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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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traditionally, we always talk about the most important events of the week, the topics that most concern ukrainians, in our studio pavlo kishkar, chief of staff, deputy battalion commander, people's deputy of the previous convocation, mr. pavle, i congratulate you, good day, good day ukraine, the most important topic, probably, this week and the last days, and not only the last days, probably months, and the audience will confirm this, this is the question itself... the bill on mobilization, i think, soon the law on mobilization, which was actually signed, not yet signed, but voted by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and this very week this event took place, which many expected and many actually discussed on this topic, some were against, some were in favor, there were a lot of regulations , which were discussed in society, which...
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were prepared among people's deputies of ukraine. mr. pavle, what is your overall assessment of this draft law, which was adopted by the verkhovna rada of ukraine. what is your assessment from a military point of view, yes, was he necessary in that the form in which it was adopted, and perhaps you have any comments on what should have been adopted to make it better? thank you andrew for the question, indeed. the importance of the adoption of this law is not discussed, society demanded to vote on such a bill, but in my opinion this voted bill is a half measure, and in the future there will be changes and individual decisions of the president regarding the improvement of this system, in my deep conviction, we have not changed the soviet system, nor accounting , no draft, we did not prioritize... the possibility of involvement
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people for voluntary mobilization, we did not motivate people, we did not prescribe motivation tools, in fact, the changes that are prescribed in the current draft law are two big ones, i.e. reducing the age of conscription for mobilization from 27 to 25, and strengthening the capabilities of the tsc to carry out forced mobilization. everything else, including the possibility of electronic accounting, electronic military accounting and receiving summonses through the action system, is written very casually, instead of it being a rigid system, and this accounting should be carried out and mobilization should be carried out according to electronic system, in my opinion, we have to change the soviet system, the soviet approach to people for mobilization,
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to motivate people, to develop a whole series of tools, and the tsk, as a tool, should be modernized into something more modern with electronic systems of accounting, conscription, mobilization and release of people from military service, i would not, for example, refuse to have my card , the personal file of a serviceman was in action, where it would be clearly known... all the terms of my military service, that's enough simplifies processes not only for the serviceman, but also for the command , so this is a half measure, but this law can be improved, including by decisions of the supreme commander-in-chief. why was the actual voting so difficult, and not just voting, but let's say so in general, the stages of construction of this draft law . relatively speaking, bringing to the norms
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that we see now, we remember this discussion, it took place from december, at least, and finally in april only this year, de facto we reached the point that this the draft law has been passed, what is the reason that there was such opposition, well, because we are late, because we are not a day late, not two, we are years late, and modern. the topic of military accounting, military training, motivation, it has been postponed for more than 30 years in ukrainian history, that is why this law was so late that it could not fundamentally change anything, so pay attention to this, pay attention to the fact that the issue of war in any form, they are not pleasant to consider, either in the political sphere or otherwise in... certain groups of our society
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, in our military environment, it is also not pleasant, because you know that the question of where... mobilization after the completion of 36 months of military service under the draft for mobilization was excluded from the draft law, and therefore this question, and it is necessary to return to it, because people are really tired, there are reserves in the country for carrying out rotation, and first of all they are located in state authorities, in other departments and structures, i in general. insist that men from, well in fact, you can voluntarily be called up for military service from the age of 18, there will be no more of them in ukraine, they need to be motivated, convinced, and the government has to start with itself, for this there is a whole series of tools, so that those
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people who promised and took an oath to ukraine to defend it so that they are mobilized, including. they joined the army for training, retraining, received a military accounting specialty and were sent to military units to complete one or another service in their specialty. for this it is necessary to determine a certain time, a year, a year and a half, it already depends on the complexity of the processes of preparation and additional staffing of those bodies from where people will be called, for example, in the ministry of internal affairs, if we... prepare a soldier to go into battle for 3 months, i don’t think , that it will take more time to train certain people in order to qualitatively replace some lower level in the ministry of internal affairs of one or another
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function performed by an employee of the ministry of internal affairs, so the authorities must start by showing their example, there are bodies of state power, there are bodies of local... self-government, there is a whole series of state enterprises, show us, we will not have more men, there is someone to replace, there are women, there are men who are not subject to mobilization, please use this, you will decide for yourself terms, set yourself a task, a year and a half and carry out this rotation in order for ukrainian society to get at least an approach to justice, because today... it turns out that those who started the defense of the state must continue it until the victory the end, therefore it's difficult enough, believe me, morally, this is the uncertainty of this, it morally depresses many people, raises many questions, we have
