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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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revenge and any blow to iran that it may inflict in the future, and we hear about the existence of such plans from time to time from the world media, and from some sources of information from the israeli security sector. german chancellor olaf scholz, aware of what is happening in the middle east, visited beijing and met with xi jinping on the x social network after meeting with the chinese. leader , he announced that he asked the leader of the people's republic of china to influence russia so that putin withdraws troops from ukraine. word of china has weight in russia, so i asked the leader of the siv to influence russia so that putin finally stops his crazy campaign, withdraws his troops and ends this horrible war. we see how european leaders walk around sydzenpynya. of course, they have their own conversations and their
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own cooperation, including with china. china is a big country. should we expect xijin pin to tell putin what putin does not want to hear? well, to hope that, xijin pin or the chinese leadership, as a whole, of good will, just because after talking with olaf scholz or any of the other western leaders , they will make such a decision and tell putin to stop the war, obviously we should not hope for this, but if we analyze how the events around us are developing, relatively speaking, prospects for a peaceful settlement, let's call it that, around ukraine, then this activity. and
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european leaders, and eastern leaders, not so long ago we heard about erdogan's plan, a peace initiative, which, by the way, was not so officially confirmed by him, all this may indicate that there is a very active, behind-the-scenes, so to speak, part of the negotiations between the west and the east, and it is very complex, it has many aspects. and, that is, there are economic aspects here, and actually scholz's visit was mainly devoted to economic issues, er, restrictions on business, respectively german in china, chinese in germany, but there are also cards on the table, called security cards, and here i would focus on the fact that the west is in a position of, you know, waiting, and waiting to see who
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will betray whom first, russia, china, or china russia, that is, whoever comes first to come to an agreement with the west, whoever first gets a bonus in the form of easing economic pressure in the form of more active cooperation and reducing the pressure of political and everything else, for today putin and sidzin pinen yes. gather and suspect each other, who, so to speak, will betray first, putin went to abank, and this gives sia room for maneuver and for bargaining, and now we see these negotiations. it seems that washington hopes that beijing will be the first to betray, because the secretary of state of the united states anthony blinken of the united states is reportedly planning a visit to china to raise concerns. regarding beijing's assistance to russia in
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the development of the defense-industrial complex for the war against ukraine, according to state depot spokesman matthew miller. let's hear what he says. we have seen in recent months that materials were being moved from china to russia that russia was using to rebuild its industrial base and manufacture the weapons that are appearing on the battlefield in ukraine. and we are incredibly concerned about it. secretary indeed plans to travel to china in the coming weeks, and you can definitely expect him to bring this up. no, nothing has been said by matthew miller about whether blinken will convince xijing ping to participate in the global peace summit in june in switzerland, because china is publicly saying that at this peace summit, which is initiated by the president. zelensky should have
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two sides: ukrainians and russians. mr. maxim, what can be the decisions of this global summit, will china be there or not , but what to expect and whether? will it open or will give an answer to whether zelensky's formula, the peace formula, is effective? well, by the way, just around the same time, according to some information, putin's visit to china is planned, and it will just be, well, it may become such a moment of truth, when two peaces will be put forward. they have plans, that is, one plan from the west and from ukraine, and the other from putin and xi jinping from the people's republic of china. in this case, it will be such
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an open confrontation, so to speak, that is, if events develop according to this scenario, if putin will not be invited to the peace summit, well... it is obvious that he will not be invited to discuss the ukrainian peace formula, secrets will not come to it either, and if china is not represented at the appropriate level at this peace forum, then we will have two peace forums and such a clear split in global politics, so to speak, i think that this may be the beginning of a transition, so to speak. course of this global game into some decisive phase in which someone will negotiate with someone, someone with someone it is obvious, the west, the united states will negotiate with china, and russia, so to speak , will finally depend on the will of china,
