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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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who carry out a very large information subversive work, now they are talking about tiktok, the center for countering disinformation at the national security council, the joint stock will block dubious accounts, said the deputy head of the department alina bondarchuk. let's listen to mrs. bondarchuk. we have already given a list of tiktok accounts that should not be viewed, it is on our website of the center for combating disinformation and in... all social networks, we have given this list and then we will move on to blocking, literally just a couple of days and we will already start blocking them , the blocking system has one thing, but it goes there reaction by phone number and by correspondence, i.e. if this content is there or they tiktok sees that this content has already appeared, then they can also block such videos, i.e. not only according to our complaint directly there for we filed there. complaint and
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all, but if, for example, the same video appears in ten different accounts there in a day, for example, one, two, third, fourth, and the video is the same, then this way it will be automatically block even without a complaint, this is again a matter of information security, i remember how much spears were broken when they closed russian social networks, vkontakte classmates, where we will listen to music, where we will communicate with relatives from russia. where we will do this, we will do that, it is absolutely obvious that there are two platforms that have a certain reputation and that these platforms are used quite actively by russians, thank god that there is no russian television, which was also closed at one time in ukraine, access to this russian television, mr. viktor, is prevention sufficient now?
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information security, because here we are not only talking about regulation, we are also talking about explaining to citizens how to use these platforms, how not to fall into these information sinks, which are quite actively used against ukraine, these are the same branch networks russian orthodox church, only in the information space and in social networks, well, i signed up myself. in social networks to the most iconic telegram channels, well , not so on tiktok, but telegram channels of russian soldiers, well, because you have to know the enemy from the inside, then for me, for example, if will close such accounts, that's bad, where will i look, laugh, laugh with solovyov, with kabeeva, but i know that my work there is harmful, and maybe, as they said in the soviet union, give milk for... давать yes, but
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i know about myself that i am a prepared person and i will not fall for their delusions, and about many of my compatriots, well, we have no other people than the ukrainian people, i am talking about such people simply so as not to offend them , i say naive, yes, we have many naive people who can be easily deceived, and they launch and pso, there are even, i would say high-quality ones, in relation to the mobilization there, but they are dispersal. it's a betrayal of a traitor that the majors don't go to war, i saw what they launch in telegram channels, well, it's quite clear that expensive products worked well on it, there are, of course, terrible ones with blunders, but there are also normal ones, well, i i mean professionally filmed things that will have an impact in one way or another, but what i would like to point out is that in order for people not to look for information elsewhere, they must... in ukraine, information, and
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we have several tv channels thrown out of the news lineup, our only marathon is, let's say, an information platform that also misinforms citizens, then invites to barbecues, conditionally, yes, and everything works well in the regime, beautiful marquise, what is the best government on land, this is the government of the servants of the people and zelenskyi, and if someone is sad... in the information, he starts looking for alternative information, i also say to myself, yes, i am in sumy oblast, well, many people there who know me have a feeling, that i know more somewhere there, and they say, for example, yes, huh there will be an offensive, there, they will attack, russian there will be a new attack on us again, and i say there, so what, what about a single marathon, what they say, and they, yes, who in our time believes in a single marathon, well you what, here, then, let's... let the state provide true
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information to citizens so that they do not look for an alternative. they didn't look for the truth elsewhere, and then everything will be fine with us, but let's say that it is necessary to monitor and close the tv channels there, that it is not necessary for the naive to watch sroseyushki, but it is necessary to talk and talk with your people, try to speaks not as with small children, but as with adults, including telling the truth and including the unpleasant truth, then we can achieve something, mr. volodymyr, but if... you advised the current government and gave advice on the information politicians, in particular, what would you advise as to how to consolidate all the information resources, i.e. those that were unfortunately thrown out of t2 in april
