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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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precious bombs that fall just in time for faith, destroying civilian infrastructure at the same time. also , the russian artillery works quite densely and on a permanent basis, both barrel and mlrs. chasiv yar is currently under the full control of units of the armed forces and defense forces. there is no enemy there. ugh. and tell me, well, actually, it is in your direction that some of her cruel attempts to attack are the most? and there are assaults and we see that they are constantly riding on all this, how does it affect the losses of the enemy, what we see there that is, it should, because the task was set there from the time of yar until may 9, and why, what is it already costing them? yes, of course, there is already certain information, it has already been made public by the leaders of the district. departments and the commander-in-chief
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of the armed forces, that the task of the russian army was to take the ravine by may 9. however, i will tell you that today, the losses of the enemy are too high, the defense forces inflict losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment, very high, the situation is tense, but the enemy during its shock and assault actions, despite that the defense forces have... a certain lack of various large calibers, the enemy is suffering heavy losses, both in manpower and in light armored vehicles, and an important role in this is played by our immin barriers and fpv drones, which help to stop light armored and enemy armored vehicles. so, in particular, during yesterday's day, near krasnohorivka, our defenders destroyed an enemy and rather valuable russian copy, this is a heavy tosa a1 flamethrower system, popularly called a sundial. and regarding the losses
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of the enemy only in our direction than the previous one day, the losses are significant and large, this is only almost 590 personnel, four tanks, eight armored combat vehicles, 3 anti-tank weapons, air defense equipment, 13 vehicles, a large number of anti-aircraft guns of various types and classes, this is 373, and for example, about losses you asked, i will give an example of enemy losses. in our same direction for the past week, that is from april 8 to 15, there only the personnel of the enemy were destroyed by ukrainian defenders 5180 russian soldiers, 80 tanks, 180 armored fighting vehicles, 159 guns and mortars, 2 air defense equipment, 190 automotive vehicles, 21 rep vehicles, enemy uavs of various types as well.
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3,676 control points and 196 shelters and 61 warehouses with ammunition. well, these numbers you have given basically testify to such, you know, big offensives, because such losses are precisely caused by such an attempt to break through. by the way, you mentioned krasnohorivka and the loss of equipment . there are such strange structures there, there are all kinds of tanks covered with such and such strange things, but if we have it, let's show it and in this context, i am interested in the fact that they appeared in different directions, such strange machines, as far as you can see, they manage to use them effectively in general, because it is obvious that they are looking for some way to cover up. from
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uavs, from something else, but how does it help them in general, it’s interesting, look, here’s this, this is such a strange thing, well, we see, we see, for well, i’ll say something first, that these are russian military kulibins defending themselves from ours and fpv drones and from kamikaze drones, we were probably such constructions at first everyone laughed, but it was barbecues, as they say. at first they protected the tanks with bars, they did not succeed and were not helped by our drones and shells and point drops and ammunition and grenades and various explosives, they destroyed these, let’s say, russian manga, barbecues, barbecues on the move, now they began to protect themselves by welding sheets on armor, additional welding of certain structures, because under this under the whole. construction, they still
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hide means of electronic warfare, means of ret, so that our drones cannot destroy them and they are still being dropped by the drone, so that the drone will destroy this well... protective structure, the rep means are still working, that is, let's say, they are protecting themselves this way, but this tank, which we now see in one of the districts, was there yesterday destroyed, still destroyed, yes, well, but i understand that this is the second such case, it was the second such case, which was recorded in open networks, and the first, i do not remember where it was recorded, but the second... this is a relatively recent case, it was destroyed by our soldiers yesterday, well here i wonder if it is some kind of anti-tank weapon, or from drones, it still works, because here it is, you know, it is possible to shoot something from artillery, or maybe fpv, but maybe
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it works against fpv, doesn’t it? it works very well, but how do you understand that if you bang, bang on this tank with a large ... bromine, then this protective, protective coating will not help it, it will not save it, but from small epividrons from discharges, it can somewhat protect, depending from what is boiled there, what is the thickness of all the rags that have been attached to it, well, that is, there will be more in us artillery, it will help less, so you can say, clearly, and you know, i want to ask you one more question, i just can't help but ask about it. it is clear that during such offensives we saw such local breakthroughs in several cities and near the time ravine, and from avdiyivka they are also trying to advance there, they are also trying to organize such local breakthroughs, it is clear that, well, obviously our