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as on its older brother. mr. maxim, today the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe adopted a resolution accordingly. to which she called on european countries, the council of europe and other countries that have the status of observers in the pair, in particular the united states of america, not to recognize putin's legitimacy, so this point about not recognizing putin's legitimacy should obviously be one of the main and cornerstones of ukrainian foreign policy , because it is clear that putin's pseudo-elections took place in the occupied territories of the ukrainian state, uh... internal problems, of course in russia, and problems with democracy, and the death of navalny, there are many points that allow us to demand from the world not to recognize the legitimacy of putin. in your opinion, given that these resolutions are advisory in nature, can this
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be a precedent for countries to start speaking publicly after the may 7 inauguration of the so-called president putin. that they do not recognize its legitimacy and it can be enough of such a serious blow for the current regime of putin? ee so far i don't see any signs that er, well, for example, there is a consensus among our western allies er as to whether or not even a determination er not to recognize putin er as the current president er? of the russian federation to actually recognize him as a usurper of power. but this does not mean that, uh, there is, so to speak, a readiness to negotiate with him. it seems to me that, at the moment, uh, a very long
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and serious process of undermining legitimacy is beginning the russian government. that is, what we saw, for example, in the latest rating. senior politicians who are currently being discussed in the american press, we will see, we saw in the first place, the widow of oleksii navalny, this indicates that they have taken russia seriously, so to speak, and will, so to speak, change the regime in the traditional western way, to such decisive steps... as putin's recognition of the existing conditions will obviously not come, but gradually as the legitimacy of the regime will decrease, as russia will be exhausted, in particular, during the war with ukraine and as a result
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of economic sanctions, until at some stage all these sins of the regime, all these reasons will be mentioned and, so to speak, drawn out and presented to the current regime. thank you, mr. maksym, it was maksym the smart one, a doctor of political science. friends, we are working live on the tv channel. in parallel with our broadcast , we are conducting a poll there, just like on tv, asking you about whether you consider the russian orthodox church a terrorist organization, now we will look at the interim results of the poll in tv broadcasts 96% yes, 4% no, on youtube we have about the same ratio of 95, yes five no. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and
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in in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. competition for the constitutional court, as the candidate's nephew advanced in the courts where she worked. i cannot forbid him. why is the contestant a professor? rights, collects executive proceedings. the year turned out to be difficult for all of us. on thursday, april 18, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two
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hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, friends, live. the second part of the verdict program of the tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, is being released today. different conflicts are different
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threats. the west is not ready to defend ukraine the way it defends israel. double standards or unclear positions. the first stream of enemy propaganda. ukraine will block questionable tiktok accounts. when it's time to regulate the work of telegram. extremists in cassocks estonia may recognize the moscow patriarchate as a terrorist organization. why has the uoc still not severed the spiritual connection with moscow. we will talk about this and other things for the next 45 minutes on the air and not only on the air of the espresso tv channel, on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live there, please like this video, subscribe to our pages, and take part in our vote. today we ask you about the following: do you consider russian orthodox
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church by a terrorist organization. if you watch us on youtube, it's pretty simple, either yes or no. if you have your own opinion, a separate opinion, please write in the comments below this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the roc is a terrorist organization 0800 211 381, not 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program and we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's... studio, this is volodymyr fesenko, political scientist, chairman of the board of the penta applied political research center. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. viktor boberenko, political scientist, expert, bureau of policy analysis. mr. viktor, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. good health. well, since we
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ask our tv viewers whether they consider the russian orthodox church a terrorist organization. i will ask you, gentlemen, what you think about it, mr. viktor. i don't understand much about religious ones questions, so i will simply say my feeling that the russian orthodox church is the fifth column of russia in ukraine, and since we say that russia is a terrorist state, then all its institutions, and i consider the russian orthodox church exclusively one of the institutions of the russian federation, not only that, it is ideological. and military resources, yes, then yes, if russia is a terrorist state, then its church is also a terrorist church. thank you, mr. volodymyr, the roc is an ideological structure that serves the terrorist state, the russian federation, and justifies state terror of russia against ukraine. thank you.
