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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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indeed, japanese and american companies are calling for their retailers and dealers not to resell their products to russia, while we see that russia is only increasing this full-scale war every year, it is only increasing the import of such parts to its country , despite the fact that these parts can be used in various weapons in missiles in... and including in airplanes, we investigated dozens of companies, and one of the most interesting cases we decided to highlight is when a citizen of latvia owns two companies in cyprus and in hungary , and they supply parts first to the company, which is a direct supplier of the ministry of defense of the russian federation through the company rostig, including, and then it falls under sanctions and he starts supplying. er, these are the details of another company, which
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has the same owners, is connected with the same persons, and is obviously also related to the ministry of defense of the russian federation, while now the council of the european union has already introduced not just a sanctions policy, but it has announced that on its territory, now the circumvention of sanctions will be considered a criminal liability, well, there will be a punishment due to criminal liability there will be a sanction, let's put it this way, that is, all these parts for su-type aircraft end up in... the russian federation to circumvent western sanctions, do i understand correctly? yes, this is happening to circumvent western sanctions, nazk, nako, and including yarmak mcfaul's international sanctions group are currently working to strengthen these sanctions in order to limit, let's say, the access of these electronics to russian weapons. we understand that electronics are quite difficult to track, but every time sanctions are imposed, whenever criminal liability is introduced. such
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actions, it will be more and more difficult for russia to get this electronics, it will cost more, and this will, let's say, lengthen its path to russia, and this can only work in our favor. you have analyzed the details of only the su-type aircraft, how many other weapons the russian military industrial complex produces and what proportion of western parts there is can only be assumed, but from the data we have now, can you explain how much the russian military industrial complex is. depends on foreign details, well, when we were preparing this investigation, we also analyzed the russian one market, what electronics they have, what they produce, what they can import from china, we can say that currently the russian federation literally depends on western electronics, because they do not have such pace, such quality and such production capacity and will not have them in the coming years won't be able to, even if they strongly... want to, when we
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analyzed the production of russian processors, they usually caught up with their western competitors in only 5-7 years, at the same time when western manufacturing companies were already developing super-powerful processors, which one or two generations already, let's say , it exceeded what russia is catching up with, that's why such equipment as su, and other, in principle, other types of weapons, such as missiles, they are very much in need, as kirill, one more question, the last question under these conditions, is it possible to block these deliveries and what are you going to do with the list of parts, please answer briefly. i know that this list will be handed over to western partners, they will draw their own conclusions, and i hope that criminal liability will be introduced in other regions as well it is impossible to bypass sanctions, but it is impossible to completely block them, but we will hope that at least this will make it possible to extend this... path
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of electronics and to raise the price for russia. thank you, kyrylo ovsyany, journalist of the investigation project of the scheme, was with us. as i mentioned earlier, ukraine can receive atakamstya long-range missiles from the united states, which kiev has been asking america for for a long time. the clause on their transfer to ukraine appeared in the draft law on military aid prepared by the house of representatives. i will wrap him. on the eve. the new bill, like the previous one, supported by the senate, provides for more than 60 billion dollars of support for ukraine. of these, 23 billion will go to replenish the american stockpile of weapons, which can be used for military aid. it is already known that the house of representatives of the us congress will vote on the allocation of military aid to ukraine on saturday, april 20. three more bills on support for israel, taiwan and on national priorities will also be adopted. speaker
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of the house mike johnson announced this. currently, congressmen have time to familiarize yourself with the documents. when the bills are approved by congress, they will be immediately signed by the president of the united states. such a statement. biden was announced on the website of the white house the day before. i strongly support the house homeland security package that supports israel and ukraine, provides humanitarian aid to palestinians in gaza , and strengthens security and stability in the indo-pacific region. the house is expected to pass the package this week, and the senate is expected to quickly follow suit. i will immediately sign this law so that send a signal to the world. we stand with our friends. we will not allow iran or russia to succeed. valery chalyy, chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center and extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states in 2015-2019, joins our broadcast . good evening to you. congratulations. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. valery, we have
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a new bill to help ukraine from the house of representatives. how does it differ from the previous one adopted by the senate. what has changed? please tell in more detail. well, that's the most interesting situation, it's not enough what is different at all from what has always been considered, that is, the question arises, what have you been doing all these 7 months, right? well, i'll leave this question for other considerations, but i will still allow myself to say that putin's pause for attacking ukraine has been made for at least seven, and even nine months. so this is just what i want to capture. after all, there are several draft laws and what really distinguishes the numbers are basically the same, i watched how the dynamics of these numbers changed, they are fundamentally different changed, i can say that the interest, well, approximately 87% remains, but if
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we consider the loan that must be returned, in principle, according to the rules, well, we can say that... here more than 90% of the funds remain in the usa, that is, and the american taxpayer, he does not throw anything out, it strengthens, including the national security of the united states, and it really strengthens the position of ukraine, not even the funds themselves, but the political signals that will go along with the adoption, i am very i hope with the adoption of this law and some others in the end still, that's how they appeared there. in principle , these are the things that we see, well, if we talk about financing, then the funds that macrofinance for the budget of ukraine only on the terms of a loan, that is, it is not grant money, as it does, but what amount, what amount is it from 60 billion, the amount is