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general staff is trying not only there to somehow react, but also to carry out some kind of reorganization, oh... we saw it now the situation with the 67th brigade, which is either being transferred somewhere or something is being changed with it, can you explain the essence of these changes in general, well , again, as much as possible, that is, why is this being done, why is this being done, what are you trying to do achieve this, well , first of all, i will say, we are not trying to achieve for... the military leadership, which manages both the armed forces and units, and in the area of ​​hostilities, this is primarily in order to order and military collectives, well, actually is the implementation of measures which is aimed at increasing the capacity of force defense, and it belongs exclusively to
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the competence of the military leadership, and it is also about creating more maneuverable, modern various units to perform various special and combat tasks. that is why such measures are being carried out with the aim of improving the improvement of precisely the units, improving the situation of staffing the units with military equipment and personnel , well, in the statement of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces, it was also said that at the base of the 67th separate mechanized assault brigade a military unit will be created, can you comment on it? in addition, are there any additional details? well, i can only say one thing about additional details, that on the basis of this unit it will be re-profiled and it will be profiled in an assault unit to perform special combat tasks, and
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other smaller units of this brigade were singled out specifically for this purpose in order to create. and to create a single military body that will perform certain tasks that will be set before it by the leadership of the armed forces forces, the leadership of the task performance area where he will perform this unit in his tasks. and well, you can probably also expect that there will be some kind of change in the leadership, that's for sure. yes, of course, there will definitely be a decision to, well, a decision has already been made to reorganize. now the process will be recruitment of personnel to staffing both equipment and ammunition, as well as personnel, these or other positions will be occupied by relevant specialists, therefore, in the same way, leadership will be appointed from the brigade commander of the unit
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and lower-lower in all the relevant links, ugh, and if we are talking about such a major reformation on the entire front, then why... we can also expect some such changes, for example, in the ocheretyn area, because the situation there is also well, it's quite complicated. well, let's do it until we talk about it, so that... the information does not play into the hands of the enemy, because the enemy also uses our media space, and in order to disrupt and plan operations and see where his mistakes are, where are our mistakes, so let's love this information silence, well, well, we wish you luck in any case and success in your efforts, and thank you very much for joining our broadcast, it was the spokesman of the operational-strategic grouping of the khortyts troops, a lieutenant colonel at... well, actually, i remind you once again about our collection, join, it is for the 93rd
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kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, we are collecting drones for fpv, although they are trying, you can see all kinds of such things being fabricated, but still it works, works and helps a lot to our soldiers, we have to collect 2 million, half already from with your help we have collected, there is still half left, so please. please join, donate, everyone has qr codes, there are account numbers, your support is very, very important, because for now, while we are waiting for bigger shells, you know, we have to fight with what we have, there are fp drones, and with with your help there will be more of them, accordingly, the death of the enemies will be more, so join, thank you, watch us on youtube, watch us, please join us on the air, then after the break there will be our news, and we will meet
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in a week at this format with you, good evening, we are from ukraine, i greet you, dear tv viewers, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel, my name is vasyl zima, i and my colleagues will be with you for the next hour and 45 minutes... about the most important things that happened and we will also report about the events that will take place during our broadcast. well , we traditionally start with an announcement about the collection, please join. espresso and the public organization baza ua sprotiv call for support for the ividron collection for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade black zaporozhets. our own production, testing, variations for the needs of defenders, we can provide all this together by collecting 2 million hryvnias. the first. there are already many applications on the battlefield, join us to make them even more, our goal is 2 million hryvnias, remember
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to donate to the armed forces, this is an investment in our victory, and we are starting with dnipropetrovsk region, today the enemy struck dnipropetrovsk region, kateryna nemchenko, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, mrs. kateryna, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, congratulations, glory to the heroes, please tell me about the consequences of an enemy attack, a vicious enemy attack, and then we will discuss the details, please, today is a very turbulent time for us in dnipropetrovsk oblast, it all started in the evening, in the evening, nikopol and senelnikov oblast were attacked with drones, as well as in kryvorizh oblast, in the kryvorizh district enemy drones were also shot down, but there were more or less no casualties there, there was minor... destruction, but it seemed to the enemy that this was not enough, and already in the morning, at 10 o'clock