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a whole series of social disorders, such as the breakdown of marriages, and demographic decline, we have... the consequence of all this, so that this injustice creates further problems in society, you have already mentioned demobilization, that is actually the norm or the removal of this norm, to be precise, actually provoked a big scandal in society and among the deputies, in your opinion, why did this happen? why actually these norms were eventually removed, because in principle... they were both in the initial version of the draft law, do you still remember that december, and in the allegedly final version, which was as of the beginning of the week, is demobilization generally necessary at the moment, and the second question,
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in fact, why was it specifically removed from this draft law now? well, you ask the right questions, but the answer is on the surface. it is in actual combat operations, in the promotion of the russian offensive on ukrainian territory, in the necessity of conducting military operations from the defense of the state already now, not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, already now, we don't have other people who are currently defending, that's why commander-in-chief syrskyi rightly remarked about the need to work well. this is the question, you can't tell people right now that you are a demotivating factor for conducting operations, you will be demobilized tomorrow, so let's face it, we don't have a second army to replace the one that is fighting now, i
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think you can a whole series other arguments to give, but for people who are right now at the front, the most important thing is that this issue... has not gone anywhere, it will be considered and this decision will be made, another thing is that we need time to prepare a high-quality replacement, you cannot replace high-quality ones with bad ones. quality, that is, this is a certain period for the preparation of units, coordination and then replacement by those guys who have been recaptured for 36 months, and already more, of course, and for these people to be able to rest for a certain time, in which way the formula will be built , or 36 24, or 36.12 or in some other way, i don't know, it is necessary to ... count, i think that this is precisely why the commander-in-chief asked
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to postpone this issue, in order to be able to carry out qualitative defense operations now, and not to question the motivation of people who are already at the front, for which i i am very grateful to each fighter, and their work, their contribution has been more than 39 months, or 27 months. he is invaluable, i think that ukrainian society will find an opportunity to thank the soldiers for this contribution, unequivocally, i completely agree with you here, regarding the fact that we have to be grateful to our soldiers and to help them as much as possible, which is what we do every day. you also mentioned motivational norms, yes, motivation, it must be there, because we see that in society... there are certain such processes, disputes, i would say, and
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maybe even reluctance of some part of society. join the defense forces, the armed forces of ukraine. in your opinion, there are motivational norms in this draft law, do we need to add any more, and you, as, by the way, a former member, including a legislator, i think in this case you could advise and... current legislators and, in principle , also give their assessment regarding these motivational norms, which in my opinion are very important, well, the main motivation, i will explain to you as a military man anyway, because now what is happening at the front is the most important for the state and for society in general, my position as a military man is that the main tools of motivation are to make people understand where they are going, what knowledge, skills... they must have, which they get in order to be effective,
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believe me, it is not a salary main the motivator, the main motivator is the presence of a quality commander, quality training, effective weapons for the performance of this or that task, therefore, if we wrote it down in law, it would be motivation, perhaps motivation could be some mandatory, unconditional rest period, i.e. i, as a commander , plan operations for a certain period and i have to let people go there for a week or two, i don't know how it should be right, but they should have the opportunity after a long, active combat encounter to have a rest, whether for land, whether in the air, or when conducting other military operations, but the main motivator is the understanding of the future, in my opinion and form. the volunteer army, these volunteer tools, when, for example, today the mobilization system is built in such a way
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that if i even convince you personally to come to my unit, it is not a fact that i can provide it, that is, you will go, get documents at the tsc, and after training in the training center you will be distributed as they want it, the main personnel management, the personnel centers, anyone but not no... who invited you to serve in his place, so this is a big problem, i am in favor of returning these tools of the cossack army, the volunteer army, to the body of the document, allowing us, as commanders , to invite, it was so, by the way, on the start of a full-scale war in february 24th, 22nd year, so why it cannot be done now, i do not understand, we ourselves are ready to... teach people, we are ready to teach ourselves, if we lack something, for example, we have questions about