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actually, why are we asking about terrorist acts. the russian orthodox church's reason for this was the situation in estonia, that they want to recognize the moscow church as a terrorist organization there, and this information appeared earlier than today's resolution of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, which clearly defines what the russian orthodox church is. first about pare, today pare unanimously recognized the russian orthodox church as an instrument. of kremlin propaganda and influence, and patriarch kirill and the hierarchs of the russian orthodox church were recognized as accomplices in crimes russia against ukraine in the name of russian peace. and in estonia, in an interview with estonian television, the minister of internal affairs offered to recognize the moscow patriarchate as a terrorist organization and ban its activities in the country. let's listen to laurie lianemets. so,
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what does the minister of the interior say. affairs of estonia. given the current context, i, as the minister of internal affairs, have no other choice but to propose to the parliament to declare the moscow patriarchate a terrorist organization that supports terrorism in its activities. minister of internal affairs can apply to the court and offer to stop the activities of the church organization operating here. this will not affect the parishioners, it does not mean that the churches will be closed, but it means... mr. viktor, well, considering the fact that parye believes that the russian orthodox church, and cyril, and the hierarchy of the russian orthodox church are accomplices in the crimes against russia ukraine in the name of the russian world, can we expect that the ukrainian authorities, referring to this pare resolution
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, can already finish the work that the verkhovna rada has started. of ukraine regarding the definition the status of the branch of the russian orthodox church or the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, well, in a word , these remnants, or maybe they are not remnants, 10,000 parishes, it is still a fairly large structure that once worked for the kremlin officially, but now it seems to work autonomously, you know, it certainly wants to break this gordian knot once and for all. forever made a decision there and banned something else somewhere and we would rejoice and rub our hands there, but we must understand that the issue is much more complicated, why, because... the first thing is that the uoc of moscow, no, we only recognize some kind of canonical supremacy there, but still we, the ukrainian
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orthodox church, don’t get confused, well, it’s like that , i’m in a house, you know, we’re in a house, we don’t have any in relation to kirill's statement, we are ukrainian patriots, we have vyshelankas under our coat of arms, but there are also arguments here, i really... i travel a lot from there on one of the projects on the border communities of the sumy region, which are under fire, here i am, for example , north of the diet, where the district was, by the way , andrii derkach, and the same one the famous one, there are almost no churches, well, the ocu, there are simply none, but there is such a community as novoslabytska, and the community, or putivska, there are none, that is, the former putiv, putivsky district, none. and we have to understand that people need to go to church somewhere, somewhere now easter is celebrated, yes, it is necessary, not only that, there are many fathers, which of course, and especially,
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especially in the laurels, yes, but let's say, there are many fathers , who mourn the fallen soldiers, who in their churches, if only, talk about ukraine, about more. for ukraine they say that putin is a terrorist state and russia, that is that is, the fathers are different, well, although for me, well, i ’m saying that i don’t really know much about church affairs, for me, well, if you believe in ukraine, then go to the ocu, but at least one father, with whom i spoke, then he says: well, the bishop ordained me, but i can't transfer without him, but if he transferred, and i would transfer with him, well, in general, everything is complicated there, again we have to take into account the international community. swamps will rise, but they
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will raise noise in the world through their structures, through ipso, through their cans, but the same aspect, and many people will raise, well, howl at the republican aunt who is threatening johnson there, i can’t remember her last name, she directly says that ukraine, well, it suits the persecution of christians there, yes, meaning that there like that the moscow... patriarchate is being chased, it is not known what the pope of rome will say, and therefore, on the one hand, i would very much like their influence to decrease, to be minimal, and that they would not spy here, that they would not be p' column, as a person, a citizen of ukraine, a patriot of ukraine, i really want this, but i understand that where matters of faith, you have to be very careful and make balanced decisions there, even this law, here is the estonian minister, as he said that we are from... the severance of ties between the estonian orthodox with cyril and the russian patriarchate, but this does not mean that the churches should be closed, that is, they also
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want to take some action, but it is a conspiracy, so our parliamentarians need to take some balanced steps and measure it seven times before making a decision, well, yes, thank you, sir. viktor, mr. volodymyr, it is obvious that these objections are possible, that everything is not so in ukraine good with the freedom of religion, it, it is this that slows down the adoption of cardinal decisions, so to speak, that's all, the so-called moscow patriarchate no longer exists in ukraine, because it could cause a reaction both in western europe and in the united states of america , but the resolution... does it give grounds for the ukrainian authorities to look at it in a completely different way, to say: well, there are meps, there is