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somewhere 9.2 billion dollars, if we take only ukraine, it is somewhere around 7.82 billion, but there must be conditions, there are several conditions, for example, these funds must not be more than 50% of all funds that other partners will give, for example, that is, there are the conditions, which are signed in another legislative act, are necessary for this the agreement is bilateral, you understand what a paradoxical situation it is, and someone asked ukraine whether ukraine can take money on such terms? that is, of course, ukraine has nowhere to go, but due to the fact that at one time, well, we... removed such a position together with the support of the white house, we did not want to promote lendlease, and as a result, now we will be offered by our american friends. well, it's called an offer that you can't refuse, well, it's obvious that no one will refuse , especially since these funds can be
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after already in the next year they can be revised in terms of their return, yes , they can actually be written off if i am not mistaken? i wouldn't say so, but i definitely won't say, we'll see how it will be drawn up, what i see now, it also depends on our bilateral agreement, at one time i participated in the consideration of agreements that were offered to us by other countries , so i will tell you, i think that everything will be spelled out correctly here, but to speak clearly, as they say now in ukraine, they will simply write off this money to us, this it's not true, no, they just won't write them off to us, firstly, secondly, it will have a certain influence. including the newly elected president of the united states on the situation, it is obvious to me, because ukraine will not have the funds in the next year to simply close such sums under 8 billion dollars, so it is obvious that what is laid here is laid here by both parties in principle lay the possibility to manage
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the process, let's say, control the process, and this is the difference that is in all these documents, more control, more influence and ... in that number, and the most important thing, here i support it 100%, the strategy, that is, the words written there, which, in principle, ukrainians have been waiting for a long time, victory, that is... that white day 45 days after the signing of the law, in case it the congress will come and it will be signed by the president, about which jose biden made a statement, and after that 45 days the strategy for the defense of the country and the victory of ukraine must be presented. mr. valery, the voting will be pre-announced already for this saturday, this is already the final time, or do you think there may be any other changes and in general, what may to be further scenarios of the development of events according to... in your opinion, we are very wrongly considering saturday, friday, i tell you the main thing, the main thing
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is the strategy, if the white house agrees to change the strategy, which is now already demanded by the republicans, attack missiles will be provided, which are written here as a necessity, but not an obligation, if there is a correction after that in this so-called, they call it escalation management strategies, if ... bold steps are taken by joseph biden, as a leader who is going to the election, already funds, it will be additional tools now, as for your question, well , i would suggest to many people not to applaud that it’s all over, it’s already saturday, everything will be voted on, the president will sign it on monday, i’ve seen it all, i’m just not going to predict, just to you i will say that there are a lot of possibilities. this process will be delayed, there is a filibuster in the senate, well, it was not
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used, here it seems that the senate , including the republicans, is voting, but who guarantees that it will not be used in the senate, a filibuster is only one deputy, he can delay the proceedings, and already now there are more than 70 in the house of representatives for these bills, that is, and they will still be voted on with amendments, that is, there is still a lot that can change here, i don't want to predict. i really hope that these stories will not drag on for a long time, but unfortunately, now i give 95% that it will not happen on saturday, okay, you remembered, then there are still procedures, well, you will not get anywhere from all these procedures, if it took so long, and i emphasize once again, and i emphasize once again, someone was able to give putin the opportunity to attack ukraine for nine months, i.e. there was no question here... in fact, will it all be accepted or not, i hope not in this question, the question was in the time frame,
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for me, as an expert and analyst, it is obvious, so when now some congresswomen contributed to i will not name the last name, i don't want to interfere in some internal affairs, but when there are absurd amendments, for example, if you support ukraine, then include the armed forces of ukraine, or there are some absurd decisions, well, it is clear that this is not a design. position and it for some reason is very similar to the russian one narratives, that's why i, well, very seriously, in ukraine , the statement of the intelligence committee was considered that the russian eyes of the narratives even, even somewhere went into the chambers, yes, and god willing, this will all be accepted quickly now, well, it will be some kind of demonstration that the american congress is institutionally strong, i have high hopes for it and wish success, mr valery, also speaker jones. you mentioned the senate, sorry, i'll cut you off, you just mentioned the senate, there's an important technical point here, if even the house of representatives on
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saturday, on another day, votes for this the draft law, what will happen next, this document must go to the senate, can they pass the aid without additional approval of the senate, because, for example, people's deputy zheleznyak wrote that there is such a special procedure, if the committees of the senate and the house of representatives agree, then it is possible in the senate there is no need to vote, can you explain, please, briefly about this, i can explain if... it does not change and today the regulations committee met, if rules, that is, it can adopt a package of several laws in the chamber and vote on the package in the senate, if no changes are included in the text, but this is an option, you know, i emphasize once again, we see all this there in the chambers, these are the consequences of political agreements that we do not see, so i now know that these agreements have been reached, mr. valery, but why it was necessary to drag on in order to give putin nine months to come, this is, i'm sorry,
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a question that will be asked by history. thank you for your thoughts, this was valery chaly, chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center and ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the usa in 2015-2019. thank you. well, me i encourage you to subscribe to radio liberty's pages on social networks, like this issue and leave comments under our video. svoboda live will return to the air tomorrow. before meeting. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. meg turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. there are discounts on hepargin 15% in podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies.