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22, including espresso, channel five and direct channel, that why not create the right information ee together? send and do not make it possible to fight with russia propaganda and so that everyone understands that we are all fighting together, and let's put it this way, instead of one part of the office of the president of ukraine fighting, with the espresso tv channel, don't go to us there, for example, we are not an enemy tv channel, we are not, we work in ether, we talk about security, we talk about the future, we talk about... the present, why, why is there such a division, i'm not talking about these telegram jams, because well, they write a lot of different things, i don't know whether do you read about yourself in those cesspools, well, they sometimes write about me there, when they mention me, me too, i
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i know, yes, they mention me, and they mention me, yes , and repeatedly, i am also a character for criticism and for definition in russian propaganda and not only in telegram resources, well, i will tell you, so frankly, you said there that there in the president's office in the marathon, well, some people who are also in the direct and so on, also speak very unflatteringly about me, and let's say this, in the style of the same russian scumbags, sometimes in the same terms, it's just for the sake of justice, sometimes i just don't see the difference, i'll be honest, and that's exactly it... the problem for cooperation, when it comes to countering enemy propaganda, and now, i think, there are no fundamental disagreements, in the marathon , by the way, criticism of the marathon is opposed, i am not a viewer, and not only of the marathon, but also of many tv channels, yes, i
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read more, well, sometimes i watch videos, well , you are a participant of the only telethon , unlike me and viktor boberenko, but in fact, in the marathon there is also a lot of normal and true information, there are sources of information, in particular , there is military intelligence, constant information from military sources, which, by the way, is very objective, so i wouldn't say that it's not true, those who criticize the marathon, they usually don't watch it. but a third, and according to some estimates up to 40%, watch the marathon, it is also a source of information, countering russian propaganda, i do not see any contradictions between the marathon and opposition tv channels, but in terms of domestic politics, unfortunately, there are fundamental differences, and the attitude of
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both sides are hostile, and this is the main problem, regarding the telegram and not only the telegram, i tell you i will give a specific example that i have very, well, let's say this, nothing that disappointed, impressed, i don't remember who told about it about an acquaintance of mine at the front, who watches, for example, on youtube, watches broadcasts diana panchenko, a famous, hostile person, a traitor, but a person at the front is watching, maybe because yes, what is it, that i do not trust the marathon, yes, but look at this diana panchenko, if this is so, then it is very bad, and this is exactly... for me, the challenge is not even that, not only from the point of view of countering the telegram there, but at the front they have, i don’t know if we have people there who are engaged in propaganda work, information work precisely at the front with the soldiers, because you have to see who
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is watching what on youtube, there in the same telegram channels and so on , because it is a very important responsible social. a group for all of us, fighters at the front, regarding telegram channels, if, for example, in tiktok, now, as i understand it, you can block individual accounts. in particular, because there is cooperation with tiktok structures, there are certain agreements, and there are mechanisms, how can influence, by telegram, to great regret, as far as i have heard, there is a huge problem, we do not have a representative of this structure of mr. durev, and with whom to cooperate in order to block, for example, these russian accounts, i am also looking, by the way, as i viktor, given this is our professional duty, we have to look... some russian resources to know what is there, what are the moods, what they think, how they
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act, but i think that we will find a way out, but how block, a list of russian resources, it exists, it should be used more actively distribute, you have to think how, i don’t know what kind of advertising it should be, so that the broad mass of people know that these are russian or pro-russian propaganda resources, but it is impossible to block completely, unfortunately, even budanov said about this recently, which... unfortunately, they cannot completely block. and that's how there are two components here: technical, as i understand it, it is impossible to completely solve the problem, unfortunately. therefore, it is necessary to think about how to solve this problem either through counter-propaganda efforts, or after all, to find some options, well, how can the activities of these pro-russian resources be neutralized, and this applies not only to the telegram channel, i say that there is a similar situation on youtube. i'm not talking about other social networks, there's the same facebook, but tiktok is now one of
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the main problems, by the way, here 's one example, in february i heard from a former, let's say, vice former representative of the american government, i'll say yes, mrs. hillary clinton, who was running for office. to the president of the united states, she said about tiktok that america had conducted research 50 times russian propaganda prevails over accounts that truthfully cover the war in ukraine, 50 times on tiktok, and you know, now even the republicans have proposed one of the bills to, let's say, put tiktok in america under the control of the american government, so we also need to think about it and maybe lead. talking to the same fool, i don't know how possible, his interview that he gave