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in the morning, we started an air alarm in principle throughout the region and in the dnipro, in in the dnipro district as well, and there about 10 minutes later, literally already the air alert, missile strikes were made, there are also downed, there are also hits, but in fact there are two... well, two such large damages to industrial enterprises and infrastructure enterprises were the fire is about 900 m2, almost all the forces, well, it is in the dnipro district itself, but all the forces and rescuers of the dnipro and the dnipro district were thrown into extinguishing it, it was not done very quickly, but it was successful, thanks to all our rescuers, that's why that the fire was really very big. everything has already been extinguished and according to the damage, they
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will be checked in the future, but there are two injured men, 30 and 35 years old, they are now in the hospital, thank god, nothing is life-threatening, but as the doctors already say, well, in principle, the doctors also left to the communication about these wounded, that these are shrapnel injuries, shrapnel injuries to the limbs, well , heads... well, shrapnel injuries, that's why these two men will still be treated for about a week, after what was inflicted air strike petrovshchyna, you talked about the fact that there was a fire not far from the city, there were some warehouses there, but then they began to spread information among local residents that there was a chemical leak, and this is extremely dangerous for health and for people's lives, regardless from what chemicals, which is such a strong burning, but as far as i understand, this information was denied,
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what caused it, because, relatively speaking, to get just on the asphalt in the middle of the city, it is hardly possible to... talk about a leak chemicals, or maybe the enemy wanted to target, well, without naming the company there, but maybe he was looking for the very company somewhere that could cause such consequences, so really, really, such information was thrown into the channels that close the windows, we hear someone there suspicious stench and we know that someone there wrote that we know what hit the enterprises that were engaged in the production of something there and it could be chemical now and... distribution of chemicals and so on, there are even schools there, if i don't i'm wrong, this information was circulated in the chat rooms of some educational institution there, and they said that the children there should be evacuated in general, so that this air does not get into the premises, here, but it is actually a fake, because they said that in this information there was
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it is written that this seems to be a chemical leak in the area of ​​the airport. here, but we know that right there, well, such enterprises with chemical danger were affected by the explosion, let's say so, there was no, here, and, well, i don't know whether it's, well, it's hard to say whether it's just such, you know, panic , well, the reinsurance of some people, or are these really subversive, maybe even russian, i can’t say for sure, and so far there is no such information, or it is not known yet, it will be known or not, that it was specially dropped from on the russian side, or is it just that we made some kind of mistake, it’s hard to say, but yes, it was, it’s not true, thank god, but let’s say it like this, theoretically, in principle, this would be possible, it could be possible , if it really gets somewhere, well, where it can be
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this is a leak, hypothetically it could happen someday, and they are pursuing such a... the very goal and maybe it is dreams, such russian dreams they embodied in these news, well, it's hard to say, but i really want to hope that this will not happen even further, that's why that it will be a great danger to the city of dnipro, and in general , to the whole region there, already looking at the accident, you know, well, it is not so far from the dnipro, certainly further than many other cities of ukraine, the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, the enemy is also pedaling this topic, there are ambiguous statements from the head of magate rafael grossi, we do not know who, what, where it flies, what explodes, well, we have already discussed it with experts, you do not need to be an expert here to understand that no drone can, well, of those that exist, small there are those drones, it can't destroy, let's say a nuclear reactor and lead to a nuclear fuel leak or let's say open this reactor to get it out of there or god forbid lead to a reaction that
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would cause an explosion, well but in any case it's that threatening and it raises again the game. and i draw attention to the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant the station, which already has enough problems, then got into the dniproges blackout, barely saved from that blackout, then there are some other problems, and whether this topic is monitored again in the dnipro, or whether they react sensitively to it, here it is worth understanding, because a chemical leak - this is what the telegram channel wrote, the telegram channel did not write, the windows were closed, the windows were opened, and they were forgotten, and this is a story that, god forbid, if it happened, any accident there could drag on for decades and centuries , or again, or what? in the dnipro on are you reacting to this, is there any kind of preparation for possible, possible emergency situations, because again, i remember, living near kyiv in the 80s, there were constant trainings even among schoolchildren on the kyiv hydroelectric power plant and on chernobyl, well, how it turned out then it was necessary, yes, regarding the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, in principle