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exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: the war in russia against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow. and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. second presidency for the world trump will be terrible. a project for those who care
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and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with eu sisters. join the ranks of the 100th
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separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands aita, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and is returning our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are looking for
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six-year-old sashko hrytsenko. i already told the story of this boy from the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region in previous programs: the child was abandoned by his mother, and now sashka is trying to find his father, who is in the controlled part of ukraine. we talked with the husband and now i will tell you all the details of this frankly shocking story. his ex-wife asked for him, and i will look for him, i want to take him under my wing. she left the house and then came back, but then she left again and the place of the common-law wife's whereabouts, i don't know. so, when a full-scale war began, little sashko lived with his mother and his husband's grandmother in the city of lysychansk. this territory was occupied almost from the first days. at the beginning of last year , the child's mother left home and left sasha with his old great-grandmother. with my grandmother. it
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was a long time ago, probably somewhere in the 23rd year the beginning of the 23rd year. found out because of this, maybe she had previously thrown him to my grandmother on the mountain, left the house, the boy was taken care of by his great-grandmother for a long time, and soon the elderly woman died and the child was taken away by the social services in the occupied territory, sash was immediately taken out of lysichanskyi, all this happened about a year ago, the service came and took the child, after that i knew where he was, what he was, well, i relatively knew that i would listen there. according to the names, well, such that he was somewhere in alchevsk, then he was in luhansk was transported, and then his whereabouts are unknown, so i will look for him, is the child still in the temporarily occupied territory? whether the boy was taken to russia or not, so far it has not been possible to find out the father, the man, of course, turned to the police, but so far there is no clue to find out where
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the six-year-old son is. i'm looking for my child, hrytsenko, oleksandr oleksiiovych, i'm asking someone out there who cried for him, if anyone has any signs that will be suitable, boy, be a weasel, i will be very grateful i am grateful to you, i appeal to everyone who... sees this video, and especially to the residents of the occupied luhansk region. look carefully at the photo of sashko hrytsenko. the guy looks 6-7 years old. he is thin, about 110-115 cm tall. he has straight light blond hair, a round face and brown eyes. he is a very kind child, he is very attracted to people. if he liked anything, it was, well, playing there, well, like all children. but this child. she has the status of cerebral palsy, he could not pronounce such formulations, what words there are, if there is any sense. sashko has a medical degree
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diagnosed with cerebral palsy, which is why he can't always articulate his thoughts clearly, but he is very sensitive and reaches out to people, if suddenly anyone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, call the magnolia children's helpline immediately on the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received more than 3 thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, defac. paralyzed work of the police, from where it is impossible to leave and there are problems with communication, everyone can help find missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the
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magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and help in the end to find we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. you are watching the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time. my name is maria ulyanovska. congratulations. the attention of ukrainians is focused this week on washington, where, after two
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months of delays, progress on aid to ukraine has appeared in the house of representatives. congressmen are going to consider a new one bill as early as saturday, along with other initiatives to fund national security needs. we will ask my colleague tetyana voroshko whether it will be possible to gather the necessary support and when he can vote and sign this bill under... the president. congratulations tanya. congratulations, maria. tanya, tell me, please, is there a chance that aid to ukraine will be agreed upon this week, and what do the opponents and supporters of the draft law say? well, there is still a chance, the congressmen plan to work on saturday, they can continue their work on sunday, if, if this as the situation requires, the senate also has full, let's say, control over its schedule, and as for the position, in principle, the position will still depend. depending on what the final text will be - of this law, or of these bills, the currently published text, which will probably be amended, and