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a large institution of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, and they say that this church is an accomplice, but the only question is whether in this case it will be possible to talk about communication of the moscow patriarchate, which is now called the ukrainian orthodox church with the russian orthodox church, because they hold... councils, which talked about the fact that we are supposedly autonomous, but in prayers, they still remember cyril, and remember and glorify him, as the patriarch of the russian orthodox church. well, as for pare's resolution, it will definitely not be a decisive factor, but an additional argument when the draft law on the termination of the organization's activities will be considered. related to the russian federation, and it is essentially about that and about the uoc of the moscow patriarchate, then yes, this will be an additional argument, sufficiently
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weighty, i think, for its supporters. draft law will use this argument, but i agree with my colleague, yes, here we need to act carefully enough, balanced, i would say, systematically and consistently. i really hope that the relevant state structures of ukraine, not only the verkhovna rada, but also the structures of the executive power, there are now professional people who are engaged in this, who know the situation well, they should now develop a strategy for what to do with... uoc the moscow patriarchate, because simply a legislative decision is not enough, it is necessary to really transform this figure, this church, gradually change the leadership, reduce, neutralize those people who are connected to moscow, those who are the most aggressive, let's say, actually oppose ukraine, well, the sbu is already doing its job, i think it should continue, so here is the sequence of actions.
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in order to transform this church, make it ultimately ukrainian, because if nothing is done, well, it will not just be a potential the fifth column is a slow-acting mine, especially in certain regions, so yes, it should be one of the important directions of state ideological policy, ideological policy in particular, not just informational and cultural, because it is about such a significant institution, which affects public life, and the pare resolution, well, i would not exaggerate the importance of pare, we had different stages of relations, the institution is very important, and ukraine has always actively worked in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, and now this is the case, as that decision , which corresponds to our interests, and this decision will have to be used both domestically, that is, for the necessary legislative decision, and abroad, i absolutely
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agree with my colleague, but... we know that now there is not only this mrs. margery green, which actively works not only for the uoc mp, but also against providing aid to ukraine, the forces of the structure there, navinsky are financing the forces of the structure in the usa, which are lobbying this anti-ukrainian campaign with accusations against ukraine, and unfortunately, this should be taken into account, not this does not mean that we have to make concessions, but this company must be neutralized, and... act in such a way that, well, let's say this, we do not throw such unnecessary arguments at these most radical trumpists, and we must understand that the very existence of this church is probably the issue of national security and defense, and simply consider this issue exclusively in the interests of the ukrainian state and the present and future, taking into account all these 10,000 parishes, because it is, well, it is a very large network in fact, and viktor is talking about the fact that in
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sumy oblast it is further north there... there is no uoc there of churches there is the ocu, the ocu, the ocu, yes, there is the uoc, well , for sure, it is also a mystery to me, why sumshchyna, my native sumshchyna, why, why there are so many moscow churches, and people, well, sometimes he just didn’t say, jerk, the influence of the derkach, yes, and not only the derkach, i am the derk, the derkachs were not allowed there, yes, he restrained everything there, yes, yes, but one more thing gentlemen, history, this history exists. of various platforms that influence the information space of ukraine, we mean not television, not facebook, but tiktok and telegram, about telegram during the latter in the past month, there was a lot of talk about the fact that the ukrainian authorities should keep in touch with those who administer and promptly resolve issues regarding these channels that work against ukraine, which conduct a very large.
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information subversive work, now they are talking about tiktok, the center for countering disinformation at the nsdc, together with tiktok , will block dubious accounts, the deputy head of the department alina bondarchuk said. let's listen to mrs. bondarchuk. we have already given a list of tiktok accounts that should not be viewed, it is on our center website countering disinformation in all social networks. we have given this list. and then we will move on to blocking in literally a couple of days and we will already start blocking them in the blocking system, there is one thing, but there is a reaction based on the phone number and according to correspondence, that is, if this content is there or they tiktok sees that this content has already appeared , then they can also block such videos, i.e. not only because of our complaint directly there because we filed there...


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