the case in crimes of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the case of torture, and here not only is the argentinian legislation, and such a capacity, but the tradition of argentina is to investigate... and conduct trials in crimes against torture, and therefore
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a case was chosen that resonates and in argentinian society, in argentinian law, we deliberately did not choose some extremely large case with a large number of victims, to also show that every crime must be investigated, and it is simply the one in which in our case, there is more information and accusations at various levels, in particular at the level of those people who were tortured in... well, let's allow the system in which such crimes were committed. i will say that it was really important for us to do this not only, but to show the world that these are not only crimes of europe, eastern europe, and that this is a universal, let's say, evil. i had the opportunity immediately after that, well, the next day, yes, to communicate with many. and the argentine media with the human rights environment and also some argentine
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representatives there, i cannot say that they are not those who are connected to the court, but those who are representatives of the political class, and they said that this is a very good precedent that shows countries like argentina what they can do for ukraine, because they have a feeling that it is possible we, let's say, are not so wealthy there, we will not provide weapons, but this is just a demonstration of the fact that i am carrying a huge number of... crimes that ukraine bears, which the judicial system of any country cannot comprehend, and more than a hundred thousand criminals, that some countries can share and share their own experience and this work, that's why when we really chose it, we also looked at the realism of it, and at the precedents, let there be others, there are many ways to put pressure, well, in an independent way on the argentine jurisdiction, that is, the court decides first. will he open this case, if not, then you can file a lawsuit, there is a separate attempt to file it through
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the prosecutor's office, that is, there are a certain number of things that can also be done further to tell this story in particular and really take it out of the plane of just history and media and stories into a very evidentiary case that does not it can be denied, according to the most optimistic forecasts, we literally only have a minute and a half... but nevertheless , russia denies all war crimes in ukraine, and if there is success in this case of yours, what will be such a great result for your team? in fact, i will tell you that at this stage even the opening of the case itself is already considered a success, if the case against the russians is opened and in a country in the world in which they did not expect the opportunity to report this story, we, when we were preparing and bringing a witness there, so we organized his meetings with the victims of... tattoos, well, argentines who had this experience there many years ago, but we saw
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the feedback, so it's already a big protest next year, let's say how long this case lasts, we can talk about other crimes in general and about what is happening in ukraine, because this is not just an excuse, it is a story that we understand that because of this common pain, it really has a response, not only in argentina, but also, let's say, in the entire hemisphere, and natalka, finally, i would like to point out that the journalists come out to occupy... you and a colleague from of ukraine, an american journalist, as far as i understand, yes, an english journalist with ukrainian roots, this is such a new kind of life hack for journalists, what else can be usefully done for ukraine? indeed, well , the ossaing project we make testimonies of people, collect testimonies of people, and partly they can become media stories, and partly the same testimonies can become such lawsuits, keep... for memory, that is, this is our methodology, as we see , i believe that at this stage it is working,
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mainly before that we had media affairs, i will tell you right now that i was very happy, we were making a film and writing a book about the shelling of the crematorium station, and this story was done, now we saw the story of your previous heroine, the previous story about her running a marathon, so i will say that yes one must do both, and each case adds to and to... adds to, it seems to me, justice, the search for justice. thank you for joining our broadcast, telling us about your project, we will really wait for the results in argentina, natalka humanyuk, co-founder of the project, journalist. and the writer was a guest of freedom mornings. that was this broadcast, if you liked it, it was useful for you, share the link of this video with your friends, acquaintances and colleagues. i thank you for being with us this morning. i, kateryna nekrecha and the entire freedom of mornings team, wish you a peaceful day and see you tomorrow.
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order a camel orthopedic mattress, instead of the full price of the mattress, pay only for... premium sponsor of the national team presents. united by football, stronger together. well, well and we return, and just now lyudmila denisova, a human rights activist and a schoolgirl, joins us. of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, yes, ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you, good morning, as always, we also say that even during our iter, you can monitor the contacts of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights and ask for clarification, in particular, regarding your rights and opportunities ,
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such as war veterans, or or if someone in your family is at the front, ms. lyudmila, first of all, let's discuss the innovation in the law, this is an additional 70,000 to the military who are fighting, what is the 70,000, who can claim it, how are they calculated, first of all, i would like to talk about what exactly this financial support is, what it consists of military personnel, it is our monthly basic and additional payments, that these are the main ones, this is the official salary of the military service. this is a salary based on a military rank, an allowance for years of service, and including these additional payments can be about an increase in the official salary, various allowances for qualification, for a distinguished rank, for a scientific degree, they also receive military employee additional payment for the destruction of military equipment of the property of the aggressor, then for rehabilitation, for solving social
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household issues and in case of dismissal from military service, we all know that military personnel... during martial law still have the right to additional grapes, in including the 100,000 fighters we all know about. now a new surcharge of 70,000 has been established. who exactly is it intended for? it is intended for military personnel, it is the armed forces of ukraine, it is the security services, the foreign service intelligence, main directorate. of the new intelligence department of the ministry of defense, the national guard, the state border service , the state security department, the state communications and state administration. transport special forces and policemen, exactly under what conditions is such a reward given, and here it is necessary to clearly know that it is a payment for the performance