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, this danger is permanent in us and the relevance of this topic remains, unfortunately, it can be said that dnipro and zaporizhzhia live on... a new barrel, well, and more- less so even close ones oblast, well, of course, zaporizhzhia is even more fun, let’s say so, but dnipro is also very, very close to it, as experts say and, in general , experts with whom it was discussed, that after all, it is very planned architecturally and infrastructurally, a nuclear power plant was built there so that it is very difficult... it will be destroyed there with blows and even if it is hit there, it will not affect as if all the reactors are there at once and, well, everything is very small? there is a danger that it will be a big disaster and that it will happen, but what is in the heads of the russians, it is difficult to say what they are planning there in general,
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so again there is a possibility that there is such a possibility and that there will be radiation leaks, that there will be some kind of attack on this zaporizhia nuclear plant, it exists, it is stored, it is on great pity does not go anywhere, this danger. and this probability , and in principle in terms of percentage probabilities, it is quite possible, that is why we see such moments when the russians want to cause great damage with their attacks not only to some infrastructure or enterprise, but we see recently, as well as on kakhovka, well, it’s not the last, it’s generally also on the zaporizhzhia hydroelectric power plant and on the dniprovska, so we see that they... which cause big and ecological problems, and they have this in mind, so maybe someday they really want to make such a big catastrophe, that is
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why this danger persists, these attitudes exist, to say that there is some kind of preparation that can somehow protect everyone from this locally in the dnipro or in zaporizhzhia, well, unfortunately, it is impossible, because radiation is even yes, it's not shelling, it's not an explosion. we understand that the fall of radioactive elements into the dnipro can bring it all the way to the shores of turkey, i think that it's just a zs - it's the largest nuclear power plant in europe, and it can be a disaster of continental significance, so i think, well, putin and those people who are there should at least understand it. kateryna nemchenko was with us, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, in the aftermath of the enemy attack on the dnipropetrovsk region, and the situation at the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, let me remind you that from zaporizhzhia to the dnipro even 70 km, that's in principle. it's not so far and it 's all very close, well, now we'll listen to an expert about that, but how and from where,
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most importantly, where are ukrainians from, so mrs. kateryna and i say goodbye, because we said goodbye, but where are ukrainians from, taras zhovtenko , an expert of the democratic initiatives foundation, mr. taras, i congratulate you, now we will add, yes, where do ukrainians get information about the war, well, so, yes, good evening, glory to ukraine, i will voice, i voiced a brief information about what happened a nationwide survey was conducted by the democratic initiative kucharev foundation, together with the sociological service of the rumzkov center from march 21 to 27 this year, and this is face to face, the format of this survey, and without being present, i will not tell you what you will tell, but you can see here there is information from which... they get information about the events related to the russian-ukrainian war, i will only say briefly from myself, it may be from a neighbor who told me, his friend serves as a tik-tok from an unknown soldier from
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an unknown location, maybe a real warrior, maybe not a real one an expert of a pseudo-expert, especially since this pseudo-expert can be anywhere in spain, no one knows where he is, and it's just such a big spread of these sources, but what did the survey show? well, actually the first thing i 'd like to point out, before i talk about the results of this poll, so comment on it, is that this poll was conducted as part of a larger study in which the democratic initiatives foundation is the initiator of the consortium, and accordingly we this research was done together with partners from the razumkov center and, respectively, from the institute of information security in order to see, so to speak, the social cross-section. the problems that our colleagues from these two analytical centers consider in their quarterly analytical reviews, which are devoted to the review of security
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trends in ukraine, respectively, and, accordingly, also those trends that relate to the field of information security and, accordingly , information threats, namely from the point of view information threats, from the point of view of information trends, because it was so so to speak, and the main priority when conducting this research, we actually saw. two very risky very risky points in the results. the first point is, in fact, that telegram channels, in the first place, as the main source of information about the war and what is happening at the front, are the undisputed leader, so to speak, yes, among the options chosen by the respondents , and accordingly, the second moment, which is related to the specifics of the functioning of telegram channels and the specifics of how they are generally organized they, yes, because it is... there is a traditional means of mass information, well, accordingly, it is just a means of communication, which in this case plays an informational function, is that one, one of the questions that we...