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just the other day, it's very alarming, very alarming, and it's an uncontrolled resource, on which russia can influence, but we cannot influence, so here we have to decide the very technical, how can you neutralize russian propaganda on the telegram, here, unfortunately, there are no simple, simple tools, well, it must be said that he gave this interview to takru carson , that's why... well, that is, the crazy growth went away, so durov won these. this story, carson won this story, only ukraine just constantly loses now, and as for panchenko, youtube
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officially banned her on the territory of ukraine, this is already after that, yes, but before it was like this, unfortunately, sad situation, and one more detail, we don't have opposition channels, we have journalists, i don't know why you consider espresso, for example, an opposition channel, because we are television. channel of ukraine, we work for ukraine, that is, during the war , the main interests of ukraine are for us. viktor, yes, i, in the 21st year, even at espresso, fate brought me together with maryana bezugla, and, well, we have them quite often, including poturaev and yevgenia kravchuk, many representatives, i recently haven't seen it, but let's say before a full-scale war, yes, yes, i do twice to you, i'll tell you. i had the pleasure of talking with mariana, now i know about,
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i think i have seen everything in this life, i also had her on the air live before the full-scale invasion, but she was not as enthusiastic as she is now , i'll say this, one more topic, gentlemen, it's the 100 most influential people in the world, today the cover of time appeared on... yulia navalny and 100 people according to the version of this popular and influential publication among ukrainians. the only representative of ukraine is the head of the office yarmak of the president of ukraine. he is a person who, according to the publication, played a central role in ensuring the work of the ukrainian government after the start of a large-scale war. after the full-scale invasion, he took zelenskyi's message to the world, creating a strong network
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of friends of ukraine from the west to the global south, uniting them around issues from sanctions to the environment for. means the period, well , actually, 5 years of zelensky's presidency, and the person, the most influential person in ukraine, is still yermak. mr. victor, are these logical the end of the five-year term, because we understand that zelensky's term continues, and it turns out that the most popular and influential person in the world is now yermak, not zelensky. i think that... this is bad information for irmak, because volodymyr oleksandrovych can equalize, and when zelenskyi starts to equalize, we see where aristovych is now, yes, where, what happened to zaluzhny, then for irmak it is bad, bad news, indeed i partly agree with time, in terms of the fact that yermak really has
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extraordinary powers in ukraine, extraordinary influence. in my deep conviction, he controls not only the parliament, but also the government, and controls through tatarov, well, partially, let’s say, not completely some kind of power block, and law enforcement agencies, and has a certain influence, certain, let’s not generalize what there is total influence, yes, the system, but first, that i would not exaggerate yes. we can see what was the frond in the parliament, yes, the fair showed that it still controls the parliament by passing the law on mobilization, but the law was passed emasculated, who knows if it would have passed he is there in his, if there was also a demobilization component, and there was something else, something else, some nuances, and more brutal options
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in relation to evaders, who knows if he would have been accepted, that is, we cannot now confidently say that yermak controls everything, and i wouldn’t start talking, especially that yermak created a network of friends there, a network of friends in ukraine, created the armed forces of ukraine, civil society, the scientific community, there are cultural, sports, arts figures, ee ot, not yermak , actually ukrainians have created a network of friends, and i, as a student, always... explain the difference between effectiveness and efficiency, yes effectiveness, well, if you do something, there is some result, but did you effectively use all the resources in order to achieve a better result, that is not a fact, so i claim that there is some result, but if
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the network of friends of ukraine outside ukraine, uh, moderated. someone other than yervak, someone else, we would have achieved better results, efficiency, i think, yes, the fair affects the situation in ukraine, but it is very ineffective, manager, and i say, ukraine will win, despite all the actions of the office the president thank you, mr. victor. mr. volodymyr, yermak has made a torrid political career, actually. over the past 5 years, that is, from the advisor to the president of ukraine to the chair of the head of the office of the president of ukraine, and well, actually, this is the peak now, the peak of his career, i don't know, maybe the fair will claim something more in some perspective, but what can
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it be a person who controls everything and possibly even president zelensky can apply, and even more so if he is among the most influential people in the world, well, look, this list is very conditional, very conditional, well there there is no sidzinpin, there is no biden, so shormak is more influential, no, well, look, come on, let’s not engage in manipulations, and primitive manipulations, the main person in ukraine, the most influential person in ukraine, is zelenskyi, he has the tools of power. and the influence on the parliament, the government, and the executive power, to a large extent, well, this is a consequence of the results of the 19th election and the one-party presidential ... majority, but now there are still war conditions, this also affects, and by the way, why the fair lasted so long, that is i can agree, this is the second most influential person in ukraine, the second most influential, but if