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engineering training, we use training centers, we refer there people, they undergo additional training here, because we cannot give this physical person such a quality of training, why they do not trust us in this matter, i do not really understand why the sending of personnel bodies to the superstructure of these is also unclear. the electronic form of military registration makes it possible to transfer a serviceman efficiently, in a timely manner and without the possibility of deception from all sides, if i, as a commander for... invites him, then the part from which i am taking him cannot but let him go, and it would be immediately and determining the effectiveness of commanders, if from a lot of people are going to the commander, accordingly, something is not right there, if a person has 100% equipment and people ask him to go to a unit, to him to a military unit, accordingly, this person is effective, he can and
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is capable of performing the military tasks of a combatant... impression is effective, why do we turn away from this, i don’t understand why, when building or protecting democracy, we prioritize undemocratic ways of attracting people to the army, it seems to me that we need to return to this, allow as at the beginning of the war, it was customary to take people to yourself, and this was also an effective way of conducting additional training. i don't understand why it should be abandoned. i say once again that an effective tool for accounting should be an electronic database, not by sending personnel agencies. by the way, about the internal capabilities of the armed forces themselves, to carry out such an internal mobilization in the armed forces, in each part, a large one, there are personnel units, there are
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formation, formation units, and for example, we could, as the armed forces. to say that there is on such and such a date, from june 1 , we refuse men who are subject to mobilization, in order to assign them to these units, in the formation part, in the personnel part, in the rear, and in this way we could carry out the internal rotation, why this is not being done is unclear, and the commander-in-chief supports it. i think that we will definitely return to this issue internally, and we have such internal reserves, and we would be able to further train, educate and send these people to the appropriate combat units. before the adoption actually of the bill on mobilization, the commander
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of the combined forces of the armed forces of ukraine, lieutenant general yuriy sodol said. that there is a certain problem with the number of personnel in our ukrainian units, in the armed forces of ukraine. and actually he talked about the fact that the occupiers actually have, to put it bluntly, a larger number of the same personnel. do you currently confirm this information, or can we really say that we currently have an insufficient number of people. especially in certain positions in the army, and in general, to what extent this problem can be solved or not solved in the coming months, it is especially important in the context of the fact that the occupiers, according to all the information that is coming in now, are preparing the next stage of the so-called offensive,
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so-called mobilization, is this really your opinion here? is this a problem and what should we do, is there any way to fix it in the coming months? well, first of all, i had the honor of serving with yuri ivanovich sodol in the marines, an absolutely knowledgeable general who cares about personnel, i think his assessment of the situation is correct, taking into account the objective circumstances of the ukrainian mobilization. of russian mobilization, therefore, i will not compare, i will not be responsible for quantitative indicators, but the fact that there is an advantage, of course, it exists for objective reasons, now what is our answer, we are again trying to answer linearly, introducing exactly the same tools, which russia is introducing, but it
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doesn't work like that, and if we continue to insist on linear... mobilization effectively, not effectively, well, it won't work, we actually have a law promobilization is no different from the tools that will be involved, well, now with the adopted law, to conduct a check on the disabled or the disability that people received in the period from february 24, 22 to now, it is unlikely that this is such an essential purpose... of the armed forces, therefore, considering for what does not work linearly, non-linear decisions must be made, such as the creation of volunteer units and the authority of commanders. rejuvenation of people, technical re-equipment, i.e. technical mobilization, i think that these two main directions could
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fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield the appearance of an air component in the ukrainian army, this would allow us to talk not only about the fact that we can stabilize the front on today's line, but also the possibility of considering... some counteroffensive operations in the future, therefore the main task now is to explain to the ukrainian society why we refused demobilization directly in this law, and why this issue must be considered as soon as possible in the next draft laws, and how to voluntarily convince people to go and get appropriate qualifications, to help directly participation in... in the armed forces or other military formations of the defense forces to take part in the defense of the state, there are a number of issues that have already been resolved, in particular regarding
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persons convicted of minor crimes, i believe that this is the right step, er, there is a number of other questions regarding people who left, including those who crossed the state border illegally, i think that the need for... such an open offer from the state for these people to return to ukraine if they want to protect it, and such a bill it will be accepted on your own initiative in the near future supreme commander-in-chief or on the initiative of the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. we have already approached the issues of the coming months, and the issues of a possible offensive of the occupiers. build, financial times, they write very actively, in general , the foreign press is very active now types has been very yellow lately, that is why it is so very,