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asked in the questionnaire to our respondents how you form your own trust in the sources of information, which ones you use and where you get information about what is happening on the battlefield, so in fact 29% and 24% , respectively, said that they either read one source for a certain time and thus build trust in it sources, yes, it's 29%, 24% of the respondents said that ... after reading literally the first few news there, they form a purely subjective opinion for themselves about whether they trust this source, and in fact, this is quite such a disturbing trend , because in fact, only 19% of respondents said that they check information, that is, they compare what they read, for example, in the same telegram channels, with information from other sources, and only after such a check forms for themselves, well, let's say the degree of trust in one or another source of information,
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and actually this... such an alarming trend, which, as we understand, paves the way for various information manipulations, disinformation campaigns, information and psychological operations, yes, since people form in the vast majority or purely subjective, well , do they like it personally what they read in the same telegram channels, or just if they check whether what they see and the information they see in the same telegram is there in this or that channel, or does it correspond? so to speak, their inner view, yes or theirs too a certain subjective vision of the trends that they see in the events at the front, and if there is a match, then the respondents say that they trust this source, that is, if it says what people and believe so and accordingly reinforces, so to speak, but if the point of view that is already formed in the person who reads it, then accordingly on this basis trust in the source
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of information is formed, we perfectly understand that in this case this is one of the ways of forming it of the so-called information bubble around these target audiences and, accordingly , this is one of the methods of information influence that our enemies can use primarily. well, just recently, literally yesterday or when, there was information about how pavel durov, actually the founder of telegram, gave an interview to a person who recently communicated with putin, carson tucker, an associate of... trump, well , actually everything is clear, regarding political and financial preferences of this person, well, this is about telegram, the one that is supposedly independent, it is important that in ukraine they still want to regulate telegram, this is not some kind of censorship there, an attack on freedom of speech, it is a draft law of mykola knyazheskyi, people's deputy of ukraine and a group of other people's deputies, it initiates the regulation of telegram and similar platforms in ukraine with the ,
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which was at least revealed. information about the owners, contributors, investors of this or that telegram channel, because if we are talking about multi-million telegram channels that have a million subscribers, well, that is, it is a full-fledged media, and people work, they receive a salary, and it is worth understanding who they are, what they are, and they should have some responsibility for information, because if i say something now, well, relatively speaking, about volodymyr zelenskyi, as a citizen, if not about the president, let's say, he has something there, because i will be responsible, and the tv channel where i work, we can be brought to court... as at one time poroshenko was brought to court for information about his brother, and we remember this story, there are other pieces of information , this is normal, and here we are aware of our responsibility, journalists who work in the official media, which are regulated by law, and are also subject to regulation by the national council of television and radio broadcasting, right away no one is subject to anything, and as we saw in this survey, it will be important for the deputies, i think, to tell about it, if the question is considered that we have an overwhelming majority of ukrainians, how many 53 percent
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of ukrainians get information from ukrainian telegram channels, and another 1% from russian ones, well , let's do something about regulation, how do you feel about it and are you convinced that on this will go, because again, telegram channels are a big field for manipulation, hate, black pr and leaking information for many politicians in ukraine itself, that's what's the problem, and you won't find the extreme, what's most important, eh, actually, absolutely right, there's this very fine red line that you can't cross... the line that is there's a difference between controlling, so to speak, what happens in to this telegram information space, and accordingly to prohibit something, that is, we understand that it is this the border, it is actually very thin, and when we talk about the issue of regulation, yes, of any sphere, then, accordingly, we must first of all provide the conditions to understand what is happening in this sphere in general, and you are
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absolutely right about that ... sensei, what if we 're talking about...


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