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you compare, for example, the influence of yermak's predecessor, andriy bohdan, was much greater, bohdan for sure, bohdan tried to lead instead of zelensky, that's why zelensky replaced him . but yarmak, i think that he chose for himself the optimal form of interaction with the president and influence on the authorities, he is an executor, by the way, he was not an adviser to the president, well, someone called him that, maybe he was an assistant, the position was like that before appointment, and this is what his advantage is now, i tentatively call him that, this is the main button on the control panel of president zelensky, it is very comfortable for the president, the president cannot manage everything, yes, he needs people through whom he can direct leadership, but if petro oleksiyovych, he engaged in, as
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the journalists called it, micromanagement, i myself witnessed how it is done many times, yes, he tried to manage everything personally, he was also the head of the presidential administration, and minister of foreign affairs, he tried to be everything, zelenskyi manages differently, so he needs such a head of office and... an assistant like yermak, yermak fit into this situation, he is the executor first and foremost, although for many decisions, personnel, substantive decisions, it definitely affects. regarding this magazine survey, not a survey, but, let's say, this magazine rating, i think that there are nuances here, but it seems to me that these are also signals from the side, in particular, from the american elites, they perceive yermak a little... differently than his they perceive us, by the way, even here, we will look at the trust ratings, here is the survey of the rozunkov center, the trust in
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yermak, you will be surprised, is better than in poroshenko or in yulia tymoshenko, although there has also been a deterioration, as in all state managers for well since september of last year, but everything is the same, but this situation is also ambiguous, not everything is so simple and unambiguous. the fair is the personification of all that is bad, just for the opposition, and for a part of ukrainian society - it is a figure, well, to which the relative neutral in the west attitude differently, they understand, this is one of the key figures in the ukrainian government, a figure who has built personal relationships with various influential people, represented by yaermak in this magazine from rasmussen, the former general secretary, together with yarmak, they head. the working group on sanctions by sullivan, and this is actually the second most influential person in the biden administration, yarmak is in
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constant contact, that is, the americans perceive him a little differently than the ukrainian opposition, so we need to pay attention to this, and yes, well, peak, now it is peak yermak's career, which will continue, i wouldn't guess, because yermak is completely attached to zelenskyi, i don't think that there can be... some kind of separate career line for irmak, separate from zelenskyi. well, by the way, you asked, i can say one more line, but about a smart woman, a smart wife in ukraine they say, as the father says, so the mother will be, so characterizing ukrainian politics, you can say, as zelensky would say, so according to yeermakovsky and it will work. by the way, you mentioned something else, in fact, you mentioned sociology, mr. volodymyr, i... in february, 27% of ukrainians trust yermak, 61% do not trust, 61%, in december there were 33
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trusted, and 51% did not trust poroshenko, yes, there is a decrease, but we have leaders of distrust, leaders of distrust, these are the parliamentary leaders of the opposition, well, you see , you say that in this case i am not acting as a lawyer for... poroshenko, i will simply say that when you talk about poroshenko's micromanagement, this micromanagement is also engaged in by yermak, not zelenskyi, because when he starts acting as the minister of foreign affairs affairs and go to those meetings, which are different here, look, i agree with you, he is busy, but there was a separation of functions, so we had poroshenko as the minister of foreign affairs, unfortunately, here... klimken opened up for me after he stopped being a minister, he left the iermakt behind, in we have 20 seconds on the air,
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we have to finish the usa. so, for example, yarmak does not deal with european integration, stefanishyna, kuleba and others deal with it, so yarmak does not deal with everything. thank you, volodymyr fesenko, viktor boberenko were guests of our program today. thank you gentlemen for participating in the program. let me remind you that during our broadcast we conduct a survey, we ask you about whether you consider the russian orthodox church a terrorist organization, the results of our television survey are 96% yes, 4% no, on youtube we have a ratio of 95% yes. 5% no, it was a program of the verdict of serhiy rudenko, i say goodbye to you, i wish you good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye, turn on well - this is when everything is as you want, click, and now you are in charge play bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is
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