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very active, and everyone, and everyone in ukraine today also picks up this information, it is reproduced by all tv channels, all internet media and so on and the like. as far as possible , such actions of the occupiers are possible. closer to the summer in the summer, by the way, kyrylo budanov, the head of ukrainian intelligence, also spoke about this, about the fact that it is quite possible, in may, june, july, another offensive in several directions is possible, as far as you from your point of view, professional specialist, do you see such a possibility, and what would ukraine need to do in order to... make such actions of the occupiers impossible, well, i walk the land from kupyansk to berislav and kherson, but
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budanov and the commander-in-chief definitely have more intelligence and in fact i only know the ukrainian side and the situation in the ukrainian army, so i am sure that we will be ready for any development of events, taking into account the fact that both the preparation of reserves... and western support, and the manufacturers of ukrainian weapons, we are capable, at least in the ground component to change the situation already now, i say once again, i am deep in the topic of ground-based automated complexes, how they are used, and the experience of vovki davinshi and other units prove that this is an effective means of defeating the enemy. eh, there is a whole series of developments in unmanned aerial vehicles, which convince me that this is one of the tools, one of the components of the weapon of victory, but the main component that
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will provide uh and make impossible, let's say, an effective attack of the enemy, is the air component, so without the air component, unfortunately... we cannot talk about the stability of the front. today, everything that you see from open sources of information about the success, conditional, of the destruction of ukrainian cities and villages, the enemy, is the air component, it is guided and unguided aerial bombs, it is the use of missiles, including of strategic aviation, therefore, taking into account the fact that both our intelligence and... units of the security service and intelligence units of the combined military have all available information, i think that in the near future we
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will address this issue. in a non-linear way, we have the tools for this, including long-range unmanned aerial vehicles , use, you have seen it in open sources of information, in the near future you will see even more cotton, even more affected russian objects, including and which relate to the air component of the enemy troops, so with the expectation of f16. we will conduct our own, complete what we have started, regarding the destruction of the air force of the russian federation. the last three weeks, they are so difficult for the ukrainian society and for the ukrainian air defense, here, i think, no one argues for and accordingly for the energy industry, respectively for ordinary ordinary people who see all this, who are behind
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it all.. . are guarding, actually, mr. pavle, this can be considered an element of intimidation or an element of preparation for some kind of offensive, with side of the occupiers, right? nevertheless, ukrainian society, unfortunately, we see, quite, quite so during these weeks, has become disunited in this regard, and we must work to ensure that the society is united and understands. what is this war, what is this, what is this war, what is this enemy, who will continue to do this, what, what do we have to do in this case, what do we have to counter in this case, can we counter anything in the coming weeks, if the occupiers continue to hit to our energy industry, and eventually, to any ukrainian objects, which is very important a frequent phenomenon during the last weeks,
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two, three. i would like to say that the same should be done with moscow and peter, in fact it is, but we, energy and the destruction of the energy infrastructure are definitely unifying for ukrainian society. how will the state and power institutions react to this? i think they will respond effectively. decentralization of energy supply is not only a minus, but also a plus. maybe we'll see some small ones. energy or nuclear reactors, like condyu, the canadians had projects or something else, we didn't we will finally build two more, blocks of khmelnytska, which will again be from above, yes, which may be affected a little not the next day, but we will see some systems of decentralization, around these projects, and the state and society can unite, it
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can be underground objects. which will be adequately protected, as to the fact that these strikes will continue, i think yes, they will continue, and the task of our air force and indeed the entire society to minimize the losses from such strikes, i think that both the air force and defense forces in general of ukraine are working right now, while we are talking with you in this studio, and... the means, i will say once again, to work on prejudice, such as the destruction of aviation components, infrastructure, the manufacture of shaheds, other tools, the manufacture of missiles, it is already is in the plans, i am 100% sure, although i do not know, of the ukrainian, ukrainian military leadership, so we will see it all in the coming months, we are ready for the development of such events, we are planning
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this asymmetrical response. and we will carry out such work on the destruction of infrastructure and air component of the armed forces, of course , it would calm us down and simplify our work, the presence of an aviation air component in the near future, in particular with the appearance of the f-16 and the corresponding missiles, which can cause irreparable losses to the invaders. and of course, we need air defense, yes, we need patriot systems, the military and politicians are talking about this, and by the way, believe me, there are cheaper systems, and we already use them, and there are unique ukrainian developments, in particular regarding modernization rockets, air base, we already have them and...


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