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if you look at the positions of the various parties , the democrats said that they support the bill if it reflects the main positions national security of the senate bill, yes, it is is present, and also that there will be full amounts for aid to ukraine, and also whether there will be an amount for humanitarian aid, primarily for... it is, and if we talk about the republicans who support ukraine, the same, of course they , that they are satisfied with this bill, then we look at two more groups of republicans, one group of republicans says that they will support, that they, shall we say, did not support aid to ukraine, because the first thing is that the situation must be resolved regarding the border, strengthen the ukrainian, strengthen the border between the united states and mexico, in fact , a fifth bill was proposed, its fate is currently unknown, they are currently ongoing... regarding that procedural submission, such a procedural point regarding the submission of four bills to a vote, this fifth is not there, but still after all , the fate of the published text is unclear, but
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it may also influence to a certain extent the position of some... republicans, and of course there is another group of republicans who are not satisfied with anything, if there is help for ukraine, and actually they threaten to resign the speaker. tanya, well , actually, i know that today you already had time to familiarize yourself with the text of this fourth document that can be voted on saturday, it talks about financing ukraine at the expense of confiscated russian assets, what does it provide? you see, there are three relevant provisions, not all of them apply to ukraine, but there are three provisions that apply to ukraine, they are additional. sanctions on russian oligarchs, then there are additional sanctions on persons involved in the transfer of technologies from iran and china for the production for the production of drones that are used against ukraine, and there is also a mechanism, well, a mechanism is proposed for the use of frozen assets of russian oligarchs worth 5 billion dollars, which are not on the territory of the united states, but to be used for reconstruction
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or compensation. that is, they can be transferred to two different funds that will be used for the benefit of ukraine. tanya, well, actually, speaker johnson delayed putting aid to ukraine to the vote for almost two months, what has changed now and has it really are these efforts sincere? well, look, when he was still an ordinary congressman, he adhered to such more elutionary views. now we see a certain, you know, evolution of his views, he is becoming more of a republican of the reagan kind, and he himself, and those who know him closely, say, they... it is explained by the fact that he gets to know each other, he just knows more , he is more familiar with pentagon intelligence briefings and better understands the picture in the world, and in principle he responds to this criticism, well, that is, he responds that he is committed to supporting ukraine and other allies. let's listen. everything i do, i think is right. i believe that the provision of lethal aid to ukraine is now critically important. actually, i really believe
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the report. we had briefings, i think... i think that they are coordinating their actions, i think that putin would continue to march through europe if he was allowed. i think he may go to the balkans, he may have a confrontation with poland or one of our nato allies. frankly, i would rather send bullets to ukraine than american guys. these in the fall, my son is going to start his studies at the naval academy. the real situation for me, as it is for many american families, is not a game, it is not a joke. we cannot play politics, we must do the right thing. well, actually for speaker johnson, it can really cost him his position to some extent, two, as i said, two congressmen are threatening the initiated procedure of his resignation, but in principle i did not understand whether he can finish this process, or whether such a message is being discussed now, you know what is contributed new rules that will make his position more stable, and do other republicans support this process, and do the democrats support
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speaker johnson, as they... she signaled this, they gave him this, well, what they promised, they made it clear, well and the last possibility that, since the difference between the number of democrats and republicans in the house of representatives is very small, the procedure is risky, and for the republicans, the speakership can also go to the democrats. tanya, thank you, i will remind you about the political struggle regarding the new tetyana vorozhko told us about the draft law on aid to ukraine. what is the essence of this new aid for ukraine? political analyst of the organization razomf'. dach klein believes that this bill is very similar to the one already passed by the senate, and none of the differences will reduce american aid to ukraine. economic assistance on credit, atakamsy for kyiv, ukraine's victory strategy and official recognition of the axis of evil. read more about what johnson's initiative to help ukraine provides later in the interview. new draft law introduces a new concept of strategy for
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ukraine. it specifies that such a strategy should be multi-year, developed with specific and achievable goals, and prioritize the national security interests of the united states. how do you assess this concept of strategy for ukraine, how will it work? indeed, this requirement of innovation was not in the document adopted by the senate. however, the bill provides flexibility for the administration in this matter and allows certain information to be withheld. on maternity leave, so administration is not needed to come out and say: we will give this brigade 10 tanks and we will give ukraine 12 atakams to destroy this base and then they will leave. there is no such requirement. however, the clause pushes the biden administration toward a more proactive strategy to more clearly define its goals. the united states provided historic support to ukraine throughout this full-scale invasion, but it was not enough for ukraine to prevail.


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