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of combat special tasks, during the conduct of combat special operations, where, it is on the line of contact, a combat clash with the enemy , also on that... the word occupied territories, when these special combat operations are carried out, or on the territory between our positions to the enemy and on the territory of the enemy. a one-time reward in the amount of 70,000 will be paid for every 30 days of completing such tasks, that is , these 30 days will be counted. in vain, the payment will be made on the basis of the orders of the commanders, chiefs, and the main thing is that
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this payment is provided for from april 1, 2024, but all the ministries and departments that are included in the list of military personnel, to which they belong or the police, need to determine the procedure and conditions payments of this one-time benefit. therefore, we will continue to monitor how these orders will be and provide appropriate clarification, so please contact the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights at our number 0800330709 for additional clarification. well, gentlemen, i wanted to know what else to say, oleg barna, a people's deputy, should be celebrating his birthday today? who volunteered for this war and he died on april 17, 23, and on april 18 he should have had
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a birthday, he died at the age of 55, today he would have turned 57, but he will not, at 55 he will remain with us and, as written on the website of the verkhovna rada, straightforward, sometimes sharp, but always sincere and... an uncompromising fighter and justice patriot who oleg barna, a native of ternopil oblast, deeply loved ukraine. i don't know if you, mr. lyudma, ms. lyudmila, were familiar with mr. oleg, if you want to add something, please. acquaintances, friends even later on facebook, he always turned to me for some advice, who had already served in the armed forces of ukraine. you know, really, this person was not... seen, but she, this oleg, he was such a sincere ukrainian, he stood by his views, which really emphasized
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his pro-ukrainian position, and that's why, you know, we remember we're talking about him, i remember him, and when the last post he made to me in the messenger, he wrote to me to give him advice about his brothers, and then i accidentally found out that in... his already today and there is no, unfortunately, with us together, unfortunately, there is no, by the way, they are ongoing legal proceedings, before his death oleg barna appealed to former journalists in 1+1, and now people's deputies, one of them, the truth is that mr. dubinskyi is already in custody, as well as koltunov, a deputy of the kyiv regional council, now from the servants of the people . uh, who made stories about oleg barna, and his family, now, his wife is the rightful successor in court and they are continuing
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the legal process against the 1+1 tv channel, returning to our conversation, i want to ask what the situation is literally today in us was mrs. elena verlan kulshenko, whose son is fighting, in particular, and she says that in... there are many, many problems with the fact that there are many missing persons, their status is not clear, it can last for months and even years, their families , respectively , find themselves in some such suspended status with legal legal uncertainty. at his last press conference, president zelenskyi said that he does not want to speculate on the subject of the missing dead, refusing to name any figures or... any additional information, whether there are at least approximate estimates, how many may be missing now and how, should this status be regulated, how many will be missing
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? you see, we have missing people under special circumstances, these are precisely those who went missing during their stay at the front, i.e. performing combat tasks, or during military service, performing military duties, and really, these are the last numbers that i i have, they were only there on january 1, well, i know that there were 51,000 missing persons. 17,850 found alive, all others more than 35,000, they are almost counted among the missing, including under special circumstances, this is really the most difficult category, well, of course, when a person dies, it hurts, but you know that you are already her, you can bury her, you can mourn her, otherwise... people
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turn to us, those who have been looking for their relatives there for more than 2 years, and the main thing here is that the government paid attention to the fact that it takes care of these categories of people, according to their duties, defined by laws and cabinet resolutions ministers, gave the right advice on what to do, because those who contact us do not know at all that it is necessary to obtain the status of a victim in a criminal case. for the investigation to perform these functions of searching for their relative, and therefore it is the main problem that at the territorial police stations, they simply record, enter this disappearance in the unified register of missing criminal cases of pre-trial investigations, then from the disappearances under special circumstances, the investigation does not is being conducted, we now have many bodies that take care of these issues, it is necessary to pay
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attention to the commissioner for... cases of missing persons under special circumstances, who currently works at the ministry of internal affairs, and the general staff, yes, the department directly, which heads and organizes the search work, and thanks to the coordination staff, which conducts negotiations on return or agreement, this is hard work, but it must be done and not told to relatives when they turn to us. here we are already tired of us, you understand, for state bodies, for officials, there are many of them, but for each family there is one, the one who is missing and who is being sought, and therefore it is necessary to do everything possible in order to search, conduct these, when possible, these search actions and support families who find themselves in such in a very...
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difficult condition, including just sometimes talking to them and giving them possible advice, moral and psychological support. thank you very much for these explanations, this conversation, i also saw the contact hotline contact of the ukrainian center, see now the protection of human rights, which deals in particular with these cases related to veterans' cases, missing persons cases, cases. wounded veterans, well , now i just want to give the floor to our information service, our news, and kateryna shirokpoyas is already at her workplace, i congratulate andria, we will quickly tell you about the most important events as of this hour.
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greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. ukrainian defenders shot down all 13 attack drones that the enemy attacked at night. according to air data forces, the occupiers launched shaheds from primorsky-akhtarsk in russia and cape chaud in the temporarily occupied crimea. they were destroyed in... the sky over the dnipropetrovsk, vinnytsia, poltava, khmelnytskyi, ternopil and ivano-frankivsk regions. in particular, explosions rang out in ivano-frankivsk in the morning due to an attack by drones. the russians targeted critical infrastructure facilities, the authorities in the region reported. as a result of the fall of the fragments of the shahedi, fires broke out, there were no casualties, the mayor of ivano-frankivsk said roslav.


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